This document describes the Powder Gang, a group of outlaws living in the desert who have mastered advanced firearm technology. They formed from exiled dwarven inventors and now use intimidation and raids to acquire resources and new technology while defending their home at an abandoned oasis town. Their leader Victoria Kellan aims to build a utopian safe haven for other outcasts and misfits under their own rules through these militant activities.
This document describes the Powder Gang, a group of outlaws living in the desert who have mastered advanced firearm technology. They formed from exiled dwarven inventors and now use intimidation and raids to acquire resources and new technology while defending their home at an abandoned oasis town. Their leader Victoria Kellan aims to build a utopian safe haven for other outcasts and misfits under their own rules through these militant activities.
This document describes the Powder Gang, a group of outlaws living in the desert who have mastered advanced firearm technology. They formed from exiled dwarven inventors and now use intimidation and raids to acquire resources and new technology while defending their home at an abandoned oasis town. Their leader Victoria Kellan aims to build a utopian safe haven for other outcasts and misfits under their own rules through these militant activities.
This document describes the Powder Gang, a group of outlaws living in the desert who have mastered advanced firearm technology. They formed from exiled dwarven inventors and now use intimidation and raids to acquire resources and new technology while defending their home at an abandoned oasis town. Their leader Victoria Kellan aims to build a utopian safe haven for other outcasts and misfits under their own rules through these militant activities.
COLOR ART Indi Martin EDITING Mike Myler LAYOUT Frank Michienzi
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang | EN World EN5ider
The sand shifts beneath her and she HISTORY Hidden within the dunes and blowing sands of the braces herself, preparing to face a grue- desert is what looks like an abandoned township built upon a dying oasis. A lone rifleman stands some death meted out by the fabled atop a watch tower, looking for any inkling of threat. When they spot one a single crack ripples Desert Wyrms—but instead she is through the air, alerting those down below. Hundreds of the worst criminals, outlaws, and surrounded by a dozen stout figures in undesirables emerge carrying firearms, bombs, and wicked melee weapons to defend their home. industrial breathing apparatuses and These people refer to themselves as the Disciples of Kellan, but travelers have grown to know them jumpsuits of nylon and iron. In their as the Powder Gang. After decades of ridicule and persecution over hands they hold strange wood and their so-called heretical creations, in the last age the Steelshaper dwarven clan migrated from their great metal contraptions, the soot-tipped iron mountain fortress in the west to the endless dunes of the desert. Brilliant scientists, alchemists, and engi- barrels oriented in her direction. She neers, they created their own version of advanced ranged weaponry that rivaled the powers of high puts her hands above her head, relieved mages with only a bit of black powder and skilled crafting. These firearm-like weapons were seen as yet terrified. The batting of wings comes blasphemous to the ideals of the gods of war and magic because of their sheer power, making a band from above as a mounted wyvern lands of commoners as lethal as a platoon of knights. The dwarves had made magic obsolete with their tech- before her, the rider stepping down nological marvels and were castigated as cowardly and dishonorable. while pulling a plated glove away to The migration to the desert was a punishing one — the Steelshaper clan lost many of their best greet her. Through a mechanized mask and their numbers dwindled to mere dozens. Their final leader (Hark Steelshaper) died during the rider simply offers, “join us, or die”. the journey as well, leaving them without direc- tion until an honorary daughter of his, a grizzled veteran and ambitious opportunist named Victoria Kellan, took the reins of command and took her kin The game rule information in this down a dark but prosperous path. The Steelshaper Open Game Content | article is designated Open Game Content. All other material clan became a nomadic band of raiders armed with in this article, including maps and illustrations (including potent weaponry, carving a warpath through the illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- desolate villages that bordered the desert. character narrative and descriptive text, character and place Everywhere they raided they gave their victims names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” a simple ultimatum: join or die. Though the group EN Publishing product and article titles, and has its roots in an old dwarven clan that was years EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Product Identity.
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang | EN World EN5ider
ago and they are now composed of several people kingdoms due to their careful positioning just of different descents, including humans, gnomes, outside any borders — the desert is generally and goblinoids. Eventually the Steelshapers trans- avoided at all costs and seen as a no man’s formed fully into the Powder Gang, finally settling land, deemed unfit for settlement by many into a new home in a recently abandoned town governments. built around an oasis. With tight control over an • Develop New Technology. There are still a few abundant water supply they have leveraged their brilliant minds leftover from the Steelshaper power well, siphoning away taxes from every Clan and some that were adopted after the nearby town, village, and homestead in the region. migration. These engineers, artisans, and alchemists spend their time and resources MOTIVATIONS gathered by the field team’s excursion devel- There is no law in the badlands, no unifying oping new weapons, explosives, equipment, banner, nowhere for a traveler to rest easy. The medicines, and anything else they can manage. Powder Gang aims to create their own laws and Ultimately only modifications to existing fire- provide protection for those under their care. arms and anti-weather gear get made on a Victoria Kellan (Powder Gang Commander) is still regular basis, but they have perfected the the sole leader of the group, dead set on creating science of breeding desert acclimated wyverns a “bandit’s utopia” of sorts. She romanticizes the accidentally as the result of a drunken experi- idea of becoming a queen of outlaws and misfits ment. Magic isn’t common among the Powder that operate under their own terms and conditions. Gang but it is occasionally used to create To support these goals her underlings prioritize the power sources for more eccentric creations. acquisition of new technologies, precious metals, • Recover Technology and Resources. Field teams and most importantly black powder. By creating, of elite gunners are sent out into various choke upgrading, and experimenting with new manufac- points throughout the desert. They hide under- turing techniques and materials Victoria is certain neath the sand and use guerilla style tactics to that they will rise to be a militant force to be reck- ambush trading caravans, shipments, or even oned with. Should they lose their leader the Powder simple wanderers. The purpose is ultimately to Gang are directionless, without goals or order and relieve outsiders of their valuable technological reduced to little more than common bandits once or magical items, but most of the time they steal their caches of weapons and supplies are consumed. large shipments of water, lumber, iron, or other common commodities necessary for survival. ACTIVITIES Sometimes victims are taken in and initiated, The Powder Gang runs several operations to further becoming grunts working for Victoria. their goals and frequently act in the following ways: • Acquire More Power. Victoria Kellan herself leads raids on various villages and camps in the THE LAWS OF KELLAN surrounding area. Using her wyvern riders and I. You will not kill unless under threat of being killed. “giant boom sticks”, she intimidates and coerces II. You will not steal. people to join her commune. Dissenters are III. You will not hold slaves or prisoners. killed by a firing line, any wishing to fight are IV. You will respect our soldiers and contributors trained and accepted into Powder Gang ranks, to our cause. and the rest pay taxes for “protection”. Towns V. You will work and earn your stay. absorbed into the commune are heavily taxed VI. We will protect you, regardless of past crimes. and kept in check by brutal policing. The Powder VII. You are born anew. Gang has gone unopposed by neighboring
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang | EN World EN5ider
MODUS OPERANDI Powder Gang Commander The Powder Gang is a brutal authority within the Medium humanoid (any), lawful evil desert’s borders, and although their laws are simple Armor Class 18 (layered plates) and easy to abide by they are strictly enforced with Hit Points 127 (15d10+45) corporal punishments. There are no prisons and Speed 30 ft. (fly 80 ft. mounted) slaves are forbidden under Kellan’s laws, however STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA there are many who disagree with this and these 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) criminal practices frequently go unpunished. Saving Throws Con +7, Int +6 Soldiers in the Powder Gang carry worn Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +7, Perception +5, hand-me-down firearms chocked full of insane Persuasion +7 modifications, heavily modified melee weapons, Damage Resistance fire, radiant and various bombs and explosives. They wear Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 mechanized jumpsuits and respiration masks that Languages Common, Dwarvish help them endure the intense heat for long periods Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) of time. A typical strike team numbers a dozen or Arm Yourselves (Recharge 6). When the commander less (Powder Gang Grunts, Powder Gang Crack- takes the Attack action, they can choose for each shots, bandits, and guards) and burrow themselves allied creature that can hear them to use its reaction to into the sand to ambush their targets. Spellcasters reload a ranged weapon. among the ranks of the Powder Gang are very rare Respirator. The commander has advantage on saving as they are considered to be weaklings unable to throws against effects that require the target to create things or fight with their own capability. breathe to take effect. Wyvern Rider. The commander has a wyvern mount HEADQUARTERS that acts on its own initiative. The Powder Gang is headquartered in an aban- ACTIONS doned town that was built on an oasis in the center Multiattack. The commander attacks three times with of the desert. On the surface it seems like just their six shooter. that—altogether bereft of life. Aside from posted Six Shooter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range guards and patrols, it’s rare for people to linger in 80/160 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage. the sun unless they are working, and Kellan has After being fired 6 times, the six shooter needs to be her builders develop downward underground. reloaded with a bonus action. This job is perhaps the only place for magic users in the Powder Gang as mages and druids that can shape the earth are indispensable to developing their stronghold. The complex underneath the town is where every piece of equipment is made, every wyvern is born, and most of the soldiers live. Kellan keeps her personal quarters in the center of the underground fortress, though she rarely remains within their confines.
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang | EN World EN5ider
Powder Gang Grunt Crackshot Medium humanoid (any), lawful evil A crackshot uses the crackling breechloader Armor Class 16 (exosuit) as their main weapon, has a +1 bonus to attack Hit Points 60 (8d8+24) rolls and saving throws they are proficient with, Speed 30 ft. Intimidation +7, Perception +7, and Stealth +9, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 5 (1,800 XP). Their increased proficiency 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) bonus is included with these statistics. Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +5 Crackling Breechloader. This long doublelock Skills Intimidation +4, Perception +5 rifle is modified with a fork shaped prong jammed Damage Resistance fire, radiant in the barrel that is wired to a strange magical Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 apparatus on the barrel that generates lightning. Languages Common, Dwarvish Range 100/300 ft., 2d8 lightning damage and the Challenge 4 (1,000 XP) target makes a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or Respirator. The Grunt has advantage on saving throws is stunned for 1 round; reload 1. against effects that require the target to breathe to take effect. Heavy Gunner ACTIONS A heavy gunner uses the stepper gatling gun, has Multiattack. The Grunt takes two attacks with either AC 20, Speed 20 feet, a +1 bonus to attack rolls and their doublelock rifle or electro-axe, or reloads their saving throws they are proficient with, Intimida- flintlock rifle with their attack action. tion +7 and Perception +7, and is Challenge 5 (1,800 Electro-Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, XP). Their increased proficiency bonus is included one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) with these statistics. lightning damage. Stepper Gatling Gun. This weapon is a hulking Doublelock Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, machine held together by rivets, bolts, and brass 80/200 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3) piercing damage. piping. A motor inside hums rhythmically as it draws After being fired twice, the doublelock rifle needs to be power from a gem charged with lightning magic. reloaded with a bonus action. You can use an action to spray bullets in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 VARIANTS Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) piercing Any member of the Powder Gang may be carrying damage on a failed save, or half as much on a a powder bomb or two. successful one. You must use an action to reload Powder Bomb. This simple ceramic ball is full of this weapon before it can be fired in this way again. black powder and set to explode upon impact. Otherwise this weapon has the same statistics as a You can use an action to throw this bomb at a doublelock rifle with reload 20. e space within 30 feet of you. All creatures within 10 feet of that space must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6) fire damage, 7 (2d6) piercing damage, and be deafened for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and is not deafened.
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang | EN World EN5ider