Rules and Standards: German Atv-Dvwk

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Dimensioning of Trickling filters and Rotating

Biological Contactors

September 2001
ISBN 3-937758-36-4

ATV-DVWK German Association for Water, Wastewater
and Waste,
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17 y D-53773 Hennef
Tel. ++49-22 42 / 8 72-120 y Fax:++49 22 42 / 8 72-100
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Die Deutsche Bibliothek [The German Library] – CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

ATV-DVWK, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste:
ATV-DVWK Rules and Standards [Media combination] / ATV-DVWK, Water Management,
Wastewater, Waste. -Hennef : GFA, Ges. zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik
Previously under the title of: “Abwassertechnische Vereinigung”: ATV Set of Rules and Standards
A 281E. Dimensioning of Trickling Filters and Rotating Biological Contactors.
ISBN 3-937758-36-4

The main fields of activity of the ATV-DVWK are technical-scientific subjects and the economic as well as
the legal concerns of environmental protection. The politically and economically independent association
works nationally and internationally in the fields of pollution control, wastewater, water-hazardous sub-
stances, waste, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic power, hydrology, soil protection and contaminated sites.
The ca. 16,000 members are active in municipalities, engineer offices, authorities, firms and associations
and also in universities. Of these there are 10,000 specialists with personal membership; these are engi-
neers, scientists, lawyers, business persons, operating personnel and technicians. Via the corporate mem-
bership in the ATV-DVWK there is access to ca. 160,000 specialists.

All rights, in particular those of translation into other languages, are reserved. No part of this Standard may
be reproduced in any form - by photocopy, microfilm or any other process - or transferred into a language
usable in machines, in particular data processing machines, without the written approval of the publisher.

Publisher: ATV-DVWK Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.,
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17, D-53773 Hennef

Marketing: GFA Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V., Hennef

Setting and printing (German original): DCM, Meckenheim

© GFA Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e. V., Hennef 2001

2 September 2001

The revision of ATV Standard ATV-A 135 (now ATV-DVWK-A 281) has become necessary as it no longer
corresponds with the status of technology.

Compared with the issue of ATV Standard ATV-A 135 dated March 1989 the following important amend-
ments have been made:
• Basic validity for trickling filters and rotating biological contactors without limitation of the capacity (previ-
ously ≥ 500 PT).
• Removal of the determination of loading principles; a separate ATV-DVWK standard for all types of
wastewater treatment processes is being prepared.
• The addition of a dimensioning approach for denitrification using trickling filters.
• Increase of tank surface area and reduction of tank depth of the secondary settling stage due to new tri-
als results.

The biological stage of wastewater treatment plants, employing trickling filters and rotating biological con-
tactors without sludge return feed, is dealt with in this Standard. The standard applies only for rotating bio-
logical contactors without artificial aeration for the supply of the biofilm with the required oxygen.

A detailed description of the theoretical basic elements and practical application of both the fixed bed proc-
esses is contained in the ATV Handbook „Biologische und weitergehende Abwasserreinigung“ [“Biological
and Advanced Wastewater Treatment”] and „Mechanische Abwasserreinigung“ [“Mechanical Wastewater
Treatment”]. The development of the trickling filter process and the rotating biological contactor as well as
the factors on their treatment efficiency are covered in advanced literature.

As with all aerobic processes for biological wastewater treatment, the contact between biomass and
wastewater is to be established and the biomass is to be supplied with oxygen. With the trickling filter proc-
ess the wastewater is spray irrigated over the filter material so that, during the dripping process, the contact
between biomass and wastewater is established. In general, aeration is without application of further en-
ergy. With rotating biological contactors the partially submerged filter material is rotated about its longitudi-
nal axis with the application of energy. During the emergent phase of the material the biofilm can take up
oxygen from the surrounding air and in the submerged phase the pollutants from the wastewater.

The following are to be mentioned as favourable characteristics of trickling filters and rotating biological
• in general they are simple and stable to operate.
• no activated sludge return is necessary.
• trickling filter and rotating biological contactor facilities enable the colonisation of micro-organisms which
have long generation times. Thus even compounds which are difficult to degrade can be eliminated with
little loading.
• in general the energy requirement is small.

September 2001 3

This standard has been prepared by the ATV-DVWK Working Group KA-6.3 “Trickling filters and contac-
tors”, within the ATV-DVWK Specialist Committee KA-6 “Aerobic biological wastewater treatment proc-
esses”, and the ATV-DVWK Specialist Committee KA-5 “Settling processes”.

The ATV-DVWK Working Group KA-6.3 “Trickling filters and biological contactors” has the following mem-
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Bever, Oberhausen (Chairman) Dr.-Ing. Georg Mehlhart, Darmstadt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harro Bode, Essen Dr.-Ing. Manfred Roth, Stuttgart
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Dorias, Stuttgart Dr.-Ing. Sigurd Schlegel, Essen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Gebert, Planegg Dipl.-Ing. Gert Schwentner, Sindelfingen
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Dieter Kruse, Bad Zwischenahn Dr.-Ing Gerald A. Steinmann, Weißenburg

The members of the ATV-DVWK Specialist Committee KA-5 “Settling processes” are:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ernst Billmeier, München Dr.-Ing. Helmut Resch, Weissenburg (Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Winfried Born, Kassel Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Rosenwinkel, Hannover
Dr.-Ing. Andrea Deininger, Weyarn Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Rölle, Stuttgart
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grünebaum, Essen Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schulz, Essen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert, Neubiberg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carl Franz Seyfried, Hannover
Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Kalbskopf, Dinslaken Dr.-Ing. Andreas Stein, Emsdetten
Prof. Dr. Peter Krebs, Dresden

The ATV-DVWK Specialist Committee KA-6 “Aerobic biological wastewater treatment processes” has the
following members:
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Beer, Cottbus Dr. Dipl.-Biol. Hilde Lemmer, München
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Bever, Oberhausen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Londong, Wuppertal
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harro Bode, Essen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Matsché, Wien/Österreich
Dr.-Ing. Reiner Boll, Hannover Dipl.-Ing. Anton Peter-Fröhlich, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Lothar Huber, Neubiberg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Rosenwinkel, Hannover
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Rolf Kayser, Braunschweig Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schleypen, München
(Chairman) Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Teichgräber, Essen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Krauth, Stuttgart Dipl.-Ing. Volker Ziess, Haan
Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Richard Lemke, Leverkusen

4 September 2001


Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Authors ................................................................................................................................................... 4

User notes ................................................................................................................................................ 7

1 Area of application................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Preamble .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Symbols...................................................................................................................................... 8

3 Basic elements of dimensioning .............................................................................................. 10

3.1 Loading with wastewater............................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Loading from sludge liquor and external sludge. ....................................................................... 11

4 Pre-treatment............................................................................................................................ 11

5 Trickling filters ......................................................................................................................... 11

5.1 Description of the the process ................................................................................................... 11
5.1.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.2 Filter material ............................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Dimensioning ............................................................................................................................. 13
5.2.1 General details on dimensioning................................................................................................ 13
5.2.2 Wastewater treatment without nitrification ................................................................................. 14
5.2.3 Wastewater treatment with nitrification ...................................................................................... 14
5.2.4 Wastewater treatment with nitrification and denitrification......................................................... 15

6 Rotating biological contactors ............................................................................................... 16

6.1 Description of the process.......................................................................................................... 16
6.1.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.2 Material and types...................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Dimensioning ............................................................................................................................. 18
6.2.1 General details on dimensioning................................................................................................ 18
6.2.2 Wastewater treatment without nitrification ................................................................................. 19
6.2.3 Wastewater treatment with nitrification ...................................................................................... 19

7 Phosphorus removal ............................................................................................................... 20

8 Waste sludge production ........................................................................................................ 20

9 Secondary settling tanks......................................................................................................... 20

9.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Dimensioning of the secondary settling tank of single-stage trickling filters and rotating
biological contactors................................................................................................................... 21
9.3 Notes on tank shape and design ............................................................................................... 21

September 2001 5

10 Costs and environmental effects........................................................................................... 22

11 Relevant regulations, directives and standard specifications ........................................... 22

Literature ................................................................................................................................................. 23

6 September 2001

meet or undercut the achievable minimum effluent

User Notes requirements which correspond with the require-
ments of the German Wastewater Ordinance dated
This Standard is the result of honorary, technical- 09.02.1999, Appendix 1, and the associated sam-
scientific/economic collaboration which has been pling specifications.
achieved in accordance with the principles appli-
cable therefor (statutes, rules of procedure of the It is pointed out that short-term ammonium dis-
ATV-DVWK and the Standard ATV-DVWK-A charge peaks, in particular with combined waste-
400E). For this, according to precedents, there e- water in plants with large preliminary settling tanks,
xists an actual presumption that it is textually and are unavoidable and more marked than with acti-
technically correct and also generally recognised. vated sludge plants.

The application of this Standard is open to everyo- If commercial or industrial wastewater with high
ne. However, an obligation for application can ari- fractions of slowly biodegradable and/or inert or-
se from legal or administrative regulations, a ganic substances is discharged, a higher residual
contract or other legal reason. COD than with domestic wastewater can arise.
The same applies for areas with low water con-
This Standard is an important, however, not the sumption and low infiltration rate, as then the inert
sole source of information for correct solutions. COD concentration increases.
With its application no one avoids responsibility for
his own action or for the correct application in spe- In this Standard technical regulations are drawn up
cific cases; this applies in particular for the correct for the dimensioning both for
handling of the margins described in the Standard.
• carbon removal as well as the nitrification and
denitrification using trickling filters as well as for
1 Area of Application • carbon removal and nitrification using rotating
biological contactors.
1.1 Preamble In addition, information is given for phosphorus
The treatment of the stormwater in the sewer net-
work and of wastewater in the wastewater treat- In accordance with the requirements under [Ger-
ment plant form one unit for the protection of sur- man] water law, the structural and operating re-
face waters. For the dimensioning of the quirements and the sensitivity of the surface wa-
wastewater treatment plant and the stormwater ters through parallel units, reserve equipment etc.
overflows the planning periods are to be matched is to be oriented towards an appropriately high op-
to each other. The planning period should com- erational safety.
prise not more than 25 years.
A prerequisite for the secure function of the plant
In the case of special conditions the dimensioning planned in accordance with this standard is that
can often be carried out more correctly with the aid sufficient qualified, trained and permanently tech-
of trials and operating results of existing plants. nically supported operating personnel are em-
Under certain circumstances costs can be saved ployed and are involved in the planning process,
through this. The trials plants for this are to be es- comp. ATV Advisory Leaflet ATV-M 271 „Person-
tablished at least on a semi-industrial scale and albedarf für den Betrieb kommunaler Kläranlagen“
operated for not less than half a year under practi- [Personnel requirement for the operation of mu-
cal operating conditions with the inclusion of the nicipal wastewater treatment plants, – currently not
cold season. available in English].

With the systems dealt with in this Standard one is

1.2 Objective concerned with fixed bed reactors with very differ-
ent types of construction and process technology.
Using the dimensioning values recommended in Therefore, in this Standard, trickling filters (Chapter
this standard for municipal wastewater one can

September 2001 7

5) and rotating biological contactors (Chapter 6) a - number of rotary distributor

are dealt with separately. The subjects “Basic ele- arms
ments of dimensioning” (Chapter 3), “Pre- ASST [ANB] m2 surface area of the secon-
treatment” (Chapter 4), “Phosphorus removal” dary settling tank
(Chapter 7), “Waste sludge production” (Chapter 8) ARC [ART] m2 theoretical surface area of
and “Secondary settling tanks” (Chapter 9) are the rotating biological contac-
presented jointly. tor (sum of the surfaces of
the trickling material)
ARC,C m2 theoretical surface area of
1.3 Scope [ART,C] the rotating biological
contactor for carbon removal
This Standard applies basically for the dimension- ARC,N m2 theoretical surface area of
ing of single-stage trickling filter and rotating bio- [ART,N] the rotating biological con-
logical contactors and for pre-anoxic denitrification tactor for nitrification
trickling filters. Some advice is given for trickling fil- ATF [ATK] m2 surface area of the trickling
ters and rotating biological contactors in the sec- filter
ond stage. Attention is drawn to the ATV Report BA,BOD g/(m2.d) BOD5 surface loading of the
“Multi-stage biological wastewater treatment [BA,BSB] rotating biological contactor
plants” [3] [currently not available in English] with BA,TKN g/(m2.d) TKN surface loading of the
regard to multi-stage facilities. ATV-A 257E applies rotating biological contactor
for wastewater lagoons with intermediate trickling Bd,BOD,InB kg/d daily BOD5 load in the
filters and rotating biological contactors. [Bd,BBS,ZB] influent to the biological reac
Due to the peculiarities of small wastewater treat- Bd,NO3,D kg/d daily nitrate-nitrogen load to
ment plants attention is drawn to the ATV Standard be denitrified
ATV-A 122E. For small scale wastewater treatment Bd,N,WS kg/d daily load of nitrogen which
plants with a wastewater inflow up to 8 m3/d, DIN [Bd,N,ÜS] is removed through the
4261 applies. For hospital wastewater treatment waste sludge from the trick-
plants DIN 19250 is to be additionally taken into ling filter or rotating biological
account. ATV Standard ATV-A 129 [currently not contactor facility
available in English] applies for the disposal of Bd,TKN,InB kg/d daily TKN load in the influent
wastewater from recreation and tourist facilities. [Bd,TKN,ZB] to the biological reactor
Bd,inorgN,InB kg/d daily load of inorganic nitro-
The Standard applies for wastewater which origi- [Bd,anorgN,AN] gen in the effluent of the
nates from households or from facilities which secondary settling stage
serve commercial or agricultural purposes insofar Bd,orgN,SST kg/d daily load of organic nitrogen
as the harmfulness of this wastewater can be re- [Bd,orgN,AN] in the effluent of the second
duced by means of biological processes with the dary settling stage
same success as with wastewater from house- BR,BOD kg/(m3.d) BOD5 volumetric loading of
holds. [BR,BSB] the trickling filter
BR,TKN kg/(m3.d) TKN volumetric loading of
the trickling filter
DSST m diameter of the secondary
[DNB] settling tank
2 Symbols PTXXX I total number of inhabitants
[EWXXX] E and population equivalents
[Translator’s note: the symbols/indices below in referred to the parameter
English are in line with the general rules of ATV- XXX, e.g. BOD5
DVWK Standard A 198E. Where these differ from hSST [hNB] m depth of the secondary set-
the original German the latter are shown in square tling tank
brackets.] hTF [hTK] m height of the trickling filter
filler material

8 September 2001

n 1/h rotationsrevolutions per hour EB [AB] sample from the effluent of

of the rotary distributor biological ractor
qA,SST m/h surface loading rate of the ESST [AN] sample from the effluent of
[qA,NB] secondary settling tank the secondary settling tank
qA,TF m/h surface overflow rate of the WS [ÜS] sample from the waste
[qA,TK] trickling filter sludge
qWO [qÜ] m3/(m.h) weir overflow rate RF sample from the recirculation
QDW,d m3/d daily wastewater inflow with flow
[QT,d] dry weather MV [ÜW] monitoring value [Authors’ af-
QComb,h m3/h dimensioning peak flow from ternote: here, effluent re-
[QM,h] combined or separate sys quirement with defined sam-
tems pling procedure]
QSST [QNB] m3/h dimensioning inflow of the
secondary settling tank Frequently used parameters:
QRF m3/h recirculation flow CBOD,InB mg/l average BOD5 concentration
QDW,2h m /h maximum dry weather flow [CBSB,ZB] with dry weather from daily
[Qt] rate as 2 hourly mean inflow Qd without recirculation
QTF [QTK] m3/h influent to the trickling filter: c flow in the influent to the
QDW+QRF biological reactor
RRm [RVm] - recirculation ratio QRF to CBOD,InB,RF mg/l average BOD5 combined
QDim,In [CBSB,ZB,RF] concentration with dry weather
RRDW [RVt] - recirculation ratio QRF to from daily inflow Qd and
QDW,2h recirculation flow at the
FF [SK] mm/arm flushing force rotary distributor
tSST [tNB] h retention period in the sec- CN,InB mg/l concentration of the total
ondary settling tank [CN,ZB] nitrogen in the homogenised
VSST [VNB] m3 volume of the secondary set- sample in the influent to the
tling tank biological reactor
VTF [VTK] m3 volume of the trickling filter SinorgN,MV mg/l monitoring value for inor-
VTF,C m3 volume of the trickling filter [SanorgN,ÜW] ganic nitrogen in the effluent
[VTK,C] for carbon removal sample as N
VTF,N m3 volume of the trickling filter SNH4,ESST mg/l concentration of the ammo-
[VTK,N] for nitrification [SNH4,AN] nium in the effluent sample
VTF,D m3 volume of the trickling filter as N
[VTK,D] for denitrification SNO3,ESST mg/l concentration of the nitrate in
[SNO3,AN] the effluent sample as N
Pollution parameters and concentrations: SNO3,D mg/l concentration of nitrate-nitro-
gen to be denitrified
CXXX mg/l concentration of the parame-
SorgN,ESST mg/l concentration of the organic
ter XXX, in the homogenised
[SorgN,AN] nitrogen in the effluent of the
secondary settling tank
SXXX mg/l concentration of the parame-
XorgN,BM mg/l organic nitrogen incorporated
ters XXX, in the filtered sam-
in the biomass
ple (0.45µm membrane filter)
XSS,ESST mg/l concentration of suspended
XXXX mg/l concentration of the filter
[XTS,AN] solids in the effluent of the
residue, XXXX = CXXX – SXXX
secondary settling tank

Indices for the location or purpose of the sampling

(always last):
In [Z] sample from influent to the
wastewater treatment plant
InB [ZB] sample from influent to bio-
logical reactor

September 2001 9

measurements on arbitrary days, i.e. with the in-

3 Basic Elements of clusion of wet weather days. Relevant are those
Dimensioning loads which are undercut on 85 % of the days. At
least 40 load values are to be included for the de-
termination of the values. The relevant concentra-
3.1 Loading with Wastewater
tions are to be determined using relevant loads
and the associated daily wastewater inflows.
The BOD5 load (Bd,BOD,In in kg/d), undercut on 85 %
of the dry weather days in the influent to the
If the daytime and weekly courses of the concen-
wastewater treatment plant plus a planned capac-
trations and inflows of the wastewater deviate from
ity reserve, is to be used for the classification into
the variations with predominantly domestically pro-
the Size Class in accordance with Appendix 1 of
duced wastewater, for example through the indus-
the [German] Wastewater Ordinance and for the
trial wastewater component, then this is to be
determination of the dimensioning capacity of the
taken into account with the determination of the
plant the assessment under water law. If the di-
dimensioning quantities.
mensioning capacity is determined on the basis of
the number of connected inhabitants, the inhabi-
tant-specific BOD5 load for raw wastewater from Arrangements should be made to balance peaks if
Table 1 is to be used. the daily curves of the nitrogen loads show up in 2-
hourly atypically high loading peaks (greater than 2
times the daily average), whereby the loading from
In principle it applies that the sewer system and
sludge treatment must also be taken into account.
wastewater treatment plant are operated for the
same wastewater effluent and influent.
If the data are insufficient or the expense for inves-
For dimensioning, the following important numeri- tigation, for example with small plants, are in no re-
cal values are required from the influent to the bio- lation to the use, loads and concentrations can be
logical reactor, if applicablewith the inclusion of the determined on the basis of connected inhabitants
return flows from sludge treatment (comp. 3.2): plus industrial/commercial and other loads.
• Relevant organic load (Bd,BOD) for the calculation
of the required trickling filter volume or the nec- Details on the determination of relevant loads and
essary surface area of rotating biological con- concentrations are to be taken from the Standard
tactors for wastewater treatment without nitrifi- ATV-DVWK-A 198E “Dimensioning Principles for
cation as well as for the determination of the Wastewater Facilities” [4].
waste sludge production.
• Relevant organic load (Bd,BOD) and nitrogen load If the relevant loads have to be estimated based
(Bd,TKN) for the calculation of the necessary trick- on the connected inhabitants the values in Table 1
ling filter volume or the required surface area of can be used. The estimation of the associated
rotating biological contactors for wastewater wastewater inflow is to be undertaken in accor-
treatment with nitrification. dance with the ATV-DVWK Standard [4]. Until this
• Relevant concentration of nitrogen (CN) and the standard is published determination of the waste-
associated concentration of organic matter water flow can be determined in accordance with
(CBOD) for the determination of the nitrate to be Standard ATV-A 131E (1991). [Translator’s note:
denitrified with the dimensioning of trickling fil- Standard ATV-DVWK-A 198 was published in April
ters for denitrification. 2003 and was translated into English in 2004].
• Relevant daily wastewater inflow Qd and maxi-
mum inflow with dry weather QDW for the dimen- Table 1: Inhabitant-specific loads in g/(I.d),
sioning of trickling filters. which are undercut on 85 % of the
• Maximum inflow with dry weather QDW,2h and days, without taking into account
maximum dimensioning inflow QComb,In for the the sludge liquor
design of the secondary settling tank.
Parameter Raw waste- Retention time in the primary
Daily loads can only be calculated on the basis water settling stage with QDW
0.5 to 1.0 h 1.5 to 2.0 h
ofvolumetric- or flow-proportional 24 hour compos- BOD5 60 45 40
ite samples and the related daily inflow. The rele- TKN 11 10 10
P 1.8 1.6 1.6
vant loads are to be determined on the basis of

10 September 2001

Deliberate investigations of wastewater and de-

termination of loads over two to four weeks cannot,
4 Pre-treatment
as a rule, be used directly for dimensioning, as one
cannot be certain of having considered the rele- The wastewater flowing into the trickling filters and
vant period of time. They are, however, practical rotating biological contactors must be as free as
for the supplementing of the existing database. possible of disturbing substances and settleable
The loading of internal return flows, for example solids in order to avoid blockages. Therefore a pre-
from sludge treatment should also be recorded treatment and primary settling of the inflowing
within the scope of such investigations. wastewater before the biological reactor is indis-
pensable. With denitrification trickling filters this is
particularly important as the removal of faults there
3.2 Loading from Sludge Liquor and is very expensive. Normally primary settling tanks,
External Sludge possibly also fine sieves, are employed for this.

Water from the thickening and dewatering of (an- Depending on the treatment requirements the pri-
aerobic) digested sludge contains ammonium in mary settling tanks should be dimensioned differ-
high concentrations. It can be assumed that 50 % ently. With pure carbon removal and nitrification
of the organic nitrogen introduced into the sludge (without denitrification) the retention time with dry
digester is released as ammonium nitrogen. If weather should not be less than 1.5 to 2.0 hours.
sludge liquor is produced for a few hours daily With pre-anoxic denitrification and a lack of an or-
only, or on odd days weekly, an intermediate stor- ganic carbon compound the retention time can be
age for dosed input is necessary. reduced from 0.5 to 1.0 hours with dry weather.

Return loading with phosphorus and organic mat- With high wet weather inflow peaks the primary
ter (BOD5 and COD) is, as a rule, small from dewa- settling tanks should be so dimensioned for a re-
tering of digested sludge. Therefore a return load- tention time shorter than 0.5 hours with wet
ing may not be added, for example, globally as a weather inflow QComb. This applies above all for
percentage to all loads from the wastewater. small wastewater treatment plants with a capacity
below 1,000 PT.
As a rule, more or less anaerobic processes occur
in sludge silos for aerobic stabilised sludge. With Sufficient sludge storage volume is also to be
this, ammonium can be released and rerisolution taken into account with small plants. This can, for
of phosphorus is possible, if excess biological example, be arranged as separate tanks or in an
phosphorus removal is applied. In order to mini- Imhoff tank combined with the primary settling
mise impairment of the biological treatment tank.
- sludge liquor should be drawn off in small quan-
– when dewatering the silo content filtrate or cen- 5 Trickling filters
trate should be collected in silos of a similar size
and be fed to the inlet over a long period of ti- 5.1 Description of the Process
5.1.1 General
If external sludge (sludge from other wastewater
treatment plants, faecal sludge or similar) is dis- The treatment of wastewater in trickling filters as
charged, then an intermediate storage can be fixed bed reactors is effected by micro-organisms,
practical in order to make a dosed input possible. which settle on the filter material as biofilm. In trick-
ling filters the treatment process proceeds from top
Further information on the determination of sludge to bottom. In the various treatment zones there are
liquor quantities and characteristics are to be taken respectively biocoenoses of different composition
from [7]. involved. Depending on the loading condition of
the trickling filter, the influence of nitrifying bacteria

September 2001 11

is, for example, first completely effective if the deg- ciently ventilated and the filter material in this
radation of the organic loading is completed to a way itself acts as a filter.
large extent.

The following prerequisites are to be met for an 5.1.2 Filter material

assured efficiency of the trickling filter:
Most important component of the trickling filter are
• The filter material concerned must be flawless in
the filler materials used which can be roughly di-
constitution and installation; filter materials must
vided into mineral material and material made from
correspond with DIN 19557.
plastic. With the selection of the filler material it is
• Attention is to be paid to an even, surface-
to be ensured that the wastewater sprayed over
proportional distribution of the wastewater over
the trickling filter and, with aerobically operated
the trickling filter surface. The rotating distributor
trickling filters, the air flowing through have overall
must be suitably designed for this. An as even
free access to the biofilm and that waste sludge
as possible complete wetting of the filter mate-
can be removed with the wastewater. A blockage
rial surface with wastewater is to be ensured.
of the hollow spaces can thus limit the treatment
Here a sufficient minimum surface loading and
efficiency or even reduce it completely to zero.
fine distribution are significant.
• A sufficient flushing force for the removal of
DIN 19557 differentiates between the theoretical
waste sludge is to be ensured, i.e. for the re-
surface, the effective surface (growth area) of the
spective loading there is a minimum hydraulic
filter material and the biologically active surface of
load which, if necessary, is to be ensured using
the growth. The effective surface is the surface of
return pumps.
the filter material wetted in operation. The theoreti-
• An unhindered percolation of the wastewater
cal surface deviates from this. The ratio of effective
through the filter material must be avoided at all
surface to theoretical surface is defined by the
utilisation factor. There is no doubt that the biologi-
• It is recommended not to install differently struc-
cally active surface of the growth would represent
tured material in a trickling filter. To secure the
the correct reference parameter for the description
removal of sludge a sufficient transmissibility is
of the metabolic efficiency. The biologically active
to be ensured in the vertical direction.
surface is, as a rule, not to be determined. The di-
• The feed and return pumps are to be graded
mensioning details for trickling filters in this stan-
according to the different inflows taking into ac-
dard therefore essentially concern the volumetric
count the minimum surface loading rate. A con-
tinuous feed is to be sought.
• The air access from outside to the hollow floor
As a rule, lumps of rock or slag sized from 40 to 80
of the trickling filter and into the filter material
mm, which are placed over the hollow base on a
(exception denitrification trickling filter) must be
supporting layer sized from 80 to 150 mm, serve
ensured via supply air openings. In order to
as mineral filler material for trickling filters. The re-
avoid too heavy a cooling in winter the air open-
quirements on characteristics, testing and installa-
ings should be constructed so that they are ca-
tion of the mineral filling are summarised in DIN
pable of being reduced.
19557. The sizes 40 to 80 mm correspond with
• A too heavy cooling in locations with severe
specific theoretical surfaces of ca. 90 m2/m3 and a
winter climate is to be countered through insula-
hollow space share of ca. 50 %. Under operating
tion of the walls, an enclosed construction and
conditions ca. 2/3 of this can be assumed to be
differential pump operation in comparison with
biologically active.
the warm season; the forced ventilation recom-
mended under circumstances in such a case
Plastic filter materials have very different struc-
can, together with a treatment of exhaust air,
tures. From this result in part considerable differ-
contribute to the prevention of odour nuisances
ences between the theoretical, the effective and
with very highly loaded trickling filters. As a rule,
the biologically active surface. Suppliers of plastic
a treatment of exhaust air can, however, be dis-
filler materials should therefore present retraceable
pensed with as long as the trickling filter is suffi-
calculations for the theoretical surface.

12 September 2001

So far as no reliable transferable experience is terial with good transverse distribution is to be

available for the filler and for the characteristics of used with smaller filler heights.
the wastewater, trials should be carried out at least
on a semi-industrial scale. In addition to the surface loading rate the design of
the rotary distributor also has an effect on the
flushing force FF. For this the following relationship
5.2 Dimensioning applies
FF = qA,TF • 1000/(a • n) [mm/arm] (6)
5.2.1 General Details on Dimensioning
Values for FF of 4 to 8 mm have proved their worth
Dependent on the level of treatment sought the in order to ensure a satisfactory sludge removal.
BOD5 volumetric loading and, in the case of nitrifi- The higher the trickling filter the stronger is the re-
cation, in addition the TKN volumetric loading in quired flushing force in order to be able to prevent
kg/(m3 • d), are relevant for the dimensioning of the blockages due to heavy growth in the upper part of
trickling filter volume. The filler material planned for the trickling filter. Equally, for plastic filler materials
the trickling filter contents, according to the permit- with increasing specific theoretical surface, in-
ted volumetric loading, results as creasing values for FF are to be planned. Further-
VTF,C = Bd,BOD,InB /BR,BOD [m3] (1) more, if the talk is of surface loading rate, here a
loading rate by normally rotating rotary distributors
In addition with nitrification: with a flushing force FF within this range is as-
VTF,N = Bd,TKN,InB/BR,TKN [m3] (2) sumed.

Thus the total volume is: In practical dimensioning the following procedure
has proved its worth:
VTF = VTF,C + VTF,N [m3] (3)
a) Determination of the necessary trickling filter
As a rule the BOD5 concentration at the rotary dis- volume VTF in m3 in accordance with Sections
tributor CBOD,InB,RF is to be set at less than 150 mg/l 5.2.2 or 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 dependent on the
by return pump operation. For this, as also for a treatment target.
partial balance of large variations of the inflow, a
recirculation ratio RRDW ≤ 1 is sufficient with BOD5 b) Calculation of the mean average concentration
concentrations in the influent ≤ 400 mg/l. The trick- at the rotary distributor without recirculation
ling filter surface and the biological filler height re- flow CBOD,InB = Bd,BOD,InB • 1,000/Qd in mg/l.
sult as:
c) Determination of the required recirculation ratio
ATF = QDW • (1+RRDW)/qA,TF [m2] (4) for the achievement of the desired mean con-
hTF = VTF/ATF [m] (5) centration CBOD,InB,RF at the rotary distributor
(CBOD,InB,RF ≤150 mg/l):
Trickling filter filler heights of about 4 m for mineral RRDW≥(CBOD,InB/CBOD,InB,RF) - 1.
filled trickling filters have proved their worth. With
the employment of plastic filler material with a high d) Determination of the maximum hydraulic filter
vertical transmissibility a larger filler height is rec- loading of the trickling filter from the maximum
ommended. inflow with dry weather to the trickling filter QDW
in m3/h and the recirculation ratio
The surface loading rate qA,TF with mineral filled QTF = QDW • (1+RRDW) in m3/h.
trickling filters, related to QDW • (1+RRDW), should
be 0.4 m/h, with trickling filters with plastic filler ma- e) Selection of a trickling filter filler height hTF
terial at least 0.8 m/h. Smaller filler heights up to a in m.
minimum of 2 m require a particularly even, finely
distributed filter dosing and careful selection of the f) Determination of the required surface of the
filler material, and enable a reduction of the sur- trickling filter ATF = VTF / hTF in m2.
face loading rate of up to 0.4 m/h. Plastic filler ma-

September 2001 13

g) Examination of the surface loading rate of the 5.2.3 Wastewater Treatment with
trickling filter with maximum inflow with dry Nitrification
weather including recirculation flow
qA,TF = QDW • (1+RRDW)/ATF in m/h. This sur- With the dimensioning of trickling filters with nitrifi-
face loading rate should be at least 0.4 to 0.8 cation the volumetric content planned for the filter
m/h whereby, with trickling filters filled with material is determined separately for the carbon
plastic filler, the upper value is to be main- removal and for the nitrogen oxidation.
tained. If the given values are not met then the
calculation is to be repeated with modified For the dimensioning of mineral filled trickling filters
height or modified recirculation ratio. and of trickling filters with plastic filler material with
a specific theoretical surface of a minimum of 100
h) Determination of the number of the rotary dis- m2/m3 the following is recommended:
tributor arms and the rate of rotation under
consideration of the flushing force FF. For carbon removal:
BOD5 volumetric loading BR,BOD ≤ 0.4 kg/(m3.d)
i) It is to be ensured that, during the night, a con-
tinuous operation of the rotary distributor is
For nitrification:
guaranteed and the complete surface of the
trickling filter is evenly wetted. TKN volumetric loading BR,TKN ≤ 0.1 kg/(m3.d)

This value takes into account a nitrification already

5.2.2 Wastewater Treatment without started in the carbon removal zone. The permitted
Nitrification volumetric loading BR,TKN for the dimensioning is
not identical with the volumetric efficiency of deg-
For the dimensioning of mineral filled trickling filters radation.
and trickling filters with plastic filler material with a
specific theoretical surface of a minimum of 100 With trickling filters with plastic filler material, BOD5
m2/m3 the following is recommended: volumetric loading of more than 0.4 kg/
(m3•d) for carbon removal and TKN volumetric
BOD5 volumetric loading BR,BOD ≤ 0.4 kg/(m3•d) loading of more than 0.1 kg/(m3•d) for nitrification
are possible. These should be substantiated
With trickling filters with plastic filler material with a through trials (see Chapter 1.1) or references.
specific theoretical surface of more than 100 m2/m3 Specific theoretical surfaces of more than 150
BOD5 volumetric loadings of more than 0.4 m2/m3 as well as BOD5-volumetric loading of more
kg/(m3•d) are possible. These should, however, be than 0.6 kg/(m3•d) and TKN volumetric loading of
substantiated through trials (see Chapter 1.1) or more than 0.15 kg/(m3•d) are not effective for fur-
references. Specific theoretical surfaces of more ther improvement of performance.
than 150 m2/m3 and BOD5 volumetric loading of
more than 0.6 kg/(m3•d) are not effective for further With small wastewater treatment plants, due to
improvement of performance. It is pointed out that, marked inflow or loading peaks, it is recommended
blockages can already occur with specific theoreti- to reduce linearly the BOD5 volumetric loading
cal surfaces of about 150 m2/m3. from 0.4 kg/(m3.d) to 0.2 kg/(m3•d) and the TKN
volumetric loading from 0.1 kg/(m3•d) to 0.05
With small wastewater treatment plants, due to kg/(m3•d) with capacities between 1,000 and 50
marked inflow or loading peaks, it is recommended PT.
to reduce linearly the BOD5 volumetric loading
from 0.4 kg/(m3•d) to 0.2 kg/(m3•d) with capacities Note: If nitrification takes place in a second trick-
between 1,000 and 50 PT. ling filter following extensive carbon removal in a
first stage with intermediate treatment, the follow-
ing loading values are recommended: TKN volu-
metric loading up to 0.1 kg/(m3•d) with mineral
filled trickling filters and up to 0.2 kg/(m3•d) with
trickling filters with plastic filler material. For this,

14 September 2001

plastic filler material with a specific theoretical sur- To use existing trickling filters for targeted denitrifi-
face of up to 200 m2/m3 can be employed. For rea- cation as a rule only small conversion measures
sons of safety it is recommended that the nitrogen and an appropriate operation are required.
incorporation is not to be taken into account in the
first stage. Through the prevention of the inflow of air (cover-
ing of the trickling filter and prevention of the air in-
Note on alkalinity: the remaining alkalinity in the flow through the outlet and lower air openings,
effluent from nitrifying trickling filters should, if nec- usually already achievable through impounding of
essary taking into account precipitants, not under- the outlet channels around the trickling filter) it is
cut 0.5 mmol/l, in order to exclude possible inhibi- possible to set anoxic conditions on the inside of
tion of the nitrification. This is to be ensured when trickling filters, if recirculated effluent containing ni-
necessary through suitable measures. It is recom- trate of a downstream nitrifying treatment unit to-
mended that such measures are first carried out gether with the mechanically treated wastewater is
following presentation of pertinent operational ex- applied to the trickling filter.
An impounding of the trickling filter filler material
involves the danger of blockage and would, in
5.2.4 Wastewater Treatment with Nitrifi- most cases, lead to static problems; it therefore
cation and Denitrification should not take place. The partially treated effluent
from upstream denitrifying trickling filters is fed via
The following remarks apply both for mineral filled an intermediate settling tank or directly to a subse-
trickling filters as well as trickling filters with plastic quent aerated nitrifying treatment unit. As a rule
filler material. these are trickling filters or activated sludge plants.

For procedural integration of denitrification with The following dimensioning values are given for
trickling filter plants there are basically three possi- denitrification in trickling filters:
• The achievable denitrification capacity is de-
• simultaneous denitrification in the trickling filter
pendent on the BOD5 volumetric loading and
with recirculation of wastewater containing ni-
can be determined using the values in Table 2.
With this, the BOD5 removal in addition to the
• pre-anoxic denitrification in an anoxically oper-
BOD5-loading is also dependent on whether the
effluent of the denitrification trickling filter follows
a) fixed bed reactor (e.g. trickling filter)
an intermediate settling tank.
b) activated sludge tanks with intermediate set-
tling tanks • The daily average nitrate concentration to be
• post denitrification process with addition of ex- denitrified results as follows:
ternal carbon sources in a
SNO3,D = CN,InB – SorgN,ESST – SNH4,ESST –
a) fixed bed reactor
SNO3,ESST – XorgN,BM [mg/l] (7)
b) activated sludge tank
• As influent nitrogen concentration (CN,InB) the
Attention is also drawn for these process tech- relevant value determined for T = 12° C is to be
niques to two ATV Reports [neither available in applied. If, during the year, at times of higher
English]: „Umgestaltung zweistufiger biologischer temperatures, higher CN,InB : CBOD,InB ratios have
Kläranlagen zur Stickstoffelimination“ [“Conversion been determined several load cases are, if
of two-stage biological wastewater treatment necessary, to be considered.
plants for phosphorus removal”] [5] and ATV Re-
port „Denitrifikation bei Tropfkörperanlagen“ [Deni- The influent nitrate concentrations (SNO3,InB) is, in
trification with trickling filter facilities”] [6]. Below, general, negligibly small. With greater infiltration
only pre-anoxic denitrification itself is covered in an rates (groundwater containing nitrate) or with in-
anoxically operated trickling filter. flows from certain commercial and industrial plants
it can be necessary to take account of SNO3,InB in

September 2001 15

At plants with anaerobic sludge digestion and me- filters and in accordance with ATV-DVWK Stan-
chanical dewatering at the site, the nitrogen of the dard ATV-DVWK-A 131E for activated sludge
sludge liquor must be contained in the inflow con- plants.
centration (CN,InB) if no separate sludge liquor
treatment takes place. With downstream trickling filters for nitrification the
recirculation should be taken directly from the ef-
• The concentration of organic nitrogen in the ef-
fluent of the trickling filter to relieve the hydraulic
fluent can be set as SorgN,ESST = 2 mg/l. With the
load the settling tank.
inflow of certain commercial wastewater the
concentration can be higher. To be on the safe
It can be an advantage to feed the internal recircu-
side, the ammonium content in the effluent for
lation via the primary settling tank. With this, an
dimensioning is, as a rule, assumed as
additional denitrification can be achieved, to a
SNH4,ESST = 0. The nitrogen incorporated in the
lesser degree however and not capable of estima-
biomass is taken into account simplified as
tion. The additional hydraulic loading of the primary
XorgN,BM = 0.03 • CBOD,InB.
settling tank is to be taken into account here.
• The relevant effluent concentration of nitrate
With downstream nitrifying activated sludge plants
nitrogen is to be applied as daily average. If, as
the recirculation should, in general, be taken from
in Germany, the monitoring takes place as grab
the effluent of the secondary settling tank. This is to
or 2 hour composite samples, a significantly
be taken into account with the dimensioning of the
smaller concentration than the monitoring value
secondary settling tank. With the employment of a
[effluent requirement for inorganic nitrogen
suitable filler material (plastic), however, in principle
(SinorgN,MV)]. It is practical to set
a recirculation with activated sludge is also capable
SNO3,ESST = 0.8 to 0.6 y SinorgN,MV,
of being carried out after successfully executed pre-
whereby the smaller value applies for plants
with greater variations in the influent load.
• Surface loading rate qA,BF < 3 m/h.
With the design and with the operation of trickling
• Too high oxygen transfer in the trickling filter is
filters for denitrification attention is to be paid that,
to be avoided; therefore the recirculation ratio
following an opening of the trickling filter for the
should always be optimised and RRDW = 3, re-
cleaning of the rotary distributor or similar, denitrifi-
lated to QDW, should not be exceeded.
cation is not possible or not possible to the full ex-
tent until the oxygen has again been fully depleted
Table 2: Recommended values for the
following closure.
dimensioning of the necessary
denitrification volume VTF,D

BOD5- Denitrification BOD5-removal BOD5-removal

volumetric capacity 6 Rotating biological
settling settling
kg/(m3.d) SNO3,D/CBOD,InB % %
0.2 0.14 60 80 6.1 Description of the Process
0.6 0.10 45 65
1.0 0.08 40 60

The values of Table 2 are valid for ≥ 12 °C and a 6.1.1 General

nitrate concentration in the effluent of denitrification
trickling filters ≥ 2 mg/l N. Intermediate values are With the treatment of wastewater using rotating
to be interpolated. biological contactors the biomass required for the
biological wastewater treatment is firmly attached
The dimensioning of downstream treatment units to the rotating growth surfaces. Rotating biological
for nitrification and carbon oxidation can take place contactors are partially submerged and slowly ro-
taking into account previous treatment steps in ac- tate in a trough through which the wastewater
cordance with Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 for trickling flows. The biofilm attached to the growth surfaces

16 September 2001

is subjected alternately to air and wastewater dur- addition, cascades reduce the effects of loading
ing rotation. peaks.

With the rotation of the rollers, following contact It can be an advantage to feed back from the efflu-
with the wastewater on immersion, there is respec- ent of the last rotating biological contactor into the
tively an aeration phase above the water level. The influent to the primary settling tank. With this an
oxygen supply taken up with this must be sufficient evening out of the hydraulic loading, a reduction of
to cover the depletion process during the sub- the danger of blockage and a reduction of peak
merged stage and for the maintenance of the loadings can be achieved. The additional hydraulic
aerobic conditions in the trough. This and the loading is to be taken into account.
maintenance of a thin biofilm require a minimum
rotation rate of the roller. The oxygen transfer With rotating biological contactors precautions are
through the rotation is sufficient and is not a limit- to be taken that the rollers, also after long idle pe-
ing factor for the nitrification, if at least 40 % of the riods, can be taken into operation again without
discs/roller surface is permanently out of the water. additional measures.

The activated sludge, which is held suspended in

the water in the trough, plays only a small part in 6.1.2 Material and Types
the treatment performance and, from the technical
aspect of dimensioning, remains unconsidered. Today, in addition to discs, rotating biological con-
tactors made from profiled, wrapped foils as well
Trough and biological contactor are to be so de- as made from corrugated or grid-shaped pipes are
signed and/or the revolution rate is to be so se- employed. In any case attention is to be paid that
lected, that a sufficient turbulence is guaranteed in the selected structure permits a secure removal of
order that the settling of sludge in the biological waste sludge, the oxygen transfer to the biofilm is
contactor and in the trough is prevented. guaranteed and, at the same time, the energy con-
sumption of the system is kept as small as possi-
Biological contactors should be covered as prob- ble.
lems with ice formation can occur in winter with
open biological contactors. The resultant gaseous ► Disc biological contactors
metabolic products also escape into the air space
Disc biological contactors have discs mounted on
of the cover. In order to prevent a hazardous accu-
a shaft with a non-structured, smooth or rough-
mulation of the gaseous products of wastewater
ened surface which, following overgrowth by the
treatment and always to provide sufficient atmos-
active biofilm, has a smooth appearance. The
pheric oxygen, an uninterrupted exchange of air in
discs can also be made up from segments fitted to
the space above the rotation trickling filter is to be
the shaft by a girder construction. The discs nor-
mally are flat, but can also have a shape which
satisfies the demands of a flat disc, (e.g. roughly
Favourable volumetric degradation performanc can
corrugated discs). In particular the distance be-
be achieved through the compact construction of
tween discs may not be altered by the shape and,
rotating biological contactors. Very high volumetric
apart from the spacers, the distance may not have
loadings and thus short retention times lead, how-
any further bridging. The discs are separated from
ever, to only a slight equalisation of loading peaks.
each other by spacers. The distance between
discs depends on the organic surface loading rate
Rotating biological contactors usually consist of 2
of the respective stage of a cascade. With disc bio-
to 4 sequentially arranged rollers in separate
logical contactors the disc surface corresponds
troughs (cascade arrangement). The cascade type
approximately with the biologically active surface.
of construction enables the realisation of various
surface or volumetric loadings and carrier material
► Roller biological contactors
packed to different densities. Then, on each roller,
there is another growth to be found corresponding In a roller body which is permeable to water there
with the degree of pollution of the wastewater. In are shaped, fixed or also movable filler material on

September 2001 17

whose surface the biomass grows. They can con- • number of stages (roller, cascades) and
currently serve for oxygen transfer and the genera- • specific theoretical surface of the roller material
tion of turbulence. With roller biological contactors used or the minimum separation of the discs.
the biologically active surface cannot be derived
from the theoretical surface (for this comp. Section Odour nuisances can occur with this process with
5.1.2). The biologically active surface is, as a rule, high loadings, so that it is advisable to limit the
smaller than the theoretical surface of the sfiller BOD5 surface loading rate of the first stage with
material. It is subjected to seasonal variations and domestic wastewater to a value of 40 g/(m2•d).
often first forms after longer operating periods. As
long as no other data can be supplied a reduction From BOD5 surface loading rates ≥ 20 g/(m2•d) in
of the permitted surface loading rate by 30 %, re- one stage, a minimum separation of discs of
lated to the values for the permitted surface load- ≥ 18 mm is recommended for disc biological con-
ing rate of disc biological contactors, is first as- tactors. With this loading roller biological contac-
sumed generally for the dimensioning in tors are to be designed for specific theoretical sur-
accordance with Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3. face of ≤ 100 m2/m3, unless it can be proved that a
higher surface is permanently available.
Depending on the degree of loading of the treat-
ment stage (cascade), materials with varyingly With BOD5 surface loading < 20 g/(m2•d) in one
large surfaces can be employed. With high organic stage, a disc separation of 15 mm and a specific
surface loading rates or large specific theoretical theoretical surface of ≤ 150 m2/m3 is recom-
surfaces there is a danger of blockage. This in- mended.
creases with unfavourable structural formation of
the material which prejudices the removal of the It can be an advantage to install an intermediate
solids formed. settling tank between the units for carbon removal
and nitrification. In this way the waste sludge can
Suitable precautions are to be taken which prevent be separated which increases the performance of
blockage such as, for example, flushing facilities. the nitrification units. In such a nitrification unit the
separation of the discs can be reduced to 10 mm
and the specific theoretical surface of the rollers
6.2 Dimensioning increased to a maximum of 200 m2/m3.

6.2.1 General Details on Dimensioning Subsequently the BOD5 surface loading rate BA, to
be determined dependent on the treatment target,
Concerning the comparability of the dimensioning is relevant for the determination of the required
proposals there is a similar problem with regard to theoretical surface.
the biologically active surface as with trickling filter
filler material. The necessary theoretical surface ARC is deter-
mined as follows:
The dimensioning values presented below have
been determined for disc biological contactors. In Bd,BOD,InB • 1000
the meantime there are numerous other rotating ARC,C = [m2] (8)
biological contactors functioning satisfactorily, so BA,BOD
that the dimensioning rules are transferable if the In addition with nitrification:
treatment performance can be derived from refer-
ence plants operated over long periods. Bd,TKN,InB • 1000
ARC,N = [m2] (9)
In order to prevent the effects of peak loadings a BA,TKN
trough volume of some 4 l per m2 theoretical sur-
face should not be undercut. The overall necessary theoretical surface is calcu-
lated from the BOD5 daily load flowing into the re-
In the first place the following listed dimensions are actor and the TKN daily load flowing into the reac-
to be determined or specified for the dimensioning:

18 September 2001

tor as well as from the permitted surface loading With small wastewater treatment plants, due to the
rates BA,BOD and BA,TKN: marked inflow and loading peaks, it is recom-
mended to reduce linearly the BOD5 surface load-
ARC = ARC,C + ARC,N [m2] (10)
ing rate from 8 respectively 10 g/(m2•d) to
4 g/(m2•d) and the TKN surface loading rate to
1.6 respectively 2 g/(m2•d) to 1.2 g/(m2•d) between
6.2.2 Wastewater Treatment without capacities of 1,000 and 50 PT.
For other rotating biological contactors:
2 to 4 stages are to be assumed for the dimension- – 3 stage cascades:
ing of the theoretical surface. With this the follow- BA,BOD ≤ 5.6 g/(m2•d) und BA,TKN ≤ 1.1 g/(m2•d)
ing dimensioning values are recommended:
– 4 stage cascades:
For disc biological contactors: BA,BOD ≤ 7 g/(m2•d) and BA,TKN ≤ 1.4 g/(m2•d)
– 2 stage cascades:
BA,BOD ≤ 8 g/(m2 • d) With small wastewater treatment plants, due to the
marked inflow and loading peaks, it is recom-
– 3 and 4 stage cascades: mended to reduce linearly the BOD5 surface load-
BA,BOD ≤ 10 g/(m2 • d) ing rate to 3 g/(m2•d) and the TKN surface loading
rate from 1.1 respectively 1.4 g/(m2•d) to
With small wastewater treatment plants, due to the 0.85 g/(m2•d) between capacities of 1,000 and
marked inflow and loading peaks, it is recom- 50 PT.
mended to reduce linearly the BOD5 surface load-
ing rate from 8 respectively 10 g/(m2•d) to If, for the individual growth materials, it is verified
4 g/(m2•d) between capacities of 1,000 and 50 PT. that the specific biologically active surface is per-
manently more than 70 % of the specific theoreti-
For other rotating biological contactors: cal surface, the dimensioning values can be raised
– 2 stage cascades: correspondingly to a maximum of the values valid
BA,BOD ≤ 5.6 g/(m2 • d) for disc biological contactors.

– 3 and 4 stage cascades: The values for BA,TKN take into account a nitrifica-
BA,BOD ≤ 7 g/(m2 • d) tion already started in the carbon removal zone.
The permitted surface loading rate BA,TKN for the
With small wastewater treatment plants, due to the dimensioning is not identical with the rate of
marked inflow and loading peaks, it is recom- nitrification.
mended to reduce linearly the BOD5 surface load-
ing rate to 3 g/(m2 • d) between connection capaci- A biological denitrification as with trickling filters is
ties of 1,000 and 50 PT. also possible with rotating biological contactors.
Technical testing is, however, still outstanding.
6.2.3 Wastewater Treatment with Nitrifi-
cation Note on alkalinity: the remaining alkalinity in the ef-
fluent of nitrifying rotating biological contactors
If nitrification is necessary then a three or four should, if necessary taking into account precipi-
stage cascade plant is advisable for the dimen- tants, not undercut 0.5 mmol/l in order to exclude
sioning of the theoretical surface. The following possible inhibition of the nitrification. If required this
dimensioning values are recommended: is to be ensured through suitable measures. It is
recommended that such measures are imple-
For disc biological contactors: mented following availability of relevant operational
– 3 stage cascades: experience.
BA,BOD ≤ 8 g/(m2•d) and BA,TKN ≤ 1.6 g/(m2•d)
– 4 stage cascades:
BA,BOD ≤ 10 g/(m2•d) and BA,TKN ≤ 2 g/(m2•d)

September 2001 19

7 Phosphorus Removal 9 Secondary Settling

With fixed bed systems the P-removal can be
achieved reliably only through chemical precipita-
9.1 General
tion. For this the addition of precipitating chemicals
in the effluent of reactors before the secondary set-
Secondary settling tanks of trickling filters and ro-
tling and/or preliminary precipitation is advisable. If
tating biological contactors have the task of sepa-
necessary the optimum dosing point is to be de-
rating the waste sludge, removed from the biologi-
termined through trials. With preliminary precipita-
cal reactor with the treated wastewater, from the
tion an undersupply of the fixed bed biology with
wastewater. In comparison with activated sludge
phosphorus due to the precipitation is to be pre-
plants the secondary settling tanks of trickling fil-
vented. ATV Standard ATV-A 202 [currently not
ters and rotating biological contactors are fed with
available in English] is to be observed.
significantly smaller quantities of sludge with set-
tling characteristics which are normally without
Due to the slight sensitivity to low pH values,
problem. Sedimentation of the individual small par-
measures to raise the alkalinity as a rule are not
ticles here is of decisive significance for the reten-
necessary with trickling filters and rotating biologi-
tion performance.
cal contactors. In particular, with the application of
acidic precipitants, however, attention is to be paid
Due to the small particle concentration, coagula-
that a residual alkalinity is retained in the effluent
tion and precipitation with mixed liquor suspended
of the secondary settling tank. Possibly, the addi-
solids contents of ca. 30 to 100 mg/l SS in the ef-
tion of alkaline precipitant or basic neutralisation
fluent of single-stage trickling filters and rotating
agent is necessary
biological contactors have no relevant effect. They
are to be taken into account only with very exten-
sive requirements on solids removal.

8 Waste Sludge Particle concentration and the coagulation effect

Production can be increased significantly through sludge re-
circulation or addition of precipitants in the influent
of the secondary settling setting tankstage or into
The size of the possible range of variation with an upstream precipitation chamber.
waste sludge production is, based on biology, de-
pendent on the type of wastewater, the loading Through this the retention of solids can be im-
and the hydraulic conditions. The biological waste proved (see also ATV Advisory Leaflet ATV-M 274
sludge production, related to the loading values „Einsatz organischer Polymere in der Abwasserre-
recommended here, in the absence of measured inigung“ [“Application of Organic Polymers in
results with eliminated BOD5 incl. stormwater wastewater Treatment” - currently not available in
treatment, can be assumed to be 0.75 kg SS per English]).
kg. The calculation of the precipitation sludge pro-
duced can take place in accordance with ATV
Standard ATV-A 202. A simultaneous sludge stabi-
lisation is not possible as primary and secondary
sludge is produced separately.

20 September 2001

The minimum depth of water hSST is 2.0 m (in circu-

9.2 Dimensioning of the Secondary lar tanks 2/3 of the radius).
Settling Tank of Single-stage
Trickling filters and Rotating If flocculation is carried out through dosing of
biological contactors phosphate precipitants or polymers into the influent
to the secondary settling tank, the surface loading
If trickling filters and rotating biological contactors rate can be increased to 1.00 m/h, if the secondary
are employed with normal municipal conditions as settling tank maintains a minimum depth of water
single-stage plants for biological pre-treatment or of hSST ≥ 2.50 m (in circular tanks 2/3 of the ra-
nitrification, then the secondary settling tank can dius).
be dimensioned simply according to pure hydraulic
aspects with the surface loading rate qA and flow In the case of intermediate settling tanks or with
time tSST. short retention times using downstream ponds,
surface loading rates of 1.5 to 2.0 m/h can be se-
The surface loading rate of the secondary settling lected with appropriately reduced flow times.
tank is made up from the quotients of the maxi-
mum hourly inflow to the secondary settling tank With constraints which lead to increased loading of
QSST including all return flows which flow into the the trickling filter or rotating biological contactor
secondary settling tank, and the surface area of and unfavourable conditions for the settling proc-
the secondary settling tank ASST. The wet weather ess in the secondary settling tank (e.g. preliminary
case is also to be taken into account and, in most settling with tSST < 0.75 h with Qm, higher combined
cases, decisive for dimensioning. wastewater inflow greater than 2.2 • QDW, small re-
circulation ratio with QDW), the permitted surface
Thus, with the surface loading rate loading rate of the secondary settling tank should
be reduced by up to 20 %.
qA,SST ≤ QSST / ASST [m3/(m2•h) or m/h] (11)
the respectively greater value is to be applied for With existing secondary settling tanks the dimen-
sioning values can be determined through full-
QSST = QDW • (1+RRDW) or QSST = Qm • (1 + RRm) scale loading trials.
Through the performance of the (trickling filter-) feed
pumps and an appropriate regulation (e.g. float
valve or recirculation pumps), it is to be ensured 9.3 Notes on Tank Shape and Design
that the recirculation ratio does not exceed the se-
lected dimensioning value. The structural aspects which effect the dimension-
ing or which are assumed for the dimensioning are
With trickling filters or rotating biological contactors dealt with within the scope of this standard. Further
the surface loading rate of the secondary settling planning aspects of construction and design, for
tank may not exceed 0.80 m/h if effluent limiting example due to space and underground condi-
values of SSe < 20 mg/l are to be maintained [2]. tions, progress of construction, traffic safety or
similar are not listed here explicitly; for this see the
The required tank surface area results as ATV Manual [2].

ASST,nec = QSST/ qA,SST, perm [m2] (12) The tank shape is not decisive for the settling effi-
ciency and sludge collection in secondary settling
The flow time can be defined as theoretical flow tanks after trickling filters and rotating biological
time in the secondary settling tank as contactors. Even with vertical flow secondary set-
tSST = VSST/QSST [h] (13) tling tanks no better effluent values can be
achieved than with secondary settling tanks, so
It should not be less than 2.5 h. long as with these the minimum retention time is
maintained. The reason for this lies in that, due to
The required tank volume thus results as the small particle concentrations no floc filter can
VSST,nec = tSST • QSST [m3] (14) be installed. With trough-shaped tanks with steep

September 2001 21

slopes (at least 60°), however, no mechanical The requirements on the quality of the water to be
sludge removal is necessary. discharged into surface waters are not established
in this Standard; they are legally prescribed either
Compared with rectangular tanks circular tanks of- ([German] Wastewater Ordinance) or are specified
fer the advantage of a smaller weir overflow rate by the authorities. This Standard is aimed at a se-
and are frequently somewhat more cost effective, cure and economical observance of these specifi-
on the other hand, however, there is the greater cations.
sensitivity to wind and the greater space require-
ment. As a continuous sludge recirculation is not
necessary with trickling filters and rotating biologi-
cal contactors, at most simple sludge scrapers sur-
fice even with rectangular tanks.
11 Relevant Regulations,
Directives and Standard
With rectangular tanks the ratio of the depth of the Specifications
tank to the length of the tank should be ca. 1:15 to
[Translator’s note: those references available in English are shown as
1:25. For the width of the tank values up to 7.0 m such. Otherwise a courtesy translation is provided in square brackets.]
have proved themselves in practice.
• Abwasserverordnung [(German) Wastewater
An as even as possible distribution of the inflow Ordinance]
over the cross-section of the flow is to be sought.
Ordinance on the requirement on the discharge of
The weir overflow rate qWO must be smaller than
wastewater into surface waters (AbwV). Bundes-
15 m3/(m • h).
gesetzblatt 1999, Part 1, No. 6 dated 18.02.1999

As only the waste sludge is to be separated out in

• ATV-DVWK Standards
the secondary settling stage tank trickling filters
and with rotating biological contactors, cloth filters ATV-A 122E
or microstrainers can be considered in place of the Principles for Dimensioning, Construction and Op-
secondary settling tanks. References and appro- eration of Small Sewage Treatment Plants with
priate functional verifications are to be requested, Aerobic Biological Purification Stage for Connec-
operating safety and maintenance expense are to tion Values between 50 and 500 Inhabitants and
be observed. Population Equivalents, Issue 6/91

So far as further treatment stages are added ATV-A 129

downstream the employment of lamella separators Abwasserbeseitigung aus Erholungs- und Frem-
is also possible to reduce the space requirement, if denverkehrseinrichtungen [Wastewater Disposal
the increased maintenance expense is accepted. From Recreation and Tourist Facilities], Issue
With regard to the surface loading rate these are to 5/1979
be dimensioned precisely as for secondary settling
tanks. For this see the ATV Manual [2]. ATV-DVWK-A 131E
Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge
Plants, 5/2000
10 Costs and ATV-A 257E
Environmental Effects Principles for the Dimensioning of Wastewater La-
goons and Intermediate Trickling Filters or Biologi-
With this Standard planners and examiners receive cal Contactors, Issue 10/1989
a differentiated working basis for the dimensioning
of trickling filters and rotating biological contactors. ATV-A 202
From this they can, from the process technical as- Verfahren zur Elimination von Phosphor aus Ab-
pect, develop the most sustainable and most eco- wasser [Processes for the Removal of Phosphorus
nomical solution with regards to the required envi- from Wastewater], Issue 10/1992
ronmental protection.

22 September 2001

ATV-M 271 DIN 19569-1

Personalbedarf für den Betrieb kommunaler Principles for the design of structures and technical
Kläranlagen [Personnel Requirement for the Op- equipment for sewage treatment plants; general
eration of Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants], Is- principles
sue 9/1998
DIN 19569-2
ATV-M 274 Principles for the design of structures and equip-
Einsatz organischer Polymere in der Abwasserre- ment for sewage treatment plants; installations for
inigung [Employment of Organic Polymers in separating and thickening solids
Wastewater Treatment], Issue 11/1999
DIN 19569-3
• Standard specifications Baugrundsätze für Bauwerke und technische Aus-
rüstung; Besondere Baugrundsätze für Einrichtun-
EN 1085
gen zur aeroben biologischen Abwasserreinigung
Wastewater treatment - Vocabulary
[Principles for the design of structures and techni-
cal equipment for sewage treatment plants; special
DIN 4045
construction principles for installations for aerobic
Wastewater engineering - Vocabulary
biological wastewater treatment]
DIN 4261-2
Small sewage treatment plants – Plants with sew-
age aeration; application, design; construction and
testing Literature
DIN 18202 [1] ATV (Publ.):
Dimensional tolerances in building construction - ATV-Handbuch „Biologische und weiterge-
Buildings hende Abwasserreinigung“ [ATV Manual “Bio-
logical and advanced wastewater treatment”].
DIN 19553 4th Edition, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1997
Kläranlagen – Tropfkörper mit Drehsprenger,
Hauptmaße [Sewage treatment plants – Trickling [2] ATV (Publ.):
filters with rotating sprinklers, main dimensions] ATV-Handbuch „Mechanische Abwasserreini-
gung [ATV Manual “Mechanical wastewater
DIN 19557-1 treatment”] 4th Edition, Berlin: Ernst & Sohn,
Sewage treatment plants – mineral filter media for 1997
percolating filters – requirements, testing, delivery, [3] ATV Report
placing „Mehrstufige biologische Kläranlagen“ [Multi-
stage biological wastewater treatment plants”]
DIN 19557-2 Korrespondenz Abwasser 2/1989, p. 181-189
Kläranlagen – Füllstoffe aus Kunststoff für Tropf- [4] Standard ATV-DVWK-A 198E
körper – Anforderungen, Prüfungen [Sewage “Standardisation and Derivation of
treatment plants – filter materials for trickling filters Dimensioning Values for Wastewater
– requirements, tests] facilities”, 2003
[5] ATV Report
DIN 19558
„Umgestaltung zweistufiger biologischer
Überfallwehr mit Tauchwand, getauchte Ablaufroh-
Kläranlagen zur Stickstoffelimination“
re in Becken; Baugrundsätze, Hauptmaße, An-
[“Conversion of two-stage biological
wendungsbeispiele [Overflow weir with scumbo-
wastewater treatment plants for phosphorus
ard, submerged outflow pipes in tanks;
removal”] Korrespondenz Abwasser 1/1994,
construction principles, main dimensions, e-
p. 95-100
xamples of application]

September 2001 23

[6] ATV Report [7] ATV-DVWK Report

„Denitrifikation bei Tropfkörperanlagen“ [De- „Rückbelastung aus der Schlammbehandlung
nitrification with trickling filter facilities”] Kor- – Menge und Beschaffenheit der Rückläufe“
respondenz Abwasser 11/1994, p. 2077-2081 [“Return loading from sludge treatment –
quantity and characteristics of the return
flows”] KA-Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall
8/2000, p. 1181-1187

The above Standard ATV-DVWK-A 281E replaces the draft of ATV Standard ATV-A 135 and contains up-
dated approaches to dimensioning for trickling filters and rotating biological contactors with secondary set-

The advantages of the treatment of wastewater in fixed bed reactors in general lie in the small energy con-
sumption and the simple and stable method of operation. With the trickling filter process the wastewater is
sprinkled over the filler material. With this the necessary oxygen is taken up passively. An active aeration
using energy is, as a rule, not required. On the other hand, with rotating biological contactors, the disks or
rollers up to a half submerged in a wastewater trough, are rotated about their longitudinal axis using en-
ergy. Aeration also takes place passively during the emerged phase.

Trickling filter and rotating biological contactor facilities enable the colonisation with micro-organisms which
have long generation times. Thus even compounds which are difficult to degrade can be eliminated with
small loading.

The standard in addition contains details fort he dimensioning of trickling filters with denitrification. It should
be emphasised, with the dimensioning of secondary settling tanks for trickling filters and rotating biological
contactors that, based on the results of new investigations, the necessary tank surface has been increased
and the tank depth reduced.

With trickling filters the dimensioning depends on the filler material used. The Standard shows how to take
into account adequately the characteristics of the various obtainable filler materials.

24 September 2001

September 2001 25

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