List of Autoimmune Diseases

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Autoimmune Diseases List

Click on the disease or diseases you're looking for to find out information on it, and to see what it looks like. Diseases are Listed
From A - Z. Disease definitions and, signs & symptoms presented here are not all inclusive. For more details please refer to the
Quick Link Dictionary to read the entire definition or theSigns & Symptoms to get a more accurate description.

Autoimmune Diseases are Body Parts Quick Link Signs &

those in which the body is Affected By Dictionary Symptoms
attacked by its own specific Autoimmune Diseases
adaptive immune response. In
normal, healthy states, the
immune system induces
tolerance, which is a lack of an Signs & Symptoms
anti-self immune response. Of
However, with autoimmunity,
Autoimmune Disease
there is a loss of immune
tolerance, and the mechanisms
responsible for autoimmune I-K L-M I-K L-M
diseases include type II, III, and Autoimmune Disease
IV hypersensitivity reactions. Risk &
Autoimmune diseases can have Symptoms Checklist O-P R-S O-P R-S
a variety of mixed symptoms that
flare up and disappear, making
R.A.A.I.D. Search Engine
diagnosis difficult. T-U V-W T-U V-W

Autoimmune Disease List

Addison's Cold Hughes Primary
Disease Agglutinin Disease Syndrome Sclerosis Cholangitis

Alopecia Colitis Idiopathic Psoriasis

Areata Pulmonary Fibrosis

Amyotrophic Cranial Idiopathic Raynaud's

Lateral Arteritis Thrombocytopenic Syndrome
Sclerosis (ALS) Purpura

Ankylosing Crest Irritable Bowel Reiter's

Spondylitis Syndrome Syndrome Syndrome

Anti-GBM Nephritis Crohn’s Disease Kawasaki's Disease Rheumatic Fever

Antiphospholipid Dego's Lichen Rheumatoid

Syndrome Disease Planus Arthritis

Arthritis & Dermatomyositis Lupoid Scleritis

Arthritis & Dermatomyositis Lupoid Scleritis
Osteoarthritis & JDM Hepatitis

Asthma Devic Disease Lupus / SLE Scleroderma

Atopic Eczema Lyme Sjogren's

Allergy Disease Syndrome

Atopic Essential Mixed Meniere's Sticky Blood

Dermatitis Cryoglobulinemia Disease Syndrome

Autoimmune Active Eoscinophilic Mixed Connective Still's

Chronic Hepatitis Fascitis Tissue Disease Disease

Autoimmune Inner Fibromyalgia Myositis / JM, Stiff Man

Ear Disease (AIED) Fibromyositis JDM, & JA Syndrome

Balo Fibrosing Osteoarthritis Sydenham's

Disease Alveolitis Chorea

Behcet's Giant Cell Osteoporosis Takayasus

Disease Arteritis Arteritis

Berger's Glomerulo- Pars Temporal

Disease nephritis Planitis Arteritis

Bullous Goodpasture's Pemphigus Ulcerative

Pemphigoid Disease Vulgaris Colitis

Cardiomyopathy Grave's Disease Polyglandular

Autoimmune Syndromes Uveitis

Chronic Fatigue Guillain

Immune Dysfunction Barre Polymyalgia
Syndrome Syndrome Rheumatica Vasculitis

Churg Hashimoto's Polymyositis Wegener's

Strauss Thyroiditis Granulomatosis

Cicatricial Hepatitis Primary Wilson's

Pemphigoid Biliary Cirrhosis Syndrome

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40 Suspected
Click on the disease you are looking for to find out information on it, and to see what it looks like.

Acute Disseminated Cogan Hypogammaglobulinemia Pure Red

Encephalomyelitis Syndrome Cell Aplasia

Agammaglobulinemia Cold Polyangiitis Rasmussen's
Agglutinin Encephalitis
Autoimmune Narcolepsy
Hemolytic Anemia Relapsing
Dermatitis Polychondritis
Herpetiformis Opsoclonus
Autoimmune Myoclonus
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Retroperitoneal
Syndrome Dressler's Fibrosis
Autoimmune Rheumatism Sarcoidosis
Peripheral Endometriosis
Paraneoplastic Spondyloarthropathy
Eosinophilic Cerebellar
Autoimmune Gastroenteritis Degeneration
Pancreatitis Subacute
Erythroblastosis Paroxysmal Endocarditis
Autoimmune Fetalis Nocturnal
Polyendocrine Hemoglobinuria
Syndrome Susac's
Evan's Syndrome
Syndrome POEMS Syndrome
Blau Syndrome
Fibrosing Polyarteritis Syndrome
Castleman's Alveolitis Nodosa
Hidradenitis Pyoderma Ophthalmia
Chronic Suppurativa Gangrenosum

Click on the disease you are looking for to find out information on it, and to see what it looks like.

Autoimmune Addison's Bullous Pemphigoid

Diseases List A-B Disease

Addison's Disease -
Addison's disease is a disorder involving disrupted functioning of the part of the adrenal gland called the cortex. This results in decreased production of two
important chemicals (hormones) normally released by the adrenal cortex: cortisol and aldosterone...

Alopecia Areata -
A disease of unknown cause in which sudden well-defined bald patches occur. The bald areas are usually round or oval and located on the head and other hairy
parts of the body. Hairs that look like exclamation point can sometime occur at a bald patch's edges...

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) -

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that breaks down tissues in the nervous system (a neuro-degenerative disease) of unknown cause that affects the
nerves responsible for movement. It is also known as motor neuron disease and Lou Gehrig's disease...

Ankylosing Spondylitis -
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) refers to inflammation of the joints in the spine. AS is also known as rheumatoid spondylitis or Marie-Strümpell disease (among other
names). A form of arthritis, AS is characterized by chronic inflammation, causing pain and stiffness...

Anti-GBM Nephritis -
Anti-GBM antibodies are found now and then in the blood and even in the kidneys of healthy individuals without any clinical signs of glomerulonephritis ,
(Zimmerman et al 1979 , Bailey et al 1981 , Bernard et al 1986 ). They have also been found in the blood ...

Antiphospholipid Syndrome -
A thrombophilic disorder in which venous or arterial thrombosis, or both, may occur. The serologic markers are antiphospholipid antibodies (anticardiolipin
antibodies), the lupus anticoagulant, or both; APAS is characterised by the presence of circulating antiphospholipid antibodies (APA)...

Arthritis & Osteoarthritis -

Painful inflammation of a joint or joints of the body, usually producing heat and redness. There are many kinds of arthritis. In its various forms, arthritis disables more
people than any other chronic disorder. The condition can be brought about by nerve impairment...

Asthma -
Chronic disease with attacks of shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing from constriction and mucous-membrane swelling in the bronchi (air passageways in
the lungs). It is caused primarily by allergy or respiratory infection. Secondhand smoke can cause asthma in children...

Atopic Allergy -
A form of allergy that affects persons with a genetic predisposition to hypersensitivity to certain allergens. Examples include asthma, hay fever, and food allergies.

Atopic Dermatitis -
Atopic dermatitis refers to a wide range of diseases that are often associated with stress and allergic disorders that involve the respiratory system, like asthma and
hay fever. Although atopic dermatitis can appear at any age, it is most common in children and young adults...

Autoimmune Active Chronic Hepatitis -

Lupoid hepatitis (also called autoimmune hepatitis) is an auto-immune disease which causes liver cirrhosis. It may be associated with systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) or other connective tissue disorders. 60% of patients have chronic hepatitis that may mimic viral hepatitis...

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED) -

Ménière's Disease was named for the French physician Prosper Ménière, who first described the illness in 1861. It is an abnormality within the inner ear. A fluid
called endolymph moves in the membranous labyrinth or semicircular canals within the bony labyrinth inside the inner ear...

Balo Disease -
Balo Disease is a rare and progressive variant of multiple sclerosis. It usually first appears in adulthood, but childhood cases have also been reported. While
multiple sclerosis typically is a disease that waxes and wanes, Balo Disease is different in that it tends to be rapidly progressive...

Behcet's Disease -
A rare immune mediated small vessel systemic vasculitis that often presents with mucous membrane ulceration and ocular problems. Was named in 1937 after the
Turkish dermatologist Hulusi Behçet, who first described the triple-symptom complex of recurrent oral...
Berger's Disease -
IgA Nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis throughout the world Primary IgA nephropathy is characterized by deposition of the IgA antibody in the
glomerulus. There are other diseases associated with glomerular IgA deposits, the most common being...

Bullous Pemphigoid -
An autoimmune skin disorder resembling, but histologically and clinically distinct from, pemphigus and characterized by bloody blisters, especially on the trunk and
limbs. A disease characterized by tense blister–bullae formation on mucocutaneous...

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Autoimmune Cardio- Devic

Diseases List C-D myopathy Disease

Cardiomyopathy -
As cardiomyopathy worsens, the heart becomes weaker. It's less able to pump blood through the body and maintain a normal electrical rhythm. This can lead to
heart failure or irregular heartbeats called arrhythmias. In turn, heart failure can cause fluid to build up in the lungs, ankles, feet, legs...

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome -

CFS is the most common name for this disorder, but it also has been called chronic fatigue and immune disorder (CFIDS), myalgic encephalomyelitis, low natural
killer cell disease, post-viral syndrome, Epstein-Barr disease, and Yuppie flu...

Churg Strauss Syndrome -

Churg-Strauss syndrome, which used to be known as allergic granulomatosis and allergic granulomatous angiitis, is a highly variable illness. Some people have only
mild symptoms, whereas others experience severe or life-threatening complications. There are three stages...

Cicatricial Pemphigoid -
An autoimmune skin disorder resembling, but histologically and clinically distinct from, pemphigus and characterized by bloody blisters, especially on the trunk and
limbs. A rare chronic autoimmune subepithelial blistering disease characterized by erosive skin lesions of the mucous membranes...

Cold Agglutinin Disease -

A disorder characterized by circulating antibodies that can agglutinate red blood cells at less than normal body temperatures. They occur in the sera of patients with
atypical pneumonia and blood diseases, particularly hemolytic anemia...

Colitis -
Colitis is one of the commonest diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It may be caused by infection (dysentery bacilli, salmonellosis, amoebas, balantidial), poor food
habits, or poisoning (by mercury and other chemicals). It can result from uremic autointoxication...

Cranial Arteritis -
Temporal arteritis is also called giant cell arteritis or cranial arteritis. It is a rheumatic disease that affects large and medium-sized arteries throughout the body and
can occur in a variety of patients. Although the temporal arteries are most commonly...

Crest Syndrome -
A form of scleroderma that is a combination of calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal motility disorders, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia. Abbreviation for
Calcinosis, Raynaud's Phenomenon, Esophageal Dysfunction, Sclerodactyly, and Telangiectasis...

Crohn’s Disease -
The inflammation caused by Crohn's disease often spreads deep into the layers of affected bowel tissue. Like ulcerative colitis, another common IBD, Crohn's
disease can be both painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. While there's no known...
Dego's Disease -
Degos Disease is an extremely rare disorder in which small and medium sized arteries become blocked (occlusive arteriopathy), restricting the flow of blood to
affected areas. Degos disease usually causes characteristic skin lesions that may last for a period...

Dermatomyositis & JDM -

(DM) is a connective-tissue disease related to polymyositis (PM) that is characterized by inflammation of the muscles and the skin. While DM most frequently affects
the skin and muscles, it is a systemic disorder that may also affect the joints, the esophagus...

Devic Disease -
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), also called Devic's disease, is a central nervous system disorder causing primarily swelling and inflammation of the eye nerves (optic
neuritis) and the spinal cord (myelitis)...

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Autoimmune Eczema Fibrosing Alveolitis

Diseases List E-F ek-suh-muh

Eczema -
The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes that are characterized by one or more
of these symptoms: redness, skin edema(swelling), itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking...

Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia -

A rare condition characterized by deposition of type II cryoglobulins without a detectable cause, inducing cutaneous vasculitis, synovitis, and
glomerulonephritis. Cryoglobulinemia is a medical condition in which the blood contains large amounts...

Eoscinophilic Fascitis -
Eosinophilic fasciitis is a rare disorder characterized by inflammation of the tough band of fibrous tissue beneath the skin (fascia). The arms and legs are most often
affected. Inflammation is caused by the abnormal accumulation of certain...

Fibromyalgia Fibromyositis -
Fibromyositis - local inflammation of muscle and connective tissue inflammation, redness, rubor - a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by
pain and swelling and redness and heat Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is characterised by...

Fibrosing Alveolitis -
A severe form of alveolitis characterized by dyspnea and hypoxia. It occurs in advanced rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. X-ray films show
thickening of the alveolar septa and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates...

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Autoimmune Giant Cell Hughes

Diseases List G-H Arteritis Syndrome

Giant Cell Arteritis -

Giant-cell arteritis (GCA or temporal arteritis or cranial arteritis) or Horton disease is an inflammatory disease of blood vessels most commonly involving large
and medium arteries of the head, predominantly the branches of the...

Glomerulonephritis -
Also known as glomerular nephritis, abbreviated GN, is a term used to refer to several renal diseases (usually affecting both kidneys). Many of the diseases are
characterized by inflammation either of the glomeruli or small blood vessels in the kidneys...

Goodpasture's Disease -
Goodpasture’s syndrome (also known as Goodpasture’s disease and anti-glomerular basement antibody disease) is a rare autoimmune disease in which
antibodies attack the lungs and kidneys, leading to bleeding from the lungs and to kidney failure...

Grave's Disease -
Is an autoimmune disease. It most commonly affects the thyroid, frequently causing it to enlarge to twice its size or more (goiter), become overactive, with
related hyperthyroid symptoms such as increased heartbeat, muscle weakness...

Guillain-Barre Syndrome -
Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS) (French pronunciation: [ɡiˈlɛ̃ baˈʁe], English pronunciation: /ˈɡiːlænˈbɑreɪ/), sometimes Landry's paralysis or Guillain–Barré–
Strohl syndrome, is an acute polyneuropathy, a disorder affecting the peripheral nervous system...

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis -
Hashimoto's thyroiditis or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is attacked by a variety of cell- and antibody-
mediated immune processes. It was the first disease to be recognized as an autoimmune disease...

Hepatitis -
Hepatitis (plural hepatitides) is a medical condition defined by the inflammation of the liver and characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of
the organ. The name is from the Greek hepar (ἧπαρ), the root being hepat- (ἡπατ-)...

Hughes Syndrome -
Antiphospholipid syndrome or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS or APLS or), often also Hughes syndrome, is an autoimmune, hyper-
coagulable state caused by anti-phospholipid anti-bodies. APS provokes blood clots...

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Autoimmune Idiopathic Kawasaki's

Diseases List I-K Pulmonary Fibrosis Disease

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis -

An acute to chronic inflammatory process or interstitial fibrosis of the lung of unknown etiology. Seen in association with collagen-vascular diseases. Synonym(s):
chronic fibrosing alveolitis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, fibrosing alveolitis, Hamman-Rich syndrome...

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura -

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, or ITP, is a bleeding disorder caused by an abnormally low level of platelets in the patient's blood. Platelets are small plate-
shaped bodies in the blood that combine to form a plug when a blood vessel is injured...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome -

In medicine, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine. The major types of IBD are Crohn's disease
and ulcerative colitis. The main forms of IBD are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) ...

Kawasaki's Disease -
An autoimmune disease in which the medium-sized blood vessels throughout the body become inflamed. It is largely seen in children under five years of age. It
affects many organ systems, mainly those including the blood vessels, skin...

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Autoimmune Lichen Myositis /
Diseases List L-M Planus JM, JDM
Lichen Planus -
Is a disease of the skin and/or mucous membranes that resembles lichens. It is thought to be the result of an autoimmune process with an unknown initial trigger.
Where the trigger is known, a lesion is known as a lichenoid lesion. There is no cure...

Lupoid Hepatitis -
Lupoid hepatitis (also called autoimmune hepatitis) is an auto-immune disease which causes liver cirrhosis. It maybe associated with systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) or other connective tissue disorders. 60% of patients have chronic hepatitis...

Lupus / SLE -
Non-infectious chronic disease in which antibodies in an individual's immune system attack the body's own substances. In lupus, known medically as lupus
erythematosus, antibodies are produced against the individual's own cells...

Lyme Disease -
A nonfatal bacterial infection that causes symptoms ranging from fever and headache to a painful swelling of the joints. The first American case of Lyme's
characteristic rash was documented in 1970 and the disease was first identified in a cluster at the submarine base in...

Meniere's Disease -
A disease characterized by deafness and vertigo, resulting in incoordination of movement. It is supposed to depend upon a morbid condition of the semicircular
canals of the internal ear. Named after Ménière, a French physician...

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease -

In medicine, mixed connective tissue disease (also known as Sharp's syndrome), commonly abbreviated as MCTD, is an autoimmune disease, in which
the body's defense system attacks itself. It was characterized in 1972, and...

Myositis / JM, JDM, & JA -

Myositis is rare, affecting about 10 in one million people each year. DM and PM affect mostly women in the forties and fifties but men and children can also affect be
affected, some at a young age (between the ages of 5 and 15). About 40,000 people in the United States...

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Autoimmune Osteoporosis Psoriasis

Diseases List O-P os-tee-oh-puh-roh-sis suh-rahy-uh-sis

Osteoporosis -
A disorder in which the normal replenishment of old bone tissue is severely disrupted, resulting in weakened bones and increased risk of fracture; osteopenia results
when bone-mass loss is significant but not as severe as in osteoporosis...

Pars Planitis -
Although pars planitis is generally benign, there can be significant vision loss in extreme cases. It is an immunological disorder of the eye characterized by
inflammation of a part of the uvea, the layer of tissue between the sclera and the retina...

Pemphigus Vulgaris -
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV -ICD-10 L10.0) is the most common form of the disorder and occurs when antibodies attack Desmoglein 3 . Sores often originate in
the mouth, making eating difficult and uncomfortable. Although pemphigus...

Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndromes -

A group of disorders manifested by subnormal functioning of more than one endocrine gland. Type I is characterized by the appearance of mucocutaneous
candidiasis, often occurring in childhood, and is associated...

Polymyalgia Rheumatica -
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (which takes its name from the word "polymyalgia" which means "pain in many muscles" in Greek followed by the term "rheumatica")
abbreviated as PMR, is a syndrome with pain or stiffness, usually in the neck, shoulders, and hips...

Polymyositis -
Polymyositis (PM) is an inflammatory disorder in which muscle tissue becomes inflamed and deteriorates, causing weakness and pain. It is one of several types of
inflammatory muscle disease, or myopathy. Others include dermatomyositis (DM)...

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis -

Although the cause of this serious condition is not known, it has many features to suggest that it is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity describes the process
whereby the body's defense mechanisms are turned against itself...

Primary Sclerosis Cholangitis -

Primary sclerosing (skluh-ROHS-ing) cholangitis (koh-lan-JIE-tis) is a disease of the bile ducts in your liver. The term "cholangitis" in primary sclerosing cholangitis
refers to inflammation of the bile ducts, while the term "sclerosing" describes the hardening...

Psoriasis -
Psoriasis occurs when the immune system mistakes a normal skin cell for a pathogen, and sends out faulty signals that cause overproduction of new skin cells. It is
not contagious. Psoriasis has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, and treating high blood...

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Autoimmune Raynaud's Sydenham's

Diseases List R-S Syndrome Chorea

Raynaud's Syndrome -
A vasospastic disorder causing discoloration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas. This condition may also cause nails to become brittle with longitudinal
ridges. Named after French physician Maurice Raynaud(1834–1881), the phenomenon...

Reiter's Syndrome -
The manifestations of Reiter's Syndrome include the following triad of symptoms: an inflammatory arthritis of large joints, inflammation of the eyes in the form
of conjunctivitis or uveitis, and urethritis in men or cervicitis in women...

Rheumatic Fever -
Systemic inflammatory disease, extremely variable in its manifestation, severity, duration, and aftereffects. It is frequently followed by serious heart disease,
especially when there are repeated attacks. Rheumatic fever usually affects children...

Rheumatoid Arthritis -
Chronic, progressive autoimmune disease causing connective-tissue inflammation, mostly in synovial joints. It can occur at any age, is more common in women, and
has an unpredictable course. It usually starts gradually...

Scleritis -
Inflammation of the sclera, which in its severe necrotizing or in the posterior type may cause sight-threatening complications such as keratitis, uveitis, angle-closure
glaucoma or optic neuropathy...

Scleroderma -
Scleroderma is a progressive disease that affects the skin and connective tissue (including cartilage, bone, fat, and the tissue that supports the nerves and blood
vessels throughout the body). There are two major forms of the disorder...
Sjogren's Syndrome -
A syndrome occurring in menopausal women, characterized by keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dryness of mucous membranes, telangiectasias or purpuric spots on the
face, and bilateral parotid enlargement; it is often associated with...

Sticky Blood Syndrome -

Also known as 'sticky blood, Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system produces antibodies that attack platelets in
blood, causing them to stick together and form clots. People with this condition are at...

Still's Disease -
Still’s disease is one type of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) and is also known as systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis, SOJIA. By “systemic” it is meant
that along with joint inflammation it typically begins with symptoms and signs of systemic...

Stiff Man Syndrome -

Also known as Moersch-Woltman Condition) is a rare neurologic disorder of unknown etiology characterized by progressive rigidity and stiffness, primarily of the
axial musculature, that is superimposed by spasms, resulting in postural deformities...

Sydenham's Chorea -
Sydenham's chorea is an acute but self-limited movement disorder that occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 5 and 15, and occasionally in
pregnant women. It is closely associated with rheumatic fever following a throat infection...

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Autoimmune Takayasus Uveitis

Diseases List T-U Arteritis yoo-vee-ahy-tis

Takayasus Arteritis -
Takayasu's arteritis (tah-kah-YAH-sooz ahr-tuh-RIE-tis) is a rare type of vasculitis, a group of disorders that cause blood vessel inflammation. In Takayasu's arteritis,
the inflammation primarily damages the aorta — the large artery that carries...

Temporal Arteritis -
The term temporal arteritis literally means "inflammation of the temporal arteries." As implied by the name, these blood vessels run along the temples after they
branch off from the carotid artery in the neck. They provide the blood supply to...

Ulcerative Colitis -
Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes swelling, ulcerations, and loss of function of the large intestine. In ulcerative colitis, the
inflammation affects the lining of the rectum and large intestine...

Uveitis -
Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea, the pigmented layer that lies between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer composed of the sclera and cornea. The
uvea consists of the middle layer of pigmented vascular structures of the eye and includes...

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Autoimmune Vasculitis Wilson's

Diseases List V-W vas-kyuh-lahy-tis Syndrome

Vasculitis -
Vasculitis refers to a varied group of disorders which all share a common underlying problem of inflammation of a blood vessel or blood vessels. The inflammation
may affect any size blood vessel, anywhere in the body. It may affect either arteries and/or veins...

Wegener's Granulomatosis -
Wegener's granulomatosis, is a rare form of vasculitis. In this disorder, small-sized blood vessels in the nose, sinuses, ears, lungs and kidneys become inflamed and
damaged. Other areas may also be affected in some cases...

Wilson's Syndrome -
Wilson’s (temperature) syndrome, also called Wilson’s thyroid syndrome or WTS, is an alternative medicine concept which is not recognized as a medical
condition by mainstream medicine...

The modification date for all health, and medical content on this page was last updated, and checked on Aug. 7th, 2018 PST U.S.A.

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the Awareness of Auto-immune Diseases, by using multimedia as a platform to reach
(Raising Awareness of
others. We are committed to reaching those who are unaware of the effects, by
Auto - immune Disease )
sharing knowledge about these and other illnesses, and how they affect our society.
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