Orsted - Trinity SMF
Orsted - Trinity SMF
Orsted - Trinity SMF
Orsted Energy
November 2020
Revenue & EBITDA (DKK bn) Onshore – Operates and owns 7 onshore wind farms, and 2
solar fields in the U.S; Currently constructing 2 further wind farms
and installing 687Mw of solar energy; Operate 2 battery storage
60000 facilities in the U.K adding stability to supply.
Markets + Bioenergy – Generates heat and power from
combined heat and power plants in Denmark; sells power from
0 wind turbines and gas plants in the wholesale and retail markets.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Distributes power in Denmark and optimizes energy portfolios.
Provides route-to-market services for third-parties
Onshore operations by #
of licenses
Investment Thesis
Strategic position in the U.S
As the U.s adapt their energy policy to support a green future
Onshore wind
they will soon roll-out licences for onshore & offshore energy
operations. Orsted’s current market leading position in the U.S
0 500 1000 1500 2000
positions them strategically to obtain multiple additional
licences. The company has recently submitted bids for up to
Orsted Offshore wind
installed capacity (MW) 2.5GW in New York with an outcome expected before the end
of the year.
Additional stimulus tailored at climate change/recovery
As economies emerge from the Covid-19 crisis we continue to
see encouraging stimulus packages tailored at propping up
the renewable industry. Given Orsteds leading BBB+ balance
sheet, cash of 473M DKK and geographically diverse portfolio
they are best positioned to capitalize on further Stimulus.
Orsted’s financials have been fluctuating in recent years. Drastic drops were seen in 2019 as they were
faced with plummeting gas prices and an increase in depreciation. The recovery has been imminent
despite depressed power prices in the trailing 12 months. An increase in output at Borrsele 1 & 2
offshore wind farms should boost earnings in coming quarters while long lasting offshore wind
partnerships are anticipated to yield higher earnings. A bottom line increase in both revenue and net
income is expected even with a sluggish future outlook for power prices demonstrating strength
Orsted’s cash and debt levels are considerably Orsted outperforms the industry average an
more appealing than highly leveraged each metric above. Its gross margin exceeds
competitors, namely Fortum. Their healthy ratio the mean value by 20% despite plummeting
offers flexibility as they grow their portfolio in the power prices. The company is fuelling organic
U.S. Total debt is currently 81% covered by cash growth through its high level of
and equivalents. Current low debt levels will investments,(21bn). This investment Is
enable Orsted to take advantage of debt laden primarily focused on offshore wind In the U.K
competitors by swopping in and gaining and U.S from 2020-2023. The firm’s above
increased market share. Orsted has no preferred industry average credit rating is a vital
stock competitive differentiator for acquiring
additional licences
ORSTED YTD Share Price Graph
Share Price Graph
Over last year
1/2/20 2/2/20 3/2/20 4/2/20 5/2/20 6/2/20 7/2/20 8/2/20 9/2/20 10/2/20 11/2/20 12/2/20