Ahmad Hamidd Izomerization
Ahmad Hamidd Izomerization
Ahmad Hamidd Izomerization
Faculty of engineering
Refinery : assignment 3
Isomerization is the process by which one isomer is transformed into another one. Isomerization
creates a compound with a different atomic (group) structure, but the composition and molecular
weight remain unchanged. In the literature, isomerization is often referred to as rearrangement;
however, according to tradition, these are often referred to as name reactions (isomerization
processes). By changing the structure of the carbon skeleton, the isomerization process aims to
produce high-octane components of commercial gasoline from low-octane oil fractions. There
are two main types of isomeryIsomerization reactions are used extensively for production of both
lower and higher paraffins (isoalkanes). Branched C5-C6 paraffins have high octane numbers
and are good motor gasoline components. Isomerization is the process in which light straight
chain paraffins of low RON (C6, C5 and C4) are transformed with proper catalyst into branched
chains with the same carbon number and high octane numbers. The hydrotreated naphtha (HTN)
is fractionated into heavy naphtha between 90–190 °C (190–380 F) which is used as a feed to the
reforming unit. Light naphtha C5 - 80 °C (C5 - 180 F) is used as a feed to the isomerization unit.
There are two reasons for this fractionation: the first is that light hydrocarbons tend to
hydrocrack in the reformer. The second is that C6 hydrocarbons tend to form benzene in the
reformer. Gasoline specifications require a very low value of benzene due to its carcinogenic
According to the results of the studies the temperature increase at the inlet of the first
isomerization reactor above 150 ° C leads to a shift of the equilibrium towards the hydrocracking
side reactions. When the load of raw materials increases at the isomerization reactor unit, the
time of contact with the catalyst raw materials decreases, and the octane number of the resulting
isomerate reduces. The expected impact of the calculated load of raw materials on RON hexane
isomerate According to the results of the studies with increasing loading of raw materials per
2500 m / h RON isomerate reduces by 0.43 - 0.5 point depending on the feedstock composition.
1. Kravtsov A.V., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Kostenko A.V., Yurev E.M., Beskov V.S.
Mathematical Modeling of Hydrocarbon Raw Material Processing Processes, Catalysis in
Industry 2008;6:41 - 46.
2. https://nefthim.com/manual/Isomerization-process/
3. Chekantsev N.V., Gyngazova M.S., Ivanchina E.D., Mathematical modeling of light naphtha
(C5, C6) isomerization process. Chem. Eng. J. 2014;238:120 - 128.
4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13203-018-0204-y#Fig3
6. Gheit AKA, Ghoneim SA (2008) Catalysis in the petroleum naphtha catalytic reforming
process. J Rec Pat Chem Eng 1:113–125