Hoesch (Con Parametri Per Diaframmi)

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Tables of cross-section values

according to DIN 18 807

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet
Info 4.3.5 GB
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH, Hammerstrasse 11, D-57223 Kreuztal,
Phone: +49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221, Fax: +49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219, export. tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com, www.tks-bau.com


A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme
Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 35.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.63 0.0601 9.4 12.5 7.04 1.33 2.07 2.84 1.40 1.65 – –
0.75 0.0716 13.3 14.6 8.47 1.33 2.07 3.99 1.38 1.66 0.90 1.13
0.88 0.084 16.7 17.6 10.0 1.33 2.07 5.39 1.36 1.67 1.40 1.75
1.00 0.0955 20.3 20.3 11.5 1.33 2.07 6.80 1.34 1.69 1.80 2.25
1.25 0.119 25.6 25.0 14.4 1.33 2.07 10.0 1.33 1.72 4.40 5.50
1.50 0.143 30.8 29.7 17.4 1.33 2.07 12.8 1.33 1.79 5.30 6.63
Shear plate input
zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.63 1.8 1.91 2.39 1.8 0.242 9.01 0.16 5.4 8.3
0.75 1.7 2.52 3.80 1.7 0.201 5.67 0.18 6.5 10.0
0.88 1.5 3.24 5.78 1.5 0.170 3.73 0.19 7.7 11.8
1.00 1.4 3.96 8.07 1.4 0.149 2.67 0.20 8.8 13.5
1.25 1.3 5.61 14.4 1.3 0.118 1.50 0.23 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.2 7.43 23.0 1.2 0.098 0.935 0.25 13.4 20.5
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7
0.63 1.8 3.11 2.28 1.8 0.242 8.08 0.22 5.4 8.3
0.75 1.7 4.11 3.62 1.7 0.201 5.09 0.22 6.5 10.0
0.88 1.5 5.29 5.51 1.5 0.170 3.34 0.22 7.7 11.8
1.00 1.4 6.46 7.69 1.4 0.149 2.39 0.22 8.8 13.5
1.25 1.3 9.15 13.7 1.3 0.118 1.34 0.22 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.2 12.1 21.9 1.2 0.098 0.84 0.22 13.5 20.5
Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 35.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 0 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.40 10.5 8.01 1.53 11.17 1.16 5.10
0.75 1.87 13.2 10.1 2.42 12.34 1.65 6.74
0.88 2.46 17.8 13.7 2.97 19.60 2.19 9.47
1.00 3.00 22.1 16.9 3.50 26.95 2.69 12.0
1.25 4.04 32.0 24.4 4.86 42.77 3.85 17.7
1.50 5.09 41.6 31.9 6.23 61.68 5.03 23.6
bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 60 mm, ε=
0.63 1.40 10.5 8.01 1.35 8.37
0.75 1.87 13.2 10.1 1.83 11.3
0.88 2.46 17.8 13.7 2.43 15.0
1.00 3.00 22.1 16.9 3.02 18.5
1.25 4.04 32.0 24.4 4.35 26.7
1.50 5.09 41.6 31.9 5.66 34.8
Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet
for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.63 1.30 10.5 1.34 8.53 5.24 0.663 4.27
0.75 1.65 13.2 1.62 10.0 6.63 0.816 5.00
0.88 2.70 17.8 2.23 13.8 8.91 1.110 6.92
1.00 3.53 22.1 2.82 17.3 11.0 1.410 8.67
1.25 4.45 32.0 3.96 24.5 15.9 1.990 12.2
1.50 5.35 41.6 4.95 31.6 20.9 2.460 15.8
At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 35.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.63 0.0601 12.5 9.4 7.04 1.33 1.13 2.84 1.40 1.55 – –
0.75 0.0716 14.6 13.3 8.47 1.33 1.13 3.99 1.38 1.54 1.10 1.38
0.88 0.084 17.6 16.7 10.0 1.33 1.13 5.39 1.36 1.53 2.10 2.63
1.00 0.0955 20.3 20.3 11.5 1.33 1.13 6.80 1.34 1.51 3.00 3.75
1.25 0.119 25.0 25.6 14.4 1.33 1.13 10.0 1.33 1.48 4.40 5.50
1.50 0.143 29.7 30.8 17.4 1.33 1.13 12.8 1.33 1.41 5.30 6.63
Shear plate input
zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.63 2.0 3.30 2.99 2.0 0.242 7.87 0.11 6.25 7.90
0.75 1.8 4.36 4.75 1.8 0.201 4.95 0.13 7.50 9.50
0.88 1.6 5.61 7.23 1.6 0.170 3.25 0.14 8.80 11.2
1.00 1.5 6.85 10.1 1.5 0.149 2.33 0.15 10.1 12.8
1.25 1.4 9.70 18.8 1.4 0.118 1.31 0.16 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.2 12.9 28.8 1.2 0.098 0.817 0.18 15.4 19.5
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7
0.63 2.0 3.30 2.99 2.0 0.242 7.87 0.11 6.25 7.90
0.75 1.8 4.36 4.75 1.8 0.201 4.95 0.13 7.50 9.50
0.88 1.6 5.61 7.23 1.6 0.170 3.25 0.14 8.80 11.2
1.00 1.5 6.85 10.1 1.5 0.149 2.33 0.15 10.1 12.8
1.25 1.4 9.70 18.8 1.4 0.118 1.31 0.16 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.2 12.9 28.8 1.2 0.098 0.817 0.18 15.4 19.5
Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 35.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤ 1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 0 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.30 10.5 8.01 1.52 12.77 1.19 5.36
0.75 1.82 13.2 10.1 1.80 27.54 1.56 7.92
0.88 2.70 17.8 13.7 2.63 31.30 2.21 10.7
1.00 3.53 22.1 16.9 3.39 36.61 2.79 13.3
1.25 4.45 32.0 24.4 4.38 81.91 3.89 20.3
1.50 5.35 41.6 31.9 5.36 161.3 4.96 27.3
bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 60 mm, ε=
0.63 1.30 10,5 8,01 1,46 9,29
0.75 1.82 13,2 10,1 1,77 10,9
0.88 2.70 17,8 13,7 2,43 15,0
1.00 3.53 22,1 16,9 3,06 18,9
1.25 4.45 32,0 24,4 4,30 26,7
1.50 5.35 41,6 31,9 5,37 34,5
Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet
for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.63 1.40 10.5 1.26 7.70 5.24 0.629 3.86
0.75 1.87 13.2 1.68 10.4 6.63 0.85 5.19
0.88 2.46 17.8 2.23 13.8 8.91 1.12 6.90
1.00 3.00 22.1 2.75 17.0 11.0 1.38 8.48
1.25 4.04 32.0 4.00 24.5 15.9 2.01 12.2
1.50 5.09 41.6 5.20 32.0 20.9 2.60 16.0
At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
0 0
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,k or R B,k are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.082 21.6 21.6 9.41 1.63 2.69 4.53 1.73 2.08 1.20 1.50
0.88 0.0962 27.7 27.7 11.1 1.63 2.69 6.13 1.70 2.09 2.70 3.38
1.00 0.109 35.2 35.2 12.7 1.63 2.69 7.75 1.68 2.11 3.90 4.88
1.25 0.137 44.1 44.1 16.0 1.63 2.69 11.5 1.66 2.15 5.10 6.38
1.50 0.164 52.9 52.9 19.4 1.63 2.69 14.8 1.66 2.23 6.20 7.75

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 1.9 2.04 2.86 1.9 0.234 10.2 0.17 6.5 10.0
0.88 1.7 2.62 4.35 1.7 0.198 6.71 0.18 7.7 11.8
1.00 1.6 3.21 6.07 1.6 0.173 4.80 0.19 8.8 13.5
1.25 1.5 4.54 10.8 1.5 0.137 2.69 0.22 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.3 6.01 17.3 1.3 0.114 1.69 0.24 13.4 20.6

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.9 2.86 2.71 2.1 0.234 9.71 0.23 6.5 10.0
0.88 1.7 3.68 4.13 1.9 0.198 6.38 0.23 7.7 11.8
1.00 1.6 4.50 5.77 1.6 0.173 4.57 0.23 8.8 13.5
1.25 1.5 6.36 10.3 1.5 0.137 2.56 0.23 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.3 8.43 16.5 1.3 0.114 1.60 0.23 13.4 20.6

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 1
0.75 2.57 8.5 6.5 3.32 37.18 2.70 15.3
0.88 3.31 16.0 12.2 4.32 53.57 3.63 26.5
1.00 4.04 23.1 17.7 5.24 70.74 4.50 37.0
1.25 5.51 37.7 28.9 7.16 113.8 6.12 58.8
1.50 6.98 52.4 40.0 9.07 166.0 7.74 80.6

bA+ov = mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 2.48 8.5 3.06 14.0 4.25 1.53 6.99
0.88 3.35 15.5 3.69 15.5 7.73 1.85 7.73
1.00 4.14 17.2 4.59 17.2 8.57 2.30 8.57
1.25 5.62 20.2 6.38 20.2 10.1 3.20 10.1
1.50 7.11 23.0 8.25 23.0 11.5 4.13 11.5

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.082 21.6 21.6 9.41 1.63 1.38 4.53 1.73 1.92 1.20 1.50
0.88 0.0962 27.7 27.7 11.1 1.63 1.38 6.13 1.70 1.91 3.20 4.00
1.00 0.109 35.2 35.2 12.7 1.63 1.38 7.75 1.68 1.89 4.80 6.00
1.25 0.137 44.1 44.1 16.0 1.63 1.38 11.5 1.66 1.85 5.40 6.75
1.50 0.164 52.9 52.9 19.4 1.63 1.38 14.8 1.66 1.77 6.50 8.13

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 2.0 3.79 3.97 2.2 0.234 7.18 0.14 7.50 9.50
0.88 1.9 4.87 6.04 1.9 0.198 4.71 0.15 8.90 11.2
1.00 1.7 5.95 8.43 1.7 0.173 3.38 0.16 10.1 12.8
1.25 1.5 8.43 15.0 1.5 0.137 1.89 0.18 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.4 11.2 24.1 1.4 0.114 1.18 0.20 15.4 19.5

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.5 7.71 10.7 1.5 0.234 0.83 0.57 7.50 9.50
0.88 1.4 9.92 16.2 1.4 0.198 0.55 0.57 8.90 11.2
1.00 1.3 12.1 22.6 1.3 0.173 0.39 0.57 10.1 12.8
1.25 1.2 17.2 40.4 1.2 0.137 0.22 0.57 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.1 22.7 64.6 1.1 0.114 0.14 0.57 15.4 19.5

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 1
0.75 2.48 8.5 6.5 3.26 72.37 2.92 12.3
0.88 3.35 16.0 12.2 3.85 95.48 3.53 14.4
1.00 4.14 23.1 17.7 4.41 183.0 4.20 37.0
1.25 5.62 37.7 28.9 5.93 423.4 5.78 58.8
1.50 7.11 52.4 40.0 – – 7.28 80.6

bA+ov = mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 2.57 8.5 3.06 13.1 4.25 1.53 6.55
0.88 3.31 15.5 4.11 16.7 7.73 2.06 8.33
1.00 4.04 17.2 5.10 19.2 8.57 2.55 9.61
1.25 5.51 20.2 6.94 24.0 10.1 3.47 12.0
1.50 6.98 23.0 8.77 27.9 11.5 4.39 13.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 S positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0820 26.4 26.4 9.41 1.63 2.69 5.02 1.73 2.26 1.70 2.13
0.88 0.0962 31.2 31.2 11.1 1.63 2.69 6.71 1.71 2.25 2.80 3.50
1.00 0.109 35.2 35.2 12.7 1.63 2.69 8.39 1.69 2.25 3.90 4.88
1.25 0.137 44.1 44.1 16.0 1.63 2.69 11.8 1.66 2.20 5.00 6.25
1.50 0.164 52.9 52.9 19.4 1.63 2.69 14.7 1.65 2.22 6.00 7.50

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 1.9 2.04 2.86 1.9 0.234 10.2 0.17 6.50 10.0
0.88 1.7 2.62 4.35 1.7 0.198 6.71 0.18 7.70 11.8
1.00 1.6 3.21 6.07 1.6 0.173 4.80 0.19 8.80 13.5
1.25 1.5 4.54 10.8 1.5 0.137 2.69 0.22 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.3 6.01 17.3 1.3 0.114 1.69 0.24 13.4 20.6

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.9 2.86 2.71 2.1 0.234 9.71 0.23 6.50 10.0
0.88 1.7 3.68 4.13 1.9 0.198 6.38 0.23 7.70 11.8
1.00 1.6 4.50 5.77 1.6 0.173 4.57 0.23 8.80 13.5
1.25 1.5 6.36 10.3 1.5 0.137 2.56 0.23 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.3 8.43 16.5 1.3 0.114 1.60 0.23 13.4 20.6

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 S positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 1
0.75 2.57 8.50 6.50 3.32 37.18 2.70 15.3
0.88 3.49 16.0 12.2 4.32 53.57 3.63 26.5
1.00 4.41 23.1 17.7 5.24 70.74 4.50 37.0
1.25 5.70 37.7 28.9 7.16 113.8 6.12 58.8
1.50 6.98 52.4 40.0 9.07 166.0 7.74 80.6

bA+ov = mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 2.48 8.50 3.06 14.0 4.25 1.53 6.99
0.88 3.35 15.5 3.69 15.5 7.73 1.85 7.73
1.00 4.14 17.2 4.59 17.2 8.57 2.30 8.57
1.25 5.62 20.2 6.38 20.2 10.1 3.20 10.1
1.50 7.11 23.0 8.25 23.0 11.5 4.13 11.5

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 S negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0820 26.4 26.4 9.41 1.63 1.38 5.02 1.73 1.74 1.60 2.00
0.88 0.0962 31.2 31.2 11.1 1.63 1.38 6.71 1.71 1.75 2.90 3.63
1.00 0.109 35.2 35.2 12.7 1.63 1.38 8.39 1.69 1.75 3.90 4.88
1.25 0.137 44.1 44.1 16.0 1.63 1.38 11.8 1.66 1.80 5.40 6.75
1.50 0.164 52.9 52.9 19.4 1.63 1.38 14.7 1.65 1.78 6.50 8.13

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 2.0 3.79 3.97 2.2 0.234 7.18 0.14 14.0 14.0
0.88 1.9 4.87 6.04 1.9 0.198 4.71 0.15 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.7 5.95 8.43 1.7 0.173 3.38 0.16 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.5 8.43 15.0 1.5 0.137 1.89 0.18 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.4 11.2 24.1 1.4 0.114 1.18 0.20 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.5 7.71 10.7 1.5 0.234 0.831 0.57 14.0 14.0
0.88 1.4 9.92 16.2 1.4 0.198 0.546 0.57 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.3 12.1 22.6 1.3 0.173 0.391 0.57 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.2 17.2 40.4 1.2 0.137 0.219 0.57 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.1 22.7 64.6 1.1 0.114 0.137 0.57 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 40.1 S negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤ 1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 1
0.75 2.48 8.50 6.50 3.26 72.37 2.92 12.3
0.88 3.35 16.0 12.2 3.85 95.48 3.53 14.4
1.00 4.14 23.1 17.7 4.41 183.0 4.20 37.0
1.25 5.62 37.7 28.9 5.93 423.4 5.78 58.8
1.50 7.11 52.4 40.0 – – 7.28 80.6

bA+ov = mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 2.57 8.50 3.06 13.1 4.25 1.53 6.55
0.88 3.31 15.5 4.11 16.7 7.73 2.06 8.33
1.00 4.04 17.2 5.10 19.2 9.10 2.55 9.61
1.25 5.51 20.2 6.94 24.0 10.1 3.47 12.0
1.50 6.98 23.0 8.77 27.9 11.5 4.39 13.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
0 0
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,k or R B,k are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 50.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.63 0.0630 29.2 29.2 7.38 2.02 3.10 2.45 2.19 2.42 – –
0.75 0.0750 35.1 35.1 8.88 2.02 3.10 3.47 2.15 2.43 1.77 2.21
0.88 0.0880 41.5 41.5 10.5 2.02 3.10 4.74 2.12 2.45 2.50 3.13
1.00 0.100 47.5 47.5 12.0 2.02 3.10 6.05 2.09 2.46 2.86 3.57
1.25 0.125 59.8 59.8 15.1 2.02 3.10 9.14 2.05 2.48 3.60 4.50
1.50 0.150 72.2 72.2 18.3 2.02 3.10 12.6 2.02 2.51 4.35 5.43
Shear plate input
zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.63 2.6 1.61 1.86 2.6 0.255 19.0 0.20 5.40 8.30
0.75 2.4 2.13 2.96 2.4 0.212 12.0 0.22 6.50 10.0
0.88 2.2 2.74 4.50 2.2 0.179 7.86 0.24 7.70 11.8
1.00 2.0 3.35 6.29 2.0 0.157 5.63 0.26 8.80 13.5
1.25 1.8 4.73 11.2 1.8 0.125 3.16 0.29 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.7 6.27 17.9 1.7 0.103 1.97 0.32 13.4 20.6
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7
0.63 2.7 3.21 1.76 2.7 0.255 15.1 0.32 5.40 8.30
0.75 2.5 4.24 2.79 2.5 0.212 9.50 0.32 6.50 10.0
0.88 2.3 5.46 4.24 2.3 0.179 6.24 0.32 7.70 11.8
1.00 2.1 6.67 5.92 2.1 0.157 4.47 0.32 8.80 13.5
1.25 1.9 9.44 10.6 1.9 0.125 2.51 0.32 11.1 17.0
1.50 1.7 12.5 16.9 1.7 0.103 1.57 0.32 13.4 20.6
Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 50.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 0 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.80 9.59 7.33 1.64 11.30 1.28 5.19
0.75 2.30 13.8 10.5 2.39 12.60 1.81 7.02
0.88 3.07 18.2 13.9 3.33 15.78 2.45 9.11
1.00 3.77 22.4 17.2 4.21 18.73 3.03 11.0
1.25 5.64 34.5 26.4 6.55 36.09 4.96 19.1
1.50 7.52 46.6 35.6 8.89 53.34 6.90 27.0
bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 60 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.80 9.59 7.33 2.45 16.39 1.88 7.83
0.75 2.30 13.8 10.5 3.24 20.64 2.42 9.96
0.88 3.07 18.2 13.9 4.13 33.12 3.33 14.1
1.00 3.77 22.4 17.2 4.94 44.51 4.19 18.0
1.25 5.64 34.5 26.4 7.19 93.47 6.33 29.9
1.50 7.52 46.6 35.6 9.42 142.2 8.46 41.7
Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet
for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε =1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.63 1.84 9.59 1.94 22.89 1.53 7.34 4.79 0.969 11.43 0.765 3.67
0.75 2.48 13.8 2.67 23.10 2.16 9.55 6.88 1.33 11.50 1.08 4.78
0.88 3.57 18.2 3.40 41.14 2.94 13.3 9.10 1.70 20.57 1.48 6.68
1.00 4.58 22.4 4.08 57.94 3.64 16.8 11.2 2.04 28.97 1.82 8.42
1.25 6.47 34.5 5.85 125.8 5.30 27.2 17.3 2.92 62.78 2.65 13.6
1.50 8.34 46.6 7.60 193.0 6.97 37.6 23.3 3.81 96.77 3.48 18.9
At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221· Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 50.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.63 0.0630 29.2 29.2 7.38 2.02 1.80 2.45 2.19 2.38 – –
0.75 0.0750 35.1 35.1 8.88 2.02 1.80 3.47 2.15 2.37 2.20 2.75
0.88 0.0880 41.5 41.5 10.5 2.02 1.80 4.74 2.12 2.35 2.96 3.70
1.00 0.100 47.5 47.5 12.0 2.02 1.80 6.05 2.09 2.34 3.38 4.23
1.25 0.125 59.8 59.8 15.1 2.02 1.80 9.14 2.05 2.32 4.26 5.33
1.50 0.150 72.2 72.2 18.3 2.02 1.80 12.6 2.02 2.29 5.14 6.43
Shear plate input
zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.63 2.8 2.50 2.05 3.2 0.255 20.0 0.14 6.25 7.90
0.75 2.6 3.30 3.26 3.2 0.212 12.6 0.16 7.50 9.50
0.88 2.4 4.24 4.96 2.8 0.179 8.29 0.17 8.90 11.2
1.00 2.2 5.19 6.92 2.5 0.157 5.94 0.18 10.1 12.8
1.25 2.0 7.34 12.4 2.0 0.125 3.33 0.20 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.8 9.73 19.7 1.8 0.103 2.08 0.22 15.4 19.5
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7
0.63 1.7 6.72 6.48 1.7 0.255 1.63 0.49 6.25 7.90
0.75 1.5 8.87 10.3 1.5 0.212 1.03 0.49 7.50 9.50
0.88 1.4 11.4 15.7 1.4 0.179 0.675 0.49 8.90 11.2
1.00 1.3 13.9 21.9 1.3 0.157 0.484 0.49 10.1 12.8
1.25 1.2 19.7 39.0 1.2 0.125 0.271 0.49 12.8 16.2
1.50 1.1 26.2 62.4 1.1 0.103 0.170 0.49 15.4 19.5
Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 50.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤ 1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 0 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.84 9.59 7.33 1.98 9.05 1.37 5.24
0.75 2.48 13.8 10.5 2.33 16.64 1.78 7.62
0.88 3.57 18.2 13.9 3.17 22.48 2.51 10.1
1.00 4.58 22.4 17.2 3.93 27.82 3.17 12.4
1.25 6.47 34.5 26.4 6.11 50.29 4.98 21.3
1.50 8.34 46.6 35.6 8.28 72.70 6.79 30.2
bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 60 mm, ε= 1
0.63 1.84 9.59 7.33 2.10 24.78 1.67 8.00
0.75 2.48 13.8 10.5 2.91 25.17 2.36 10.4
0.88 3.57 18.2 13.9 3.71 44.89 3.20 14.5
1.00 4.58 22.4 17.2 4.44 63.05 3.96 18.3
1.25 6.47 34.5 26.4 6.36 136.7 5.78 29.5
1.50 8.34 46.6 35.6 8.27 210.1 7.59 40.8
Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet
for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε =1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.63 1.80 9.59 2.24 14.99 1.72 7.19 4.79 1.12 7.49 0.850 3.60
0.75 2.30 13.8 2.98 18.98 2.23 9.15 6.89 1.50 9.56 1.12 4.57
0.88 3.07 18.2 3.79 30.40 3.06 13.0 9.10 1.90 15.24 1.53 6.51
1.00 3.77 22.4 4.54 40.91 3.84 16.6 11.2 2.28 20.54 1.92 8.28
1.25 5.64 34.5 6.60 85.80 5.81 27.5 17.3 3.30 42.90 2.91 13.8
1.50 7.52 46.6 8.65 130.6 7.77 38.4 23.3 4.33 65.38 3.89 19.2
At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
0 0
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,k or R B,k are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 85.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0803 91.0 91.0 9.3 3.12 5.03 4.38 3.56 4.53 3.50 4.38
0.88 0.0942 108 108 11.0 3.12 5.03 5.84 3.53 4.61 4.93 6.16
1.00 0.107 123 123 12.6 3.12 5.03 7.40 3.49 4.69 5.63 7.04
1.25 0.134 155 155 15.9 3.12 5.03 11.00 3.42 4.80 7.10 8.88
1.50 0.161 187 187 19.2 3.12 5.03 14.80 3.34 4.94 8.57 10.70

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 3.0 1.77 3.14 3.0 0.229 18.0 0.42 9.00 11.0
0.88 2.7 2.27 4.78 2.7 0.193 11.8 0.45 10.6 13.0
1.00 2.6 2.78 6.67 2.6 0.169 8.48 0.48 12.2 14.8
1.25 2.3 3.93 11.9 2.3 0.134 4.75 0.54 15.3 18.7
1.50 2.1 5.21 19.0 2.1 0.111 2.97 0.60 18.5 22.6

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 3.2 4.31 3.06 3.2 0.229 11.6 0.57 9.00 11.0
0.88 2.9 5.55 4.66 2.9 0.193 7.64 0.57 10.6 13.0
1.00 2.8 6.78 6.51 2.9 0.169 5.47 0.57 12.2 14.8
1.25 2.5 9.60 11.6 2.5 0.134 3.07 0.57 15.3 18.7
1.50 2.2 12.7 18.6 2.2 0.111 1.92 0.57 18.5 22.6

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 85.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.03 9.4 7.19 6.12 26.22 6.12 21.3 3.69 5.19 1.26
0.88 8.12 13.1 10.00 7.97 38.11 7.97 30.7 3.61 5.07 1.53
1.00 9.23 16.4 12.50 9.59 48.31 9.59 38.9 3.38 4.92 2.01
1.25 11.60 21.6 16.50 12.00 64.09 12.00 51.9 2.77 4.62 3.81
1.50 14.00 26.0 19.90 14.40 77.03 14.40 62.6 2.78 4.63 4.59

2) 4)
bA+ov ≥ 90 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 120 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.03 12.2 9.35 6.45 34.79 6.45 28.2 3.81 5.72 1.36
0.88 8.12 17.1 13.00 8.28 50.36 8.28 41.0 3.48 5.72 2.14
1.00 9.23 21.3 16.30 9.98 64.76 9.98 52.2 2.99 5.18 2.85
1.25 11.60 28.1 21.50 13.10 84.69 13.10 68.7 2.10 3.84 4.32
1.50 14.00 33.8 25.90 15.80 102.2 15.80 82.8 2.09 3.84 5.23

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 6.27 9.4 7.21 33.30 7.21 27.0 4.69 3.60 16.62 3.60 13.4
0.88 8.36 13.1 9.06 47.56 9.06 38.6 6.56 4.54 23.86 4.54 19.4
1.00 9.78 16.4 10.80 61.13 10.80 49.6 8.19 5.41 30.70 5.41 24.8
1.25 12.30 21.6 14.30 80.55 14.30 65.1 10.80 7.16 40.14 7.16 32.6
1.50 14.90 26.0 17.30 96.91 17.30 78.5 13.00 8.64 48.21 8.64 39.3

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 85.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I +
ef I ef
Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0803 91.0 91.0 9.3 3.12 3.27 4.38 3.56 3.77 3.38 4.22
0.88 0.0942 108 108 11.0 3.12 3.27 5.84 3.53 3.69 4.71 5.89
1.00 0.107 123 123 12.6 3.12 3.27 7.40 3.49 3.61 5.38 6.72
1.25 0.134 155 155 15.9 3.12 3.27 11.00 3.42 3.50 6.78 8.48
1.50 0.161 187 187 19.2 3.12 3.27 14.80 3.34 3.36 8.19 10.20

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5)
K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 3.2 2.40 2.66 5.3 0.229 28.0 0.23 14.0 14.0
0.88 2.9 3.09 4.05 4.5 0.193 18.4 0.26 16.6 16.6
1.00 2.8 3.78 5.65 3.9 0.169 13.2 0.27 18.9 18.9
1.25 2.5 5.35 10.1 3.1 0.134 7.39 0.31 23.9 23.9
1.50 2.2 7.09 16.1 2.6 0.111 4.62 0.34 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.3 11.3 18.9 1.3 0.229 0.64 0.69 14.0 14.0
0.88 1.2 14.5 28.7 1.2 0.193 0.42 0.69 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.1 17.7 40.1 1.1 0.169 0.30 0.69 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.0 25.1 71.6 1.0 0.134 0.17 0.69 23.9 23.9
1.50 0.9 33.3 114.0 0.9 0.111 0.11 0.69 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).

If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.
Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme
GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc
Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 85.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤ 1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.27 9.4 7.19 6.53 19.04 6.53 15.5 2.73 4.25 2.04
0.88 8.36 13.1 10.00 8.54 26.48 8.54 21.5 2.64 4.06 2.14
1.00 9.78 16.4 12.50 10.30 33.06 10.00 26.9 2.51 3.88 2.50
1.25 12.30 21.6 16.50 13.20 43.96 12.60 35.7 2.22 3.57 4.08
1.50 14.90 26.0 19.90 15.90 53.03 15.30 43.0 2.22 3.58 4.91

bA+ü ≥ 90 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 120 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.27 12.2 9.35 6.36 29.25 6.36 23.9 1.98 3.73 2.21
0.88 8.36 17.1 13.00 8.00 41.86 8.00 34.0 1.98 3.55 2.93
1.00 9.78 21.3 16.30 9.54 54.05 9.54 43.8 1.87 3.25 3.51
1.25 12.30 28.1 21.50 12.60 70.99 12.60 57.5 1.60 2.60 4.50
1.50 14.90 33.8 25.90 15.30 85.66 15.30 69.3 1.60 2.55 5.15

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 6.03 9.4 7.31 39.47 7.31 32.0 4.69 3.65 19.68 3.65 16.0
0.88 8.12 13.1 9.38 56.97 9.38 46.4 6.56 4.69 28.59 4.69 23.1
1.00 9.23 16.4 11.30 73.28 11.30 59.2 8.19 5.64 36.57 5.64 29.6
1.25 11.60 21.6 14.80 95.79 14.80 77.9 10.80 7.43 47.97 7.43 38.9
1.50 14.00 26.0 17.80 115.6 17.80 93.8 13.00 8.96 57.77 8.96 46.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
0 0
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,k or R B,k are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0909 167 167 10.76 3.94 6.22 4.13 4.45 5.65 5.08 6.35
0.88 0.107 198 198 12.73 3.94 6.22 5.39 4.43 5.70 7.70 9.63
1.00 0.121 226 226 14.55 3.94 6.22 6.65 4.41 5.75 10.12 12.65
1.25 0.152 285 257 18.33 3.94 6.22 9.51 4.37 5.85 12.39 15.49
1.50 0.182 344 310 22.12 3.94 6.22 12.48 4.30 6.01 14.99 18.74

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.0 1.77 1.86 5.0 0.257 36.099 0.42 9.00 12.0
0.88 3.7 2.28 2.83 4.2 0.217 23.711 0.46 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.5 2.79 3.95 3.7 0.190 16.981 0.49 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.1 3.94 7.04 3.1 0.151 9.521 0.55 15.3 20.5
1.50 2.8 5.23 11.25 2.8 0.125 5.953 0.61 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 4.2 3.62 1.77 4.2 0.257 29.296 0.63 9.00 12.0
0.88 3.8 4.65 2.70 4.1 0.217 19.242 0.63 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.6 5.68 3.76 4.1 0.190 13.781 0.63 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.2 8.04 6.71 4.2 0.151 7.727 0.63 15.3 20.5
1.50 2.9 10.66 10.74 4.3 0.125 4.831 0.63 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.53 9.46 9.46 6.96 24.38 6.96 21.8 2.51 3.14 2.51
0.88 8.63 13.16 13.16 8.63 33.78 8.63 30.22 2.47 3.10 3.39
1.00 10.6 17.04 17.04 10.15 43.65 10.15 39.03 2.43 3.06 4.20
1.25 15.7 19.49 19.49 13.36 49.64 13.36 44.41 2.41 3.05 6.26
1.50 18.9 27.49 27.49 16.12 69.70 16.12 62.35 2.40 3.04 7.55

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 6.53 9.46 9.46 6.96 35.51 6.96 31.77 2.14 2.97 3.47
0.88 8.63 13.16 13.16 8.63 48.88 8.63 43.71 2.13 2.96 4.62
1.00 10.6 17.04 17.04 10.15 62.73 10.15 56.10 2.11 2.95 5.69
1.25 15.7 19.49 19.49 13.36 70.54 13.36 63.12 2.09 2.92 8.53
1.50 18.9 27.49 27.49 16.12 98.13 16.12 87.79 2.07 2.90 10.30

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 8.02 39.67 9.23 103.1 7.10 79.34 19.83 4.61 51.49 3.55 39.67
0.88 10.5 62.98 11.73 163.8 9.02 125.95 31.49 5.86 81.81 4.51 62.98
1.00 12.8 87.09 14.23 228.0 10.87 174.17 43.54 7.11 113.9 5.43 87.09
1.25 17.0 134.91 19.40 350.8 14.92 269.83 67.45 9.70 175.4 7.46 134.91
1.50 20.5 192.81 24.84 501.3 19.11 385.62 96.40 12.42 250.6 9.55 192.81

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0909 167 167 10.76 3.94 4.04 4.13 4.45 4.61 4.42 5.53
0.88 0.107 198 198 12.73 3.94 4.04 5.39 4.43 4.56 7.12 8.90
1.00 0.121 226 226 14.55 3.94 4.04 6.65 4.41 4.51 9.61 12.01
1.25 0.152 257 285 18.33 3.94 4.04 9.51 4.37 4.41 12.39 15.49
1.50 0.182 310 344 22.12 3.94 4.04 12.48 4.30 4.25 14.99 18.74

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.3 2.60 1.87 6.2 0.257 43.045 0.22 14.0 14.0
0.88 3.9 3.34 2.84 6.3 0.217 28.273 0.24 16.6 16.6
1.00 3.7 4.08 3.97 6.4 0.190 20.249 0.26 18.9 18.9
1.25 3.3 5.78 7.07 5.3 0.151 11.353 0.29 23.9 23.9
1.50 3.0 7.66 11.31 4.4 0.125 7.099 0.32 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.5 10.69 13.37 1.5 0.257 1.091 0.89 14.0 14.0
0.88 1.4 13.76 20.26 1.4 0.217 0.717 0.89 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.3 16.81 28.43 1.3 0.190 0.513 0.89 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.2 23.79 50.70 1.2 0.151 0.288 0.89 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.1 31.53 81.08 1.1 0.125 0.125 0.89 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 8.02 7.49 7.49 7.10 19.32 7.10 17.28
0.88 10.5 10.56 10.56 9.02 27.12 9.02 24.25
1.00 12.8 13.94 13.94 10.87 35.71 10.87 31.93
1.25 17.0 23.00 23.00 14.92 58.60 14.92 52.39
1.50 20.5 27.49 27.49 19.11 69.73 19.11 62.35

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 8.02 7.49 7.49 7.10 28.16 7.10 25.18
0.88 10.5 10.56 10.56 9.02 39.22 9.02 35.08
1.00 12.8 13.94 13.94 10.87 51.33 10.87 45.90
1.25 17.0 23.00 23.00 14.92 83.28 14.92 74.47
1.50 20.5 27.49 27.49 19.11 98.18 19.11 87.79

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 6.53 41.11 9.05 106.9 6.96 82.22 20.55 4.52 53.38 3.48 41.11
0.88 8.63 65.13 11.22 169.3 8.63 130.26 32.56 5.61 84.65 4.31 65.13
1.00 10.60 88.50 13.20 230.2 10.15 176.99 44.25 6.60 115.1 5.07 88.50
1.25 15.70 136.92 17.37 356.1 13.36 273.83 68.46 8.68 177.9 6.68 136.92
1.50 18.90 195.49 20.96 508.3 16.12 390.97 97.74 10.48 254.1 8.06 195.49

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γM and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M.
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

Hole pattern

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0823 163 163 9.74 4.09 6.42 3.37 4.21
0.88 0.0966 193 193 11.53 4.09 6.42 5.68 7.10
1.00 0.110 216 220 13.17 4.09 6.42 7.81 9.76
1.25 0.137 278 278 16.60 4.09 6.42 13.74 17.18
1.50 0.165 335 335 20.03 4.09 6.42 16.58 20.73

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.2 1.38 1.34 5.1 0.257 49.498 0.51 9.0 12.0
0.88 3.8 1.78 2.05 4.5 0.217 32.511 0.55 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.6 2.17 2.86 3.9 0.190 23.284 0.59 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.2 3.07 5.09 3.2 0.151 13.055 0.66 15.3 20.5
1.50 2.9 4.07 8.15 2.9 0.125 8.163 0.73 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 4.3 2.49 1.29 4.3 0.257 40.239 0.63 9.0 12.0
0.88 3.9 3.21 1.96 4.0 0.217 26.430 0.63 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.7 3.92 2.74 4.0 0.190 18.928 0.63 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.3 5.55 4.89 4.1 0.151 10.613 0.63 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.0 7.36 7.81 3.9 0.125 6.636 0.63 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 100.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 5.80 8.13 6.37 5.85 19.54 5.08 16.1 3.09 3.69 1.82
0.88 7.95 12.0 9.74 7.61 28.41 6.75 22.8 3.12 3.72 2.47
1.00 9.94 15.6 12.9 9.23 36.15 8.29 28.9 3.15 3.75 3.06
1.25 14.2 26.3 20.5 13.0 54.80 11.8 43.0 3.14 3.74 4.38
1.50 17.1 31.7 24.7 15.7 66.17 14.3 51.9 3.14 3.74 5.29

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 5.80 8.13 6.37 6.54 26.85 5.76 20.0 2.78 3.56 2.42
0.88 7.95 12.0 9.74 8.70 36.87 7.74 27.8 2.86 3.64 3.21
1.00 9.94 15.6 12.9 10.7 48.41 9.56 35.0 2.94 3.71 3.94
1.25 14.2 26.3 20.5 14.9 80.68 13.7 55.0 2.54 3.34 6.45
1.50 17.1 31.7 24.7 17.9 96.46 16.5 66.4 2.54 3.20 7.78

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 6.47 13.3 6.13 20.0 6.63 3.07 9.99
0.88 8.46 18.6 8.56 26.2 9.30 4.28 13.1
1.00 10.3 23.6 10.8 32.0 11.8 5.40 16.0
1.25 14.3 35.8 14.6 48.0 17.9 7.29 24.0
1.50 17.3 43.2 17.6 57.9 21.6 8.79 28.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 106.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.100 206 206 11.84 4.17 6.56 4.43 4.72 5.94 5.83 7.29
0.88 0.117 243 243 14.01 4.17 6.56 5.78 4.70 6.00 8.54 10.68
1.00 0.133 278 278 16.01 4.17 6.56 7.14 4.68 6.05 11.04 13.80
1.25 0.167 330 350 20.18 4.17 6.56 10.24 4.64 6.15 13.57 16.96
1.50 0.200 398 423 24.35 4.17 6.56 13.43 4.56 6.33 16.37 20.46

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.3 1.77 1.33 4.9 0.284 47.440 0.41 9.00 12.0
0.88 3.9 2.28 2.03 4.9 0.240 31.160 0.45 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.7 2.79 2.83 4.9 0.210 22.316 0.48 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.3 3.95 5.06 3.9 0.167 12.512 0.54 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.0 5.23 8.09 3.2 0.138 7.824 0.59 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 4.3 3.32 1.47 4.7 0.284 41.246 0.64 9.00 12.0
0.88 3.9 4.27 2.23 4.7 0.240 27.091 0.64 10.6 14.2
1.00 3.7 5.22 3.12 4.8 0.210 19.402 0.64 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.3 7.38 5.56 4.9 0.167 10.878 0.64 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.0 9.79 8.89 5.0 0.138 6.802 0.64 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 106.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 7.31 10.79 10.79 8.04 27.82 8.04 24.88 2.32 2.99 3.17
0.88 9.96 15.03 15.03 10.07 38.59 10.07 34.52 2.34 3.01 4.27
1.00 12.4 19.48 19.48 11.84 49.86 11.84 44.61 2.35 3.02 5.29
1.25 16.3 22.35 22.35 15.63 56.93 15.63 50.92 1.55 2.31 10.10
1.50 19.7 31.52 31.52 18.86 79.95 18.86 71.50 1.55 2.31 12.20

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 7.31 10.79 10.79 8.04 40.52 8.04 36.26 2.15 3.03 4.00
0.88 9.96 15.03 15.03 10.07 55.82 10.07 49.93 2.05 2.94 5.74
1.00 12.4 19.48 19.48 11.84 71.67 11.84 64.12 1.96 2.85 7.35
1.25 16.3 22.35 22.35 15.63 80.93 15.63 72.37 1.42 2.40 12.50
1.50 19.7 31.52 31.52 18.86 112.6 18.86 100.66 1.42 2.40 15.10

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 8.95 45.03 10.66 117.0 8.20 90.06 22.51 5.33 58.52 4.20 45.03
0.88 12.1 71.51 13.55 186.0 10.42 143.02 35.75 6.77 93.00 5.21 71.51
1.00 15.0 99.38 16.33 258.5 12.56 198.76 49.69 8.16 129.2 6.28 99.38
1.25 20.7 153.99 22.41 400.2 17.24 307.98 76.99 11.20 200.0 8.93 153.99
1.50 25.0 220.10 28.76 572.3 22.12 440.21 110.05 14.38 286.2 11.06 220.10

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 106.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.100 206 206 11.84 4.17 4.26 4.43 4.72 4.88 4.74 5.93
0.88 0.117 243 243 14.01 4.17 4.26 5.78 4.70 4.82 8.02 10.03
1.00 0.133 278 278 16.01 4.17 4.26 7.14 4.68 4.77 11.04 13.80
1.25 0.167 350 330 20.18 4.17 4.26 10.24 4.64 4.67 13.57 16.96
1.50 0.200 423 398 24.35 4.17 4.26 13.43 4.56 4.49 16.37 20.46

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.5 2.76 1.74 6.4 0.284 46.904 0.22 14.0 14.0
0.88 4.1 3.56 2.65 6.4 0.240 30.808 0.23 16.6 16.6
1.00 3.9 4.35 3.70 6.5 0.210 22.064 0.25 18.9 18.9
1.25 3.5 6.15 6.60 6.2 0.167 12.371 0.28 23.9 23.9
1.50 3.1 8.15 10.56 5.2 0.138 7.735 0.31 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 1.9 9.50 9.66 1.9 0.284 1.768 1.06 14.0 14.0
0.88 1.7 12.23 14.71 1.7 0.240 1.161 1.06 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.6 14.94 20.54 1.6 0.210 0.832 1.06 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.5 21.14 36.63 1.5 0.167 0.466 1.06 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.3 28.03 58.57 1.3 0.138 0.292 1.06 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 106.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 8.95 8.59 8.59 8.20 22.14 8.20 19.80
0.88 12.1 12.09 12.09 10.42 31.05 10.42 27.78
1.00 15.0 15.97 15.97 12.56 40.90 12.56 36.57
1.25 20.7 26.32 26.32 17.24 67.01 17.24 59.96
1.50 25.0 31.52 31.52 22.12 79.95 22.12 71.50

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 8.95 8.59 8.59 8.20 32.24 8.20 28.85
0.88 12.1 12.09 12.09 10.42 44.93 10.42 40.18
1.00 15.0 15.97 15.97 12.56 58.76 12.56 52.57
1.25 20.7 26.32 26.32 17.24 95.29 17.24 85.23
1.50 25.0 31.52 31.52 22.12 112.6 22.12 100.66

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 1 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 7.31 46.65 10.45 121.2 8.04 93.29 23.32 5.22 60.55 4.02 46.65
0.88 9.96 73.92 13.09 192.2 10.07 147.83 36.86 6.54 96.01 5.03 73.92
1.00 12.4 100.96 15.39 262.4 11.84 201.92 50.48 7.69 131.1 5.92 100.96
1.25 16.3 156.23 20.32 406.2 15.63 312.47 78.11 10.16 203.1 7.81 156.23
1.50 19.7 223.10 24.52 580.1 18.86 446.20 111.55 12.26 290.1 9.43 223.10

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γM and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M.
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0974 297 297 11.5 5.14 8.07 4.01 5.96 7.86 5.18 6.48
0.88 0.114 344 344 13.6 5.14 8.07 5.22 5.94 7.90 10.0 12.5
1.00 0.130 387 387 15.6 5.14 8.07 6.42 5.91 7.92 11.4 14.3
1.25 0.162 491 491 19.7 5.14 8.07 9.20 5.85 7.94 14.4 18.0
1.50 0.195 594 594 23.7 5.14 8.07 12.0 5.76 7.93 17.4 21.7

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.1 1.53 1.66 6.7 0.275 56.0 0.51 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.7 1.97 2.52 5.6 0.232 36.8 0.55 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.4 2.41 3.52 4.9 0.203 26.3 0.59 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.9 3.41 6.28 3.9 0.161 14.8 0.66 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.6 4.52 10.0 3.6 0.134 9.24 0.73 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 5.3 3.44 1.58 5.3 0.275 40.5 0.79 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.9 4.43 2.41 5.0 0.232 26.6 0.79 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.6 5.41 3.37 5.1 0.203 19.0 0.79 12.2 16.2
1.25 4.1 7.66 6.00 5.2 0.161 10.7 0.79 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.7 10.2 9.60 5.3 0.134 6.60 0.79 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 10.2 7.16 5.47 9.44 20.40 7.86 16.6 6.62 7.46 2.24
0.88 12.6 10.4 7.92 12.3 29.07 10.5 24.3 5.08 5.95 3.59
1.00 14.8 13.3 10.2 14.9 36.98 12.9 31.2 4.43 5.33 4.82
1.25 20.6 24.6 18.9 21.3 66.00 19.2 50.7 4.00 4.92 7.42
1.50 26.5 36.2 27.7 27.8 94.91 25.4 70.1 3.82 4.75 10.0

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 10.2 7.16 5.47 10.8 29.18 9.56 22.8 8.02 8.83 1.84
0.88 12.6 10.4 7.92 14.3 39.33 12.7 30.2 6.00 6.85 3.04
1.00 14.8 13.3 10.2 17.4 47.97 15.6 37.0 5.18 6.05 4.14
1.25 20.6 24.6 18.9 24.0 82.79 21.9 60.2 4.14 5.05 7.16
1.50 26.5 36.2 27.7 30.6 117.3 28.4 83.1 3.75 4.68 10.2

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε = 1
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 9.83 7.16 10.1 29.1 3.57 12.4 30.38 8.77 16.0
0.88 12.8 10.4 12.5 36.4 5.17 18.0 36.90 11.8 21.4
1.00 15.5 13.3 14.8 43.2 6.65 23.3 43.10 14.7 26.3
1.25 21.3 24.6 23.1 72.3 12.4 69.9 36.35 21.6 31.1
1.50 27.2 36.2 28.1 87.2 18.0 84.3 43.84 26.0 37.6

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.0974 297 297 11.5 5.14 5.63 4.01 5.96 5.84 6.00 7.50
0.88 0.114 344 344 13.6 5.14 5.63 5.22 5.94 5.80 8.57 10.7
1.00 0.130 387 387 15.6 5.14 5.63 6.42 5.91 5.78 9.79 12.2
1.25 0.162 491 491 19.7 5.14 5.63 9.20 5.85 5.76 12.3 15.4
1.50 0.195 594 594 23.7 5.14 5.63 12.0 5.76 5.77 14.9 18.6

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.5 2.22 1.48 9.0 0.275 78.4 0.25 14.0 14.0
0.88 5.0 2.85 2.25 9.1 0.232 51.5 0.28 16.6 16.6
1.00 4.7 3.49 3.15 9.1 0.203 36.9 0.30 18.9 18.9
1.25 4.2 4.93 5.61 8.1 0.161 20.7 0.33 23.9 23.9
1.50 3.8 6.54 8.97 6.8 0.134 12.9 0.36 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 2.1 10.2 10.9 2.1 0.275 1.79 1.04 14.0 14.0
0.88 2.0 13.1 16.6 2.0 0.232 1.17 1.04 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.8 16.0 23.1 1.8 0.203 0.840 1.04 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.6 22.6 41.2 1.6 0.161 0.471 1.04 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.5 29.9 65.9 1.5 0.134 0.295 1.04 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 9.83 7.16 5.47 10.6 20.77 8.69 17.9 7.67 8.48 1.86
0.88 12.8 10.4 7.92 13.4 29.10 11.2 24.0 6.72 7.55 2.75
1.00 15.5 13.3 10.2 16.1 36.91 13.6 29.9 6.30 7.14 3.57
1.25 21.3 24.6 18.9 23.7 57.93 20.6 46.5 5.01 5.89 6.15
1.50 27.2 36.2 27.7 31.5 79.14 27.5 63.2 4.52 5.43 8.71

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 9.83 7.16 5.47 12.0 23.35 9.71 21.3 6.84 7.67 2.08
0.88 12.8 10.4 7.92 14.3 34.15 12.1 27.9 6.24 7.08 2.96
1.00 15.5 13.3 10.2 16.5 44.28 14.4 34.2 5.95 6.80 3.77
1.25 21.3 24.6 18.9 24.5 75.24 21.9 56.4 4.16 5.07 7.39
1.50 27.2 36.2 27.7 32.4 105.9 29.5 78.6 3.54 4.49 11.0

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 10.2 7.16 11.6 26.9 3.57 11.7 27.2
0.88 12.6 10.4 13.4 37.2 5.17 12.8 34.9
1.00 14.8 13.3 15.0 46.6 6.65 13.8 42.2
1.25 20.6 24.6 20.6 80.6 12.4 19.6 67.3
1.50 26.5 36.2 24.8 97.2 18.0 23.5 81.3

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

Hole pattern

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam

0.75 0.0863 268 262 10.1 5.30 8.49 3.64 5.83 7.72 4.17 5.21
0.88 0.101 327 325 11.9 5.30 8.49 4.71 5.80 7.75 7.82 9.80
1.00 0.115 377 380 13.6 5.30 8.49 5.80 5.80 7.77 10.60 13.30
1.25 0.144 468 483 17.2 5.30 8.49 8.39 5.83 7.82 14.60 18.30
1.50 0.173 542 570 20.8 5.30 8.49 11.00 5.82 7.86 16.20 20.20

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.10 1.53 1.66 6.66 0.311 56.00 0.51 6.32 8.38
0.88 4.70 1.97 2.52 5.66 0.262 36.80 0.55 7.48 9.91
1.00 4.40 2.41 3.52 4.96 0.229 26.30 0.59 8.54 11.30
1.25 3.90 3.41 6.28 3.97 0.182 14.80 0.66 10.80 14.30
1.50 3.60 4.52 10.00 3.30 0.151 9.24 0.73 13.00 17.20

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 5.30 3.44 1.58 4.33 0.311 40.50 0.51 6.32 8.38
0.88 4.90 4.43 2.41 5.05 0.262 26.60 0.55 7.48 9.91
1.00 4.60 5.41 3.37 5.10 0.229 19.00 0.59 8.54 11.30
1.25 4.10 7.66 6.00 5.24 0.182 10.70 0.66 10.80 14.30
1.50 3.70 10.20 9.60 5.33 0.151 6.60 0.73 13.00 17.20

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 135.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 50 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 7.85 5.81 4.36 8.73 15.66 5.07 13.1 7.67 8.62 1.75
0.88 10.50 7.85 5.89 11.00 21.99 7.27 17.8 7.88 8.90 2.44
1.00 13.00 10.40 7.80 13.10 29.03 9.36 22.7 8.04 9.12 3.12
1.25 18.70 17.80 13.30 17.30 47.42 13.90 34.2 8.27 9.43 4.68
1.50 25.00 28.00 21.00 21.40 71.24 18.80 47.6 8.34 9.55 6.43

bA+ov = 50 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 7.85 5.81 4.36 10.00 19.10 6.03 15.8 5.74 6.74 2.33
0.88 10.50 7.85 5.89 12.20 26.93 8.40 21.3 6.65 7.70 2.84
1.00 13.00 10.40 7.80 14.10 35.45 10.60 26.8 7.20 8.30 3.49
1.25 18.70 17.80 13.30 18.00 57.70 15.20 39.5 7.53 8.72 5.37
1.50 25.00 28.00 21.00 21.80 86.84 19.80 53.8 6.72 7.98 7.98

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 5)
Internal support, ε =
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 6.65 13.8 10.40 27.60 6.91 5.18 13.80
0.88 8.96 16.0 13.10 31.90 7.98 6.57 16.00
1.00 11.10 18.1 15.80 36.10 9.03 7.90 18.10
1.25 15.60 22.8 21.70 45.60 11.40 10.90 22.80
1.50 20.00 28.1 28.10 56.10 14.00 14.00 28.10

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 150.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.107 377 377 12.5 5.49 8.91 5.26 6.29 8.46 7.75 9.69
0.88 0.126 446 446 14.8 5.49 8.91 7.13 6.24 8.48 10.0 12.5
1.00 0.143 510 510 16.9 5.49 8.91 9.04 6.21 8.51 11.4 14.3
1.25 0.179 642 642 21.3 5.49 8.91 13.6 6.08 8.68 14.4 18.0
1.50 0.215 775 775 25.7 5.49 8.91 18.4 5.96 8.82 17.4 21.7

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 4.7 1.48 2.06 6.3 0.308 54.9 0.67 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.4 1.90 3.14 5.3 0.260 36.0 0.73 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.1 2.33 4.38 4.7 0.228 25.8 0.78 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.6 3.29 7.81 3.7 0.181 14.5 0.87 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.3 4.36 12.5 3.3 0.150 9.05 0.96 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 5.0 3.71 1.99 5.2 0.308 33.0 1.04 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.6 4.78 3.03 5.2 0.260 21.7 1.04 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.3 5.84 4.23 5.3 0.228 15.5 1.04 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.8 8.26 7.54 5.5 0.181 8.70 1.04 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.5 11.0 12.1 5.1 0.150 5.44 1.04 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 150.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 12.1 8.62 6.59 14.4 19.69 12.5 15.9 5.65 9.85 2.38
0.88 18.0 13.7 10.5 24.3 26.87 16.4 21.7 5.87 11.3 3.58
1.00 23.0 18.5 14.2 30.7 35.24 21.1 28.7 5.93 10.4 4.42
1.25 29.4 27.2 20.8 33.9 58.22 33.9 47.4 5.84 8.06 5.35
1.50 35.5 32.8 25.1 41.0 70.43 41.0 57.2 5.82 8.04 6.46

2) 4)
bA+ov ≥ 90 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 12.1 11.2 8.57 14.1 36.65 12.5 29.7 3.67 9.55 3.81
0.88 18.0 17.8 13.6 20.1 54.25 16.4 44.1 4.03 10.7 4.67
1.00 23.0 24.1 18.4 25.4 71.57 21.1 57.9 4.24 9.94 5.51
1.25 29.4 35.4 27.0 33.5 105.3 33.5 85.7 4.30 7.60 7.36
1.50 35.5 42.7 32.6 40.4 127.8 40.4 103 4.27 7.56 8.88

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 11.5 8.62 18.2 33.49 14.9 18.4 4.30 9.10 16.71 7.45 9.18
0.88 15.0 13.7 24.0 52.91 22.3 26.2 6.85 12.0 26.57 11.1 13.1
1.00 19.5 18.5 29.1 71.75 28.4 34.5 9.23 14.6 35.76 14.2 17.2
1.25 33.5 27.2 36.7 104.2 36.2 53.4 13.6 18.4 52.33 18.2 26.7
1.50 40.3 32.8 44.4 125.9 43.9 64.4 16.4 22.1 63.00 21.9 32.1

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 150.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.107 377 377 12.5 5.49 6.39 5.26 6.29 6.84 6.25 7.81
0.88 0.126 446 446 14.8 5.49 6.39 7.13 6.24 6.82 9.05 11.3
1.00 0.143 510 510 16.9 5.49 6.39 9.04 6.21 6.79 10.3 12.9
1.25 0.179 642 642 21.3 5.49 6.39 13.6 6.08 6.62 13.0 16.3
1.50 0.215 775 775 25.7 5.49 6.39 18.4 5.96 6.48 15.7 19.7

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.1 1.97 1.64 11.3 0.308 88.1 0.35 14.0 14.0
0.88 4.7 2.54 2.50 11.4 0.260 57.9 0.38 16.6 16.6
1.00 4.4 3.10 3.49 10.2 0.288 41.4 0.41 18.9 18.9
1.25 3.9 4.39 6.22 8.1 0.181 23.2 0.46 23.9 23.9
1.50 3.6 5.82 9.95 6.8 0.150 14.5 0.50 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 2.1 9.94 11.3 2.1 0.308 2.00 1.26 14.0 14.0
0.88 2.0 12.8 17.2 2.0 0.260 1.32 1.26 16.6 16.6
1.00 1.8 15.6 24.0 1.8 0.228 0.942 1.26 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.6 22.1 42.9 1.6 0.181 0.528 1.26 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.5 29.3 68.6 1.5 0.150 0.330 1.26 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 150.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 11.5 8.62 6.59 12.9 20.01 12.9 16.2 5.12 8.52 2.94
0.88 15.0 13.7 10.5 19.6 28.42 19.6 23.1 4.61 7.26 3.90
1.00 19.5 18.5 14.2 24.7 37.42 24.7 30.5 4.73 7.19 4.67
1.25 33.5 27.2 20.8 30.5 57.99 30.5 47.1 5.68 8.17 5.93
1.50 40.3 32.8 25.1 36.7 70.27 36.7 56.9 5.65 8.14 7.17

2) 4)
bA+ov ≥ 90 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 11.5 11.2 8.57 16.1 29.57 13.1 23.9 3.67 6.27 3.80
0.88 15.0 17.8 13.6 21.1 46.85 19.6 38.0 3.23 5.81 5.32
1.00 19.5 24.1 18.4 25.7 63.37 25.1 51.2 3.28 5.83 6.38
1.25 33.5 35.4 27.0 32.4 92.21 32.0 74.8 4.13 6.58 7.53
1.50 40.3 42.7 32.6 39.2 111.4 38.7 90.3 4.14 6.60 9.10

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 12.1 8.62 15.9 41.47 14.2 18.0 4.30 7.97 20.75 7.09 9.04
0.88 18.0 13.7 22.8 61.60 18.5 24.6 6.85 11.4 30.83 9.25 12.3
1.00 23.0 18.5 28.7 80.89 24.0 32.5 9.23 14.4 40.60 12.0 16.2
1.25 29.4 27.2 37.9 119.4 37.9 53.7 13.6 19.0 60.15 19.0 26.9
1.50 35.5 32.8 45.7 144.7 45.7 64.8 16.4 23.0 72.42 23.0 32.5

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.121 458 458 13.9 5.66 9.18 5.67 6.59 8.75 7.75 9.69
0.88 0.142 542 542 16.5 5.66 9.18 7.69 6.54 8.77 10.0 12.5
1.00 0.161 619 619 18.8 5.66 9.18 9.75 6.50 8.80 11.4 14.3
1.25 0.201 780 780 23.8 5.66 9.18 14.4 6.39 8.97 14.4 18.0
1.50 0.242 942 942 28.7 5.66 9.18 19.5 6.25 9.12 17.4 21.7

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.0 1.60 1.73 8.6 0.343 68.3 0.69 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.6 2.06 2.64 7.3 0.290 44.9 0.76 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.3 2.51 3.69 6.4 0.254 32.1 0.81 12.2 16.2
1.25 3.8 3.56 6.57 5.1 0.201 18.0 0.91 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.5 4.72 10.5 4.3 0.167 11.3 1.00 18.5 24.7

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 5.2 3.62 1.64 5.9 0.343 46.4 1.13 9.00 12.0
0.88 4.8 4.66 2.49 6.0 0.290 30.4 1.13 10.6 14.2
1.00 4.5 5.70 3.48 6.1 0.254 21.8 1.13 12.2 16.2
1.25 4.0 8.06 6.21 6.3 0.201 12.2 1.13 15.3 20.5
1.50 3.6 10.7 9.93 6.5 0.167 7.64 1.13 18.5 24.7

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 13.2 11.4 8.71 13.6 26.66 9.92 25.5 3.65 9.15 3.29
0.88 17.5 17.0 13.0 17.0 37.11 13.2 36.5 3.48 8.41 3.95
1.00 22.1 22.3 17.0 20.9 49.37 18.0 46.2 3.38 7.91 5.34
1.25 27.8 28.1 21.4 26.3 62.05 22.8 58.2 3.66 8.14 6.62
1.50 33.6 33.8 25.9 31.7 74.88 27.3 70.2 3.73 8.21 8.00

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 13.2 11.4 8.71 15.6 38.83 13.1 32.9 4.63 7.96 3.83
0.88 17.5 17.0 13.0 19.5 57.85 17.6 48.6 4.28 7.27 5.01
1.00 22.1 22.3 17.0 22.6 77.96 21.1 63.5 4.13 7.19 6.95
1.25 27.8 28.1 21.4 28.5 98.76 27.2 80.0 4.06 6.97 8.65
1.50 33.6 33.8 25.9 34.5 119.2 33.0 96.3 4.05 6.97 10.5

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 14.2 11.4 14.2 36.66 11.4 27.7 5.70 7.11 18.34 5.70 13.8
0.88 17.8 17.0 18.7 45.41 15.7 37.6 8.53 9.38 22.76 7.84 18.7
1.00 21.5 22.3 24.8 58.27 18.4 48.4 11.2 12.4 29.19 9.16 24.3
1.25 27.0 28.1 31.3 73.85 23.1 60.5 14.0 15.7 36.85 11.5 30.6
1.50 32.5 33.8 37.9 89.27 27.9 73.6 16.9 18.9 44.34 13.9 36.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 0 mm, ε= 2
0.75 13.2 11.4 8.71 9.44 20.65 7.50 18.1 6.96 7.66 2.36
0.88 17.5 17.0 13.0 13.5 30.68 10.8 26.3 6.52 7.22 3.38
1.00 22.1 22.3 17.0 17.3 40.05 13.8 33.8 6.31 7.01 4.32
1.25 27.8 28.1 21.4 21.6 50.19 17.3 42.2 6.31 7.01 5.41
1.50 33.6 33.8 25.9 26.0 60.17 20.7 50.7 6.34 7.05 6.49

bA+ov = mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 14.2 11.4 14.2 36.66 11.4 27.7 5.70 7.11 18.34 5.70 13.8
0.88 17.8 17.0 18.7 45.41 15.7 37.6 8.53 9.38 22.76 7.84 18.7
1.00 21.5 22.3 24.8 58.27 18.4 48.4 11.2 12.4 29.19 9.16 24.3
1.25 27.0 28.1 31.3 73.85 23.1 60.5 14.0 15.7 36.85 11.5 30.6
1.50 32.5 33.8 37.9 89.27 27.9 73.6 16.9 18.9 44.34 13.9 36.9

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γM and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γ M.
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

A dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.121 458 458 13.9 5.66 6.62 5.67 6.59 7.05 7.75 9.69
0.88 0.142 542 542 16.5 5.66 6.62 7.69 6.54 7.03 10.0 12.5
1.00 0.161 619 619 18.8 5.66 6.62 9.75 6.50 7.00 11.4 14.3
1.25 0.201 780 780 23.8 5.66 6.62 14.4 6.39 6.83 14.4 18.0
1.50 0.242 942 942 28.7 5.66 6.62 19.5 6.25 6.68 17.4 21.7

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.5 2.25 1.53 11.4 0.343 95.1 0.36 14.0 14.0
0.88 5.0 2.90 2.34 11.6 0.290 62.5 0.39 16.6 16.6
1.00 4.7 3.54 3.26 11.7 0.254 44.7 0.42 18.9 18.9
1.25 4.2 5.01 5.82 10.2 0.201 25.1 0.47 23.9 23.9
1.50 3.8 6.65 9.30 8.5 0.167 15.7 0.51 28.8 28.8

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 2.5 9.56 8.47 2.5 0.343 3.05 1.49 14.0 14.0
0.88 2.3 12.3 12.9 2.3 0.290 2.00 1.49 16.6 16.6
1.00 2.1 15.0 18.0 2.1 0.254 1.43 1.49 18.9 18.9
1.25 1.9 21.3 32.1 1.9 0.201 0.804 1.49 23.9 23.9
1.50 1.7 28.2 51.3 1.7 0.167 0.503 1.49 28.8 28.8

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 negative position (narrow flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 60 mm, ε= 2
0.75 14.2 11.4 8.71 12.9 25.43 10.1 23.1 4.91 7.94 3.02
0.88 17.8 17.0 13.0 19.8 33.64 13.8 30.9 4.41 6.99 4.34
1.00 21.5 22.3 17.0 23.0 45.22 17.4 41.0 4.20 6.84 6.21
1.25 27.0 28.1 21.4 29.0 57.08 21.9 51.6 4.21 6.86 7.83
1.50 32.5 33.8 25.9 35.0 68.63 26.4 62.3 4.21 6.87 9.48

bA+ov = 40 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 14.2 11.4 8.71 13.4 36.24 11.3 31.5 4.74 8.43 4.11
0.88 17.8 17.0 13.0 20.1 52.01 17.4 42.9 4.88 8.50 5.70
1.00 21.5 22.3 17.0 23.4 71.11 20.1 56.7 4.25 7.34 7.22
1.25 27.0 28.1 21.4 29.4 89.47 25.4 71.4 4.28 7.37 9.10
1.50 32.5 33.8 25.9 35.5 107.8 30.6 86.3 4.27 7.36 10.9

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 13.2 11.4 14.5 28.44 10.6 27.2 5.70 7.68 15.08 5.63 14.4
0.88 17.5 17.0 17.8 39.07 14.0 38.4 8.50 9.61 21.02 7.51 20.7
1.00 22.1 22.3 20.4 48.33 17.7 44.9 11.1 11.8 28.00 10.2 26.2
1.25 27.8 28.1 25.7 60.83 22.3 57.0 14.0 14.9 35.28 12.8 33.0
1.50 33.6 33.8 31.1 74.17 26.9 68.9 16.9 18.0 42.85 15.5 39.8

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γF · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γ M and γ F · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Section properties of the trapezoidal sheet in compliance with German Standard

“DIN 18807”, “Anpassungsrichtlinie Stahlbau and “Mitteilungen Sonderheft 11/1“

Hole pattern

dimensions in mm

Yield strength fy,k = 320 N/mm2

Effective properties of section
Nominal Dead
thickness load Properties of section Properties of section for axial force Maximum spans 3)
for bending 1)

Full cross-sectional area Effective cross-sectional area 2) Lgr [m]

tN g I+ef I-ef Ag ig zg Aef ief zef Single-span Multi-span
[mm] [kN/m2] [cm4/m] [cm4/m] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] [cm2/m] [cm] [cm] beam beam
0.75 0.110 428 428 11.7 6.06 9.49 5.24 6.81 8.92 7.35 9.19
0.88 0.129 507 507 13.8 6.06 9.49 6.99 6.81 8.96 10.0 12.5
1.00 0.147 579 579 15.8 6.06 9.49 8.74 6.80 9.00 11.4 14.3
1.25 0.184 730 730 19.9 6.06 9.49 12.5 6.77 9.22 14.4 18.0
1.50 0.220 881 881 24.0 6.06 9.49 16.3 6.71 9.44 17.4 21.8

Shear plate input

zulT3 = Gs/750 [kN/m] zul Ft 7)
Gs = 104/(K1+K2/Ls) Length of load introduction a
tN minLs4) zulT1 zulT2 LG 5) K1 K2 K3 6) ≥ 130 mm ≥ 280 mm
[mm] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m/kN] [m2/kN] [-] [kN] [kN]
Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 6
0.75 5.0 1.24 1.51 7.9 0.343 82.4 0.57 8.50 11.5
0.88 4.6 1.60 2.30 6.7 0.290 54.1 0.62 10.0 13.6
1.00 4.3 1.95 3.21 5.8 0.254 38.7 0.67 11.4 15.5
1.25 3.8 2.76 5.72 4.7 0.201 21.7 0.75 14.4 19.6
1.50 3.5 3.66 9.15 3.9 0.167 13.6 0.82 17.4 23.6

Construction in compliance with German Standard DIN 18807-3 figure 7

0.75 5.2 2.83 1.42 6.1 0.343 55.9 0.94 8.50 11.5
0.88 4.8 3.64 2.17 6.2 0.290 36.7 0.94 10.0 13.6
1.00 4.5 4.45 3.03 6.3 0.254 26.3 0.94 11.4 15.5
1.25 4.0 6.29 5.40 6.4 0.201 14.7 0.94 14.4 19.6
1.50 3.6 8.34 8.63 6.4 0.167 9.21 0.94 17.4 23.6

Effective second moment of area for downwards loads (+) and upwards loads (-).
Effective section for a constant compression stress σ = fy,k.
Maximum span during construction for roof and slab construction without using loadspreading elements.
If the shear plate length Ls<min Ls, reduce the permissable shear flow (T).
If the shear plate length Ls>LG, "zul T3" is not significant.

Reaction at support Rs = K3 · γ · T; (T= applied shear flow in kN/m)
Point load in compliance with "DIN 18807 Part 3 Section”

A company
of ThyssenKrupp
ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme

GB · Info 4.3.5 · 2.2008 · bc

Hoesch Trapezoidal sheet T 160.1 A positive position (broad flange in compression)

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL downwards1)
Nominal Sagging Reaction at Internal support: elastic - elastic Internal support: plastic - plastic
thickness moment end support Combined check for bending and shear 5)
Resistance moments (residual moments) 6)

Ultimate Serviceability ε Reaction at MR,k = 0 für L ≤ min l

limit state limit state γ F ⋅ MB,S,k  γ ⋅R  internal
+  F 0 B,S,k  ≤1 support MR,k =
L − min l
⋅ max MR,k
ULS SLS MB0 ,k / γ M  R /γ  max l − min l
 B,k M 
MR,k = maxMR,k für L ≥ max l
0 0
tN MF,k RA,T,k RA,G,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k min l max l maxMR,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] [kNm/m]
bA+ov = 40 mm 3)
Width of the internal support bB = 160 mm, ε= 2
0.75 12.8 6.29 4.81 16.8 25.66 13.4 22.6 5.31 9.79 3.51
0.88 17.7 8.99 6.88 20.6 38.26 16.6 31.2 6.62 10.9 4.15
1.00 22.2 11.5 8.80 24.0 49.97 19.6 39.2 7.48 11.7 4.74
1.25 27.9 14.5 11.1 30.2 62.65 24.7 49.3 7.48 11.7 5.97
1.50 33.8 17.5 13.4 36.5 75.52 29.9 59.6 7.49 11.7 7.20

2) 4)
bA+ü ≥ 90 mm 4)
Width of the internal support bB ≥ mm, ε=
0.75 12.8 6.92 5.29
0.88 17.7 9.89 7.56
1.00 22.2 12.7 9.68
1.25 27.9 16.0 12.2
1.50 33.8 19.3 14.7

Characteristic capacity of trapezoidal sheet

for UDL upwards1)
Nominal Sagging Connection to every flange Connection to every second flange
thickness moment End End
Internal support, ε = 2 5)
Internal support, ε = 2
support support
0 0 0 0
tN MF,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k RA,k M B,k R B,k maxMB,k maxRB,k
[mm] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
0.75 12.3 11.9 15.2 102.1 15.2 47.6 5.95 7.63 51.10 7.58 23.8
0.88 15.4 16.3 20.4 146.8 19.9 65.1 8.14 10.2 73.14 9.96 32.5
1.00 18.3 20.4 25.0 187.0 24.3 81.3 10.1 12.5 93.69 12.2 40.6
1.25 23.2 25.7 31.6 236.7 30.8 102 12.8 15.8 118.1 15.3 51.2
1.50 27.9 30.9 38.1 285.2 37.1 124 15.4 19.0 142.5 18.5 61.7

At the location of line loads perpendicular to the span or point loads the trapezoidal sheet should be designed with the capacity of
sagging moment (opposite load direction) and not with hogging moment capacity.
bA+ov = Width of end support including overhang of the sheet.
If the width of the support is small, reduce the characteristic capacity of the section in linear ratio. If the support width is smaller than
10mm (i.e.CHS), use 10mm support width.
Interpolation of the characteristic capacity with reference to the support width is permissable.
For the combination of shear and bending use the formular above. If no values for M B,0 k or R B, 0
are given use the following checks:
γ F · MB,S,k ≤ maxMB,k / γM and γF · RB,S,k ≤ maxRB,k / γM .
L is the smallest span of the adjected bays. If no value for the residual moment is given, use MR,k = 0 for the ULS or use the elastic-
elastic design method.

ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme GmbH

Hammerstraße 11 · D-57223 Kreuztal
Phone ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 221 · Fax ++ 49 / 27 32 / 599 1 219
e-mail: export.tks-bau@thyssenkrupp.com · Internet: www.tks-bau.com

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