Hot Magnets - Twin Flame Magnetic Pull Guide
Hot Magnets - Twin Flame Magnetic Pull Guide
Hot Magnets - Twin Flame Magnetic Pull Guide
Twin flames are such wonderful beings. They’re special right from the get-go, even before they
are born. They have a natural strong spiritual connection with each other. Because of that
connection, there are things that they can experience that normal couples can’t.
This article will talk about one of the fundamental forces for twin flames: the twin flame magnetic
When you finally meet your twin flame, even if you don’t know them or know their name, you
would feel like you want to know them. However, there is also a familiar feeling, as if you two
have already met ages ago. There’s a weird attraction in play here, and you feel like you have to
go meet that other person no matter what.
When twin flames first touch each other, they feel something electric happening. They feel like
something just zapped their souls. There’s also a tingling feeling afterward. This also happens
during times when they kiss or when they have sex. Having physical contact with your twin
flame is like having an electric current pass through you.
All of what happened above is what twin flame magnetic pull is about. It’s not everything, but it
gives you an idea of what twin flame magnetic pull is. Twin flame magnetic pull is a force
coming from your twin flame that can attract you to where they are, even without any directional
signs. You can feel it instinctively and you don’t need to activate it in some way to feel it.
It is also due to the nature of twin flames that they feel that magnetic attraction. Because twin
flames originally come from a single soul, the two souls want to come back together and have a
true twin flame union. They want to come back together and create a certain attraction between
twin flames, and they act upon that attraction.
Electromagnetic theory
There is also a theory that mixes spirituality with science. In spirituality, it is said that everything
is made up of energy. People are made of energy. The thoughts, emotions, and will of humans
are made up of energy. The stars in the sky are made up of energy, and so are the spirits and
the soul.
In science, not everything is energy. Energy is only power derived from chemical or physical
resources to produce light or heat. Everything else is made up of something else, like the
elements of the periodic table or the compounds formed by the elements. However, it is also
energy that ties together science and spirituality.
In science, you have what you call the four fundamental forces that govern how objects interact
with other objects. One of those fundamental forces is the electromagnetic force. That force
creates interactions through the use of electricity. And electricity can be converted to energy. Do
you see where this is heading now?
The theory that tries to explain the twin flame magnetic pull with science ties it with
electromagnetism. The theory wants to put up that since everything is energy, everything is also
electrically charged. Because souls are energy, they are also electrically charged. Anything
electrically charged has a magnetic pull, and they can attract or repel other objects that have the
opposite or the same charge as they have, respectively.
In other words, the twin flame magnetic pull is the result of sufficient and compatible electrical
charges due to their nature of being energy.
In the same way, twin flames will feel attracted to each other because they are both magnets.
They will look for areas where they can vibe with one another, and when there are times when
they can help each other, they will give it their best. However, when the twin flames get to areas
where they are too similar, especially weaknesses, there will be a repelling force that will come
into play.
Even in times when the similarity is positive, there will still be a repelling force given certain
conditions. For example, you and your twin flame both like Hawaiian pizza. There will still be
times when you will fight over Hawaiian pizza, like when you eat the last slice and your twin
flame gets mad. Given certain circumstances, your twin flame will be repelled due to your
There are twin flame pairs that will experience the attractive pull at the same time. This
happening is especially evident during times when the twin flame separation stage is about to
end, where twin flames usually find that they’re seeing each other more. They may bump into
each other more than usual. There are also instances where they are both led to a certain spot
for them to meet if they have not met each other for a long time.
However, there are also twin flame pairs that don’t feel it at the same time. For example, one of
the twin flame parties will wait for some time in an area where they were seemingly pulled into,
only to wait for nothing and go back home empty-handed. It may be possible that the other twin
flame felt the attraction but they declined to go to that place, but it’s also a possibility that the
other twin flame did not feel anything at all.
There’s a lot of speculation and possibilities regarding this phenomenon and that’s why it’s
difficult to answer the subtopic question using the electromagnetic theory.
Pros and cons of twin flame magnetic pull
As with anything in the twin flame journey, twin flame magnetic pull has pros and cons. Tackled
below are the pros and cons of the twin flame magnetic pull.
The twin flame magnetic pull is one of the biggest reasons why you and your twin flame even
met each other. There are already very few twin flame relationships. Without an indicator like
the twin flame magnetic pull, twin flames might not be able to discover themselves.
The twin flame magnetic pull also acts as an assurance during times of separation. During the
twin flame separation stage, you can still feel a tug in your soul that tries to pull you in certain
directions. That may be from the twin flame magnetic pull and it’s tugging at you to tell you that
your twin flame is still out there. The relationship is waiting for both of you to come back
The twin flame magnetic pull is an intense attraction. However, it is not the only intense
attraction that is present in the world. Because of that fact, you can’t be too sure whether you
are feeling the twin flame magnetic pull or just another intense attraction. Such attractions can
come from false twin flames. Their attraction may not be as strong as the true twin flame’s, but if
you’re experiencing the attraction for the first time, you will mistake it as a twin flame magnetic
The attraction isn’t limited to false twin flames either. You also feel a strong attraction to
addictive substances or even your own hobbies. Just because there is an extreme attraction, it
doesn’t mean that it’s the twin flame magnetic pull.
Additionally, even if it is the true twin flame magnetic pull, the attractive force is indiscriminate. It
doesn’t happen in the most convenient times. There are a lot of times when the pull draws
together the twin flame pair too soon. The twin flame pair may not be ready for true twin flame
union and thus be led to several twin flame separation stages. The magnetic pull may even
happen during a time when both parties are still married, thus creating a lot of unnecessary