Class XII Practical List
Class XII Practical List
Class XII Practical List
SESSION 2021-22
Experiment No. 1
3. Write a query to display all the records with all the columns.
4. Write a query to display EmpName and Sal of employees whose salary are greater than or equal
to 2200
5. Write a query to display details of employs who are not getting commission.
6. Write a query to display employee name and salary of those employees who don’t have their salary in
range of 2500 to 4000.
7. Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains “A” as third alphabet in
Ascending order of employee names.
8. Write a query to display the ename and sal with 50% of sal as DA.
9. Write a query to display details of employs with the text “Notgiven”, if commission is null.
10. Display the distinct job titles offered by the Organization.
11. Display the Names of employees who are working as Manager or Analyst.
12. Display the names of employees who joined on or after 01/05/1991.
13. Display the employee records in order by DOJ.
14. Display the Distinct Designation in the Organisation.
Experiment No. 2
Objective: Understanding the use of DDL commands.
Task:Write and Execute the SQL command for the following and also write the steps/commands
in Practical notebook.
1. Create table CUSTOMER as per following Table structure.
14. Consider the dataframe mks1 given below and write a program to calculate the Mode for each
ACCT 99 94 92 99
ECO 94 94 92 97
ENG 95 89 91 89
IP 94 87 99 94
MATHS 97 100 99 99
15. Consider the dataframe mks1 given below and write a program to calculate Median for each
ACCT 99 94 92 99
ECO 94 94 92 97
ENG 95 89 91 89
IP 94 87 99 94
MATHS 97 100 99 99
16. Consider the dataframe mks1 given below and write a program to calculate Average for each
ACCT 99 94 92 99
ECO 94 94 92 97
ENG 95 89 91 89
IP 94 87 99 94
MATHS 97 100 99 99
17. Consider the dataframe mks1 given below and write a program to calculate Maximum marks
scored in each subject across all sections.
ACCT 99 94 92 99
ECO 94 94 92 97
ENG 95 89 91 89
IP 94 87 99 94
MATHS 97 100 99 99
18. Marks is a list that stores marks of a student in 10 unit tests. Write aprogram to plot the students
performance in these 10 unit tests.
19. Write a python program to import excel file already created in python.
20. Write a program to plot a scatter graph taking a random distribution in X and Y(Both with shape
a 100) having randomly generated integers and plotted against each other.
21. Consider the following table and plot a bar chart from the medals won by Australia.
Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
Australia 80 56 15 151
England 20 23 26 69
India 36 22 35 93
Canada 15 58 12 85
South 12 36 32 80
22. TSS school celebrated volunteering week where each section of class XII dedicated a day for
collecting amount for charity being supported by the school. Section A volunteered on Monday,
B on Tuesday, C on Wednesday and so on. There are six section in class XII. Amount collected
by sections A to F are 8000,12000,9800,11200,15500,7300.
Write a program to create a pie chart showing collection amount section wise.
23. Three days price are available in three list as shown below:
Day 1 =[74.25,76.06,69.5,72.55]
Day 2 =[56.03,68.71,62.89,56.42]
Day 3 =[59.3,72.07,77,65,66.46]
Write a programme to create filled boxpolt from this data with their unique label.