Meta-Analysis of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Meta-Analysis of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Meta-Analysis of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Objectives To evaluate enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols in emergency abdominal surgery.
Methods The electronic data sources were explored to capture all studies that evaluated the impact of ERAS
protocols in patients who underwent emergency abdominal surgery. The quality of randomised and non-randomised
studies was evaluated by the Cochrane tool and the Newcastle–Ottawa scale, respectively. Random or fixed effects
modelling were utilised as indicated.
Results Six comparative studies, enrolling 1334 patients, were eligible. ERAS protocols resulted in shorter post-
operative time to first flatus (mean difference: -1.40, P \ 0.00001), time to first defecation (mean difference: -1.21,
P = 0.02), time to first oral liquid diet (mean difference: -2.30, P \ 0.00001), time to first oral solid diet (mean
difference: -2.40, P \ 0.00001) and length of hospital stay (mean difference: -3.09, -2.80, P \ 0.00001). ERAS
protocols also resulted in lower risks of total complications (odds ratio: 0.50, P \ 0.00001), major complications
(odds ratio: 0.60, P = 0.0008), pulmonary complications (odds ratio: 0.38, P = 0.0003), paralytic ileus (odds ratio:
0.53, 0.88, P = 0.01) and surgical site infection (odds ratio: 0.39, P = 0.0001). Both ERAS and non-ERAS protocols
resulted in similar risk of 30-day mortality (risk difference: -0.00, P = 0.94), need for re-admission (risk difference:
-0.01, P = 0.50) and need for re-operation (odds ratio: 0.83, P = 0.50).
Conclusions Although ERAS protocols are commonly used in elective settings, they are associated with favourable
outcomes in emergency settings as indicated by reduced post-operative complications, accelerated recovery of bowel
function and shorter post-operative hospital stay without increasing need for re-admission or re-operation. There
should be an effort to incorporate ERAS protocols into emergency abdominal surgery settings.
World J Surg
World J Surg
Additional analyses
World J Surg
obstruction; two studies [14, 17] included patients with P \ 0.00001). The reported between-study heterogeneity
perforated duodenal ulcer; one study [16] included patients was judged to be moderate (I2 = 69%, P = 0.01).
with abdominal pathology requiring major abdominal
procedure (Tables 1, 2). Table 3 highlights the ERAS Time to first flatus
components considered as part of ERAS protocols in each
of the eligible studies. Analysis of 795 patients from three studies [13, 14, 18]
showed that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter time to first
Risk of bias in included studies flatus compared with non-ERAS protocols (mean differ-
ence: -1.40, 95% CI -1.52, -1.27, P \ 0.00001). The
Figure 2 highlights the outcomes of methodological quality reported between-study heterogeneity was judged to be low
assessment based on the Cochrane tool and Newcastle– (I2 = 0%, P = 0.69).
Ottawa scale.
Time to first defecation
Outcome synthesis (Fig. 3)
Analysis of 795 patients from three studies [13, 14, 18]
Length of hospital stay showed that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter time to first
defecation compared with non-ERAS protocols (mean
Analysis of 964 patients from five studies [13–15, 17, 18] difference: -1.21, 95% CI -2.19, - 0.23, P = 0.02). The
showed that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter length of reported between-study heterogeneity was judged to be
hospital stay compared with non-ERAS protocols (mean high (I2 = 94%, P \ 0.00001).
difference: -3.09, 95% CI -3.37, -2.80, P \ 0.00001).
The reported between-study heterogeneity was judged to Time to first oral liquid diet
be low (I2 = 14%, P = 0.32).
Analysis of 735 patients from two studies [13, 14] showed
Total post-operative complications that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter time to first oral
liquid diet compared with non-ERAS protocols (mean
Analysis of 964 patients from five studies [13–15, 17, 18] difference: -2.30, 95% CI -2.37, -2.23, P \ 0.00001).
showed that ERAS protocols resulted in lower risk of total The reported between-study heterogeneity was judged to
post-operative complications compared with non-ERAS be low (I2 = 12%, P = 0.29).
protocols (odds ratio: 0.50, 95% CI 0.38, 0.66,
Shang et al. China Medicine Retrospective Patients with obstructive colorectal cancer undergoing 636 318 318
[13] observational the unplanned emergency operation
Mohsina India J Gastrointest Randomised Patients undergoing emergency operation for 99 50 49
et al. [14] Surg controlled perforated duodenal ulcer
Shida et al. Japan BMC Surgery Retrospective Patients undergoing emergency operation for 122 80 42
[15] observational obstructive colorectal cancer
Wisely et al. Australia ANZ J Surg Retrospective Patients undergoing major emergency abdominal 370 201 169
[16] observational surgery
Gonenc Turkey Am J Surg Randomised Patients undergoing emergency operation for 47 21 26
et al. [17] controlled perforated duodenal ulcer
Lohsiriwat Thailand World J Retrospective Patients undergoing emergency operation for 60 20 40
et al. [18] Gastroenterol observational obstructing colorectal adenocarcinoma
ERAS enhanced recovery after surgery
World J Surg
Shang et al. Median 192/318 versus 126/318 versus 25.1 ± 2.6 versus 216/318 versus 102/318 versus
[13] 66 versus 65 201/318 117/318 24.9 ± 2.5 220/318 98/318
Mohsina et al. Mean: 44/50 versus 6/50 versus 5/49 24.82 ± 0.35 versus 50/50 versus 0/50 versus 0/49
[14] 46 versus 44 44/49 24.6 ± 0.34 49/49
Shida et al. Mean: 52/80 versus 28/80 versus NR NR NR
[15] 69 versus 68 25/42 17/42
Wisely et al. Median 87/201 versus 114/201 versus NR 71/201 versus 130/201 versus
[16] 68 versus 68 85/169 84/169 74/169 95/169
Gonenc et al. Mean 16/21 versus 5/21 versus 6/26 NR NR NR
[17] 35 versus 38 20/26
Lohsiriwat Mean 14/20 versus 6/20 versus 16/40 21.7 ± 3.3 versus 16/20 versus 4/20 versus 4/20
et al. [18] 58 versus 62 24/40 22.8 ± 3.4 36/40
NR not reported, ERAS enhanced recovery after surgery, BMI body mass index, ASA American Society of Anaesthesiologists
Table 3 Enhanced recovery after surgery components considered in the included studies
ERAS component Shang et al. Mohsina et al. Shida et al. Wisely et al. Gonenc et al. Lohsiriwat et al.
[13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
Analysis of 842 patients from four studies [13, 14, 17, 18] Analysis of 818 patients from three studies [13, 15, 18]
showed that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter time to first showed that ERAS protocols resulted in lower risk of
oral solid diet compared with non-ERAS protocols (mean major post-operative complications compared with non-
difference: -2.40, 95% CI -2.62, -2.19, P \ 0.00001). ERAS protocols (odds ratio: 0.60, 95% CI 0.45, 0.81,
The reported between-study heterogeneity was judged to P = 0.0008). The reported between-study heterogeneity
be moderate (I2 = 69%, P = 0.02). was judged to be low (I2 = 0%, P = 0.70).
World J Surg
Fig. 2 Risk of bias summary and graph showing authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item for: a randomised trials, b observational
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Fig. 3 Forest plots of the comparisons of outcomes between the ERAS and non-ERAS groups: a length of hospital stay; b total post-operative
complications; c time to first flatus; d time to first defecation; e time to first liquid diet; f time to first solid diet; g major complications;
h pulmonary complications; i paralytic ileus; j surgical site infection; k 30-day mortality; l need for re-admission; m need for re-operation
World J Surg
Fig. 3 continued
World J Surg
Fig. 3 continued
Need for re-operation unaffected when RRs, ORs and RDs were computed
independently. Eliminating one study at a time in the
Analysis of 1274 patients from five studies [13–17] showed second set of analyses did not affect the results. Applica-
that ERAS protocols and non-ERAS protocols were similar tion of fixed effect and random effects modelling in the
in terms of need for re-operation (odds ratio: 0.83, 95% CI third set of analyses did not affect the results.
0.49, 1.42, P = 0.50). The reported between-study hetero-
geneity was judged to be low (I2 = 0%, P = 0.71). Randomised controlled trials
Additional analyses Analysis of 146 patients from two RCTs [14, 17] showed
that ERAS protocols resulted in shorter post-operative time
Sensitivity analyses to first flatus (mean difference: -1.47, 95% CI -1.83,
-1.11, P \ 0.00001), time to first defecation (mean dif-
The outcomes presented by a minimum number of four ference: -2.26, 95% CI -2.68, -1.84, P \ 0.00001), time
comparative studies were qualified for sensitivity analyses. to first oral liquid diet (mean difference: -2.72, 95% CI
First set of analysis showed that the results stayed -3.49, -1.95, P \ 0.00001), time to first oral solid diet
World J Surg
(mean difference: -2.51, 95% CI -3.05, -1.97, -3.71, 95% CI -4.57, -2.85, P \ 0.00001). ERAS pro-
P \ 0.00001) and length of hospital stay (mean difference: tocols resulted in lower risks of total complications (odds
-3.71, 95% CI -4.57, -2.85, P \ 0.00001). ERAS pro- ratio: 0.18, 95% CI 0.09, 0.37, P \ 0.00001), pulmonary
tocols resulted in lower risks of total complications (odds complications (odds ratio: 0.23, 95% CI 0.06, 0.86,
ratio: 0.18, 95% CI 0.09, 0.37, P \ 0.00001), pulmonary P = 0.03) and surgical site infection (odds ratio: 0.36, 95%
complications (odds ratio: 0.23, 95% CI 0.06, 0.86, CI 0.15, 0.88, P = 0.03). Both ERAS and non-ERAS pro-
P = 0.03) and surgical site infection (odds ratio: 0.36, 95% tocols resulted in similar risk of paralytic ileus (odds ratio:
CI 0.15, 0.88, P = 0.03). Both ERAS and non-ERAS pro- 0.52, 95% CI 0.15, 1.85, P = 0.32), risk of 30-day mor-
tocols resulted in similar risk of paralytic ileus (odds ratio: tality (risk difference: -0.01, 95% CI - 0.06, 0.03,
0.52, 95% CI 0.15, 1.85, P = 0.32), risk of 30-day mor- P = 0.59), need for re-admission (risk difference: 0.04,
tality (risk difference: -0.01, 95% CI - 0.06, 0.03, 95% CI - 0.03, 0.10, P = 0.30) and need for re-operation
P = 0.59), need for re-admission (risk difference: 0.04, (odds ratio: 0.61, 95% CI 0.13, 2.96, P = 0.54).
95% CI - 0.03, 0.10, P = 0.30) and need for re-operation
(odds ratio: 0.61, 95% CI 0.13, 2.96, P = 0.54). Emergency operation for bowel obstruction Overall, 818
patients underwent emergency operation for bowel
Observational studies obstruction. ERAS protocols resulted in shorter post-op-
erative time to first flatus (mean difference: -1.39, 95% CI
Analysis of 1188 patients from four observational studies -1.52, -1.25, P \ 0.00001), time to first defecation (mean
[13, 15, 16, 18] showed that ERAS protocols resulted in difference: -0.73, 95% CI -1.40, - 0.06, P = 0.03), time
shorter post-operative time to first flatus (mean difference: to first oral liquid diet (mean difference: -2.30, 95% CI
-1.39, 95% CI -1.52, -1.25, P \ 0.00001), time to first -2.37, -2.23, P \ 0.00001), time to first oral solid diet
defecation (mean difference: -0.73, 95% CI -1.40, (mean difference: 2.39, 95% CI -2.62, -2.15,
- 0.06, P = 0.03), time to first oral liquid diet (mean dif- P \ 0.00001) and length of hospital stay (mean difference:
ference: -2.30, 95% CI -2.37, -2.23, P \ 0.00001), time -3.01, 95% CI -3.31, -2.71, P \ 0.00001). ERAS pro-
to first oral solid diet (mean difference: 2.39, 95% CI tocols resulted in lower risks of total complications (odds
-2.62, -2.15, P \ 0.00001) and length of hospital stay ratio: 0.60, 95% CI 0.45, 0.81, P = 0.0008), major com-
(mean difference: -3.01, 95% CI -3.31, -2.71, plications (odds ratio: 0.60, 95% CI 0.45, 0.81,
P \ 0.00001). ERAS protocols resulted in lower risks of P = 0.0008) and paralytic ileus (odds ratio: 0.53, 95% CI
total complications (odds ratio: 0.60, 95% CI 0.45, 0.81, 0.31, 0.93, P = 0.03). Both ERAS and non-ERAS proto-
P = 0.0008), major complications (odds ratio: 0.60, 95% cols resulted in similar risk of pulmonary complications
CI 0.45, 0.81, P = 0.0008), pulmonary complications (odds (odds ratio: 0.10, 95% CI 0.00, 2.15, P = 0.14), risk of
ratio: 0.42, 95% CI 0.24, 0.76, P = 0.004), paralytic ileus 30-day mortality (risk difference: -0.00, 95% CI - 0.02,
(odds ratio: 0.53, 95% CI 0.31, 0.93, P = 0.03) and surgical 0.01, P = 0.92), need for re-admission (risk difference:
site infection (odds ratio: 0.41, 95% CI 0.23, 0.72, -0.03, 95% CI - 0.07, 0.01, P = 0.11) and need for re-
P = 0.002). Both ERAS and non-ERAS protocols resulted operation (odds ratio: 0.76, 95% CI 0.30, 1.88, P = 0.55).
in similar risk of 30-day mortality (risk difference: 0.00,
95% CI - 0.02, 0.02, P = 0.95), need for re-admission
(risk difference: -0.02, 95% CI - 0.05, 0.02, P = 0.33) Discussion
and need for re-operation (odds ratio: 0.87, 95% CI 0.49,
1.53, P = 0.62). In this study, analysis of the outcomes related to 1334
patients from six comparative studies showed that ERAS
Subgroup analyses (Table 4) protocols resulted in favourable outcomes in emergency
settings as indicated by reduced post-operative complica-
Emergency operation for visceral perforation Overall, tions, accelerated recovery of bowel function, and shorter
146 patients underwent emergency operation for visceral length of hospital stay without increasing the need for re-
perforation. ERAS protocols resulted in shorter post-oper- admission or re-operation. The sensitivity and subgroup
ative time to first flatus (mean difference: -1.47, 95% CI analyses confirmed the consistency of the results.
-1.83, -1.11, P \ 0.00001), time to first defecation (mean Although the impact of ERAS protocols on post-oper-
difference: -2.26, 95% CI -2.68, -1.84, P \ 0.00001), ative outcomes in elective settings has been investigated by
time to first oral liquid diet (mean difference: -2.72, 95% previous meta-analyses, this is the first meta-analysis in the
CI -3.49, -1.95, P \ 0.00001), time to first oral solid diet literature evaluating ERAS protocols in emergency set-
(mean difference: -2.51, 95% CI -3.05, -1.97, tings. Our results are comparable with the evidence pro-
P \ 0.00001) and length of hospital stay (mean difference: vided by previously published studies in elective settings.
World J Surg
Length of hospital MD: -3.71 \0.00001 MD: -3.01 \0.00001 MD: -3.71 \0.00001 MD: -3.01 \0.00001
stay (4.57, (- 3.31, (4.57, (- 3.31,
- 2.85) - 2.71) - 2.85) - 2.71)
Total post-operative OR: 0.18 (0.09, \0.00001 OR: 0.60 (0.45, 0.0008 OR: 0.18 (0.09, \0.00001 OR: 0.60 (0.45, 0.0008
complications 0.37) 0.81) 0.37) 0.81)
Time to first flatus MD: -1.47 \0.00001 MD: -1.39 \0.00001 MD: -1.47 \0.00001 MD: -1.39 \0.00001
(- 1.83, (- 1.52, (- 1.83, (- 1.52,
- 1.11) - 1.25) - 1.11) - 1.25)
Time to first MD: -2.26 \0.00001 MD: -0.73 0.03 MD: -2.26 \0.00001 MD: -0.73 0.03
defecation (- 2.68, (- 1.40, (- 2.68, (- 1.40,
- 1.84) - 0.06) - 1.84) - 0.06)
Time to first oral MD: -2.72 \0.00001 MD: -2.30 \0.00001 MD: -2.72 \0.00001 MD: -2.30 \0.00001
liquid diet (- 3.49, (- 2.37, (- 3.49, (- 2.37,
- 1.95) - 2.23) - 1.95) - 2.23)
Time to first oral MD: -2.51 \0.00001 MD: 2.39 \0.00001 MD: -2.51 \0.00001 MD: 2.39 \0.00001
solid diet (- 3.05, (- 2.62, (- 3.05, (- 2.62,
- 1.97) - 2.15) - 1.97) - 2.15)
Major complications NR NR OR: 0.60 (0.45, 0.0008 NR NR OR: 0.60 (0.45, 0.0008
0.81) 0.81)
Pulmonary OR: 0.23 (0.06, 0.03 OR: 0.42 (0.24, 0.004 OR: 0.23 (0.06, 0.03 OR: 0.10 (0.00, 0.14
complications 0.86) 0.76) 0.86) 2.15)
Paralytic ileus OR: 0.52 (0.15, 0.32 OR: 0.53 (0.31, 0.03 OR: 0.52 (0.15, 0.32 OR: 0.53 (0.31, 0.03
1.85) 0.93) 1.85) 0.93)
Surgical site OR: 0.36 (0.15, 0.03 OR: 0.41 (0.23, 0.002 OR: 0.36 (0.15, 0.03 NR NR
infection 0.88) 0.72) 0.88)
30-Day mortality RD: -0.01 0.59 RD: 0.00 0.95 RD: -0.01 0.59 RD: -0.00 0.92
(- 0.06, (- 0.02, (- 0.06, (- 0.02,
0.03) 0.02) 0.03) 0.01)
Need for re- RD: 0.04 0.3 RD: -0.02 0.33 RD: 0.04 0.3 RD: -0.03 0.11
admission (- 0.03, (- 0.05, (- 0.03, (- 0.07,
0.10) 0.02) 0.10) 0.01)
Need for re- OR: 0.61 (0.13, 0.54 OR: 0.87 (0.49, 0.62 OR: 0.61 (0.13, 0.54 OR: 0.76 (0.30, 0.55
operation 2.96) 1.53) 2.96) 1.88)
MD mean difference, OR odds ratio, RD risk difference, CI confidence interval, NR not reported
Ji et al. [19] completed a meta-analysis of 3694 patients and appropriate in emergency setting. Full preoperative
from twenty comparative studies and concluded that ERAS counselling, which is known to reduce post-operative
protocols resulted in improved complication rates, better stress, pain and anxiety [24], may not be possible in
post-operative recovery and shorter hospital stay in elective emergency setting; nevertheless, information such as
pancreatic surgery. Wang et al., in another meta-analysis details of procedure, possible perioperative complications,
[20], reached similar conclusions in elective gastric cancer need for creation of stoma and length of hospitalisation can
surgery. Other studies have reported comparable findings be communicated with patients and their family before the
in patients undergoing hepatectomy [21], oesophageal procedure. On the other hand, although complete optimi-
cancer surgery [22] and colorectal surgery [23]. sation of medical conditions cannot be achieved in emer-
Although some of the preoperative components of gency setting, objective intravenous fluid and antibiotic
ERAS protocols (e.g. nutritional support and carbohydrate resuscitation in emergency major abdominal surgery are
loading) cannot be achieved in emergency setting, most crucial and feasible [25]. Apart from these, the rest of
components of ERAS protocols are considered applicable intraoperative and post-operative components of ERAS
World J Surg
protocols [26–31] are achievable in emergency settings. Funding There were no funding resources for this study
Consistent with the above, our results also support the
Compliance with ethical standards
applicability of the above components of ERAS protocols
in emergency general surgery setting. Conflict of interest All authors confirmed that they had no conflict of
Use of ERAS protocols in emergency setting may face interest.
some barriers postoperatively. The critically unwell
Ethical approval Ethical approval was not required for this study.
patients undergoing emergency abdominal procedures may
require longer period of post-operative ventilation and
circulation supports in intensive care unit compared to
those undergoing minor emergency abdominal procedures.
This would limit early mobilisation, early removal of
drains or catheters and early enteral nutrition. Although the
available data from the included studies do not support this Search Search description
argument as almost all studies demonstrated feasibility of
Search enhance* near2 recovery T, A, K
the above components of ERAS protocols, we could not
perform subgroup analysis for patients who were critically
Search ERAS T, A, K
unwell postoperatively requiring high level of ventilation #2
and circulation supports. Therefore, applicability of ERAS Search Search #1 OR Search #2 Combined with OR
protocols in this subgroup needs further evaluation in #3
future studies. Search emergency near2 surgery T, A, K
In the current study, an objective approach was followed #4
to report the best available comparative evidence and to Search MeSH term: [laparotomy] explode all trees
examine the possibility of bias in the current evidence. Our #5
findings stayed unaffected during sensitivity analyses, Search emergency near2 laparotomy T, A, K
separate analyses of randomised and non-randomised
Search Search #4 OR Search #5 OR Search Combined with OR
studies and subgroup analyses. These would strongly sup- #7 #6
port our conclusions of the published evidence. However,
Search Search #3 AND Search #7 Combined with
this study was associated with some limitations. Only six #8 AND
eligible studies were found after applying the search
T, A, K: titles, abstracts, keywords
strategy in the aforementioned databases of which four
were non-randomised observational studies, and their
results may be associated with inevitable selection bias.
Finally, because less than 10 comparative studies were
qualified for inclusion; publication bias could not be
World J Surg
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