Policy On Child Labour - Recity
Policy On Child Labour - Recity
Policy On Child Labour - Recity
The Child Labour policy of Recity Network Private Limited (“Recity”) is our position on employing
minors and aims to ensure that our company, its subsidiaries and everyone we’re connected with
ACT, 2016 and cares for children’s interests.
We believe that every place in the world should be child-friendly and children have a right to live in a
safe and happy environment. We express our sincere commitment to safeguard the children that we
come in contact with, from abuse and harm.
As an organization, we want to do business in a legal, ethical manner adding value to society and the
environment instead of doing harm. Helping stop child labor is fundamental to us. We want to make
sure that our organization doesn’t take part in children’s exploitation and also helps end it to the best
of our ability.
This policy applies to our entire organization and those we do business or partner with including
clients, suppliers, vendors and contractors. The International Labour Organization (ILO), the U.N
Convention on the Rights of the Child, The child Labour (Prohibition and regulation) amendment act,
2016 guide our policy on child labor.
In this policy, a "juvenile" or "child"" means a person who has not completed eighteenth
year of age, as per section 2(k) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2000 as amended in 2006. This is in conformity
with UNCRC, 1989 (article 1).
“Child labor” refers to work that deprives children of their childhood and affects their schooling, their
potential and their dignity. It’s work that’s harmful to them mentally, physically and socially.
Child labour constitutes a grave form of abuse as it forces children to prematurely lead adult lives,
work long hours for low wages under conditions damaging for their health, physical and mental
development. It may also include separation from families and denial of meaningful educational and
recreational opportunities.
When it comes to young children (younger than [14]), we don’t want to stand in the way of their
health, schooling or free time. That’s why we don’t and won’t employ anyone younger than [15 years]
of age and require our subsidiaries to do the same, regardless of the country they’re in. We recognise
that it is a cognisable offense.
We also do not encourage or support employing children above 14 years and below 18 years in
hazardous industries and work and recognise that it is also a cognisable offense.
We’re also committed not to do business with any organization that employs children younger than
[14]. We’ll include this condition in every contract we sign and reserve the right to break the contract
without penalty if our stakeholder violates this condition and refuses to agree on or follow through
with an elimination plan.
These are mandatory conditions when forming partnerships or other business relationships. We’ll
refuse to do business with anyone who employs children of any age in hazardous or exhausting jobs
or doesn’t follow applicable laws on working hours or pay. We also expect them to communicate and
enforce the no child labor policy to their own contractors.
Some of the ways that we implement the policy at our workplace and in partnerships:
• Requiring hiring managers and HR to avoid hiring minors under the legal age for working.
We also expect them to know and follow this policy and laws on wages and hours for older
• Keeping and validating documentation verifying our employees’ age after they’re hired. If we
discover that we’ve hired a minor under the age of 18, we’ll review applicable laws and
adjust working hours accordingly. If we need to let the child go, we’ll assess their situation
and make sure to provide for them to the best of our ability (e.g. pay him or her their would-
be salary for a couple of months) when necessary.
• Communicating our no child labour policy to organizations we’re connected with and ensure
our contracts have the right stipulations.