Article Ima-2000 Examination and Inspection
Article Ima-2000 Examination and Inspection
Article Ima-2000 Examination and Inspection
IMA-2100 GENERAL nent supports (IMF, IMP, and IMV) have been com-
pleted and the results recorded.
(d) It is the duty of the Inspector to verify that the
(a) It is the duty of the Inspector: nondestructive examination methods used follow the
(1) to perform a detailed review of the inspection techniques specified in this Division. The Inspector
plan (IMA-2400) prior to the start of preservice inspec- shall also verify that the examinations are performed
tion and each inspection interval. Shop and field preser- in accordance with written qualified procedures and by
vice examinations [IMB-2200(c), IMC-2200(c), and personnel employed by the Owner or the Owner’s agent
IME-2200(c)] are exempt from prior review by the and qualified in accordance with IMA-2300.
Inspector. Review of the inspection plan shall cover (e) The Inspector may require at any time requalifica-
any features of the inspection plan which are affected tion of any procedure or operator if the Inspector has
by the requirements of this Division, as applicable, and reason to believe the requirements are not being met.
shall include the following: (f) The examination records shall be certified by the
(a) examination categories and items Inspector only after verifying that the requirements
(b) test and examination requirements have been met and that the records are correct.
(c) examination methods (g) The Inspector shall verify that repairs are per-
(d) percentage of parts selected for examination formed in accordance with the requirements of the
(e) inservice test quantities Owner’s Repair/Replacement Program.
(f) disposition of test results (h) The Inspector shall review the Repair/Replace-
(g) test frequency ment Program and its implementation.
(h) continuous monitoring for leakage, and
(i) sequence of successive examinations
(2) to review any revisions to the inspection plan
during the preservice inspection or the inspection in-
(3) to submit a report to the Owner documenting
review of the items identified in IMA-2110(a)(1) and (2);
(4) to verify the required examinations and system
leakage monitoring; (a) The inspection required by this Division shall
(5) to verify that the required visual examinations be performed:
VTM-1, VTM-2, and VTM-3 (IMA-2210) have been (1) where the plant is in the United States, by an
performed and the results recorded; and Inspector employed by a State or Municipality of the
(6) to verify that the system leakage tests, where United States or an Inspector regularly employed by
required for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class CC, and an insurance company authorized to write boiler and
Class MC components, have been conducted and the pressure vessel insurance in the United States;
results recorded. (2) where the plant is in Canada, by an Inspector
(b) The Inspector shall also make any additional employed by a Canadian Province or, if authorized by
investigations necessary to verify that all applicable the Province in which the power plant is located, by an
requirements of IMA-2110(a) have been met. Inspector regularly employed by an insurance company
(c) It is the duty of the Inspector to verify that the licensed to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance
inservice tests required on pumps, valves, and compo- in that Province;
Maximum Procedure
Minimum Maximum Direct Demonstration Lower
Visual Illumination, Examination Case Character Height,
Examination fc Distance, ft mils
VTM-1 50 2 44
VTM-2 15 6 158
VTM-3 50 4 105
IMA-2210 1998 SECTION XI — DIVISION 3 IMA-2233
be checked before and after each examination or series IMA-2220 SURFACE EXAMINATION
of examinations, not to exceed 4 hr between checks.
(a) A surface examination indicates the presence of
surface discontinuities. It may be conducted by either
IMA-2211 VTM-1 Examination a magnetic particle or a liquid penetrant method.
(b) Any linear indication that exceeds the allowable
VTM-1 examinations are conducted to detect disconti- linear surface flaw standards shall be recorded.
nuities and imperfections on the surfaces of components,
including such conditions as cracks, wear, corrosion,
or erosion. IMA-2221 Magnetic Particle Examination
Magnetic particle examination shall be conducted in
accordance with Article 7 of Section V.
IMA-2212 VTM-2 Examination
(a) The VTM-2 visual examination shall be con- IMA-2222 Liquid Penetrant Examination
ducted on exterior surfaces in such a way that accumula-
tions of liquids, liquid streams, liquid drops, and smoke (a) Liquid penetrant examination shall be conducted
are discernible. in accordance with Article 6 of Section V.
(b) The removal of external covering, such as insula- (b) Liquid penetrant examination at elevated tempera-
tion, is not required for VTM-2 visual examinations. tures shall be performed in accordance with procedures
accepted by the Inspector.
1 Since
Eddy current examination of heat exchanger tubing
cleaning specifications and standards are not yet fully devel-
oped, it is recommended that special investigations and precautions shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions
be taken before any cleaning process is used. of Appendix IV of Division 1 of Section XI.
IMA-2240 CONTINUOUS MONITORING however, the Employer shall be solely responsible for
the certification of Levels I, II, and III NDE personnel.
Continuous monitoring of the region exterior to com-
ponents or systems containing liquid metal and /or
radioactive cover gas is used to detect leakage of liquid
metal or radioactive gas. Calibration of leak detection IMA-2311 NDE Methods Listed in SNT-TC-1A
equipment shall be performed in accordance with Ap- (a) Qualifications shall be based on the methods,
pendix I of this Division. techniques, procedures, and equipment used for the
NDE required by this Division.
(b) Training, qualification, and certification of ultra-
IMA-2241 Liquid Metal Leakage
sonic examination personnel shall also comply with
Continuous monitoring for liquid metal leakage, re- the requirements specified in Appendix VII of Division
quired by IMB, IMC, and IMD, shall be provided by 1 of Section XI.
installed leak detection systems capable of monitoring
the exterior of a liquid metal containing system and
providing visual and audible alarms when leakage of IMA-2312 NDE Methods Not Listed in
liquid metal occurs. SNT-TC-1A
Personnel performing visual examinations or using
IMA-2242 Radioactive Gas Leakage other NDE methods not addressed in SNT-TC-1A shall
be qualified and certified to comparable levels of quali-
Continuous monitoring for leakage of radioactive
fication as defined in SNT-TC-1A and the Employer’s
cover gas, required by IMB, IMC, and IMD, shall be
written practice.
provided by radiation monitors arranged to detect gas
leakage from primary liquid metal cover gas space.
Such radiation monitors need not be dedicated to leak
detection but may serve additional functions. IMA-2313 Certification and Recertification
Personnel shall be qualified by examination and shall
be certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A. Level I and
IMA-2250 ALTERNATIVE EXAMINATIONS Level II personnel shall be recertified by qualification
examinations every 3 years. Level III personnel shall be
Alternative examination methods, a combination of
recertified by qualification examinations every 5 years.
methods, or newly developed techniques may be substi-
tuted for the methods specified in this Division, provided
the Inspector is satisfied that the results are demonstrated
to be equivalent or superior to those of the specified
IMA-2321 Vision Tests
The following tests shall be administered annually
IMA-2300 QUALIFICATIONS OF to NDE personnel:
NONDESTRUCTIVE (a) Personnel shall demonstrate natural or corrected
EXAMINATION PERSONNEL near-distance acuity of 20 /25 or greater Snellen fraction,
with at least one eye, by reading words or identifying
characters on a near-distance test chart, such as a
Personnel performing nondestructive examination Jaeger chart, that meets the requirements of IMA-2322.
(NDE) shall be qualified and certified using a written Equivalent measures of near-distance acuity may be
practice prepared in accordance with SNT-TC-1A and used. In addition, personnel performing VTM-2 or
the additional requirements of this Division. Certifica- VTM-3 visual examinations shall demonstrate natural
tions based on an earlier edition of SNT-TC-1A are or corrected far-distance acuity of 20 /30 or greater
valid until recertification is required. Recertification Snellen fraction or equivalent with at least one eye.
shall be in accordance with the edition of SNT-TC- (b) Personnel shall demonstrate the capability to dis-
1A referenced in IMA-1600 and the additional require- tinguish the colors applicable to the NDE methods for
ments of this Division. Outside agencies, as defined in which certified and to differentiate contrast between
SNT-TC-1A, may be utilized to qualify NDE personnel; these colors.
IMA-2322 1998 SECTION XI — DIVISION 3 IMA-2350
TABLE IMA-2322-1 (1) the Level III candidate was previously certified
NEAR-DISTANCE ACUITY TEST DISTANCES or recertified using all the written examinations and
AND CHARACTER HEIGHTS the Practical Examination;
(2) the Level III candidate is not being recertified
Distance, Maximum Lower Case
due to interrupted service as defined in the employer’s
in. Character Height, in. written practice;
(3) the Level III candidate is not being certified
12 0.022
13 0.024
by a new employer.
14 0.025
15 0.027
16 0.029 IMA-2324 Level I and Level II Personnel
NOTE: The test distances (eye to chart) and corresponding character The technical qualifications of Level I and Level II
heights provide a visual angle of 6.25 minutes, which is equivalent personnel shall be determined using written General
to a Snellen fraction of 20/25.
and Specific Examinations and a Practical hands-on
examination. The Practical Examination shall be admin-
istered by a Level III personnel. This examination shall
include calibration and operation of the applicable
equipment and recording of the test results, and shall
IMA-2322 Near-Distance Test Chart be conducted using one or more selected specimens
Qualification or components for at least one NDE procedure for
A measurement of one of the near-distance test chart each applicable method. The Level II Practical Examina-
characters shall be made once before initial use, with tion shall also include evaluation of indications.
an optical comparator (10X or greater) or other suitable
instrument, to verify that the height of a representative
IMA-2325 Preparation, Administration, and
lower case character, without an ascender or descender
(e.g., a, c, e, o), for the selected type size, meets the
requirements of Table IMA-2322-1. This measurement The examinations may be prepared and administered
shall be documented and traceable to the test chart. by the Employer, ASNT, or an outside agency. However,
the Employer shall be responsible for the adequacy of
the qualification program and the certification of NDE
IMA-2323 Level III Personnel personnel. A passing grade of 80% is required for each
examination administered for certification.
The technical qualifications of Level III NDE person-
nel shall be determined using written examinations and
a Practical Examination. The written examinations shall IMA-2330 LEVEL I RESPONSIBILITIES
cover the Basic, Method, and Specific areas of knowl-
edge as defined in SNT-TC-1A. The Practical Examina- Level I personnel shall use written procedures when
tion shall be in accordance with IMA-2324 Level performing specific setups, calibrations, and examina-
II rules. tions and when recording data. These activities shall
(a) Basic and Method Examinations shall be in ac- be conducted under the guidance of Level II or Level
cordance with SNT-TC-1A. An ASNT Level III certifi- III personnel. Level I NDE personnel shall not evaluate
cate with current endorsements obtained by examination or accept the results of a nondestructive examination.
for the applicable methods satisfies the Basic and
Method Examination requirements.
(b) The Specific Examination shall be in accordance IMA-2340 LEVEL III EDUCATION
with SNT-TC-1A and shall cover the NDE requirements Level III candidates shall have high school or equiva-
in this Division, including acceptance standards and lent education.
referenced Codes and Standards.
(c) Level III NDE personnel shall be recertified using
the written Method and Specific Examinations plus the
Practical Examination. Level III personnel may be
recertified using only the written Method and Specific Limited certification is permitted provided the limita-
Examinations provided the following conditions are met: tions or restrictions are defined in the written practice
and documented in the individual’s certification records. IME, and inservice examinations and tests of IMF shall
The prerequisite training and experience requirements be completed during each of the inspection intervals
for personnel who perform only one operation of an for the service lifetime of the plant. The inspections
examination that consists of more than one operation, shall be performed in accordance with the schedule of
or who perform examinations of limited scope, may Inspection Program A of IMA-2431, or optionally,
be less than those in SNT-TC-1A or Appendix VII, Inspection Program B of IMA-2432. It is not required
of Division 1, as applicable. that the inspection intervals of IMB, IMC, IMD, IME,
and IMF conform to the same inspection program.
(b) The inspection interval shall be determined by
IMA-2400 INSPECTION PROGRAM calendar years following placement of the plant into
commercial service.
(c) For components inspected under Program A, each
inspection interval may be extended by as much as 1
The Code Edition and Addenda for preservice inspec- year. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th inspection intervals may
tion and for initial and successive inservice inspection be decreased by as much as 1 year. Adjustments shall
intervals shall be in accordance with 10CFR50, Section not cause successive intervals to be altered by more
50.55a. than 1 year from the original pattern of intervals. No
credit shall be given for examinations conducted during
the first year of commercial service.
IMA-2420 INSPECTION PLANS AND (d) For components inspected under Program B, each
SCHEDULES of the inspection intervals may be extended or decreased
by as much as 1 year. Adjustments shall not cause
Inspection plans and schedules shall be prepared for
successive intervals to be altered by more than 1 year
the preservice inspection, the first inservice inspection
from the original pattern of intervals.
interval, and subsequent inservice inspection intervals.2
(e) In addition to IMA-2430(c) and (d), for plants
(a) Each inspection plan shall include the following:
that are out of service continuously for 6 months or
(1) the Edition and Addenda of this Division that
more, the inspection interval during which the outage
apply to the required examinations and tests;
occurred may be extended for a period equivalent to
(2) the classification of the component and the
the outage and the original pattern of intervals extended
boundaries of system classifications;
accordingly for successive intervals.
(3) identification of the components subject to
(f) The inspection frequency for inservice testing of
examination and test;
pumps and valves shall be in accordance with the
(4) the Code requirements by category and item
requirements of IMP and IMV.
number for each component and the examination or
(g) The inspection intervals for component replace-
test to be performed;
ments, additions, and alterations that may be required
(5) the Code requirements by category and item
during the service lifetime of the plant shall coincide
number for each component, that are not being satisfied
with remaining intervals, as determined by the calendar
by the examinations and tests, and justification for
years of plant service at the time of replacements,
substitute examinations and tests; and
additions, or alterations.
(6) Code Cases proposed for use and the extent
(h) The inspection program of IMA-2431 may be
of their application.
replaced by the inspection program of IMA-2432, and
(b) An implementation schedule for performance of
vice versa, during the first 3 years of the service lifetime
examinations and tests shall be prepared for each inspec-
of the plant.
tion plan.
(i) The inspection intervals for inservice examination
of heat exchanger tubing shall be in accordance with
the plant Technical Specifications.
(a) The inservice examinations, leak testing and con-
IMA-2431 Inspection Program A
tinuous monitoring, required by IMB, IMC, IMD, and
The inspection intervals shall comply with the follow-
2 The
ing, except as may be modified by IMA-2430(c):
date of placement of the plant into commercial service is
defined by the regulation of the Federal Power Commission, Chapter 1st Inspection Interval — 3 years following initial start
1 — Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, 101 Paragraph 9.D. of plant commercial service
IMA-2431 1998 SECTION XI — DIVISION 3 IMA-2641
2nd Inspection interval — 7 years following the 1st and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the
inspection interval plant site.
3rd Inspection Interval — 13 years following the 2nd
inspection interval
4th Inspection Interval — 17 years following the 3rd IMA-2500 EXTENT OF EXAMINATION
inspection interval
Successive Inspection Intervals — follow IMA-2432 Requirements for examination of welds shall apply
only to weld joints and not repair welds (including
core closure welds in castings) in base material, except
IMA-2432 Inspection Program B where otherwise stated.
The inspection intervals shall comply with the follow-
ing, except as modified by IMA-2430(d):
1st Inspection Interval — 10 years following initial start IMA-2600 WELD REFERENCE SYSTEM
of plant commercial service IMA-2610 GENERAL
Successive Inspection Intervals — 10 years following
the previous inspection interval A reference system shall be established for all welds
and areas subject to surface or volumetric examination.
Each such weld and area shall be located and identified
by a system of reference points. The system shall
IMA-2440 APPLICATION OF CODE CASES permit identification of each weld, location of each
IMA-2441 Section XI Code Cases weld centerline, and designation of regular intervals
along the length of the weld.
(a) Code Cases to be used during a preservice or
inservice inspection shall be identified in the Inspec-
tion Plan.
(b) Code Cases shall be applicable to the Edition
and Addenda specified in the Inspection Plan. Requirements for piping are provided in III-4300 in
(c) Code Cases shall be in effect at the time the Appendix III, Division 1 of Section XI. These rules
Inspection Plan is filed with the regulatory and enforce- may also be applied to piping not within the scope of
ment authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site Appendix III, III-1100, Division 1 of Section XI.
except as provided in IMA-2441(d).
(d) Code Cases issued subsequent to filing the Inspec-
tion Plan may be proposed for use in amendments to IMA-2630 VESSELS
the Inspection Plan.
(e) Superseded Code Cases approved for use in The requirements of Appendix A of Article 4 are
accordance with IMA-2441(a) through IMA-2441(d) acceptable for vessels examined in accordance with
may continue to be used. Article 4 of Section V.
(f) The use of any Code Case and revisions to
previously approved Code Cases are subject to accept-
ance by the regulatory and enforcement authorities IMA-2640 OTHER COMPONENTS
having jurisdiction at the plant site. A reference system for component welds is given
in IMA-2641. A different system may be used provided
IMA-2442 Annulled Section XI Code Cases it meets the requirements of IMA-2610.
reporting form. The weld centerline shall be the divider surface beyond the weld fillet. The internal reference
for the two examination surfaces. circle shall have a sufficient whole number of inches
(a) Circumferential (Girth) Welds. The standard start- radius so that the circle falls within 1⁄2 in. (13 mm)
ing point shall be component 0 deg. The reference of the weld centerline. Zero deg. point on the weld
points shall be numbered clockwise as viewed from shall be the top of the nozzle. The 0 deg. point for
the top of the component. The examination surfaces welds of nozzles centered in heads shall be located at
shall be identified as above or below the weld. the 0 deg. axis of the vessel. Angular layout of the
(b) Longitudinal (Vertical) Welds. Longitudinal welds weld shall be made clockwise on the external surface,
shall be laid out from the centerline of circumferential counterclockwise on the internal surface. Zero, 90, 180,
welds at the top end of the weld. The examination and 270 deg. lines shall be marked on all nozzle welds
surface shall be identified as clockwise or counterclock- examined; 30 deg. increment lines shall be marked on
wise as viewed from the top of the component. nozzle welds greater than 4 in. radius; 15 deg. increment
(c) Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds. The external reference lines shall be marked on nozzle welds greater than 12
circle shall have a sufficient whole number of inches in. radius; 5 deg. increment lines shall be marked on
radius so that the circle falls on the vessel external nozzle welds greater than 24 in. radius.