Jurnal Tentang Nipah Virus
Jurnal Tentang Nipah Virus
Jurnal Tentang Nipah Virus
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The objectives of this review were to understand the epidemiology and outbreak of NiV infection and to
Received 21 August 2018 discuss the preventive and control measures across different regions. We searched PubMed and Scopus
Received in revised form 2 November 2018 for relevant articles from January 1999 to July 2018 and identified 927 articles which were screened for
Accepted 5 February 2019
titles, abstracts and full texts by two review authors independently. The screening process resulted in 44
articles which were used to extract relevant information. Information on epidemiology of NiV, outbreaks
in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India and Philippines, including diagnosis, prevention, treatment,
Nipah virus
vaccines, control, surveillance and economic burden due to NiV were discussed. Interdisciplinary and
multi sectoral approach is vital in preventing the emergence of NiV. It is necessary to undertake rigorous
research for developing vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat NiV.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Limited on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University
for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Introduction treatment [5]. Case fatality rate of NiV infection is very high.
Hence, knowledge about epidemiological aspects of NiV disease is
Nipah virus (NiV) infection is also called as Nipah virus imperative for planning future preventive, control and intervention
encephalitis and forms a new genus Henipavirus in sub family measures. Also, there is a need to understand the epidemiology
Paramyxoviridae [1]. The first NiV was isolated and identified by Dr. of NiV outbreaks and measures taken to control them, globally;
Kaw Bing Chua in 1999 after an encephalitis outbreak among pig which will help in adopting early effective measures to control
farmers and exporters in Malaysia and Singapore, causing a collapse future outbreaks. Therefore, this epidemiological review outlines
of the billion-dollar pig export industry [2]. Initially, the spread of determinants, modes of transmission, source of infection, types
infection could not be controlled as measures were targeted to con- of reservoir, preventive and control measures and NiV outbreak
trol Japanese Encephalitis (JE) outbreak, until the isolation of NiV patterns in different affected countries.
from cerebrospinal fluid of a victim after a period of 2 months, [3].
The virus was named after a village Kampung Sungai Nipah where Methods
it was first found [1]. NiV outbreaks in Malaysia and Singapore were
followed by 2001 and 2007 outbreaks in India and Bangladesh (8 We searched PubMed and Scopus databases for relevant English
outbreaks from 2001 till 2012) [4]. The latest outbreak was reported language articles, from January 1999 to July 2018. Search strategy
on 19th May 2018, in Kozhikode district, Kerala, India [4]. was developed using relevant keywords, mentioned in appendix I.
Natural reservoir of NiV has been identified as fruit bats of the Results were exported to citation manager—Zotero and Microsoft
genus Pteropus. This disease can infect both humans and animals, Excel after removal of duplicates. Search results were systemati-
like pigs, equally and the modes of transmission are: human to cally screened for methodological articles during title, abstract and
human transmission and animal to human transmission through full-text screening, independently. All types of scientific articles
infected bats and pigs [4]. The only method to address this highly were included to collate the findings on NiV infection.
fatal and contagious disease is to provide prompt symptomatic
1876-0341/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Limited on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
A.S. Ambat, S.M. Zubair, N. Prasad, et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 634–639 635
Table 1
Different diagnostic techniques developed in various labs.
Technique Place
Rapid immune plaque assay for the detection of Nipah virus and anti-virus antibodies CSIRO, Australia
Solid-phase blocking ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) for detection of antibodies to Nipah virus DVS, Malaysia
Real-time Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) (TaqMan) Institut Pasteur, France
MAb (Monoclonal Antibodies) against formalin-inactivated NiV National Institute of Animal Health, Japan.
Recombinant nucleocapsid protein produced in Escherichia coli University Putra, Malaysia
MAb-based immunohistochemical diagnosis NiV National Institute of Animal Health, Japan
Recombinant glycoprotein produced in insect cells University Putra, Malaysia
Recombinant nucleocapsid protein produced in insect cells University Putra, Malaysia
Recombinant glycoprotein produced in E. coli University Putra, Malaysia
Monoclonal antibodies against NiV (4 MAbs against “N” protein and 1 against “M” protein NCFAD (National Centre for Foreign Animal
Disease), Canada
Indirect ELISA for the detection of Henipavirus antibodies based on a recombinant nucleocapsid protein Chinese National Diagnostic Centre for Exotic
expressed in E. coli Animal Diseases
Indirect IgG ELISA for human and swine sera and an IgM capture-ELISA for human sera using the recombinant Institute of Tropical Medicine, Japan
NiV-N protein as an antigen
Neutralization assays for differential Henipavirus serology using Bio-Plex Protein Array Systems CSIRO, Australia
Duplex nested RT-PCR for detection of Nipah virus RNA (Ribonucleic acid) from urine specimens of bats Chulalongkorn University Hospital, Thailand
Monoclonal antibodies against the nucleocapsid proteins Institute of Veterinary Sciences, China
Neutralization test for specific detection of NiV antibodies using pseudo typed VSV (Vesicular stomatitis virus) National Inst. Inf. Diseases, Japan
Recombinant matrix protein produced in E. coli University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Neutralization assay using VSV pseudo type particles expressing the F and G proteins of NiV as target antigens CDC, Atlanta
MAb based antigen capture ELISAs for virus detection and differentiation between NiV and Hendra Virus CDC, Atlanta
Antigen capture ELISA using polyclonal antibodies obtained by DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) immunization National Institute Inf. Diseases, Japan
Second generation of pseudo type-based serum neutralization assay for NiV antibodies National Institute Inf Diseases, Japan
Source: [1].
Table 2
Case fatality rate of NiV infection during outbreaks in different countries.from 1999–2018.
Country Year Reported human cases Reported deaths Case fatality rate (%)
Source: [4,16].
Fig. 1. Graph showing number of cases, deaths and case fatality rate in Bangladesh.
Source: [1].
Outbreaks contact with live pigs imported from Malaysia during NiV outbreak
period [24,26].
NiV outbreaks in various countries, starting from 1999, have
led to high number of fatalities among humans. Case fatality rate Bangladesh
(Table 2) and country-wise sequence of events during the outbreaks First NiV outbreak was identified in Meherpur district of
is given below: Bangladesh between April–May, 2001. Thereafter, districts affected
by NiV infection between January 2003 to February 2013 were:
Malaysia Naogoan, Rajbari, Faridpur, Tangail, Thakurgaon, Kushtia, Pabna,
Febrile encephalitis cases were reported among pig farmers in Natore, Naogaon, Manikgonj, Rajbari, Faridpur, Gaibandha, Rang-
September 1998. Initial deduction was JE, vaccine imported from pur, Nilphamari, Madaripur, Gopalganj, Lalmohirhat, Dinajpur,
Japan was administered to farmers and people in close contact Rangpur, Comilla, Joypurhat, Rajshahi, Gaibandha, Rajshahi, Pabna,
to pigs. By the end of 1998 only four of 28 samples were tested Jhenaidah and Mymensingh. Few districts of Bangladesh observed
positive for anti-JE IgM, also, the virus could not be isolated from repeated outbreaks [1]. A total of 209 human cases of NiV infection
postmortem brain tissue of patients. Due to devastating effect of were reported in Bangladesh from April 2001 to March 31, 2012, of
the outbreak, on 9th March, 1999 the presence of a novel virus which 161 (77%) died [20]. In 2001, 13 cases were diagnosed fol-
was announced by the ministries of health and agriculture. Sub- lowed by multiple outbreaks until 2013, with 193 reported cases.
sequently, the virus was named as Nipah, after the village from Fatality rate in 2001 was 69% and in 2013 it increased to 83% which
where the virus was first isolated, Kampung Sungai Nipah [24]. The is depicted in Fig. 1 [1].
outbreak began near Ipoh among pig farmers and spread to other
major pig rearing areas, resulting in 265 human cases including 105 India
deaths [1,24,25]. Three outbreaks of NiV have been reported in India since 2001.
Singapore Eleven cases and one death among pig abattoir work- First outbreak was reported in Siliguri, West Bengal; between
ers was reported in Singapore between 10–19 March, 1999, due to January and February, 2001. Total 66 cases and 45 deaths were
A.S. Ambat, S.M. Zubair, N. Prasad, et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 634–639 637
Fig. 2. Epidemic Curve by date of onset Siliguri, India outbreak 2001. Vaccines
Source: [27].
Studies have demonstrated that after challenging with NiV, fer-
rets and Syrian hamsters, vaccinated with recombinant vesicular
reported in this outbreak [20,23]. Second outbreak occurred in stomatitis (rVSV) expressing NiV glycoproteins (attachment pro-
Nadia, West Bengal in 2007; 30 cases and 5 deaths were confirmed tein) and F(fusion) protein, showed complete protection against
to be positive through real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT - the lethal NiV infection, while animals in control group showed
PCR) as depicted in Fig. 2 [20,27]. Outbreak in Kerala, May 2018; characteristic clinical signs of the disease [34,35]. Single dose rVSV
reported 17 deaths with high case fatality. First index case was vaccination has demonstrated to be effective when it was admin-
reported in Perambra, Kozhikode district. The outbreak began with istered a day before the challenge. It has shown to be partially
three members of a family who died after cleaning an old well protective when administered at the early hours following the NiV
infected by bats. infection in hamsters [36]. Single dose replication-defective vesic-
ular stomatitis based-vaccine expressing NiV G and F proteins, also
showed complete protection in the Syrian golden hamster model
An outbreak of NiV or NiV like virus occurred in the southern part
Effect of the vaccine, G glycoprotein of Hendra virus (HeVsG)
of Philippines affecting two villages of Mindanao in 2014. Horses
has displayed that ferrets were protected from acute NiV disease
were the source of infection and 17 cases were reported, seven of
for a duration of at least 12 months post vaccination [38].
these were involved with either butchering activities or consuming
Immunization of recombinant measles vaccine (rMV) along with
horse meat and around 10 horses were reported to be dead [28].
the administration of the same amount of booster dose to both
hamsters and monkeys revealed that, there was no clinical signs
Diagnosis of the disease in both the animals and survived after challenging
with NiV after 1 week of second immunization [39]. Monoclonal
Laboratory diagnostic tests of NiV encephalitis consists of antibody (m102.4) against the G glycoprotein of the NiV, if admin-
detecting anti-NiV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibody in istered pre-exposure or up to 10 h after exposure has shown to
the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), with or without viral iso- prevent the disease condition in ferrets [7,25].
lation. Most commonly used diagnostic method is enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test, using monoclonal antibody- Control
based antigen, for virus detection and for differentiating NiV from
Hendra virus [1,6,19,20]. Direct ELISA test was used to detect anti- After identification of the virus in Malaysia outbreak, agricul-
NiV-specific IgM, whereas, indirect IgG ELISA was used to detect tural labourers were shifted from the place contaminated with
the IgG antibody [6,29]. Other methods like serum neutralizing NiV and suspected farms were closed [23]. More than a million
tests [6,30], RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA from serum, urine, pigs were culled and strict quarantine measures on pig move-
and CSF [6,16,19,20,30], virus isolation [1,20,30] and nucleic acid ments were imposed [25]. Information regarding the virus was
amplification tests are available [1]. Magnetic resonance imaging broadcasted through media [23]. Education about personal safety
(MRI) of the brain served as sensitive diagnostic tool in acute and in case of contact with pigs and standard operating procedures
relapse/late-onset NiV encephalitis, as the diagnostic sensitivity of were developed for people who were handling the dead bodies of
ELISA was not reliable [6,20]. Different diagnostic techniques used NiV cases [23]. Information, education and communication in dif-
globally are mentioned in Table 1. ferent languages was used to create awareness in the community
[40]. Dissemination of information regarding NiV through official
Prevention websites and hotline numbers were undertaken by the government
[23]. Slaughterhouse workers and people involved in handling and
Preventive strategies can be incorporated to prevent NiV trans- management of pigs were suggested to use PPEs and proper hand-
mission. Patient to attendant transmission can be minimized washing techniques [23]. All healthcare workers including relatives
through frequent hand washing and avoiding sharing of food and of infected persons were recommended to use PPE as they were
bed with patients. Wearing gloves and masks while handling of more prone to develop infection [23]. A major control measure
dead body is necessary to avoid corpse to human transmission. If during this outbreak, was restricting import of live pigs through
this is not feasible in low and middle income countries at least thor- Malaysia [41].
ough hand washing with soap and water immediately after the There were more than five rural hospitals in Bangladesh, which
corpse contact may prevent disease transmission [13,31]. Noso- reported maximum number of NiV cases. As mentioned in a com-
comial transmission to health care workers can be minimized by mentary, there is a need for infectious disease control infrastructure
ensuring proper hand washing facilities, use of personal protective in the hospitals. As repeated episodes of NiV outbreak were seen
638 A.S. Ambat, S.M. Zubair, N. Prasad, et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 12 (2019) 634–639
in Bangladesh during harvesting season of date palm sap, the gov- Conclusion
ernment emphasized on avoiding date palm sap or boiling it for
at least ten minutes before consumption [12]. Stringent isolation Varied NiV disease pattern in Malaysia–Singapore and
procedures were followed at the treatment centers in Kerala, India, Indo–Bangladesh outbreaks was observed. In Malaysia and
and measures to prevent droplet infection were initiated [16]. Singapore, NiV was transmitted from pig to humans whereas, in
Bangladesh the cultural practices of consuming date palm sap
Treatment contaminated by the infected bats, led to the repeated outbreaks.
In India outbreak was observed in West Bengal region, sharing
A broad spectrum antibiotic, Ribavirin was the drug of choice border with Bangladesh, due to spillover of virus from Bangladesh.
in Malaysian outbreak for treating NiV encephalitis, leading to 36% The outbreak in Kerala, India started with direct contact of humans
reduction of mortality among humans [42]. Ribavirin also delayed with bats and consequent nosocomial infection. The authors
the death of NiV infected hamsters by five days. Administration of conclude, environmental factors play a vital role in the emergence
chloroquine alone or combined with ribavirin did not provide any of zoonotic disease in humans. Climatic changes due to factors like
protection against NiV disease [43]. drought or floods, deforestation, urbanization, industrialization
Favipiravir (T-705) demonstrated inhibition of NiV replication on large scale leads to destruction of animal habitats causing
and transcription at the molecular concentration. In Syrian hamster starvation and low immunity, increasing the viral load in their
model, administration of favipiravir orally twice daily or sub- body, excreted in the secretions of bats, thereby infecting the
cutaneously once daily for 14 days protected the animals [44]. fruits, animals or humans who come in contact with them. Hence,
Monoclonal antibody (m102.4) when administered to African green it is necessary to adopt ‘one health’ approach by considering
monkeys twice post exposure to NiV beginning on day 1, 3 or 5 and human, animal and environmental health into the same context
again after two days had shown to prevent the disease condition to address this particular disease. The NiV outbreaks in Malaysia
even after they developed clinical signs of the disease [45]. and Singapore in 1999 ended with the mass culling of pigs and
Supportive treatment remains the most common mode of did not recur, whereas, multiple outbreaks have occurred in India
treatment for acute Nipah encephalitis. Broad-spectrum antibiotic and Bangladesh since 2001. The reasons for multiple outbreaks
for nosocomial infections, prevention of deep venous thrombo- may be varied, nevertheless, low healthcare system capacity and
sis, mechanical ventilation and anticonvulsants for patients with lack of a robust surveillance strategy contribute substantially
seizures are some of the treatment measures given to infected to it. Interdisciplinary and multi sectoral approach is vital in
patients [6]. preventing the emergence of NiV. Along with these aspects it is
necessary to undertake rigorous research for developing vaccines
Surveillance and medicines to prevent and treat NiV.
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