Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase/Multicomponent Flows

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Modeling and Simulation of

Multiphase/Multicomponent Flows


Randy S. Lagumbay

B.S., MSU-IIT, Philippines, 1997

M.S., The University of New South Wales, Australia, 2001

A thesis submitted to the

Faculty of the Graduate School of the

University of Colorado in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Mechanical Engineering

This thesis entitled:
Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase/Multicomponent Flows
written by Randy S. Lagumbay
has been approved for the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Oleg V. Vasilyev

Prof. David Kassoy

Prof. John Daily

Prof. Sedat Biringen

Dr. Jin Wang


The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that
both the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly
work in the above mentioned discipline.

Randy S. Lagumbay, (Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering)

Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase/Multicomponent Flows

Thesis directed by Prof. Oleg V. Vasilyev

Most of the existing approaches in dealing with multiphase/multicomponent flows

are limited to either single-phase multicomponent or multiphase single-component mix-

tures. To remove this limitation, a new model for multiphase/multicomponent flows with

an arbitrary number of components in each phase is developed. The proposed model is

based on a homogenized fluid mixture approach. The model is hyperbolic and gives an

accurate value for the mixture speed of sound when compared to experimental data. A nu-

merical method based on the homogenized mixture formulation and extension of Roe and

HLLC scheme is developed. The new approach for modeling and numerical simulation of

multiphase/multicomponent flows is applicable to a variety of flow configurations includ-

ing shock waves, cavitation, single and multiphase turbulent flow, free surface flow, high-

pressure and high-speed flows. In order to validate the proposed approach for a variety of

flow regimes, a novel “idealized” fluid-mixture model is proposed and an exact solution

for the multiphase/multicomponent Riemann problem in one dimension is derived. A

number of existing benchmark problems for single-phase multicomponent flows becomes

a subset of this new model problem. To verify the accuracy of the proposed numerical

method and to demonstrate the physical capability of the proposed model, three classical

benchmark problems (single-phase two-component shock tube, shock wave propagation in

a single-phase two-component fluid, and single-phase shock-bubble interaction) and two

novel benchmark problems for an “idealized” fluid-mixture model (two-phase shock-tube

and two-phase rarefaction problems) are presented. Furthermore, the flexibility of the

new approach is demonstrated by extending the methodology to cavitating and turbulent

flows. Representative cavitation and multiphase/multicomponent subgrid scale models


in the context of direct numerical simulations and large eddy simulations are considered

and numerical simulations demonstrating these capabilities are performed.


To my father, mother, brother and sister.



This thesis would not have been possible without the support of many people. I

would like to express many thanks with deepest sincerity to my advisor, Professor Oleg

V. Vasilyev, for his tremendous support and guidance, expertise and excellent advice,

patience and understanding throughout this work. I would like to acknowledge the

support and help of Professor Andreas Haselbacher for providing the Rocflu code and

giving valuable comments and suggestions. Thanks to my committee members, Profes-

sor David Kassoy, Professor John Daily, Professor Sedat Biringen and Dr. Jin Wang

who offered guidance and support. I would like to acknowledge the support of Argonne

National Laboratory for sponsoring this work under grants number 2-RP50-P-00005-

00, 3B-00061, 4B-00821, 5F-00462. Also, the support from MSU-IIT are gratefully

acknowledge. I would like to extend my appreciation to my friends and colleagues in

MU-Columbia and CU-Boulder, Dr. Dan Goldstein, Tanarit Sakulyanontvittaya, Dr.

Alexei Vesolainen, Jonathan Regele, Qianlong Liu, Dr. Chetan Malhotra, Dr. Hrishik-

ish Panchawagh and Myongjai Lee for their encouragements and discussions. I am very

grateful and thankful to my father, mother, brother, sister, relatives and numerous

friends who endured this long process with me, always offering support and love. Above

all, I offer this success to the Almighty God for giving me knowledge, strength, courage

and determination.



1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Experimental Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Numerical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4 Objectives of the Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.5 Research Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.6 Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Mathematical Formulation 15

2.1 Homogenized-Mixture Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.2 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.2.1 Transport Variables Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.3 Mixture Equation of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.3.1 Mixture Pressure using Dalton’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.3.2 Mixture Pressure using Amagat-Leduc Law . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.4 Mixture Speed of Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Idealized Fluid-Mixture Model 30

3.1 Density and Equation of State for Idealized Fluid-Mixture . . . . . . . 30

3.2 Entropy for Idealized Fluid-Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


3.3 Speed of Sound for Idealized Fluid-Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.4 Riemann Invariants for Idealized Fluid-Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.5 Riemann Problem for Idealized Fluid-Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.5.1 Left Shock Wave Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.5.2 Right Shock Wave Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.5.3 Left Rarefaction Wave Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.5.4 Right Rarefaction Wave Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.5.5 Complete Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Numerical Method for Simulation of Multiphase/Multicomponent Flows 42

4.1 Extended Roe’s Approximate Riemann Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.2 Extended HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5 Code Verification and Model Validation 54

5.1 Single-Phase Two-Component Shock-Tube Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.2 Shock-Wave Propagation in a Single-Phase Two-Component Fluid . . . 55

5.3 Two-Phase Shock-Tube Problem for Idealized Fluid Mixture . . . . . . . 58

5.4 Two-Phase Rarefaction Problem for Idealized Fluid Mixture . . . . . . . 60

5.5 Single-Phase Two-Component Shock-Bubble Interaction . . . . . . . . . 61

6 Multiphase and Multicomponent Free Surface Nozzle Jet Flow 67

6.1 Shock Tube Analysis in an Expanded Duct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent Free Surface Jet Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6.2.1 Jet Formation and Jet Radial Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

6.3 Multiphase/Multicomponent Cavitating Nozzle Jet Flow . . . . . . . . . 77

6.3.1 Cavitation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6.3.2 Cavitation Modeling and Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

6.3.3 Cavitation in Nozzle Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


6.4 The Effect of Fluctuating Inflow Condition to the External Jet Formation 90

7 Multiphase and Multicomponent Turbulent Flows 92

7.1 Turbulent Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

7.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent Large Eddy Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7.2.1 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

7.2.2 Subgrid Scale (SGS) Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

7.3 Large Eddy Simulation of a Plane Jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

7.3.1 Single Phase LES of a Plane Jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

7.3.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent LES of a Plane Jet . . . . . . . . . 109

8 Conclusions and Future Research 119

8.1 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

8.2 Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Bibliography 125



5.1 Properties of air and helium used in the simulations of shock-bubble

interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.2 Comparison of computed velocities with those measured by Haas and

Sturtevant [53] and computed by Quirk and Karni [105]. . . . . . . . . . 65




1.1 Complex physics of the jet inside and near the nozzle region. . . . . . . 3

1.2 Cavitation in the vena contracta region. Reference: [114] . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Shock wave generation in a gaseous medium due to a high pressure and su-

personic jet flow. The image of shock wave is captured using synchrotron

x-radiography. Reference: [89] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K

as a function of the volume fraction of air. Speed of sound predicted by

Eq. (2.50). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.2 Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K

as a function of the volume fraction of air. Comparison of predicted speed

of sound with experimental data of Karplus [72] for frequencies of 1 kHz

(diamonds), 0.5 kHz (squares) and extrapolated to zero frequency (circles). 26

2.3 Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K

as a function of the mass fraction of air. Speed of sound predicted by Eq.

(2.50) and using Eq. (2.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.4 Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K

as a function of the mass fraction of air. Comparison of predicted speed

of sound with experimental data of Karplus [72] for frequencies of 1 kHz

(diamonds), 0.5 kHz (squares) and extrapolated to zero frequency (circles). 27


2.5 Speed of sound of a liquid-gas mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at P =

1·105 Pa and T = 298.15K, for a liquid-gas density ratio, ρliquid /ρgas ≈ 100. 28

2.6 Speed of sound of a liquid-gas mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at P = 1 ·

105 Pa and T = 298.15K, for a liquid-gas density ratio, ρliquid /ρgas ≈ 1000. 28

2.7 Speed of sound of a liquid-gas-vapor mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at

P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.1 Structure of the solution of the Riemann problem for the idealized-mixture

formulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2 Four possible wave patterns of the solution of the Riemann problem [141]:

(a) left rarefaction, contact, and right shock; (b) left shock, contact, and

right rarefaction; (c) left rarefaction, contact, and right rarefaction; (d)

left shock, contact, and right shock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.1 The Riemann wave diagram used in the Roe scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.2 The simplified Riemann wave diagram with two intermediate states used

in the HLLC scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.1 Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solutions for single-

phase two-component shock-tube problem at t ≈ 517 µs. . . . . . . . . . 56

5.2 Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for shock-

wave propagation in a single-phase two-component fluid at t ≈ 864 µs. . 57

5.3 Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for two-phase

shock-tube problem for an idealized fluid mixture at 240 µs. . . . . . . . 59

5.4 Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for two-phase

rarefaction problem for an idealized fluid mixture at 540 µs. . . . . . . . 60

5.5 Schematic diagram of the computational domain for the shock-bubble

interaction problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.6 Numerically generated Schlieren images of the shock-bubble interaction

computations on the fine grid at various times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.7 Numerically generated Schlieren images of the shock-bubble interaction

computations at approximately 674 µs for different grid spacings. . . . . 64

5.8 Definition of locations at which velocities are measured. VS - incident

shock, VT - transmitted shock, Vui - upstream edge of bubble, and Vdi -

downstream edge of bubble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.1 Plot of (a) mass fraction of liquid, (b) x-velocity component, (c) mix-

ture pressure, and (d) mixture temperature, after 5.7689 × 10−07 seconds

through an expanded duct, showing the normal traveling shock. . . . . . 69

6.2 Plot of: (top left) mixture density showing an oblique shock wave in a

gaseous medium, (top right) contact discontinuities of the mixture density

across the interface in the centerline of the jet axis, (bottom left) mass

fraction of the liquid, and (bottom right) contact discontinuities of the

mass fraction of the liquid across the interface in the centerline of the jet

axis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

6.3 Plot of: (top left) mixture pressure showing an oblique shock wave in

a gaseous medium, (top right) mixture pressure along the centerline of

the jet axis, (bottom left) mixture temperature showing an oblique shock

wave in a gaseous medium, and (bottom right) mixture temperature along

the centerline of the jet axis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.4 Plot of: (top left) contact discontinuities of the x-velocity component of

the mixture across the interface in the centerline of the jet axis, (top

right) velocity profile of the jet at 1.8 mm from the exit of the nozzle,

and (bottom) mixture x-velocity component showing an oblique shock

wave in a gaseous medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74


6.5 Plot of the mass fraction of the liquid. The leading edge of the jet is

about 3.0 mm from the nozzle exit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6.6 Jet radial profile across the body of the jet at a distant of about 3.0 mm

from the nozzle exit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6.7 Comparison of the results between numerical simulation (bottom) and

experimental observation of MacPhee et al. [89](top). . . . . . . . . . . 76

6.8 Plot of the mass fraction of the vapor after 2.000e-04 sec. Inflow condi-
tion: P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 s2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over
nozzle entrance ratio: ai = 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

6.9 Plot of the mass fraction of the vapor after 2.202e-04 sec. Inflow condi-
tion: P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 s2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over
nozzle entrance ratio: ai = 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

6.10 Plot of the mass fraction of vapor after 2.502e-04 sec. Inflow condition:
P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 s2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle
entrance ratio: ai = 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.11 Plot of the mass fraction of vapor after 3.000e-04 sec. Inflow condition:
P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 s2
; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle
entrance ratio: ai = 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.12 Plot of the pressure after 3.000e-04 sec. Inflow condition: p = 1,161,000
Pa; u = 10 s2
; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio:
ai = 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

6.13 Plot of the initial condition of the system. The nozzle region is filled with

liquid and the chamber downstream from the exit of the nozzle is filled

with gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6.14 Plot of the computational mesh and boundary conditions of the two-

dimensional plane model nozzle injector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85


6.15 Cavitation inside the nozzle injector. Experimental results taken from

Roosen et al. [114]. Injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure,

Pexit = 11 bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

6.16 Cavitation inside the nozzle injector. Numerical simulation by Yuan et

al. [155]. Injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar. 87

6.17 Results of the numerical simulation for a cavitating nozzle injector using

the multiphase mixture formulation with a cavitation model. Injection

pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar. . . . . . . . . . 87

6.18 Contour plot of the vapor (left) and gas (right) volume fraction inside

and close to the exit of the nozzle injector. Constant steady injection

pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar. . . . . . . . . . . 88

6.19 Contour plot of the liquid volume fraction (left) and velocity profile

(right) inside and close to the exit of the nozzle injector. Constant steady

injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar. . . . . . 89

6.20 Plot of the unsteady external jet formation (left) and distribution of vapor

volume fraction (right) inside and close to the exit of the nozzle injector.

Periodic unsteady injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 ± 10 bar; frequency,

f = 3.725 mhz; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

7.1 Computational grid on a x - y section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

7.2 Zoom view near the inlet region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

7.3 Inflow boundary condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

7.4 Profiles of the longitudinal velocity at different streamwise locations. . . 104

7.5 Profiles of the streamwise turbulence intensity at different locations. . . 104

7.6 Contours of the magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane at different time.

(a) t=5.0E-05sec., (b) 1.04E-04sec., (c) 1.4E-04sec., (d) 1.88E-04sec. . . 105


7.7 Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane,

(b) velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.05E-04sec. . . . . 106

7.8 Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane,

(b) velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.60E-04sec. . . . . 107

7.9 Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane,

(b) velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.80E-04sec. . . . . 108

7.10 Comparison of a snapshot of turbulent jet. (a) extended LES approach

for multiphase/multicomponent flows, (b) LES approach from [6]. . . . . 109

7.11 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=5.0E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) mass fraction of gas, (c) mass fraction of vapor. . . . . . . . . 111

7.12 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=5.0E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity

vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

7.13 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=7.7E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity

vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

7.14 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.0E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity

vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

7.15 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.2E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity

vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

7.16 Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.4E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of

liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity

vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Chapter 1


This thesis focuses on the development of analytical and computational approach

for modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase (liquid or gas) and multicompo-

nent (several species of the same phase) flows, which is applicable to a variety of flow

configurations including shock waves, cavitation, single and multiphase turbulent flows,

free surface flow, high-pressure and high-speed flows. The approach is demonstrated by

solving many problems with different flow configurations.

1.1 Motivation

Multiphase and multicomponent flows are common in many engineering applica-

tions. Relevant examples are fuel sprays in combustion process, liquid-jet machining

of materials, and steam generation and condensation in nuclear reactors. The physical

mechanisms underlying multiphase and multicomponent flows as well as the interplay of

these mechanisms is very complex. In multiphase and multicomponent flows the phases

and/or components can assume a large number of complicated configurations; small-

scale interactions between the phases can have a profound impact on macroscopic flow

properties [54]. The modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase and multicompo-

nent flows poses far greater challenges than that of single-phase and single-component

flows. These challenges are due to interfaces between phases and large or discontinuous

property variations across interfaces between phases and/or components.


High-pressure and supersonic multiphase and multicomponent jet flow is one of

the most challenging problems in multiphase flow due to the complexity of the dynamics

of the jet. For example, the presence of cavitation and gas entrapment inside the

nozzle orifice can greatly affect the development and formation of the external jet.

Experimental evidence demonstrates that cavitation within the nozzle influences the

characteristics of the nozzle exit spray [60, 128]. The jet exits the nozzle orifice as

a bubbly fluid, which carries some of the trapped gas and cavitation bubbles. The

jet properties behave as a multiphase mixture of liquid, gas and vapor. Due to a high

injection pressure and a small nozzle orifice, the multiphase and multicomponent jet flow

often exits the nozzle orifice at supersonic condition with respect to the surrounding gas;

hence, generates an oblique shock wave in the gaseous medium [89]. Figure 1.1 shows a

sketch of the complex physics of a supersonic multiphase and multicomponent jet flow

inside and near the nozzle region.

Most of the current research on high-pressure supersonic multiphase and multi-

component jet flows through a gaseous medium is experimental, and the evolution of

the jet hydrodynamics is not completely and clearly revealed. The understanding of

the flow pattern of the jet is still rather limited. The characteristic properties of the

jet depend on many factors such as whether flow is laminar or turbulent, subsonic or

supersonic, and single phase or multiphase/multicomponent. The jet could be a sin-

gle phase or multiphase/multicomponet fluid. A typical multiphase/multicomponet jet

consists of bubbles that are carried in the flow stream. These bubbles could be the va-

por generated in the nozzle orifice due to cavitation and/or could be the gas entrapped

inside the nozzle. In addition, jet velocity could be larger than the speed of sound in

the gaseous medium resulting in generation of shock waves to the surrounding gas en-

vironment, and producing compression waves inside the jet in an opposite direction of

the jet velocity. Another phenomenon is the jet entrained near the surrounding media

towards the direction of the flow, which creates a secondary flow of the surrounding

Figure 1.1: Complex physics of the jet inside and near the nozzle region.

medium. Further downstream, the surrounding medium near the main jet flow diffuses

due to the viscous diffusion of the momentum.

1.2 Experimental Study

Experimental investigation in this area has been rare and detailed quantitative

data is very limited due to the difficulties involved resulting from the small size of the

injector nozzle that ranges from 100 µm - 1 mm, high injection pressure that may reach

upwards to 2000 bar in a very short time period, the high speed flow, which may reach

supersonic velocity [155], and the cost and difficulty of manufacturing experimental

devices. The aforementioned time frame, on the order of 1 - 10 µs [155], presents the

greatest challenge to modeling the internal flow of a nozzle and to capturing the process

of cavitation formation for investigation.

Most experimental studies have been performed on large scale transparent models

in order to visualize the cavitation structure. The first cavitation water tunnel was built

by Sir Charles Parsons in 1895 after identifying the reason why the ship propellers failed

to produce the design thrust. However, Parsons experienced with unsuccessful results of

the trials as reported by Burrill [21]. In 1910, Parsons constructed a large water tunnel,

which could test 12 in. diameter propellers under cavitating conditions. During the

period of World War II, a few other tunnels for propeller research with the refinements

and improvements over Parson’s tunnel were built in Europe and the USA. By the

same period, the general interest in cavitation phenomena was extended (1) to tests in

venturi meters and other conduits with restrictions, (2) to circuits for tests of single-

hydrofoil sections and (3) to variable-pressure circuits for hydraulic pump and turbine

investigations. Knapps et al. [75] have presented and discussed some special equipment

developed to produce cavitation under controlled conditions in a specified locations,

where observations can be made.

After the end of World War II, the interest in cavitation phenomena increased

and many of the research has focused on the effect of cavitation development in in-

jection nozzles to the jet formation and spray atomization. In 1959, Bergwerk [16]

performed an experimental study of the flow pattern in diesel nozzle spray holes. It was

observed during the experiment that at high injection rates, the fluid pressure in the

vena contracta region inside the nozzle decreased below the saturation vapor pressure

of the fluid, which causes a vapor formation in that region [114]. Similar observations

have been reported in the experiments described in Refs. [7, 84, 99, 114]. Figure 1.2

shows cavitation in the vena contracta region. Although this cavitation can improve

jet break-up [7, 109] and can enhance jet atomization [134], it increases the hydraulic

resistance of the nozzle and produces noise and vibrations that can cause damage to

the working surfaces [75]. The experimental research in nozzle cavitation continues to

progress. Hiroyasu et al. [63] have studied the internal flow in a nozzle injector and the

effect of cavitation in the break up length of a liquid spray. Arcoumanis et al. [9] have

investigated the development of cavitation in a vertical multi-hole diesel injector. Sote-

riou et al. [128] have studied the effect of cavitation and hydraulic flip on atomization

in direct injection diesel sprays, while He et al. [60] and Ruiz et al. [115] have looked

into the effect of cavitation and turbulence on high-speed atomization. The spectral

Figure 1.2: Cavitation in the vena contracta region. Reference: [114]

characteristics of turbulent flow in a diesel fuel nozzle injector were studied by Knox et

al. [77]. The application of refractive index matching to study the internal flow in a

diesel nozzle injector were conducted by Arcoumanis et al. [10]. The use of laser light

illumination to visualize the development of cavitation in the orifice of a diesel injector

were performed by Soteriou et al. [129]. Ganippa et al. [48] have used a transparent

scaled-up single-hole diesel nozzle to study the cavitation phenomenon.

Further experimental studies of cavitation have shown that the characteristics of

the flow from a large scale transparent models differs from an actual scale [8]. The

difference is caused by the flow scaling effects associated with imperfections in micro-

and macro- geometry of the flow and the nature of the flow. Because of this flow scaling

effects, many researchers [8, 12, 23, 25, 69, 83, 117, 134] have used an actual scale in

conducting an experiments in order to determine the correct characteristics of the flow.

Recent experimental studies have focused on the spray cone angles for a cavitating

nozzle flow [25, 152], cavitation oscillation frequencies [23], and the length of the cavity

[117]. Payri et al. [100] examined the influence of cavitation on the internal flow and the

macroscopic behavior of spray in diesel injection nozzles, and concluded that cavitation

leads to incremental changes of the spray cone angle and increases the outlet velocity.

So far, most of the experimental research mentioned in the previous paragraph

has focused on the development of cavitation inside the nozzle injector and the effect

of cavitation to the jet formation and spray atomization. However, none of them have

paid attention close to the exit of the nozzle region. Over the past few years, despite of

the substantial advances in laser diagnostics [26, 62, 156], the region close to the nozzle

still has not yielded desired quantitative information. A high-pressure fuel spray has

never been recognized as supersonic under typical fuel injection conditions [97, 124].

Recently, MacPhee et al. [89] have used a synchrotron x-radiography and a fast x-ray

detector to record the time evolution of the transient fuel sprays from a high-pressure

injector. In their experiment, the propagation of the spray-induced shock waves in a

gaseous medium were captured and the complex nature of the spray hydrodynamics

were revealed. They have found out that under injection conditions similar to those in

operating engines, the fuel jets can exceed supersonic speeds and result an oblique shock

wave in the gaseous medium, see Figure 1.3. However, the effect of this shock wave to

the atomization of the fuel and the combustion processes is currently not known.

1.3 Numerical Study

In the experimental studies, the understanding of the complex nature of the high-

pressure supersonic multiphase jet flow is limited. However, numerical and theoretical

investigations complement each other and provide detailed quantitative explanations of

the complex structure of the jet from single phase flow to a more complex multiphase

flows. Numerical modeling and simulation has become the best of the alternative tools

to supplement experimental study, and provide very promising results in improving the

understanding of the complex nature of the jet flow. With the advancement of computer

technology and improvement of numerical technique, the majority of current research


Figure 1.3: Shock wave generation in a gaseous medium due to a high pressure and su-
personic jet flow. The image of shock wave is captured using synchrotron x-radiography.
Reference: [89]

have focused on numerical modeling and simulation.

Bunnell et al. [20] have performed a three-dimensional simulation of unstable

cavitating flows in injector passages and have demonstrated the effect of cavitation on

both the mean and unsteady components of the orifice discharge coefficient. Similarly,

Dirke et al. [33] have carried out three-dimensional simulations of cavitating flows

in diesel injectors and have shown the distribution of cavitation zones. Yuan et al.

have demonstrated the strong interaction of a cavitating nozzle flow with the external

jet formation [155] and the effect of injection pressure fluctuations on the cavitation

processes in injection nozzles [154]. A numerical study of cavitating flow through various

nozzle geometries was performed by Schmidt et al. [122] and the results show that the

upstream geometry has a small influence on the nozzle flow. A numerical simulation of

three-phase (air, fuel liquid, and fuel vapor) flow in a high pressure swirl injectors was

presented by Alajbegovic et al. [5]. A formation of a thin conical fuel sheet with an air

core and cavitation in the pressure depression initiated in the air core was predicted in

the simulation.

The flow inside the nozzle is composed of a mixture of liquid, vapor, and gas, and

exits the nozzle through a gaseous medium. The numerical modeling and simulation of

a multiphase and multicomponent flow is a very daunting task as compared to a single

phase flow. In a multiphase and multicomponent flow the phases and/or components will

assume a large number of complicated configurations, in which small-scale interactions

between the phases and/or components can have profound effects on the macroscopic

properties of the flow [54]. The most common problem encountered in multiphase and

multicomponent flow modeling is the fluid interface, where a large density variation

exists. This causes flow phenomena to become more complex because of additional

non-linearity introduced by the indeterminacy of such surfaces. In addition, the fluid

interface may be unstable, changing the flow configuration of the problem [103].

Several numerical simulations of multiphase and multicomponent flow have been

conducted over the past few years with different modeling approach and numerical

techniques. It has been shown that each model and numerical method has limits to

their respective capabilities. To this date, there has been a great need of improving the

technique of modeling multiphase and multicomponent flow and of a numerical method

to perfectly capture the complex nature of the flow.

Dumont et al. [37] and Shin [125] have used the homogeneous equilibrium model

to solve two-phase (liquid and vapor) cavitating flows. Their models differ on the

equation of state of the mixture and the numerical scheme. Taking a different approach,

Alajbegovic et al. [5] and Tatschl et al. [136] have used the two-fluid formulation for

multiphase flows [35] to simulate three phase cavitating flows. The conservative form of

the Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations have been utilized by Senocak et al. [123]

to study cavitating flows through convergent-divergent nozzles. A direct calculation

of cavitating flows by the Space-Time Conservation Element and Solution Element

(CE/SE) method is reported by Qin et al. [104]. The CE/SE method is applicable

for flows at wide range of Mach numbers and suitable for time accurate simulations.

Vortman et al. [149] have proposed a new approach based on postulating Gibbs free

energy for the phase mixture. The two-phase flow is treated numerically by combining

the rate equation with a volume of fluid approach.

Singhal et al. [126] have developed a full cavitation model that accounts for

the formation and transport of vapor bubble, turbulent fluctuations of pressure and

velocity, and the magnitude of non-condensible gases that are dissolved in the operating

liquid. A reduced form of Rayleigh-Plesset equation for bubble dynamics has been used

to derive the phase change rate equations. The model has assumed an isothermal flow

process, and decoupling the cavitation module from heat transfer and radiation modules.

The model has been implemented in an advanced, commercial, general-purpose CFD

code called CFD-ACE+ by CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC). Taking a similar

approach, Delale et al. [32] have used a continuum bubbly liquid flow model with

bubble nucleation, and nonlinear bubble dynamics described by the classical Rayleigh-

Plesset equation in quasi one dimensional steady state cavitating nozzle flows. Another

approach using multi-dimensional modeling of multiphase flow to examine the multi-

physics of high-speed nozzle and jet flows were presented by Murphy et al. [96].

In addition, Ahuja et al. [4] have formulated a multiphase model for low speed

gas/liquid mixtures by reducing the compressible system of equations to an acoustically

accurate form for multi-fluid mixtures. Also, Hosangadi et al. [65] have developed a

generalized numerical framework for transient and multiphase problems that involve

a combination of gas, bulk liquid, and a dense dispersed phase. The model has been

improved by allowing flexibility of specifying variables for thermodynamic properties

and specifying physical equations of state for mixture constituents [3].


1.4 Objectives of the Research

The main objective of this thesis is to develop a general approach for modeling and

numerical simulation of multiphase and multicomponent, compressible and incompresi-

ble flows, which is applicable to a variety of flow configurations including shock waves,

cavitation, single and multi-phase turbulent flows. The approach is flexible and can have

an arbitrary number of components in each phase using either Euler or Navier-Stokes

formulation. It must be emphasized that the modeling and computational approach

developed in this thesis is flexible enough to incorporate a variety of different cavitation

and/or turbulence models. To illustrate these capabilities numerical simulation using

representative models are performed.

1.5 Research Methodology

Two approaches are commonly used for the simulation of multiphase and multi-

component flows. In the first approach, each phase and/or component is considered to

occupy a distinct volume and the interfaces between the phases and/or components are

tracked explicitly, see, e.g., [17, 36, 42, 50, 87, 118, 135]. In the second approach, the

phases and/or components are spatially averaged to lead to a homogeneous mixture and

are considered to occupy the same volume. The phases and/or components need not be

in equilibrium, i.e. their mechanical and thermodynamical properties may differ. The

advantage of the homogenized-mixture approach compared to the interface-tracking ap-

proach is that it solves only one set of equations for the mass, momentum, and energy

of the mixture, supplemented by equations for the mass or volume fraction of the mix-

ture constituents [94]. In this research, the homogenized-mixture approach is used and

mechanical and thermodynamical equilibrium is assumed, i.e. pressure, temperature,

and velocity are identical for all the phases and components.

Multiple approaches of dealing with multiphase or multicomponent mixtures ex-


ist. However, most of them are limited to either single phase multicomponent fluids

[1, 70, 79, 80] or multiphase single component mixtures [13, 22, 133]. To remove this

limitation, a new model for multiphase and multicomponent flows with an arbitrary

number of components in each phase is developed. The model is hyperbolic, allowing

the construction of upwind methods for the computation of convective fluxes. Further-

more, the model is acoustically and thermodynamically consistent, which means that

the model gives an accurate value for the mixture speed of sound.

To perform simulations which demonstrate the capabilities of the new multiphase

and multicomponent model, a numerical method is developed, based on a finite-volume

framework [57, 58, 59]. The Roe’s approximate Riemann solver [112] and the modified

Harten, Lax and van Leer scheme (HLLC) [15] are extended to multiphase and mul-

ticomponent flows and used to capture shock waves and contact discontinuities. The

numerical method is verified by applying it to a number of test problems. The problems

were chosen to highlight the flexibility and robustness of the new approach and cover

the following flow regimes:

1. single-phase single-component fluid;

2. single-phase multicomponent fluid;

3. multiphase single component fluid;

4. multiphase multicomponent fluid.

It should be noted that a number of benchmark problems for cases 1-3 are available

[1, 2, 13, 22, 71, 120, 150]. However, no test problem for case 4 that has an exact

closed-form solution for arbitrary initial conditions and arbitrary numbers of phases and

components has been reported until now. To address this deficiency, a novel “idealized”

fluid mixture model is developed, which allows the derivation of an exact solution for

the multiphase and multicomponent Riemann problem in one dimension. A number of


existing benchmark problems for single-phase multicomponent flows become a subset of

this new problem.

1.6 Organization of the Thesis

In the thesis body, additional short reviews of the research areas related to the

particular applications are given in an appropriate places. The rest of this thesis is or-

ganized as follows. Chapter 2 introduces the mathematical formulation for multiphase

and multicomponent flow. The governing multiphase and multicomponent equations

in conservative form and the mathematical model for the mixture variables are pre-

sented. The mathematical model for multiphase and multicomponent flow is based

on the homogenized-mixture approach. The governing equations of the homogenized-

mixture model for the simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows are described.

The determination of the speed of sound of the mixture as well as the validation of the

mixture speed of sound is presented. Also, the calculation of the mixture equation of

state using two different approaches such as Dalton’s Law and Amagat’s Law is pre-


The governing equations for the multiphase and multicomponent flows cannot

be solved exactly for arbitrary mixtures. In Chapter 3, a novel idealized fluid-mixture

model is developed. This new model allows derivation of exact solution for one dimen-

sional multiphase/multicomponent Riemann problem. A number of existing benchmark

problems for single-phase multicomponent flows becomes a subset of this new model

problem. In addition, the expressions of the equation of state and entropy for an ide-

alized fluid-mixture are derived. Also, the Riemann invariants and eigenvectors of the

idealized fluid mixture are presented for one-dimensional flows.

The development of the numerical method is presented in Chapter 4. Two ad-

vanced numerical schemes based on Roe‘s approximate Riemann solver [112] and the

modified Harten, Lax and van Leer scheme (HLLC) [15] are extended to multiphase

and multicomponent flows and used to capture shock waves and contact discontinu-

ities. The spatial and temporal discretization as described in [57, 58, 59] is adopted,

except that the equations being solved represent the mixture of liquid, gas, and vapor

with two additional conservation equations for the mass fractions of the gas and vapor.

The spatial discretization is based on the unstructured finite-volume framework and

the classical four-stage Runge-Kutta method in low-storage formulation is used for the

temporal discretization.

In Chapter 5, the new developed solver for simulation of multiphase and multi-

component flows is verified and validated by solving some benchmark problems includ-

ing the novel benchmark problems for the idealized fluid-mixture model. The problems

considered are:

1. Single-phase two-component shock-tube problem;

2. Shock-wave propagation in a single-phase two-component fluid;

3. Two-phase single-component shock-tube problem for idealized-fluid mixture;

4. Two-phase single-component rarefaction problem for idealized fluid mixture;

5. Single-phase two-component shock-bubble interaction.

Chapter 6 demonstrates the flexibility of the new developed general approach

to incorporate a variety of cavitation model for modeling and numerical simulation

of multiphase and multicomponent flows. A representative cavitation model proposed

by Hosangadi et al. [64] is integrated into the framework. The approach with the

incorporated cavitation model is tested to perform simulation of multiphase and mul-

ticomponent cavitating nozzle jet flow through a gaseous medium. The results of the

numerical simulation, which captures the cavitation process in the nozzle orifice are


Chapter 7 extends the new developed general approach to modeling and sim-

ulation of turbulent multiphase and multicomponent flows. The extended large eddy

simulation (LES) methodology for multiphase and multicomponent flows is incorporated

into the general framework. The capability of the extended LES for multiphase and mul-

ticomponent flows is examined by conducting a numerical simulation of turbulent plane

jet in both single phase and multiphase/multicomponent flow regime.

Finally, conclusions and possible future extensions of the work are outlined in

Chapter 8.
Chapter 2

Mathematical Formulation

The mathematical model for multiphase and multicomponent flow is based on the

homogenized-mixture approach. The phases and/or components are spatially averaged

and are considered to occupy the same volume. The advantage of the homogenized-

mixture approach compared to the other approach, i.e. interface-tracking approach,

is that it solves only one set of equations for mass, momentum and energy of the

mixture, supplemented by equations for the mass or volume fraction of the mixture

constituents [94]. However, there are challenges associated with the use of this approach

like the mathematical closure of the system that is acoustically and thermodynamically


The governing equations of the homogenized-mixture model for the simulation of

multiphase and multicomponent flows are described in the following. The mixture is

assumed to be in thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium so that the temperature

T , pressure P , and velocity components u, v and w of the phases and components are

identical. In the description to follow, the mixture is assumed to consist of two phases,

namely liquid and gas, and the gas phase is assumed to consist of two components,

namely a generic gas and a vapor. These are denoted by the subscripts l, g, and v for

liquid, gas, and vapor, respectively. It should be noted, however, that the homogenized-

mixture model can be extended in a straightforward fashion to an arbitrary number

of phases and components. Variables without subscripts are applicable to the mixture

only. The subscript i is used to denote a specific component.

2.1 Homogenized-Mixture Model

The homogenized-mixture model is based on the notion that quantities associated

with a given phase and/or component are averaged to give the corresponding mixture

quantity. Accordingly, quantities per unit volume are averaged by their respective vol-

ume fraction φi . For example, the mixture density is given by

ρm = ρi φi , (2.1)

where the volume fractions satisfy the constraint

φi = 1. (2.2)

Conversely, quantities per unit mass are averaged by their respective mass fractions Yi .

For example, the specific heat at constant volume of the mixture is given by

cvm = cvi Yi . (2.3)

The volume and mass fractions are related through

ρi φi = ρm Yi . (2.4)

2.2 Governing Equations

The Navier-Stokes equations governing the evolution of mass, momentum, energy,

and composition of the mixture can be written in vector form as

∂Q ∂E ∂F ∂G ∂Ev ∂Fv ∂Gv

+ + + = + + + S, (2.5)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

where Q is the vector of the conserved variables and E, F and G are the convective

flux vectors given by


       
 ρm   ρm u   ρm v   ρm w 
       
       
 ρm u   ρm u2 + P   ρm vu   ρm wu 
       
       
 ρm v   ρm uv   ρm v 2 + P   ρm wv 
       
       
       
Q =  ρm w  , E =  ρm uw  , F =  ρm vw  , G =  ρm w2 + P  .
       
       
       
 ρm emT   (ρm emT + P )u   (ρm emT + P )v   (ρm emT + P )w 
       
       
 ρg φg   ρg φg u   ρg φg v   ρg φg w 
       
       
ρv φv ρv φv u ρv φv v ρv φv w

where u, v and w are the x-, y- and z−components of the velocity vector of the mixture,

respectively, and the total energy, emT , is defined as

1 2 
emT = cvm T + u + v 2 + w2 . (2.7)

The constitutive equations of the liquid, gas, and vapor are assumed to take the form

ρi = ρi (P, T ). (2.8)

The mathematical model derived in this thesis is general and can be used for arbitrary

forms of the equation of state for each phase. However, in the present study the gas

and vapor are assumed to obey the ideal-gas laws

ρg = , (2.9)
Rg T
ρv = , (2.10)
Rv T

while the liquid is assumed to be a linear dependent of pressure and temperature

1 βl
ρl = ρo + 2 (P − Po ) − (T − To ), (2.11)
Cl Cl

where ρo , Po and To are the reference density, pressure and temperature of the liquid,

respectively. Cl and βl are the isothermal speed of sound and compressibility of the

liquid, respectively.

The vectors Ev , Fv and Gv on the right hand side of Eq. (2.5) are the viscous

flux vectors written as

Ev = [0, τxx , τyx , τzx , Θx , Ψgx , Ψvx ]T , (2.12)

Fv = [0, τxy , τyy , τzy , Θy , Ψgy , Ψvy ]T , (2.13)

Gv = [0, τxz , τyz , τzz , Θz , Ψgz , Ψvz ]T . (2.14)

The total stress, τij , are defined as

2 ∂vk
τij = 2µm Sij − µm δij , (2.15)
3 ∂xk

where µm is the viscosity of the mixture and Sij = 12 (∂e

ui /∂xi + ∂e
ui /∂xi ) is the strain

rate tensor. The work of the total stress and heat conduction in the fluid mixture are

defined as

∂ Te
Θx = u e xz + e
eτxx + veτxy + wτ km , (2.16)
Θy = u
eτyx + veτyy + wτ em ∂ T ,
e yz + k (2.17)
∂ Te
Θz = u e zz + e
eτzx + veτzy + wτ km , (2.18)

where, km is the thermal conductivity of the mixture. Furthermore, the scalar fluxes of

the gas and vapor are given by

∂ρm Yg
Ψgi = ϕ
e , (2.19)
∂ρ Yv
Ψvi e m ,
= ϕ (2.20)

where ϕ is the diffusion coefficient, which is considered to be zero, unless otherwise


In addition, the vector S on the the right hand side of Eq. (2.5) represents the

source terms written as

S = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Sv ]T , (2.21)

where Sv is the cavitation source term. Sv is zero until Section 6.3.2, where cavitation

model is introduced. In general, source terms are non-zero in the case when there is

phase transformation, chemical reactions, and/or body force. In this thesis, the source

terms are limited only to mass transfer between liquid and vapor phases, which is a

characteristic of cavitation process.

On the other hand, Eq. (2.5) can be simplified into Euler equations in the case of

inviscid flow, with the assumptions of no viscosity effect, no heat transfer, and no body

force. Thus, Eq. (2.5) can be reduced to

∂Q ∂E ∂F ∂G
+ + + = S. (2.22)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z

The governing Euler equations for the mixture given in Eq. (2.22) are used in Chapters

5 and 6 for the numerical simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows, while

the governing Navier-Stokes equations given in Eq. (2.5) are considered in Chapter 7

for the numerical simulation of turbulent multiphase and multicomponent flows.

2.2.1 Transport Variables Model

The viscosity µm and thermal conductivity km of the mixtures are modeled by

averaging the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the mixture constituents. These are

given by
µm = µi Yi , (2.23)
km = ki Yi . (2.24)

The viscosity for each constituents are modeled in the following. For the gas and

vapor, the viscosity can be approximated using the Power law and Sutherland law

[151], respectively given by

µi=g,v ≈ µo , (2.25)
T To + Sth
µi=g,v ≈ µo , (2.26)
To T + Sth

where µo is a reference viscosity at a reference absolute temperature To . The constants

n and Sth are fit to the data. For example, for air, n = 0.7, Sth ≈ 110.4 K, with To = 273

K and µo = 1.71 × 10−5 kg/(m · s). For the liquid, the viscosity is approximated using

the empirical function [151],

µl To To
ln ≈a+b +c . (2.27)
µo T T

where, for water with To = 273.16 K, µo = 0.001792 kg/(m · s), the suggested values

for the constants are a = −1.94, b = 4.80, and c = 6.74.

The thermal conductivity for each constituents are calculated using the equation

of Prandtl number,
cpi µi
ki=l,g,v ≈ . (2.28)

Some complex models of the properties of liquids and gases can be found in [108].

2.3 Mixture Equation of State

The equation of state of the mixture is very important in describing the physical

and thermodynamical properties of the mixture of fluids. However, the evaluation of

the properties of mixture is difficult, because any one property depends not only on

two independent properties like pressure and temperature, but also on a specification of

the composition of the mixture such as the mass or volume fraction of each component.

On the other hand, the equation of state of the mixture provides a mathematical re-

lationship between numerous state functions associated with matter, such as pressure,

temperature, mass or volume fraction, speed of sound, specific heat, and many others.

The mathematical expressions of the equation of state for multiphase (liquid or

gas) and multicomponent (several instances of the same phase) mixture can be obtained

using the principle of either Dalton’s Law or Amagat-Leduc Law. In the evaluation,

each phase and/or component behaves as a compressible fluid. The derivation of the

equation of state is difficult and depends on the constitutive equation for each phase

and/or component.

2.3.1 Mixture Pressure using Dalton’s Law

In Dalton’s law, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the

component pressures Pi , each measured exclusively at the temperature T and volume

V of the mixture. Hence, Dalton’s law when applied to multicomponent mixture of gas

and vapor can be written in the form

Pgv = Pi = Pg + Pv , (2.29)
Vgv = Vg = Vv , (2.30)

where Pgv is the total pressure and Vgv is the volume of the multicomponent mixture of

gas and vapor. Applying Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to Eqs. (2.29) and (2.30), supplemented

with the mass balance of the gas and vapor mixture, yields

Pgv = ρgv Rgv T, (2.31)


ρg φg + ρv φv
ρgv = ,
φgv = φg = φv ,
ρg φg Rg + ρv φv Rv
Rgv = .
ρg φg + ρv φv

Now, let us consider the case for a mixture of liquid, gas and vapor. The pressure

exerted by the multicomponent mixture of gas and vapor, Pgv , and the pressure exerted

by the liquid, Pl , in the overall mixture are assumed in equilibrium. Thus,

P = Pl = Pgv . (2.32)

From Eq. (2.31), the following is obtained

φgv = ρg φg + ρv φv , (2.33)
Rgv T

using the relation, φl + φgv = 1, yields

(1 − φl ) = ρg φg + ρv φv . (2.34)
Rgv T

Simplification gives

P (ρl − ρl φl ) = (ρg φg + ρv φv .) ρl Rgv T. (2.35)

To obtain a close form solution of Eq. (2.35), the constitutive equation of state of the

liquid must be defined. Introducing Eq. (2.11) to Eq. (2.35), yields the exact solution

of the mixture equation of state

ψ1 − ψ2 + (ψ2 − ψ1 )2 + 4ψ2 ψ3
P = , (2.36)

 2 !
βl Po
ψ1 = Cl2 ρo − (T − To ) − 2 − ρl φl ,
Cl Cl
ψ2 = (ρv φv Rv + ρg φg Rg )T,
 2 !
2 βl Po
ψ3 = Cl ρo − (T − To ) − 2 .
Cl Cl

2.3.2 Mixture Pressure using Amagat-Leduc Law

In Amagat-Leduc law, the volume of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the

volumes of all constituents at the same temperature and pressure as the mixture. Hence,

Amagat-Leduc law when applied to multicomponent mixture of gas and vapor can be

written in the form

Pgv = Pg = Pv , (2.37)
Vgv = Vi = Vg + Vv , (2.38)

where Pgv is the total pressure and Vgv is the volume of the multicomponent mixture of

gas and vapor. Applying Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) to Eqs. (2.37) and (2.38), supplemented

with the mass balance of the gas and vapor mixture, yields

Pgv = ρgv Rgv T, (2.39)



ρg φg + ρv φv
ρgv = ,
φgv = φg + φv ,
ρg φg Rg + ρv φv Rv
Rgv = .
ρg φg + ρv φv

Again, let us consider the case for a mixture of liquid, gas and vapor. The pressure

exerted by the multicomponent mixture of gas and vapor, Pgv , and the pressure exerted

by the liquid, Pl , in the overall mixture are assumed in equilibrium. Thus,

P = Pl = Pgv . (2.40)

From Eq. (2.39), the following is obtained

φgv = ρg φg + ρv φv , (2.41)
Rgv T

using the relation, φl + φgv = 1, yields

(1 − φl ) = ρg φg + ρv φv . (2.42)
Rgv T

Simplification gives

P (ρl − ρl φl ) = (ρg φg + ρv φv .) ρl Rgv T, (2.43)

which is the same with Eq. (2.35). In order to obtain a close form solution of Eq. (2.43),

the constitutive equation of state of the liquid must be defined. Introducing Eq. (2.11)

to Eq. (2.43), yields the exact solution of the mixture equation of state, which is the

same with Eq. (4.17).

2.4 Mixture Speed of Sound

The acoustic differential of Eq. (2.8) is given by

1 βi
dρi = 2 dP + dT, (2.44)
Ci Ci

where Ci = (∂P/∂ρi )1/2 and βi = (∂P/∂T )i are the isothermal speed of sound and

compressibility of the ith component, respectively. Using Eqs. (2.1) and (3.13), the

mixture-density differential can be written as

1 1
dρm = (ρv − ρl )dφv + (ρg − ρl )dφg + 2 − 2 dP, (2.45)
Cφ Cφβ
where 1/Cφ2 = 2
i φi /Ci
2 =
and 1/Cφβ i φi βi2 /Ci2 .

The mixture speed of sound can be obtained easily by transforming Eq. (2.5)

from conservative variables to primitive variables form

∂Qv ∂E ∂F ∂G ∂Ev ∂Fv ∂Gv

Γ + + + = + + + S, (2.46)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

where Qv is the vector of the primitive variables

Qv = [P, u, v, w, T, φg , φv ]T (2.47)

and Γ is the transformation matrix defined by

dQi ∂Qi
Γ= = (2.48)
dvj i,j=1,...,7 ∂Qvj

The elements of the matrix are computed, for example; ∂Q5 /∂Qv1 = ∂(ρm emT )/∂P =

el φl /Cl2 + eg φg /Cg2 + ev φv /Cv2 . After careful evaluation of all the elements in the matrix,

the following is obtained

 
 Cφ2
0 0 0 − C12 ρg − ρl ρv − ρl 
 
 u 
 ρm 0 0 − Cu2 (ρg − ρl )u (ρv − ρl )u 
 Cφ2 φβ 
 
 v 
 Cφ2
0 ρm 0 − Cv2 (ρg − ρl )v (ρv − ρl )v 
 φβ 
 
Γ= 
 w
0 0 ρm − Cw2 (ρg − ρl )w (ρv − ρl )w 
 .
 φβ 
 
 e l φl
e g φg
+ e v φv
ρm u ρm v ρm w ρl φl cvl + βT cvl φl T − 12 ( u
2 +v 2 +w 2
) ρg eg − ρl el ρv ev − ρl el 
 Cl2 Cg2 Cv2 2
Cφβ 
 
 βg2 φg 
 φg
0 0 0 − ρg 0 
 Cg2 Cg2 
 
Cv2 0 0 0 − βCv φ2v 0 ρv

The eigenvalues of the transformation matrix give the speed of sound. The result-

ing eigenvalues, λi of the system are all real and have an exact analytical expressions.

These are given by

λi = (V · n̂ − Cm , V · n̂, V · n̂, V · n̂, V · n̂, V · n̂, V · n̂ + Cm ), (2.49)


where V = (u, v, w) is the velocity vector, n̂ = (nx , ny , nz ) is the unit normal vector,

and Cm is the speed of sound of the mixture given by

X φi  βi 2
ρm cvm + P
ρi Ci
2 i
Cm = X φi 1 . (2.50)
ρm cvm
ρi Ci2
Note that in the case of multicomponent gases, Eq. (2.50) becomes

Cm = (γm Rm T )1/2 , (2.51)

where γm = cpm /cvm = i Yi cpi / i Yi cvi , Rm = i Yi Ri , and Ri is the gas constant of

the ith gas component. Furthermore, it should be noted that due to the assumption of

thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium, the speed of sound predicted by Eq. (2.50)

is applicable only to disturbances whose frequency tends to zero.

The speed of sound of a mixture of water and air at sea-level conditions predicted

by Eq. (2.50) is plotted in Figure 2.1 as a function of the volume fraction of air. Note

that over a wide range of volume fractions, the speed of sound of the mixture is much

lower than the speed of sound of either medium [98]. The presence of gas in a liquid

dramatically reduces the speed of sound in the liquid [14, 72, 90, 93]. The speed of

sound in water is about 1480 m/s and about 340 m/s in air, but in an air-water mixture

lies to about 20 m/s. A 1% by volume of air in water drops the speed of sound of the

liquid by 95% to 100 m/s. This dramatic phenomenon occurs due to the compressibility

effect of the gas in the liquid.

Similarly, the speed of sound of a mixture of water and air at sea-level conditions

predicted by Eq. (2.50) and using Eq. (2.4) is plotted in Figure 2.3 as a function of the

mass fraction of air. The speed of sound is approximately 1350 m/s for mass fraction

of air at 10−8 , and decreases to 25 m/s for mass fraction of air at 10−3 . As shown in

Figure 2.4, there is a definite dependence of speed of sound on frequency, but in general

the measured data by Karplus [72] confirm the theoretical prediction of a large decrease

of the value of speed of sound with admixture of gas into liquid.




Speed of sound (m/s)






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Volume fraction of air

Figure 2.1: Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K
as a function of the volume fraction of air. Speed of sound predicted by Eq. (2.50).



Speed of sound (m/s)








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Volume fraction of air

Figure 2.2: Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K
as a function of the volume fraction of air. Comparison of predicted speed of sound
with experimental data of Karplus [72] for frequencies of 1 kHz (diamonds), 0.5 kHz
(squares) and extrapolated to zero frequency (circles).



Speed of Sound (m/s)






0 −8 −6 −4 −2 0
10 10 10 10 10
Mass fraction, Air

Figure 2.3: Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K

as a function of the mass fraction of air. Speed of sound predicted by Eq. (2.50) and
using Eq. (2.4).


Speed of Sound (m/s)






0 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1
10 10 10 10 10

Mass fraction, Air

Figure 2.4: Speed of sound of a water-air mixture at P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K
as a function of the mass fraction of air. Comparison of predicted speed of sound with
experimental data of Karplus [72] for frequencies of 1 kHz (diamonds), 0.5 kHz (squares)
and extrapolated to zero frequency (circles).


Speed of Sound of the Mixture


LIQUID DENSITY : 100 kg/m3
GAS DENSITY : 1.189 kg/m3



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Volume fraction of Fluid
Figure 2.5: Speed of sound of a liquid-gas mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at P = 1 · 105
Pa and T = 298.15K, for a liquid-gas density ratio, ρliquid /ρgas ≈ 100.


Speed of Sound of a Mixture


LIQUID DENSITY : 1000 kg/m3
GAS DENSITY : 1.189 kg/m3



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Volume fraction of Fluid
Figure 2.6: Speed of sound of a liquid-gas mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at P = 1 · 105
Pa and T = 298.15K, for a liquid-gas density ratio, ρliquid /ρgas ≈ 1000.

Figure 2.7: Speed of sound of a liquid-gas-vapor mixture predicted by Eq. (2.50) at

P = 1 · 105 Pa and T = 298.15K.

Figures 2.2 and 2.4 show a good agreement between the value predicted by Eq.

(2.50) and the experimental data of Karplus [72]. The predicted speed of sound was also

compared to Refs. [3, 4, 35, 74, 143] and, although not plotted, is in good agreement.

Moreover, the speed of sound of the mixture varies also with the variation of the

density ratio of the liquid and gas. A high density ratio of liquid and gas will have a

much lower speed of sound as compared to a low density ratio. For a density ratio of

100, the speed of sound of the mixture is about 100 m/s, see Figure 2.5, however, for

a density ratio of 1000, the speed of sound of the mixture drops off rapidly to about

25 m/s, see Figure 2.6. In addition, for a mixture of liquid, gas, and vapor at sea-level

conditions, the speed of sound is shown in Figure 2.7.

Chapter 3

Idealized Fluid-Mixture Model

The governing equations for the multiphase and multicomponent flows cannot be

solved analytically for arbitrary mixtures. The equation of state for each component

must be carefully chosen if an exact solution is to be found. In this section, a novel

idealized fluid-mixture model is developed, and exact solutions for one dimensional mul-

tiphase and multicomponent Riemann problem are derived. In addition, the Riemann

invariants and eigenvectors of the idealized fluid mixture are presented.

3.1 Density and Equation of State for Idealized Fluid-Mixture

To obtain a closed-form solution of the governing equations, the mixture entropy

is assumed to be a function of pressure, temperature and mass fractions of the species,

i.e. sm = sm (P, T, Yi ). Differentiation gives

∂sm ∂sm X ∂sm

dsm = dP + dT + dYi , (3.1)
∂P ∂T ∂Yi

and because dsm is assumed to be an exact differential, then it follows that

∂ 2 sm ∂ 2 sm
= , (3.2)
∂P ∂T ∂T ∂P
∂ 2 sm ∂ 2 sm
= , (3.3)
∂Yi ∂T ∂T ∂Yi
∂ 2 sm ∂ 2 sm
= . (3.4)
∂Yi ∂P ∂P ∂Yi

Using the T -ds equation applied to the mixture gives

dT P 1 1 X
dsm = cvm + d + Li dYi , (3.5)
T T ρm T

where Li is the latent heat of phase change and is assumed to be a function of pressure

and temperature, i.e. Li = Li (P, T ).

From Eq. (2.4) the following relation is obtained

1 X Yi
= , (3.6)
ρm ρi

and differentiation gives

  X  dYi 
1 dρi
d = − Yi 2 . (3.7)
ρm ρi ρi

Substituting the differential form of Eq. (2.8) into Eq. (3.7) results
  X  dYi     
1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1
d = + Yi dP + Yi dT . (3.8)
ρm ρi ∂P ρi ∂T ρi

Subsequent substitution of Eqs. (2.3) and (3.8) into Eq. (3.5) yields
X  cvi Yi P ∂

P ∂

P Li
dsm = + Yi dT + Yi dP + + dYi .
T T ∂T ρi T ∂P ρi T ρi T

Applying exact differential properties (3.1)-(3.4) to Eq. (3.9) results in the fol-

lowing constraints
X Yi  ∂ρi P ∂ρi 
+ = 0, (3.10)
ρ2 ∂T T ∂P
i=l,g,v i
∂ Li cvi P
= + 2 , (3.11)
∂T T T T ρi
∂ Li 1
=− . (3.12)
∂P T T ρi
In order for Eq. (3.10) to be satisfied for arbitrary mass fractions, the expression

inside of the brackets must be equal to zero for each phase/component. Consequently,

the constitutive equation for each phase/component must be a function of the ratio of

pressure and temperature, i.e.

ρi = ρi . (3.13)

Thus, to obtain an analytical solution for the mixture entropy, the density of each

component must be a function of the ratio of pressure and temperature. Because the

gas and vapor are assumed to follow the ideal-gas laws, see Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10), they

automatically satisfy Eq. (3.13). For the liquid, the following relation is proposed

ρl = ρo + α , (3.14)

where α = To /Cl2o , To is the reference temperature, Clo is the reference speed of sound,

and ρo is the reference density of the liquid. A liquid obeying Eq. (3.14) is called an

idealized liquid in this thesis. Equation (3.14) can be regarded as a model for a liquid

described by Eq. (2.8). To see this, note that the linearized model given in Eq. (2.11)

can be approximated by Eq. (3.14), provided that the temperature variations are small.

Combining Eqs. (2.9), (2.10), (3.14) and (3.6), the mixture density can be written

z z
ρm = = , (3.15)
zYl /ρl + Rg Yg + Rv Yv −1
zYl (ρo + αz) + Rg Yg + Rv Yv
where z = P/T . The mixture defined by Eq. (3.15) is called an idealized fluid mixture

because it is derived from the idealized liquid defined above and an ideal gas and vapor.

Note that Eq. (3.15) can also be interpreted as the equation of state of the mixture.

3.2 Entropy for Idealized Fluid-Mixture

Integrating Eqs. (3.11) and (3.12) from some reference state (P r , T r ) the following

equation for the latent heat of phase change is obtained

Li T Lr
= cvi ln r + Fi (z) + ir , (3.16)

Z z
Fi (z) = − dζ. (3.17)
zr ρi (ζ)

Integrating Eq. (3.9) results in the following expression for the entropy of the

X  T P Yi
P Lri
sm = cvi Yi ln r + + Fi + r Yi . (3.18)
T T ρi T T

The expression (3.18) can be further simplified by using Eqs. (2.3) and (3.6)

T P X   P  Lr 
sm = cvm ln r + + Fi + ir Yi . (3.19)
T ρm T T T

Substituting equations of state (2.9), (2.10), (3.14) for the gas-vapor-liquid mix-

ture into Eq. (3.19) yields

    z Y ρ X Lr
T Yl Yl ρl l 0 i
sm = cvm ln r + a1 + − ln − a1 ln − + Yi , (3.20)
T α α ρrl zr α ρl Tr

where a1 = Rg Yg + Rv Yv .

Evaluating Eq. (3.20) at two different states and subtracting one from another,

one obtains
      2 h  z i2
T 2 Yl 2 1 ρl
[sm ]21 = cvm ln r + a1 + − Yl ln − a1 ln
T 1 α 1 α ρrl 1 zr 1
 2 X Lr
ρ0 Yl
− + i
[Yi ]21 , (3.21)
α ρl 1 Tr

where square brackets denote the following operation [(·)]21 = (·)2 − (·)1 .

If no mass transfer between the phases is present, i.e. the mass fractions are

assumed constant, Yi1 = Yi2 = Yi , Eq. (3.21) reduces to

T2 Yl ρl2 z2 ρo Yl 1 1
sm2 − sm1 = cvm ln − ln − a1 ln − − , (3.22)
T1 α ρl1 z1 α ρl2 ρl1

For isentropic changes of state, Eq. (3.22) leads to

  a1   Yl   
T2 z2 cvm ρl2 αcvm ρo Yl 1 1
= exp − . (3.23)
T1 z1 ρl1 αcvm ρl2 ρl1

For the case of a pure gas, Eq. (3.23) reduces to

 (γg −1)/γg
T2 P2
= , (3.24)
T1 P1

where γg = 1 + Rg /cvg . For the case of a pure liquid Eq. (3.23) reduces to
T2 ρl2 αcvm ρo 1 1
= exp − . (3.25)
T1 ρl1 αcvm ρl2 ρl1

3.3 Speed of Sound for Idealized Fluid-Mixture

The speed of sound of the idealized fluid mixture can be obtained by applying

Eqs. (2.9)-(3.14) to Eq. (2.50), giving

φl φv φg
ρm cvm + P β2 + +
2 ρl Cl2 ρv Cv2 ρg Cg2
Cm =   , (3.26)
φl φv φg
ρm cvm + +
ρl Cl2 ρv Cv2 ρg Cg2

where Cl = (T /α)1/2 , Cg = (Rg T )1/2 , and Cv = (Rv T )1/2 are the isothermal speeds of

sound in the liquid, gas, and vapor, respectively, and β = βl = βg = βv = (P/T )1/2

is the compressibility. Note that the compressibilities are identical for the idealized

mixture. Simplification yields

2 + P β2
ρm cvm Cφ/ρ
Cm = , (3.27)
ρ2m cvm

1 φl φv φg
2 = 2 + 2
+ . (3.28)
Cφ/ρ ρl Cl ρv Cv ρg Cg2

Equations (3.27) and (2.50) give practically identical results if the sound speeds of the

idealized and non-idealized liquid are matched at the reference temperature To .

3.4 Riemann Invariants for Idealized Fluid-Mixture

For one-dimensional problems, the eigenvalues are given by

λ = (u − Cm , u, u, u, u + Cm )T , (3.29)

and the corresponding set of eigenvectors are


 
1 1
 2
− 0 0 0 
 ρm Cm Cm 
 P 1 
 − 2 2 0 0 0 
 ρm Cm cvm T T 
 ! 
 φg βg2 P 
 
Π= − ρg Cg2 − ρm Cm
+ 0 0 1 0 . (3.30)
 ρg ρm Cg2 Cm
2 ρm cvm 
   
 φv βv2 P 
 − 2 2
1 
 ρ ρ C 2 C 2 ρv Cv − ρm Cm + ρm cvm
0 0 0 
 v m v m 
 1 1 
0 0 0
ρm Cm Cm

The Riemann invariants are computed from the relation dΥ = Π dK, where K =

[P, u, T, φg , φv ]T ,
 
dP du
 2
− 
 ρm Cm Cm 
 P dP dT 
 
 − 2 2 + 
 ρm Cm cvm T T ! 
 2P 
 φg β g 
dΥ = 
 − ρg ρm C 2 C 2 ρg Cg2 − ρm Cm 2
+ dP + dφg .
 (3.31)
 g m ρm cvm 
   
 φv βv2 P 
 − 2
ρv Cv − ρm Cm +2
dP + dφv 
 ρv ρm Cv2 Cm2 ρm cvm 
 
 dP du 
ρm Cm Cm

3.5 Riemann Problem for Idealized Fluid-Mixture

The Riemann problem is characterized by uniform initial conditions except for a

discontinuity at x = 0 on an infinite one-dimensional domain. The lack of an intrinsic

length or time scale means that the solution to the Riemann problem is self-similar.

The solution of the Riemann problem for scalar conservation laws, linear hyperbolic

systems of equations, and the single phase Euler equations can be derived, see, e.g.,

[78] and [141]. For this reason, the Riemann problem is often used to verify numerical

methods. In this section, the solution of the Riemann problem for the idealized mixture

is presented.

u, u, u

u − Cm u + Cm
* *

Figure 3.1: Structure of the solution of the Riemann problem for the idealized-mixture

Let us consider the initial conditions

 QL if x < 0,
Q(x, 0) = (3.32)

 QR if x ≥ 0,

where Q = [ρm , ρm u, ρm emT , ρm Yg , ρm Yv ]T . The solution of the Riemann problem

involves expansion waves, shock waves, and a contact discontinuity. The structure

of the solution is shown in Figure 3.1. The four regions with constant solutions are

separated by five wave families. The challenge in finding the solution of the Riemann

problem lies in determining the unknown states Q∗L and Q∗R to the left and right of the

contact discontinuity, see Figure 3.1. These regions are referred to as the left and right

star regions, respectively. The corresponding unknown primitive variables are

∗ T
K ∗L = [PL∗ , u∗L , TL∗ , YgL

, YvL ] , (3.33)

∗ T
K ∗R = [PR∗ , u∗R , TR∗ , YgR

, YvR ] . (3.34)

There are four possible wave patterns in the solution of the Riemann problem

as shown in Figure 3.2, see, e.g, Toro [141]. These wave patterns are considered in

constructing the exact solution. The eigenstructure of the mixture formulation reveals
t t
00000000 011011111111
11111111 101011111111
11111111 00000000
1111111111111 00000000
11111111 00000000
1111111111111111 000000000000000000
11111111 0000000000000000000
1111111111111111111 0
1111111111111111 000000000000000000
11111111 1111111111111111111 0
111111111111111 000000000000000000
11111111 0000000000000000000
1111111111111111111 0
111111111111111 000000000000000000
11111111 0000000000000000000
1111111111111111111 0
1 00000000
1111111111111 000000000000000000
00000000 1111111111111111111 000000000000000000
111111111111111111 x
111111111111111111 x

(a) (b)

t 0110t
1111111 10
1111111 1010
1111111111111111 0000000
1111111 0000000
1111111111111111 0000000
1111111 0000000000000000001111111
1111111 000000000000000000
111111111111111111 000000000000000000
111111111111111111 000000000000000000
1111111 000000000000000000
111111111111111111 00000000000000000
11111111111111111 000000000000000000
1111111 10111111111111111111
111111111111111111 0000000000000000000
11111111111111111 0000000
111111111111111111 10111111111111111111
111111111111111111 0000000000000000000
1111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000
11111111111111111 0000000
1111111111111111111 x 111111111111111111 000000000000000000
100 x

(c) (d)

Figure 3.2: Four possible wave patterns of the solution of the Riemann problem [141]: (a)
left rarefaction, contact, and right shock; (b) left shock, contact, and right rarefaction;
(c) left rarefaction, contact, and right rarefaction; (d) left shock, contact, and right

that the pressure P ∗ and velocity u∗ are constant across the contact discontinuity, while

other thermodynamic variables such as ρ∗m and T ∗ are discontinuous. The unknown

variables K∗L and K∗R are connected by the condition that the pressure P ∗ and velocity

u∗ are constant across the contact discontinuity. In the following, detailed analyses

of the conditions across the left shock wave and left rarefaction wave, denoted by a

subscript L, are presented. The conditions across the right shock and right rarefaction

wave can be obtained by replacing the subscript L by R.

3.5.1 Left Shock Wave Analysis

The left wave is assumed to be a shock wave moving with speed SL , see Figure

3.2(b) and (d). The pre-shock variables are PL , uL , TL , YgL , and YvL . The post-shock

variables are PL∗ , u∗L , TL∗ , YgL

∗ , and Y ∗ . The Rankine-Hugoniot conditions are applied

across the left shock, leading to

ρmL uL − ρ∗mL u∗L = SL (ρmL − ρ∗mL ), (3.35)

(ρmL u2L + PL ) − (ρ∗mL u∗2 ∗ ∗ ∗

L + PL ) = SL (ρmL uL − ρmL uL ), (3.36)

(ρmL emL uL + PL uL ) − (ρ∗mL e∗mL u∗L + PL∗ u∗L ) = SL (ρmL emL − ρ∗mL e∗mL ), (3.37)

ρmL YgL uL − ρ∗mL YgL uL = SL (ρmL YgL − ρ∗mL YgL

∗ ∗ ∗
), (3.38)

ρmL YvL uL − ρ∗mL YvL uL = SL (ρmL YvL − ρ∗mL YvL

∗ ∗ ∗
). (3.39)

Equations (3.35)-(3.39) can be solved to give

u∗L = uL − fL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , QL ), (3.40)

gL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , TL∗ , QL ) = 0, (3.41)

YiL = YiL , (3.42)

c∗vmL = cvmL , (3.43)

(PL∗ − PL )(ρ∗mL − ρmL ) 2
fL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , QL ) = , (3.44)
ρmL ρ∗mL
1 1 1
gL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , TL∗ , QL ) = cvmL TL − c∗vmL TL∗ − (PL + PL∗ ) − . (3.45)
2 ρ∗mL ρmL

3.5.2 Right Shock Wave Analysis

The analysis is analogous to that for the left shock wave. By replacing the sub-

script L by R, the following conditions are obtained,

u∗R = uR − fR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ), (3.46)

gR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , TR∗ , QR ) = 0, (3.47)


= YiR , (3.48)

c∗vmR = cvmR , (3.49)


(PR∗ − PR )(ρ∗mR − ρmR ) 2
fR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ) = , (3.50)
ρmR ρ∗mR

1 1 1
gR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , TR∗ , QR ) = cvmR TR − c∗vmR TR∗ − (PR + PR∗ ) − . (3.51)
2 ρ∗mR ρmR

3.5.3 Left Rarefaction Wave Analysis

Let us assume that the left wave is a rarefaction wave, see Figure 3.2(a) and (c).

Then the unknown state K∗L is connected to the known left state QL using the isentropic

relation given by Eq. (3.23) and the generalized Riemann invariants for the left wave.

The Riemann invariant across the left rarefaction is given by

dP du
dΥ1 = 0 = 2
− , (3.52)
ρm Cm Cm

from Eq. (3.31). Integration across the left rarefaction yields

u∗L = uL + fL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , QL ), (3.53)

Z ∗
fL (PL∗ , ρ∗mL , QL ) = . (3.54)
L ρm Cm

The integral in Eq. (3.54) is evaluated using adaptive Simpson quadrature [88] due to

the complexity of the integrand.

Similarly, from Eq. (3.21) the following is obtain for isentropic conditions the

non-linear algebraic equation

  ∗   ∗    ∗
T L Yl L 1 ρl L
gL (PL∗ , TL∗ , QL ) = cvm ln r + a1 + − Yl ln
T L α L α ρrl L

h  z i ∗   ∗ X Lr h i ∗L
L ρ0 Yl L i
− a1 ln − + Yi = 0,(3.55)
zr L α ρl L Tr L

h i ∗
where square brackets denote the following operation (·) = (·)∗L − (·)L .

3.5.4 Right Rarefaction Wave Analysis

The analysis is analogous to that for the left rarefaction wave, except that the

Riemann invariant across the right rarefaction is given by

dP du
dΥ5 = 0 = 2
+ , (3.56)
ρm Cm Cm

from Eq. (3.31). By replacing the subscript L by R, the following conditions are ob-


u∗R = uR − fR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ), (3.57)

Z ∗
fR (PR∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ) = , (3.58)
R ρm Cm


  ∗   ∗    ∗
T R Yl R 1 ρl R
gR (PR∗ , TR∗ , QR ) = cvm ln r + a1 + − Yl ln r
T R α R α ρl R

h  z i ∗   ∗ X Lr h i ∗R
R ρ0 Yl R i
− a1 ln − + Yi = 0,(3.59)
zr R α ρl R Tr R

h i ∗
where square brackets denote the following operation (·) = (·)∗R − (·)R .

3.5.5 Complete Solution

Now the conditions for all four possible wave patterns, shown in Figure 3.2, can

be determined. The unknown states K∗L and K∗R can be computed by utilizing the

condition that the pressure and velocity are constant across the contact discontinuity,


PL∗ = PR∗ = P ∗ , (3.60)


u∗L = u∗R = u∗ . (3.61)


By eliminating u∗ from Eqs. (3.40) or (3.53) and (3.46) or (3.57), a single non-linear

algebraic equation is obtained,

fL (P ∗ , ρ∗mL , QL ) + fR (P ∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ) + uR − uL = 0. (3.62)

Note that Eq. (3.62) has three unknowns, namely, P ∗ , ρ∗mL , and ρ∗mR . To close

the problem, Eqs. (3.41) and (3.55) for the state to the left of the contact discontinuity

and Eqs. (3.47) and (3.59) for the state to the right of the contact discontinuity are

used, in addition to Eq. (3.15). Therefore, the following four cases are considered.

1. If P ∗ > PL then a shock wave is traveling to the left and the function fL is given

by Eq. (3.44) supplemented by Eqs. (3.41) and (3.15) for the left star region.

2. If P ∗ ≤ PL then a rarefaction wave is moving to the left and the function fL

is given by Eq. (3.54) supplemented by Eqs. (3.55) and (3.15) for the left star


3. If P ∗ > PR then a shock wave is traveling to the right and the function fR is

given by Eq. (3.50) supplemented by Eqs. (3.47) and (3.15) for the right star


4. If P ∗ ≤ PL then a rarefaction wave is moving to the right and the function fR

is given by Eq. (3.58) supplemented by Eqs. (3.59) and (3.15) for the right star


The speed of the contact discontinuity can be determined from

1 1
u∗ = (uL + uR ) + [fR (P ∗ , ρ∗mR , QR ) − fL (P ∗ , ρ∗mL , QL )] . (3.63)
2 2
Chapter 4

Numerical Method for Simulation of Multiphase/Multicomponent


This chapter presents the development of the numerical method for modeling

and numerical simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows. The numerical

method is used to solve the governing equations of multiphase and multicomponent

flows, which are systems of non-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations. Two

advanced numerical scheme such as Roe’s approximate Riemann solver [112] and the

modified Harten, Lax and van Leer scheme (HLLC) [15] are extended to multiphase and

multicomponent flows and used to capture shock waves and contact discontinuities.

4.1 Extended Roe’s Approximate Riemann Solver

The Roe’s approximate Riemann solver [112] is widely known in finding an ap-

proximate solution of the Riemann problem. The method has been applied to a variety

of physical problems. For example, Toro [140] has used the method to solve reactive two-

phase flow problems via a phase-splitting procedure, and Sainaulieu [116] has extended

the method to a class of two-phase flow problems without phase-splitting.

In this thesis, the Roe’s approximate Riemann solver is utilized and extended to

the mixture of liquid, gas and vapor. The extended Roe scheme is used to compute the

convective fluxes of the mixture. The flux at the cell interface is calculated by evaluating

the change in flux associated with each wave strength component characterized by the

eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix and the right characteristic vector. The convective

fluxes of the gas and vapor are computed as suggested by [79] to ensure positivity. The

face states required by the flux computation are computed from a simplified WENO

scheme [58].

To demonstrate the Roe approach in calculating the fluxes at the cell interface,

a one dimensional time dependent Euler equations for the mixture of liquid, gas and

vapor is presented for simplicity. However, in the actual solver a three dimensional time

dependent Euler equations for the mixture is solved.

Let us consider a Riemann problem for one dimensional time dependent Euler

equations for the mixture of liquid, gas and vapor given by

∂Q ∂F
+ = 0, (4.1)
∂t ∂x

 QL if x < 0,
Q(x, 0) = (4.2)

 QR if x ≥ 0,

where the vectors of conserved variables and fluxes are

   
 ρm   ρm u 
   
   2 
 ρm u   ρm u + P 
   
   
 ρm emT  ,
 F=
 (ρm emT + P )u 
 (4.3)
   
   
 ρg φg   ρg φg u 
   
   
ρv φv ρv φv u

Roe linearized Eq. (4.1) by introducing the Jacobian matrix A(Q) = ∂F/∂Q.

Using chain rule, Eq. (4.1) can be written as

∂Q ∂Q
+ A(Q) =0 (4.4)
∂t ∂x

Roe then replaced the Jacobian matrix A(Q) by a constant Jacobian matrix à =

Ã(QL , QR ), which is a function of the left and right states. The original non-linear

system of equations (4.1) are replaced by a linearized system of equations with constant

∂Q ∂Q
+ Ã =0 (4.5)
∂t ∂x

Now, the original Riemann problem Eq. (4.1) is replaced by the approximate Riemann

∂Q ∂Q
+ Ã = 0, (4.6)
∂t ∂x

 QL if x < 0,
Q(x, 0) = (4.7)

 QR if x ≥ 0,

which is then solved exactly. The initial condition of the approximate Riemann problem

is the same from the original Riemann problem. The elements on the Roe Jacobian

matrix à are the Roe average quantities. Furthermore, the Roe Jacobian matrix Ã

must satisfy the following properties [141]:

1. Hyperbolicity of the system of equations: The linearized system of equations

must preserve the mathematical character of the original non-linear system of

equations. The Roe Jacobian matrix à must have real eigenvalues and complete

set of linearly independent right eigenvectors.

2. The Roe Jacobian matrix à must be consistent with the exact Jacobian matrix


Ã(Q, Q) = A(Q) (4.8)

3. Conservation across discontinuities:

F(QR ) − F(QL ) = Ã(QR − QL ) (4.9)

The Riemann wave diagram used in the Roe scheme is shown in Figure 4.1. The

contact wave, whose speed is denoted by SM , separates the left, UL , and right, UR ,



xL xR
Figure 4.1: The Riemann wave diagram used in the Roe scheme.

states. The minimum and maximum velocities of the acoustic waves are denoted by SL

and SR , respectively. In Roe’s scheme, the approximate Riemann solution is defined as

 UL if SL > 0,
U= (4.10)

 UR if SR < 0,

where U is the vector of the conserved variables defined similar to Q in Eq. (4.3). The

corresponding interface flux, F, is defined as

 FL if SL > 0,
F= (4.11)

 FR if SR < 0.

The flux at the cell interface, x/t = 0 is given by

1 1X
F [Q(0)] = [F(QR ) + F(QL )] − r̃i |λ̃i |dṽi (4.12)
2 2

where r̃i are the right characteristic vectors, λ̃i are the eigenvalues of the system and

dṽi are the wave strengths or Riemann invariants.

In the following, the algorithm in calculating the fluxes at the cell interface using

the Roe’s approximate Riemann solver are outlined.


1. Given the conserved variables, Q = [ρm , ρm u, ρm emT , ρm Yg , ρm Yv ]T , for the

left (L) and right (R) states, the primitive variables, K = [P, u, T, Yg , Yv ]T ,

for the left (L) and right (R) states are calculated in the following:

ρm u
u = , (4.13)
ρm emT − 12 ρm u2
T = , (4.14)
ρm cvm
ρm Yg
Yg = , (4.15)
ρm Yv
Yv = , (4.16)

ψ1 − ψ2 + (ψ2 − ψ1 )2 + 4ψ2 ψ3
P = , (4.17)

 2 !
βl Po
ψ1 = Cl2 ρo − (T − To ) − 2 − ρm Yl ,
Cl Cl
ψ2 = (ρm Yv Rv + ρm Yg Rg )T,
 2 !
2 βl Po
ψ3 = Cl ρo − (T − To ) − 2 ,
Cl Cl

2. Compute the Roe-average quantities of the mixture as follows:

ρ̃m = Rρ ρmL , (4.18)

uL + uR Rρ
ũ = , (4.19)
1 + Rρ
PL + PR Rρ
P̃ = , (4.20)
1 + Rρ
TL + TR Rρ
T̃ = , (4.21)
1 + Rρ
YiL + YiR Rρ
Ỹi = , (4.22)
1 + Rρ
c̃vm = Ỹi cvi . (4.23)
where Rρ = ρmR /ρmL .

For the mixture speed of sound, the Roe-average is computed from Eq. (2.50)
X ρ̃m Ỹi β̃i
ρ̃m c̃vm + P̃
ρ̃2i C̃i
C̃m = , (4.24)
X ρ̃m Ỹi 1
ρ̃m c̃vm
ρ̃2i C̃i2

The remaining variables appearing in Eq. (4.24) are computed as ρ̃i = ρi (P̃ , T̃ ),

β̃i = βi (P̃ , T̃ ), and C̃i = Ci (P̃ , ρ˜i ).

3. Compute the Roe-average wave speeds of the mixture. The Roe-average wave

speeds are the eigenvalues of the systems from Eq. (2.49) in one dimension.

λ1 = ũ − C̃m , (4.25)

λ2 = ũ, (4.26)

λ3 = ũ, (4.27)

λ4 = ũ, (4.28)

λ5 = ũ + C̃m . (4.29)

4. Compute the wave strengths of the mixture. The wave strengths are computed

using the relation ∆v = Π ∆K, where K are the primitive variables, and Π are

the eigenvectors of the system. The resulting wave strengths are

1 1
∆v1 = ∆P − ∆u, (4.30)
ρ̃m C̃m C̃m
P̃ 1
∆v2 = − ∆P + ∆T , (4.31)
2 ρ̃ c̃
ρ̃m C̃m m vm T̃ T̃
" #
φ̃g β̃g2 P̃
∆v3 = − ρ̃g C̃g2 − ρ̃m C̃m
+ ∆P + ∆φg , (4.32)
2 2
ρ̃g C̃g ρ̃m C̃m ρ̃m c̃vm
" #
φ̃v β̃v2 P̃
∆v4 = − ρ̃v C̃v2 − ρ̃m C̃m
+ ∆P + ∆φv , (4.33)
2 2
ρ̃v C̃v ρ̃m C̃m ρ̃m c̃vm
1 1
∆v5 = ∆P + ∆u . (4.34)
ρ̃m C̃m2 C̃m

where ∆P = PR − PL , ∆T = TR − TL , ∆u = uR − uL , ∆φg = φgR − φgL and

∆φv = φvR − φvL .


5. Compute the right characteristic vectors. The right characteristic vectors are

as follows (note: all the quantities are in Roe-average) :

   
 −( Cφ2 )T  ρg − ρl
 φ   
   
 −( βφ2 )T u   
 Cφ   (ρg − ρl )u 
   
 2   
r1 =  ρl φl cvl T + βcvl T 2 φl − 1 ( βφ2 )T u2 , r2 = 
 ρg eg − ρl el 
 2 Cφ   
   
 βg2 φg T   
 − C2   ρg 
 g   
 
βv2 φv T 0
− C2

     
 ρv − ρl   Π1   Π1 
     
     
 (ρv − ρl )u   Π1 u − ρm2Cm   Π1 u + ρm2Cm 
     
     
r3 = 
 ρv ev − ρl el 
, r4 = 
 Π2 − 2
ρm Cm u ,
 r5 = 
 Π2 + 2
ρm Cm u ,

     
   ρg φg   ρg φg 
 0     
   2   2 
     
ρv φv ρv φv
ρv 2 2

h i
ρm C 2 (ρg −ρl )φg βg2 P
Π1 = 2Cφ2
− 21 ( Cφ2 ) ρmPcvm + 2ρg Cg2 ρg Cg2 − ρm Cm
2 +
ρm cvm +
h i
(ρv −ρl )φv βv2 P
2ρv Cv2
2 +
ρv Cv2 − ρm Cm ρm cvm , (4.37)

h i  
ρm Cm e l φl e v φv e g φg P β2
Π2 = 2 Cl2
+ Cv2 Cg2
+ 2ρm cvm ρl φl cvl + βT cvl φl T − 21 ( Cφ2 )u2 +
h i
(ρg eg −ρl el )φg βg2 P
2ρg Cg2
ρg Cg2 − ρm Cm
2 +
ρm cvm +
h i
(ρv ev −ρl el )φv βv2 P
2ρv Cv2
ρv Cv2 − ρm Cm
2 +
ρm cvm , (4.38)


el = cvl T + u2 , (4.39)
ev = cvv T + u2 , (4.40)
1 2
eg = cvg T + u . (4.41)

6. Finally, calculate the flux at x/t = 0

1 1X
F [Q(0)] = [F(QR ) + F(QL )] − r̃i |λ̃i |dṽi (4.42)
2 2

where 2 [F(QR ) + F(QL )] is the arithmetic average of the convective fluxes and
1 Pn
2 i=1 r̃i |λ̃i |dvi is the numerical dissipation, where n = 5.

Note that in the Roe’s approximate Riemann solver, all three waves have zero spread,

which means that the method cannot capture the finite spread of the expansion fan.

4.2 Extended HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver

Approximately two years after Roe’s [112] breakthrough in developing an approx-

imate Riemann solver, Harten, Lax, and van Leer [55] have devised a new approximate

Riemann solver denoted as HLL scheme. In their scheme, a single state approximate

Riemann solver can be constructed in a way that the entropy condition will be automat-

ically satisfied and will yield an exact resolution of isolated shocks. A modification of

the scheme was designed by Toro et al. [142], where a two-state approximate Riemann

solver can be devised so that both shocks and contact waves will be resolve exactly. The

modified scheme is called HLLC (C stands for Contact) Riemann solver. The scheme

has been applied to many physical problems such as supersonic two dimensional, time

dependent Euler equations [139] and two dimensional, time dependent shallow water

equations [45]. Further improvement of the scheme was presented by Batten et al. [15],

which show that with proper choice of acoustic and contact wave velocities, the HLLC


* *



xL xR
Figure 4.2: The simplified Riemann wave diagram with two intermediate states used in
the HLLC scheme.

scheme will yield an exact resolution of isolated shock and contact waves. The resulting

scheme is positively conservative, which forces the numerical method to preserve ini-

tially positive pressures and densities. For an in-depth description of the HLLC method,

see [15], and [141].

In this thesis, the HLLC approximate Riemann solver of [15] is extended and is

used to compute the convective fluxes of the mixture. The convective fluxes of the gas

and vapor components are computed as suggested by [79] to ensure positivity. The face

states required by the flux computation are computed from a simplified WENO scheme

[58]. In the following, an outline of the extended HLLC approximate Riemann solver of

[15] for the mixture of liquid, gas, and vapor is presented.

The simplified Riemann wave diagram with two intermediate states is illustrated

in Figure 4.2. The two averaged intermediate states, U∗L and U∗R , are separated by a

contact wave, whose speed is denoted by SM . The acoustic waves have the minimum

and maximum velocities, SL and SR respectively, of all waves exist in the exact solution.

The flow is supersonic from left to right if SL > 0, and the upwind flux is defined from

F = F (UL ), where UL is the left states. Conversely, the flow is supersonic from right

to left if SR < 0, and the flux is defined from F = F (UR ), where UR is the right states.

Harten, Lax, and van Leer [56] defined the two-state approximate Riemann solution,

UHLLC as 

 UL if SL > 0,

 U∗ if SL ≤ 0 < SM ,
UHLLC = (4.43)

 U∗R if SM ≤ 0 ≤ SR ,

 U
R if SR < 0,

where U is the vector of the conserved variables defined similar to Q in Eq. (2.6). The

corresponding interface flux, FHLLC , is defined as

 FL if SL > 0,

 ∗

 F
L if SL ≤ 0 < SM ,
FHLLC = (4.44)

 FR if SM ≤ 0 ≤ SR ,

 F
R if SR < 0.

The two intermediate states U∗L and U∗R are determined following the approach

suggested by Toro et al. [142], which assumed constant velocity particle between the

acoustic waves. Applying the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions across the SL waves and

simplifying yields

F∗L = FL + SL (U∗L − UL ), (4.45)

SL U∗L − F∗L = SL UL − FL . (4.46)

Similarly, for the SR waves yields

F∗R = FR + SR (U∗R − UR ), (4.47)

SR U∗R − F∗R = SR UR − FR . (4.48)

To compute U∗L and F∗L , Batten et al. [15] made a specific assumption such that

SM = qL∗ = qR

= q∗ , (4.49)

where q ∗ is the average directed velocity between the two acoustic waves, and

ρR qR (SR − qR ) − ρL qL (SL − qL ) + PL − PR
SM = . (4.50)
ρR (SR − qR ) − ρL (SL − qL )

The wave speeds SL and SR are computed from

SL = min[qL − CmL , q − C m ], (4.51)

SR = max[qR + CmR , q + C m ], (4.52)

where qL , qR , CmL , and CmR are the face-normal velocities and the speeds of sound

of the mixture at the left and right state, respectively, and q̃ is the Roe-averaged [112]

face-normal velocity.

The primary difficulty in extending the HLLC method to multiphase and multi-

component flows is due to the treatment of the speed of sound of the mixture. In the

HLLC method of [15] for single-phase flow, C̃m is computed from the the constant ratio

of specific heats and the Roe-averaged total enthalpy and velocities. For the multiphase

and multicomponent mixtures considered in this thesis, this is not possible because the

speed of sound given by Eq. (2.50) cannot be related to the total enthalpy in a straight-

forward fashion. Instead, the following is proposed to compute C̃m from Eq. (2.50)

as !2
X ρ̃m Ỹi β̃i
ρ̃m c̃vm + P̃
ρ̃2i C̃i
C̃m = , (4.53)
X ρ̃m Ỹi 1
ρ̃2m c̃vm
ρ̃2i C̃i2
where, using the definition,
Rρ = ρmR /ρmL , (4.54)

the Roe-averaged of the mixture density is defined as

ρ̃m = Rρ ρmL , (4.55)

and the Roe-averaged mass fractions is given by,

YiL + YiR Rρ
Ỹi = . (4.56)
1 + Rρ

Moreover, the Roe-averaged of the specific heat at constant volume of the mixture is

defined as
c̃vm = Ỹi cvi . (4.57)

In addition, for lack of a better approach, the mixture pressure and temperature is

defined as,
PL + PR Rρ
P̃ = , (4.58)
1 + Rρ

TL + TR Rρ
T̃ = , (4.59)
1 + Rρ

respectively. The remaining variables appearing in Eq. (4.53) are computed as ρ̃i =

ρi (P̃ , T̃ ), β̃i = βi (P̃ , T̃ ), and C̃i = Ci (P̃ , ρ˜i ).

Chapter 5

Code Verification and Model Validation

The new developed solver for simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows

is verified and validated by solving some benchmark problems including the novel bench-

mark problems for the idealized fluid-mixture model. The problems considered are:

1. Single-phase two-component shock-tube problem: Tests the accuracy with which

shock waves and contact discontinuities are captured.

2. Shock-wave propagation in a single-phase two-component fluid: Tests the accu-

racy of computing the shock wave refraction at a component interface.

3. Two-phase single-component shock-tube problem for idealized-fluid mixture:

Tests the accuracy with which two-phase flows are solved if all solution variables

are discontinuous.

4. Two-phase single-component rarefaction problem for idealized fluid mixture:

Tests the accuracy for low-density flows.

5. Single-phase two-component shock-bubble interaction: Demonstrates the abil-

ity to solve the interaction of a shock-wave and a material interface in two


For the first four problems, the accuracy is assessed by comparing the numerical solu-

tions to the appropriate exact solutions. For the fifth problem, the accuracy is evaluated

by comparing the results to the experiments of Haas and Sturtevant [53] and the simu-

lations of Quirk and Karni [105].

5.1 Single-Phase Two-Component Shock-Tube Problem

The initial conditions correspond to two different ideal gases [70, 1, 79, 71, 138],

 QL if x < 0.5,
Q(x, 0) = (5.1)

 QR if x ≥ 0.5,

where Q = [ρm , u, P, γm , Y1 , Y2 ]T and

QL = [ 1.000, 0.0, 1.0 · 105 , 1.4, 1.0, 0.0 ]T ,

QR = [ 0.125, 0.0, 1.0 · 104 , 1.2, 0.0, 1.0 ]T .

The primary difficulty is the capturing of the contact discontinuity without oscillations.

The computational domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 is discretized uniformly with 1000 cells. Excellent

agreement between the numerical and exact solutions is obtained as shown in Figure

5.1. In particular, the results do not exhibit oscillations like the results presented in


5.2 Shock-Wave Propagation in a Single-Phase Two-Component


The problem suggested by [71] is considered, in which a shock wave refracts at

a gas interface, leading to a transmitted and a reflected shock wave. The transmitted

shock wave may travel faster or slower than the incident shock wave depending on the

sound speeds of the respective gases. The reflected wave is either a shock wave or

a rarefaction wave depending on the ratio of the acoustic impedances [29, 61]. The

interface is set into motion by the shock wave.

The initial conditions correspond to a weak shock wave with a Mach number

(a) Density. (b) Pressure.

(c) Velocity. (d) Temperature.

(e) Mach number. (f) Speed of sound.

Figure 5.1: Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solutions for single-phase
two-component shock-tube problem at t ≈ 517 µs. Number of cells = 1000.

(a) Density. (b) Pressure.

(c) Mass fraction of helium. (d) Temperature.

(e) Mach number. (f) Speed of sound.

Figure 5.2: Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for shock-wave
propagation in a single-phase two-component fluid at t ≈ 864 µs. Number of cells =

Ms = 1.1952 in air propagating toward a region occupied by helium,

 QA1 if 0.0 ≤ x < 0.25,

Q(x, 0) = QA2 if 0.25 ≤ x < 0.5, (5.3)

 QHe if 0.5 ≤ x, ≤ 1.0

where Q = [ρm , u, P, γm , Y1 , Y2 ]T and

QA1 = [ 1.7017, 98.956, 1.5 · 105 , 1.40, 1.0, 0.0 ]T ,

QA2 = [ 1.2763, 0.000, 1.0 · 105 , 1.40, 0.0, 1.0 ]T , (5.4)

QHe = [ 0.1760, 0.000, 1.0 · 105 , 1.67, 0.0, 1.0 ]T .

The vectors QA1 , QA2 , and QHe correspond to the post-shock variables in air, pre-

shock variables in air, and pre-shock variables in helium, respectively. For these initial

conditions, the transmitted shock wave is very weak and the reflected wave is a slender

rarefaction wave. The computational domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 is discretized uniformly with

1000 cells.

Figure 5.2 shows the comparison of the numerical and exact solution at t ≈ 864 µs.

As for the first test problem, the results exhibit no oscillations like those presented by

[71]. The transmitted shock wave travels faster than the incident shock wave since the

acoustic speed in helium is greater than the acoustic speed in air.

5.3 Two-Phase Shock-Tube Problem for Idealized Fluid Mixture

The two-phase shock-tube problem of [121] is considered. The driver section

contains a liquid at high pressure and the driven section contains a gas at low pressure.

The initial conditions are

 QL if x < 0.7,
Q(x, 0) = (5.5)

 QR if x ≥ 0.7,

where Q = [ρm , u, P, Y1 , Y2 ]T and

QL = [ 1500.0, 0.0, 1.12 · 109 , 1.0, 0.0 ]T ,

QR = [ 50.0, 0.0, 1.00 · 105 , 0.0, 1.0 ]T .

(a) Density. (b) Pressure.

(c) Mass fraction of gas. (d) Velocity.

Figure 5.3: Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for two-phase
shock-tube problem for an idealized fluid mixture at 240 µs. Number of cells = 1000.

Note that the problem is very stiff. The density and pressure differ by ratios of 30 and

about 104 across the discontinuity, respectively. The computational domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

is discretized uniformly with 1000 cells.

Figure 5.3 shows the comparison of the numerical and exact solution at 240 µs.

Small oscillations in the density and velocity between the contact discontinuity and

shock wave are visible due to the proximity of the contact discontinuity and the shock

wave. This was also observed by [121]. However, the solution shows no oscillations at

the tail of the rarefaction wave.


(a) Density. (b) Pressure.

(c) Volume fraction. (d) Velocity.

Figure 5.4: Comparison of numerical (◦) and exact (solid line) solution for two-phase
rarefaction problem for an idealized fluid mixture at 540 µs. Number of cells = 1000.

5.4 Two-Phase Rarefaction Problem for Idealized Fluid Mixture

A two-phase rarefaction problem is considered. The solution consists of two sym-

metric rarefaction waves and a trivial stationary contact discontinuity. The initial con-

ditions are 

 QL if x < 0.5,
Q(x, 0) = (5.7)

 QR if x ≥ 0.5,

where Q = [ρl , φl , ρg , φg , u, P ]T and

QL = [ 1000.0, 0.1, 1.2342, 0.9, −200.0, 9.7 · 104 ]T ,

QR = [ 1000.0, 0.1, 1.2342, 0.9, 200.0, 9.7 · 104 ]T .

Component γ R cv
Air 1.400 287.0 720.0
He 1.648 1578.0 244.0

Table 5.1: Properties of air and helium used in the simulations of shock-bubble interac-
tion. Note that the helium is contaminated with 28% air and its properties have been
adjusted accordingly.

The computational domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 is discretized uniformly with 1000 cells. Figure 5.4

shows the comparison of the numerical and exact solution at t = 540 µs. No problems

are encountered despite the low pressure and density.

5.5 Single-Phase Two-Component Shock-Bubble Interaction

Haas and Sturtevant [53] presented experiments of a weak planar shock wave with

Ms = 1.22 in air interacting with a cylindrical bubble filled with helium. The shock wave

is transmitted through the bubble and sets it into motion. The results presented focus

only on the early stages of interaction and include a comparison with the experiments

of Haas and Sturtevant and the computations of Quirk and Karni [105].

Both air and helium are assumed to be perfect gases with the properties listed in

Table 5.5. As indicated by Haas and Sturtevant, the helium bubble is contaminated with

air about 28% by mass [53]. The initial flow field is determined from the standard shock

relations given the strength of the incident shock wave and considering the density and

pressure of the quiescent flow ahead of the shock to be 1 kg/m3 and 105 Pa. The bubble

is assumed to be in thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings.

Therefore, its initial density is given by ρHe = ρAir RAir /RHe , where RAir and RHe are

the gas constants for air and helium, respectively.

The computational domain is shown in Figure 5.5. Only the upper half is actually

computed because the flow is symmetric about the shock-tube axis. Quadrilateral grids

with uniform resolutions of h = ∆x = ∆y of 224 · 10−6 m, 112 · 10−6 m, and 56 · 10−6



Incident Shock
A Cylindrical D



0.000 0.050 0.085 0.300


Figure 5.5: Schematic diagram of the computational domain (not drawn to scale).

m are employed. The smallest grid spacing is comparable to that used on the finest

refinement level in the adaptive-grid computations of Quirk and Karni. (Of course, this

is not to advocate using grids with uniform spacing for purposes other than focussed

verification and validation studies.) Referring to Figure 5.5, solid-wall and symmetry

conditions are applied to BC and AD, respectively. Along AB, inflow conditions are

specified using the conditions behind the incident shock wave. An outflow condition

is applied along CD. Figure 5.6 shows a sequence of numerically generated Schlieren

images, illustrating the interaction of the shock wave with the bubble as computed on

the finest grid. The computation reproduces all the features of the interaction, and is

in good agreement with the experiments by Haas and Sturtevant and the simulations

by Quirk and Karni.

Figure 5.6(a) shows the helium bubble at t ≈ 32 µs, after it is hit by the incident

shock wave. A curved refracted shock is generated inside the bubble. Since the helium

has a higher speed of sound than the surrounding air, the refracted shock wave travels

faster than the incident shock wave. Also, a weak expansion wave is reflected outside

the bubble. The refracted shock wave eventually emerges from the bubble to become

the transmitted wave, see Figure 5.6(b). The incident shock diffracts at approximately

(a) 32 µs.

(b) 89 µs.

(c) 201 µs.

(d) 400 µs.

(e) 674 µs.

Figure 5.6: Numerically generated Schlieren images of the shock-bubble interaction

computations on the fine grid at various times.

(a) Fine grid.

(b) Medium grid.

(c) Coarse grid.

Figure 5.7: Numerically generated Schlieren images of the shock-bubble interaction

computations at approximately 674 µs for different grid spacings.

201 µs as shown in Figure 5.6(c). The bubble is deformed into a kidney shape and

spreads laterally, see Figure 5.6(d). The deformation is caused by vorticity generated

at the edge of the bubble due to the passage of the shock, which induces a jet of air

along the axis of symmetry [105]. Figure 5.6(e) shows the formation of the bubble into

a distinct vortical structure.

The accuracy of the numerical solutions are evaluated by conducting a conver-

gence study. Figure 5.7 shows the comparison of the results on the coarse, medium,

Figure 5.8: Definition of locations at which velocities are measured. VS - incident shock,
VT - transmitted shock, Vui - upstream edge of bubble, and Vdi - downstream edge of


Experiment [53] 410 − 393 − 170 − 145 −
Computation [105] 422 +3.0 377 −4.1 178 +4.7 146 +0.7
Coarse grid 426 +3.9 375 −4.6 172 +1.2 136 −6.2
Medium grid 426 +3.9 380 +3.3 168 −1.2 137 −5.5
Fine grid 423 +3.2 391 −0.5 169 −0.6 140 −3.4

Table 5.2: Comparison of computed velocities with those measured by Haas and Sturte-
vant [53] and computed by Quirk and Karni [105]. Percentage errors with respect to
the measurements by Haas and Sturtevant are also shown. The notation is defined in
Figure 5.8.

and fine grids at approximately 674 µs. The location of the bubble is approximately

identical for the three grids. As expected, the vortical structures are more pronounced

on the fine grid.

To validate the numerical solutions, the computed velocities of some prominent

flow features as defined in Figure 5.8 are compared to the measurements of Haas and

Sturtevant [53] the computations of Quirk and Karni[105]. The velocities are determined

from a linear least-squares curve fit of positions obtained from digitizing a sequence of

numerically generated Schlieren images. Table 5.5 lists the velocities and the percentage

errors of the computed results relative to the experimental values. The result are in

good agreement with the measured values and thus demonstrate the accuracy of the

Chapter 6

Multiphase and Multicomponent Free Surface Nozzle Jet Flow

This chapter illustrates the capabilities of the new developed analytical and com-

putational approach for modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase and multi-

component flows to model high pressure and supersonic multiphase and multicomponent

free surface nozzle jet flow. All numerical simulations performed in this Chapter are

based on the governing Euler equations for the mixtures.

The results of the simulations including shock wave generation in the gaseous

medium and cavitation in the nozzle injector are presented. The effects of cavitation to

the jet flow rate and jet flow distribution are investigated. Furthermore, the effects of

fluctuating inflow condition to the external jet formation are studied. In the simulation,

the extended Roe and HLLC approximate Riemann solver for multiphase and multi-

component flow are used. First, the two schemes are tested to solve a high speed flow

problems in an expanded duct. The purpose of this scenario is to test the capabilities

of the scheme to handle problems with sudden expansion. This could help in choosing

the appropriate scheme for simulating a supersonic multiphase and multicomponent free

surface jet flow. Second, with the appropriate scheme, simulation of high pressure and

supersonic multiphase and multicomponent free surface nozzle jet flow is conducted. A

shock wave generation in a gaseous medium is captured. Third, cavitation model is

introduced into the governing equation of multiphase and multicomponent flow. The

purpose of the model is to capture cavitation in the nozzle orifice and to investigate its

effect on the jet flow rate. Finally, simulation of a supersonic multiphase and multi-

component nozzle jet flow with a fluctuating inflow condition is performed in order to

study the instability and formation of the external jet.

6.1 Shock Tube Analysis in an Expanded Duct

A shock tube analysis in an expanded duct is performed to test the capabilities

of the two numerical schemes before simulation of free surface nozzle jet flow, which

requires considerably larger resources. There are four scenarios studied. First, a high

speed flow gas enters into an expanded duct that is filled with gas (gas into gas scenario).

Second, a high speed flow liquid enters into an expanded duct that is filled with liquid

(liquid into liquid scenario). Third, a high speed flow liquid enters into an expanded duct

that is filled with gas (liquid into gas scenario). Finally, a high speed flow of liquid/gas

enters into an expanded duct that is filled with gas (liquid/gas into gas scenario).

In all four scenarios, the two schemes (extended Roe and HLLC approximate

Rieman solver) were able to solve the problems like capturing the traveling normal

shock in the duct. However, when the shock reaches the region where there is an abrupt

change (sudden expansion) of the cross sectional area of the flow, the extended Roe

approximate Riemann solver failed, in particular to the third and fourth scenario. It

was observed during the simulation that the extended Roe approximate Riemann solver

had difficulty in dealing with large contact discontinuities and capturing the finite spread

of the expansion fan as compared to the extended HLLC approximate Riemann solver.

The mathematical formulation for multiphase and multicomponent flow was suc-

cessfully implemented in the incompressible single phase limit, compressible single phase

limit and incompressible-compressible two-phase limit. For the compressible and in-

compressible single phase limit, like in the first scenario and second scenario, the two

schemes (extended Roe and HLLC approximate Rieman solver) have no problem in

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.1: Plot of (a) mass fraction of liquid, (b) x-velocity component, (c) mixture
pressure, and (d) mixture temperature, after 5.7689 × 10−07 seconds through an ex-
panded duct, showing the normal traveling shock. Liquid density, ρl = 100.0 kg/m3 ;
gas density, ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 ; inflow condition, inflow jet velocity is twice the speed of
sound of the gas (Mach = 2.0 with respect to the gas).

dealing with sudden expansion of the cross sectional area of the flow. However, for the

incompressible-compressible two-phase limit, like in the third and fourth scenario, the

extended Roe approximate Riemann solver has encountered a problem just after the

expansion of the duct. This is due to the large contact discontinuities in the density

and velocity fields in both normal and tangential directions. Also, a sudden jump of

the momentum occurs when the fluid exits just after the expansion of the duct. Unlike

the extended Roe solver, the extended HLLC solver has no problem in dealing with this


For an illustration, a selected third scenario (liquid into gas) is presented. In this

case, the duct is initially filled with stationary gas of density ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 . Then

a liquid of density ρl = 100 kg/m3 enters the duct at supersonic condition (Mach=2.0)

with respect to the gas. A total of 54,962 computational cells is used in the simulation.

Figure 6.1 shows the plot of the mixture density, mass fraction of the liquid, mixture

pressure and mixture x-velocity component, respectively. A normal traveling shock is

captured and travels with an accurate velocity. At the contact, the pressure is high due

to the momentum of the liquid that hits the stationary gas. The results are obtained

after t = 5.7689 × 10−07 seconds, where at this time the liquid travels a distance of

approximately 0.4 mm.

6.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent Free Surface Jet Flow

A simulation of a high pressure and supersonic multiphase and multicomponent

free surface nozzle jet flow is performed. The purpose of this simulation is to support

the experimental results of MacPhee et al. [89] and to provide more quantitative and

qualitative information of the structure of the jet close to the nozzle region. The result

of the latter experiment shows an oblique shock wave in a gaseous medium due to a

high injection pressure and high speed flow of the jet.

In the simulation, a nozzle with an orifice diameter of 178 µm (the same diameter

used by MacPhee et al. [89]) is connected to a chamber. Then a jet of fluid enters

the nozzle and exits the nozzle orifice through a chamber generating an oblique shock

wave. The intensity of the shock wave depends on the initial and inflow condition. The

injection pressure ranges from 50 MPa to 135 Mpa. The chamber initial condition is at

1 atm. and 30o C. A total of 137,400 computational cells is used in the simulation.

There are four cases considered in the simulation to test the physical capabilities

of the multiphase and multicomponent mixture model. First, a jet of gas is injected into

the chamber that is filled with gas (gas into gas case). Second, a jet of liquid is injected

into the chamber that is filled with liquid (liquid into liquid case). Third, a jet of liquid

is injected into the chamber that is filled with gas (liquid into gas case). Finally, a jet of

liquid/gas is injected into the chamber that is filled with gas (liquid/gas into gas case).

The multiphase and multicomponent mixture model was successfully implemented

in the incompressible single phase limit (liquid into liquid case), compressible single

phase limit (gas into gas case) and incompressible-compressible two-phase limit (liquid

into gas and liquid/gas into gas case) at subsonic and supersonic inflow conditions. In

all four scenarios, the extended HLLC approximate Riemann solver is used since the

extended Roe approximate Riemann solver has difficulty in handling problems where

there is a sudden expansion of the cross sectional area of the flow. The extended HLLC

solver is capable of solving multiphase and multicomponent flow problems with large

density and flow field variations.

Results of the simulation for test case four (liquid/gas into gas) are shown in

Figures 6.2 to 6.2. The inflow conditions are homogeneous mixture of 80% liquid, 10%

gas and 10% vapor by volume, respectively. It is assumed in the simulation that the jet

carries 10% of gas by volume due to gas entrapment and 10% of vapor by volume due

to cavitation in the nozzle. The corresponding density of the liquid, gas and vapor are

ρl = 1000.0 kg/m3 , ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 and ρv = 0.722 kg/m3 , respectively. The velocity

of the jet at the inflow is assumed supersonic with a Mach number of 2 with respect to

the gas inside the chamber. The results presented are at t ≈ 5µs.

Figure 6.2 shows the contour plot of the mixture density and mass fraction of

the liquid with the corresponding plot of the contact discontinuities across the interface

in the centerline of the jet axis, respectively. An oblique shock wave in the gaseous

medium is generated due to a high speed flow of the jet. The leading part of the jet

looks like a tail of a “needle” and in this region the mass is highly concentrated. The

Figure 6.2: Plot of: (top left) mixture density showing an oblique shock wave in a
gaseous medium, (top right) contact discontinuities of the mixture density across the
interface in the centerline of the jet axis, (bottom left) mass fraction of the liquid,
and (bottom right) contact discontinuities of the mass fraction of the liquid across the
interface in the centerline of the jet axis. Liquid density, ρl = 1000.0 kg/m3 ; gas density,
ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 ; vapor density, ρv = 0.772 kg/m3 . Inflow condition, Mach = 2.0 with
respect to the gas inside the chamber.

jet travels about 3.2 mm after t ≈ 5µs.

The contour plot of the pressure and temperature of the mixture with the corre-

sponding plot of the magnitude along the centerline of the jet axis is shown in Figure

6.2 respectively. A pressure and temperature wave is captured in the gaseous medium.

At the leading edge of the jet, the pressure and temperature increases tremendously due

to the strong impact and high momentum of the jet that hits the stationary gas.

The x-velocity component and the corresponding velocity profile across the lead-

Figure 6.3: Plot of: (top left) mixture pressure showing an oblique shock wave in
a gaseous medium, (top right) mixture pressure along the centerline of the jet axis,
(bottom left) mixture temperature showing an oblique shock wave in a gaseous medium,
and (bottom right) mixture temperature along the centerline of the jet axis. Liquid
density, ρl = 1000.0 kg/m3 ; gas density, ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 ; vapor density, ρv = 0.772
kg/m3 . Inflow condition, Mach = 2.0 with respect to the gas inside the chamber.

ing edge of the jet in the radial direction is plotted in Figure 6.2. The velocity of the

jet expands in the radial direction as it travels further downstream with a decreasing

magnitude. The jet entrained the near surrounding gas towards the direction of the

flow, which results to a recirculation of the gas on the side of the jet near the exit of

the nozzle region.


Figure 6.4: Plot of: (top left) contact discontinuities of the x-velocity component of the
mixture across the interface in the centerline of the jet axis, (top right) velocity profile of
the jet at 1.8 mm from the exit of the nozzle, and (bottom) mixture x-velocity component
showing an oblique shock wave in a gaseous medium. Liquid density, ρl = 1000.0 kg/m3 ;
gas density, ρg = 1.189 kg/m3 ; vapor density, ρv = 0.772 kg/m3 . Inflow condition, Mach
= 2.0 with respect to the gas inside the chamber.

6.2.1 Jet Formation and Jet Radial Profile

Figure 6.5 shows the jet formation. The leading part of the jet expands (slightly)

radially and forms like a tail of a “needle”. A bulk of fluid immediately followed the

leading edge of the jet, which is caused by the accumulation of the vapor and gas as the

jet impacted on the ambient gas at the leading edge. Note that the jet is composed of a

liquid, gas and vapor. The liquid at the leading edge of the jet moves at different rate

than those of the average body of the jet. Without the resistance to the surrounding

Figure 6.5: Plot of the mass fraction of the liquid. The leading edge of the jet is about
3.0 mm from the nozzle exit.

Figure 6.6: Jet radial profile across the body of the jet at a distant of about 3.0 mm
from the nozzle exit.

Figure 6.7: Comparison of the results between numerical simulation (bottom) and ex-
perimental observation of MacPhee et al. [89](top). (Left) Jet formation. (Right) Jet
radial profile across the leading part of the jet.

gas, the jet body can move faster than the leading edge and with speeds close to the

trailing edge. This phenomenon was observed by MacPhee et al. [89].

The jet radial profile across the body of the jet at a distant of 3.0 mm from the

exit of the nozzle is shown in Figure 6.6. The results of the numerical simulation is in

good agreement with the experimental results of MacPhee et al. [89]. A comparison

of jet formation and jet radial profile between numerical simulation and experimental

observation is shown in Figure 6.2.


6.3 Multiphase/Multicomponent Cavitating Nozzle Jet Flow

6.3.1 Cavitation Overview

Cavitation is a serious physical hydrodynamic phenomenon, which is common

problem to many fluid related devices such as in pumps, turbines, control valves and

nozzles. It can cause serious wear and tear and possibly damages the devices. This

happens when the vapor collapses after evaporation due to the decreased in the flow

velocity and to the increased in pressure. Cavitation may occur when the local static

pressure in a fluid drops below the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid at the actual

temperature for sufficient duration of time by static or dynamic means. Cavitation is

a dynamic phenomena since it is concerned with the growth and collapse of cavities.

There are two stages of the cavitation process as described in [75]. The first stage is

called “incipient stage”, where cavitation is just barely detectable. Here, the discernible

bubbles of incipient cavitation is small and a limited zone of cavitation. The second stage

is called “developed stage”, where evaporation rates increased and cavitation grows due

to the changes in conditions such as pressure, velocity and temperature. The occurrence

of the inception and development of cavitation depend on the condition of the liquid,

including the presence of contaminations, either solid or gaseous, and on the pressure

field in the cavitation zone. A good reference for a general study of cavitation can be

found in [75]. Types of Cavitation

1. Traveling Cavitation

It is composed of individual transient cavities or bubbles, which form in the

liquid and move with the liquid as they expand, shrink, and then collapse.

These traveling transient bubbles may occur at the low pressure region along a

solid boundary or in the liquid interior either at the cores of the moving vortices

or in the high turbulence region in a turbulent shear field.

2. Fixed Cavitation

A cavitation that develops after inception, in which the liquid flow detaches from

the rigid boundary of an immersed body or a flow passage to form a pocket or

cavity attached to the boundary.

3. Vortex Cavitation

The cavities are found in the cores of vortices that form in high shear zone.

Here, the cavitation may appear as traveling or fixed cavities. This is one of the

earliest observed cavitation types, since it often occurs on the tip of the blade’s

propeller. This may also occur on the boundary surfaces of a submerged jets

where there is sufficiently high shear rate. The life of vortex cavity is longer

than the traveling cavity due to the angular momentum of the liquid.

4. Vibratory Cavitation

Cavitation occurs and collapse due to a continuous series of high-amplitude,

high-frequency pressure pulsations in the liquid. These pressure pulsations are

generated by a submerged surface that vibrates normal to its face and sets up

pressure waves in the liquid. Effects of Cavitation

Knapps et al. [75] classified the effects of cavitation into three general categories.

First, cavitation can modify the hydrodynamics of the flow of the fluid. The flow pattern

can be modified and the dynamic interaction between the liquid and its boundaries can

be altered as the cavity volume displaces the liquid. The effect of cavitation tends

to limit or lessen the force that can be applied to the liquid by the surface. Second,

cavitation can cause damage on the solid-boundary surface of the flow. It can cause

wear and tear of the surface of any solid boundaries including metals either, hard or

soft, brittle or ductile, chemically active or chemically inert. However, nonmetallic solid

boundaries like rubber, plastic, glass, quarts and concrete are susceptible to cavitation

damage. Third, cavitation can induced noise and vibration when bubbles or cavities

collapse. Experimental Studies of Cavitation

The main difficulties of understanding the physical nature of cavitation is due

to the fact that cavitation is a high-speed phenomenon. This high-speed phenomenon

limits to investigate the process of inception, growth and collapse in both flowing and

non-flowing environments. The main problems of cavitation are (1) how to provide a

suitable means for producing a controlled cavitation, (2) how to detect and locate the

cavitation and (3) how to “arrest” the motion. Knapps et al. [75] presented and dis-

cussed some special equipment that is developed to produced cavitation under controlled

conditions in a specified locations, where observations can be made.

Knapps et al. [75] categorized and explained several methods for detecting the

presence of cavitation, either direct or indirect observation. For indirect observations,

cavitation can be detected (1) by determining the effect of cavitation on the performance

of a piece of equipment, (2) by measuring the effect of cavitation on the distribution

of pressure over the boundary at which cavitation occurs, (3) by sensing the noise

emitted by cavitation and (4) by allowing cavitation to scatter laser-beam light into

a photocell [39]. For direct observations, cavitation can be detected by visual and

photographic means. This photographic technique has the possibility for detailed study

of the hydrodynamic phenomenon either at inception or for advanced stages of cavity


The study of cavitation grew rapidly when it was realized that cavitation effect

can cause a tremendous damage to many fluid related devices. Since then, there have

been many methods developed to detect and locate cavitation. Richards et al. [111]

conducted a cavitation experiment using a water shock tube. They used a pressure

transducer to monitors the pressure changes and used schlieren photography techniques

to study cavitation bubbles. Escaler et al. [41] conducted an experimental investigation

to evaluate the detection of cavitation in actual hydraulic turbines. Their methodology

is based on the analysis of structural vibrations, acoustic emissions and hydrodynamic

pressures measured in the machine. A flow visualization of cavitation with particle and

bubble using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) image processing method is per-

formed by Kato et al. [73]. Another experiment that uses an ultra high speed video

camera with the maximum frame speed of 106 fps to observe the detailed aspects of three

cavitation patterns such as separated vortex cavitation in a convergent-divergent chan-

nel, Karman-vortex like cavitation in the wake flow of a circular cylinder and vibratory

cavitation in an ultrasonic vibratory apparatus is conducted by Sato et al. [119].

6.3.2 Cavitation Modeling and Simulation

Most of the experimental methods in detecting and locating cavitation are in

macroscopic scale and are limited to give detailed picture of the hydrodynamic phe-

nomenon. To perform a cavitation study by experimental method, it requires some

costly equipments or devices. However, with the advent of the computer and devel-

opment of the numerical technique, a numerical study of cavitation became the best

alternative to supplement the experimental results.

The new developed general framework for simulation of multiphase and multicom-

ponent flow is capable of incorporating a variety of cavitation models. To demonstrate

this, a cavitation model by Hosangadi et al. [64] is considered. The cavitation source

term is given by

Sv = Kl ρl φl + Kv ρv φv (6.1)

where Kl and Kv are defined as

 
 0 P < Pv 
Kv =   h i , (6.2)
1 Q∞ P −Pv
τv L∞ 1
ρ Q2
P > Pv
2 ∞ ∞

 
 0 P > Pv 
Kl =   h i . (6.3)
1 Q∞ P −Pv
τf L∞ 1
ρ Q2
P < Pv
2 ∞ ∞

and τf and τv are the rate for vapor formation and liquid reconversion, respectively, and

can be obtained experimentally. The cavitation number is given by:

" #
P − Pv
C= 1 2
. (6.4)
2 ρ∞ Q∞

where, Pv is the saturation pressure of the vapor at a given temperature.

Some results of unsteady cavitation in a nozzle is shown in Figure 6.3.2 to Figure

6.3.2. Cavitation starts to develop at the entrance of the nozzle orifice as shown in

Figure 6.3.2. This is an example of an “incipient stage” as described by Knapps et al.

[75]. This is followed by a “developed stage”, where evaporation rates increased and

cavitation grows due to the changes in conditions of pressure, velocity and temperature,

see Figs. 6.3.2 to 6.3.2. In Figs. 6.3.2 to 6.3.2, the cavities or bubbles move with

the liquid as they expand, shrink, and then collapse. This type of cavitation is called

traveling cavitation. Another type of cavitation that can be observed in this process is

the fixed cavitation, see Figs. 6.3.2 and 6.3.2, where a fixed cavity or bubble is attached

to the wall of the nozzle orifice. This can cause the fluid flow to detaches from the wall

of the nozzle orifice. Furthermore, Figure 6.3.2 shows the contour plot of the pressure.

A pressure drop in the nozzle orifice can be observed. Due to a sudden change of the

cross sectional area of the flow, the fluid flow accelerates in this region that can cause

a pressure drop, which can be below the saturation pressure of the vapor.

Figure 6.8: Plot of the mass fraction of the vapor after 2.000e-04 sec. Inflow condition:
P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 sm2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio:
ai = 0.3; mesh size = 8,366.

Figure 6.9: Plot of the mass fraction of the vapor after 2.202e-04 sec. Inflow condition:
P = 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 sm2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio:
ai = 0.3; mesh size = 8,366.

Figure 6.10: Plot of the mass fraction of vapor after 2.502e-04 sec. Inflow condition: P
= 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 sm2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio:
ai = 0.3; mesh size = 8,366.

Figure 6.11: Plot of the mass fraction of vapor after 3.000e-04 sec. Inflow condition: P
= 1,161,000 Pa; u = 10 sm2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio:
ai = 0.3; mesh size = 8,366.

(a) .

Figure 6.12: Plot of the pressure after 3.000e-04 sec. Inflow condition: P = 1,161,000
Pa; u = 10 sm2 ; domain length = 6 mm; orifice over nozzle entrance ratio: aati = 0.3;
mesh size = 8,366.

6.3.3 Cavitation in Nozzle Injector

Cavitation will normally occur inside the nozzle injector in many modern fuel

injection systems primarily due to high injection pressure. Other important parameters

that additionally affect cavitation are the orifice inlet curvature, injection angle, and

nozzle aspect ratio. A numerical simulation is carried out for a high injection pressure to

confirm cavitation inside a nozzle injector. The two-dimensional plane experimental test

case of Roosen et al. [114] is used in the simulation. The same test case used by Yuan et

al. [155] to validate their numerical simulation. The dimension of the nozzle hole is 1 mm

× 0.28 mm × 0.2 mm (length × height × width). Figure 6.13 shows the computational

domain of the nozzle injector and the treatment of the boundary conditions. To reduce

the computational time, a symmetric boundary condition is imposed along the nozzle

Water Air

2 mm 1 mm 5 mm

Figure 6.13: Plot of the initial condition of the system. The nozzle region is filled with
liquid and the chamber downstream from the exit of the nozzle is filled with gas.
Nozzle Orifice
( 0.28 mm )

Pinlet Pexit

1 mm

2 mm 1 mm 5 mm

Figure 6.14: Plot of the computational mesh and boundary conditions of the two-
dimensional plane model nozzle injector.

Figure 6.15: Cavitation inside the nozzle injector. Experimental results taken from
Roosen et al. [114]. Injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

axial axis, and solves only the lower half of the computational domain. A total of 7140

computational cells are used in the numerical computation. The system is initialized

with liquid in the nozzle region and gas in the exit region. Figure 6.14 shows the initial

condition of the system. Note the sharp interface between the liquid and gas just after

the nozzle exit.

There are two scenarios performed in the simulation to compare with the experi-

mental results of Roosen et al. [114], and the numerical simulation results of Yuan et al.

[155]. The first scenario considers an injection pressure of 80 bar and an ambient con-

dition of 21 bar, while the second scenario considers an injection pressure of 80 bar and

an ambient condition of 11 bar. The injection pressure is assigned a value of the inlet

pressure for simplicity and is assumed to be a constant steady inlet pressure throughout

the calculation. In the next section, the injection pressure is fluctuated and the effect

to the external jet formation is observed.

In both scenarios, the results of the simulation, see Figure 6.17, were in substantial

Figure 6.16: Cavitation inside the nozzle injector. Numerical simulation by Yuan et al.
[155]. Injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

Figure 6.17: Results of the numerical simulation for a cavitating nozzle injector using the
multiphase mixture formulation with a cavitation model. Injection pressure, Pinlet = 80
bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

agreement with the experimental results of Roosen et al. [114], see Figure 6.15, and the

numerical simulation results of Yuan et al. [155], see Figure 6.16, respectively. Figure

6.18 shows the contour plot of the vapor and gas volume fraction, inside and close to

the exit of the nozzle injector at different time levels. It was observed that the time

scale of the internal cavitation dynamics is on the order of 10 µs, which confirms the

assertion of Yuan et al. [155]. It was also noticed that the bubble cavities start to

develop near the inlet corner of the nozzle orifice, and extend further downstream to

the exit of the nozzle. The maximum length of cavity is observed after steady flow is

achieved. Maximum length of cavity is reached after 5 × 10−5 seconds. As can be seen

Figure 6.18: Contour plot of the vapor (left) and gas (right) volume fraction inside and
close to the exit of the nozzle injector. Constant steady injection pressure, Pinlet = 80
bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

in Figure 6.18, for the gas volume fraction, a presence of gas inside and near the exit

of the nozzle is observed. This could be a re-entrant jet of gas that starts to penetrate

the cavity and causes it to collapse. However, the re-entrant jet is not strong enough

to penetrate inside the nozzle further upstream. This might be due to the steadiness of

the flow and constant steady injection pressure.

Figure 6.19 shows the contour plot of the liquid volume fraction and velocity,

inside and close to the exit of the nozzle injector at different time levels. It is clear that

cavitation causes a reduction of the cross sectional area of the liquid jet flow as can be

seen on the left of Figure 6.19. This means that cavitation chokes the flow of liquid and

Figure 6.19: Contour plot of the liquid volume fraction (left) and velocity profile (right)
inside and close to the exit of the nozzle injector. Constant steady injection pressure,
Pinlet = 80 bar; exit pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

reduces the discharge significantly. The coefficient of discharge within the orifice for a

1.2 cavitation number was computed to be equal to a value of 0.75, which is about 7

% higher as compared to Nurick’s [99] correlation and Singhal et al. [126] simulation.

Also, shown to the right of Figure 6.19 is how cavitation separates the flow inside the

nozzle injector and affects the velocity profile of the jet flow.

6.4 The Effect of Fluctuating Inflow Condition to the External Jet


It has been illustrated in the previous section that cavitation occurs inside the

nozzle injector and has significant effect on the liquid flow discharge and velocity profile

of the flow. In the actual injection process, the injection pressure and exit pressure

fluctuate at high frequencies. To understand the effect of injection pressure fluctuation

to the cavitation process and the external jet formation, a periodic rectangular inflow

pressure condition is implemented. Figure 6.20 shows the results of the simulation at

different time levels for a fluctuating inflow pressure condition. The volume fraction of

liquid that relates to the amount of liquid discharge and the formation of the external

jet is shown on the left of Figure 6.20, while the volume fraction of vapor inside and

close to the exit of the nozzle injector is depicted on the right of Figure 6.20.

The cavitation process in the actual injection system becomes more complex

due to fluctuating inflow boundary condition. There is significant interaction of the

bubble cavities and gas from the nozzle exit. It can be seen on the right of Figure

6.20 that the cavitation process is more complicated. A re-entrant jet of gases from

the downstream chamber causes the cavities to collapse and separate. The separation

of the bubble cavities creates a bubble cloud downstream of the cavity. The bubble

clouds will interact with a large rotating vortex of gas external to the nozzle as it exits

from the nozzle injector. Qin et al. [104] further postulated that the external pressure

propagates into the orifice once the re-entrant jet reaches the nozzle orifice inlet and

occupies the entire upper part of the orifice, causing the flow in the nozzle to revert to

a non-cavitating mode. This phenomenon is called hydraulic flip, which was observed

by Bergwerk et al. [16].

The discharge of the nozzle is strongly dependent on the cavitation process and

the magnitude of the bubble cavities. As can be seen on the left of Figure 6.20 , the

Figure 6.20: Plot of the unsteady external jet formation (left) and distribution of vapor
volume fraction (right) inside and close to the exit of the nozzle injector. Periodic
unsteady injection pressure, Pinlet = 80 ± 10 bar; frequency, f = 3.725 mhz; exit
pressure, Pexit = 11 bar.

magnitude of discharge fluctuations is related to the fluctuation of the inflow boundary

condition. It should be noticed that the cavitation process for a fluctuating inflow

condition intensifies the unsteadiness of the external jet formation. The instability of

the jet formation and the fluctuating amount of discharge greatly affect the jet break-up

and the atomization process further downstream .

Chapter 7

Multiphase and Multicomponent Turbulent Flows

This chapter extends the multiphase and multicomponent approach to turbulent

flows. Multiphase and multicomponent turbulent flows are widely present in various

engineering, environmental and geophysical applications. In most cases, flow configura-

tions in these areas are very complex. Due to the complexity of the flow, modeling of

turbulent flows of multiphase and multicomponent fluids is very difficult. The develop-

ment of a turbulence model is the most challenging task due to a high density contrast

of the fluids.

Turbulence develops whenever incipient instabilities, which are not dissipated

quickly enough by the stabilizing forces acting in the fluid motion, became able to

extract continuously energy from the flow [24]. Turbulence can be characterized by the

Reynolds number and affected by the density variations of the fluid flow. When the

density is no longer constant, new additional driving and stabilizing forces introduces

new instability mechanisms. The basic mechanism from which turbulence can originate

is dominated by inertia effects. At low Reynolds number, density variations influences

the unsteady turbulent flow through gravity, inertia, and viscosity [24]. While, at high

Reynolds number, the pressure gradient through the pressure-density coupling gains

significant influence on the unsteadiness of turbulent flow. Some study of variable-

density effects in low-speed regime can be found in [46, 47].


7.1 Turbulent Modeling

Current methods for modeling and simulation of turbulent flows can be grouped

into three general categories: Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Reynolds Averaged

Navier-Stokes (RANS), and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The following briefly de-

scribed the three approaches:

1. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is an approach that solves the Navier-Stokes

equations directly, which implies that the numerical simulation employs com-

putational mesh capable of resolving turbulent structures all the way to Kol-

mogorov scale.

2. Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach is derived by averaging

Navier-Stokes equations over time, resulting either in the set of steady equations

for mean quantities in the case of steady RANS or a set of evolution equations

for slow varying averaged variables in the case of unsteady RANS.

3. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is an approach, where the formal scale separation

is obtained by means of a low-pass filtering operation applied to the Navier-

Stokes equations. The filtered Navier-Stokes equations are closed by modeling

the subgrid-scale (SGS) stresses that account for the effect of the unresolved

small-scale motions [51].

The advantage of DNS approach is no modeling needed to close the governing Navier-

Stokes equations, but the approach is limited to feasible small Reynolds number flows

due to computational cost. On the other hand, RANS approach is computationally af-

fordable and is widely used in many industrial engineering applications. However, there

are some disadvantages of RANS approach such as modeling all the scales, obtaining

only the mean flow characteristics, and unable to accurately predict spatio-temporal

characteristics of turbulent flows in complex geometries and in transitional regimes.


With respect to LES, the approach is more accurate compared to RANS and able to

predict spatio-temporal turbulent flow characteristics. The LES approach is physically

and mathematically rigorous, and less empirical in nature. Although the LES method is

still computationally intensive compared to RANS, but, with the recent breakthrough

in computer technology, LES of flows of engineering interest has become computation-

ally feasible. As a result, LES methodology is gaining momentum and is starting to be

widely used in industry. The LES approach has been successfully applied to a variety of

turbulent flows [19, 38, 68, 102, 113, 131, 132, 148]. On the other hand, most of the cur-

rent LES implementations are limited to either single phase and single component flows

[11, 18, 31, 76, 92, 107] or single phase and multicomponent flows [24, 27, 95, 110, 147].

In this thesis, the LES methodology is extended to multiphase and multicomponent


7.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent Large Eddy Simulation

In LES, the large scale or the resolve scale flow field is directly calculated while the

effects of small scale called subgrid scales (SGS) are modeled. The resolved variables

and their governing equations are defined by explicitly applying the spatial low pass

filter H to each term in the governing equations. This can be done by decomposing

each field quantity Q in the flow domain Ω into large and small scale components,

Q = Q̄ + Q , (7.1)

where the filtered quantity Q̄ is defined as

Q(x) = H(x − ζ, ∆)Q(ζ)dζ, (7.2)

and Q is the SGS part that accounts for small scales not resolved by the filter width

∆. Q is the vector of the conserved variables.

In compressible flows, the Favre-filtering [43, 44] is commonly used to avoid the in-

troduction of SGS terms in the equation of mass conservation. A Favre-filtered variable


is defined as
e = ρQ .
Q (7.3)

In this thesis, the Favre-filtering is utilized for multiphase and multicomponent flows

not only to avoid the presence of SGS terms in the continuity equation but also to

account the large density fluctuation. Thus, the resolved variables (denoted by tilde)

such as velocity, temperature and transport scalar fields in the mixture are written in

terms of Favre-filtered quantities [130]. These are given by

Ve = ρV , (7.4)
Te = , (7.5)
Yev = , (7.6)
Yeg = . (7.7)

7.2.1 Governing Equations

The governing three-dimensional time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations for the

mixture given by Eq. 2.5 are extended to a full three-dimensional time-dependent

LES equations. Applying the Favre-filtering operation to Navier-Stokes equations, the

multiphase/multicomponent LES governing equations for the mixture are written as

∂Q e
∂E e
∂F e
∂G ∂Eev ∂Fev ∂Gev
+ + + = + + e
+ S, (7.8)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

e F
where Q is the vector of the resolved conservative variables and E, e and G
e are the

convective flux vectors given by Eq. 2.6, whose quantities are Favre-filtered. The vectors
e v, F
E e v and G
e v on the right hand side of Eq. (7.8) are the viscous flux vectors, which

include the SGS terms and whose quantities are Favre-filtered. The viscous flux vectors

are written as

e v = [0, τxx , τyx , τzx , Θx , Ψgx , Ψvx ]T ,

E (7.9)

e v = [0, τxy , τyy , τzy , Θy , Ψgy , Ψvy ]T ,

F (7.10)

e v = [0, τxz , τyz , τzz , Θz , Ψgz , Ψvz ]T .

G (7.11)

The total stress, τij , are defined as

2 ∂e
µm Seij − µ
τij = 2e em δij − τijSGS , (7.12)
3 ∂xk

em is the resolved viscosity of the mixture, Seij = 12 (∂e

where µ ui /∂xi + ∂e
ui /∂xi ) is the

resolved strain rate tensor, and τijSGS is the SGS stress. The work of the total stress

and heat conduction in the fluid mixture are defined as

∂ Te
Θx = u e xz + e
eτxx + veτxy + wτ km − ExSGS , (7.13)
∂ Te
Θy = u e yz + e
eτyx + veτyy + wτ km − EySGS , (7.14)
∂ Te
Θz = u e zz + e
eτzx + veτzy + wτ km − EzSGS , (7.15)

where, e
km is the resolved thermal conductivity of the mixture and EiSGS is the SGS

energy flux. Furthermore, the scalar fluxes of the gas and vapor are defined as

∂ρm Yg
Ψgi = ϕ
e − ΨSGS
gi , (7.16)
∂ρ Yv
Ψvi e m − ΨSGS
= ϕ vi , (7.17)

where ϕ
e is the resolved diffusion coefficient, which is considered to be zero, unless

otherwise specified. ΨSGS

gi and ΨSGS
vi are the SGS scalar flux of the gas and vapor,
e on the right hand side of Eq. (7.8) represents the
respectively. In addition, the vector S

filtered source terms written as

e = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, S̃v ]T ,
S (7.18)

where S̃v is the filtered cavitation source term.


7.2.2 Subgrid Scale (SGS) Model

The SGS terms that appears in the momentum, energy and scalar equation due

to the low-pass filtering of the governing equations are not known and must be modeled.

The most commonly used subgrid scale model in LES is the Smagorinsky eddy-viscosity

model [127], which has been widely used for incompressible flows. Piomelli et al. [102]

have extended the model by using a scale function to avoid the model’s excessive damp-

ing of SGS instabilities. An extension of the model to compressible isotropic turbulence

flow was developed by Speziale et al. [130] and Erlebacher et al. [40]. To avoid the ad

hoc treatment of the model constants, a dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model for

incompressible flows was introduced by Germano et al. [49]. Furthermore, Moin et al.

[95] have extended the dynamic model for compressible flows and scalar transport. So

far, most of the subgrid scale models are limited to either incompressible or compressible

turbulent flows. In this thesis, the extension of the LES to multiphase/multicomponet

flows is proposed. In the following, the SGS model for momentum, energy and scalar

flux for the mixture are outlined. SGS Model for the Momentum Equation

The subgrid momentum flux, τijSGS , represents the effect of the unresolved subgrid-

scales in the momentum equation. This is defined as

τijSGS = ρ̄m (ug

i uj − ũi ũj ). (7.19)

The term ug
i uj on the right hand side of Eq. 7.19 is not available, hence Eq. 7.19 cannot

be solved. However, instead of solving the right hand side of Eq. 7.19, it is modeled

using the eddy-viscosity model. Here, the proposed subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model

of Yoshizawa [153] and Moin et al. [95] is utilized for modeling the SGS momentum flux

of the mixture. The SGS model for the momentum flux is defined as

e Seij + 2 ρm CI ∆2 |S|
τijSGS = −ρm CS ∆2 |S| e 2 δij (7.20)

e = (2Seij Seij )1/2 and

where static coefficients CS = 0.0512, CI = 0.09 were used and |S|
e 2 = Se2 /2. Note that the two model coefficients can be determined dynamically
|S| ij

rather than input a priori [49, 92, 95]. SGS Model for the Energy Equation

The subgrid energy flux, EiSGS , represents the effect of the unresolved subgrid-

scales in the energy equation. This comprised the SGS heat flux, EiSGSHF ; SGS turbu-

lent dissipation, EiSGST D ; and SGS viscous dissipation, EiSGSV D :

EiSGS = EiSGSHF + EiSGST D + EiSGSV D . (7.21)

The SGS heat flux is defined as

EiSGSHF = ρm (ug
i T − ũi T̃ ), (7.22)

and is modeled using an eddy-diffusivity model similar to Refs. [92, 95], except that it

is utilized for the mixture

νT ∂ T̃
EiSGSHF = −ρ̄m c̃pm . (7.23)
P rT ∂xi

e is the turbulent eddy viscosity of Eq. 7.20. Simplifying Eq.

The term νT = CS ∆2 |S|

7.23 gives
e ∂ T̃
CS ∆2 |S|
EiSGSHF = −ρ̄m c̃pm . (7.24)
P rT ∂xi

where CS is the eddy-viscosity coefficient of Eq. 7.20 that can be either defined statically

or computed dynamically [49, 92, 95]. Similarly, the turbulent Prandtl number, P rT

can be either assigned or computed dynamically [92, 95]. For simplification, a new

parameter, CT = CS /P rT is introduced, which can also be either defined statically or

computed dynamically [28, 38, 49, 95, 101]. Finally, the SGS model for heat flux is

reduced to
e ∂ T̃ ,
EiSGSHF = −ρ̄m c̃pm CT ∆2 |S| (7.25)

where CT = 0.03125 is used as in the case of Moin et al. [95] experiment.

The SGS turbulent dissipation is defined as

EiSGST D = ρm (uig
uj uj − ũi ug
j uj ), (7.26)

and is modeled based on the proposed model by Knight et al. [76]

EiSGST D = ũj τijSGS . (7.27)

The effect of SGS turbulent dissipation is included in Eq. 7.13. A dynamic version

of the SGS turbulent dissipation has been developed by Martin et al. [92]. The effect

of SGS viscous dissipation in the energy equation is minimal and is about 5% of the

divergence of SGS heat flux [92]. Since the contribution of SGS viscous dissipation to

the total energy is small, EiSGSV D ≈ 0, the effect of this is neglected in this thesis. SGS Model for the Scalar Equation

The subgrid scalar flux, ΨSGS

gi and ΨSGS
vi , represent the effect of the unresolved

subgrid-scales in the gas and vapor species equation, respectively. These are defined as

gi = ρ̄m (ug
i Ygi − ũi Ỹgi ), (7.28)

vi = ρ̄m (ug
i Yvi − ũi Ỹvi ). (7.29)

These terms can be modeled either using a variety of models, e.g. [95, 101] or the

dynamic structure model of Chumakov et al. [28]. An eddy viscosity type approach

is considered in this thesis and is utilized for the SGS scalar flux of the gas and vapor

species equation. The SGS scalar fluxes are modeled as

ΨSGS e ∂ Yg ,
= −ρm CY g ∆2 |S| (7.30)
e ∂ Yv ,
= −ρm CY v ∆2 |S| (7.31)

where, in general, CY g 6= CY v are the eddy-viscosity coefficients, which can either be

assigned statically or computed dynamically [49, 92, 95]. However, note that in order

the continuity equation for the mixture to be automatically satisfied, the eddy viscosity

coefficients must be equal, CY g = CY v .

7.3 Large Eddy Simulation of a Plane Jet

To demonstrate the capabilities of the extended LES approach for modeling and

simulation of multiphase and multicomponent turbulent flows, LES of a plane jet is

performed. Numerical simulations of a plane jet are very common in single phase flow

[18, 31, 66, 67, 81, 82, 86, 91, 107], but not in multiphase and multicomponent flows.

In this section, numerical simulations of multiphase and multicomponent jet flows are

presented. In the simulation, the computational domain of the jet that is considered

is 40 mm x 30 mm x 4 mm with the corresponding computational grid of 120 x 160

x 16. The computational mesh is shown in Figure 7.1 with a zoom view near the jet

inlet shown in Figure 7.2. Note that this grid was chosen based on the information

provided by [81, 86]. The center of the jet inlet, having a width d = 1 mm , is located

at x = 0 mm and y = 0 mm. A uniform grid is used in the z direction with spacing

hz = 0.25. In the x direction, the grid is relatively fine between 0 mm and 2 mm with

spacing hx = 0.1 in order to have adequate numerical resolution of the inflow region,

and then stretched. In the y direction, the grid is relatively fine in the ±0.5 mm in

order to resolve the initial shear layer and then stretched on both sides of the inlet.

The inflow boundary condition, see Figure 7.3, is adopted from [67], which is a

top-hat mean velocity profile with a co-flow velocity of Uc = 0.1Uj , where Uj is the jet

velocity. A three-dimensional disturbance is applied to the streamwise and cross-flow

velocity at a single frequency and single spanwise wavenumber. For the outflow and

upper and lower sidewall boundaries, a non-reflecting boundary condition is used.




y [m]




0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040

x [m]

Figure 7.1: Computational grid on a x - y section.

y [m]

0.0000 d


Figure 7.2: Zoom view near the inlet region.




d Uj


Figure 7.3: Inflow boundary condition.

7.3.1 Single Phase LES of a Plane Jet

A single phase compressible plane jet with Mach number, Mj = 0.9 is considered.

The jet Reynolds number is Red = ρ∆Ūj d/µ ≈ 2000, where ∆Ūj is the velocity difference

between the two streams at the inflow, d is the slot width, and ρ and µ are the density

and viscosity of the jet, respectively. The properties of the gas that are used in the
kg N −s
simulations are ρ = 1.18 m3
and µ = 0.00089 m2
. The jet is strong since the co-flow

velocity is weak compared to the jet centerline velocity, which results in a strong shear

layer at the jet edges. The ratio of the jet slot width to the inflow momentum thickness

is 20. Also, the velocity ratio between the low-speed and high-speed streams is 0.1.
103 Computational Results

The profiles of the longitudinal velocity is shown in Figure 7.4. Similarity coordi-

nates are used with the transverse y direction normalized by the jet half-width and the

jet velocity difference with respect to the small co-flow normalized by its value at the

centerline. The velocity is obtained by taking the average velocity along the span-wise

direction at different stream-wise location, and then computing the average velocity at

different time intervals. As can be seen in Figure 7.4, the longitudinal mean veloc-

ity profile near the inflow is almost flat and then downstream, for x > 20, develops

rapidly to self-preserving profiles. In addition, figure 7.5 shows the profiles of stream-

wise fluctuation intensity at various locations. The profiles are nearly self-similar. The

fluctuations observed in the figure are due to insufficient sampling sizes. The profiles of

the longitudinal velocity and turbulence intensity are in good agreement although not

plotted, with the experiment and simulation [81].

The early evolution of the jet, plotted with an iso-surface contour of the magnitude

of vorticity, is shown in Figure 7.6. The development of the shear layer instabilities,

which causes the generation of the Kelvin Helmholtz rollers is observed. The inception

of flow instabilities and the amplification of fluctuating vorticity tends to further confine

the vorticity. The disturbance of a vortex sheet continues to grow as the jet propagates in

the stream-wise direction. The development of the jet is characterized by the dynamics

of large scale vortex rings, and by strong vortex interactions that leads to a more

disorganized flow regime [52]. The formation of the jet depends on the generation of

vorticity near the jet exit and the jet convection and diffusion. Furthermore, the jet

regime can be characterized by the Reynolds number. At moderately high Reynolds

numbers, laminar jets are not stable, even in the absence of density variation and

thermal effects, and rapidly develop into fully three-dimensional turbulent flows [137].

The vortex rollers continues to develop as the jet propagates downstream. The

Figure 7.4: Profiles of the longitudinal velocity at different streamwise locations.

Figure 7.5: Profiles of the streamwise turbulence intensity at different locations.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.6: Contours of the magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane at different time. (a)
t=5.0E-05sec., (b) 1.04E-04sec., (c) 1.4E-04sec., (d) 1.88E-04sec.

disturbance of the vortex rollers intensifies the fluctuation of the jet downstream. Figure

7.7 shows the evolution of the jet at time, t = 2.05E − 04 sec. The contour plot of the

magnitude of vorticity as shown in Figure 7.7 (a) illustrates the development of the

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The jet structure behaves as sinusoidal wave. This is

typical behavior for small density variations, where the most dominant unstable mode

is the sinusoidal mode. The velocity of the jet spreads downstream with a decreases

in momentum, and at the centerline the velocity oscillates in a sinusoidal wave. The

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.7: Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane, (b)

velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.05E-04sec.

contour plot of the magnitude of velocity is shown in Figure 7.7 (b). The jet diffuses

downstream and the magnitude of density decreases as can be seen in Figure 7.7 (c).

Series of recirculation zones on both sides of the jet due to the effect of vorticity and

the entrainment of the surrounding medium are observed. This is visible in the contour

plot of pressure field, see Figure 7.7 (d).


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.8: Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane, (b)

velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.60E-04sec.

The merging of the two unstable shear layers, which was observed in Figure 7.7

initiates the development of turbulent jet. This is illustrated in Figure 7.8. When the

two unstable shear layers merge, the jet breakups and the flow separates. The contour

plot of the magnitude of vorticity as shown in Figure 7.8 (a) illustrates the breakups of

the jet and the separations of the flow. The momentum of the jet decreases downstream

and the velocity of the jet spreads non-symmetrically. This can be observed in Figure

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.9: Snapshots of contours of the (a)magnitude of vorticity on an xy-plane, (b)

velocity, (c) density and (d) pressure at time, t=2.80E-04sec.

7.8 (b), which plots the contour of the jet velocity. In addition, the jet diffuses and the

magnitude of density continues to decrease due to the interaction of vortices as shown

in Figure 7.8 (c). Similarly, the magnitude of pressure field decreases due to an increase

of recirculations as observed in Figure 7.8 (d).

The turbulent structure of the jet including the formation of jet breakups and

separation of flows varies at different time. Figure 7.9 shows the evolution of turbulent

(a) (b)

Figure 7.10: Comparison of a snapshot of turbulent jet. (a) extended LES approach for
multiphase/multicomponent flows, (b) LES approach from [6].

jet at time, t = 2.80E − 04 sec. The formation of the jet breakups as shown in Figure

7.9 (a) differs from Figure 7.8 (a). The jet continues to loss momentum downstream as

can be seen in Figure 7.8 (b). It can also be noticed in Figure 7.8 (c) the decrease of

magnitude of density. Likewise, in Figure 7.8 (d), the decrease of magnitude of pressure

field is observed.

A qualitative comparison of the result of numerical simulation for turbulent jet

between the extended LES approach for multiphase/multicomponent flows and the LES

approach from [6] is shown in Figures 7.10 (a) and (b), respectively. A good agreement

of the results showing the structure of a turbulent jet is observed between the two


7.3.2 Multiphase/Multicomponent LES of a Plane Jet

A multiphase/multicomponent plane jet with Mach number, Mj = 0.9 with re-

spect to the gas is now considered. The jet is assumed to be a mixture of 80% liquid,

10% gas and 10% vapor by mass fraction. The jet exit through a gaseous medium. The

jet Reynolds number is Red = ρm ∆Ūj d/µm ≈ 2000, where ∆Ūj is the velocity differ-

ence between the two streams at the inflow, d is the slot width, and ρm and µm are the

mixture density and mixture viscosity of the jet, respectively. The fluid properties used

in the simulations are:

1. liquid (water) with density, ρl = 1000 kg/m3 and viscosity, µl = 0.00089 Pa-s.

2. gas1 (air) with density, ρg = 1.18 kg/m3 and viscosity, µg = 0.0000173 Pa-s.

3. gas2 (vapor) with density, ρv = 0.83 kg/m3 and viscosity, µv = 0.000013 Pa-s.

The velocity ratio between the low-speed and high-speed streams at the inflow is 0.1.

The ratio of the jet slot width to the inflow momentum thickness is 20. Computational Results

Results of numerical simulation for multiphase and multicomponent jet flows

demonstrate the capabilities of the extended LES approach for multiphase and multi-

component flows. The computational results confirm physically observed phenomena,

which shows that the extended LES approach works, at least qualitatively. Further test

will need to be done to confirm the model behavior quantitatively. In addition, the fully

dynamic models will need to be used.

Figure 7.11 shows the snapshots of the mass fraction of (a) liquid, (b) gas and

(c) vapor, at time t = 5.0E − 04 sec. The formation of the jet and the value of the

mass fraction are consistent for each phase/component. A mushroom-shape structure

is observed at the leading part of the jet. The jet spreads radially entraining the

surrounding gas. The entrainment of the surrounding gas is controlled by the speed of

the jet. The entrainment rate of the jet defines the rate of propagation of the interface

between rotational and irrotational fluid [137]. The corresponding contour plot of the

magnitude of vorticity, density, energy, pressure and velocity with vectors are shown in

Figures 7.11 (b-f), respectively. The body of the jet at the leading part becomes thin

(a) (b)


Figure 7.11: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=5.0E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) mass fraction of gas, (c) mass fraction of vapor.

as can be observed in Figures 7.11 (c) and (d). The thinning maybe be caused by the

kinematic requirements, or viscous extrusion [85]. The vorticity, see Figure 7.11 (b), at

the leading part of the jet develops recirculation of flows on both sides of the leading

part of the jet as can be seen in Figures 7.11 (e) and (f). In addition, the magnitude of

pressure and velocity in this region decreases.

The jet expands as it continues to propagate and the structure of the mushroom-

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 7.12: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=5.0E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity vectors.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 7.13: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=7.7E-04 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity vectors.

shape at the leading part of the jet starts to deform. Figure 7.13 plots the contour of the

mass fraction of liquid (a), magnitude of vorticity (b), density (c), energy (d), pressure

(e) and velocity with vectors (d) at time t = 7.7E − 04 sec. The body of the jet at

the leading part remains thin, see Figure 7.13 (a). The surface area of the jet reduces

due to axisymmetric deformation. The decrease of magnitude of density and energy is

observed in Figures 7.13 (c) and (d). The axial momentum of the jet decreases along

the jet axis. The magnitude of pressure, see Figure 7.13 (d), at the leading part of the

jet decreases also due to recirculation of flow as can be seen in Figure 7.13 (e).

In Figure 7.14, the contour of the mass fraction of liquid (a), magnitude of vor-

ticity (b), density (c), energy (d), pressure (e) and velocity with vectors (d) at time

t = 1.0E − 03 sec. is plotted. The leading part of the jet diffuses and expands in axial

direction. The mushroom-shape at the leading part is completely deformed and disin-

tegrated as can be observed in Figures 7.14 (a), (c) and (d). Flow recirculation on the

side of the leading part of the jet is still noticeable as shown in Figure 7.14 (f), which

corresponds to a decrease in pressure, see Figure 7.14 (e).

The imbalance between stabilizing and destabilizing forces in fluid motion results

to the instability of the jet [24]. In constant density, homogeneous, single phase flows,

such forces refers to viscous and inertial forces, when neglecting gravity and capillary

effects. The instability mechanisms corresponds to the emergence of various types of

vortex structures. For example, in thin shear layer flows, the basic instability processes

that takes place is the so-called Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, associated with an inflex-

ional velocity profile. On the other hand, in variable density fluid motions, the situation

is different because of the new mechanisms of vorticity generation by density gradients

in presence of pressure gradients.

Figures 7.15 and 7.16 show the instability of the jet at time t = 1.2E − 03

sec. and t = 1.4E − 03 sec., respectively, with the corresponding plot of (a) mass

fraction of liquid, (b) magnitude of vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e) pressure and

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 7.14: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.0E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity vectors.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 7.15: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.2E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity vectors.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 7.16: Snapshots of multiphase jet at time, t=1.4E-03 sec.(a) mass fraction of
liquid, (b) vorticity, (c) density, (d) energy, (e), pressure and (f) velocity vectors.

(f) velocity with vectors. The instability of the jet is characterized by the unstable

varicose mode [30, 34, 85] as can be seen in Figures 7.15 (a) and 7.16 (a). Rayleigh [106]

have studied the hydrodynamic stability of a free liquid jet in air and have observed the

symmetric instability of the jet, which he described as varicose. In addition, the pressure

of the surrounding gas and the shear fluctuations provides energy to the disturbance in

varicose mode instability. The unstable disturbances propagates in both the upstream

and downstream direction accompanied by a pressure fluctuation. Furthermore, the

deformation of the jet depends on several factors including: (1) the non-uniformity of

the velocity of the jet, (2) the interaction of the jet with the surrounding gas, and

(3) the viscosity of the jet. Also, turbulence controls the transfer of axial and radial

momentum, which can modify the shape of the jet.

The transition from instability to turbulence depends on the boundary and initial

conditions applied to the flow field. A reflection of wave from the outer boundary was

observed (results not shown) after continuing the jet to propagate the outer boundary.

The reflection is caused by the use of one-dimensional characteristic outflow boundary

conditions, which are known to cause strong reflection waves in highly nonuniform region

of the flow such as wake. Furthermore, the flow has high density variations and subsonic

flow condition with very low speed of sound of the mixture. Note that the jet was a

mixture of liquid, gas and vapor with a corresponding mixture speed of sound to about

25 m/s. The reflection was not experienced before in Chapter 6 because the simulations

were performed at supersonic condition.

Chapter 8

Conclusions and Future Research

This chapter concludes the thesis with a summary of the computational capa-

bilities of the new developed analytical and computational approach for modeling and

numerical simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows. Possible extensions of

the work are also outlined in this chapter.

8.1 Concluding Remarks

A general approach for modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase and mul-

ticomponent, compressible and incompresible flows, which can be applied to a variety

of flow configurations including shock waves, cavitation, single and multi-phase turbu-

lent flows has been successfully developed. The approach is flexible and can have an

arbitrary number of components in each phase using either Euler or Navier-Stokes for-

mulation. The modeling and computational approach developed in this thesis is flexible

enough to incorporate a variety of different cavitation and/or turbulence models. The

new developed approach for multiphase and multicomponent flows does not require an

ad hoc closure for the variation of mixture density with regards to the attendant pres-

sure and yields a thermodynamically accurate value for the mixture speed of sound.

A good agreement of the value of mixture speed of sound was observed between the

derived speed of sound based on the proposed mixture model (2.50) and the experi-

mental data of Karplus [72]. The predicted mixture speed of sound was also compared

to Refs. [3, 4, 35, 74, 143] and in good agreement. The accuracy of the value of the

speed of sound of the mixture is very important in modeling and numerical simulation

of multiphase and multicomponent flows.

The analytical solution of the governing equations of the mixture is very useful for

validation and verification of the accuracy of the new developed approach, especially if

no available experimental data. However, the governing equations of the multiphase and

multicomponent mixture are not possible to solved analytically for arbitrary mixtures.

The equation of state for each component must be carefully chosen, if an exact solution

is to be found. To obtain an exact solution of the mixture equations, a novel “idealized”

fluid mixture model was developed, which allows the derivation of an exact solution for

the multiphase and multicomponent Riemann problem in one dimension. A number

of existing benchmark problems for single phase and multicomponent flows become a

subset of this new model.

The Roe and HLLC approximate Riemann solver, originally developed for single-

phase single-component fluids, was successfully extended to multiphase and multicom-

ponent fluids and used to capture shock waves and contact discontinuities. The accuracy

of the proposed numerical method and physical model were verified and validated by

solving a number of test problems. Three classical benchmark problems (single-phase

two-component shock tube, shock-wave propagation in a single-phase two-component

fluid, and single-phase shock-bubble interaction) and two novel benchmark problems

for the idealized fluid-mixture model (two-phase shock-tube and two-phase rarefaction

problems) were presented. For all problems allowing an exact solutions, good agreement

between numerical and exact solutions was observed. For the case of single-phase shock-

bubble interaction problem, the numerical results were compared with the experiments

by [53] and the simulations by [105], and exhibited good agreement.

The new developed analytical and computational approach for modeling and sim-

ulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows was successfully applied to simulate


high pressure and supersonic multiphase and multicomponent free surface jet flows.

Shock wave generation in a gaseous medium, which was observed by MacPhee et al.

[89] using a synchrotron x-radiography and a fast x-ray detector in their experiments,

was successfully captured in the simulation. The results of the simulation compliment

the experiments and provide useful information for better understanding of the complex

structure of the jet close to the nozzle region.

The flexibility of the new developed general approach to incorporate a variety of

cavitation model was demonstrated by integrating the cavitation model proposed by

Hosangadi et al. [64] into the general framework. The approach with the incorporated

cavitation model was tested to perform simulation of multiphase and multicomponent

cavitating nozzle jet flow through a gaseous medium. The results of the numerical

simulation captures the cavitation process in the nozzle orifice and shows the influence

of cavitation to the external jet formation. It was observed that the time scale of the

internal cavitation dynamics is in the order of 10 µs, which confirms the assertion of

Yuan et al. [155]. It was found out also that the discharge of the nozzle is strongly

dependent on the cavitation process and the magnitude of the bubble cavities. When

the inflow condition is fluctuated, it was noticed that the cavitation separates the flow

inside the nozzle injector and intensifies the unsteadiness of the external jet formation.

Furthermore, It was believed that downstream the nozzle and the reattachment region,

turbulence affect the breakup and coalescence of the collapsing bubble cavities.

The new developed general approach was successfully extended for modeling and

numerical simulation of turbulent multiphase and multicomponent flows. The flexibility

of the approach to incorporate a variety of turbulence model was demonstrated by

incorporating the extended large eddy simulation (LES) methodology for multiphase

and multicomponent flows into the general framework. The capability of the extended

LES for multiphase and multicomponent flows was examined by conducting a numerical

simulation of turbulent plane jet in both single phase and multiphase/multicomponent


flow regime. The results of the numerical simulation provide a very useful information

in understanding the behavior of a turbulent plane jet. The computational results

confirm physically observed phenomena including the generation of vortex rollers and

development of jet instability. It was also found out that the deformation of the jet

depends on several factors including: (1) the non-uniformity of the velocity of the jet,

(2) the interaction of the jet with the surrounding gas, and (3) the viscosity of the jet.

Computational Capabilities

The following summarizes the capabilities of the new developed analytical and

computational approach for modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase and mul-

ticomponent flows;

1. Numerical Capabilities:

(a) Finite Volume Method,

(b) Multiphase and Multicomponent Mixture Formulation,

(c) Euler and Navier-Stokes Formulation,

(d) Coupled Incompressible-Compressible Solver,

(e) Unstructured Mesh Formulation,

(f) Serial and Parallel Code,

2. Physical Capabilities:

(a) Steady and Transient Flows,

(b) Laminar and Turbulent Flows,

(c) Steady and Unsteady Cavitation,

(d) Shock Wave Generation,

(e) Subsonic and Supersonic Flows,

(f) Transport of Species (Passive and Active Scalar).


8.2 Future Research

The research presented in this thesis could be extended in three main directions:

further development of numerical methodology, model improvements, and technological


Algorithm development. Current explicit formulation of the method put a

great constraint on time step. Implicit implementation would remove this limitation

and make it more robust and computationally efficient. Another area of improvement

is the use of adaptive mesh refinement strategies. This is especially important in the

regions with large density contrast or contact discontinuity. Having an ability to have

fine mesh along the interphase boundary will drastically decrease the error and improve

the quality of the results. A good candidate for the extension of the algorithm is

an adaptive wavelet collocation method [144, 145, 146]. In addition, the present one-

dimensional characteristic outflow boundary conditions need to be improved by making

use of non-linear multi-dimensional characteristic boundary conditions and/or applying

the sponge layer technique.

Model Development. There are many types of cavitation and turbulence mod-

els available. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses in simulation of a partic-

ular flow configuration. Thus, it could be possible to incorporate a variety of cavitation

and/or turbulence model into the new developed general approach for modeling and

simulation of multiphase and multicomponent flows. Consequently, perform numerical

simulations of different flow configurations and conduct a qualitative and quantitative

analysis for different types of cavitation and/or turbulence models. With regards to

the turbulence model, the current subgrid-scale model (SGS) implemented in the LES

methodology is of eddy-viscosity type. A dynamic subgrid-scale model of both eddy

and non-eddy viscosity type for multiphase and multicomponent flow needs to be added

in the approach in order to avoid ad hoc treatment of the model coefficients.


Applications. The approach needs to be applied to problems of engineering

interest to demonstrate technological applications of the new developed analytical and

computational approach for modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase and mul-

ticomponent flows. Examples of engineering applications for which the new developed

general approach for numerical modeling and simulation of multiphase and multicom-

ponent flows could be advantageously applied are in diesel and gasoline fuel injection

systems, liquid jet-machining, thermal and plasma spray coating, and gas and oil trans-

port. In addition, the approach could also be utilized for biomedical applications such

as blood flow, drug/gene delivery, and shock wave lithotripsy.


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