Assessment in Learning 1 LoriMar

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1st Semester 2021 - 2022



Prepared by:

Romano C. Garcia

Table of Content…...…………………………………………………………………………………. .2
Instructor Information……………………………………………………………………………….... 3
Course Description……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Course Scope…………………………………………………………………………………………...3
Course Delivery Method…………….…………………………………………………………………3
Course Materials…………….………………………………………………………………………….4
Evaluation Procedures…………….……………………………………………………………………4
Course Outline…………….……………………………………………………………………………5
Chapter 1:
` Shift of Educational Focus from Content to Learning Outcomes……………...6
Chapter 2:
Determining the Progress Towards the Attainment of Learning
Chapter 3:
Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes………………………….7

Chapter 4:
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes……………………………………….8
Chapter 5:
Distinguishing and Constructing Various Paper-and-Pencil Tests…………..8
Chapter 6:
` Item Analysis and Validation………………………………………………...8


Chapter 7: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion/Variability………..10

Chapter 8: Grading Systems and the Grading System of the Department
Of Education……………………………………………………..

Credit Hour: 3

Instructor information
Instructor: Romano C. Garcia
Email: /
Phone: 0950-737-0097
Institution: CGCI

@2021 R.C. Garcia

Copyright Notice: This course pack may be used for the CGCI College Department’s educational
purposes. It includes extracts of works from outside sources which are duly cited and acknowledged
on this material. You may not copy or distribute any part of this course pack to any other person.
Where this course pack is provided to you in an electronic format you may only print from it for your
own use. You may not make a further copy for any other purpose.
All rights reserved.

Course Description

This a course is focused on the principles, development and utilization of conventional assessment
tools to improve the teaching-learning process. It emphasizes on the use of assessment of, as, and for,
in measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills in the cognitive, psychomotor or
affective domains. It allows students to go through the standard steps in test construction and
development and the application in grading systems.
Course Scope
This course is designed to achieve the TEACH format – Think, Experience, Assess, Challenge, and

Course Objectives
The pre-service teachers trained to be a professional beginning teacher should be able to show
knowledge, skills, and desirable attitudes and values in developing and using high quality written tests
in gathering, analyzing, interpreting, communicating, and reporting assessment data to improve
teaching and learning.

Course Delivery Method – First Semester (August – December 2021) due to COVID – 19

This course will be delivered via distance learning that will enable students to complete academic
work in a flexible manner, completely online which includes *synchronous and asynchronous
activities. Course materials and assess to an online learning management system will be made
available to each student. Students should respond to Forum questions in a given account
(accomplished in groups through threaded forum). Virtual class lectures through video conferences
will be conducted via Google Meet. Online assignments or activities will be submitted on the
accounts given by the instructor. Faculty will assist and support the students on the use of online
resources throughout this course.

Course Materials
Couse textbook and Related Readings:
Assessment in Learning 1. Lori Mar Publishing
Rosita L. Navarro, LPT, PhD
Rosita G. Santos, LPT, PhD
Brenda B. Corpuz, LPT, PhD

Fundamentals of Statistics

Diego M. Amid, Ph.D.


Evaluation Procedures

 Quizzes, activities, and assignments will be submitted once every term period at the school but
students should follow the protocol given by the school and the faculties.
 Quizzes, activities, and assignments will also be submitted through an email account or
messenger but students should follow the format given by the teacher.
 Late submission of quizzes, activities, and assignment have a deduction to their scores.

Grading System

Examination 40%
Quizzes/Activities 40%
Requirements/Recitation/Attendance 20%
TOTAL = 100%


 Please see the Students Handbook for full reference on all College policies.

Course Outline
1 -2  Shift of  Explain how the Chapter 1 Look at the
Educational change of emphasis Chapter 2 lesson below.
Focus from from content to
Content to outcomes in
Learning education led to the
Outcomes shift of focus of
 Determining teaching from the
the Progress subject matter to
Towards the the learner.
Attainment of  Illustrate examples
Learning of measurement,
Outcomes assessment and
evaluation in
determining the
progress of students
towards attaining
the desired learning

3 -5  Program  Differentiate program Chapter 3 Look at the

Outcomes and outcomes from student lesson below.
Student learning outcomes
Learning through examples.

6-9  Assessing  Give examples of Chapter 2: Look at the
Student learning outcomes in Lesson 4 lesson below
Learning the cognitive, Lesson 5
Outcomes psychomotor, and Lesson 6
 Distinguishing affective.
and  Explain the
Constructing principles in
Various assessing learning
Paper-and- outcomes through
Pencil Tests example and
 Item Analysis illustrations.
and  A. Distinguish the
Validation meaning and uses of:
- item analysis
- validity
- difficulty index
- discrimination
B. Determine the
validity and
reliability of given
test items

10 - 13  Organization,  Organize test data Chapter 7 Look at the
Utilization, and using tables and lesson below
Communication graph
- Organization  Interpret
of test data frequency
using tables distribution of test
and graphs data
- Analysis,
, and use of
test data

 Organization  Analyze, interpret, Chapter 8 Look at the
of test data and use test data lesson below
using tables applying (a)
and graphs measures of central
 Analysis, tendency, (b)
interpretation , measures of
14 - 18
and use of test variability, (c)
data measures of
 Grading and position, (d)
Reporting of measures of
Test Results covariability.
 Assess and
learners’ level of
achievement and
through fair,
accurate, and
meaningful grading
and reporting


WEEK 1 to 5
CHAPTER 1: Shift of Educational Focus from Content to Learning Outcomes
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the types of assessment in learning.
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the types of a learning target.
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about on how to write a lesson plan.
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about writing objectives in a lesson plan.

On page 6 -9, please answer the 1.5. EXERCISES from A – E.

CHAPTER 2: Determining Progress Towards the Attainment of Learning Outcomes
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the assessment “for, of, as” learning.

On page 17 -19, please answer the 2.5. EXERCISES A, B, C, D, E, F, H.

CHAPTER 3: Program Outcomes and Student Learning Outcomes
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the understanding Bloom’s revised

On page 17 -19, please answer the 3.8. EXERCISES from A – C.

Deadline of Submission: On or before September 2021
Note: Write your answers in a short bond paper. Hand or type written (Font style: Times New
Roman; Font size: 12)


WEEK 6 – 9
CHAPTER 4: Assessing Student Learning Outcomes

On page 66 -68, please answer the 4.10. EXERCISES from A – I.

CHAPTER 5: Distinguishing and Constructing Various Paper-and-Pencil Tests

Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the steps in developing a table of
specification (TOS).

On page 92, please answer the EXERCISE II from A – J.
Note: In letter J, do the work individually.

CHAPTER 6: Item Analysis and Validation

Statistical analysis is required to determine the reliability of a measure. The very basis to
determine reliability is the use of linear regression.
Linear regression is demonstrated when you have two variables that are measured, such as two
set of scores in a test taken at two different times by the same participants.
The index of the linear regression is called correlation coefficient. When the point in the
scatterplot tend to fall within the linear line, the correlation is said to be strong. When the direction of
the scatterplot is directly proportional, the correlation coefficient will have a positive value. If the line

is inverse, the correlation coefficient will have a negative value. The statistical analysis used to
determine the correlation coefficient is called the Pearson r.

n ∑ XY −(∑ X )(∑Y )
r= 2 2 2 2
√[ n∑ X −( ∑ X ) ][ n ∑ Y −( ∑ Y ) ]

the value of a correlation coefficient does not exceed 1.00 or -1.00. a value of 1.00 and -1.00
indicates perfect correlation.

Try it! Activity 3

Suppose that a teacher gave the spelling of two-syllable words with 20 items for
Monday and Tuesday. The teacher wanted to determine the reliability of two set of scores by
computing for the Pearson r.

Monday Test Tuesday Test

X Y X2 Y2 XY
10 20
9 15
6 12
10 18
12 19
4 8
5 7
7 10
16 17
8 13
∑X = ∑Y = ∑X2 = ∑Y2 = ∑XY =

Please watch the video from youtube. This is about what is validity and reliability.
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about on how to compute difficulty index.
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about on how to compute Pearson r correlation.

On page 103 -106, please answer the 6.4. EXERCISES from A – J.

Deadline of Submission: On or before October 2021

Note: Write your answers in a short bond paper. Hand or type written (Font style: Times New
Roman; Font size: 12)


WEEK 10 – 13

CHAPTER 7: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion/Variability

Population – refers to the totality of all the elements or persons for which one has an interest
at a particular time. For example, the members of the faculty of a school, the graduating class, the
male student, etc.

Sample – is a part of a population determined by sampling procedures. It is usually denoted

by n.

Frequency Distribution Table

In statistics, numerical information may be treated as ungroup or group data. In both cases,
tabular presentation is very important. This tabular presentation of data is called the frequency
distribution table.

Consider the midyear test scores of 45 students in Mathematics VI

29 27 28 27 34 29 27 27 28
25 23 35 25 29 33 23 27 33
27 22 42 27 21 29 22 25 29
25 21 20 21 23 25 30 20 28
30 29 28 30 27 27 27 19 30

The table below shows the tabulation of the 45 scores treated as ungrouped data. The tally and
frequency for each score is also indicated.
Frequency → the number of values fall in each class

Test Scores of 45 Students in Mathematics VI

Score Tally Frequency(f)

42 I 1
35 I 1
34 I 1
33 II 2
30 Illl 4
29 lllll-l 6
28 llll 4
27 lllll-lllll 10
25 lllll 5
23 lll 3
22 ll 2
21 lll 3

20 ll 2
19 l 1

The scores may be tabulated as grouped data. Usually, data in great numbers are presented in
a frequency distribution table.

Here are the steps in constructing frequency distribution table.

1. Find the range (r). The range is the difference of the highest score minus the lowest score
In the given data above, the highest score is 42 and the lowest score is 19. The range is
r = 42 – 19 = 23.

2. Compute the number of classes. A class is a grouping or category. Statisticians said that the ideal
number of classes is between 5 and 15.
k = 1 + 3.322logn where n → is the total number of observation
n = 45
k = 1 + 3.322log45 = 6.49 → rounded up to whole number = 6
Therefore the number of classes is 6

3. To determine the number of classes, compute the class interval (i).Class interval, or simply
interval, is the size of each class. For convenience, intervals are rounded to the nearest integer.
In the example above,

range( r) 23
i= k
= 6 = 3.83 → rounded up to whole number = 4

Therefore the class interval is 4

4. Determine the classes starting with the lowest class. The lowest score is 19. The lowest class is 19
to 22, 19 + class interval (4) then there is always a minus 1. Hence, 19 + 4 – 1 = 23 - 1 = 22.
Therefore the lowest class is from 19 to 22. This is written as 19 – 22. In the class 19 – 22, 19 is
the lowest limit and 22 is the upper limit. The other classes are formed in the same manner. If 22
is the upper limit of the lowest class and 4 is the class interval, just simply add 4 to 22, 22 + 4 =
26, then 26 + 4 = 30, 30 + 4 = 34, 34 + 4 = 38, until you reach the highest score of 42, 38 + 4 =
42. Note that the constructed number of classes is 6 classes.
5. Determine the class frequency (f) for each class by counting the tally.

Test Scores of 45 Students in Mathematics VI

Classes Tally Frequency (f)

39 – 42 → highest/6th class l 1
35 – 38 → 5th class ll 1
31 – 34 → 4th class lll 3
27 – 30 → 3rd class lllll-lllll-lllll-lllll-lllI 24
23 – 26 → 2nd class lllll-llI 8
19 -22 → lowest/1st class lllll-lll 8
n = 45

The following numerical values are relevant in dealing with frequency distribution:

1) Class mark (x). It is the middle value in a class.

In the class 19 – 22, to compute the class mark, 19 + 22 = 41 ÷ 2 = 20.5

Note: the lower and upper limit should always divided by 2.

2) Class boundaries. Often described as the true limits because these are more precise expressions
of class limits. The lower boundary of a class is 0.5 less than its lower limit, and its upper
boundary is 0.5 more than its upper limit.
Note that 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39 are the lower limit and 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42 are the upper limit.

In the class 19 – 22, to compute the lower boundary (LB), lower limit minus 0.5, 19 – 0.5 =
18.5, therefore the lower boundary of 19 is 18.5
In the class 19 – 22, to compute the upper boundary (UB), upper limit plus 0.5, 22 + 0.5 =
22.5, therefore the upper boundary of 22 is 22.5

3) Relative frequency distribution. Shows the proportion in percent the frequency of each class to
the total frequency.
frequency (f )
Relative frequency (%f) = x 100
In the class 19 – 22, the corresponding frequency is 9, and the total number of frequency or n is
45, hence,

(%f) = x 100 = 17.78%

Note: Rounded up to 2 decimal places.

4) Cumulative frequency distribution. Tries to determine the partial sums from the data classified
in terms of classes. This distribution answers problems like the number of students who got a
passing mark; the number of employees who got efficiency rating from 76% to 95%, and so on.
2 Types of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
a. Less than cumulative frequency (<cf)
b. Greater than cumulative frequency (>cf)

Test Scores of 45 Students in Mathematics VI

Classes f x %f LB UB <cf >cf

1→ copy
the 1
39 – 42 1 40.5 1/45x100=2.22% 38.5 42.5 44 + 1=45 45
35 – 38 1 36.5 1/45x100=2.22% 34.5 38.5 43+1 = 44 44 1+1=2 2
31 – 34 3 32.5 3/45x100=6.67% 30.5 34.5 40+3=43 43 2+3=5 5
27 – 30 24 28.5 24/45x100=53.33% 26.5 30.5 16+24=40 40 5+24=29 29
23 – 26 8 24.5 8/45x100=17.78% 22.5 26.5 8+8=16 16 29+8=37 37
8 → copy
19 -22 8 20.5 8/45x100=17.78% 18.5 22.5 8 37+8=45 45
n = 45 ∑%f = 100%
The total should be
99.99% or 100%

∑ - sigma notation or summation, is used to denote the sum of values

Please watch the video from youtube. This is about how to construct # of classes, class
mark, relative frequency, class boundaries and cumulative frequency.

Activity 1

Test Scores Obtained by the 60 Students in a Statistical Class

48 73 57 69 88 11 80 82 57 57
46 70 45 75 81 33 65 38 59 49
94 59 36 58 69 45 55 58 65 62
30 49 29 41 53 37 35 61 48 73
22 51 55 60 37 56 59 57 36 56
12 36 63 68 30 56 70 53 28 50

Construct the frequency distribution table for grouped data.

Find and compute the following:
1) Number of classes
2) Frequency (f)
3) Class mark (x)
4) Relative frequency (%f)
5) Lower Boundary (LB)
6) Upper Boundary (UB)
7) <cf
8) >cf
9) Cumulative percentage
10) Construct histogram from the given scores
11) Draw a frequency polygon superimposed in the histogram you have done in f.
12) Using your data in cumulative percentage, draw a cumulative percentage polygon.

Deadline of passing: November 2021

Write your answers on short bondpaper.


- Presenting a set of data in a frequency distribution table can be summarizing by considering
one of the most important concepts in statistical investigation. The concept of central tendency
or averages. Most common used averages – mean, median, and mode.

Ungrouped data/raw data – are those data which are not yet organized or arranged into frequency

Mean for ungrouped data

Mean ( x̄) or x bar

 x̄ = where x – the observed value
n – the total # of items in the population or sample
Example 1:
Grade in Prelim – 87
Midterm – 90
Semi-Final – 88
Final – 85

By using the formula,

87+90+ 88+85 350 87.5
 x̄ =
= 4
= 4
= 88 Therefore, the final grade is 88

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Weighted Mean

⅀ wx
Formula: x= where x – represents the value of each item
w - represents the weight of each item

Example 2:
Subject # of Units(w) Grade(x) wx
Math 3 2.50 7.50 1. Multiply # of units(w) and grade(x)
Eng 3 2.75 8.25 2. Get the summation of w and x
Fil 3 2.00 6.00
Acctng 5 3.00 15.00 3. Get the summation of w or # of units
Rizal 3 1.75 5.25
3. Divide ∑wx by ∑w
PE 2 1.50 3.00
∑w = 19 ∑wx = 45

By using the formula,

x̄ = = 2.368 = 2.37 Therefore, the weighted mean or the grade in 1st semester or g.p.a is

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Mean for Grouped Data

There are 2 Methods:

1. Midpoint method
2. Unit deviation method

Midpoint Method

⅀ fx where: f – frequency
 x̄ =
n x – class mark

Example 3:
Classes Frequency(f) Class
fx 1. Multiply f and x
By using the formula,
83 – 94 2 88.5 177 2. Get the summation of f and fx
71 – 82 6 76.5 459
3174 ∑fx by n
59 – 70 14 64.5 903  x̄ 3.
= Divide= 52.9 up to 2 decimal places
47 – 58 19 52.5 997.5 60
35 – 46 11 40.5 445.5
23 – 34 5 28.5 142.5
11 – 22 3 16.5 49.5 Unit Deviation Method
n = 60 where: x a – assumed mean
∑fx = 3,174
f – frequency
d – unit deviation
i – class interval

x̄ = x a + ( ⅀fdn )i
Example 4:
Classes Frequency(f) d fd
83 – 94 2 88.5 3 6  To get column for fd,
71 – 82 6 76.5 2 12 How to get unit deviation
multiply f and d, then get
59 – 70 14 64.5 1 14 (d)?
the summation of fd
47 – 58 19 52.5 0 0 1. Put zero(0) to the
35 – 46 11 40.5 -1 - 11 corresponding highest
23 – 34 5 28.5 -2 - 10 frequency. The highest
11 – 22 3 16.5 -3 -9 frequency is 19.
n = 60 ∑fd = 2 2. Upward, write
consecutive positive
3. Downward, write consecutive negative integer.

How to get assumed mean ( x a)?

1. Get the opposite class mark(x) of the highest frequency. The assumed mean is 52.5

By using the formula,

x̄ = x a +
n( )i

x̄ = 52.5 + ( 602 ) 12 2 ÷ 60 = 0.0333… x 12 + 52.5 = 52.9

Median for Ungrouped data

The median of ungrouped data arrange in array (increasing or decreasing order of magnitude)
is the middle value when the number of items is odd or the arithmetic average of the two middle
values when the number of items in the distribution is even.
The median is usually denoted by mdn.

Example 5: Compute the median from the following set of scores; 6, 4, 5, 3 and 2.
Arrange first in ascending or descending order. If odd number
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The median is 4, which is the middle item.

Example 6: Find the median of the following set of item: 8, 12, 5, 6, 15, and 13.
Arrange first in ascending or descending order. If even number

5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15

8+12 20
Mdn =
= 2
= 10

Median for Grouped Data

Formula for Median: Mdn = lbmc + 2
−¿ cf
f mc
( )
lbmc – lower boundary of the median class
n – total frequency
<cfb – cumulative frequency of the class before the median class
f mc – frequency of the median class

i – size of the class interval

The median class is the class limit which contains the value
Example 6:
<cfb Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
83 – 94 2 82.5 94.5 60
71 – 82 6 70.5 82.5 58
59 – 70 14 58.5 70.5 52
Median class 47 – 58 19 46.5 58.5 38
35 – 46 11 34.4 46.5 19
23 – 34 5 22.5 34.4 8
To obtain 11 – 22 3 10.5 22.5 3 the median
class: n = 60
n 60
First solve for = =
2 2
Then locate where the 30th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the less
than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.
The median class is the 47 – 58 class interval.

Using the formula,

:Mdn = lbmc + 2
( )
−¿ cf
f mc

= 46.5 + 2
( )

= 46.5 + ( 19 )
30 – 19 = 11 ÷ 19 = 0.578947368 x 12 + 46.5 = 53.447 or 53.45

The median is 53.45

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

 Take note that 53.45 is covered to class interval 47 – 58.

Mode for Ungrouped Data

The mode for ungrouped data is defined as the value that appears with the highest
frequency. That is, the item that appears most often, usually denoted by Mo.

Example 6: Find the mode of the following set of items.

4, 7, 11, 6, 4, 8, 5, 2, 9
Solution: The mode is 4. It is uni-modal

Example 7: Determine the mode of the following distribution.

12, 15, 21, 9, 6, 15, 11, 8, 9, 5
Solution: The modes are 15 and 9. It is bimodal

Example 8: Find the mode of the following set of items.

17, 4, 5, 17, 4, 8, 5, 17, 18, 3, 5, 8, 4, 11, 3, 19, 21, 18, 12, 5, 8, 3, 19, 17, 21, 18, 19, 4, 18
Solution: The modes are 18, 17, 5, & 4. It is multimodal
Example 9: Determine the mode for the items 12,23,9,17,27,24,15,19,10,29
Solution: Mode doesn’t exist or there is no mode.
Mode for Grouped Data
The mode of a grouped data is defined as the midpoint of the class interval with the highest
frequency (modal class). The mode obtained in this manner is called a crude mode, because it is just a
rough approximation of the actual mode. So, to determine the true mode, we use the formula
Mo = lbmc + ( d 1 +d 2)i

lbmc – lower boundary of the modal class
d1 – difference of the frequency preceding the modal class
d2 – difference of the frequency after the modal class
i – size of the class interval

The modal class is the class interval with the highest frequency.
Example 9: Find the mode of the frequency distribution of length of service in years of 50 employees
of United Laboratories Inc.

Classes Frequency(f) boundary
31 – 35 3 30.5
26 – 30 4 25.5
21 – 25 6 20.5
Modal class 16 – 20 13 15.5
11 – 15 12 10.5
6 – 10 7 5.5
1–5 5 0.5
n = 50

d1 → 13 - 12 = 1
d2 → 13 – 6 = 7

Using the formula,

Mo = lbmc + ( d 1 +d 2
i) d1 = 1 d2 = 7

Mo = 15.5 + ( 1+71 )5

Mo = 15.5 + ( 18 )5 1 ÷ 8 = 0.125 x 5 + 15.5 = 16.125 or 16.13

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Mo = 16.13

Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the mean, median, and mode for grouped


A. Compute for the mean, median, and mode of each set of ungrouped data.
1) 13.2,11.5,14.8,12.6,10.2,11.2,11.1,10.1,10.4
2) 140,142,138,107,121,115,110,121,130,126,128,130,121
3) 62,49,60,49,57,50,55,50,52,52,52
4) 3.2,1.5,4.8,2.6,1.5,2.6,0.2,1.2,1.1,0.1,0.4,0.6
5) 121,130,128,126,126,130,121,140,138,107,121,142,115,110

B. Determine the weighted mean grade of Fernando in First Semester.

Subject `Grade Weight

Calculus I 2.25 5
Calculus II 2.5 5
English II 1.75 3
Filipino 10 1.25 3
Statistics and Probability 1.75 3
Philosophy 2.25 3
Mathematics of Investment 2.25 3
Accounting 2 2.00 6
PE 2 1.5 2

o Round up your final answers to 2 decimal places.


Construct a frequency distribution of ages of 150 qualified voters in a certain barangay were taken
and are shown below.

23 43 34 56 43 21
20 54 70 23 66 34
20 63 53 44 33 49
29 49 54 48 49 35
31 41 62 71 70 38
43 27 46 45 58 60
23 41 40 60 37 26 class interval = 7
56 70 24 71 18 54
26 47 18 54 63 47
34 18 19 43 60 18
27 23 43 56 68 72
45 26 32 39 34 54
41 20 30 50 27 31
23 43 67 72 22 54
73 54 43 51 23 54
60 32 19 58 73 53
26 53 47 38 62 52
25 54 68 58 37 51
58 49 26 32 38 29
37 48 56 57 46 39
26 20 60 70 68 71
35 42 51 61 64 59
27 64 38 52 46 44
71 66 33 55 57 29
22 32 31 19 72 22

Compute the following:

1) Mean for grouped data
a. Midpoint method
b. Unit deviation method
2) Median for grouped data
3) Mode for grouped data

Round off your final answers to 2 decimal places.

Make a table as shown below.
Classes Frequency(f) LB UB <cf fx d fd

n ∑fx ∑fd

o Round up your final answers to 2 decimal places.


Measures of Position
Variance and Standard Deviation for Ungrouped Data

2(∑ x ) 2 (∑ x ) 2
∑x − ∑x −
σ2 = n and S2 = n
N n−1

where: σ2 is the population variance

S2 is the sample variance
The standard deviation is obtained by taking the positive square root of the variance.

Population standard deviation: δ = √ δ 2

Sample deviation: Sd = √ S 2
Note that the denominator in the formula for population variance is N but that in the
formula for sample variance is n – 1. The reason is the sample variance underestimates the
population variance when the denominator in the samples formulas for variance is n.
However, the sample variance does not underestimate the population variance if the
denominator in the sample formula for variance is n – 1.
Calculating the variance and standard deviation for ungrouped data.

Example 10:
The following table lists of the annual energy cost (in peso) of five basic top freezer
models of refrigerators.

Weekly Energy Cost

Refrigerator Model (Pesos)
Sharp 71
National 81
Samsung 79
White Westinghouse 93
Whirlpool 76
∑x = 400

Find the variance and standard deviation for data on weekly energy costs.

Step 1. Calculate ∑x which is 400

Step 2: The value of ∑ x 2 is obtained by squaring each value of x

Refrigerator Model x x2
Sharp 71 5041
National 81 6561
Samsung 79 6241
White Westinghouse 93 8649
Whirlpool 76 5776
∑x = 400 ∑ x = 32,268
Step 3. Determine the variance
Substitute all the values in the variance formula and simplify. Because the data belong
to a sample of five refrigerators, we use the formula for the sample variance.

(∑ x ) 2 4002 32,268− 160,000 32,268−32,000 268

∑ x2 − 32,268−
S2 = n = 5 = 5 = = = 67 Rounded up to 2
4 4
n−1 5−1 4 decimal places

Step 4: Obtain the standard deviation by taking the positive square root of the variance.

S = √ 67 = P8.19
Rounded up to 2 decimal places

The standard deviation of the weekly energy costs of these 5 refrigerators is P8.19

Variance and Standard Deviation for Grouped Data

2 ( ∑fx ) 2 ( ∑ fx ) 2
∑f x − ∑ fx −
σ2 = N and S2 = N
N n−1

where: f – frequency
x – classmark

Example 11:
The following table, gives the frequency distribution of the daily commuting time (in
minutes) from home to work for all 25 employees of a company.

Commuting Time f x fx fx2
to less
x 2 than 50 2 45 90 4,050
30 to less than 40 4 35 140 4,900
20 to less than 30 6 25 150 3,750
10 to less than 20 9 15 135 2,025
0 to less than 10 4 5 20 100
N = 25 ∑fx = 535 ∑fx = 14,825

 To fill up the column for fx, multiply f by x, the get the summation of fx.
 To fill up the column for fx2, squared first the value of x then multiply by f, then get the
summation of fx2.

 Calculate the variance

Because the data set includes all 25 employees of the company, it represents the
population. Therefore, we will use the formula for the population variance. Thus,

( ∑fx ) 2 ( 535 ) 2 ( 535 ) 2

2 286,225
2 ∑f x − 14,825− 14,825− 14,825−
σ= N = 25 = 25 = 25
N 25 25 25

14,825−11,449 3376
= = = 135.04
25 25 Rounded up to 2 decimal places

 Calculate the standard deviation

δ = √ σ 2 = √ 135.04 = 11.62 minutes

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Thus, the standard deviation of the daily commuting times for these employees is 11.62

Example 12:
The following table gives the frequency distribution of the number of orders received
each day during the past 50 days at the office.

Number of Orders f
19 – 21 14
16 – 18 20

13 – 15 12
10 - 12 4

Calculate the variance and standard deviation

Number of
f x fx fx2
19 – 21 14 20 280 5,600
16 – 18 20 17 340 5,780
13 – 15 12 14 168 2,352
10 - 12 4 11 44 484
N = 50 ∑fx = 832 ∑fx2 = 14,2126

Because the set includes only 50 days. It represents a sample. Hence, we will
use the sample formulas to calculate the variance and standard deviation. But substituting the values
in the formula for the sample variance, we obtain

2 ( ∑ fx ) 2 ( 832 ) 2 14,216− 692,224

∑ fx − 14,216− 14,216−13,844.48
S2 = N = S2 = 50 = 50 =
n−1 50−1 49

= = 7.58
49 Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Hence, the standard deviation is

Sd = √ S 2 = √ 7.58 = 2.75 orders

Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Thus, the standard deviation of the number of orders received at the office during the
past 50 days is 2.75.

Another shortcut formula or unit deviation method is

S2 =
( ∑ fd ) 2
∑ fd 2−
n . i2 where: d – unit deviation
i – size of the class interval

To apply this formula, we recall the computation for the mean of grouped data.

Number of
f d fd fd2
19 – 21 14 1 14 14
16 – 18 20 0 0 0
13 – 15 12 -1 -12 12
10 - 12 4 -2 -8 16 (-2)2 x 4
N = 50 ∑fd = - 6 ∑fd2 = 42

1. Multiply f and d
2. Get the summation of fd

How to get unit deviation (d)?

1. Put zero(0) to the corresponding highest frequency. The highest frequency is 20.
2. Upward, write consecutive positive integer.
3. Downward, write consecutive negative integer.

Using the formula,

( ∑ fd ) 2
. (−6 ) 2
. . . .
2 36
∑ fd − 42− 42− 42−0.72 41.28
S2 = n i2 = 50 3 =2 50 9= 9 = 49 9
n−1 50−1 49

41.28 ÷ 49 = 0.842448979 x 9 = 7.58 Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Sd = √ 7.58 = 2.75
Rounded up to 2 decimal places
Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the standard deviation for grouped data.

Coefficient of Variation

The coefficient of variation, denoted by CV, express standard deviation as a

percentage of the mean and is computed as follows.

Standard deviation
CV = x 100%

For population data: CV = x 100%

For sample data: CV = x 100%

Note that the coefficient of variation does not have any units of measurement as it is
always as a percent.

Example 13:
The semiannual salaries of all employees working for a company has mean of
P42,350 and standard deviation of P3,820. The years of schooling for the same employees
has a mean of 15 years and a standard deviation of 2 years. Is the relative of variation in the
salaries higher or lower than that in years of schooling for these employees?


Because the two variables (salary and years of schooling) have different units of
measurement (pesos and years, respectively), we cannot compare the standard deviations.
Hence, we calculate the coefficient of variation for each data set.

σ 3,820
CV for salaries = x 100% = x 100% = 9.02% Rounded up to 2 decimal
μ 42,350

σ 2
CV for schooling = x 100% = x 100% = 13.33% Rounded up to 2 decimal places
μ 15

Thus, the standard deviation of salaries is 9.02% of its mean and that for years of
schooling is 13.33% of its mean. Since the coefficient of variation for salaries has a lower
value than the coefficient of variation for years of schooling, the salaries have a lower
relative spread than the years of schooling.


For 50 airplanes that arrived late at an airport during a week, the time by which they were late
was observed. In the following table, x denote the time (in minute) by which an airplane was late and
f denotes the number of airplanes.
x f
80 to less than 100 4
60 to less than 80 5
40 to less than 60 9
20 to less than 40 18
0 to less than 20 14

Find the variance and standard deviation for grouped data and the coefficient of variation.
Round up your final answers into 2 decimal places.

Date of Submission: On or before November 2021

Write your answers in a short bond paper.


Normal Distribution

Data can be "distributed" (spread out) in different ways.

It can be spread out

more on the left Or more on the right

Or it can be all jumbled up

But there are many cases where the data tends to be around a central value with no bias left or right,

and it gets close to a "Normal Distribution" like this:

A Normal Distribution

The "Bell Curve" is a Normal Distribution.

And the yellow histogram shows some data that
follows it closely, but not perfectly (which is usual).

It is often called a "Bell Curve"

because it looks like a bell.

Many things closely follow a Normal Distribution:

 heights of people
 size of things produced by machines
 errors in measurements
 blood pressure
 marks on a test

We say the data is "normally distributed":

The Normal Distribution has:

 mean = median = mode
 symmetry about the center
 50% of values less than the mean
and 50% greater than the mean

Standard Deviations

The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are (read that page for details on
how to calculate it).

When we calculate the standard deviation we find that generally:

68% of values are within

1 standard deviation of the mean

95% of values are within

2 standard deviations of the mean

99.7% of values are within

3 standard deviations of the mean

Example: 95% of students at school are between 1.1m and 1.7m tall.

Assuming this data is normally distributed can you calculate the mean and standard deviation?

The mean is halfway between 1.1m and 1.7m:

Mean = (1.1m + 1.7m) / 2 = 1.4m

95% is 2 standard deviations either side of the mean (a total of 4 standard deviations) so:

1 standard deviation = (1.7m-1.1m) / 4

  = 0.6m / 4
  = 0.15m
And this is the result:

It is good to know the standard deviation, because we can say that any value is:

 likely to be within 1 standard deviation (68 out of 100 should be)

 very likely to be within 2 standard deviations (95 out of 100 should be)
 almost certainly within 3 standard deviations (97 out of 100 should be)

Standard Scores
The number of standard deviations from the mean is also called the "Standard Score", "sigma" or
"z-score". Get used to those words!
Example: In that same school one of your friends is 1.85m tall

You can see on the bell curve that 1.85m is 3 standard deviations from the mean of 1.4, so:

Your friend's height has a "z-score" of 3.0

It is also possible to calculate how many standard deviations 1.85 is from the mean

How far is 1.85 from the mean?

It is 1.85 - 1.4 = 0.45m from the mean

How many standard deviations is that? The standard deviation is 0.15m, so:

0.45m / 0.15m = 3 standard deviations

So to convert a value to a Standard Score ("z-score"):

 first subtract the mean,

 then divide by the Standard Deviation

And doing that is called "Standardizing":

We can take any Normal Distribution and convert it to The Standard Normal Distribution.

Example: Travel Time

A survey of daily travel time had these results (in minutes):

26, 33, 65, 28, 34, 55, 25, 44, 50, 36, 26, 37, 43, 62, 35, 38, 45, 32, 28, 34

The Mean is 38.8 minutes, and the Standard Deviation is 11.4 minutes. Convert the values to z-
scores ("standard scores").

To convert 26:

first subtract the mean: 26 − 38.8 = −12.8,

then divide by the Standard Deviation: −12.8/11.4 = −1.12

So 26 is −1.12 Standard Deviations from the Mean

Here are the first three conversions

Standard Score
Original Value Calculation
26 (26-38.8) / 11.4 = −1.12
33 (33-38.8) / 11.4 = −0.51
65 (65-38.8) / 11.4 = +2.30
... ... ...

And here they are graphically:

You can calculate the rest of the z-scores yourself!

The z-score formula that we have been using is:

z = x − μσ

 z is the "z-score" (Standard Score)

 x is the value to be standardized
 μ ('mu") is the mean
 σ ("sigma") is the standard deviation

And this is how to use it:

Example: Travel Time (continued)

Here are the first three conversions using the "z-score formula":

z = x − μσ

 μ = 38.8
 σ = 11.4

x x − μσ

26 26 − 38.811.4 = −1.12

33 33 − 38.811.4 = −0.51

65 65 − 38.811.4 = +2.30

... ... ...

The exact calculations we did before, just following the formula.

Why Standardize ... ?

It can help us make decisions about our data.

Example: Professor Willoughby is marking a test.

Here are the students' results (out of 60 points):

20, 15, 26, 32, 18, 28, 35, 14, 26, 22, 17

Most students didn't even get 30 out of 60, and most will fail.

The test must have been really hard, so the Prof decides to standardize all the scores and only fail
people more than 1 standard deviation below the mean.

The Mean is 23, and the Standard Deviation is 6.6, and these are the Standard Scores:

-0.45, -1.21, 0.45, 1.36, -0.76, 0.76, 1.82, -1.36, 0.45, -0.15, -0.91

Now only 2 students will fail (the ones lower than −1 standard deviation)

Much fairer!

It also makes life easier because we only need one table (the Standard Normal Distribution Table),
rather than doing calculations individually for each value of mean and standard deviation.

Example: Your score in a recent test was 0.5 standard deviations above the average, how many
people scored lower than you did?
 Between 0 and 0.5 is 19.1%
 Less than 0 is 50% (left half of the curve)

So the total less than you is:

50% + 19.1% = 69.1%

In theory 69.1% scored less than you did (but with real data the percentage may be different)

A Practical Example: Your company packages sugar in 1 kg bags.

When you weigh a sample of bags you get these results:

 1007g, 1032g, 1002g, 983g, 1004g, ... (a hundred measurements)

 Mean = 1010g
 Standard Deviation = 20g

Some values are less than 1000g ... can you fix that?

The normal distribution of your measurements looks like this:

31% of the bags are less than 1000g,

which is cheating the customer!

It is a random thing, so we can't stop bags having less than 1000g, but we can try to reduce it a lot.

Let's adjust the machine so that 1000g is:

 at −3 standard deviations:

From the big bell curve above we see that 0.1% are less. But maybe that is too small.

 at −2.5 standard deviations:

Below 3 is 0.1% and between 3 and 2.5 standard deviations is 0.5%, together that is 0.1% +
0.5% = 0.6% (a good choice I think)

So let us adjust the machine to have 1000g at −2.5 standard deviations from the mean.

Now, we can adjust it to:

 increase the amount of sugar in each bag (which changes the mean), or
 make it more accurate (which reduces the standard deviation)

Let us try both.

Adjust the mean amount in each bag

The standard deviation is 20g, and we need 2.5 of them:

2.5 × 20g = 50g

So the machine should average 1050g, like this:

Adjust the accuracy of the machine

Or we can keep the same mean (of 1010g), but then we need 2.5 standard deviations to be equal to

10g / 2.5 = 4g

So the standard deviation should be 4g, like this:


Write the answers before the number.

1. 95% of students at school weigh between 62 kg and 90 kg.

Assuming this data is normally distributed, what are the mean and standard deviation?

A. Mean = 66 kg
S.D. = 7 kg

B. Mean = 76 kg
S.D. = 7 kg
C. Mean = 86 kg
S.D. = 7 kg

D. Mean = 76 kg
S.D. = 14 kg

2. A machine produces electrical components.

99.7% of the components have lengths between 1.176 cm and 1.224 cm.
Assuming this data is normally distributed, what are the mean and standard deviation?

A. Mean = 1.210 cm
S.D. = 0.008 cm
B. Mean = 1.190 cm
S.D. = 0.008 cm
C. Mean = 1.200 cm
S.D. = 0.004 cm
D. Mean = 1.200 cm
S.D. = 0.008 cm

3. 68% of the marks in a test are between 51 and 64

Assuming this data is normally distributed, what are the mean and standard deviation?

A. Mean = 57
S.D. = 6.5
B. Mean = 57
S.D. = 7
C. Mean = 57.5
S.D. = 6.5
D. Mean = 57.5
S.D. = 13

4. The Fresha Tea Company pack tea in bags marked as 250 g

A large number of packs of tea were weighed and the mean and standard deviation were
calculated as 255g and 2.5 g respectively.
Assuming this data is normally distributed, what percentage of packs are underweight?
A. 2.5%
B. 3.5%
C. 4%
D. 5%

5. Students pass a test if they score 50% or more.

The marks of a large number of students were sampled and the mean and standard deviation were
calculated as 42% and 8% respectively.
Assuming this data is normally distributed, what percentage of students pass the test?

A. 5%
B. 16%
C. 24%
D. 32%

Quartiles of Grouped data

The formula for quartiles of grouped data is given below.

1st Quartile (Q1)

( )
Q1 = lb + 4
−¿ cf b
fQ c

lb – lower boundary of the quartile class
n – total frequency
<cfb – cumulative frequency of the class before the quartile class
f Q – frequency of the quartile class

i – size of the class interval

2nd Quartile (Q2)

( )
Q2 = lb + 2
−¿ cf b
fQ c

3rd Quartile (Q3)


Q3 = lb + 4
−¿ cf b
fQ c
Test Scores Obtained by the 60 Students in a Statistical Class
Classes Frequency(f) Lower Upper <cf
boundary boundary
(LB) (UB)
83 – 94 2 82.5 94.5 60
71 – 82 6 70.5 82.5 58
59 – 70 14 58.5 70.5 52
47 – 58 19 46.5 58.5 38
35 – 46 11 34.5 46.5 19
23 – 34 5 22.5 34.4 8
11 – 22 3 10.5 22.5 3
n = 60

Compute the Q1, Q2, and Q3

Example 1:

To obtain the 1st Quartile:

n 60
First solve for = = 15th
4 4
Then locate where the 15th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.

Classes Frequency(f) Lower Upper <cf

boundary boundary
(LB) (UB)
83 – 94 2 82.5 94.5 60
71 – 82 6 70.5 82.5 58
59 – 70 14 58.5 70.5 52
47 – 58 19 46.5 58.5 38
Q1 35 – 46 11 34.5 46.5 19
23 – 34 5 22.5 34.4 8 <cfb
11 – 22 3 10.5 22.5 3
n = 60

The Q1 is the 35 – 46 class interval.

Using the formula,
Q1 = lb + 4
( )
−¿ cf b

= 34.5 + 4
( )

= 34.5 + ( 15−8
11 )

= 34.5 + ( )12
11 7 ÷ 11 = 0.6363… x 12 + 34.5 = 42.136 or 42.14

Q1 = 42.14
Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Example 2:

To obtain the 2nd Quartile:

n 60
First solve for = = 30th
2 2

Then locate where the 30th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.

Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
83 – 94 2 82.5 94.5 60
71 – 82 6 70.5 82.5 58
59 – 70 14 58.5 70.5 52
Q2 47 – 58 19 46.5 58.5 38
35 – 46 11 34.5 46.5 19 <cfb
23 – 34 5 22.5 34.4 8
11 – 22 3 10.5 22.5 3
n = 60

The Q2 is the 47 – 58 class interval.

Using the formula,
Q2 = lb + 2
( )
−¿ cf b
fq 1


( )
= 46.5 + 2

= 46.5 + ( 30−19
19 )

= 46.5 + ( )12
11 ÷ 19 = 0.578947368 x 12 + 46.5 = 53.447 or 53.45

Q2 = 53.45
Rounded up to 2 decimal places

Example 3:

To obtain the 3rd Quartile:

3 n 3(60)
First solve for = = 45th
4 4
Then locate where the 45th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.
Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
83 – 94 2 82.5 94.5 60
71 – 82 6 70.5 82.5 58
Q3 59 – 70 14 58.5 70.5 52
47 – 58 19 46.5 58.5 38 <cfb
35 – 46 11 34.5 46.5 19
23 – 34 5 22.5 34.4 8
11 – 22 3 10.5 22.5 3
n = 60

The Q3 is the 59 – 70 class interval.

Using the formula,

Q3 = lb + 4
( −¿ cf b
3 (60)
= 58.5 +
( 4
= 58.5 + ( )

= 58.5 +
14( )12
7 ÷ 14 = 0.5 x 12 + 58.5 = 64.5

Q3 = 64.5
Rounded up to 2 decimal places

DECILE of Grouped Data

There are 9 deciles. These 9 deciles denoted by D1, D2, D3, D4,…,D9, divide the sorted
values into 10 equal parts. 10% of the values fall below D1, 20% of the values fall below D2,
30% of the values fall below D3,…, 90% of the values fall below D9.


Dk = lb + 10
−¿ cf b
fD c
k - denotes the # of the decile
lb – lower boundary of the decile class
n – total frequency
<cfb – cumulative frequency of the class before the decile class
f D – frequency of the decile class

i – size of the class interval

Weights (in kilograms) of 150 High School Students

Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
64 – 66 7 63.5 66.5 50
61 – 63 8 60.5 63.5 43
58 – 60 15 57.5 60.5 35
55 – 57 7 54.5 57.5 20
52 – 54 6 51.5 54.5 13
49 – 51 3 48.5 51.5 7
46 – 48 2 45.5 48.5 4
43 – 45 1 42.5 45.5 2
40 – 42 1 39.5 42.5 1
n = 50

Example 4: Find D3 and interpret this values

To obtain the 3rd D3:
3 n 3(50)
First solve for = = 15th
10 10
Then locate where the 15th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.

Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
64 – 66 7 63.5 66.5 50
61 – 63 8 60.5 63.5 43
58 – 60 15 57.5 60.5 35
D3 55 – 57 7 54.5 57.5 20
52 – 54 6 51.5 54.5 13 <cfb
49 – 51 3 48.5 51.5 7
46 – 48 2 45.5 48.5 4
43 – 45 1 42.5 45.5 2
40 – 42 1 39.5 42.5 1
n = 50

The D3 is the 55 – 57 class interval.

Using the formula,

D3 = lb + 10
(−¿ cf b
fD c
3 ( 50 )
= 54.5 + 10
( 7
= 54.5 + ( 15−13
7 )

= 54.5 + ( )3 2 ÷ 7 = 0.285714285 x 3 + 54.5 = 55.357 or 55.36

D3 = 55.36 Rounded up to 2 decimal places

The third decile 55.36 means that 30% of the 150 high school students have
weights less than or equal to 55.36kg.

Example 5: Find D8
8 n 8(50)
First solve for = = 40th
10 10
Then locate where the 40th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.

Classes Frequency(f) Lower Upper <cf

boundary boundary

(LB) (UB)
64 – 66 7 63.5 66.5 50
D8 61 – 63 8 60.5 63.5 43
58 – 60 15 57.5 60.5 35 <cfb
55 – 57 7 54.5 57.5 20
52 – 54 6 51.5 54.5 13
49 – 51 3 48.5 51.5 7
46 – 48 2 45.5 48.5 4
43 – 45 1 42.5 45.5 2
40 – 42 1 39.5 42.5 1
n = 50

The D8 is the 61 – 63 class interval.

Using the formula,


D8 = lb + 10
−¿ cf b
fD c
8 ( 50 )
= 60.5 +
( 10
8 )

= 60.5 + ( 40−35
8 )

= 60.5 + ( )3 5 ÷ 8 = 0.625 x 3 + 60.5 = 62.375 or 62.38

D8 = 62.38 Rounded up to 2 decimal places

PERCENTILE of Grouped Data

Percentiles are values that divide a set of data into 100 equal parts. These
values are denoted by P1, P2, P3, P4,…, P99 and 1% of the data fall under P1, 2% fall
under P2, 3% fall underP3,…, and 99% fall under P99. Percentile are calculated fir very
large data.
The formula for percentiles of grouped data is given below.

Pk = lb +
−¿ cf b
fP c
k - denotes the # of the percentile
lb – lower boundary of the percentile class
n – total frequency

<cfb – cumulative frequency of the class before the percentile class

f P – frequency of the percentile class


i – size of the class interval

Example 6: The table below shows the scores in Grade 10 Mathematics of 70 Students.
Find a)P25 and b)P90 and interpret these values.
a) To obtain the P25:
25 n 25(70)
First solve for = = 17.5th
100 100
Then locate where the 17.5th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in
the less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.
Scores in Grade 10 Mathematics of 70 Students
Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
95 – 99 2 98.5 99.5 70
90 – 94 4 89.5 94.5 68
85 – 89 3 84.5 89.5 64
80 – 84 5 79.5 84.5 61
75 – 79 6 74.5 79.5 56
70 – 74 12 69.5 74.5 50
65 – 69 11 64.5 69.5 38
60 – 64 9 59.5 64.5 27
P25 55- 59 7 54.5 59.5 18
50 – 54 2 49.5 54.5 11 <cfb
45 – 49 6 44.4 49.5 9
40 – 44 3 39.5 43.5 3
n = 70

The P25 is the 55 – 59 class interval.

Using the formula,


P25 = lb + 100
−¿ cf b
fP c
25 ( 70 )
= 54.5 + 100
( 7
= 54.5 + ( 17.5−11
7 )5
= 54.5 + (
7 )
5 6.5 ÷ 7 = 0.928571428 x 5 + 54.5 = 59.14

P25 = 59.14
This means that 25% of the students got scores less than or equal to 59.14. In
interpreting test scores, 25% is the percentile rank and 59.14 is the percentile point or score of
b) To obtain the P90:
90 n 90(70)
First solve for = = 63th
100 100
Then locate where the 63th item is equal or nearest but not greater than the value in the
less than cumulative frequency(<cf) distribution.
Scores in Grade 10 Mathematics of 70 Students
Lower Upper
Classes Frequency(f) boundary boundary <cf
(LB) (UB)
95 – 99 2 98.5 99.5 70
90 – 94 4 89.5 94.5 68
P90 85 – 89 3 84.5 89.5 64
80 – 84 5 79.5 84.5 61 <cfb
75 – 79 6 74.5 79.5 56
70 – 74 12 69.5 74.5 50
65 – 69 11 64.5 69.5 38
60 – 64 9 59.5 64.5 27
55- 59 7 54.5 59.5 18
50 – 54 2 49.5 54.5 11
45 – 49 6 44.4 49.5 9
40 – 44 3 39.5 43.5 3
n = 70

The P90 is the 85 – 89 class interval.

Using the formula,

P90 = lb +
−¿ cf b
fP c
90 (70 )

= 84.5 + 100
= 84.5 + ( 63−61
3 )

= 84.5 + ( )5 2 ÷ 3 = 0.666… x 5 + 84.5 = 87.83

P90 = 87.83

This means that 90% of the students got scores less than or equal to 87.83.

Please watch the video from youtube. This is about the quartile, decile, and percentile
for grouped data.

Interquartile Range or Quartile Deviation of Grouped Data

IQR = (3rd Quartile minus 1st Quartile divided by 2)
Using the values of the 1st quartile and 3rd quartile in examples 1 and 3.
Example 7: Q1 = 42.14 Q3 = 64.5

64.5−42.14 22.36
IQR = = = 11.18 Rounded up to 2 decimal places
2 2


The weight in pounds of 30 packages of ground pork sold at the Trabajo Market were as follows.

1.4 2.4 2.1 2.3 2.4

1.0 1.8 2.9 1.7 1.6
2.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 class interval = 0.5
1.5 2.7 2.8 3.8 2.8
2.5 2.6 3.5 3.0 3.9
2.1 2.4 3.4 3.3 2.0

Note: The given data is in a form of 1 decimal places, that is, the lower boundary(LB) must be
minus(-) 0.05 and upper boundary(UB) must be plus(+) 0.05
To construct classes for lowest class/1st class,
Lowest score(1.0) + class interval(0.5) – 0.1
That is, 1.0 + 0.5 – 0.1 = 1.4
Therefore, lowest class is 1.0 – 1.4

Construct a frequency distribution and find the following:

1) D1
2) D4
3) P52
4) P92
5) Interquartile Range (IQR)

Round up your final answers into 2 decimal places.


Measures of Skewness

A frequency curve not symmetrical about the mean is said to be skewed. It is said to be
positively skewed if it tails off to the right, and negatively skewed if it tails off to the left. The
relationship between the mean and median is related to the direction of skewness. If the mean
is greater than median, we have positively skewed curve but if the mean is less than the
median, we have a negatively skewed curve. With the use of standard deviation it is possible
to obtain a measure of skewness which indicates both the direction and the magnitude of
skewness of a frequency data. It is called the Pearsonian coefficient of skewness (SK) and the
formula is

Sk =
Standard deviation(Sd )

If the mean of the distribution is x̄ = 54.3, the standard deviation is Sd = 15.3 and the
median is 55.7
Using the formula, substitute each values
3(x̄ −md) 3(54.3−55.7) 3(−1.4) −4.2
Sk = = = = = - 0.27
Sd 15.3 15.3 15.3

Sk = - 0.27 (rounded up to 2 decimal places)

As you can see, the mean is less than the median, this means that the distribution is
skewed to the left.

Measure of Kurtosis

Kurtosis is the measure of peakness. As shown below, there are 3 types of symmetrical
1. Mesokurtic curve, shows a normal or ideal curve
2. Leptokurtic curve, shows a more peaked curve
3. Platykurtic curve, shows a flat-topped curve

For grouped data the formula is

⅀ f ( x − x̄)4
n( Sd)4
`where: f – frequency
x – class mark
x̄ – mean
n – total # of frequency
Sd – standard deviation

The distribution said to be mesokurtic if k = 3, leptokurtic if k > 3, and platykurtic if k < 3.

Example : Calculate the measure of kurtosis for the data shown below.

1. First, compute for a mean

⅀ fx 1175
x̄ = = = 29.35 (rounded up to 2 decimal places)
n 40

Classes f x fx fx2 x̄ x - x̄ f(x̄ - x)4

40 – 44 3 42 126 5,292 29.35 42-29.35 = 12.65 76,821.6
35 – 39 4 37 148 5,476 29.35 37 – 29.35 = 7.65 13,699.53
30 – 34 13 32 416 13,312 29.35 32-29.35 =2.65 641.1
25 – 29 12 27 324 8,748 29.35 27-29.35 = -2.35 365.98
20 – 24 5 22 110 2,420 29.35 22-29.35 = -7.35 14,592.15
15 – 19 3 17 51 867 29.35 17-29.35 = -12.35 69,789.34
n= ⅀fx = ⅀fx2 =
⅀ f(x̄ - x)4= 175,909.7
40 1,175 36,115

How to compute the column for f(x̄ - x)4?

 First, in each value in column x - x̄, raised it to the power of 4, then multiply to the values at
column f.

12.65 ^ 4 x 3 = 76,821.60
(rounded up to 2 decimal places)

2. Next compute the population variance and standard deviation, then substitute each values.
2 ( ∑fx ) 2 ( 1,175 ) 2 36,115− 1,380,625
∑ f x − 36,115−
σ2 = N = 40 = 40
N 40 40

36,115−34,515.625 1,599.375
= = = 39.98 (rounded up to 2 decimal places)
40 40

Sd = √ 39.98 = 6.32

Sd = 6.32 (rounded up to 2 decimal places)

Using the formula of kurtosis,

3. Substitute each values

⅀ f ( x − x̄)4 175,909.7

k= = = = 2.76
n( Sd)4 40(6.32)4 63,815.81

6.32 ˄ 4 x 40 = 63,815.81

k = 2.76 (rounded up to 2 decimal places)

The measure of kurtosis is less than 3, therefore the curve is platykurtic.


The distribution of hourly rates of 70 professors from different schools who attended a
seminar is as follows:
Hourly Rate No. of Professors
112.50 – 119.95 3
105.00 – 112.45 3
97.50 – 104.95 6
90.00 – 97.45 8
82.5 – 89.95 9
75.00 – 82.45 11
67.5 – 74.95 18
60.00 – 67.45 12

Calculate the following:

a. Standard deviation of grouped data
b. Coefficient of variation
c. Pearsonian coefficient of skewness, then in what direction?
d. Measure of kurtosis, then identify the symmetrical curve

o Round up your final answers to 2 decimal places


On page 146, please answer number 9, a – c.

Date of Submission: On or before December 2021

Write your answers in a short bond paper.


≈ End ≈


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