Math 5311 - Gateaux Differentials and Frechet Derivatives: 1 Differentiation in Vector Spaces
Math 5311 - Gateaux Differentials and Frechet Derivatives: 1 Differentiation in Vector Spaces
Math 5311 - Gateaux Differentials and Frechet Derivatives: 1 Differentiation in Vector Spaces
Kevin Long
• There is not a single Gateaux differential at each point. Rather, at each point x there is a Gateaux differ-
ential for each direction h. In one dimension, there are two Gateaux differentials for every x: one directed
“forward,” one “backward.” In two of more dimensions, there are infinitely many Gateaux differentials
at each point!
• The Gateaux differential is a one-dimensional calculation along a specified direction h. Because it’s one-
dimensional, you can use ordinary one-dimensional calculus to compute it. Your old friends such as the
chain rule work for Gateaux differentials. Thus, it’s usually easy to compute a Gateaux differential even
when the space V is infinite dimensional.
1.2 Examples of Gateaux differentials
x T f + eh T f − x T f
dh p = lim
e →0 e
dh ( x T f ) = hT f .
Next, let K be a symmetric matrix, and define p( x ) = 2x T f + x T Kx. Compute the Gateaux differential
2x T f + eh T f + x T Kx + 2eh T Kx + e2 h T Kh − 2x T f − x T Kx
dh p = lim
e →0 e
= h T f + 2h T Kx.
There are a number of ways to define the exponential function; most convenient for present purposes is to
define it as the infinite series
x2 xk
ex = 1 + x + +···+ +··· .
2 k!
This makes sense even for vector-valued arguments provided multiplication is understood as “elementwise,”
is in the Matlab “dot-star” operation. In the case of an infinite-dimensional vector space V (for example H 1 )
whose elements are real-valued functions, the exponential function eu : V → V simply maps u( x ) pointwise
to its exponential eu( x) .
With e x defined as above, it can be shown (provided multiplication of members of V is commutative!) by
straightforward calculation and rearrangement that e a+b = e a eb (see, e.g., blue or green Rudin. If you’re
interested, see a reference on Lie algebras for information on the exponentiation of non-commutative objects;
that turns out to be useful in fields such as aircraft control and quantum physics.)
With the identity e a+b = e a eb and the series defining e x , we can compute the Gateaux derivative
eu eeh − eu
dh (eu ) = lim
e →0 e
eeh − 1
= eu lim
e →0 e
= heu .
Notice that the Gateaux differentials of | x | do exist at zero; however, at zero, the Gateaux differentials depend
on h in a nonlinear way.
1.2.4 A spatial derivative
u x + eh x − u x
dh = lim
dx e →0 e
1.2.5 A functional
Let J : H 1 (Ω) → R be
1 2 1 2
J [u] = u + u dx.
Ω 2 x 2
h1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
2 − 1 u2 − 1 u2 dx
Ω 2 u x + 2 u + euh + eu x h x + 2 e h x + 2 eh 2 x 2
dh J = lim
e →0 e
dh J = [uh + u x h x ] dx
Note: it’s routine in infinite-dimensional optimization problems to exchange integration and Gateaux differ-
entiation without comment. The integration variable x and the differentiation variable u are different. If the
limit e → 0 can be taken by means of a sequence {en } for which the difference quotient of the integrand is
dominated by a Lebesgue-integrable function, the conditions of the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem
hold and the limit and integral can be interchanged safely. For the section on optimization, we’ll assume this to
be true throughout. However, later in the semester we’ll see some examples with Fourier series and transforms
where differentiation of a convergent series or integral results in divergence at one or more points.
There is, however, an important real-world case where this process requires a little more care: the case where
the limits of integration depend on the variable u. This arises in the field of shape optimization, where the “design
variable” u determines the size and shape of a domain Ω.
The Gateaux differential of a constant is zero: dh c = 0. The proof follows immediately from the definition.
Gateaux differentiation distributes over sums: dh ( f ± g) = dh f ± dh g. The proof follows immediately from
the definition.