Lec01 - Slides
Lec01 - Slides
Lec01 - Slides
Lecture 1
Business Functions, Processes, and
Data Requirements
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Second Edition 7
Functional Areas of Operation
Most companies have four main functional areas:
1. Marketing and Sales (M/S)
2. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
3. Accounting and Finance (A/F)
4. Human Resources (HR)
• Each main functional area consists of a number of
narrower business functions specific to the functional area.
• Historically, businesses have organized themselves
according to business functions.
• Business Schools continue to be similarly organized.
• Better integration of functional areas leads to
improvements in communication, workflow, and success of
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Second Edition 8
Functional Areas of Operation
Sales and SCM Sales must know production schedules and agree on delivery dates of
orders with Production so customers are not promised dates that
cannot be met. Production must tell Sales about production problems
which will affect customers.
Sales and Finance Finance must know about customer inquiries to check their credit
rating before sales are made.
Finance will be involved when discounts are agreed upon or when
there are problems with customer payments.
Finance and all Finance monitors departmental spending and the achievement of
other departments
financial targets.
Human Resources and Will liaise over salary increases and bonuses.
Human resources and HR handles job vacancies, promotion opportunities, training courses,
other functional areas
Concepts in Enterprise Resource
and CPD Planning, Second Edition
for all areas/staff. 10
Business Processes
• A business process is a collection of activities that takes
one or more inputs and creates an output that is of value
to the customer.
• The customer may be the traditional external customer
who buys the product or service, or an internal customer
(a colleague in another department)
• The business process view is the customer’s
• The customer does not care that different functions are
involved in processing their order, and will not tolerate
mistakes and delays caused by poor coordination of
business functions
• Even though just a few people can run a small coffee shop,
the operation of the business requires a number of
processes. Coordinating the activities within different
functional areas requires accurate and timely information.