ABB SACE Division: PR122/VF Modbus System Interface
ABB SACE Division: PR122/VF Modbus System Interface
ABB SACE Division: PR122/VF Modbus System Interface
Emax VF
The aim of this document is to show the addresses of all the information available in PR122/VF.
Moreover, it expalins the procedures to read information and program the parameters of the above mentioned protection units.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Index Page
1. REVISION HISTORY..................................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 REV 01, 11/01/2011 .................................................................................................................................................................5
2. AIM .................................................................................................................................................................................................5
3. ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................5
3.1 ACRONYMS...............................................................................................................................................................................5
4. COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS.......................................................................................................................................6
5. UNIT IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................................................................6
6. AVAILABLE MODBUS FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................................6
6.1 FUNCTION 03 (03H) READ HOLDING REGISTERS .....................................................................................................................7
6.2 FUNCTION 04 (04H) READ INPUT REGISTERS ..........................................................................................................................7
6.3 FUNCTION 06 (06H) WRITE SINGLE REGISTER ........................................................................................................................7
6.4 FUNCTION 08 (08H) DIAGNOSTIC.............................................................................................................................................7
6.5 FUNCTION 16 (10H) WRITE MULTIPLE REGISTERS ..................................................................................................................8
6.6 FUNCTION 17 (11H) REPORT SLAVE ID....................................................................................................................................8
6.7 FUNCTION 70 (46H) READ EXTENDED REGISTERS ..................................................................................................................8
6.8 EXCEPTION RESPONSES ............................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.1 Illegal function.................................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.2 Illegal data address .........................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.3 Illegal data value.............................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.4 Slave device failure .........................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.5 Slave device busy.............................................................................................................................................................9
6.8.6 Exception occurrences ....................................................................................................................................................9
7. MODBUS MAP............................................................................................................................................................................10
7.1 MEASURES..........................................................................................................................................................................10
7.2 PROTECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................10
7.3 REGISTER MAP...................................................................................................................................................................11
7.3.1 SYSTEM BUS MAP .......................................................................................................................................................11
7.4 DATALOGGER MAP (EXTENDED REGISTERS) ...................................................................................................................12
8. DESCRIPTION OF REGISTERS.............................................................................................................................................14
8.1 COMMANDS........................................................................................................................................................................14
8.2 STATISTICAL DATA..........................................................................................................................................................15
8.3 PROGR FAIL ERROR CODE ..............................................................................................................................................15
8.4 STATE ...................................................................................................................................................................................17
8.5 TIME......................................................................................................................................................................................20
8.6 RUN-TIME MEASURES .....................................................................................................................................................20
8.7 INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................................................20
8.8 PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION 1................................................................................................................................21
8.9 PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION 2................................................................................................................................21
8.10 PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION 3................................................................................................................................22
8.11 PARAMETERS PROTECTION SET1.................................................................................................................................23
8.12 TRIP HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................................................24
8.13 MEASURES HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................25
8.14 LOG EVENTS.......................................................................................................................................................................25
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
9. TABLES........................................................................................................................................................................................26
10. CHECK OF PARAMETERS ACCURACY ........................................................................................................................27
11. OPERATION DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................................27
11.1 PARAMETER PROGRAMMING .......................................................................................................................................27
11.2 DATALOGGER....................................................................................................................................................................28
11.2.1 Recorded data................................................................................................................................................................29
11.2.2 Trigger state information ..............................................................................................................................................29
11.2.3 Datalogger settings .......................................................................................................................................................30
11.2.4 Available commands for the datalogger.......................................................................................................................31
11.2.5 Functioning description ................................................................................................................................................32
11.3 MEASURE HISTORY DATA STRUCTURE .....................................................................................................................33
11.4 RELAY FUNCTIONALITY.................................................................................................................................................34
11.4.1 Settings of relay fucntionality of the signaling module ................................................................................................35
11.5 SIGNALLING MODULE INPUT FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................................................................36
11.5.1 Settings of input signalling module...............................................................................................................................37
11.6 CB STATE INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................................................37
11.7 STATISTICAL DATA..........................................................................................................................................................38
11.8 RELAYS YO AND YC .........................................................................................................................................................39
11.9 COMAMND EXECUTION CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................40
11.9.1 Command execution conditions:...................................................................................................................................40
11.10 MEASURE LIMITS AND REPRESENTATION............................................................................................................40
11.11 CONTACT WEAR............................................................................................................................................................40
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Index of figures Page
FIGURE 1 PROGRAMMING SESSION CORRECTLY HANDLED ....................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 2 PROGRAMMING FAILED ..........................................................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 3 PROGRAMMING ABORTED .......................................................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 5 THREE SITUATIONS OF RECORDING........................................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 6 RECORDING TIME LOWER THAN MAXIMUM ............................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 8 RELAY FUNCTIONALITY ..........................................................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 9 EFFECT OF MINIMUM TIME OF RELAY ACTIVATION ................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 10 SIGNALLING MODULE INPUT FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................................................................................36
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
1.1 Rev 01, 11/01/2011
First release.
2. AIM
The aim of this document is to indicate the addresses of all the information available with PR122/VF.
Moreover, it explains the procedures to read information and to program the parameters of the above mentioned protection units.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
4. Communication parameters
Serial type Baud rate Address Addressing type Physical protocol
SSI 500 KHz 3 Standard E, 8, 1
E, 8, 1
O, 8, 1
Bus EXT 9600/19200 bit/s 1 ÷ 247 Standard / ABB
N, 8, 2
N, 8, 1
Bus INT 19200 bit/s 3 Standard E, 8, 1
Bus Test 19200 bit/s 3 Standard E, 8, 1
5. Unit identification
Unit Slave ID
PR122/VF 0x11
Nota 1. All queries must respect the limitation of the maximum modbus message length of 256 byte
AA = slave address (1 247)
cl = byte low of CRC
ch = byte high of CRC
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
6.1 Function 03 (03h) Read Holding Registers
Addr Function Starting address Number of registers Crc
AA 03h High Low High Low ch cl
Nota 1. Number of registers ≤ 125
Addr Function Byte count Register value … Register value Crc
AA 03h nn High Low … High Low ch cl
Addr Function Byte count Input register … Input register Crc
AA 04h nn High Low … High Low ch cl
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
6.5 Function 16 (10h) Write Multiple Registers
Addr Funct Starting addr Num of registers Byte count Reg value … Reg value Crc
Aa 10h High Low High Low Nn High Low … High Low ch cl
Nota 1. Number of registers ≤ 123
Addr Function Starting address Number of register Crc
Aa 10h High Low High Low ch cl
Nota 2. Number of registers ≤ 123
Addr Function Byte count Slave ID Run indicator Sw Version Addr event Device Ser Nr Crc
AA 11h 16h ID 0FFh High Low High Low 16 byte (ASCII) ch cl
Addr Funct Byte count Ref type Reg value … Reg value Crc
AA 46h Nn 06h High Low … High Low ch Cl
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
6.8 Exception responses
6.8.1 Illegal function
Addr Function Exception code Crc
AA Function + 80h 01h ch cl
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Data format LINT (4 byte = 2 word = 2 registers) is transferred with low significant part at lower modbus address (LOW-HIGH)
Register i LS word
Register i + 1 MS word
Instead within WORD data the most significant byte is transferred first (as in MODBUS RTU standard)
MS byte LS byte
The following table shows the available measures for each type of device and possible necessary conditions:
Line currents `
Trip history `
Log event history `
Measure history `
Contact wear `
Datalogger `
The following table shows the different available protections for each type of device and possible necessary conditions:
L `
I `
OT `
LC `(1)
Hw prot. `
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
AI [30001] AO [40001]
rel Function 4 16 3 6
(6.2) (6.5) (6.1) (6.3)
600 (8.7)
U *FLASH : could be busy (busy exception response)
(*) Parameters that can be written only during an open programming session
Example of table reading:
RUN-TIME MEASURES analog input absolute address: 30001+offset (200) = 30201
The relative address is offset (200) = 200
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
7.4 DATALOGGER MAP (extended registers)
U Addressing type “ABB” cannot be used for these registers, therefore the address field will be always included between 1
and 65536 for all addressing methods.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Table 3 TAB_ALARM_1
Bit Input type
0 --- Bit Input type
1 --- 0 ---
2 --- 1 Contact Wear Pre-alarm
3 --- 2 Contact Wear Alarm
4 --- 3 L Pre-alarm
5 --- 4 L Timing
6 --- 5 ---
7 --- 6 ---
8 Relay P1 contact 7 ---
9 Relay P2 contact 8 ---
10 Relay P3 contact 9 ---
11 Relay P4 contact 10 ---
12 --- 11 OT Pre-alarm
13 --- 12 OT Alarm
14 --- 13 OT Alarm (Blocked Trip)
15 --- 14 ---
15 ---
Table 2 TAB_TRIP
Table 4 TAB_ALARM_2
Bit Input type
0 L tripped Bit Input type
1 -- 0 ---
2 -- 1 ---
3 I tripped 2 ---
4 -- 3 ---
5 -- 4 ---
6 --- 5 ---
7 OT tripped 6 ---
8 --- 7 ---
9 -- 8 ---
10 -- 9 ---
11 -- 10 ---
12 --- 11 ---
13 -- 12 ---
14 --- 13 ---
15 --- 14 Iw Warning
15 LC1 Alarm
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Notes Bus
addr item
To execute a command it is requested to write to COMMAND TYPE field the number desired and in the following address the
possible parameter related to the command.
To send a command it is requested to use function 16 and write both the command registers and the parameter also if this one is
not necessary.
Example 1:to send the command “Trip test”, write 19 at the address of the register COMMAND TYPE and each value at
the address of the PARAMETER address (parameter not necessary for this command).
Value Command type Parameter
0 Dummy command don’t care
1 Trip reset don’t care
2 Signaling Reset don’t care
3 Communication statistics reset don’t care
4 Log event reset don’t care
5 Start programming session don’t care
6 Abort programming session don’t care
7 Stop programming session don’t care
8 CB Open don’t care
9 CB Close don’t care
10 CB Reset don’t care
11 Wink toggle command don’t care
12 History measure reset don’t care
13 --- don’t care
14 Datalogger trigger restart don’t care
15 Datalogger stop don’t care
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Representation Notes
addr item
Received msg no. =
Received msg no. with crc error +
0 1 Received message number 0 ÷ 65535
Sent msg no. +
Received broadcast msg no.
Received message number
1 1 0 ÷ 65535
with crc error
2 1 Sent message number 0 ÷ 65535 Total exception response number included
Slave Busy exception number
3 1 0 ÷ 65535
Total exception response
4 1 0 ÷ 65535 Slave Busy exception number response included
0 ÷ 65000
5 1 Contact wear (100% = 65000)
CW > 100% → 65000
6 1 Total trip protection number 0 ÷ 65535 Protection trip fail number included
Total operation no. =
Manual operation no. +
7 1 Total operation number 0 ÷ 65535 protection trip no. +
protection trip fail no. +
N° trip test no.
8 1 Manual operation number 0 ÷ 65535
9 1 Total trip protection number 0 ÷ 65535 Protection trip fail number not included
10 1 Trip protection fail number 0 ÷ 65535
11 1 Trip test number 0 ÷ 65535
U Registers from address 0 to 4 compose the communication statistics, registers from address 6 to 11 compose CB
operation statistics.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Par error code Parameters Par error code Parameters Par error code Parameters Par error code Parameters
< min > max Step err address < min > max Step err address < min > max Step err address < min > max Step err address
0 1 2 Not used 183 184 185 1072 366 367 368 1142 549 550 551 1221
3 4 5 1020 186 187 188 1073 369 370 371 1143 552 553 554 1222
6 7 8 1050 189 190 191 1074 372 373 374 1145 555 556 557 1225
9 10 11 1301 192 193 194 1075 375 376 377 1147 558 559 560 1223
12 13 14 1021 195 196 197 1076 378 379 380 1144 561 562 563 1224
15 16 17 1022 198 199 200 1077 381 382 383 1146 564 565 566 1226
18 19 20 1023 201 202 203 1078 384 385 386 1148 567 568 569 1227
21 22 23 1024 204 205 206 1079 387 388 389 1149 570 571 572 1228
24 25 26 1025 207 208 209 1080 390 391 392 1176 573 574 575 1229
27 28 29 1026 210 211 212 1081 393 394 395 1177 576 577 578 1230
30 31 32 1051 213 214 215 1082 396 397 398 1178 579 580 581 1231
33 34 35 1083 216 217 218 1300 399 400 401 1150 582 583 584 1232
36 37 38 1302 219 220 221 1314 402 403 404 1151 585 586 587 1233
39 40 41 1303 222 223 224 1310 405 406 407 1152 588 589 590 1234
42 43 44 1304 225 226 227 Not used 408 409 410 1153 591 592 593 1236
45 46 47 1305 228 229 230 Not used 411 412 413 1154 594 595 596 1238
48 49 50 1306 231 232 233 1311 414 415 416 1155 597 598 599 1235
51 52 53 1307 234 235 236 1312 417 418 419 1156 600 601 602 1237
54 55 56 1308 237 238 239 1313 420 421 422 1157 603 604 605 1239
57 58 59 1309 240 241 242 1100 423 424 425 1158 606 607 608 1240
60 61 62 1028 243 244 245 1101 426 427 428 1159 609 610 611 1241
63 64 65 1029 246 247 248 1102 429 430 431 1160 612 613 614 1242
66 67 68 1030 249 250 251 1104 432 433 434 1161 615 616 617 1243
69 70 71 1031 252 253 254 1103 435 436 437 1162 618 619 620 1245
255 256 257 1105 438 439 440 1163 621 622 623 1247
72 73 74 1095
258 259 260 1106 441 442 443 1164 624 625 626 1244
75 76 77 1096
261 262 263 1107 444 445 446 1165 627 628 629 1246
78 79 80 1084
264 265 266 1108 447 448 449 1166 630 631 632 1248
81 82 83 1085
267 268 269 1110 450 451 452 1167 633 634 635 1249
84 85 86 1086
270 271 272 1112 453 454 455 1168 636 637 638 1276
87 88 89 1087
273 274 275 1109 456 457 458 1169 639 640 641 1277
90 91 92 1088 276 277 278 1111 459 460 461 1170 642 643 644 1278
93 94 95 1089
279 280 281 1113 462 463 464 1171 645 646 647 1250
96 97 98 1090 282 283 284 1114 465 466 467 1172 648 649 650 1251
99 100 101 1091 285 286 287 1115 468 469 470 1173 651 652 653 1252
102 103 104 1092 288 289 290 1116 471 472 473 1174 654 655 656 1253
105 106 107 1093 291 292 293 1118 474 475 476 1175 657 658 659 1254
108 109 110 1027 294 295 296 1117 477 478 479 1179 660 661 662 1255
111 112 113 1094 297 298 299 1119 480 481 482 1180 663 664 665 1256
114 115 116 1032 300 301 302 1120 483 484 485 1181 666 667 668 1257
117 118 119 1097 303 304 305 1121 486 487 488 1200 669 670 671 1258
120 121 122 1098 306 307 308 1122 489 490 491 1201 672 673 674 1259
123 124 125 1052 309 310 311 1125 492 493 494 1202 675 676 677 1260
126 127 128 1067 312 313 314 1123 495 496 497 1204 678 679 680 1261
129 130 131 1053 315 316 317 1124 498 499 500 1203 681 682 683 1262
132 133 134 1054 318 319 320 1126 501 502 503 1205 684 685 686 1263
135 136 137 1055 321 322 323 1127 504 505 506 1206 687 688 689 1264
138 139 140 1056 324 325 326 1128 507 508 509 1207 690 691 692 1265
141 142 143 1057 327 328 329 1129 510 511 512 1208 693 694 695 1266
144 145 146 1058 330 331 332 1130 513 514 515 1210 696 697 698 1267
147 148 149 1059 333 334 335 1131 516 517 518 1212 699 700 701 1268
150 151 152 1060 336 337 338 1132 519 520 521 1209 702 703 704 1269
153 154 155 1061 339 340 341 1133 522 523 524 1211 705 706 707 1270
156 157 158 1062 342 343 344 1134 525 526 527 1213 708 709 710 1271
159 160 161 1063 345 346 347 1136 528 529 530 1214 711 712 713 1272
162 163 164 1064 348 349 350 1138 531 532 533 1215 714 715 716 1273
165 166 167 1065 351 352 353 1135 534 535 536 1216 717 718 719 1274
168 169 170 1066 354 355 356 1137 537 538 539 1218 720 721 722 1275
171 172 173 1068 357 358 359 1139 540 541 542 1217 723 724 725 1279
174 175 176 1069 360 361 362 1140 543 544 545 1219 726 727 728 1280
177 178 179 1070 363 364 365 1141 546 547 548 1220 729 730 731 1281
180 181 182 1071
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
N Symbols (↑) and (↕) marks state bits whose variation are traced in the events log; (↑) means that variation from o to 1 is
traced, instead (↕) means that variations from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0 are traced too.
Rel # of
Name Bit Descrption Notes
addr item
BIT 0 (↑) Parameter changed 1 = Parameter(s) changed
BIT 1 Historical Measure Update 1 = Histor meas updated
BIT 2 --- ---
BIT 3 (↑) Signalling Reset 1 = Signalling resetted
BIT 4 Trip Reset 1 = Trip Reset Command executed
BIT 5 CB Reset 1 = CB Reset Command executed
BIT 6 Dummy Command 1 = Dummy Command executed
GLITCH BIT 7 --- ---
100 1
note 2 BIT 8 --- ---
BIT 9 --- ---
BIT 10 --- ---
BIT 11 --- ---
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 13 --- ---
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 --- ---
BIT 0 Any Alarm / Timing / Warning OR of alarms
BIT 1 Any Trip OR of Trips (latched)
BIT 2 CB tripped 1 = CB tripped
BIT 3 (↕) CB connected / isolated 0 = Isolated, 1 = Connected
BIT 4 (↕) CB open/closed 0 = Open, 1 = Closed
BIT 5 (↕) CB undefined 1 = Undefined
BIT 6 (↕) No communic on Local Bus 1 = No communication on LB
STATE 2 BIT 7 Springs charged/discharged 0 = Discharged, 1 = Charged
101 1
FLAGS BIT 8 (↑) Trip command fail 1 = Trip command failed
BIT 9 (↕) Local / Remote Operating Mode 0 = Local, 1 = Remote
BIT 10 Programming OK 1 = Programming OK
BIT 11 Programming Fail 1 = Programming Failed
BIT 12 Internal Bus programming session 1 = Bus SSI session opened
BIT 13 Test Bus programming session 1 = Bus Test session opened
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 System Bus programming session 1 = Bus Ext session opened
BIT 0 (↕) Test Session 1 = Test session opened
BIT 1 (↕) Test Unit connected 1 = Test unit connected
BIT 2 --- ---
BIT 3 Signalling module present 1 = Signalling module present
BIT 4 Dialog unit present 1 = Dialog unit present
BIT 5 --- ---
BIT 6 Display Off for high temp 1 = Display Off
STATE 3 BIT 7 Waiting Trigger 1 =Waiting trigger
102 1
FLAGS BIT 8 Datalogger Triggered 1 = Triggered
BIT 9 Datalogger stopped 1 = Stopped
BIT 10 (↕) --- ---
BIT 11 Wink ON 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
BIT 12 Signalling Module Input Status 0 = Not active, 1 = Active
BIT 13 KK function 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 Local Bus Digital Input 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Bit Description Notes
addr item
BIT 0 Vaux Required
BIT 1 (↕) Contact Wear Pre-alarm
BIT 2 (↕) Contact Wear Alarm
BIT 3 (↕) L Pre-alarm
BIT 4 (↕) L Timing
BIT 5 (↕) --- ---
BIT 6 (↕) --- ---
STATE 4 BIT 7 (↕) --- ---
103 1
ALARM BIT 8 (↕) --- ---
BIT 9 --- ---
BIT 10 --- ---
BIT 11 (↕) OT Pre-alarm
BIT 12 (↕) OT Alarm
BIT 13 (↕) OT Alarm (Blocked Trip)
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 15 (↕) --- ---
BIT 0 (↕) --- ---
BIT 1 (↕) --- ---
BIT 2 (↕) --- ---
BIT 3 (↕) --- ---
BIT 4 (↕) --- ---
BIT 5 --- ---
BIT 6 --- ---
STATE 5 BIT 7 (↕) --- ---
104 1
ALARM BIT 8 (↕) --- ---
BIT 9 --- ---
BIT 10 --- ---
BIT 11 --- ---
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 13 (↕) --- ---
BIT 14 (↕) Iw Warning
BIT 15 (↕) LC1 Alarm
BIT 0 (↕) LC2 Alarm
BIT 1 (↕) --- ---
BIT 2 (↕) --- ---
BIT 3 (↕) --- ---
BIT 4 (↕) --- ---
BIT 5 (↕) CB Device error ---
BIT 6 (↕) TC Error
STATE 6 BIT 7 (↕) Rating Plug Error
105 1
ALARM BIT 8 (↕) Key Plug Error
BIT 9 Internal Error
BIT 10 --- ---
BIT 11 --- ---
BIT 12 Invalid Date
BIT 13 (↕) Configuration Error
BIT 14 (↕) CB Status Error
BIT 15 --- ---
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Bit Description Notes
addr item
BIT 0 --- ---
BIT 1 --- ---
BIT 2 --- ---
BIT 3 --- ---
BIT 4 --- ---
BIT 5 --- ---
BIT 6 --- ---
INPUTS BIT 7 --- ---
106 1
/OUTPUTS BIT 8 Relay P1 contact 0 = open, 1 = closed
BIT 9 Relay P2 contact 0 = open, 1 = closed
BIT 10 Relay P3 contact 0 = open, 1 = closed
BIT 11 Relay P4 contact 0 = open, 1 = closed
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 13 --- ---
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 --- ---
BIT 0 (↑) L tripped 1 = L trip
BIT 1 (↑) --- ---
BIT 2 (↑) --- ---
BIT 3 (↑) I tripped 1 = I trip
BIT 4 (↑) --- ---
BIT 5 (↑) --- ---
STATE 8 BIT 6 --- ---
107 1 LATCHED BIT 7 (↑) OT tripped 1 = OT trip
note 3 BIT 8 --- ---
BIT 9 (↑) --- ---
BIT 10 (↑) --- ---
BIT 11 (↑) --- ---
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 13 (↑) --- ---
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 --- ---
BIT 0 (↑) Electronic Trip Test ---
BIT 1 (↑) Simulated Trip from Test Unit ---
BIT 2 (↑) External Input Trip ---
BIT 3 (↑) Hardware Error Trip ---
BIT 4 --- ---
BIT 5 --- ---
STATE 9 BIT 6 --- ---
LATCHED BIT 7 --- ---
108 1
BIT 8 --- ---
note 3
BIT 9 --- ---
BIT 10 --- ---
BIT 11 --- ---
BIT 12 --- ---
BIT 13 --- ---
BIT 14 --- ---
BIT 15 TRIP command fail 1= TRIP command failed
note 2: GLITCH registers are automatically cleared after reading.
note 3: LATCHED registers are set when the associated event happens; they are seret only by “CB RESET” or “TRIP RESET”commands.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
8.5 TIME
Rel # of
Name Description
addr item
100 1 Day Number of days from 31/12/1999
101 1 Hour & minute MSB = Hour, LSB = minute
102 1 Second 0 – 59
103 1 Millisecond 0 -999
U As shown in REGISTER MAP (3.2), the TIME update could be done only using modbus function 16. In order to modify
the Time it is necessary to open the programming session, the data come immediately modified and not at the end of the
programming session as it happens for the normal parameters, therefore the abandonment (abort) of the programming
session do not cancel the carried out modification.
It’s recommended to update simultaneously all four TIME registers.
Rel # of
Name Description Notes
addr item
Not available → 232-1
200 2 Maximum current (rms) [A] I < IMIN → 0
0→ Not available,
1→ I1
202 1 Maximum current phase Not available → 0
2→ I2
3→ I3
203 2 I1 phase current (rms) Not available → 232-1
205 2 I2 phase current (rms) [A] I < IMIN → 0
207 2 I3 phase current (rms) I > IMAX → IMAX
Rel # of
Name Range Description
addr item
700 1 Slave ID 0x11 PR122/VF
701 1 SW version Major + minor
702 1 Product Standard Reference 0 0→IEC
703 1 ---
704 1 In (nominal current) 800 ÷ 2500 [A]
706 8 CB Serial Number ASCII format characters ASCII format characters
714 1 Datalogger max file 0÷3 0÷3
715 1 Datalogger max address 0 ÷ 65535 0 ÷ 65535
0 = None (free running)
1 = Any Alarm
716 1 Datalogger Trigger 0÷4 2 = L Timing
3= Any Trip
4 = Custom
717 1 Day of Dlogger trigger Number of days from 31/12/1999
718 1 Hour & minute of Dlog trigger Hour & minute MSB = Hour, LSB = minute
719 1 Second of Dlog trigger Seconds
720 1 Millisecond of Dlog trigger Milliseconds
721 2 --- --- ---
723 6 CB name ASCII format characters
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Range Description
addr item
1000 1 Product execution 1 0ÆLI
1001 8 Relay Serial Number ASCII format characters ---
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
# of item Name Range Description
1051 1 Measurement store time 5 ÷ 120 step 5 [min] 5 ÷ 120 min
1067 1 P Relays Contact config TAB_P_RELE_CONFIG TAB_P_RELE_CONFIG
1068 1 P1 Function 0 ÷ 65535 TAB_RELAYS_FUNCTION
1069 1 P1 Delay 0.00 ÷ 100.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 10000 [s*10-2]
1070 1 P2 Function 0 ÷ 65535 TAB_RELAYS_FUNCTION
1071 1 P2 Delay 0.00 ÷ 100.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 10000 [s*10-2]
1072 1 P3 Function 0 ÷ 65535 TAB_RELAYS_FUNCTION
1073 1 P3 Delay 0.00 ÷ 100.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 10000 [s*10-2]
1074 1 P4 Function 0 ÷ 65535 TAB_RELAYS_FUNCTION
1075 1 P4 Delay 0.00 ÷ 100.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 10000 [s*10-2]
Programmable Input 0 = Active low
1076 1 0x0000 ÷ 0x0001
config 1 = Active high
0 = Generic
1 = External TRIP
Programmable Input 2 = Trip reset
1077 1 0÷5
Function 3 = ---
4 = Dial Local
5 = Reset Signalling Module
1078 1 Programmable Input Delay 0.00 ÷ 100.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 10000 [s*10-2]
0 = Data Logger = OFF
1079 1 Data Logger Config 0x0000 ÷ 0x0001
1 = Data Logger = ON
Standard: 0 ÷ 3 0 = None (free running)
1080 1 Data Logger Trigger Type Custom 256 ÷ 65535 1 = Any Alarm
(see Trigger setting) 2 = L Timing
3 = Any Trip
1081 1 Data Logger Stop Delay 0.00 ÷ 10.00 step 0.01 [s] 0 ÷ 1000 [s*10-2]
0 = 600 Hz
1 = 1200 Hz
1082 1 Data Logger Frequency 0÷3
2 = 2400 Hz
3 = 4800 Hz
1083 --- ---
1084 5 CB TAG name Characters in format ASCII
1089 5 User data Characters in format ASCII
1094 1 ---
Number of days from
1095 1 Date of installation CB
Number of days from
1096 1 Date of last maint CB
1097 1 ---
Startup current activation
1098 1 0.10 ÷ 10.00 step 0.10 [In] 10 ÷ 1000 [In*10-2]
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
The following table shows parameters included in protections.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Description
addr item
0 MARKER (0 = valid)
Trip Type
2 N° trip
3 Date (day)
4 Date (MSB = hours, LSB = min)
5 Date (seconds)
2000 19 Trip history no. 1 (new) 6 Date (ms)
7÷8 Current I1
9÷10 Current I2
11÷12 Current I3
13÷14 ---
15 Contact wear
2019 19 Trip history N° 2 “
… 19 Trip history N° 3 “
… 19 Trip history N° 4 “
… 19 Trip history N° 5 “
… 19 Trip history N° 6 “
… 19 Trip history N° 7 “
… 19 Trip history N° 8 “
… … …. “
2361 19 Trip history N° 20 (old) “
Trip type word 1 word 16 word 17 word 18
L 1 In Active threshold = value / 512 See addr. 1100 ---
I 7 0x0000 In Active threshold = value / 512 See addr. 1128
OT 10 Temperature °C = value * 0,073855 See addr. 705 See addr. 704
EXT 18 See addr. 1078 See addr. 1076 See addr. 1077
Hw Trip 21 See addr. 105 See addr. 1401 See addr. 1500
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Rel # of
Name Description
addr item
0 MARKER (0 = valid)
History code:
2 Period from last save (minutes)
3 Number of days from 31/12/1999
4 MSB = Hour, LSB = minute
Measure history 5
2500 24
n° 1 (new) 6
9 Phase with max. current (1 = I1, 2 = I2, 3 = I3)
10 Maximum current LOW
11 Maximum current HIGH
12 ---
13 ---
2524 24 Measure history n°2 “
2548 24 Measure history n°3 “
… 24 … “
3052 24 Measure history n°24 “
3076 24 Measure history n°25 (old) “
MARKER (0 = valid)
Event type
Number of days from 31/12/1999
3300 6 Log event n° 1 (new)
MSB = Hour, LSB = minute
3306 6 Log event n° 2 “
3312 6 Log event n° 3 “
… 6 … “
3768 6 Log event n° 79 “
3774 6 Log event n° 80 (old) “
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Value Description Value Event type
0 None 0 Parameters changed
1 L prealarm 1 Signalling reset
2 L timing 2 CB isolated
3 --- 3 CB connected
4 CB open
4 L trip
5 CB closed
5 --- 6 CB status defined
6 I trip 7 CB status undefined
7 --- 8 ---
8 Any trip 9 ---
9 Any Alarm 10 Trip command fail
10 LC1 11 ---
12 Remote mode operating mode
11 LC2
13 Test session closed
Custom 14 Test session opened
256 ÷ 65535
Setting of the activation relay function 15 Test unit not connected
16 Test unit connected
17 ---
Table 9 TAB_P_RELE_CONFIG 18 ---
19 ---
Bit = 0 Bit = 1 20 ---
Bit 0 Relay P1 not latched Relay P1 Latched 21 Cw Preal OFF
Bit 1 Relay P2 not latched Relay P2 Latched 22 Cw Preal ON
Bit 2 Relay P3 not latched Relay P3 Latched 23 Cw Alarm OFF
Bit 3 Relay P4 not latched Relay P4 Latched 24 Cw Alarm ON
25 L Preal OFF
Bit 4 Contact P1 NO Contact P1 NC
26 L Preal ON
Bit 5 Contact P2 NO Contact P2 NC 27 L Timing OFF
Bit 6 Contact P3 NO Contact P3 NC 28 L Timing ON
Bit 7 Contact P4 NO Contact P4 NC 41 OT Warning OFF
42 OT Warning ON
43 OT Alarm OFF
Table 10 TAB_CB_TYPE 44 OT Alarm ON
45 OT Alarm Block OFF
CB Valore 46 OT Alarm Block ON
E2VF800 0 79 Iw Alarm OFF
1 80 Iw Alarm ON
E2VF1000 2 81 Lc1 OFF
3 82 Lc1 ON
E2VF1250 4 83 Lc2 OFF
84 Lc2 ON
93 CB Device Alarm OFF
E2VF1600 6
94 CB Device Alarm ON
7 95 TC Alarm OFF
E2VF1600 8 96 TC Alarm ON
9 97 Rating Plug Alarm OFF
E3VF800 10 98 Rating Plug Alarm ON
11 99 Key Plug error OFF
E3VF1000 12 100 Key Plug error ON
13 107 CB status error OFF
108 CB status error ON
E3VF1250 14
109 L tripped
15 110 ---
E3VF1600 16 111 ---
17 112 I tripped
E3VF2000 18 113 ---
19 114 ---
E3VF2500 20 115 ---
21 116 OT tripped
E3VF1600 22 125 Electronic trip test
126 Simulated trip from test unit
23 127 External input trip
E3VF2000 24 128 Hardware Error Trip
25 129 Aux On
E3VF2500 26 130 Trip Reset Ev
27 131 History Trip Reset
E2VF1200 28 132 History Measure Reset
29 133 Energy Reset
134 Aux Voltage On
E3VF1200 30
135 Aux Ext On
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB Lxxxx N. Doc. 1SDHxxxxxxR0001 Tot. Pag.
During the programming the accuracy checks of new parameters set are carried out, in particular:
1. All parameter values are in the admitted ranges (also if relevant to protection in off)
In case one of these checks failed the reply of exception ‘ILLEGAL DATA ERROR’ is done supplying in the ‘Programming Fail
Error Code’ the relevant error code.
Open Stop
session Send session
Progr.ok = 1
Progr.ok = 1 = 0 = 1 Programming session open
Open Stop
session session
i i
Progr.ok = 1 Progr.ok = 0 = 1 = 1
Programming session open
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Open Send Abort
session sessione
Reload flash
Progr.ok = 1 Progr.ok = 0 = 1 = 0
Programming session open
Through the datalogger functionality is possible to execute the recording of some analogic and digital writings for a temporal
window of definable duration and synchronized by a setteble event.
The following figure shows in yellow the temporal window, the trigger and the available samples.
Stop Delay
Measures available
The user can select the sampling frequency, the trigger event type and the stop delay for obtaining the pre-trigger expected
towards the selected event.
Stop delay = 0 Stop delay < recording time Stop delay > recording time
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
The maximum length of recording is defined exclusively by the sample frequency set as described in table TAB DLOG
RECORDING TIME, in the case the sum of the stop delay and the time elapsed between a restart trigger is lower than the
maximum recording time, there will be a recording time lower than the maximum one as shown in the following figure:
Recording time
Stop delay
For each sampling period 16 word are recorded with, in order, the following information:
1. current sample I1 (1 word) 13. digital inputs (1 word)
2. current sample I2 (1 word) 14. alarms1 (1 word)
3. current sample I3 (1 word) 15. alarms2 (1 word)
From 4. to 12. dummy 16. trip (1 word)
The data recorded may be read (only when the datalogger is stopped) in the MODBUS MAP.
The datalogger recordings may be read in the MODBUS MAP only when the datalogger is not in phase of recording, that is when
the datalogger stopped is signaled.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
11.2.3 Datalogger settings
In PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION the configuration parameters of datalogger, described below, are present.
Note: following any modification of datalogger parameters this is stopped, to restart it is necessary to reset the trigger with the
restart trigger
In case 1. None (free running) no trigger is setted and the datalogger may be stopped only with a stop command by HMI or by
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Example 1:
To configure data logger trigger type to stop when at least one of the listed conditions occur ( L tripped, S tripped, I
tripped and G tripped) the value to write is:
Example 2:
To configure data logger trigger type to stop when all the listed conditions occur (UV Timing, RV Timing) the value to
write is:
In case there is an opening these commands are not accepted and will be reply exception BUSY
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
11.2.5 Functioning description
When the functionality is activate, the measures are continuously recorded and with a frequency set in a FIFO memory.
The recording will end after a stop delay setted according to the trigger event.
U The recording will end 10 ms after a trip.
If the parameters relevant to the datalogger are changed while it is active, the recording will be cleared and a new recording will
start according to the new parameters.
Waiting Trigger
Datalogger Triggered
Modbus Commands
Figure 7 Example of stop datalogger for trigger or for stop command and restart trigger command
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
The measure history log (8.13) contains the following information:
• Marker
• History code
• Saving period
• Day
• Hour + minute
• Total mean active power
• Maximum current
• Phase of Maximum current (I1, I2, I3)
The Marker (word length) is a general code for all non-volatile memory structure used to distinguish valid data (marker = 0x0000)
from not valid data (marker ≠ 0x0000)
Saving period mean, in the case nr.0 and nr.2, the elapsed time in minutes from previous record.
In case nr.1 an almost empty structure is recorded only to show power supply returns; only Marker and History code have mean.
Day, hour and minutes are the time-stamp of structure recording time.
1h 1h 1h
2. For e.g. after 27minutes from last recording time the Saving period is changed to 10minutes (history code 2):
1h 27m 10m
3. For e.g. after 14minutes from last recording time there is an auxiliary power supply failure and then a new power-up
(history code 1):
1h 14m … 1h
The striped histograms are those that match with historical code different from “normal”
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
In PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION some parameters are present that must be opportunely programmed to carry out the
activation funtions of P1 ÷ P4 relay (PR120/K).
In presence of the contact module (4 relay) the relevant relays can be managed as shown: it is possible an event (a specific state
situation) following up to activate with the desired relay, the desired relays in an independent way. Following the functionality is
Activation delay
Figure 8 Relay functionality
In figure 3 situations A, B, C are shown with the activation condition occurred, in situations A and B this doesn’t last for a time
higher than the activation delay, therefore the relay is not activated: in situation C the relay is activated after a delay set and
disactivated immediately (with a minimum selectable activation time) at the lacking of the condition of valid activation.
In the following figure the situation of the operation of the minimum time of relay activation is shown when the activation event
becomes not checked before the expiring of this time.
Note: the minimum activation time is selectable only for activation functions CUSTOM
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
11.4.1 Settings of relay fucntionality of the signaling module
In PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION the configuration parameters, described below, of the relay are present.
that clearly define which event determines the relay activation (or the disactivation if the relay is defined as normally close)
Writing in the record ‘namerelay Function’ in PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION a value included between 0 and 8, one of
the 9 types of the above standard functions will be set, writing a higher value the function will be considered custom type and
explained as follows:
Bit of function relay
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
OR Minimum
Byte placement in STATE Bits mask to be monitored in the trigger
AND activation T
Example 1:
To configure the activation function in order that the relay will activate when even one of the listed conditions occur : L
tripped, S tripped, I tripped e G tripped, the value to write is:
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
Example 2:
To configure the trigger in order that the datalogger will stop when simultaneously the listed conditions occur: UV
Timing, RP timing, the value to write is:
Activation delay
Action Action
Input validity A B C
In figure are shown 3 situations (A, B, C) with the input state valid.
In situations A and B the input is not valid for a time higher than the activation delay therefore the action associated has not
occurred; instead in situation C the action begins after the set delay.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
11.5.1 Settings of input signalling module
In PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION the parameters configurations of this input are present.
The device filters and checks CB state producing the following information:
• CB open/close
• CB state undefined
• CB state error
• CB connected/withdrawn
• Springs charged/discharged
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
State Notes
0 = Defined 1 = Undefined
Input CB open = 1
Input CB close = 0
Input CB open The state of inputs open and
NO flowing current
CB undefined = close has to remain steady for
Input CB close at least 30 ms
Input CB open = 0
Input CB close = 1
State Notes
0 = No error 1 = CB error
Input CB open = 1 The state of inputs open and
CB error Other chases Input CB close = 0 close has to remain steady for
Current flowing at least 30 ms
State Notes
0 = withdrawn 1 = connected
CB The input has to remain steady
Input CB connected = 0 Input CB connected = 1
withdrawin/connected for at least 1000 ms
State Notes
0 = discharged springs 1 = charged springs
Springs The input has to remain steady
Input charged springs = 0 Input charged springs = 1
charged/discharged for at least 200 ms
U There is a copy of each bus for the statistic communication data in order that the cancelling of the same will not compromise the reading by
other bus.
2. CB operation statistical data
a. Contact wear
b. Total protection trip number
3. CB operation statistical data NOT updated in self-supply device mode
c. Total operation nr.
d. Manual operation nr.
e. Protection trip nr.
f. Protection trip fail nr.
g. Trip test nr.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
The relationship between them: c=d + e + f + g , b ≥ e + f.
The following diagram shows the CB statistical data calculation method:
Trip open?
(d)manual oper.+=1
No New open? Vaux
(c)Total operation += 1
Protection No
(g)Trip test += 1
No Protection open?
No Trip
(b)Total protection trip nr. += 1 (e)Protection trip += 1 (f)Trip fail += 1
The relay YO is controlled also after a back up protection (the CB is closed also after an open command); in this case the relay
YO is controlled with an excitation (120 ms)–idle (50 ms) up to the CB is not open.
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.
11.9.1 Command execution conditions:
To the condition below reported must be appended:
1. By external bus the commands are accepted only in remote operation device mode.
2. With Test unit connected only CB OPEN command is accepted
Author Title EN
Autore LB-DTEA Titolo PR122/VF + PR120/D-M
Modbus™ System Interface
Doc. No
ABB L4618 N. Doc. 1SDH000922R0001 Tot. Pag.