Speedway Cable Ladder: Total Cable Management Solutions

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Speedway Cable Ladder

BS-EN-ISO 9001:2000

Total Cable Management Solutions


total cable management solutions

Page Contents
1-3 Introduction
4-5 Product Range
6-7 Speedway Cable Ladder System
8 Speedway Part Number Guide
9-10 Speedway Straight Cable Ladder
11-14 Speedway Couplers
15 Speedway Long Span Ladder
16-17 Speedway Cross-braced Ladder
18-20 Speedway Flat Elbows
21-23 Speedway Risers
24-25 Speedway Articulated Risers
26-29 Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees
30-31 Speedway Crosses
32-33 Speedway Reducers
34-44 Speedway Accessories
45-51 Speedway Supports
52-53 Speedway Covers
54-55 Fixings
56-74 Technical Data
75 Conversion Factors for Units

total cable management solutions

Vantrunk, founded in the 1960’s, was the first company

in the United Kingdom to manufacture and supply cable
ladder products, leading the
way with developments in the
North Sea by supplying cable
ladder for the BP Graythorpe 1
Platform and applications in the
petrochemical industry with ICI

Vantrunk is now a worldwide

market leader in the
manufacture of steel cable
management products and support systems.

The facilities at our Runcorn site include a 5000m²

manufacturing and warehouse facility, and a 2800m²
marshalling and storage yard used for major projects.
Since becoming part of the Unitrunk Group in July 2000,
the company’s manufacturing resources have been
significantly increased with the utilisation of Unitrunk’s
9300m² manufacturing facility in Lisburn, Northern Ireland.
At Vantrunk we believe that
a manufacturing company
must continuously invest to
remain competitive in today’s
global market place. In
recent years substantial
investment has been made
at our Runcorn facility,
updating process lines using
high specification machinery
incorporating industry-
leading technology.

Since the company’s inception we have focussed on

our customers’ needs and have developed an in-depth
knowledge of their requirements and expectations. Vantru
nk’s steel cable management products are used extensively
within various markets including the petrochemical
industry (both onshore and offshore), utilities (including

total cable management solutions

power generation and water
treatment), and the building
services industry.

Vantrunk has developed an

enviable reputation for meeting
the demanding schedules of
the international design houses
in the oil & gas sector. Recent
projects include the BP Azeri
Project in Azerbaijan, Kellogg
Brown & Root – In Salah Gas Project, Algeria and Samsung
Corporation – Qatar Petroleum Project, Qatar.

Vantrunk also supplies companies

and projects throughout the
United Kingdom with steel cable
management solutions. Recent
projects include Buxton Cement,
Ineos Chlor and The Royal Bank of

total cable management solutions

As part of the Unitrunk Group, Vantrunk now offers a

complete range of steel cable management and support
products, which include:

Speedway cable ladder

Vantrunk Cable tray

Intelok Steel Framing System

(strut) and associated brackets

Power & Lighting Trunking

Floor Trunking Systems

Skirting, Dado, & Bench


Special Trunking

Wire Basket

Vantrunk is accredited to ISO 9001:2000

and is a member of BEAMA Installation.

BS-EN-ISO 9001:2000

Product Range

Speedway Cable Ladder Cable Tray

The Speedway cable ladder system represents a major advance A full range of perforated cable trays manufactured to the
in cable ladder design, providing faster & easier installation, highest standards, offering time saving and adaptable designs,
greater cable fill capacity, total flexibility based on shallow practical slot patterns, and versatile accessories including
channel profile rungs for cable fixing options, a unique locking variable risers and adjustable couplers to simplify site
coupler system, and a comprehensive range of accessories for installations.
flexible mounting of supplementary equipment.
The cable tray range includes light duty (13.5/21.5mm high),
The Speedway cable ladder system comprises of a family of medium duty return flange (25mm high), and heavy duty return
cable ladders to suit all cable loading requirements. Speedway flange (50mm high) as standard. 75mm high and 100mm
SW4 for medium duty applications, Speedway SW5 for heavy high heavy duty return flange cable trays and accessories are
duty applications, and Speedway SW6 for extra-heavy duty available to order.

product range

The Speedway cable ladder system conforms to BS EN The cable tray system conforms to BS EN 61537:2002 Cable Tray
61537:2002 Cable Tray Systems & Cable Ladder Systems for Systems & Cable Ladder Systems for Cable Management.
Cable Management.
The Speedway cable ladder system is subject to Registered 4
Design, Trade Mark, & Patent considerations.
Product Range

Intelok Steel Framing Systems

The Intelok steel framing system encompasses a comprehensive
range of channel, brackets and accessories which form a
versatile strut system specifically designed for use in mechanical,
electrical & building services applications. Intelok brackets
are designed for interconnection, attachment and securing of
Intelok channel. The Intelok range includes Quickfit brackets
& cantilevers incorporating captive fixings for time-saving

Power & Lighting Trunking Systems

Power & lighting trunking is a complete range of trunking and
fittings manufactured to BS 4678 Part 1:1988. The trunking is
manufactured as standard using pre-galvanised sheet steel to
BS EN 10142 but can also be supplied in other finishes including
epoxy/polyester coated, Zintec and stainless steel.
Straight trunking lengths are supplied complete with lid,
coupler and fixings. Accessories are manufactured with integral
couplers. The trunking is available in multi-compartment

Floor Trunking Systems

The range of floor trunking systems includes flush floor trunking,
cavity floor trunking and in-screed underfloor trunking systems,
each of which is manufactured from pre-galvanised sheet steel
to BS EN 10142. Each floor trunking system offers unlimited
versatility within the trunking layout, giving the end user the
product range

final option as to the position of the service boxes and outlets.

The flush floor trunking system conforms to BS 6339:Part 1:1996
(Public Occupancy Class).

Skirting, Dado & Bench Trunking

Skirting, dado & bench trunking are manufactured with bodies
and dividers in pre-galvanised sheet steel to BS EN 10142. The
covers are made from 1.2mm ‘Zintec’ sheet steel and can be
finished in epoxy/polyester coating of any colour on request.
Each trunking system includes a comprehensive range of

Special Trunking
The special trunking systems include weatherproof trunking
(pre-galvanized and hot dip galvanised finishes), screw-fixed lid
trunking including tamper-proof lid fixings if required, flooring
trunking with either tray or chequer plate covers & cable
guard trunking available in sizes and finishes to suit customer

Wire Basket
Wire basket forms a strong & lightweight alternative to
conventional cable tray and is ideally suited for the orderly
containment of data and fibre optic cables in wall, floor and
Manufactured to BS 6946, the Intelok Steel Framing System
ceiling installations. Manufactured from zinc plated or hot
is subject to Registered Design, Trade Mark & Patent
5 considerations.
dip galvanized wires, the wire basket system is adaptable and
Speedway Cable Ladder System

The Speedway cable ladder system is the result of many Speedway Rung
years of development & testing. Based on Vantrunk’s long
Speedway Rung Speedway Rung
experience as a leading manufacturer of cable ladder (continuous slot facing downwards) (continuous slot facing upwards)
systems for the international market with a reputation for
innovation & design, the Speedway cable ladder system
represents a significant advance in the field of cable ladder
for cable management purposes.

Speedway Profile

speedway cable ladder system

The Speedway cable ladder system is based on a unique profiled The Speedway rung is truly versatile, offering unlimited options
side section which increases the effective cable loading width, for cable fixing and equipment attachment. Manufactured with
enhances the strength in the side members and allows the use a standard shallow channel profile, this allows conventional
of a high performance coupling system. This unique profile is channel nuts to be used for the securing of cleats and other
used throughout the range of cable ladder and fittings. items. Light fittings and other items can be easily suspended
from the underside of the ladder rungs – the shallow channel
The Speedway profile is manufactured in three section heights,
profile is ideal for this application. The rung slot pattern allows
each of which gives the cable ladder system its specific load
cable ties and banding to be used on every rung irrespective of
carrying capabilities:
the rung orientation.
Speedway SW4 103.5mm high for medium duty applications.
Speedway SW5 125mm high for heavy duty applications. The rungs are positioned at low level within the Speedway cable
Speedway SW6 150mm high for extra heavy duty ladder and fittings to maximise the available loading depth for
applications. cables and other items.

The Speedway profiles are manufactured in a number Rungs are available in a range of gauges to offer cost effective
of gauges which allow for versatile solutions to differing solutions for cable and equipment support whilst maximising
requirements based on loading performance, loading depth and performance for all loading requirements. For details of the
competitiveness. For details of the standard profile gauges see standard rung gauges refer to ‘Technical Data’.
‘Technical Data’. Rungs in the Speedway cable ladder can be supplied to order
Speedway SW6 with the open face (referred to as a continuous slot) either
Ladder Profile all facing upwards or all facing downwards to suit specific
2.0mm Standard Gauge
Speedway SW5 installation requirements.
Ladder Profile
Speedway SW4 2.0mm Standard Gauge Rungs on Speedway straight ladder are spaced at 300mm
Ladder Profile
1.5mm Standard Gauge centres and are alternately inverted as standard to allow for
cleat fixing at 600mm centres. Rungs on Speedway cable ladder
fittings are, with the exception of risers and reducers, spaced at
a maximum of 460mm along the outer edge of radiused fittings
to comply with the latest developments in the petrochemical
industry. To suit short circuit restraint requirements, the rungs
on Speedway cable ladder fittings are supplied with the
continuous slot uppermost and the rungs on Speedway riser
fittings are spaced at 300mm centres.
Materials & Finishes
The Speedway ladder side is fully slotted, this reduces weight,
The Speedway cable ladder system is available in a number of
improves ventilation when covers are fitted and, more
standard materials and finishes:
significantly, allows for simplified and faster installation – the
ladder sections can be cut to length and coupled without G Mild Steel – Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
the need for drilling. A specially designed coupling system EP Mild Steel – Epoxy Coated Finish (Black as standard).
minimises slip between adjacent ladder sections and between GEP Mild Steel – Hot Dip Galvanized & Epoxy Coated
(Black as standard).
ladder & fittings.
XG Silicon Rich Steel – Deep Galvanized Finish.
The flanges on the Speedway profile are fully returned to SS Stainless Steel (316 Marine Grade) 1.4401/1.4404 to
prevent damage to cables during pulling operations and to BS EN 10088-2:1995.
improve safety during handling, installation, and use. S4 Stainless Steel (304 Grade) 1.4301 to
BS EN 10088-2:1995.
All flanges are pre-punched with slots to provide a means of
drainage and to give an attachment point for covers, accessories, Other materials and finished are available to order – further
& ancillary items. details can be obtained from our Sales Team.

Speedway Cable Ladder System

The Speedway cable ladder system is based on straight Speedway cable ladder fittings
ladder lengths and an extensive range of fittings &
Speedway cable ladder fittings allow for changes in direction &
accessories which provide for infinite routing possibilities
width and provide intersections between straight cable ladder
and straightforward solutions to the requirements of cable
runs. The range of fittings includes flat elbows, risers, equal tees,
management using cable ladder.
unequal tees, crosses & reducers. Articulated risers are available
Speedway Cable Ladder to compliment the Speedway cable ladder system.

The family of Speedway cable ladders offers a comprehensive Flat elbows & risers are available with angles of 30°, 45°, 60° &
speedway cable ladder system

range of cable support systems which demonstrates the 90°.

versatility and effectiveness of this internationally recognised Articulated risers provide infinite angular adjustment and on-
product. site adjustment to suit specific installation requirements.
For general purpose cable ladder installations, the standard Standard radii for flat elbows, tees, crosses, and risers are 300mm,
Speedway SW4, SW5 & SW6 cable ladder is available in lengths 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm & 1200mm (300mm
of 3m and 6m. The straight ladder is available in standard radius fittings are stocked as standard & are supplied unless
stocked widths of 150mm, 300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, otherwise stated).
900mm & 1050mm. Other widths from 100mm to 1500mm are
available to special order. All radiused fittings are manufactured with a repeatable and
true radius which ensures dimensional accuracy between
For supporting heavy loads over long spans Vantrunk has fittings – this eliminates the traditional approach of ‘make it fit’
developed the ultra heavy duty Speedway Long Span Ladder during installation.
System. This unique cable ladder is specifically designed
for both onshore and offshore use, reducing the need for
intermediate supports whilst offering an improved load carrying
performance. The long span ladder is available in lengths of 6m
and in widths of 150mm to 900mm as standard.
Flat Elbows Straight Reducers
For long span applications the Speedway range also includes
cross braced ladder which is intended for edge mounting. The
cross braced ladder offers the capability of bridging significant
support spaces. This ladder is available in 3m lengths and in
widths of 150mm to 900mm as standard.

Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 Cable Ladder. Right Hand Reducers Left Hand Reducers
Lengths of 3m & 6m as standard. Widths of
150mm to 1050mm as standard.

Speedway SW6 Long Span Cable Ladder.

6m lengths as standard. Widths of
Inside Risers Outside Risers
150mm to 900mm as standard.

Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 Cross

Braced Ladder.
3m lengths as standard. Widths of Equal Tees Unequal Tees
150mm to 900mm as standard.

Every Speedway straight ladder has a true width which is

achieved by fully welding the rungs to the internal faces of the
7 side sections – this maximises the available width for cable
loading purposes. Articulated Risers Crosses
Speedway Part Numbering Guide

The information given on this page should be used as a guide when Width (standard) Page
ordering Speedway cable ladder, fittings and accessories. 150mm, 300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm & 1050mm 9
For more detailed information and examples refer to the relevant page
within the catalogue. Radius (standard)
300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm 1050mm & 1200mm 9
Speedway Straight Ladder

speedway part numbering guide

System Type / Ladder Type / Width / Material & Finish
Fitting Type
FE Flat elbow 19
Speedway Couplers IR Inside riser 22
System Type / Coupler Type / Width / Material & Finish OR Outside riser 22
AR Articulated riser (add number of sections
Speedway Covers e.g. AR3 = 3 sections) 25
System Type / Cover Type / Width(s) / Radius / Material & Finish ET Equal tee 27
UET Unequal tee (quote main width Wm & branch
Speedway Fittings
width Wb) 27
System Type / Fitting Type / Width(s) / Radius / Material & Finish C Cross 31
Speedway Accessories RS Reducer straight (quote primary width Wp & secondary
width Ws) 33
System Type / Accessory Type / Width / Material & Finish
RL Reducer left (quote primary width Wp & secondary
Supports width Ws) 33
Support type RR Reducer right (quote primary width Wp & secondary
width Ws) 33
System Type Page
SW4 Speedway SW4 10 Accessory Type
SW5 Speedway SW5 10 EFC External flange clamp 35
SW6 Speedway SW6 10 AFB Adaptable fixing bracket 36
SW Common to all Speedway systems HDB Hold down bracket (use system type) 37
SW4/5 Common to SW4 & SW5 ASB Angle securing bracket 37
SCB Structural connecting bracket 38
Ladder Type DOB Drop out bracket 38
SL Straight ladder – 3m length 11 SL/DIV Straight ladder divider (use system type) 39
SL6 Straight ladder – 6m length 11 FE/DIV Fitting divider (use system type) 39
LSL Long span ladder – 6m length 16 SR/DIR Riser divider (use system type) 40
SL/XB Cross-braced straight ladder – 3m length 17 CDO Cable drop out (include width) 40
EP End plate (use system type & include width) 41
Coupler Type
EBS01 Earth bonding strap 41
CS Straight coupler 12
SMP Mounting plate (include width) 42
LSC Long span coupler 16
PEC Protective end cap (use system type) 42
HAC Horizontal adjustable coupler (SW4 & SW5 are
JBP Junction box plate (add type e.g. JBP02) 43
common – use SW4/5) 13
TCP Tube clamp plate (add type e.g. TCP01) 44
VAC Vertical adjustable coupler (SW4 & SW5 are common
HDC Heavy duty cantilever (add width) 49
– use SW4/5) 13
LTH Ladder trapeze hanger (add width) 50
SAC Short adjustable coupler (SW4 & SW5 are common
TSC Trapeze support channel (add width) 51
– use SW4/5) 14
THC Heavy duty trapeze support channel (add width) 52
LAC Long adjustable coupler (SW4 & SW5 are common
JCP J-Clip 18
– use SW4/5) 14
VCF3 Cover fixing kit 54
CS/EXP Expansion coupler (SW4 & SW5 are common
BK Cover bracing kit 54
– use SW4/5) 14
RA Abrupt reducer 15 System type is SW unless indicated otherwise.

Cover Type Material & Finish

CC Closed cover 53 G Mild steel – hot dip galvanized
CV Ventilated cover 53 SS Stainless steel (316S31 marine grade)
CP Peaked cover 53 S4 Stainless steel (304 grade)
XG Silicon-rich – deep galvanized
Suffix cover type with ladder or fitting type:
EP Mild steel – epoxy coated
e.g. CV/FE45 = ventilated cover for 45° flat elbow.
GEP Mild steel – hot dip galvanized & epoxy coated
Add width(s) and radius as required to describe ladder or fitting type.
Details on the range of standard materials and finishes are given in
Supports Technical Data.
340AH Cantilever arm bracket - single channel
(add type e.g. 340AH14) 46
340AU Cantilever arm bracket - double channel Further Guidance
(add type e.g. 340AU16) 47 Please contact our Sales Team for further advice and guidance on the
340PA Cantilever arm prop (add type e.g. 340PA02) 48 correct ordering details for the full range of Speedway cable ladder,
Add support type as necessary. fittings, and accessories. 8
Suffix 340 with X for stainless steel finish.
Speedway Cable Ladder

Speedway straight cable ladder is available in standard SW6. Details of the standard rung gauge configuration are
widths of 150mm, 300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, given in ‘Technical Data’. Other side wall and rung gauge
900mm & 1050mm. Other widths from 100mm to 1500mm configurations are available to special order – consult our
in 50mm increments are available to order. Sales Team for details. The standard side wall and rung
gauge combination will be supplied unless otherwise stated.
Speedway straight cable ladder is available in standard
lengths of 3m and 6m. Unless otherwise specified, 3m Rung spacing on straight ladders is 300mm centres. As
lengths are supplied as standard. 6m lengths are available standard, the Speedway rung is orientated alternately
to order. inverted to allow for cable cleat spacing at 600mm centres.
Other orientations such as rungs all facing up or all facing
Speedway straight cable ladder is supplied with standard
down are available to order.
side wall gauges of 1.5mm for SW4, and 2.0 mm for SW5 &

Speedway SW4
Speedway SW4 cable ladder – medium duty ladder for general
purpose applications. W1
Speedway SW4 Cable Ladder
Height H 103.5mm
Loading Depth D 78mm
Ladder Width W 100mm to 1500mm H
Maximum Internal Width W1 W + 10mm
Overall Width W2 W + 39mm
speedway cable ladder

Flange Width F 19.5mm

Standard Gauge T 1.5mm
Rung Gauge See ‘Technical Data’

Speedway SW5 W2
Speedway SW5 cable ladder – heavy duty ladder suitable for
longer spans for general purpose applications. W1
Speedway SW5 Cable Ladder
Height H 125mm
Loading Depth D 100mm
Ladder Width W 100mm to 1500mm T D
Maximum Internal Width W1 W + 14mm H
Overall Width W2 W + 50mm
Flange Width F 25mm
Standard Gauge T 2mm
Rung Gauge See ‘Technical Data’

Speedway SW6
Speedway SW6 cable ladder – extra heavy duty ladder W2
with deeper cable filling capacity, suitable for long span
applications. W1

Speedway SW6 Cable Ladder

Height H 150mm
Loading Depth D 125mm
Ladder Width W 100mm to 1500mm T D
Maximum Internal Width W1 W + 14mm H
Overall Width W2 W + 50mm
Flange Width F 25mm
Standard Gauge T 2mm
Rung Gauge See ‘Technical Data’

Order details are as follows: W2
Ladder Type/SL/Width/Material & Finish
SW4/SL/300/G Speedway SW4 Straight Ladder, 3m For 6m lengths, change SL to SL6:
Length, 300mm Wide, Hot Dip SW6/SL6/450/G = Speedway SW6 Straight Ladder,
Galvanized Finish. 6m Length, 450mm Wide, Deep Hot Dip
SW5/SL/900/SS Speedway SW5 Straight Ladder, 3m Galvanized Finish.
Length, 900mm Wide, Stainless Steel.
SW6/SL/750/XG Speedway SW6 Straight Ladder, 3m Contact our Sales Team for availability on non-standard straight
9 Length, 750mm Wide, Deep ladder configurations.
Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Cable Ladder



W2 Speedway SW4 - Dimensions & Weights
Dimensions mm Weight kg

speedway cable ladder

SW4/SL/150/# 150 189 11.60 11.13 12.24
SW4/SL/300/# 300 339 13.21 12.67 13.95
SW4/SL/450/# 450 489 14.82 14.21 15.66
SW4/SL/600/# 600 639 3000 103.5 16.43 15.60 17.37
SW4/SL/750/# 750 789 20.89 17.29 21.98
SW4/SL/900/# 900 939 23.07 18.83 24.27
SW4/SL/1050/# 1050 1089 25.25 20.37 26.56
Speedway SW4 Medium Duty Cable Ladder # - Material & Finish

Speedway SW5 - Dimensions & Weights

Dimensions mm Weight kg
SW5/SL/150/# 150 200 18.16 17.96 19.19
SW5/SL/300/# 300 350 19.77 20.05 20.90
SW5/SL/450/# 450 500 21.38 22.14 22.61
SW5/SL/600/# 600 650 3000 125 22.99 24.23 24.32
SW5/SL/750/# 750 800 27.45 26.32 26.03
SW5/SL/900/# 900 950 29.63 28.41 27.74
SW5/SL/1050/# 1050 1100 31.81 30.50 29.45
# - Material & Finish
Speedway SW5 Heavy Duty Cable Ladder

Speedway SW6 - Dimensions & Weights

Dimensions mm Weight kg
SW6/SL/150/# 150 200 21.22 20.37 22.40
SW6/SL/300/# 300 350 23.40 22.46 24.69
SW6/SL/450/# 450 500 25.58 24.55 26.98
SW6/SL/600/# 600 650 3000 150 27.61 26.64 29.27
SW6/SL/750/# 750 800 29.94 28.73 31.56
SW6/SL/900/# 900 950 32.12 30.82 33.85
SW6/SL/1050/# 1050 1100 34.30 32.91 36.14
# - Material & Finish

Speedway SW6 Extra Heavy Duty Cable Ladder Weights given above are for 3m lengths of Speedway cable
ladder using the standard ladder side and rung gauge
combination. Contact our Design Team for weights for other
gauges & finishes. 10
Speedway Couplers

The Speedway coupling system has been designed to SW4 Straight Coupler SW4/CS/#
Supplied with 4 fixings per coupler
prevent slip between connected components – a common
problem for slotted cable ladder systems. The slot pattern in
SW6 Straight Coupler SW6/CS/#
the ladder sides and fitting sides can be combined with the Supplied with 8 fixings per coupler
slot pattern in the couplers to create a pattern of squares;
these square patterns can also be formed irrespective
of where straight ladders are cut to length to suit site
installation requirements. The specially designed Vantrunk
square shouldered bolt interlocks into this pattern of SW5 Straight Coupler SW5/CS/#
Supplied with 8 fixings per coupler
squares to create a slip-resistant connection.
The Speedway coupler has a profile which exactly matches
the unique profile of the Speedway ladder & fitting side
walls to give a high performance connection which securely
holds the connected components together.
All Speedway couplers are supplied singly and come
complete with all necessary ladder fixings. SW4 Straight Coupler
showing assembly detail
Each Speedway ladder fixing comprises of a specially onto ladder
designed dome headed M10 x 16 bolt with a square
shoulder, an M10 hex nut, and an M10 shake-proof washer
as standard.

Straight Couplers (CS)

Speedway straight couplers are used to make connections
between straight ladders and fittings.
speedway couplers

Speedway straight couplers are supplied singly and come

complete with all necessary ladder fixings.
For each type of ladder and fitting, the following number of
couplers are required:

Straight Ladder 2
SW5 Straight Coupler
Flat Elbows (all angles) 2 showing assembly detail
Risers (Inside & outside) 2 onto ladder
Reducers 2
Equal & Unequal Tees 4
Crosses 6

It is recommended that an additional 10% quantity is ordered

for contingency use arising when cutting straight ladders to suit
installation requirements.
Order details are as follows:
Ladder Type / CS / Material & Finish.
SW6/CS/G Speedway SW6 Coupling Set, Hot Dip Galvanized
Ladder fixing sets are available separately to connect SW6 Straight Coupler
showing assembly detail
supplementary brackets and equipment (3mm thickness onto ladder
maximum) to the Speedway cable ladder.
Order details are as follows:
389AA31 Speedway Ladder Fixing Set – Hot Dip Galvanized
389AA81 Speedway Ladder Fixing Set - Stainless Steel.
Ladder Fixing Set
M10 x 16 dome headed
bolt, shake proof

washer, & M10
hex nut
Speedway Couplers

Horizontal Adjustable Couplers (HAC) Vertical Adjustable Couplers (VAC)

Speedway horizontal adjustable couplers (HAC) are used to join Speedway vertical adjustable couplers are used to join straight
straight ladder and fittings where these need to be connected at ladder and fittings where these need to be connected at offset
offset angles in the same horizontal or vertical plane. angles when these lie in different planes.
Speedway horizontal adjustable couplers are supplied singly Speedway vertical adjustable couplers are supplied singly and
and come complete with all necessary ladder fixings. come complete with all necessary ladder fixings. Each vertical
adjustable coupler comprises of two half plates (smileys)
The Speedway horizontal adjustable coupler is supplied flat and
complete with all necessary pivot fixings.
has easi-bend slots which allow the coupler to be bent on site
to any angle to connect two cable ladder runs to form ‘T’ & ‘Y’ The arrangement of the pivot holes and elongated slots allows
intersections. for infinite angular adjustment to suit specific site requirements.
The vertical adjustable coupler features easi-bend slots which
Horizontal Adjustable Coupler SW$/HAC/#
Supplied flat & complete with all ladder fixings allow the couplers to be adjusted on site to create combined
horizontal & vertical offset connections, ladder connections
onto the side wall of a main run to form tees, or straight ladder &
fitting connections directly to a floor or wall.

Vertical Adjustable Coupler

speedway couplers
half shown bent to 90° and
connecting a ladder to a vertical structure

Vertical Adjustable Coupler SW$/VAC/#

Horizontal adjustable couplers Supplied as two halves and
shown as a pair in use to create an offset connection complete with all
between two ladders ladder fixings

Vertical Adjustable Coupler

shown connecting two ladders in
the vertical plane

Horizontal adjustable coupler

shown formed to 90° to join a ladder to a main run

Order details are as follows: Vertical Adjustable Coupler

shown bent to 90° and connecting an
Ladder Type / HAC / Material & Finish angled ladder to a horizontal ladder

SW6/HAC/G SW6 Horizontal Adjustable Coupler, Hot Dip Order details are as follows:
Galvanized Finish.
Ladder Type / VAC / Material & Finish.
Horizontal adjustable couplers for SW4 & SW5 are identical
SW6/VAC/SS SW6 Vertical Adjustable Coupler, Stainless Steel.
– order as SW4/5/HAC/…
Vertical adjustable couplers for SW4 & SW5 are identical – order
SW4/5/HAC/SS SW4/5 Horizontal Adjustable Coupler,
as SW4/5/VAC/… for example:
Stainless Steel.
SW4/5//VAC/G SW4/5 Vertical Adjustable Coupler, Hot Dip 12
Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Couplers

Short & Long Adjustable Couplers (SAC & LAC) Order details are as follows:
Speedway short and long adjustable couplers are used to create Ladder Type / Adjustable Coupler Type / Material & Finish.
custom reductions during installation & to convert equal tees SW6/SAC/G Speedway SW6 Short Adjustable Coupler,
and crosses into unequal tees and crosses. Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
Speedway short and long adjustable couplers are supplied Short & long adjustable couplers for SW4 & SW5 are identical
singly and come complete with all necessary ladder fixings. – order as SW4/5/SAC/… or SW4/5/LAC/… for example:
Each adjustable coupler has 50mm long segments with easi- SW4/5/SAC/SS Speedway SW6 Long Adjustable Coupler,
bend slots which allow the couplers to be adjusted on site to Stainless Steel.
suit specific installation requirements.
Short adjustable couplers allow reductions of up to & including Expansion Couplers (CS/EXP)
150mm per coupler. Long adjustable couplers allow reductions
Speedway expansion couplers (CS/EXP) are recommended
of up to & including 300mm per coupler. For larger reductions
for those installations where the maximum and minimum
use abrupt reducers.
temperatures are such that the expansion and contraction of
A single short or long adjustable coupler can be used in the cable ladder installation is a consideration.
conjunction with a standard coupler to create an offset
Each expansion coupler is designed to allow for a maximum
connection between two ladders or fittings of differing widths.
movement of 12mm.
For concentric reductions, two short or long adjustable couplers
are required. Speedway expansion couplers are supplied singly and come
Short Adjustable Coupler SW$/SAC/#
complete with all necessary ladder fixings (8 fixings supplied
Supplied flat & complete with all ladder fixings with each coupler).
Specific recommendations covering the spacing of expansion
couplers and the setting gap at the time of installation are given
in the ‘Technical Data’ section.
speedway couplers

Long Adjustable Coupler Expansion Coupler SW$/CS/EXP/#

SW$/LAC/# Supplied complete with all ladder fixings
Supplied flat & complete
with all ladder fixings

Long Adjustable Coupler

shown bent to form
300mm width
Short Adjustable Coupler reduction
shown bent to form 150mm
width reduction

Short Adjustable Coupler

shown with a straight connecting
two differing width ladders

Installation gap required

– see ‘Technical Data’ for more details.

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / CS / EXP / Material & Finish.
SW6/CS/EXP/XG Speedway SW6 Expansion Coupler,
Deep Galvanized Finish.
Expansion couplers for SW4 & SW5 are identical – order as
Short Adjustable Coupler
shown with a straight coupler SW4/5/CS/EXP/SS Speedway SW4/5 Expansion Coupler,
13 creating an unequal cross connection
Stainless Steel.
Speedway Couplers

Abrupt Reducers (RA)

Speedway abrupt (RA) reducers give exact reductions and are
ideal for connecting ladders and fittings of differing widths.
Abrupt reducers can also be used to convert equal tees and
equal crosses into unequal tees and unequal crosses.
A single abrupt reducer can be used in conjunction with a
standard coupler to create an offset (handed) connection Abrupt Reducer (RA)
Supplied complete with all ladder fixings
between two ladders or fittings of differing widths. For
concentric (straight) reductions, two abrupt reducers are
Speedway abrupt reducers are supplied singly and come
complete with all necessary ladder fixings.
The following table shows, for standard widths, which size of
abrupt reducer to order for each type of reduction.

Straight Reductions Left or Right Hand Reductions

Reduction Reduction
Abrupt W3 mm Abrupt W3 mm
Reducer Type Reducer Type
From To From To
RA/75 300 RA/150 300
RA/150 450 RA/300 450
RA/225 600 RA/450 600
150 150
RA/300 750 RA/600 750
RA/375 900 RA/750 900
RA/450 1050 RA/900 1050 Two abrupt reducers
RA/75 450 RA/150 450 used to create a straight reduction between cable ladders.
RA/150 600 RA/300 600

speedway couplers
RA/225 750 300 RA/450 750 300
RA/300 900 RA/600 900
RA/375 1050 RA/750 1050
RA/75 600 RA/150 600
RA/150 750 RA/300 750
450 450
RA/225 900 RA/450 900
RA/300 1050 RA/600 1050
RA/75 750 RA/150 750
RA/150 900 600 RA/300 900 600
RA/225 1050 RA/450 1050
RA/75 900 RA/150 900
750 750
RA/150 1050 RA/300 1050
RA/75 1050 900 RA/150 1050 900
Handed reductions require 1 of the
Straight reductions require 2 of the
above abrupt reducers & 1 standard
above abrupt reducers

Abrupt reducer and straight coupler

used to create an offset (handed) reduction between cable ladders


Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / RA / Width Reduction W3 / Material & Finish.
SW6/RA/225/G Speedway SW6 Abrupt Reducer, 225mm, Hot
Dip Galvanized Finish.
Abrupt reducers for SW4 & SW5 are identical –
order as SW4/5/RA/..... for example:
SW4/5/RA/150/SS Speedway SW4/5 Abrupt Reducer, 150mm,
Stainless Steel.
Consult our Sales Team for abrupt reducers to suit non-standard
width reductions.
Abrupt reducer and straight coupler
used to convert an equal tee into an unequal tee 14
Speedway SW6 Long Span Cable Ladder

The Vantrunk Speedway SW6 long span ladder system has Speedway SW6 Cable Ladder - Profile Details
been developed to carry ultra heavy cable loads over spans Height H 150mm
Loading Depth D 125mm
of up to and including 6m. Based on the Speedway SW6
Ladder Width W 150mm to 900mm
profile with a gauge of 2.5mm and a ladder length of 6m, the
speedway long span cable ladder

Maximum Internal Width W1 W + 14mm

Speedway long span cable ladder system, normally specified Overall Width W2 W + 50mm
Flange Width F 25mm
in stainless steel, is ideally suited to both offshore and
Standard Gauge T 2.5mm
onshore installations as it reduces the number of supports Rung Gauge See ‘Technical Data’
required to carry the cable ladder installation. This saves on
costs for secondary support steelwork, reduces top weight, W1
and cuts installation time. For slot pattern details
refer to Speedway SW6
The Speedway long span ladder system features a specially straight cable ladder
designed long span coupler which is intended to sit directly T
onto the supporting structure. The Speedway long span H D
coupler provides a high performance means of connecting
the long span ladders whilst reinforcing the ladder profile
and assisting in distributing the high loads from the cable
ladder over the width of the supporting structure. W
Standard Speedway cable ladder fittings and couplers are W2
used at each horizontal and vertical change in direction
as these require specific support arrangements – refer to Order details are as follows:
‘Technical Data’ for further details. SW6 / LSL / Width / Material & Finish.

Speedway Long Span Cable Ladder (LSL) SW6/LSL/900/SS Speedway SW6 Long Span Ladder, 6m
Length, 900mm Wide, Stainless Steel.
Rung spacing for the long span cable ladder is 300mm centres
in common with the standard cable ladder. Rung orientation is Speedway Long Span Couplers (LSC)
alternately inverted to allow for cleat spacing at 600mm. Other
Speedway long span couplers (LSC) are used to connect lengths
rung orientation patterns are available to order.
of long span cable ladder.
Standard long span cable ladder widths are shown below. Other
Speedway long span couplers are supplied singly and come
widths are available to order.
complete with all necessary ladder fixings.
Speedway LSL - Stainless Steel Dimensions & Weights
The Speedway ladder fixings each comprise of an M10 x 16
W W2 L H Weight
Ladder square section bolt with a domed head, an M10 nut and an M10
mm mm mm mm kg
SW6/LSL/150/SS 150 200 49.9 shake-proof washer as standard. One M10 x 25mm hex head set
SW6/LSL/300/SS 300 350 54.1 screw is included to allow the use of a Speedway® adjustable
SW6/LSL/450/SS 450 500 58.2 fixing bracket (AFB) for securing the long span ladder to the
6000 150
SW6/LSL/600/SS 600 650 62.4 support structure.
Speedway Long Span Coupler
SW6/LSL/750/SS 750 800 66.6
SW6/LSL/900/SS 900 950 70.8 Supplied complete with fixings

Weights are given for stainless steel. Contact our Design Team
for other weights.

Speedway Long Span Cable Ladder


Two long span couplers are required for each long span ladder.

L Order details are as follows:

SW6 / LSC / Material & Finish.
SW6/LSC/SS Speedway SW6 Long Span Coupler,
Stainless Steel.
W It is recommended that an additional 10% quantity is ordered
for contingency use arising when cutting straight ladders to suit
15 installation requirements.
Speedway Cross Braced Cable Ladder

speedway cross braced cable ladder

The Speedway cross-braced ladder system is specifically
designed to be edge-mounted. This method of installation
Speedway Cross Braced Ladder SL/XB
preserves space and has the advantage of allowing cables
to be secured to both sides of the cable ladder using the
Speedway J-clips or standard cable cleats.
The cross-braced ladder features diagonal stiffening rods
which significantly increase the overall strength of the cable
ladder, allowing comparatively long spans to be bridged
with relative ease.
The Speedway cross-braced ladder coupling system
comprises of two standard couplers and two threaded cross-
bracing rods which need to be fitted at each connection
between adjacent lengths of Speedway cross-braced cable
Standard Speedway cable ladder fittings and couplers
are used at each horizontal & vertical change in direction
as these require specific support arrangements – refer to
‘Technical Data’ for further details.

Speedway Cross-Braced Cable Ladder (SL/XB)

The Speedway cross-braced ladder is available in SW4, SW5,
& SW6 versions with a standard length of 3m and widths of
150mm to 900mm.
Rung spacing for the cross-braced cable ladder is 300mm W2
centres in common with the standard cable ladder. Rung
orientation is alternately inverted to allow for Speedway J-clip
& cleat spacing at 600mm centres. Other rung orientation
patterns are available to order.

Speedway Cross Braced Ladder - Dimensions & Weights

W W2 L H Weight
mm mm mm mm kg
SW4/SL/XB/150/G 150 189 12.11
SW4/SL/XB/300/G 300 339 13.84
SW4/SL/XB/450/G 450 489 15.61
3000 103.5 L
SW4/SL/XB/600/G 600 639 17.40
SW4/SL/XB/750/G 750 789 22.04
SW4/SL/XB/900/G 900 939 24.41
SW5/SL/XB/150/G 150 200 18.67
SW5/SL/XB/300/G 300 350 20.40
SW5/SL/XB/450/G 450 500 22.17
3000 125
SW5/SL/XB/600/G 600 650 23.96
SW5/SL/XB/750/G 750 800 28.60
Order details are as follows:
SW5/SL/XB/900/G 900 950 30.97 Ladder Type / SL/XB / Width / Material & Finish.
SW6/SL/XB/150/G 150 200 21.73
SW5/SL/XB/300/G Speedway SW5 Cross Braced Straight
SW6/SL/XB/300/G 300 350 24.03 Ladder, 3m Length, 300mm Wide, Hot Dip
SW6/SL/XB/450/G 450 500 26.37 Galvanized Finish.
3000 150
SW6/SL/XB/600/G 600 650 28.58
SW6/SL/XB/900/SS Speedway SW6 Cross Braced Straight
SW6/SL/XB/750/G 750 800 31.09
Ladder, 3m Length, 900mm Wide, Stainless
SW6/SL/XB/900/G 900 950 33.46
Weights are given for hot dip galvanized finish. Contact our 16
Design Team for other weights.
Speedway Cross Braced Cable Ladder
speedway cross braced cable ladder

Speedway Cross-braced Coupling Set (CS/XB) J-Clip (JCP)

Speedway cross-braced coupling sets (CS/XB) are used to The Speedway J-Clip (JCP) is designed for use with edge-
connect adjacent lengths of cross-braced cable ladder. mounted cable ladder and is supplied complete with a nylon
cable tie and the fixings necessary to attach the J-Clip to the
Cross-braced coupling sets are supplied as a complete package
Speedway rung.
consisting of two Speedway straight couplers, two threaded
cross-bracing bars and all necessary fixings. The J-Clip can be mounted on both sides of the Speedway cable
ladder, offering the ability to support cables every 600mm on
One cross-braced coupling set is required for each long span
alternate rungs whilst maximising the number of cables being
ladder. It is recommended that an additional 10% quantity
is ordered for contingency use arising when cutting straight
ladders to suit installation requirements. Standard Speedway
couplers should be used to connect the Speedway cross-braced Speedway J-Clip (JCP)
ladder to Speedway fittings. Supplied complete with ladder fixing
& cable tie

Speedway Cross-braced Coupling Set CS/XB

Supplied with all necessary coupler fixings and
threaded rod assemblies

Speedway Cross-braced Coupling Set

as installed on a cross-braced Speedway cable ladder

Speedway J-clip
shown mounted on Speedway cable

Order details are as follows:

SW / JCP / Material & Finish.
SW/JCP/G Speedway J-Clip, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / CS/XB / Width / Material & Finish.
SW5/CS/XB/300/G Speedway SW5 Cross-Braced Coupling Set,

17 300mm Wide, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.

Speedway Flat Elbows

Speedway flat elbows (FE) are designed to create fixed angular

coplanar connections between horizontal cable runs (cable
ladder installed in horizontal plane) and between vertical cable
runs (cable ladder installed in vertical plane).
Speedway flat elbows are available in widths from 150mm to
1050mm as standard.
Speedway flat elbows are available with angles of 30°, 45°, 60° &
90° as standard.
Speedway 30° Flat Elbow
Speedway flat elbows are available with standard radii of
300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm & 1200mm.
300mm radius flat elbows are stocked as standard and are
supplied unless otherwise specified.
The radius of the Speedway flat elbow is measured relative
to the rung position. The width of the Speedway flat elbow is
measured along the length of the rung. These measurements
ensure that the Speedway flat elbow has an exact width and
radius to match the Speedway straight ladder and other
Speedway fittings. Speedway 45° Flat Elbow
The Speedway flat elbow is manufactured with a repeatable and

speedway flat elbows

true radius which eliminates the traditional approach of ‘make it
fit’ during installation.
Each radiused side wall has a 75mm straight section at each
end to facilitate connection to Speedway straight ladder and
Speedway fittings using the standard range of Speedway

Speedway 60° Flat Elbow

Speedway 90° Flat Elbow

Angle Width
75 75 W
The number of rungs shown in the Speedway flat elbows above
R are based on the standard 300mm wide and 300mm radius flat
elbows. Refer to the dimensional information tables for the
number of rungs for other widths and radii.
The rungs in the Speedway flat elbows are located radially at
either 0° or at 7½° incremental angles (or multiples thereof )
Order details are as follows:
and are spaced to give a maximum linear distance of no more Ladder Type / Flat Elbow Type / Width / Radius / Material & Finish
than 465mm between adjacent rungs and between rungs on
SW4/FE90/450/300/G Speedway SW4 Flat Elbow, 90°, 450mm
adjacent Speedway cable ladder and Speedway fittings when
Wide, 300mm Radius, Hot Dip
measured along the outer radius.
Galvanized Finish
The rungs are orientated with the open face uppermost to suit
SW6/FE30/600/900/SS Speedway SW6 Flat Elbow, 30°, 600mm
the use of cleats and similar cable restraint devices. This allows
Wide, 900mm Radius, Stainless Steel
compliance with current recommendations for cable restraint,
especially where cables are used which have a high potential Contact our Sales Team for availability of non-standard flat
fault current level. elbow configurations. 18
Speedway Flat Elbows


30o B 45o B
75 75
F = Flange Width (SW4 = 19.5mm, SW5 & SW6 = 25mm) F = Flange Width (SW4 = 19.5mm, SW5 & SW6 = 25mm)
Speedway 30o Flat Elbows Speedway 45o Flat Elbows
No of Dimensions (mm) No of Dimensions
Part Number Part Number
Rungs R W A B C X Y Rungs R W A B C X Y
FE30/150/300 1 150 327 175 88 228 365 FE45/150/300 1 150 393 230 483 291 446
FE30/300/300 2 300 365 196 98 378 440 FE45/300/300 2 300 446 261 598 441 552
FE30/450/300 2 450 402 216 108 528 515 FE45/450/300 2 450 499 292 713 591 658
FE30/600/300 2 300 600 440 236 118 678 590 FE45/600/300 2 300 600 552 324 827 741 764
FE30/750/300 2 750 477 256 128 828 665 FE45/750/300 2 750 605 355 942 891 870
FE30/900/300 3 900 515 276 138 978 740 FE45/900/300 3 900 658 386 1057 1041 977
FE30/1050/300 3 1050 552 296 148 1128 815 FE45/1050/300 3 1050 711 417 1172 1191 1083
FE30/150/450 2 150 402 216 108 248 440 FE45/150/450 2 150 499 292 598 335 552
FE30/300/450 2 300 440 236 118 398 515 FE45/300/450 2 300 552 324 713 485 658
speedway flat elbows

FE30/450/450 2 450 477 256 128 548 590 FE45/450/450 2 450 605 355 827 635 764
FE30/600/450 2 450 600 515 276 138 698 665 FE45/600/450 2 450 600 658 386 942 785 870
FE30/750/450 3 750 552 296 148 848 740 FE45/750/450 3 750 711 417 1057 935 977
FE30/900/450 3 900 590 316 158 998 815 FE45/900/450 3 900 764 448 1172 1085 1083
FE30/1050/450 3 1050 627 336 168 1148 890 FE45/1050/450 3 1050 817 479 1287 1235 1189
FE30/150/600 2 150 477 256 128 268 515 FE45/150/450 2 150 605 355 713 379 658
FE30/300/600 2 300 515 276 138 418 590 FE45/300/450 2 300 658 386 827 529 764
FE30/450/600 2 450 552 296 148 568 665 FE45/450/450 2 450 711 417 942 679 870
FE30/600/600 3 600 600 590 316 158 718 740 FE45/600/450 3 600 600 764 448 1057 829 977
FE30/750/600 3 750 627 336 168 868 815 FE45/750/450 3 750 817 479 1172 979 1083
FE30/900/600 3 900 665 356 178 1018 890 FE45/900/450 3 900 870 510 1287 1129 1189
FE30/1050/600 3 1050 702 376 188 1168 965 FE45/1050/450 3 1050 924 541 1401 1279 1295
FE30/150/750 2 150 552 296 148 288 590 FE45/150/750 2 150 711 417 827 423 764
FE30/300/750 2 300 590 316 158 438 665 FE45/300/750 2 300 764 448 942 573 870
FE30/450/750 3 450 627 336 168 588 740 FE45/450/750 3 450 817 479 1057 723 977
FE30/600/750 3 750 600 665 356 178 738 815 FE45/600/750 3 750 600 870 510 1172 873 1083
FE30/750/750 3 750 702 376 188 888 890 FE45/750/750 3 750 924 541 1287 1023 1189
FE30/900/750 3 900 740 397 198 1038 965 FE45/900/750 3 900 1242 727 1401 1411 1613
FE30/1050/750 3 1050 777 417 208 1188 1040 FE45/1050/750 3 1050 1030 603 1516 1323 1401
FE30/150/900 2 150 627 336 168 308 665 FE45/150/900 2 150 817 479 942 467 870
FE30/300/900 3 300 665 356 178 458 740 FE45/300/900 3 300 870 510 1057 617 977
FE30/450/900 3 450 702 376 188 608 815 FE45/450/900 3 450 924 541 1172 767 1083
FE30/600/900 3 900 600 740 397 198 758 890 FE45/600/900 3 900 600 977 572 1287 917 1189
FE30/750/900 3 750 777 417 208 908 965 FE45/750/900 3 750 1030 603 1401 1067 1295
FE30/900/900 3 900 815 437 218 1058 1040 FE45/900/900 3 900 1083 634 1516 1217 1401
FE30/1050/900 5 1050 852 457 228 1208 1115 FE45/1050/900 5 1050 1136 665 1631 1367 1507
FE30/150/1050 3 150 702 376 188 328 740 FE45/150/1050 3 150 924 541 1057 511 977
FE30/300/1050 3 300 740 397 198 478 815 FE45/300/1050 3 300 977 572 1172 661 1083
FE30/450/1050 3 450 777 417 208 628 890 FE45/450/1050 3 450 1030 603 1287 811 1189
FE30/600/1050 3 1050 600 815 437 218 778 965 FE45/600/1050 3 1050 600 1083 634 1401 961 1295
FE30/750/1050 3 750 852 457 228 928 1040 FE45/750/1050 3 750 1136 665 1516 1111 1401
FE30/900/1050 5 900 890 477 238 1078 1115 FE45/900/1050 5 900 1189 696 1631 1261 1507
FE30/1050/1050 5 1050 927 497 249 1228 1190 FE45/1050/1050 5 1050 1242 727 1746 1411 1613
FE30/150/1200 3 150 777 417 208 348 815 FE45/150/1200 3 150 1030 603 1172 555 1083
FE30/300/1200 3 300 815 437 218 498 890 FE45/300/1200 3 300 1083 634 1287 705 1189
FE30/450/1200 3 450 852 457 228 648 965 FE45/450/1200 3 450 1136 665 1401 855 1295
FE30/600/1200 3 1200 600 890 477 238 798 1040 FE45/600/1200 3 1200 600 1189 696 1516 1005 1401
FE30/750/1200 5 750 927 497 249 948 1115 FE45/750/1200 5 750 1242 727 1631 1155 1507
FE30/900/1200 5 900 965 517 259 1098 1190 FE45/900/1200 5 900 1295 758 1746 1305 1613
FE30/1050/1200 5 1050 1002 537 269 1248 1265 FE45/1050/1200 5 1050 1348 790 1861 1455 1719

Example of a Speedway 30° flat elbow part number is as follows: Example of a Speedway 45° flat elbow part number is as follows:
SW4/FE30/300/450/G Speedway SW4 Flat Elbow, 30°, 300mm SW6/FE45/600/300/SS Speedway SW6 Flat Elbow, 45°, 600mm
19 Wide, 450mm Radius, Hot Dip Wide, 300mm Radius, Stainless Steel.
Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Flat Elbows


60o E 90o

75 75
F = Flange Width (SW4 = 19.5mm, SW5 & SW6 = 25mm) F = Flange Width (SW4 = 19.5mm, SW5 & SW6 = 25mm)
Speedway 60 Flat Elbows Speedway 90o Flat Elbows
No of Dimensions No of Dimensions
Part Number Part Number
Rungs R W A B C X Y Rungs R W B C X Y
FE60/150/300 2 150 437 292 252 365 502 FE90/150/300 2 150 450 450 525 525
FE60/300/300 2 300 502 335 290 515 632 FE90/300/300 3 300 525 525 675 675
FE60/450/300 3 450 567 378 327 665 762 FE90/450/300 4 450 600 600 825 825
FE60/600/300 3 300 600 632 421 365 815 892 FE90/600/300 4 300 600 675 675 975 975
FE60/750/300 3 750 697 465 402 965 1022 FE90/750/300 5 750 750 750 1125 1125
FE60/900/300 5 900 762 508 440 1115 1152 FE90/900/300 5 900 825 825 1275 1275
FE60/1050/300 5 1050 827 551 477 1265 1282 FE90/1050/300 7 1050 900 900 1425 1425
FE60/150/450 2 150 567 378 327 440 632 FE90/150/450 3 150 600 600 675 675
FE60/300/450 3 300 632 421 365 590 762 FE90/300/450 4 300 675 675 825 825

speedway flat elbows

FE60/450/450 3 450 697 465 402 740 892 FE90/450/450 4 450 750 750 975 975
FE60/600/450 3 450 600 762 508 440 890 1022 FE90/600/450 5 450 600 825 825 1125 1125
FE60/750/450 5 750 827 551 477 1040 1152 FE90/750/450 5 750 900 900 1275 1275
FE60/900/450 5 900 892 595 515 1190 1282 FE90/900/450 7 900 975 975 1425 1425
FE60/1050/450 5 1050 957 638 552 1340 1412 FE90/1050/450 7 1050 1050 1050 1575 1575
FE60/150/600 3 150 697 465 402 515 762 FE90/150/600 4 150 750 750 825 825
FE60/300/600 3 300 762 508 440 665 892 FE90/300/600 4 300 825 825 975 975
FE60/450/600 3 450 827 551 477 815 1022 FE90/450/600 5 450 900 900 1125 1125
FE60/600/600 5 600 600 892 595 515 965 1152 FE90/600/600 5 600 600 975 975 1275 1275
FE60/750/600 5 750 957 638 552 1115 1282 FE90/750/600 7 750 1050 1050 1425 1425
FE60/900/600 5 900 1022 681 590 1265 1412 FE90/900/600 7 900 1125 1125 1575 1575
FE60/1050/600 5 1050 1087 725 627 1415 1541 FE90/1050/600 7 1050 1200 1200 1725 1725
FE60/150/750 3 150 827 551 477 590 892 FE90/150/750 4 150 900 900 975 975
FE60/300/750 3 300 892 595 515 740 1022 FE90/300/750 5 300 975 975 1125 1125
FE60/450/750 5 450 957 638 552 890 1152 FE90/450/750 5 450 1050 1050 1275 1275
FE60/600750 5 750 600 1022 681 590 1040 1282 FE90/600750 7 750 600 1125 1125 1425 1425
FE60/750/750 5 750 1087 725 627 1190 1412 FE90/750/750 7 750 1200 1200 1575 1575
FE60/900/750 5 900 1152 768 665 1340 1541 FE90/900/750 7 900 75 75 1725 1725
FE60/105750 5 1050 1217 811 702 1490 1671 FE90/105750 7 1050 1350 1350 1875 1875
FE60/150/900 3 150 957 638 552 665 1022 FE90/150/900 5 150 1050 1050 1125 1125
FE60/300/900 5 300 1022 681 590 815 1152 FE90/300/900 5 300 1125 1125 1275 1275
FE60/450/900 5 450 1087 725 627 965 1282 FE90/450/900 7 450 1200 1200 1425 1425
FE60/600/900 5 900 600 1152 768 665 1115 1412 FE90/600/900 7 900 600 1275 1275 1575 1575
FE60/750/900 5 750 1217 811 702 1265 1541 FE90/750/900 7 750 1350 1350 1725 1725
FE60/900/900 5 900 1282 854 740 1415 1671 FE90/900/900 7 900 1425 1425 1875 1875
FE60/1050/900 9 1050 1347 898 777 1565 1801 FE90/1050/900 13 1050 1500 1500 2025 2025
FE60/150/91050 5 150 1087 725 627 740 1152 FE90/150/1050 5 150 1200 1200 1275 1275
FE60/300/1050 5 300 1152 768 665 890 1282 FE90/300/1050 7 300 1275 1275 1425 1425
FE60/450/1050 5 450 1217 811 702 1040 1412 FE90/450/1050 7 450 1350 1350 1575 1575
FE60/600/1050 5 1050 600 1282 854 740 1190 1541 FE90/600/1050 7 1050 600 1425 1425 1725 1725
FE60/75/01050 5 750 1347 898 777 1340 1671 FE90/75/01050 7 750 1500 1500 1875 1875
FE60/900/1050 9 900 1412 941 815 1490 1801 FE90/900/1050 13 900 1575 1575 2025 2025
FE60/1050/1050 9 1050 1476 984 852 1640 1931 FE90/1050/1050 13 1050 1650 1650 2175 2175
FE60/150/1200 5 150 1217 811 702 815 1282 FE90/150/1200 7 150 1350 1350 1425 1425
FE60/300/1200 5 300 1282 854 740 965 1412 FE90/300/1200 7 300 1425 1425 1575 1575
FE60/450/1200 5 450 1347 898 777 1115 1541 FE90/450/1200 7 450 1500 1500 1725 1725
FE60/600/1200 5 1200 600 1412 941 815 1265 1671 FE90/600/1200 7 1200 600 1575 1575 1875 1875
FE60/750/1200 9 750 1476 984 852 1415 1801 FE90/750/1200 13 750 1650 1650 2025 2025
FE60/900/1200 5 900 1541 1028 890 1565 1931 FE90/900/1200 13 900 1725 1725 2175 2175
FE60/1050/1200 5 1050 1606 1071 927 1715 2061 FE90/1050/1200 13 1050 1800 1800 2325 2325

Example of a Speedway 60° flat elbow part number is as follows: Example of a Speedway 90° flat elbow part number is as follows:
SW5/FE60/900/750/XG Speedway SW5 Flat Elbow, 60°, 900mm SW6/FE90/450/600/G Speedway SW6 Flat Elbow, 90°, 450mm
Wide, 750mm Radius, Deep Galvanized Wide, 600mm Radius, Hot Dip 20
Finish. Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Inside & Outside Risers

Speedway inside risers (IR) and outside risers (OR) are designed
to create fixed angular non-coplanar connections between cable Speedway 30° Inside Riser
(SW5/IR30/300/300 shown)
runs and can be used in both vertical and horizontal orientations.
Speedway inside risers (or vertical inside bends) create internal
speedway inside & outside risers

changes in direction; outside risers (or vertical outside bends)

create external changes in direction.
Speedway 45° Outside Riser
Speedway risers are available in widths from 150mm to 1050mm (SW5/OR45/300/600 shown)
as standard. Speedway risers are available with angles of 30°,
45°, 60°, & 90° and in standard radii of 300mm, 450mm, 600mm,
750mm, 900mm, 1050mm, & 1200mm. 300mm radius inside and
outside risers are stocked as standard and are supplied unless
otherwise specified.
For both inside and outside risers, the radius is measured to the
inside flange of the riser fitting. The width of the Speedway riser
is measured along the length of the rung. These measurements Speedway 60° Outside Riser
ensure that the Speedway riser has an exact width and radius (SW5/OR60/300/300 shown)
to match the Speedway straight ladder and other Speedway
The angle of the Speedway inside and outside riser is measured
relative to the ends of the side wall profile. Sufficient land is
provided to suit the use of the Speedway coupling system. The
unique Speedway profile is maintained along the full length of
the side wall, thereby maximising the width available for cable

Speedway 90° Inside Riser

(SW5/IR90/300/300 shown)


Speedway 90° Outside Riser

(SW5/OR90/300/300 shown)

Width Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / Riser Type / Width / Radius / Material & Finish

Rungs in the Speedway risers are located at the intersection SW5/IR90/450/300/SS Speedway SW5 Inside Riser, 90°,
between adjacent facets and are spaced to give a maximum 450mm Wide, 300mm Radius, Stainless
linear distance of no more than 300mm between rungs and Steel
between rungs on adjacent Speedway cable ladder and fittings. SW6/OR60/600/750/XG Speedway SW6 Outside Riser, 60°,
The rungs are orientated with the continuous slot uppermost 600mm Wide, 750mm Radius, Deep
to allow compliance with recommendations for cable restraint, Galvanized Finish
especially where cables are used which have a high potential
21 fault current level. Contact our Sales Team for availability on non-standard inside &
outside riser configurations.
Speedway Inside & Outside Risers

Outside Riser
Inside Riser

speedway inside & outside risers





Speedway 30° Inside & Outside Risers Speedway 45° Inside & Outside Risers
X & Y mm W2 mm X & Y mm W2 mm
Width W

Width W
Radius R

Radius R

No of

No of



Part Number Part Number

IR30/150/300 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/300 150 189 200 200





IR30/300/300 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/300 300 339 350 350
IR30/450/300 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/300 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/300 1 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/300 2 600 639 650 650





IR30/750/300 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/300 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/300 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/300 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/450 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/450 150 189 200 200





IR30/300/450 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/450 300 339 350 350
IR30/450/450 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/450 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/450 1 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/450 2 600 639 650 650





IR30/750/450 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/450 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/450 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/450 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/450 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/450 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/600 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/600 150 189 200 200





IR30/300/600 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/600 300 339 350 350
IR30/450/600 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/600 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/600 2 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/600 2 600 639 650 650






IR30/750/600 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/600 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/600 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/600 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/600 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/600 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/750 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/750 150 189 200 200






IR30/300/750 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/750 300 339 350 350
IR30/450/750 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/750 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/750 2 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/750 3 600 639 650 650






IR30/750/750 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/750 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/750 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/750 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/750 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/750 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/900 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/900 150 189 200 200






IR30/300/900 300 939 350 350 IR45/300/900 300 939 350 350
IR30/450/900 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/900 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/900 2 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/900 3 600 639 650 650






IR30/750/900 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/900 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/900 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/900 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/900 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/900 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/1050 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/1050 150 189 200 200






IR30/300/1050 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/1050 300 339 350 350
SW4 & SW5 = 2

SW4 & SW5 = 3

IR30/450/1050 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/1050 450 489 500 500
SW6 = 3

SW6 = 4



IR30/600/1050 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/1050 600 639 650 650






IR30/750/1050 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/1050 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/1050 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/1050 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/1050 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/1050 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR30/150/1200 150 189 200 200 IR45/150/1200 150 189 200 200






IR30/300/1200 300 339 350 350 IR45/300/1200 300 339 350 350
IR30/450/1200 450 489 500 500 IR45/450/1200 450 489 500 500



IR30/600/1200 3 600 639 650 650 IR45/600/1200 4 600 639 650 650






IR30/750/1200 750 789 800 800 IR45/750/1200 750 789 800 800
IR30/900/1200 900 939 950 950 IR45/900/1200 900 939 950 950

IR30/1050/1200 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR45/1050/1200 1050 1089 1100 1100
For Outside Riser change IR to OR For Outside Riser change IR to OR

Example of a Speedway 30° inside riser part number is as follows: Example of a Speedway 45° outside riser part number is as follows:
SW6/IR30/600/450/SS Speedway SW6 Inside Riser, SW5/OR45/900/1050/G Speedway SW5 Outside Riser,
30°, 600mm Wide, 450mm Radius, 45°, 900mm Wide, 1050mm Radius, 22
Stainless Steel Hot Dip Galvanized Finish
Speedway Inside & Outside Risers

Outside Riser
Inside Riser
speedway inside & outside risers


W2 W2
Speedway 60° Inside & Outside Risers Speedway 90° Inside & Outside Risers
X & Y mm W2 mm X & Y mm W2 mm

Width W
Radius R
Width W
Radius R


No of
No of




Part Number Part Number


IR60/150/300 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/300 150 189 200 200






IR60/300/300 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/300 300 339 350 350
IR60/450/300 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/300 450 489 500 500



IR60/600/300 2 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/300 3 600 639 650 650






IR60/750/300 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/300 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/300 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/300 900 939 950 950


IR60/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/450 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/450 150 189 200 200






IR60/300/450 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/450 300 339 350 350
SW4 & SW5 = 3
SW4 & SW5 = 2

IR60/450/450 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/450 450 489 500 500
SW6 = 4

SW6 = 3


IR60/600/450 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/450 600 639 650 650





IR60/750/450 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/450 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/450 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/450 900 939 950 950


IR60/1050/450 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/450 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/600 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/600 150 189 200 200





IR60/300/600 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/600 300 339 350 350
IR60/450/600 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/600 450 489 500 500



IR60/600/600 3 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/600 4 600 639 650 650





IR60/750/600 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/600 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/600 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/600 900 939 950 950


IR60/1050/600 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/600 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/750 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/750 150 189 200 200





IR60/300/750 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/750 300 339 350 350
SW4 & SW5 = 3

IR60/450/750 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/750 450 489 500 500

SW6 = 4


IR60/600/750 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/750 5 600 639 650 650





IR60/750/750 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/750 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/750 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/750 900 939 950 950


IR60/1050/750 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/750 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/900 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/900 150 189 200 200
X 1004 Y 1004

X 1025 Y 1025

X 1050 Y 1050



IR60/300/900 300 939 350 350 IR90/300/900 300 939 350 350
IR60/450/900 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/900 450 489 500 500


IR60/600/900 4 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/900 6 600 639 650 650



IR60/750/900 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/900 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/900 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/900 900 939 950 950

IR60/1050/900 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/900 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/1050 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/1050 150 189 200 200
X 1154 Y 1154

X 1175 Y 1175

X 1200 Y 1200
Y 1018

Y 1093

IR60/300/1050 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/1050 300 339 350 350
SW4 & SW5 = 6
SW4 & SW5 = 4

IR60/450/1050 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/1050 450 489 500 500
SW6 = 7
SW6 = 5


IR60/600/1050 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/1050 600 639 650 650



IR60/750/1050 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/1050 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/1050 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/1050 900 939 950 950

IR60/1050/1050 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/1050 1050 1089 1100 1100
IR60/150/1200 150 189 200 200 IR90/150/1200 150 189 200 200
X 1304 Y 1304

X 1325 Y 1325

X 1350 Y 1350
Y 1129

Y 1147

Y 1169

IR60/300/1200 300 339 350 350 IR90/300/1200 300 339 350 350
IR60/450/1200 450 489 500 500 IR90/450/1200 450 489 500 500

IR60/600/1200 5 600 639 650 650 IR90/600/1200 7 600 639 650 650



IR60/750/1200 750 789 800 800 IR90/750/1200 750 789 800 800
IR60/900/1200 900 939 950 950 IR90/900/1200 900 939 950 950

IR60/1050/1200 1050 1089 1100 1100 IR90/1050/1200 1050 1089 1100 1100
For Outside Riser change IR to OR For Outside Riser change IR to OR

Example of a Speedway 60° outside riser part number is as follows: Example of a Speedway 90° inside riser part number is as follows:
SW5/OR60/450/900/XG Speedway SW5 Outside Riser, SW4/IR90/300/750/G Speedway SW4 Inside Riser, 90°,
23 60°, 450mm Wide, 900mm Radius, 300mm Wide, 750mm Radius, Hot
Deep Galvanized Finish Dip Galvanized Finish
Speedway Articulated Risers

Speedway articulated risers (AR) are designed to create

adjustable angular non-coplanar connections between
Speedway cable runs and can be used in both vertical and
horizontal orientations.
Speedway articulated risers consist of pre-assembled units,
each comprising of end connectors and one or more middle
sections which can be adjusted on site to suit specific installation
The articulated riser has a number of advantages over fixed

speedway articulated risers

universal application – there is no requirement to select
both inside and outside risers.
any number of middle sections can be added to achieve
very large radii and allow strong support along an
undulating cable route. Speedway Articulated Riser (AR1)
arranged to form an inside riser
the pattern of fixing holes allows for infinite angle and
radius adjustment.
can be used to form a bridge, an ‘S’ bend, or an offset to
suit installation routing problems on site.
the end connectors are vertical adjustable couplers and,
by using the easi-bend slots, can be adjusted on site
to create combined horizontal & vertical offset
connections, or combined riser/tee connections onto the
side wall of a main run.
Speedway articulated risers are available in widths from 150mm
to 1050mm as standard.
Intended to be locked into place after installation, the Speedway
articulated riser is not designed to allow for relative movement
between adjacent cable runs.

Speedway Articulated Riser (AR3)

arranged to form a large radius inside riser

Speedway Articulated Riser (AR2)

forming a riser/tee connection to a cable
ladder run

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / AR + No. of Segments / Width / Material & Finish.
SW6/AR3/900/SS Speedway SW6 Articulated Riser,
3 Segment, 900mm Wide, Stainless Steel.
Articulated risers for Speedway SW4 & SW5 are common – order
as follows:
SW4/5/AR1/300/XG Speedway SW4/5 Articulated Riser,
1 Segment, 300mm Wide, Deep Galvanized Speedway Articulated Riser (AR3) 24
Finish. arranged to form a bridge
Speedway Articulated Risers

The following table shows the combination of angle and radius

which can be formed for a number of differing middle sections.
The radius for both the inside and outside articulated riser is
measured relative to the rung position.

Speedway Articulated Risers - Angle & Section Details Speedway AR3 Articulated Riser
Radius R mm forming an inside riser
Inside Articulated Risers Outside Articulated Risers
Part No of
Number Sections
SW4 & SW5 SW6 SW4 & SW5 SW6

AR1 1 1148 1160 1070 1058 R

AR2 30 2 1718 1731 1640 1628
speedway articulated risers

AR3 3 2327 2340 2250 2237

AR1 1 781 793 737 724
AR2 2 1163 1176 1122 1109
AR3 3 1562 1574 1484 1472
AR4 4 1945 1957 1867 1855
AR1 1 592 605 514 502
AR2 2 882 894 804 791
AR3 3 1178 1191 1100 1088
AR4 4 1466 1479 1388 1376
AR5 5 1753 1766 1676 1663 Speedway AR3 Articulated Riser
AR6 6 2041 2053 1963 1950 forming an outside riser
AR1 1 399 411 330 318
AR2 2 596 608 527 515
AR3 3 793 806 715 703
AR4 4 986 998 908 896
90 R
AR5 5 1178 1191 1100 1088
AR6 6 1370 1383 1292 1280
AR7 7 1562 1574 1484 1472
AR8 8 1753 1766 1676 1663

When using the Speedway articulated riser as a bridge the
following dimensions should be used as a guide. A

Speedway Articulated Risers - Bridge Dimensions

No of D mm
Part Number Radius R mm A mm B mm C mm
Sections SW4/5 SW6
AR3 300 3 715 855 165 204 216 C
AR3 3 801 941 113 152 164 D
AR4 4 961 1101 242 251 293 R
AR3 600 3 840 980 80 118 131
Speedway AR3 Articulated Riser
forming bridge on horizontal cable run

The following table gives the maximum horizontal and vertical A
offsets which can be achieved for articulated risers with 1 to 4
sections whilst maintaining a radius of 300mm relative to the

Speedway Articulated Risers - Vertical Offset Dimensions

No of F mm
Part Number Radius R mm A mm B mm E mm
Sections SW4/5 SW6
AR1 1 216 356 208 183 208
AR2 2 399 539 441 416 441
AR3 3 600 740 663 638 663 F
AR4 4 823 963 865 840 865

Consult our Technical Team for further offset dimensional R

information and guidance in the selection of the correct number
of middle sections.
25 Speedway AR3 Articulated Riser
forming a vertical offset
Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees

Speedway equal tees (ET) and unequal tees (UET) are designed The rungs in the Speedway tees are spaced to give a maximum
to create perpendicular coplanar connections between linear distance of no more than 465mm between adjacent
horizontal cable runs (ladder installed in horizontal plane) and rungs/rungs on adjacent ladder and fittings. The rungs are
between vertical cable runs (ladder installed in vertical plane). orientated with the open face uppermost to suit the use of
cleats and similar cable restraint devices. This allows compliance
Speedway tees are available in widths from 150mm to 1050mm
with current recommendations for cable restraint, especially
as standard. Speedway tees are available with standard radii of

speedway equal & unequal tees

where cables are used which have a high potential fault current
300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm & 1200mm.
300mm radius tees are stocked as standard and are supplied
unless otherwise specified. Tees have a primary or main width (Wm) and a secondary or
branch width (Wb). Tees with the same primary and secondary
The radius of the Speedway tee is measured relative to the
widths are called equal tees. Tees with differing main and
rung position. The widths of the Speedway tee are measured
branch widths are called unequal tees.
along the length of the outermost rung on each branch. These
measurements ensure that the Speedway tee has exact widths
and radius to match the Speedway straight ladder and other Speedway 300mm Radius Tees
Speedway fittings. Part Number Type
Dimensions mm
R Wm Wb A B X Y
The Speedway tee radiused side walls are manufactured with ET/150 300 150 150 450 450 900 525
a repeatable and true radius which eliminates the traditional UET/300/150 300 300 150 450 525 900 675

150mm Branch
UET/450/150 300 450 150 450 600 900 825
approach of ‘make it fit’ during installation. Each radiused
UET/600/150 300 600 150 450 675 900 975
side wall has a 75mm straight section at each end to facilitate UET/750/150 300 750 150 450 750 900 1125
connection to straight ladder and other fittings using the UET/900/150 300 900 150 450 825 900 1275
standard range of Speedway couplers. UET/1050/150 300 1050 150 450 900 900 1425
UET/150/300 300 150 300 525 450 1050 525
Equal Tee (ET) ET/300 300 300 300 525 525 1050 675
300mm Branch

Main width Wm & branch width Wb are identical UET/450/300 300 450 300 525 600 1050 825
UET/600/300 300 600 300 525 675 1050 975
UET/750/300 300 750 300 525 750 1050 1125
UET/900/300 300 900 300 525 825 1050 1275
UET/1050/300 300 1050 300 525 900 1050 1425
UET/150/450 300 150 450 600 450 1200 525
UET/300/450 300 300 450 600 525 1200 675
450mm Branch

ET/450 300 450 450 600 600 1200 825

UET/600/450 300 600 450 600 675 1200 975
UET/750/450 300 750 450 600 750 1200 1125
UET/3900/450 300 900 450 600 825 1200 1275
UET/1050/450 300 1050 450 600 900 1200 1425
Wm Wb UET/150/600 300 150 600 675 450 1350 525
Main Width 75 75 Branch Width UET/300/600 300 300 600 675 525 1350 675
600mm Branch

UET/450/600 300 450 600 675 600 1350 825

Radius ET/600 300 600 600 675 675 1350 975
UET/750/600 300 750 600 675 750 1350 1125
UET/900/600 300 900 600 675 825 1350 1275
Unequal Tee (UET)
UET/1050/600 300 1050 600 675 900 1350 1425
Main width Wm & branch width Wb are different
UET/150/750 300 150 750 750 450 1500 525
UET/3000/750 300 300 750 750 525 1500 675
750mm Branch

UET/450/750 300 450 750 750 600 1500 825

UET/600/750 300 600 750 750 675 1500 975
ET/750 300 750 750 750 750 1500 1125
UET/900/750 300 900 750 750 825 1500 1275
UET/1050/750 300 1050 750 750 900 1500 1425
UET/150/900 300 150 900 825 450 1650 525
UET/300/900 300 300 900 825 525 1650 675
900mm Branch

UET/450/900 300 450 900 825 600 1650 825

UET/600/900 300 600 900 825 675 1650 975
Wb UET/750/900 300 750 900 825 750 1650 1125
Wm Branch Width
Main Width 75 75 ET/900 300 900 900 825 825 1650 1275
R UET/1050/900 300 1050 900 825 900 1650 1425
Radius UET/150/1050 300 150 1050 900 450 1800 525
UET/300/1050 300 300 1050 900 525 1800 675
1050mm Branch

See the following pages for examples of product codes and UET/450/1050 300 450 1050 900 600 1800 825
ordering details. UET/600/1050 300 600 1050 900 675 1800 975
UET/750/1050 300 750 1050 900 750 1800 1125
Contact our Sales Team for availability on non-standard equal
UET/900/1050 300 900 1050 900 825 1800 1275
tee & unequal tee configurations.
ET/1050 300 1050 1050 900 900 1800 1425
Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees

Order details for equal tees are as follows:

Ladder Type / ET / Width / Radius / Material & Finish.
SW4/ET/450/300/SS Speedway SW4 Equal Tee, 450mm Wide,
300mm Radius, Stainless Steel.

Order details for unequal tees are as follows:

speedway equal & unequal tees

Ladder Type / UET / Main Width Wm / Branch Width Wb / Radius

Wb / Material & Finish.
Wm SW6/UET/900/600/900/G Speedway SW6 Unequal Tee,
75 75 X
900mm/600mm Wide, 900mm Radius, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
SW5/UET/300/750/450/XG Speedway SW5 Unequal Tee,
300mm/750mm Wide, 450mm Radius, Deep Galvanized Finish.

Speedway 450mm Radius Tees Speedway 600mm Radius Tees

Dimensions mm Dimensions mm
Part Number Type Part Number Type
R Wm Wb A B X Y R Wm Wb A B X Y
ET/150 450 150 150 600 600 1200 675 ET/150 600 150 150 750 750 1500 825
UET/300/150 450 300 150 600 675 1200 825 UET/300/150 600 300 150 750 825 1500 975
150mm Branch

150mm Branch
UET/450/150 450 450 150 600 750 1200 975 UET/450/150 600 450 150 750 900 1500 1125
UET/600/150 450 600 150 600 825 1200 1125 UET/600/150 600 600 150 750 975 1500 1275
UET/750/150 450 750 150 600 900 1200 1275 UET/750/150 600 750 150 750 1050 1500 1425
UET/900/150 450 900 150 600 975 1200 1425 UET/900/150 600 900 150 750 1125 1500 1575
UET/1050/150 450 1050 150 600 1050 1200 1575 UET/1050/150 600 1050 150 750 1200 1500 1725
UET/150/300 450 150 300 675 600 1350 675 UET/150/300 600 150 300 825 750 1650 825
ET/300 450 300 300 675 675 1350 825 ET/300 600 300 300 825 825 1650 975
300mm Branch

300mm Branch

UET/450/300 450 450 300 675 750 1350 975 UET/450/300 600 450 300 825 900 1650 1125
UET/600/300 450 600 300 675 825 1350 1125 UET/600/300 600 600 300 825 975 1650 1275
UET/750/300 450 750 300 675 900 1350 1275 UET/750/300 600 750 300 825 1050 1650 1425
UET/900/300 450 900 300 675 975 1350 1425 UET/900/300 600 900 300 825 1125 1650 1575
UET/1050/300 450 1050 300 675 1050 1350 1575 UET/1050/300 600 1050 300 825 1200 1650 1725
UET/150/450 450 150 450 750 600 1500 675 UET/150/450 600 150 450 900 750 1800 825
UET/300/450 450 300 450 750 675 1500 825 UET/300/450 600 300 450 900 825 1800 975
450mm Branch

450mm Branch

ET/450 450 450 450 750 750 1500 975 ET/450 600 450 450 900 900 1800 1125
UET/600/450 450 600 450 750 825 1500 1125 UET/600/450 600 600 450 900 975 1800 1275
UET/750/450 450 750 450 750 900 1500 1275 UET/750/450 600 750 450 900 1050 1800 1425
UET/3900/450 450 900 450 750 975 1500 1425 UET/3900/450 600 900 450 900 1125 1800 1575
UET/1050/450 450 1050 450 750 1050 1500 1575 UET/1050/450 600 1050 450 900 1200 1800 1725
UET/150/600 450 150 600 825 600 1650 675 UET/150/600 600 150 600 975 750 1950 825
UET/300/600 450 300 600 825 675 1650 825 UET/300/600 600 300 600 975 825 1950 975
600mm Branch

600mm Branch

UET/450/600 450 450 600 825 750 1650 975 UET/450/600 600 450 600 975 900 1950 1125
ET/600 450 600 600 825 825 1650 1125 ET/600 600 600 600 975 975 1950 1275
UET/750/600 450 750 600 825 900 1650 1275 UET/750/600 600 750 600 975 1050 1950 1425
UET/900/600 450 900 600 825 975 1650 1425 UET/900/600 600 900 600 975 1125 1950 1575
UET/1050/600 450 1050 600 825 1050 1650 1575 UET/1050/600 600 1050 600 975 1200 1950 1725
UET/150/750 450 150 750 900 600 1800 675 UET/150/750 600 150 750 1050 750 2100 825
UET/3000/750 450 300 750 900 675 1800 825 UET/3000/750 600 300 750 1050 825 2100 975
750mm Branch

750mm Branch

UET/450/750 450 450 750 900 750 1800 975 UET/450/750 600 450 750 1050 900 2100 1125
UET/600/750 450 600 750 900 825 1800 1125 UET/600/750 600 600 750 1050 975 2100 1275
ET/750 450 750 750 900 900 1800 1275 ET/750 600 750 750 1050 1050 2100 1425
UET/900/750 450 900 750 900 975 1800 1425 UET/900/750 600 900 750 1050 1125 2100 1575
UET/1050/750 450 1050 750 900 1050 1800 1575 UET/1050/750 600 1050 750 1050 1200 2100 1725
UET/150/900 450 150 900 975 600 1950 675 UET/150/900 600 150 900 1125 750 2250 825
UET/300/900 450 300 900 975 675 1950 825 UET/300/900 600 300 900 1125 825 2250 975
900mm Branch

900mm Branch

UET/450/900 450 450 900 975 750 1950 975 UET/450/900 600 450 900 1125 900 2250 1125
UET/600/900 450 600 900 975 825 1950 1125 UET/600/900 600 600 900 1125 975 2250 1275
UET/750/900 450 750 900 975 900 1950 1275 UET/750/900 600 750 900 1125 1050 2250 1425
ET/900 450 900 900 975 975 1950 1425 ET/900 600 900 900 1125 1125 2250 1575
UET/1050/900 450 1050 900 975 1050 1950 1575 UET/1050/900 600 1050 900 1125 1200 2250 1725
UET/150/1050 450 150 1050 1050 600 2100 675 UET/150/1050 600 150 1050 1200 750 2400 825
UET/300/1050 450 300 1050 1050 675 2100 825 UET/300/1050 600 300 1050 1200 825 2400 975
1050mm Branch

1050mm Branch

UET/450/1050 450 450 1050 1050 750 2100 975 UET/450/1050 600 450 1050 1200 900 2400 1125
UET/600/1050 450 600 1050 1050 825 2100 1125 UET/600/1050 600 600 1050 1200 975 2400 1275
UET/750/1050 450 750 1050 1050 900 2100 1275 UET/750/1050 600 750 1050 1200 1050 2400 1425
UET/900/1050 450 900 1050 1050 975 2100 1425 UET/900/1050 600 900 1050 1200 1125 2400 1575
27 ET/1050 450 1050 1050 1050 1050 2100 1575 ET/1050 600 1050 1050 1200 1200 2400 1725
Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees


Example of a Speedway unequal tee part number is as follows:

speedway equal & unequal tees

SW6/UET/600/900/900/XG Speedway SW6 Unequal Tee,
600/900mm Wide, 900mm Radius,
Wb Deep Galvanized Finish.
75 75 X

Speedway 750mm Radius Tees Speedway 900mm Radius Tees

Dimensions mm Dimensions mm
Part Number Type Part Number Type
R Wm Wb A B X Y R Wm Wb A B X Y
ET/150 750 150 150 900 900 1800 975 ET/150 900 150 150 1050 1050 2100 1125
UET/300/150 750 300 150 900 975 1800 1125 UET/300/150 900 300 150 1050 1125 2100 1275
150mm Branch

150mm Branch
UET/450/150 750 450 150 900 1050 1800 1275 UET/450/150 900 450 150 1050 1200 2100 1425
UET/600/150 750 600 150 900 1125 1800 1425 UET/600/150 900 600 150 1050 1275 2100 1575
UET/750/150 750 750 150 900 1200 1800 1575 UET/750/150 900 750 150 1050 1350 2100 1725
UET/900/150 750 900 150 900 1275 1800 1725 UET/900/150 900 900 150 1050 1425 2100 1875
UET/1050/150 750 1050 150 900 1350 1800 1875 UET/1050/150 900 1050 150 1050 1500 2100 2025
UET/150/300 750 150 300 975 900 1950 975 UET/150/300 900 150 300 1125 1050 2250 1125
ET/300 750 300 300 975 975 1950 1125 ET/300 900 300 300 1125 1125 2250 1275
300mm Branch

300mm Branch

UET/450/300 750 450 300 975 1050 1950 1275 UET/450/300 900 450 300 1125 1200 2250 1425
UET/600/300 750 600 300 975 1125 1950 1425 UET/600/300 900 600 300 1125 1275 2250 1575
UET/750/300 750 750 300 975 1200 1950 1575 UET/750/300 900 750 300 1125 1350 2250 1725
UET/900/300 750 900 300 975 1275 1950 1725 UET/900/300 900 900 300 1125 1425 2250 1875
UET/1050/300 750 1050 300 975 1350 1950 1875 UET/1050/300 900 1050 300 1125 1500 2250 2025
UET/150/450 750 150 450 1050 900 2100 975 UET/150/450 900 150 450 1200 1050 2400 1125
UET/300/450 750 300 450 1050 975 2100 1125 UET/300/450 900 300 450 1200 1125 2400 1275
450mm Branch

450mm Branch

ET/450 750 450 450 1050 1050 2100 1275 ET/450 900 450 450 1200 1200 2400 1425
UET/600/450 750 600 450 1050 1125 2100 1425 UET/600/450 900 600 450 1200 1275 2400 1575
UET/750/450 750 750 450 1050 1200 2100 1575 UET/750/450 900 750 450 1200 1350 2400 1725
UET/3900/450 750 900 450 1050 1275 2100 1725 UET/3900/450 900 900 450 1200 1425 2400 1875
UET/1050/450 750 1050 450 1050 1350 2100 1875 UET/1050/450 900 1050 450 1200 1500 2400 2025
UET/150/600 750 150 600 1125 900 2250 975 UET/150/600 900 150 600 1275 1050 2550 1125
UET/300/600 750 300 600 1125 975 2250 1125 UET/300/600 900 300 600 1275 1125 2550 1275
600mm Branch

600mm Branch

UET/450/600 750 450 600 1125 1050 2250 1275 UET/450/600 900 450 600 1275 1200 2550 1425
ET/600 750 600 600 1125 1125 2250 1425 ET/600 900 600 600 1275 1275 2550 1575
UET/750/600 750 750 600 1125 1200 2250 1575 UET/750/600 900 750 600 1275 1350 2550 1725
UET/900/600 750 900 600 1125 1275 2250 1725 UET/900/600 900 900 600 1275 1425 2550 1875
UET/1050/600 750 1050 600 1125 1350 2250 1875 UET/1050/600 900 1050 600 1275 1500 2550 2025
UET/150/750 750 150 750 1200 900 2400 975 UET/150/750 900 150 750 1350 1050 2700 1125
UET/3000/750 750 300 750 1200 975 2400 1125 UET/3000/750 900 300 750 1350 1125 2700 1275
750mm Branch

750mm Branch

UET/450/750 750 450 750 1200 1050 2400 1275 UET/450/750 900 450 750 1350 1200 2700 1425
UET/600/750 750 600 750 1200 1125 2400 1425 UET/600/750 900 600 750 1350 1275 2700 1575
ET/750 750 750 750 1200 1200 2400 1575 ET/750 900 750 750 1350 1350 2700 1725
UET/900/750 750 900 750 1200 1275 2400 1725 UET/900/750 900 900 750 1350 1425 2700 1875
UET/1050/750 750 1050 750 1200 1350 2400 1875 UET/1050/750 900 1050 750 1350 1500 2700 2025
UET/150/900 750 150 900 1275 900 2550 975 UET/150/900 900 150 900 1425 1050 2850 1125
UET/300/900 750 300 900 1275 975 2550 1125 UET/300/900 900 300 900 1425 1125 2850 1275
900mm Branch

900mm Branch

UET/450/900 750 450 900 1275 1050 2550 1275 UET/450/900 900 450 900 1425 1200 2850 1425
UET/600/900 750 600 900 1275 1125 2550 1425 UET/600/900 900 600 900 1425 1275 2850 1575
UET/750/900 750 750 900 1275 1200 2550 1575 UET/750/900 900 750 900 1425 1350 2850 1725
ET/900 750 900 900 1275 1275 2550 1725 ET/900 900 900 900 1425 1425 2850 1875
UET/1050/900 750 1050 900 1275 1350 2550 1875 UET/1050/900 900 1050 900 1425 1500 2850 2025
UET/150/1050 750 150 1050 1350 900 2700 975 UET/150/1050 900 150 1050 1500 1050 3000 1125
UET/300/1050 750 300 1050 1350 975 2700 1125 UET/300/1050 900 300 1050 1500 1125 3000 1275
1050mm Branch

1050mm Branch

UET/450/1050 750 450 1050 1350 1050 2700 1275 UET/450/1050 900 450 1050 1500 1200 3000 1425
UET/600/1050 750 600 1050 1350 1125 2700 1425 UET/600/1050 900 600 1050 1500 1275 3000 1575
UET/750/1050 750 750 1050 1350 1200 2700 1575 UET/750/1050 900 750 1050 1500 1350 3000 1725
UET/900/1050 750 900 1050 1350 1275 2700 1725 UET/900/1050 900 900 1050 1500 1425 3000 1875
ET/1050 750 1050 1050 1350 1350 2700 1875 ET/1050 900 1050 1050 1500 1500 3000 2025 28
Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees

speedway equal & unequal tees

Example of a Speedway equal tee part number is as follows:

SW5/ET/300/600/G Speedway SW5 Equal Tee, 300mm Wide,
Wb 600mm Radius, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
75 75 X

Speedway 1050mm Radius Tees Speedway 1200mm Radius Tees

Dimensions mm Dimensions mm
Part Number Type Part Number Type
R Wm Wb A B X Y R Wm Wb A B X Y
ET/150 1050 150 150 1200 1200 2400 1275 ET/150 1200 150 150 1350 1350 2700 1425
UET/300/150 1050 300 150 1200 1275 2400 1425 UET/300/150 1200 300 150 1350 1425 2700 1575
150mm Branch

150mm Branch
UET/450/150 1050 450 150 1200 1350 2400 1575 UET/450/150 1200 450 150 1350 1500 2700 1725
UET/600/150 1050 600 150 1200 1425 2400 1725 UET/600/150 1200 600 150 1350 1575 2700 1875
UET/750/150 1050 750 150 1200 1500 2400 1875 UET/750/150 1200 750 150 1350 1650 2700 2025
UET/900/150 1050 900 150 1200 1575 2400 2025 UET/900/150 1200 900 150 1350 1725 2700 2175
UET/1050/150 1050 1050 150 1200 1650 2400 2175 UET/1050/150 1200 1050 150 1350 1800 2700 2325
UET/150/300 1050 150 300 1275 1200 2550 1275 UET/150/300 1200 150 300 1425 1350 2850 1425
ET/300 1050 300 300 1275 1275 2550 1425 ET/300 1200 300 300 1425 1425 2850 1575
300mm Branch

300mm Branch

UET/450/300 1050 450 300 1275 1350 2550 1575 UET/450/300 1200 450 300 1425 1500 2850 1725
UET/600/300 1050 600 300 1275 1425 2550 1725 UET/600/300 1200 600 300 1425 1575 2850 1875
UET/750/300 1050 750 300 1275 1500 2550 1875 UET/750/300 1200 750 300 1425 1650 2850 2025
UET/900/300 1050 900 300 1275 1575 2550 2025 UET/900/300 1200 900 300 1425 1725 2850 2175
UET/1050/300 1050 1050 300 1275 1650 2550 2175 UET/1050/300 1200 1050 300 1425 1800 2850 2325
UET/150/450 1050 150 450 1350 1200 2700 1275 UET/150/450 1200 150 450 1500 1350 3000 1425
UET/300/450 1050 300 450 1350 1275 2700 1425 UET/300/450 1200 300 450 1500 1425 3000 1575
450mm Branch

450mm Branch

ET/450 1050 450 450 1350 1350 2700 1575 ET/450 1200 450 450 1500 1500 3000 1725
UET/600/450 1050 600 450 1350 1425 2700 1725 UET/600/450 1200 600 450 1500 1575 3000 1875
UET/750/450 1050 750 450 1350 1500 2700 1875 UET/750/450 1200 750 450 1500 1650 3000 2025
UET/3900/450 1050 900 450 1350 1575 2700 2025 UET/3900/450 1200 900 450 1500 1725 3000 2175
UET/1050/450 1050 1050 450 1350 1650 2700 2175 UET/1050/450 1200 1050 450 1500 1800 3000 2325
UET/150/600 1050 150 600 1425 1200 2850 1275 UET/150/600 1200 150 600 1575 1350 3150 1425
UET/300/600 1050 300 600 1425 1275 2850 1425 UET/300/600 1200 300 600 1575 1425 3150 1575
600mm Branch

600mm Branch

UET/450/600 1050 450 600 1425 1350 2850 1575 UET/450/600 1200 450 600 1575 1500 3150 1725
ET/600 1050 600 600 1425 1425 2850 1725 ET/600 1200 600 600 1575 1575 3150 1875
UET/750/600 1050 750 600 1425 1500 2850 1875 UET/750/600 1200 750 600 1575 1650 3150 2025
UET/900/600 1050 900 600 1425 1575 2850 2025 UET/900/600 1200 900 600 1575 1725 3150 2175
UET/1050/600 1050 1050 600 1425 1650 2850 2175 UET/1050/600 1200 1050 600 1575 1800 3150 2325
UET/150/750 1050 150 750 1500 1200 3000 1275 UET/150/750 1200 150 750 1650 1350 3300 1425
UET/3000/750 1050 300 750 1500 1275 3000 1425 UET/3000/750 1200 300 750 1650 1425 3300 1575
750mm Branch

750mm Branch

UET/450/750 1050 450 750 1500 1350 3000 1575 UET/450/750 1200 450 750 1650 1500 3300 1725
UET/600/750 1050 600 750 1500 1425 3000 1725 UET/600/750 1200 600 750 1650 1575 3300 1875
ET/750 1050 750 750 1500 1500 3000 1875 ET/750 1200 750 750 1650 1650 3300 2025
UET/900/750 1050 900 750 1500 1575 3000 2025 UET/900/750 1200 900 750 1650 1725 3300 2175
UET/1050/750 1050 1050 750 1500 1650 3000 2175 UET/1050/750 1200 1050 750 1650 1800 3300 2325
UET/150/900 1050 150 900 1575 1200 3150 1275 UET/150/900 1200 150 900 1725 1350 3450 1425
UET/300/900 1050 300 900 1575 1275 3150 1425 UET/300/900 1200 300 900 1725 1425 3450 1575
900mm Branch

900mm Branch

UET/450/900 1050 450 900 1575 1350 3150 1575 UET/450/900 1200 450 900 1725 1500 3450 1725
UET/600/900 1050 600 900 1575 1425 3150 1725 UET/600/900 1200 600 900 1725 1575 3450 1875
UET/750/900 1050 750 900 1575 1500 3150 1875 UET/750/900 1200 750 900 1725 1650 3450 2025
ET/900 1050 900 900 1575 1575 3150 2025 ET/900 1200 900 900 1725 1725 3450 2175
UET/1050/900 1050 1050 900 1575 1650 3150 2175 UET/1050/900 1200 1050 900 1725 1800 3450 2325
UET/150/1050 1050 150 1050 1650 1200 3300 1275 UET/150/1050 1200 150 1050 1800 1350 3600 1425
UET/300/1050 1050 300 1050 1650 1275 3300 1425 UET/300/1050 1200 300 1050 1800 1425 3600 1575
1050mm Branch

1050mm Branch

UET/450/1050 1050 450 1050 1650 1350 3300 1575 UET/450/1050 1200 450 1050 1800 1500 3600 1725
UET/600/1050 1050 600 1050 1650 1425 3300 1725 UET/600/1050 1200 600 1050 1800 1575 3600 1875
UET/750/1050 1050 750 1050 1650 1500 3300 1875 UET/750/1050 1200 750 1050 1800 1650 3600 2025

UET/900/1050 1050 900 1050 1650 1575 3300 2025 UET/900/1050 1200 900 1050 1800 1725 3600 2175
ET/1050 1050 1050 1050 1650 1650 3300 2175 ET/1050 1200 1050 1050 1800 1800 3600 2325
Speedway Crosses

Speedway crosses (C) are designed to create intersecting The radius of the Speedway cross is measured relative to the
coplanar connections between horizontal cable runs (ladder rung position. The width of the Speedway cross is measured
installed in horizontal plane) and between vertical cable runs along the length of the rung. These measurements ensure that
(ladder installed in vertical plane). the Speedway cross has an exact width and radius to match the
Speedway straight ladder and other Speedway fittings.
Speedway crosses are available in widths from 150mm to
1050mm as standard. Rungs in the Speedway crosses are spaced to give a maximum
linear distance of no more than 465mm between adjacent
Speedway crosses are available with standard radii of 300mm,
rungs/rungs on adjacent ladder and fittings.
450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm, & 1200mm. 300mm
radius crosses are stocked as standard and are supplied unless The rungs are orientated with the open face uppermost to suit
otherwise specified. the use of cleats and similar cable restraint devices. This allows
compliance with current recommendations for cable restraint,
The Speedway cross is manufactured with a repeatable and true
especially where cables are used which have a high potential
radius which eliminates the traditional approach of ‘make it fit’
fault current level.
during installation. Each radiused side wall has a 75mm straight
section at each end to facilitate connection to Speedway
straight ladder and other Speedway fittings using the standard
range of Speedway couplers.

Width 75 75 Width

speedway crosses
Speedway Cross
Speedway Cross All branches have identical widths
(300mm wide 300mm radius)

Equal crosses, where the branches have identical widths, are

supplied as standard. Short and long adjustable couplers, as
well as abrupt reducers, can be used to convert equal crosses
into unequal crosses. The short and long adjustable couplers
give maximum width reductions of 150mm and 300mm
respectively. Abrupt reducers can be used where larger width
reductions are required.
Consult our Sales Team on the availability of non-standard
crosses where differing branch widths and differing radii are
required to suit specific installation requirements

Speedway Cross
(600mm wide 300mm radius)

Short adjustable coupler (SAC)

used to create unequal cross 30
Speedway Crosses



75 75

Speedway Crosses Order details are as follows:

Dimensions mm
Part Number Type
R W A B X Y Ladder Type / C / Width / Radius / Material & Finish.
C/150/300 300 150 450 450 900 900
C/300/300 300 300 525 525 1050 1050 SW4/C/450/300/G Speedway SW4 Cross, 450mm Wide,
300mm Radius

C/450/300 300 450 600 600 1200 1200

C/600/300 300 600 675 675 1350 1350 300mm Radius, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
C/750/300 300 750 750 750 1500 1500
C/900/300 300 900 825 825 1650 1650 SW6/C/900/600/SS Speedway SW6 Cross, 900mm Wide,
C/1050/300 300 1050 900 900 1800 1800 600mm Radius, Stainless Steel.
speedway crosses

C/150/450 450 150 600 600 1200 1200

C/300/450 450 300 675 675 1350 1350 Contact our Sales Team for availability on non-standard cross
450mm Radius

C/450/450 450 450 750 750 1500 1500

C/600/450 450 600 825 825 1650 1650 configurations.
C/750/450 450 750 900 900 1800 1800
C/900/450 450 900 975 975 1950 1950
C/1050/450 450 1050 1050 1050 2100 2100
C/150/600 600 150 750 750 1500 1500 Examples of Speedway cross part numbers are as follows:
C/300/600 600 300 825 825 1650 1650
600mm Radius

C/450/600 600 450 900 900 1800 1800 SW6/C/300/600/XG Speedway SW6 Cross, 300mm Wide,
C/600/600 600 600 975 975 1950 1950 600mm Radius, Deep Galvanized Finish.
C/750/600 600 750 1050 1050 2100 2100
C/900/600 600 900 1125 1125 2250 2250
SW4/C/750/300/SS Speedway SW4 Cross, 750mm Wide,
C/1050/600 600 1050 1200 1200 2400 2400
C/150/750 750 150 900 900 1800 1800 300mm Radius, Stainless Steel.
C/300/750 750 300 975 975 1950 1950
750mm Radius

C/450/750 750 450 1050 1050 2100 2100

C/600/750 750 600 1125 1125 2250 2250
C/750/750 750 750 1200 1200 2400 2400
C/900/750 750 900 1275 1275 2550 2550
C/1050/750 750 1050 1350 1350 2700 2700
C/150/900 900 150 1050 1050 2100 2100
C/300/900 900 300 1125 1125 2250 2250
900mm Radius

C/450/900 900 450 1200 1200 2400 2400

C/600/900 900 600 1275 1275 2550 2550
C/750/900 900 750 1350 1350 2700 2700
C/900/900 900 900 1425 1425 2850 2850
C/1050/900 900 1050 1500 1500 3000 3000
C/150/1050 1050 150 1200 1200 2400 2400
1050mm Radius

C/300/1050 1050 300 1275 1275 2550 2550

C/450/1050 1050 450 1350 1350 2700 2700
C/600/1050 1050 600 1425 1425 2850 2850
C/750/1050 1050 750 1500 1500 3000 3000
C/900/1050 1050 900 1575 1575 3150 3150
C/1050/1050 1050 1050 1650 1650 3300 3300
C/150/1200 1200 150 1350 1350 2700 2700
1200mm Radius

C/300/1200 1200 300 1425 1425 2850 2850

C/450/1200 1200 450 1500 1500 3000 3000
C/600/1200 1200 600 1575 1575 3150 3150
C/750/1200 1200 750 1650 1650 3300 3300
C/900/1200 1200 900 1725 1725 3450 3450
31 C/1050/1200 1200 1050 1800 1800 3600 3600
Speedway Reducers

Speedway reducers are used to create coplanar reductions in

widths between straight ladders and between straight ladder
& fittings of the same ladder type, fulfilling the same role as
abrupt reducers and short/long adjustable couplers but using a
purpose-made fitting capable of self-support as part of a cable
Speedway straight reducers (RS reducer straight) are used to
create a concentric reduction, having an equal width reduction
along both sides. Left hand reducers (RL reducer left) and
right hand reducers (RR reducer right) are used to create offset
reductions to suit particular installation requirements. Left hand
reducers have the width reduction on the left when viewed Speedway SW4 Straight Reducer (SW4/RS)
from the primary width. Right hand reducers have the width Shown connecting two straight ladders
reduction on the right when viewed from the primary width.
Speedway reducers are available for widths of 150mm to
1050mm as standard. The widths of the Speedway reducer
are measured along the length of the two rungs. These
measurements ensure that the Speedway reducer has an
exact width to match the Speedway straight ladder and other
Speedway fittings. The Speedway reducer has an overall length
of 500mm irrespective of ladder type and width reduction.
Each reducer has two rungs as standard. The reducer rungs
are orientated with the open face uppermost to suit the use of
cleats and similar cable restraint devices. This allows compliance
Speedway Straight Reducer (RS)

speedway reducers
with current recommendations for cable restraint, especially
Reduces equally on both sides
where cables are used which have a high potential fault current

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / Reducer Type / Primary Width Wp / Secondary
Width Ws / Material & Finish
SW6/RR/450/300/SS Speedway SW6 Reducer Right, 450mm to
300mm Wide, Stainless Steel
SW4/RS/600/150/G Speedway SW6 Reducer Straight, 600mm
to 150mm Wide, Hot Dip Galvanized
Speedway Left Hand Reducer (RL)
Contact our Sales Team for availability on non-standard reducer Reduces on the left hand side

Primary Width

500mm Speedway Reducer Right (RR)

Secondary Width
Reduces on the right hand side 32
Speedway Reducers

Speedway Reducer Dimensions

Dimensions mm
Type Part Number X
Wp Ws Y
SW4 SW5 & SW6 X
RS/300/150 300 339 350 Wp
RS/450/150 450 489 500
RS/600/150 600 639 650
150 500
RS/750/150 750 789 800
RS/900/150 900 939 950
RS/1050/150 1050 1089 1100
RS/450/300 450 489 500
RS/600/300 600 639 650
Reducer Straight (RS)

RS/750/300 750 300 789 800 500

RS/900/300 900 939 950 Ws
RS/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 Y
RS/600/450 600 639 650
RS/750/450 750 789 800
450 500
RS/900/450 900 939 950
Speedway Straight Reducer (RS)
RS/1050/450 1050 1089 1100
RS/750/600 750 789 800 Example of a Speedway straight reducer is as follows:
RS/900/600 900 600 939 950 500
RS/1050/600 1050 1089 1100 SW5/RS/900/300/XG Speedway SW5 Reducer Straight, 900mm
RS/900/750 900
939 950
500 to 300mm, Deep Galvanized Finish
RS/1050/750 1050 1089 1100
RS/1050/900 1050 900 1089 1100 500
RL/300/150 300 339 350
RL/450/150 450 489 500
RL/600/150 600 639 650 Wp
150 500
RL/750/150 750 789 800
RL/900/150 900 939 950
RL/1050/150 1050 1089 1100
speedway reducers

RL/450/300 450 489 500

RL/600/300 600 639 650
RL/750/300 750 300 789 800 500
Reducer Left (RL)

RL/900/300 900 939 950

RL/1050/300 1050 1089 1100 Ws
RL/600/450 600 639 650
RL/750/450 750 789 800
450 500
RL/900/450 900 939 950
RL/1050/450 1050 1089 1100
Speedway Reducer Left (RL)
RL/750/600 750 789 800
RL/900/600 900 600 939 950 500 Example of a Speedway left hand reducer is as follows:
RL/1050/600 1050 1089 1100
RL/900/750 900
939 950
SW4/RL/1050/750/SS Speedway SW4 Reducer Left, 1050mm
RL/1050/750 1050 1089 1100
to 750mm, Stainless Steel
RL/1050/900 1050 900 1089 1100 500
RR/300/150 300 339 350
RR/450/150 450 489 500
RR/600/150 600 639 650
150 500
RR/750/150 750 789 800 X
RR/900/150 900 939 950
RR/1050/150 1050 1089 1100
RR/450/300 450 489 500
RR/600/300 600 639 650
Reducer Right (RR)

RR/750/300 750 300 789 800 500

RR/900/300 900 939 950
RR/1050/300 1050 1089 1100
RR/600/450 600 639 650
RR/750/450 750 789 800
450 500
RR/900/450 900 939 950
RR/1050/450 1050 1089 1100 Y
RR/750/600 750 789 800 Ws
RR/900/600 900 600 939 950 500
RR/1050/600 1050 1089 1100
RR/900/750 900 939 950 Speedway Reducer Right (RR)
750 500
RR/1050/750 1050 1089 1100
RR/1050/900 1050 900 1089 1100 500 Example of a Speedway right hand reducer is as follows:
SW6/RR/450/150/G Speedway SW6 Reducer Right, 450mm
to 150mm, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish

The Speedway cable ladder system is complimented by a

range of accessories designed to aid installation and to add
additional functionality & flexibility to the Speedway cable
ladder system.
From versatile fixing clamps and brackets to junction box
mounting plates and instrumentation tubing clamp plates,
the following accessories represent cost-effective & practical External Flange Clamp
solutions to most installation requirements.

External Flange Clamp (EFC)

The external flange clamp (EFC) forms a simple but effective
means of connecting Speedway cable ladder and fittings to the
supporting structure.
Designed for use with either channel (BS 6946 strut type) or
structural steelwork, the external flange clamp has an M10
clearance hole.
Forming a secure clamping attachment onto the bottom flange
of the Speedway profile, the external flange clamp can be used
with all Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladder and fittings.
The external flange clamp is suitable for securing horizontal runs External flange clamp

speedway accessories
used to secure cable ladder to channel section (strut type)
of Speedway cable ladder and fittings in the horizontal plane.
Safe working load 200kg per pair of external flange clamps
when supporting edge mounted Speedway cable ladder.
External flange clamps are not suitable for supporting D
Speedway cable ladder installed as part of a vertical run. C


Order details are as follows:

SW / EFC / Material & Finish.
SW/EFC/G Speedway External Flange Clamp, Hot Dip
Galvanized Finish.
External flange clamp
used to secure cable ladder to structural section
(requires M10 clearance hole or slot)

The following table gives the recommended fixing hole centres

and general dimensions when using external flange clamps.

Speedway External Flange Clamp Installation Details

Dimensions mm
Ladder Type
Speedway SW4 39.5 50 W+79 W+100
Speedway SW5
44.5 55 W+89 W+110
Speedway SW6
W = Ladder Width

Speedway Accessories

Adaptable Fixing Bracket (AFB) Adaptable fixing bracket (AFB)

Supplied with one ladder fixing
The Speedway adaptable fixing bracket (AFB) provides a
bolted connection between the supporting structure and the
Speedway cable ladder & fittings.
The adaptable fixing bracket is recommended for use in
supporting vertical runs of Speedway cable ladder and fittings
and for applications where the Speedway cable ladder is edge-
mounted (i.e. installed in the vertical plane running horizontally).
The adaptable fixing bracket gives multiple fixing options for Adaptable fixing bracket
attaching and securing Speedway cable ladder and fittings. used to secure Speedway
Adaptable fixing bracket cable ladder to channel
Forming a secure bolted connection into the lower row of slots, can be fitted internally
the adaptable fixing bracket is suitable for use with Speedway to save space

SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladder and fittings.

For those applications where space is limited, the adaptable
fixing bracket can be fitted internally within the Speedway cable
ladder. The unique design of the adaptable fixing bracket is
such that there is no decrease in the effective loading area of the
cable ladder when installed in this manner.
The adaptable fixing bracket can also be used singularly or in
Adaptable fixing bracket
pairs to suspend Speedway cable ladder from threaded rod. For
speedway accessories

used to secure Speedway

Speedway SW4 & SW5 cable ladder, the adaptable fixing bracket Adaptable fixing bracket cable ladder to structural
can be fitted internally steelwork
forms a simple but effective end connector to walls and floors. to save space

The adaptable fixing bracket is supplied with one ladder fixing

as standard.
Safe working load 300kg per pair of adaptable fixing brackets
when supporting edge mounted Speedway cable ladder.
Safe working load 215 kg per pair of adaptable fixing brackets
when supporting Speedway cable ladder installed as part of a
vertical run.
Order details are as follows: Adaptable fixing bracket used to secure
vertical Speedway SW4 or SW5 cable
SW / AFB / Material & Finish. ladder to threaded rod hangers

SW/AFB/SS Speedway Adaptable Fixing Bracket, Stainless Steel.

Additional ladder fixings can be ordered separately as follows:
389AA31 Speedway Ladder Fixing Set – Hot Dip Galvanized
Finish. Adaptable fixing bracket used in pairs
to secure Speedway cable ladder to
threaded rod hangers
389AA81 Speedway Ladder Fixing Set – Stainless Steel.
The following table gives the recommended fixing hole centres
and general dimensions when using adaptable fixing brackets.
Adaptable Fixing Bracket Installation Details
Installed Externally Installed Internally Adaptable fixing bracket used to
Ladder Type A B C D A B C D secure Speedway cable ladder to
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm threaded rod hangers
Speedway SW4 51 64.5 W+102 W+129 41.5 62.5 W-83 W+39
Speedway SW5
53.5 67 W+107 W+138 39.5 65 W-79 W+50
Speedway SW6
W = Ladder Width

Adaptable fixing bracket
used to secure Speedway
SW4 or SW5 cable ladder
to wall (or floor)

35 B W A
Adaptable fixing bracket located
Adaptable fixing bracket located
externally on cable ladder internally on cable ladder
Speedway Accessories

Speedway Hold Down Bracket (HDB) Angle Securing Bracket (ASB)

The Speedway hold down bracket (HDB) is a simple but effective The Speedway angle securing bracket (ASB) is designed to
means of securing Speedway cable ladder and fittings to the connect Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladder to supporting
supporting structure. The hold down bracket has a single M10 structural angles. The 40mm x 11.5mm slots in both faces of
clearance slot which allows for easy adjustment to suit pre- the angle securing bracket make installation quick & easy (M10
drilled fixing holes in the supporting structure. The hold down fixing recommended).
bracket is equally suited for installation on channel (BS 6946
strut type) or steelwork. Speedway Angle Securing Bracket Installation Details
Dimensions mm
Safe working load 135kg per pair of hold down brackets when Ladder Type A B C
supporting edge mounted Speedway cable ladder. Speedway SW4 W + 35 W + 85 24
Speedway SW5
W + 36 W + 86 24
Hold down brackets are not suitable for supporting Speedway Speedway SW6
cable ladder installed as part of a vertical run. W = Ladder Width

Speedway Hold Down Bracket Installation Details

Dimensions mm
Ladder Type
Speedway SW4 41.5 61.5 W+83 W+123
Speedway SW5
47 67 W+94 W+134
Speedway SW6
W = Ladder Width

speedway accessories

Speedway angle securing bracket fitted

onto Speedway cable ladder


Speedway Angle Securing

Bracket (ASB)

25mm x 11mm slot

Speedway Hold Down Bracket (HDB)


Order details are as follows:

SW / ASB / Material & Finish.

Speedway hold down bracket fitted onto

SW/ASB/SS Speedway Angle Securing Bracket, Stainless
Speedway cable ladder Steel.

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / HDB / Material & Finish.
SW5/HDB/G Speedway SW5 Hold Down Bracket, Hot Dip
Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Accessories

Structural Connector Bracket (SCB) Drop Out Bracket (DOB)

As an alternative to using a vertical adaptable coupler plate, The Speedway drop out bracket (DOB) facilitates connection of
the Speedway structural connector bracket (SCB) is specifically vertical ladder to horizontal ladder, allowing on-site use to form
designed for connecting Speedway cable ladder runs to walls vertical tee connections.
and floors.
Additional slots in the drop out bracket allow secondary tray
The structural connector bracket has two 11mm diameter and other items to be attached to the cable ladder.
(M10 clearance) fixing holes and is supplied complete with all
necessary ladder fixings.

Speedway Strucrural Connector Bracket Installation Details

Dimensions mm
Ladder Type
Speedway SW4 46.5 66.5 W+93 W+133 30
Speedway SW5 30
47 67 W+94 W+134
Speedway SW6 55
W = Ladder Width

Speedway drop out bracket securing a
vertical cable tray to a horizontal cable run
speedway accessories

B W A 11mm

Speedway Structural
Connector Bracket (SCB)

Speedway Drop Out Bracket (DOB)

Speedway structural connector bracket securing a

horizontal cable ladder to a wall

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / SCB / Material & Finish.
Speedway drop out bracket securing a vertical
SW6/SCB/G Speedway SW6 Structural Connector Bracket, cable ladder to a horizontal cable run

Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.

Order details are as follows:
Structural connector brackets for SW4 and SW5 are common,
order as follows: Ladder Type / DOB / Material & Finish.

37 SW4/5/SCB/SS Speedway SW4/5 Structural Connector Bracket,

Stainless Steel.
SW4/DOB/G Speedway SW4 Drop Out Bracket, Hot Dip
Galvanized Finish.
Speedway Accessories

Straight Ladder Divider (SL/DIV) Fitting Divider (FE/DIV)

Speedway straight ladder dividers (SL/DIV) are available for Speedway fitting dividers (FE/DIV) are available for cable
cable segregation and separation purposes along the length of segregation and separation purposes on fittings.
a cable run.
The Speedway fitting divider is supplied as a straight length and
Straight ladder dividers are available in three heights to suit is notched to allow for forming around flat elbows, tees, crosses,
Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladder. & reducers.
Straight ladder dividers are 1500mm in length and have a fully Speedway fitting dividers are available in three heights to suit
returned top edge to prevent damage to cables. Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladder fittings.
Speedway fitting dividers are 1500mm in length and have a fully
Speedway Straight Ladder Dividers returned top edge to prevent damage to cables.
Dimensions mm
Ladder Part No
Speedway Fitting Dividers
SW4 SW4/SL/DIV 70 Dimensions mm
Ladder Part No
SW5 SW5/SL/DIV 1500 85 20 1 L H F T
SW6 SW6/SL/DIV 110 SW4 SW4/FE/DIV 70
SW5 SW5/FE/DIV 1500 85 20 1
SW6 SW6/FE/DIV 110

Straight Ladder Divider

Fitting Divider (FE/DIV)

speedway accessories
supplied as straight length for
forming on site




Straight ladder divider as installed

on Speedway straight cable ladder

Fitting divider as installed on a

Order details are as follows: Speedway tee fitting

Ladder Type / SL / DIV / Material & Finish. Order details are as follows:
SW6/SL/DIV/S4 Speedway SW6 Straight Ladder Divider, 304 Ladder Type / FE / DIV / Material & Finish.
Grade Stainless Steel.
SW4/FE/DIV/G Speedway SW4 Straight Ladder Divider,
Straight ladder dividers are not supplied with fixings (3 required Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
per straight divider).
Fitting dividers are not supplied with fixings (minimum of 3
Recommended fixings – M6 channel nut and M6 x 12 pan head required per fitting divider).
screw (& M6 flat washer for stainless steel dividers). Consult our
Sales Team for further details. Recommended fixings – M6 channel nut and M6 x 12 pan head
screw (& M6 flat washer for stainless steel dividers).
Consult our Sales Team for further details.
Speedway Accessories

Riser Divider (SR/DIV) Cable Drop Out (CDO)

Speedway riser dividers (SR/DIV) are available for cable Speedway cable drop-outs (CDO) are designed to provide a
segregation and separation purposes on riser fittings. The smooth transition for cable, particularly those with a small
Speedway riser divider is suitable for use on inside and outside diameter, where these enter and leave the cable ladder.
risers as well as the articulated riser.
Cable drop-outs are available to suit Speedway cable ladder of
Speedway riser dividers are available in three heights to suit widths from 150mm to 1050mm as standard and are common
Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 risers. Riser dividers are 300mm in to all Speedway ladder types. Other widths are available
length and have a fully returned top edge to prevent damage to – contact our Sales Team for details.
Speedway Cable Drop Out Installation Details
Speedway Riser Dividers Dimensions mm
Dimensions mm Cable Drop Out Type
Ladder Part No
L H T SW/CDO/150 130 N/A
SW4 SW4/SR/DIV 70 SW/CDO/300 280 150
SW/CDO/450 430 300
SW5 SW5/SR/DIV 300 85 1
SW/CDO/600 120 60 580 450 95
SW6 SW6/SR/DIV 110 SW/CDO/750 730 600
SW/CDO/900 880 750
SW/CDO/1050 1030 900
SW/CDO/150 has a single central fixing slot

Cable Drop Out

speedway accessories


Riser Divider SR/DIV



Riser divider installed on a Speedway 90° Inside Riser

Order details are as follows:

Ladder Type / SR / DIV / Material & Finish.
SW5/SR/DIV/SS Speedway SW5 Riser Divider, Stainless Steel. Order details are as follows:
Riser dividers are not supplied with fixings (1 required per riser SW / CDO / Width / Material & Finish.
SW/CDO/750/G Speedway Cable Drop Out, 750mm Wide,
Recommended fixings – M6 channel nut and M6 x 12 pan head Hot Dip Galvanised Finish.
screw (& M6 flat washer for stainless steel dividers). Consult our
Cable drop-outs are not supplied with fixings. Recommended
Sales Team for further details.
fixings – M6 channel nut and M6 x 12 pan head screw (& M6 flat
39 The required number of riser dividers is dependant on the type
of riser in use. Consult our Sales Team for further details.
washer for stainless steel dividers). Consult our Sales Team for
further details.
Speedway Accessories

End Plate (EP)

Speedway end plates (EP) provide a neat termination for open
ends of cable ladders.
Speedway end plates are available in widths from 150mm to
1050mm as standard. Other widths are available – contact our
Sales Team for details.
Each Speedway end plate has 25mm x 11mm fixing slots at End plate shown securing
100mm centres which allow use for securing the cable ladder to cable ladder to wall (or floor for
vertical installation)
a wall or floor.
Speedway End Plate Installation Details Order details are as follows:
Dimensions mm
End Plate H Ladder Type / EP / Width / Material & Finish.
Type Number of
W W3 SW4 & T
SW6 Fixing Slots
SW5 SW6/EP/600/SS Speedway SW6 End Plate, 600mm Wide,
EP/150 150 172 2
EP/300 300 322 3 Stainless Steel.
EP/450 450 472 5
End plates for SW4 & SW5 are common, order as follows:
EP/600 600 622 80 105 2 6
EP/750 750 772 8 SW4/5/EP/G Speedway SW4/5 End Plate, Hot Dip
EP/900 900 922 9
Galvanized Finish.
EP/1050 1050 1072 11
W = Ladder Width
Earth Bonding Strap (EBS01)

speedway accessories
W3 The Speedway earth bonding strap (EBS01) is designed for
use in installations where an additional means of earthing or
electrical bonding is specified.
H The Speedway earth bonding strap comprises of a 16mm2
tinned copper braid crimped into M10 tinned copper end
The Speedway earth bonding strap is common to Speedway
SW4, SW5, & SW6.
Speedway earth bonding
End Plate (EP) strap as installed on a
supplied with ladder Speedway cable ladder

Speedway Earth
Bonding Strap

Order details are as follows:

EBS01 Speedway Earth Bonding Strap
Recommended fixings for the earth bonding strap are an M10
x 16 square shoulder bolt, M12 flat washer, and M10 hex nut.
These are available as a set, order details as follows:
389AA55 Speedway EBS01 Fixing Set – Hot Dip Galvanized
End plate shown closing end
of cable ladder run
389AA65 Speedway EBS01 Fixing Set – Stainless Steel.
Refer to the Technical Data section for full details on the
electrical continuity properties of the Speedway cable ladder
Speedway Accessories

Speedway Mounting Plate (SMP) Order details are as follows:

The Speedway mounting plate (SMP) provides a means of SW / SMP / Width / Material & Finish.
attaching junction boxes and other items to the Speedway cable
SW/SMP/450/G Speedway Mounting Plate, 450mm Wide,
ladder system.
Hot Dip Galvanised Finish.
Mounting plates are available to suit all Speedway cable ladder
Mounting plates are not supplied with ladder fixings.
widths up to & including 900mm for attachment across the face
Recommended fixings for attachment to Speedway rungs – M6
of the cable ladder.
channel nut & M6 x 12 pan head screw (plus M6 flat washer for
The 300mm Speedway mounting plate (SW/SMP/300/#) can also stainless steel). Recommended fixings for attaching across the
be attached between rungs on all widths of Speedway cable face of the Speedway cable ladder – M6 x 12 pan head screw &
ladder and can be mounted either within the cable space or M6 nut (plus M6 flat washer for stainless steel). Consult our Sales
below the cable ladder. Team for further details.
Alternative mounting plate designs can be manufactured to
Speedway Mounting Plate Dimensions
Dimensions mm special order – Consult our Design Team for further details.
Type X Y A B T
Protective End Caps (PEC)
SW/SMP/450 450 500 475 Protective end caps (PEC) are available for Speedway SW4, SW5,
100 60 2
SW/SMP/600 600 650 625
SW/SMP/750 750 800 775
& SW6 profiles.
SW/SMP/900 900 950 925
Manufactured in flexible yellow PVC material as standard,
the protective end cap provides a visible and safe means of
speedway accessories

identifying & covering the open ends of Speedway cable ladder

and fittings.
A low smoke/zero halogen version is available – contact our
Technical Team for details.

150mm Speedway Mounting Plate


300mm Speedway Mounting Plate


B Speedway SW5 Protective End Cap


Speedway SW6 Protective End Cap



Speedway SW4 Protective End Cap

Protective end caps installed on
Speedway SW4 cable ladder

Order details are as follows:

(two required per open end of ladder or fitting)
Ladder Type / PEC
300mm mounting plate 300mm mounting plate (SW/SMP/300)
41 (SW/SMP/300) shown installed shown installed across the face of 300mm
SW6/PEC Speedway SW6 Protective End Cap.
across rungs wide cable ladder
Speedway Accessories

Junction Box Plates (JBP)

Speedway junction box plates (JBP) provide a versatile means
of attaching junction boxes, switches, and other equipment
directly onto Speedway cable ladder and fittings.
Junction box plates are available in five standard sizes to suit all
secondary equipment mounting requirements.

Junction Box Plates

Dimensions mm
Type No of fixings
JBP01 160 165 120 2 2
JBP02 210 215 120 2 2
JBP03 310 315 120 3 3
JBP04 65 90 47 2 1 Junction Box Plate
JBP05 150 110 120 2 2 JBP02

Alternative junction box plates can be produced to suit specific

site installation requirements – consult our Design Team for Junction Box Plate
further details. JBP03

speedway accessories
Junction Box Plate

Junction Box Plate


Junction Box Plate JBP05 shown mounted in three

Junction Box Plate JBP01 shown mounted in two possible orientations on Speedway cable ladder
possible orientations on Speedway cable ladder

Order details are as follows:

SW / JBP Type / Material & Finish.
SW6/JBP02/SS Speedway Junction Box Plate 02, Stainless Steel.
Junction box plates are not supplied with ladder fixings.
Recommended fixings for attachment to Speedway cable ladder
– M6 x 12 pan head screw and M6 nut (& M6 flat washer for
stainless steel). Consult our Sales Team for further details.
Junction Box Plate 42
Speedway Accessories

Tube Clamp Plates (TCP) Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP03

For direct fixing, for use with Speedway SW4, SW5 &
Speedway tube clamp plates (TCP) are specifically designed for SW6, and for attachment to strut & Speedway rungs.
Supplied complete with ladder fixings
use with tubing clamp systems which require 7mm wide fixing
slots at 20mm or 40mm slot centres. The slots in the tube clamp
plates are either 20mm x 7mm (TCP01, TCP02, & TCP03) or 35mm
x 7mm (TCP04, & TCP05).


& 35mm 20mm

The tube clamp plates will allow easy and convenient routing of
both instrumentation tubing and cables on the same Speedway
cable ladder run.
All tube clamp plates (except TCP04) have additional M6
clearance fixing holes to allow for securing to any suitable flat
surface and have square fixing slots to facilitate attachment to
speedway accessories

the side wall of the Speedway cable ladder system using the
Speedway Tube Clamp
standard Speedway cable ladder fixing set. Plate TCP03 shown fixed to
Speedway cable ladder rungs
Tube clamp plate TCP03 is also suitable for attachment to
channel (strut type) and will attach directly to the Speedway
rung – this will allow routing of instrumentation tubing
both within the cable space and along the underside of the
Speedway cable ladder. Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP04
For direct fixing or for use with Speedway
Tube clamp plate TCP04 is suitable for attachment to the side of SW4, SW5 & SW6. Supplied complete
with ladder fixings.
Speedway SW4, SW5, & SW6 cable ladders.
Tube clamp plate TCP05 is designed specifically for use with
Speedway SW6 cable ladder.

Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP01

For direct fixing or for use with Speedway
SW4, SW5 & SW6. Supplied complete
with ladder fixings

Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP05

For direct fixing or for use with
Speedway SW6. Supplied complete
with ladder fixings

Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP02

For direct fixing or for use with Speedway
SW4, SW5 & SW6. Supplied complete
with ladder fixings

Order details are as follows:

SW / Tube Clamp Plate Type / Material & Finish.

43 SW/TCP03/SS Speedway Tube Clamp Plate TCP03,

Stainless Steel.
Speedway Accessories

Insulating Assemblies
A comprehensive range of nylon insulating assemblies are
available to suit those installations where there is a requirement
to provide electrical separation between the Speedway cable
ladder system and the support structure. A typical example is
a stainless steel Speedway cable ladder system mounted on 3A
galvanised or painted steel supports.
The insulating assembly is based on nylon base pads, nylon
bushes, and nylon washers which, when used with the
Speedway external flange clamp or the Speedway adaptable
fixing bracket, totally encapsulate the fixings and provide Insulating Assembly Detail
External Flange Clamp
electrical separation between the Speedway cable ladder (EFC)
system and the supporting structure. 5

Insulating Assembly Components- External Flange Clamp (EFC)
Item Part Number Description 2
1 318AK$$ M10 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel
2 315AE90 M10 Flat Washer Stainless Steel 7
3A SW/EFC/SS Speedway External Flange Clamp Stainless Steel 1
4A 315AN10 Nylon Pad (66.5 x 50 x 4mm)
5 315AN01-## Nylon Bush - Length = ##
6 315AE05 M10 Flat Washer Nylon 2
7 315AD90 M10 Hex Nut Stainless Steel

speedway accessories
Insulating Assembly Components- Hold Down Bracket (HDB)
Item Part Number Description
1 318AK$$ M10 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel
2 315AE90 M10 Flat Washer Stainless Steel 4B
3B SW/HDB/SS Speedway Hold Down Bracket Stainless Steel
4B 315AN18 Nylon Pad (75 x 50 x 4mm)
5 315AN01-## Nylon Bush - Length = ##
6 315AE05 M10 Flat Washer Nylon Insulating Assembly Detail
7 315AD90 M10 Hex Nut Stainless Steel Hold Down Bracket
5 (HDB)

Insulating Assembly Components- Adaptable Fixing Bracket (AFB) 6

Item Part Number Description 1
1 318AK$$ M10 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel 2
2 315AE90 M10 Flat Washer Stainless Steel
3C SW/EFC/SS Speedway External Flange Clamp Stainless Steel 7 2
4C 315AN12 Nylon Pad (80 x 55 x 4mm)
5 315AN01-## Nylon Bush - Length = ##
6 315AE05 M10 Flat Washer Nylon
7 315AD90 M10 Hex Nut Stainless Steel

$$ - Thread length code. See table below.

## = Thickness of supporting steelwork in mm.
The minimum thread length for the 318AK$$ M10 fixing bolt is
22mm plus the thickness of the supporting steelwork. Refer to 4C
the table below for details of the fixing bolts.

318AK$$ Fixing Bolt Details

Part Number Thread Length Description Insulating Assembly Detail
318AK82 25mm M10 x 25 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel Adaptable Fixing Bracket 5
318AK83 30mm M10 x 30 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel (AFB)
318AK84 35mm M10 x 35 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel 6
318AK85 40mm M10 x 40 Hex Head Set Screw Stainless Steel
The length of the 315AN01-## nylon bush is the thickness of the Thread ## 7
supporting steelwork. For example, 315AN01-10 has a length of Length
10mm to suit 10mm thick steelwork. The nylon bush requires a mm
17mm diameter hole in the supporting steelwork.
M10 Fixing Bolt 318AK$$ Nylon Bush 315AN01-##
Consult our Design Team for details of insulating assemblies to Minimum Thread Length =
22mm + Steel Thickness mm
Nylon Bush Length ## =
Steel Thickness mm
suit channel (BS 6946 strut type) and rolled hollow sections.
Speedway Supports

A range of supports and accessories compliment the For stainless steel, prefix AH with X as follows:
Speedway cable ladder system. General purpose single
340XAH11 Single Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket,
and double channel cantilevers, heavy duty props, heavy
300mm Long, Stainless Steel.
duty cantilevers, and a comprehensive channel (strut
type) support system manufactured to BS 6946 with a full For other cantilever arm lengths, suffix 340AH or 340XAH with
range of beam clamps and interconnecting brackets offer the required cantilever arm length in mm, for example:
solutions to suit all particular site requirements.
340XAH1500 Double Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket,
Cantilever Arm Bracket – Single Channel (340AH) 1500mm Length, Stainless Steel.

The single channel cantilever arm bracket (340AH) is suitable

for supporting light to medium loads. The single channel
Single Channel Cantilever
cantilever arm bracket is available in lengths from 150mm to Arm Bracket
1200mm for supporting Speedway cable ladder and cable 340AH
tray. Where heavier load carrying performance is required, the
single channel cantilever arm bracket can be reinforced using a
cantilever arm prop (340PA).
The single channel cantilever arm bracket, based on a
conventional strut profile, is suitable for use with both external
flange clamps (SW/EFC/#), adaptable fixing brackets (SW/AFB/#)
340AH cantilever arm
and hold down brackets (SW/HDB/#). bracket supporting
8 Speedway
The loading table below gives the recommended maximum cable ladder
load for each size of single channel cantilever arm bracket for
supporting uniformly distributed loads (UDL) such as cable
tray or for supporting Speedway cable ladder (which should
be uniformly loaded to apply two equal point loads onto the 95
speedway supports

cantilever arm).
340AH Dimensions & Safe Working Loads 15
Arm Maximum Ladder Maximum
Length L UDL Width Ladder Load
(mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)
340AH10 150 363 --- ---
340AH11 300 182 150 145
340AH12 450 121 300 104 Typical pendant assembly comprising
of 340AH cantilever arm brackets
340AH13 600 91 450
340AH14 750 59 600
340AH15 900 41 750
340AH16 1050 900
340AH17 1200 1050
Factor of Safety = 3.
Shaded details – use not recommended without use of prop (340PA) L L
Longer cantilever arm lengths are available for use as part of a
pendant assembly where the single channel cantilever arm is
suspended vertically to create a support system in conjunction
with cantilever arm brackets as shown opposite. Consult our
Design Team for loading information.
Order details are as follows:
340AH Single Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket. 340AH Cantilever with 340AH Cantilever with
Adaptable Fixing Brackets Adaptable Fixing Brackets
installed externally installed internally
340AH13 Single Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket, 600mm Long,
Hot Dip Galvanized Finish. L L
340AH Speedway Fixing Details W W
Ladder Type SW4 SW5 SW6
A W + 102mm W + 107mm
B W - 83mm W - 79mm
C W + 79mm W + 89mm
D W + 123mm W + 134mm C D

45 L W + 150mm
W = Ladder Width mm
340AH Cantilever with 340AH Cantilever with
External Flange Clamps Hold Down Brackets
Speedway Supports

Cantilever Arm – Double Channel (340AU) For stainless steel, prefix AU with X as follows:

The double channel cantilever arm bracket (340AU) is suitable 340XAU15 Double Channel Cantilever, 900mm Long,
for supporting medium to heavy loads. The double channel Stainless Steel.
cantilever arm bracket is available in lengths from 150mm to
For other cantilever arm lengths, suffix 340AU or 340XAU with
1200mm for supporting Speedway cable ladder and cable tray.
the required cantilever arm length in mm, for example:
Where heavier load carrying performance is required, the double
channel cantilever bracket can be reinforced using a cantilever 340XAU1500 Double Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket,
arm prop (340PA). 1500mm Length, Stainless Steel.

The double channel cantilever arm bracket, based on

conventional back to back strut profiles, is suitable for use with
Double Channel Cantilever
Speedway external flange clamps (SW/EFC/#), adaptable fixing
Arm Bracket
brackets (SW/AFB/#) and hold down brackets (SW/HDB/#). 340AH

The loading table below gives the recommended maximum

load for each size of double channel cantilever arm bracket for L
supporting uniformly distributed loads (UDL) such as cable
tray or for supporting Speedway cable ladder (which should
be uniformly loaded to apply two equal point loads onto the
cantilever arm).
340AU cantilever arm
bracket supporting
340AU Dimensions & Safe Working Loads 8
cable ladder
Maximum Maximum
Arm Length Ladder Width
Cantilever UDL Ladder
L (mm) mm 127
kg kg
340AU10 150 997 --- ---
340AU11 300 498 150 398

speedway supports
340AU12 450 332 300 285
340AU13 600 249 450 221
340AU14 750 199 600 181
340AU15 900 166 750 153
340AU16 1050 142 900 133
340AU17 1200 118 1050 117
Typical pendant assembly comprising
Factor of Safety = 3 of 340AU cantilever arm brackets

Longer cantilever arm lengths are available for use as part of

a pendant assembly where the double channel cantilever arm
bracket is suspended vertically to create a support system in
conjunction with cantilever arms as shown opposite. Consult L L
our Design Team for loading information. W W

Order details are as follows:

340AU Double Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket.
340AU11 Double Channel Cantilever Arm Bracket, 600mm
Long, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.

340AU Speedway Fixing Details 340AU Cantilever with 340AU Cantilever with
Adaptable Fixing Brackets Adaptable Fixing Brackets
Ladder Type SW4 SW5 SW6
installed externally installed internally
A W + 102mm W + 107mm
B W - 83mm W - 79mm
C W + 79mm W + 89mm
D W + 123mm W + 134mm
L W + 150mm
W = Ladder Width mm

340AU Cantilever with 340AU Cantilever with 46
External Flange Clamps Hold Down Brackets
Speedway Supports

Cantilever Arm Prop (340PA)

Cantilever Arm Prop
The cantilever arm prop (340PA) is used where there is a 340PA
requirement to increase the effective safe working loads of
single channel cantilever arm brackets (340AH type) and double
channel cantilever arm brackets (340AU type). The cantilever
arm prop is particularly effective when used to reinforce
cantilever arm brackets carrying the heavier duty Speedway
cable ladders with their correspondingly higher load bearing
The cantilever arm prop is available in three sizes:

Cantilever Arm Prop 340PA X

Part Number Cantilever Length

340PA02 300mm & 450mm

340PA04 600mm & 750mm
340PA06 900mm & 1050mm
The table below gives the fixing centres and recommended
maximum safe working load for each size of cantilever arm prop
when supporting Speedway cable ladder.

340PA Dimensions & Safe Working Loads

Prop Fixing
Maximum Ladder Load
Cantilever Centres
Prop Type Length Single Double
(mm) Channel kg Channel kg
(mm) (mm)
speedway supports

Cantilever Cantilever
300 120 189.5 340AH11 748 340AU11 2136
450 120 189.5 340AH12 238 340AU12 680
600 315 527 340AH13 1587 340AU13 4531
750 315 527 340AH14 286 340AU14 817
900 425 718 340AH15 369 340AU15 1053
340PA06 1050 425 718 340AH16 179 340AU16 512
1200 425 718 340AH17 118 340AU17 338
Factor of Safety = 3

Other cantilever arm props are available to suit specific site

installation requirements – consult our Design Team for further
details. Cantilever Arm Prop
340PA01 fitted to 340AU11
Where used with340AH single channel cantilever arm brackets, cantilever arm bracket

it will be necessary to drill the single channel to accept a fixing

for the cantilever arm prop.
Order details are as follows:
340PA type
340PA02 Cantilever Arm Prop Type 02, Hot Dip Galvanized
For stainless steel, prefix PA with X as follows:
340XPA03 Cantilever Arm Prop Type 03, Stainless Steel.
Cantilever arm props are not supplied with fixings – consult our
Sales Team for recommendations.

Cantilever Arm Prop

340PA06 fitted to 340AU type
cantilever arm pendant assembly

Speedway Supports

Heavy Duty Cantilever (HDC)

The Speedway heavy duty cantilever (HDC) provides a specific Speedway Heavy Duty Cantilever (HDC)
means of supporting Speedway cable ladder on vertical fixed (SW/HDC/600 shown)

structures or channel (strut type) uprights.

The heavy duty cantilevers are available to suit Speedway SW4,
SW5 & SW6 cable ladders for all widths up to and including
900mm wide.
Each heavy duty cantilever has fixing slots to accept the
Speedway external flange clamps (SW/EFC), adaptable fixing
brackets (SW/AFB) and hold down brackets (SW/HDB). The slot
pattern allows the adaptable fixing bracket to be fitted either
internally or externally on the Speedway cable ladder.
The heavy duty cantilever arm back plate has a minimum of
two 15mm diameter fixing holes (see table below for details) to
accept fixings up and including M14.
The loading table below gives the recommended maximum Speedway Heavy Duty
load for each size of heavy duty cantilever arm for supporting Cantilever (HDC)
(SW/HDC/300 shown)
uniformly distributed loads (UDL) such as cable tray or for
supporting Speedway cable ladder (which should be uniformly
loaded to apply two equal point loads onto the cantilever arm).

Speedway Heavy Duty Cantilevers - Safe Working Loads

Speadway Heavy Duty Cantilever
Arm Length Maximum Load kg
Part Number Ladder size (450mm to 900mm)
mm UDL Ladder

speedway supports
SW/HDC/150 150 300 629 315
SW/HDC/300 300 450 419 210
SW/HDC/450 450 600 496 248 L
SW/HDC/600 600 750 690 345 B
SW/HDC/750 750 900 871 435
SW/HDC/900 900 1050 1045 522 A
Factor of Safety = 3

Heavy duty cantilevers with non-standard arm lengths and

alternative fixing slot configurations are available – consult our
Design Team for further information.
Installation dimensions are given in the following table. L

Speedway Heavy Duty Cantilevers - Installation Details Speadway Heavy Duty Cantilever
Ladder Dimensions mm (150mm to 300mm)
Part Number No of
Width mm L A B
Holes 15mm
SW/HDC/150 150 300 2 70 N/A
SW/HDC/300 300 450 2 70 N/A
SW/HDC/450 450 600 3 55 40
SW/HDC/600 600 750 3 105 40 SW/HDC/600 Heavy Duty Cantilever
SW/HDC/750 750 900 3 155 40 shown supporting Speedway SW5/
SL/600 cable ladder
SW/HDC/900 900 1050 3 205 40

Order details are as follows:

SW / HDC / Ladder Width / Material & Finish.
SW/HDC/450/SS Speedway Heavy Duty Cantilever, 450mm
Wide, Stainless Steel.
Contact our Sales Team for order details for non-standard heavy
duty cantilevers.
Heavy duty cantilevers are not supplied with fixings – consult
our Sales Team for recommendations.
Speedway Supports

Ladder Trapeze Hanger (LTH) Speedway Ladder Trapeze Hanger

The Speedway ladder trapeze hanger (LTH) provides a dedicated
and effective means of installing Speedway cable ladder using a
trapeze support arrangement.
Each ladder trapeze hanger has fixing slots to accept the
Speedway external flange clamps (SW/EFC), adaptable fixing
brackets (SW/AFB) and hold down brackets (SW/HDB). The slot
pattern allows the adaptable fixing bracket to be fitted either
internally or externally on the cable ladder.
The ladder trapeze hanger has 25 x 13.5 end slots to suit the
use of M10 or M12 threaded rod hangers. M10 threaded rod B
hangers can also be utilised for securing the Speedway cable
ladder using Speedway external flange clamps (SW/EFC),
adaptable fixing brackets (SW/AFB) and hold down brackets
The loading table below gives the recommended maximum L
load for each size of ladder trapeze hanger when used with 30 11
Speedway cable ladder (which should be uniformly loaded to
apply two equal point loads onto the ladder trapeze hanger). 30
Speedway Ladder Trapeze Hanger - Safe Working Loads
Ladder Width Ladder Load
Part Number
mm kg
SW/LTH/150 150 1137
SW/LTH/300 300 1039
speedway supports

SW/LTH/450 450 994

SW/LTH/600 600 969
SW/LTH/750 750 952
SW/LTH/900 900 941
SW/LTH/1050 1050 917
Ladder trapeze hanger suspended on M10
Factor of Safety = 3 threaded rod. Adaptable fixing bracket (SW/
AFB) secured using same threaded rod

Non-standard ladder trapeze hangers and alternative fixing

slot configurations are available – consult our Design Team for
further information.
Installation dimensions are given in the following table.

Speedway Ladder Trapeze Hanger - Installation Details

Ladder Width Dimensions mm
Part Number
mm L X Y A B
Ladder trapeze hanger suspended on
SW/LTH/150 150 370 40 75 243 325 M12 threaded rod. Adaptable fixing
SW/LTH/300 300 520 40 75 393 475 bracket (SW/AFB) secured using M10
SW/LTH/450 450 670 40 75 543 625 fixings
SW/LTH/600 600 820 40 75 693 775
SW/LTH/750 750 970 40 75 843 925
SW/LTH/900 900 1120 40 75 993 1075
SW/LTH/1050 1050 1270 40 75 1143 1225

Order details are as follows:

SW / LTH / Ladder Width / Material & Finish.
The maximum safe working load is
based on securing the ladder support SW/LTH/600/G Speedway Ladder Trapeze Hanger, 600mm
channel using four hex nuts and flat Wide, Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.
washers for each hanger rod as shown.
Contact our Sales Team for order details for non-standard ladder
support channels.

49 Ladder support channels are not supplied with fixings – consult

our Sales Team for recommendations.
Speedway Supports

Trapeze Support Channel (TSC)

The Speedway trapeze support channel (TSC) provides a Speedway Trapeze Support Channel
versatile means of installing Speedway cable ladder using a
trapeze support arrangement.
Based on slotted deep channel (strut type) to BS6946, the
Speedway trapeze support channel has 26 x 13 slots at
50mm pitch and is suited to either M10 or M12 threaded rod
hangers. The slotted deep channel is supplied to an exact size
to suit each width of Speedway cable ladder and has the slots
arranged uniformly along the length of the channel to simplify
The continuous open slot on the trapeze support channel 13
facilitates the use of either Speedway external flange clamps
(SW/EFC), adaptable fixing brackets (SW/AFB) or hold down
brackets (SW/HDB) for securing the Speedway cable ladder. L

The loading table below gives the recommended maximum

load for each size of trapeze support channel when used with
Speedway cable ladder (which should be uniformly loaded to
apply two equal point loads onto the ladder trapeze hanger).
Speedway Trapeze Support Channel - Safe Working Loads
Part Number Ladder size Ladder Load kg 50 A
SW/TSC/150 150 321

speedway supports
SW/TSC/300 300 322
SW/TSC/450 450 323
SW/TSC/600 600 324
SW/TSC/750 750 324
SW/TSC/900 900 325
Trapeze support channel suspended on
SW/TSC/1050 1050 325 M10 threaded rod and supporting
Factor of Safety = 3 Speedway SW5 cable ladder

Consult our Design Team for loading information on non-

standard trapeze support channels and non uniform loading
Non-standard ladder trapeze hangers and alternative fixing
slot configurations are available – consult our Design Team for
further information.
Installation dimensions are given in the following table.

Speedway Trapeze Support Channel - Installation Details

Ladder Dimensions mm
Part Number
Width mm L X Y A
SW/TSC/150 150 350 41.3 41.3 300
SW/TSC/300 300 500 41.3 41.3 450
SW/TSC/450 450 650 41.3 41.3 600 Order details are as follows:
SW/TSC/600 600 800 41.3 41.3 750
SW/TSC/750 750 950 41.3 41.3 900
SW / TSC / Ladder Width / Material & Finish.
SW/TSC/900 900 1100 41.3 41.3 1050
SW/TSC/1050 1050 1250 41.3 41.3 1200
SW/TSC/750/SS Speedway Ladder Trapeze Hanger, 600mm
Wide, Stainless Steel.
Contact our Sales Team for order details for non-standard ladder
support channels.
Ladder support channels are not supplied with fixings – consult 50
our Sales Team for recommendations.
Speedway Supports

Heavy Duty Trapeze Support Channel (THC)

Speedway Heavy Duty Trapeze Support Channel
The Speedway heavy duty trapeze support channel (THC) (SW/THC)
provides a versatile means of installing Speedway cable ladder
using trapeze support arrangements.
Based on slotted back-to-back deep channel (strut type) to BS
6946, the Speedway heavy duty trapeze support channel has
26 x 13 slots at 50mm pitch and is suited to either M10 or M12
threaded rod hangers. The slotted deep back-to-back channel is
supplied to an exact size to suit each width of Speedway cable
ladder and has the slots arranged uniformly along the length of
the channel to simplify installation.
The continuous open slot on the heavy duty trapeze support 13
channel facilitates the use of either Speedway external flange
clamps (SW/EFC), adaptable fixing brackets (SW/AFB) or hold
down brackets (SW/HDB) for securing the Speedway cable L
ladder. Additional equipment can be attached to the underside
of the heavy duty support channel – consult our Design Team
for further details.
The loading table below gives the recommended maximum
load for each size of heavy duty trapeze support channel when
used with Speedway cable ladder (which should be uniformly Y
loaded to apply two equal point loads onto the heavy duty 25
trapeze hanger). 50 A
speedway supports

Speedway Heavy Duty Trapeze Support Channel - Safe Working Loads

Part Number Ladder size Ladder Load kg
SW/THC/150 150 912
Heavy Duty trapeze support channel
SW/THC/300 300 914 suspended on M10 threaded rod and supporting
SW/THC/450 450 917 Speedway SW5 cable ladder
SW/THC/600 600 919
SW/THC/750 750 920
SW/THC/900 900 921
SW/THC/1050 1050 922
Factor of Safety = 3

Consult our Design Team for loading information on non-

standard heavy duty trapeze support channels and non uniform
loading configurations.
Non-standard heavy duty trapeze hangers and alternative fixing
slot configurations are available – consult our Design Team for
further information.
Installation dimensions are given in the following table.

Speedway Heavy Duty Trapeze Support Channel - Installation Details

Order details are as follows:
Ladder Dimensions mm SW / THC / Ladder Width / Material & Finish.
Part Number
Width mm L X Y A
SW/THC/150 150 350 41.3 82.6 300 SW/THC/300/SS Speedway Heavy Duty Trapeze Hanger,
SW/THC/300 300 500 41.3 82.6 450 300mm Wide, Stainless Steel.
SW/THC/450 450 650 41.3 82.6 600
SW/THC/600 600 800 41.3 82.6 750 Contact our Sales Team for order details for non-standard ladder
SW/THC/750 750 950 41.3 82.6 900
SW/THC/900 900 1100 41.3 82.6 1050 support channels.
SW/THC/1050 1050 1250 41.3 82.6 1200
51 Ladder support channels are not supplied with fixings – consult
our Sales Team for recommendations.
Speedway Covers

Three types of covers are available for the Speedway cable
ladder system:
Closed Covers (CC) – Closed covers fit directly onto the side Straight Ladder
walls of the Speedway ladder & fittings to provide mechanical Closed Cover
protection and shielding for cables and other equipment within
the cable space.
Ventilated Covers (CV) – Ventilated covers are similar to
closed covers but with the addition of louvers for improved air
flow through the cable space. Ventilated covers are particularly
useful where heavy duty power cables are being used. Straight Ladder
Vented Cover
Peaked Covers (CP) – Peaked covers are closed covers which
are formed into a peak with an overall height of 50mm to shed
sand, snow, water, etc. Peaked covers are only available for
straight covers as standard – consult our Design Team for details
of peaked covers for fittings.
Straight Ladder
All Speedway covers feature integral joint strips and pre-formed Peaked Cover
M6 threaded fixing holes which allow for quick and easy
connection between adjacent covers. Straight ladder covers
have an integral joint strip at one end whereas covers for fittings
have integral joint strips on each end. Each cover is supplied
with the required number of cover to cover joint fixings and
cover installation fixings as standard (see next page for details).
Closed and ventilated covers of widths 450mm and above are
supplied complete with bracing kits (see next page for details). Integral Joint Strip Detail -
Straight Ladder Riser Closed Cover
Covers are supplied as standard in the gauges given in the Supplied flat for forming on site

speedway covers
Covers for straight ladder have an
following table. Other gauges up to and including 2mm are integral joint strip on one end
available to order.

Standard Cover Gauges

Material Gauge
Pre-galvanised (indoor use only) 1.0mm
Hot Dip Galvanised 1.2mm
Stainless Steel 1.0mm

Integral Joint Strip Detail - Fittings

Covers for fittings have an integral joint
600mm Wide 300mm Radius
strip on each end Flat Elbow Closed Cover
Straight ladder covers are supplied in lengths of 1.5m (excluding
the integral joint strip) and, for gauges of up to and including
Order details are as follows:
1.2mm, have fully returned edges along the length of the cover.
Covers to suit all Speedway products except risers – do not
Covers for fittings are supplied to the exact size of the fitting
include ladder type:
and, for riser covers of gauges of up to and including 1.2mm,
have fully returned edges along the full length of the cover. SW/Cover Type/Width/Radius/Material.

Covers for risers are supplied flat and feature easi-bend slots to SW/CC/SL/600/G Speedway Closed Cover, Straight
allow the cover to be formed on site for attachment to the riser Ladder, 600mm Wide, Hot Dip
fitting. Galvanized Finish.

Covers for larger fittings are supplied as a kit which assembles to SW/CV/FE45/750/600/SS Speedway Ventilated Cover, 45° Flat
form the full cover. These covers are supplied with all necessary Elbow, 750mm Wide, 600mm Radius,
assembly fixings and have integral jointing strips with pre- Stainless Steel.
formed M6 threaded fixing holes to aid assembly. Covers to suit Speedway risers – include ladder type:
Closed covers are punched with centreline slots to provide for SW Type/Cover Type//Riser Type/Width/Radius/Material.
water drainage.
SW5/CC/IR60/600/450/SS Speedway SW5 Closed Cover, 60°
Inside Riser, 600mm Wide, 450mm
Radius, Stainless Steel.
Speedway Covers

Cover Fixing Kits (VCF3) Bracing Kits (BK)

Speedway covers are supplied complete with the required Bracing kits are provided for additional strengthening of closed
number of fixing kits (VCF3). The cover fixing kits are common and ventilated covers for all widths of 450mm and above.
to closed, ventilated and peaked covers. Bracing kits are not required for covers of widths less than
Each cover fixing kit comprises of an M6 pan headed screw
with an M6 square nut (or M6 hex nut & M6 flat washer) as All closed and vented covers of widths 450mm and above have
standard. The covers are secured using pre-punched slots which pre-formed threaded fixing holes as standard to accept the
are incorporated into the flanges of all Speedway ladder and bracing kits.
The following table gives the number of bracing kits supplied
The number of fixing kits supplied with each type of cover is for each type of ladder & fitting cover.
given in the following table:
Speedway Bracing Kit Requirements
Ladder & Fitting Type Number of Bracing Kits
Speedway Cover Fixing Kit Requirements Straight ladder Widths ≥ 450mm 2 per 1.5m cover
Ladder & Fitting Type Number Widths ≥ 450mm Radius ≤ 600mm 2 per cover
30° Flat Elbows
Straight Ladder 8 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius > 600mm 2 per cover
30° Flat Elbows 4 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius ≤ 600mm 2 per cover
45° Flat Elbows
45° Flat Elbows 5 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius > 600mm 2 per cover
60° Flat Elbows 5 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius ≤ 600mm 2 per cover
60° Flat Elbows
90° Flat Elbows 5 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius > 600mm 4 per cover
Inside & Outside Risers 1 per facet* with a minimum of 4 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius ≤ 600mm 2 per cover
90° Flat Elbows
Equal & Unequal Tees 7 Widths ≥ 450mm Radius > 600mm 4 per cover
Crosses 8 Inside Risers
Not Required
Reducers 4 Outside Risers
* Nº of facets = Nº of rungs less 1. See Risers for details. 2 for Main Branch
Radius ≤ 600mm
All Widths ≥ 1 for Side Branch
Equal & Unequal Tees
450mm 4 for Main Branch
Radius > 600mm
2 for Side Branch
It is recommended that additional cover fixing kits are ordered All Widths ≥ Radius ≤ 600mm 4 per cover
to suit contingency requirements during installation (10% is 450mm Radius > 600mm 8 per cover
Reducers Not Required
It is recommended that additional bracing kits are ordered to
suit contingency requirements during installation
(5% is suggested).
speedway covers

When supplied as part of a cover

assembly, the Speedway cover bracing
kit will utilise the fixings supplied with
VCF3/G Cover Fixing Kit VCF3/SS Cover Fixing Kit the cover to cover connections.
M6 x 12 mushroom headed M6 x 12 pan head screw, M6
bolt and square nut flat washer, and M6 hex nut

Speedway Cover Bracing Kit

Comprising of a channel section and all necessary fixings

VCF3/SS Cover fixing kit shown

securing cover to Speedway cable ladder

Installation details for Speedway

Order details for additional cover fixing kits are as cover bracing kits showing assembly
positions at the cover joint and at the cover mid point
SW/VCF3/Material. Order details for additional bracing kits are as follows:
SW/VCF3/SS Speedway Cover Fixing Kit, Stainless Steel. SW/BK/Width/Material.

53 Consult our Design Team for cover fixing recommendations in

locations subject to severe weather conditions.
SW/BK/900/G Speedway Cover Bracing Kit, 900mm Wide,
Hot Dip Galvanized Finish.

Channel Nut - Long Spring Hex Head Set Screw

Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel Thread Size Length mm Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
M6 316BA10 316BA30 316XBA10 12 318AC01 318AK61
M8 316BA08 316BA28 316XBA08 16 318AD16 318AK62
M10 316BA11 316BA31 316XBA11 20 318AA10 318AK63
M12 316BA13 316BA33 316XBA13 M6 25 318AC10 318AK64
30 318AA30 318AK65
35 318AC15 318AK66
40 318AA40 318AK67
20 318AC07 318AA87 318AK72
25 318AC08 318AA88 318AK73
M8 30 318AE04 318AA85 318AK74
35 318AE03 318AA91 318AK75
40 318AE05 318AB84 318AK76
20 318AA11 318AA69 318AK81
25 318AC11 318AA68 318AK82
M10 30 318AD11 318AA92 318AK83
Channel Nut - Short Spring 35 318AF11 318AA72 318AK84
Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
40 318AE11 318AA73 318AK85
M6 316BB10 316BB30 316XBB10
20 318AB12 318AA 62 318AK88
M8 316BB08 316BB28 316XBB08
25 318AC12 318AA89 318AK89
M10 316BB11 316BB31 316XBB11
M12 30 318AJ12 318AA94 318AK90
M12 316BB12 316BB32 316XBB12
35 318AD12 318AA83 318AK91
40 318AE12 318AA95 318AK92

Channel Nut - Plain

Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
M6 316BC10 316BC30 316XBC10
M8 316BC08 316BC31 316XBC08
M10 316BC11 316BC32 316XBC11
M12 316BC13 318BC33 316XBC13

Mushroom Head Bolt & Square Nut

Thread Size Length mm Zinc Plated
M6 12 316AG12
M6 16 316AG16
M6 20 316AG20
M6 25 318AG25
Hex Nut
Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
M6 315AD56 315AD88
M8 315AD57 315AD42 315AD89
M10 315AD60 315AD59 315AD90
M12 315AD64 315AD62 315AD91

Hex Nyloc Nut

Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
M6 315AD06 315AD72
M8 315AD08 315AD09 315AD73
M10 315AD75 315AD10 315AD74
M12 315AD12 315AD13 315AD93
Delta Finish


Pan Head Screw Flat Washer

Thread Size Length mm Zinc Plated Stainless Steel Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel Nylon
12 318AN56 318AM12 M6 315AE56 315AE50 315AE88 315AE03
16 318AN39 318AM16 M8 315AE57 315AE95 315AE89 315AE04
20 318AN17 318AM20 M10 315AE60 315AE66 315AE90 315AE05
M6 25 318AN18 318AM25 M12 315AE64 315AE62 315AE91 315AE16
30 318AN42 318AM30
35 318AN36 318AM35
40 318AN19 318AM40

Internal Tooth Shake Proof Washer

Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
M6 315AE27 315AG07 315AE34
M8 315AE28 315AE51 315AE35
M10 315AE31 315AE29 315AE30
M12 315AE32 315AE79 315AE33

Pan Head Screw, Hex Nut & Flat Washer

Thread Size Length mm Stainless Steel
12 318AX12 Single Coil Spring Washer
16 318AX16 Thread Size Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel
20 318AX20 M6 315AE25 315AG19 315AE87
M6 25 318AX25 M8 315AE26 315AG36 315AE86
30 318AX30 M10 315AE41 315AE80 315AE42
35 318AX35 M12 315AE44 315AE85 315AE43
40 318AX40

Nylon Bush
Size Outside Diameter mm Part Number
M6 12 315AN25-$$
M8 14 315AN03-$$
M10 16 315AN01-$$
M12 18 315AN04-$$
$$ = Bush length in mm

Size Length m Zinc Plated Galvanized Stainless Steel Ladder Fixing Sets
M6 3 M6R3 GAM6R3 SSM6R3 M10 x 16 Cup
M8 3 M8R3 GAM8R3 SSM8R3 Galvanized Square Hex Bolt 389AA31
M10 3 M10R3 GAM10R3 SSM10R3
M10 Internal Tooth
M12 3 M12R3 GAM12R3 SSM12R3
Shake Proof Washer
Stainless Steel 389AA81
M10 Hex Nut

Technical Data

This compilation of technical data is intended to supply 1 Speedway Cable Ladder – General Information
essential information relating to cable ladder systems and
1.1 Slot Patterns
to aid in the selection of the correct Speedway cable ladder
system & supports. This will ensure that the specified Details of the slot patterns for the Speedway cable ladder
cable ladder installation is adequately protected against system are given in the following diagrams. These slot patterns
corrosion and has suitable strength & rigidity to provide are common for each Speedway cable ladder type, irrespective
reliable support at minimum installed cost. of material gauge.
Our Design Team is available to answer any questions
relating to particular site requirements which may not be
answered in the following sections.

Speedway SW4 Straight Ladder 25 15 Speedway SW4 Fittings 15 25


23 23
11.5 11.5
36 36
103.5 103.5

44.5 44.5

19.5 19.5
120 40
12 x 7 12 x 7
T = Side Wall Gauge (1.5mm standard gauge) The slot pattern for the Speedway SW4 fittings is repeated at each end of the
fitting side wall and centrally on radiused side walls (elbows, tees & crosses).

Speedway SW5 Straight Ladder 25 15 Speedway SW5 Fittings 15 25 7.5

44.5 44.5
11.5 11.5

technical data
125 36 125 36

44.5 44.5

120 40
12 x 7 12 x 7
T = Side Wall Gauge (2.0mm standard gauge) The slot pattern for the Speedway SW5 fittings is repeated at each end of the
fitting side wall and centrally on radiused side walls (elbows, tees & crosses).

Speedway SW6 Straight Ladder 25 15 Speedway SW6 Fittings 15 25 7.5

44.5 44.5

11.5 11.5
150 61 150 61

44.5 44.5

25 25

120 40
12 x 7
12 x 7
T = Side Wall Gauge (2.0mm standard gauge. 2.5mm for Long Span Cable Ladder) The slot pattern for the Speedway SW6 fittings is repeated at each end of the 56
fitting side wall and centrally on radiused side walls (elbows, tees & crosses).
Technical Data

Speedway Rung 1.3 Free Base Area

14 11 20.6
Speedway straight cable ladder has the following free base area (FBA):
Category to BS EN ISO
Ladder Type Free Base Area
18 22.3 41.3 Speedway SW4
Speedway SW5 86.5% Y
Speedway SW6
25 T
T = Rung Gauge (1.5mm, 2.0mm or 2.5mm) 1.4 Cross-sectional Area
For small order quantities, Speedway rungs of material gauge Speedway cable ladder has the following cross-sectional area (CSA):
2.5mm may be supplied with slots of size 26mm x 13mm Speedway CSA Speedway CSA Speedway CSA
pitched at 50mm centres. SW4 Ladder mm2 SW5 Ladder mm2 SW6 Ladder mm2
SW4/SL/150/# 12366 SW5/SL/150/# 15975 SW6/SL/150/# 20075
1.2 Standard Material Gauges SW4/SL/300/# 24066 SW5/SL/300/# 30975 SW6/SL/300/# 38825
SW4/SL/450/# 35766 SW5/SL/450/# 45975 SW6/SL/450/# 57575
The gauges for the standard Speedway cable ladder & fittings
SW4/SL/600/# 47466 SW5/SL/600/# 60975 SW6/SL/600/# 76325
have been determined by providing the most cost effective and SW4/SL/750/# 59166 SW5/SL/750/# 75975 SW6/SL/750/# 95075
efficient combination of material gauges for the side walls and SW4/SL/900/# 70866 SW5/SL/900/# 90975 SW6/SL/900/# 113825
SW4/SL/1050/# 82566 SW5/SL/1050/# 105975 SW6/SL/1050/# 132575
rungs to suit the designed application of each type of Speedway
cable ladder system. 1.5 Speedway Cable Ladder Specification
The following table shows the standard material gauges for the The following is a typical specification for a cable ladder system
Speedway cable ladder system in mild steel/hot dip galvanized which embodies the key features of the Speedway cable ladder
finish (HDG), stainless steel (SS) and for silicon rich steel/deep system.
galvanized finish (XG). These gauges are supplied as standard
unless otherwise specified. 1 The cable ladder system shall be based on two longitudinal
outward facing side members with returned edge flanges
Speedway Cable Ladder System – Standard Material Gauges to improve safety during handling, installation, and cable-
Side Rung Gauge
Ladder Material pulling activities. The longitudinal side members shall form
Wall 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050
Type & Finish
Gauge mm mm mm mm mm mm mm the main structural elements of the cable ladder system
HDG 2mm
SS 1.5mm and shall be longitudinally ribbed for enhanced stiffness
SW4 1.5mm
XG and rigidity.
SS 2mm 2mm
2 The profile of the side members shall remain constant for
technical data

XG 1.5mm
the straight cable ladder and the cable ladder fittings.
3 The profile of the side members shall present a smooth
SS 2mm 2mm
SW6 surface to allow for easier cable pulling and to minimise the
opportunities for damage to the cable insulation.
Long Span SS 2.5mm 2mm
Ladder 4 The longitudinal side members shall have a height of:
HDG - Mild Steel/Hot Dip Galvanized SS - Stainless Steel XG - Silicon Rich/Deep Galvanized
103.5mm and a flange width of 19.5mm (for Speedway SW4)
125mm and a flange width of 25mm (for Speedway SW5)
The Speedway cable ladder system is also available in a combination 150mm and a flange width of 25mm (for Speedway SW6).
of non-standard side wall and rung gauge combinations from
1.5mm to 2.5mm to suit specific installation requirements. Details 5 The longitudinal side member shall have a wall thickness of:
of the possible material gauge combinations for the Speedway side 1.5mm* (for Speedway SW4).
walls and rungs are given in the following table. 2.0mm* (for Speedway SW5 & Speedway SW6).
Speedway Cable Ladder System – Non-Standard Material Gauge Combinations
* or required side wall thickness – see 1.2 for details.
Ladder Type Material & Finish Side Wall Gauge Rung Gauge
HDG 6 The side members of the straight cable ladder shall be
Speedway SW4 SS fully slotted to minimise weight. The slot pattern in the
N/A side members shall allow for cutting of the straight cable
ladder at any point along the length without the need
Speedway SW5 SS 1.5mm 2mm
1.5mm 2mm
to drill the side member when connecting to adjacent
straight cable ladder and cable ladder fittings using the
2.5mm standard means of coupling.
Speedway SW6 SS
XG N/A 7 The two longitudinal side members shall be connected by
Speedway Long individual transverse members (rungs) which shall be
SS N/A 2.5mm
Span Ladder
HDG - Mild Steel/Hot Dip Galvanized SS - Stainless Steel XG - Silicon Rich/Deep Galvanized welded at low level to the inside face of the side members
to give a loading depth of:
57 Consult our Design Team for guidance on the correct selection
of non-standard material gauge combinations.
78mm for Speedway SW4, 100mm for Speedway SW5 &
125mm for Speedway SW6.
Technical Data

8 The transverse members shall be evenly spaced at 300mm 13 The straight cable ladder shall have a length of 3000mm or
centres along the length of the straight cable ladder. The 6000mm as specified.
transverse members for horizontal bends (flat elbows)
14 The cable ladder fittings shall have fixed angles of 90°, 60°,
shall be located at either 0° or 7.5° and multiples thereof
45° and 30°.
around the fitting subject to a maximum spacing of 465mm
between adjacent transverse members when measured as 15 Radiused cable ladder fittings shall have a radius of
a linear distance along the outside face of the horizontal 300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1050mm &
bend. The transverse members for horizontal intersection 1200mm. The radius of the fitting shall be measured
fittings (tees and crosses) shall be evenly spaced at intervals relative to the inside face on the radiused side wall.
not exceeding 465mm. The transverse members for vertical
16 The cable ladder system shall be manufactured using:
bends (inside and outside risers) shall be evenly spaced at
intervals not exceeding 300mm centres. For Mild Steel – Hot Dip Galvanized Finish;
mild steel of grade D11 to BS EN 10111 and shall be hot dip
9 The transverse members shall be of channel profile with
galvanized after manufacture to BS EN ISO 1461
a width of 41.3mm and a height of 20.6mm. The transverse
members shall have a continuous open slot to suit the For Stainless Steel (Marine Grade);
mounting of cable restraint devices (cleats, etc.) and other using stainless steel material 1.4404 (316S31 marine
equipment using standard channel nuts and fixings. The grade) to BS EN 10088.
base of the transverse members shall have slots of size For Silicon-rich Steel – Deep Galvanized Finish;
18mm x 11mm at 25mm centres to suit the use of cable silicon-rich steel (generally complying to grade S355
ties and banding. to BS EN 10025) and shall be deep galvanized after
10 The transverse members shall have a wall thickness of: manufacture to twice the coating thickness specified by
BS EN ISO 1461.
Hot Dip Galvanised Finish;
17 The couplers shall be profiled to match the profile of
1.5mm* for widths up to and including 600mm, and a wall
the cable ladder. The couplers shall be secured using M10
thickness of 2.0mm* for widths above 600mm (for
square-shouldered bolts with rounded heads. The bolts
Speedway SW4)
shall be secured with M10 hex nuts and M10 shake-proof
1.5mm* for widths up to and including 600mm, and a wall washers as standard. The couplers shall have a slot pattern
thickness of 2.0mm* for widths above 600mm (for which prevents slip between adjacent straight ladder
Speedway SW5) lengths (including cut lengths of straight cable ladder)
and between cable ladder fittings. The couplers shall have

technical data
2.0mm* (for Speedway SW6)
a slot pattern which allows for easy connection to cut
Stainless Steel; lengths of straight cable ladder without the need for on-
site drilling.
1.5mm* (for Speedway SW4)
2.0mm* (for Speedway SW5) 2 Installation Recommendations
2.0mm* (for Speedway SW6)
2.1 Loads
A correctly designed and specified cable ladder installation
Deep Galvanised Finish;
should take into account the nature and extent of the loads
1.5mm* (for Speedway SW4) which will be imposed on the cable ladder system. These
1.5mm* (for Speedway SW5) loads comprise of dead loads including the self-weight of the
cable ladder system, the weight of the cables and secondary
2.0mm* (for Speedway SW6) equipment attached to the cable ladder, imposed loads which
* or required rung wall thickness – see 1.2 for details. occur during installation of the cable ladder system and during
cable pulling operations, and external loads such as wind, snow,
11 The transverse members for straight cable ladder shall be & ice.
orientated with the continuous slot facing alternately
upwards and downwards. The transverse members for Cable ladders are often employed in locations where the wind
cable ladder fittings shall be orientated with the speeds may cause considerable lateral loading and careful
continuous slot facing upwards to allow for the securing of consideration must be given to design to ensure a satisfactory
cable restraint devices (cleats, etc.) at every rung position. installation. An awareness of the worst possible climate
conditions is necessary when specifying the correct Speedway
12 The width of the straight cable ladder and the cable cable ladder system.
ladder fittings shall be measured relative to the inside
faces of the side members. The widths of the straight The load-deflection information given in 3.4 is based on static
cable ladder and cable ladder fittings shall be 150mm, loading of the Speedway cable ladder installation and does not
300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm & 1050mm. take into account dynamic effects such as earthquake loading,
etc. 58
Technical Data

In designing a cable ladder installation it is good practice Speedway straight cable ladder can provide cost-effective
to allow at least a 20% excess capacity in a new installation support for cable loads at spans of 3m to 6m. For longer spans,
for future expansion. Such a provision is of great economic or for carrying significantly increased cable loads, the Speedway
advantage when there is a later need for additional cables. Long Span Ladder should be used; the slightly increased cost of
this ultra-heavy duty cable ladder in comparison to the standard
2.2 Support Spacing
Speedway cable ladder is easily offset by the cost savings
The space between the supports of a cable ladder installation arising from a reduced number of supports and the reduction in
is referred to as the span. Supports for cable ladder should, as installation costs.
far is practicable, be spaced so as to create the most economical
When considering support positions it should be remembered
load/span ratio to suit the capacity of the cable ladder system.
that it is necessary to support accessories when a change
This will give the most advantageous solution when considering
of direction takes place i.e. bends, tees, risers etc. This is to
procurement and installation costs. As a general rule of thumb,
ensure that undue ‘corner’ cantilever reaction is minimised.
the load-carrying capability of the Speedway cable ladder
Recommendations for the location of supports for Speedway
system increases as the span decreases, so a lighter duty cable
cable ladder fittings are given in section 2.4.
ladder system can be specified for shorter spans. Conversely,
a heavier duty Speedway cable ladder system will need to be
specified for longer spans.

2.3 Location of Couplers

The maximum bending moments acting on a cable ladder run a mandatory requirement for the Speedway coupling system
occur in the cable ladder side members at the supports and where the loading information given in 3.4 is valid irrespective
at the mid span position. For this reason it is good practice to of the location of the couplers. The ideal positions to locate the
avoid locating couplers in a cable ladder run either directly on connections in a cable ladder run are at approximately a quarter
supports or at the mid span position. It is also good practice of a span from the supports where the bending moment, and
to avoid locating couplers in the end span of a continuous hence the stress, are minimal. Positioning the couplers at the
beam installation as the bending moments in the end span are, quarter span positions is of benefit during installation, assisting
for simple end support installations, much higher than those in alignment of the cable ladders and allowing unhindered
found in the intermediate spans. These limitations cannot securing of the cable ladder to the supports.
always be achieved in a cable ladder installation and are not
technical data

W kg/m UDL

End Span Intermediate



L = Span R1 = 0.5WL R2 = WL R3 = WL R4 = WL R5 = WL R6 = 0.5WL

W = Load
UDL = Uniformly Distributed
Load BM = WL /24
R = Reaction at support
BM = Bending Moment

BM = WL /12
Bending Moment distribution for a continuous beam with fixed ends
(The Bending Moment for end spans in a continuous beam with simple end supports will be higher than that shown)

0.25L 0.25L

59 Location of couplers at point of least Bending Moment

(Approximately ¼ of the span away from the supports)
Technical Data

2.4 Support Locations for Speedway Fittings 2.4.2 Speedway Inside & Outside Risers
The following illustrations show the recommended support Speedway Inside Risers (all angles)
positions when installing Speedway cable ladder fittings. The
For inside risers (30°, 45°, 60° & 90°),
supports should be fully fixed to provide maximum support for supports should be placed within
the Speedway cable ladder fitting. 600mm of the end of the inside riser.
For more specific recommendations relating to particular site
installations please contact our Design Team.

2.4.1 Speedway Flat Elbows Inside Riser

Speedway 30° Flat Elbows ≤600mm

For 30° flat elbows,
supports should be placed 30°
Speedway Outside Risers (all angles)
within 600mm of the end
of the flat elbow.
For 30° flat elbows with Outside Riser
radii of 450mm and above,
an intermediate support ≤600MM
should be located radially
≤600MM 15°
at 15° under the flat elbow.
For outside risers (30°, 45°, 60° & 90°),
supports should be placed within
600mm of the end of the outside riser.
For 45° flat elbows, Speedway 45° Flat Elbows
supports should be placed Speedway Inside & Outside Risers in Offset Arrangement
within 600mm of the end ≤600mm
of the flat elbow. Outside Riser
For 45° flat elbows with
radii of 450mm and above,
an intermediate support
should be located radially

technical data
at 22.5° under the flat ≤600mm 22.5° =
elbow. Central
= Support
Speedway 60° Flat Elbows
For 60° flat elbows, Inside Riser
supports should be placed ≤600mm
within 600mm of the end 60° For inside & outside risers (30°, 45°, 60° & 90°) forming an offset
of the flat elbow. of length up to 1800mm, supports should be placed within
An intermediate support 600mm of the end of the offset and centrally on the inclined
should be located radially cable ladder. ≤600mm
at 30° under the flat elbow. ≤600mm
Outside Riser
≤600mm 30°

Speedway 90° Flat Elbows ≤600mm
For 90° flat elbows,
supports should be

placed within 600mm of

the end of the flat elbow.
An intermediate support ≤600mm
should be located radially 90°
Inside Riser
at 45° under the flat ≤600mm
For inside & outside risers (30°, 45°, 60° & 90°) forming an offset
of length over 1800mm, supports should be placed within
600mm of the ends of the inside & outside risers. The inclined
≤600mm cable ladder should be supported in accordance with the 60
support recommendations for a straight cable ladder run.
Technical Data

2.4.3 Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees (450mm Radius & Above)
Speedway Equal & Unequal Tees (300mm Radius)


≤300mm 450mm Radius

2/3R & Above
300mm Radius

≤600mm 2/3R 2/3R ≤600mm

For equal and unequal tees with radii of 450mm and above,
≤300mm ≤300mm
supports should be located within 600mm of the tee on each
For equal and unequal tees with radii of 300mm, supports branch in the cable ladder run.
should be located within 300mm of the tee on each branch in Intermediate supports should be placed at approximately 2/3 of
the cable ladder run. the radius (R) on each branch of the tee as shown.

2.4.4 Speedway Crosses Speedway Crosses (450mm Radius & Above)

Speedway Crosses (300mm Radius)


≤300mm 450mm Radius

2/3R & Above
300mm Radius
technical data

≤600mm 2/3R 2/3R ≤600mm

≤300mm ≤300mm


For crosses with radii of 450mm and above, supports should be

located within 600mm of the cross on each branch in the cable
For crosses with radii of 300mm, supports should be located
ladder run.
within 300mm of the cross on each branch in the cable ladder
Intermediate supports should be placed at approximately 2/3 of
the radius (R) on each branch of the cross as shown.

2.4.5 Speedway Reducers

500mm 500mm 500mm

≤600mm ≤600mm ≤600mm ≤600mm

61 For all widths of straight reducer, left-hand reducer, and right-hand reducer, supports should be located on the cable ladder run
within 600mm of the reducer as shown.
Technical Data

2.5 Loading of Supports 2.6 Low Temperature Applications

It is important that cable ladder and cable ladder supports are Consideration should be given to the likely affects of low
loaded in a symmetrical manner such that undue stresses are temperatures when specifying cable management products for
kept to a minimum. installation at a location subject to sub zero temperatures.

The safe working load figures for the Speedway cable ladder The Speedway cable ladder system is manufactured using
and the Speedway cantilever type supports is based on a generic low carbon steels and austenitic stainless steels –
uniform loading within the Speedway cable ladder and on the general guidance on the low temperature performance of these
assumption that the correct length of cantilever is used in each materials is as follows:
case. Low Carbon Steels
Where cantilevers of additional length are used to support Low carbon steels used in the manufacture of commercially
Speedway cable ladder, care should be taken to position the available cable management systems exhibit a ductile to brittle
cable ladder as close to the backplate of the cantilever as the transition at low temperatures. At these low temperatures an
installation routing will allow. impact can cause cracking which will propagate faster than the
Where the Speedway cable ladder is not filled to capacity, or elastic deformation, resulting in failure of the product by brittle
is carrying heavy cables, care should be taken to position the fracture. Brittle fracture can be avoided by specifying structural
cables as close to the cantilever backplate as the installation grade steels that have certified minimum impact values. These
routing will allow. structural steel grades are typically certified at temperatures
of 0°C, -20°C, and -40°C, showing a decreasing impact value as
For those installations where the routing of the cable ladder
the temperature decreases. Vantrunk has manufactured the
or the position of heavy cable loads cannot be undertaken
Speedway cable ladder system for low temperature applications
in accordance with the above, the 340PA cantilever arm prop
using structural steels of 2.0mm and 2.5mm thickness. These
should be used to correctly support the cantilever arm.
steels have been independently tested at temperatures of -46°C
Safe working load information for Speedway supports is given in giving average charpy values of 20 joules for 2.0mm thickness
Section 15 – Supports. and 30 joules for 2.5mm thickness.

For further information and guidance on the loading of supports Austenitic Stainless Steels
please contact our Design Team.
Austenitic stainless steels, including grade 1:4404 to BS
EN 10088-2 (marine grade 316S31) which is used in the
manufacture of the Speedway cable ladder system and

technical data
accessories, are not affected by sub zero temperatures.
These stainless steels do not suffer a loss in either ductility or
toughness and are not susceptible to failure by brittle fracture at
low temperatures below -20°C.
Avoid locating cable ladder on the Locate cable ladder close to the Please contract our Design Team for further information relating
end of cantilever support cantilever backplate
to low temperature applications.

2.7 Expansion & Contraction

It is important that thermal expansion and contraction are
considered when designing and installing a cable ladder
installation. Even in relatively moderate climates there will
be sufficient seasonal thermal movement which could easily
place undue stresses on the cable ladder installation and the
Avoid placing unsymmetrical Locate unsymmetrical cable loads supporting structure.
cable loads on the extremes of close to the cantilever backplate
cantilever supports To incorporate thermal movement in the design of a cable
ladder installation it is important to establish the maximum
temperature differential which is likely to be encountered at
the site of the installation. The temperature differential is based
on the maximum and minimum seasonal temperatures. This
temperature differential will determine the maximum spacing
between expansion couplers within the cable ladder installation.
To facilitate correct installation of the expansion couplers it will
be necessary to measure the temperature of the cable ladder at
the time of installation and to use this temperature to determine
the required ‘setting gap’ between the adjoining lengths of
Use the cantilever prop (340PA – See Section 15) to support offset cable cable ladder. This will ensure that the movement provided 62
ladder or unsymmetrical cable loads.
Technical Data

by the Speedway expansion coupler is not compromised by A vertical line (3) should be constructed from the intersection
incorrect assembly at the time of installation. of the diagonal and horizontal lines to give the required setting
gap, for this example the expansion couplers should be set with
The Speedway expansion coupler is designed to allow
a gap of 4mm.
movement up to a maximum of 12mm. This movement
allowance is the basis for determining both the maximum To ensure safe and correct installation, the Speedway cable
allowable spacing between expansion couplers and the ladder should be supported within 600mm on each side of
required setting gap at the time of installation. connections fitted with expansion couplers.
The maximum allowable spacing between expansion couplers The Speedway expansion couplers should be correctly
is given in the adjacent table for both hot dip galvanized and assembled – refer to 2.10 for further details.
stainless steel Speedway cable ladder. Intermediate values can
45oC 45oC
be obtained using the formula given under the table. 40oC 40oC
35oC 35oC
As an example: 30oC 30oC

Maximum Seasonal Temperature

Minimum Seasonal Temperature

25oC 25oC
Maximum temperature = +35°C o
20 C 2 20 C

Minimum temperature = -15°C 15oC 15oC

10oC 10oC
Temperature differential = 50°C o
5C 1 5oC
0C 0oC
-5oC -5oC
For a temperature differential of 50°C, based on a hot dip -10oC
galvanized cable ladder system, expansion couplers should be -15oC -15oC
-20oC -20oC
fitted every 21.8m. For ease of installation, expansion couplers o
-25 C
-25 C
should be fitted at every 7th 3m cable ladder, giving 21m -30oC -30oC
-35 C
between expansion couplers. -40oC
-40 C
0mm 1mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm
Expansion Coupler Setting Gap
Maximum Allowable Spacing – Speedway Expansion Couplers
Temperature Maximum Spacing Between Expansion Couplers
Differential At Where installed with expansion couplers, the Speedway cable
Location of
Hot Dip Galvanized Stainless Steel
ladder should be secured to the supporting structure using the
Speedway external flange clamp (EFC)
°C °F m ft m ft
10 50 109.1 299.3 115.4 316.5 The Speedway external flange clamp should be installed with
20 68 54.5 149.6 57.7 158.3
nylon spacer pads (part number 315AN13) which will allow the
Speedway cable ladder to expand and contract in a restrained
technical data

30 86 36.4 99.8 38.5 105.5

40 104 27.3 74.8 28.8 79.1
50 122 21.8 59.9 23.1 63.3 External flange clamp (EFC)
60 140 18.2 49.9 19.2 52.8 Nylon spacer (315AN13)
70 158 15.6 42.8 16.5 45.2
80 176 13.6 37.4 14.4 39.6
90 194 12.1 33.3 12.8 35.2
100 212 10.9 29.9 11.5 31.7

The maximum allowable spacing between expansion couplers

can be also be calculated from the following formula
L = C/T
Setting gap
Where L = maximum allowable spacing between expansion
C = 1091 for hot dip galvanized cable ladder & 1154
for stainless steel cable ladder
T = temperature differential at installation site. 2.8 Electrical Continuity Characteristics
To determine the setting gap at the time of installation the In tests conducted to verify the electrical continuity
following chart should be used. characteristics of the Speedway cable ladder it has been
established that the standard Speedway coupling system
A diagonal line (1) should be constructed between the two provides adequate electrical continuity, ensuring equipotential
vertical axes using the maximum and minimum seasonal bonding and connection to earth.
temperatures, for example, +35°C & -10°C.
The Speedway cable ladder system has been tested for electrical
A horizontal line (2) should be constructed for the temperature continuity to BS EN 61537:2002 (Section 11.1). Details are given
63 of the Speedway cable ladder at the time of installation, for
example +20°C.
in the following table.
Technical Data

Electrical Continuity to BS EN 61537 It is common to find dissimilar metals such as stainless steel
Ladder Type Material & Finish
Impedance Impedance per and mild steel or zinc (as found on a hot dip galvanized item)
across joint metre length
in contact in a damp atmosphere (i.e. sea water, rain, etc.).
Hot Dip Galvanized
Speedway SW4 This arrangement is typically found in coastal and offshore
Stainless Steel
Speedway SW5
Hot Dip Galvanized
<50mΩ <5mΩ
applications where painted structures or heavyweight
Stainless Steel
galvanized steel brackets are used to support stainless steel
Hot Dip Galvanized
Speedway SW6 cable ladders on the exterior of an installation.
Stainless Steel
BS EN 61537 requires a maximum impedance of 50mΩ across the coupled
joint and 5mΩ per metre length without a joint
Whilst it is possible to use a layer of paint or grease to separate
the stainless steel cable ladder from a zinc coating or any
The electrical continuity of the Speedway cable ladder joints has exposed mild steel arising from drilling of the support structure,
been tested to NEMA VE 1-1996 (Section 5.1). Details are given these should not be considered as a long term means of
in the following table. providing electrical separation between the dissimilar metals.
Electrical Continuity to NEMA VE 1 The best solution is to electrically isolate the two dissimilar
Ladder Type Material & Finish
Resistance across metals. The Speedway cable ladder system includes a range
of nylon pads, bushes, and washers which entirely separates
Hot Dip Galvanized
Speedway SW4 the cable ladder and the fixings from the support structure to
Stainless Steel *
Speedway SW5
Hot Dip Galvanized
prevent bimetallic corrosion. In a typical insulating assembly
Stainless Steel * the ladder securing device (external flange clamp, hold down
Hot Dip Galvanized
Speedway SW6 bracket, or adaptable fixing bracket), securing bolt, nut, & washer
Stainless Steel
NEMA VE 1 requires a net resistance of no more than 33mΩ across are entirely of stainless steel and are therefore compatible with
the coupled joint. * Requires use of earth bonding strap EBS01
the stainless steel cable ladder.
Earth continuity bonding straps (part number EBS01) of cross
Insulating assembly
sectional area 16 mm2 are available for use with Speedway cable for external flange clamp (EFC)
ladder where a non-conductive surface finish i.e. epoxy coated
etc, has been specified or where the installation requires an
additional means of bonding.

2.9 Bimetallic Corrosion

Bimetallic corrosion (also referred to as galvanic or electrolytic
corrosion) occurs when two dissimilar metals are in close contact
with an electrolyte. An electrolyte is a medium which allows the

technical data
flow of an electrical current. The presence of water as moisture
can act as an electrolyte. The rate of corrosion depends upon the
differences in electrical potential of the metals as defined by the Insulating assembly
Galvanic Series (see chart below), the strength of the electrolyte, for hold down bracket (HDB)
the period for which the electrolyte is present, and the geometry
of the connection between the dissimilar metals. When corrosion
occurs it is the anodic metal (which is higher in the galvanic
series) that will corrode in preference to the cathodic metal
(which is lower in the galvanic series).

If corrosion takes place between two dissimilar metals, the metal

which is higher in the galvanic series will corrode in preference
to the metal which is lower in the galvanic series.
Galvanic Series Chart
Insulating assembly
for adaptable fixing bracket (AFB)

Higher in Series

Low Alloy Steels

Mild Steel

1.4301 Stainless Steel (304) Lower in Series

1.4404 Stainless Steel (316)


0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -16 -1.8 64

Potential Difference (Calomel electrode in salt water at 25°C)
Technical Data

2.10 Assembly Recommendations 8 Check the alignment of the Speedway straight coupler and
the abutting components and adjust as necessary to give
Instructions for the correct assembly of Speedway straight
a fair and true alignment.
couplers and expansion couplers are given below.
9 Tighten the hex nuts on the Speedway straight coupler to
Speedway Straight Couplers
a torque of 46Nm.
The Speedway straight couplers are supplied with the correct
number of fixing sets (4 for Speedway SW4 and 8 for Speedway Speedway Expansion Couplers
SW5 & SW6), each comprising of an M10 x 16 square shouldered The Speedway expansion couplers are supplied with 8 fixing
bolt, an M10 shake-proof washer, and an M10 hex nut. sets, each comprising of an M10 x 20 square shouldered bolt, an
1 Locate the Speedway straight coupler on the outside of M12 flat washer, an M10 shake-proof washer, and an M10 hex
the two abutting components of the Speedway cable nut (expansion coupler for SW4 and SW5 are common).
ladder installation (ladder to ladder, ladder to fitting or Refer to 2.5 for details on the spacing between expansion
fitting to fitting) with the profile of the straight couplers and the required gap setting procedure at the time of
coupler aligned to the central ribbed profile on the installation.
abutting components.
1 Locate the Speedway expansion coupler on the outside of
2 Position the Speedway straight coupler over the two the two abutting Speedway cable ladders with the profile
components such that a series of square apertures are of the expansion coupler aligned to the central ribbed
created by the alignment of the slot patterns in the profile on the Speedway cable ladders. The Speedway
coupler and the slot patterns in the two abutting expansion coupler should not be used to connect cut
components. For joints between uncut Speedway cable sections of Speedway cable ladder.
ladders, uncut Speedway cable ladders to Speedway
fittings, and between Speedway fittings, the straight 2 Position the Speedway expansion coupler equally over the
coupler should sit centrally across the joint. For two abutting Speedway cable ladders.
connecting cut sections of Speedway cable ladder it may 3 Insert an M10 x 20 square shouldered bolt into one of the
be necessary to reposition the coupler to create the series square apertures from the inside of the Speedway cable
of square apertures. ladder with the threaded portion of the bolt protruding
3 Insert an M10 x 16 square shouldered bolt into one of the through the Speedway cable ladder and the Speedway
square apertures from the inside of the Speedway cable expansion coupler.
ladder with the threaded portion of the bolt protruding
technical data

through the side wall of the component and the

Speedway straight coupler.

4 Fit an M12 flat washer onto the threaded portion of the

bolt, followed by an M10 shake-proof washer and an M10
hex nut.
5 Tighten the fixing assembly by hand.
6 Repeat for the remaining fixing sets.
7 Check the alignment of the Speedway expansion coupler
and the Speedway cable ladders and adjust as necessary
to give a fair and true alignment.
4 Fit an M10 shake-proof washer onto the threaded portion
8 Check the setting gap (see 2.5).
of the bolt, followed by an M10 hex nut.
9 Secure the Speedway cable ladders to the supporting
5 Tighten the fixing assembly by hand.
structure using external flange clamps (EFC) and nylon
6 Repeat for the remaining fixing sets. spacer pads (315AN13).
7 Fully secure the abutting components to the supporting 10 Tighten the Speedway expansion coupler hex nuts to a
65 structure. torque of 46Nm.
Technical Data

11 Check the Speedway expansion coupler for freedom of cable ladder supports as the installation will allow.
movement (some light resistance is acceptable).
The allowable loading figures given in the tables below include
the self weight of the Speedway cable ladder. The weight
2.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
data for additional installed components (covers, mounting
In normal use Speedway cable ladder can be considered to be accessories, etc) for the Speedway cable ladder system can be
passive in respect of electromagnetic influences, emission and provided on request by our Design Team.
immunity. When Speedway cable ladder is installed as part
of a wiring installation, the installation may emit or may be 3.2 Imposed Loads
influenced by electromagnetic signals. The degree of influence Imposed loads include wind, ice and snow. The effects of
will depend on the nature of the installation within its operating imposed loads will vary from one installation to another and
environment and the electrical equipment connected by the further advice relating to the specific influences of each should
wiring. As a minimum precaution to minimise the occurrence be sought at the design stage. The following information on
of electromagnetic influences, power and data/signal cables imposed loads is given as a general guide only.
should be run on separate cable routings or at least separated
by means of dividers. Wind Loads
Our Design Team should be consulted for further information on Wind loads exert a sideways force on the cable ladder. The
electromagnetic compatibility issues. sideways force is based on the wind speed and is derived from
the equation Vp N/m2 = 0.6V2 where V is the wind speed in
3 Loading Information m/s. The wind speed will vary relative to the height above the
ground and the degree of exposure. The following table gives
To enable the selection of the most appropriate Speedway cable
an indication for the sideways force which will be exerted on the
ladder for a particular installation it is necessary to consider
Speedway cable ladder in an exposed location at an ambient
the loads which must be supported and the distance between
temperature of 20°C and average relative humidity for the
supports (the span). These loads are broadly classed as dead
United Kingdom.
loads, imposed loads and point loads.
3.1 Dead Loads
Wind Loads on Speedway Cable Ladder
Dead loads include the weight of any cables, Wind Loads - kg/m
Wind Speed Pressure
pipes, and secondary equipment carried on or Beaufort m/s N/m2 Speedway Speedway Speedway
installed on the cable ladder plus the self weight Scale SW4 SW5 SW6
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
of the cable ladder and any component of the

technical data
0 Calm 0 0.2 0.00 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
cable ladder (covers, connectors, accessories,
1 Light air 0.3 1.5 0.05 1.35 0.0 1.2 0.1 1.5 0.1 1.8
2 Light breeze 1.6 3.3 1.54 6.53 1.3 5.7 1.7 7.1 2.0 8.7
Weight data for cables is readily available from 3 Gentle breeze 3.4 5.4 6.94 17.50 6.1 15.3 7.5 19.0 9.2 23.3
the cable manufacturer or supplier and is usually Moderate
4 5.5 7.9 18.15 37.45 15.9 32.7 19.7 40.6 24.1 49.8
quoted in terms of kilograms per metre (kg/m).
5 Fresh breeze 8 10.7 38.40 68.69 33.6 60.0 41.7 74.5 51.1 91.4
The weight per metre from the cables (or pipes, 6 Strong breeze 10.8 13.8 69.98 114.26 61.2 99.9 75.9 124.0 93.1 152.0
etc) is the sum of the individual cable (or pipe, 7 Near gale 13.9 17.1 115.93 175.45 101.3 153.3 125.8 190.3 154.2 233.4
etc) weights. 8 Gale 17.2 20.7 177.50 257.09 155.1 224.7 192.6 278.9 236.1 342.0

Weight data for secondary equipment should

also be readily available from the equipment manufacturer or
supplier and is usually quoted in terms of kilograms (kg). The The tabulated wind loads are based on Speedway cable
unit weight for the secondary equipment can be converted into ladder installed in the horizontal plane. In this orientation
a equivalent weight per metre by using the following formula: the structural properties of the Speedway cable ladders are
sufficient to resist most normal wind loads. The wind loadings
Equivalent weight per metre Wm = 2 x unit of equipment (kg) kg/m will be significantly higher for edge-mounted Speedway cable
Span (m) ladder and for this reason edge-mounted ladder should not be
installed in areas of high wind exposure.
For example, a secondary item of equipment with a weight of If covers are to be fitted to Speedway cable ladder in locations
12kg has an equivalent weight per metre Wm of 8kg/m for a span subject to high wind loads further advice should be sought from
of 3m. This figure should be added to the sum of the individual our Design Team regarding additional securing means.
cable weights (or pipe, etc). When determining the location of
secondary items of equipment, care should be taken to either
mount these items centrally across the cable ladder using the
Speedway mounting plates, or place these items adjacent to, or
directly onto, the cable ladder side members and as close to the
Technical Data

Ice Loads Speedway cable ladder is not intended to be used as a walkway

and on no account should point loads be applied to the rungs.
When determining the total load to be supported by the
On those occasions where it is necessary to apply a point load
Speedway cable ladder an allowance should be made for those
care should be taken to apply the load evenly onto the two
locations where ice formation is likely.
side members, preferably using a board or similar support to
The table below shows the additional load imposed by a layer of distribute the load over as long a section of the cable ladder as
ice 10mm thick and having a density of 916kg/m3. possible.

Ice Load (10mm thick) on Speedway Cable Ladder

Width Ice Load kg/m
W mm
Speedway SW4 Speedway SW5 Speedway SW6
150 1.72 1.83 1.83
300 3.10 3.21 3.21
450 4.47 4.58 4.58
600 5.84 5.95 5.95
750 7.22 7.33 7.33
900 8.59 8.70 8.70
1050 9.97 10.08 10.08
Correct application of point load onto Speedway cable ladder using a
board to spread the load evenly onto the side members
Snow Loads
The magnitude of the additional load imposed by snow will
be influenced by a number of factors including the density of 3.4 Load-Deflection Tables
the snow, the degree of drifting which will alter the profile of When correctly mounted and secured, cable ladder can be
the snow accumulating on the Speedway cable ladder, and considered to be a ‘continuous beam’. This implies that the
the nature of the cable ladder installation (i.e. covers fitted cable ladder run is regularly supported and that the cable
or percentage of cable loading area occupied by cables). ladders at the extremities of the run are firmly anchored. The
The density of snow can vary from 160kg/m3 to 481kg/m3 load bearing capacity of a cable ladder is limited by the lesser
depending on the level of wetness and compactness. The table of the maximum allowable stress induced in the side members
below assumes that the snow has a density of 160kg/m3 and is and rungs or the maximum deflection acceptable in the same
applied to a uniform height of 100mm. members. The maximum allowable stress is usually limited to
two-thirds of the materials lower yield stress. This gives a safety
technical data

Snow Load (100mm thick) on Speedway Cable Ladder factor of two against the ultimate tensile strength. Maximum
Width Snow Load kg/m deflection, (in the absence of a particular customer need) is not
W mm
Speedway SW4 Speedway SW5 Speedway SW6
allowed to exceed 1/360th of the distance between supports
150 15.28 16.26 16.26 (span) longitudinally or 1/200th of the rung length (cable
300 27.47 28.45 28.45 ladder width) transversely. Although unusual, there may be
450 39.66 40.64 40.64
occasions when it is difficult or indeed impossible to anchor the
600 51.86 52.83 52.83
750 64.05 65.02 65.02 cable ladder securely in position. Under these circumstances
900 76.24 77.22 77.22 the ladder is ‘simply supported’ and its load bearing ability is
1050 88.43 89.41 89.41
substantially reduced. As a rough guide maximum loads should
Assumed snow density = 160 kg/m3
be limited to two thirds of those shown in the loading graphs
and increased deflection values should be accepted for each
3.3 Point Loads
The data given in the tables is for ladder installed as a
Point loads are often applied to the cable ladder during
continuous beam and allows for the weight of the ladder
installation, cable pulling and in-service inspection.
An allowance can be made for the influence of point loads at
This information is given for guidance only.
the design stage when determining the total load to be carried
by the Speedway cable ladder system. Typical point loads are The Speedway cable ladder system, components, and
in the order of 75kg to 150kg. When specifying a point load accessories have been tested to BS EN ISO 61537:2002. Further
requirement it should be noted that the value of the point load details are can be provided by our Design Team.
should be kept to a minimum as incorporating the point load
will reduce the allowable cable load for the Speedway cable
ladder. Loading graphs which include the influence of a mid
span point load are available on request.

Technical Data

Loading Data - Mild Steel Hot Dip Galvanized Finish 4 Materials & Finishes
Width Span & Safe Working Load kg/m
Ladder Type Details relating to the standard materials and finishes for the
W mm 2m 2.5m 3m 3.5m 4m 4.5m 5m 5.5m 6m
SW4/SL/150/G 150 334 212 146 106 81 Speedway cable ladder system, components, and accessories are
SW4/SL/300/G 300 333 212 146 106 80
given in the following sections. The choice of material and finish
Speedway SW4

SW4/SL/450/G 450 333 211 145 105 79

SW4/SL/600/G 600 332 211 145 105 79 has been based on many years experience in providing cable
SW4/SL/750/G 750 267 209 143 103 77 management products and support systems to industrial and
SW4/SL/900/G 900 204 204 142 103 77
onshore/offshore installations.
SW4/SL/1050/G 1050 147 147 142 102 76
SW5/SL/150/G 150 301 220 167 131 105
Our Design Team should be consulted for more detailed
SW5/SL/300/G 300 301 219 166 130 104
Speedway SW5

SW5/SL/450/G 450 300 219 166 130 104 information and for advice on any specific application.
SW5/SL/600/G 600 300 218 165 129 103
SW5/SL/750/G 750 298 217 164 127 102 4.1 Materials
SW5/SL/900/G 900 251 216 163 127 101
SW5/SL/1050/G 1050 181 181 162 126 100 The following materials are used in the manufacture of the
SW6/SL/150/G 150 218 171 137 112 93 Speedway cable ladder system, components, and accessories:
SW6/SL/300/G 300 217 170 136 111 92
Speedway SW6

SW6/SL/450/G 450 216 169 135 110 91 Mild steel

SW6/SL/600/G 600 216 168 135 110 91
Hot-rolled mild steel grade DD11 to BS EN 10111:1998 M
SW6/SL/750/G 750 215 168 134 109 90
SW6/SL/900/G 900 214 167 133 108 89 Cold-rolled mild steel grade DC01 to BS EN 10130:1999 M
SW6/SL/1050/G 1050 181 166 132 107 88 Structural steel grade S275 to BS EN 10025-2:2004 M
Stainless steel
Loading Data - 1.4404 Stainless Steel (316S31 Marine Grade) Marine grade stainless steel 1.4404 to BS EN 10088-2: 1995 SS
Ladder Type
Width Span & Safe Working Load kg/m Non-marine grade stainless steel 1.4301 to
W mm 2m 2.5m 3m 3.5m 4m 4.5m 5m 5.5m 6m
BS EN 10088-2: 1995 S4
SW4/SL/150/SS 150 443 282 195 142 108
SW4/SL/300/SS 300 443 282 194 142 108 Silicon-rich steel
Speedway SW4

SW4/SL/450/SS 450 442 281 194 141 107

SW4/SL/600/SS 600 442 281 193 141 106
Cor-ten ‘A’ steel C
SW4/SL/750/SS 750 282 280 193 140 106 Hi-Trac 1000 steel C
SW4/SL/900/SS 900 194 194 192 140 105
SW4/SL/1050/SS 1050 140 140 140 139 105 Hot dip galvanized
SW5/SL/150/SS 150 402 294 224 176 142 Grade S250+Z275 to BS EN 10326: 2004 steel PG
SW5/SL/300/SS 300 402 294 223 175 141
Speedway SW5

SW5/SL/450/SS 450 401 293 223 175 140 4.1.1 Mild Steel
SW5/SL/600/SS 600 400 292 222 174 140
The Speedway cable ladder system, components and

technical data
SW5/SL/750/SS 750 350 292 222 174 140
SW5/SL/900/SS 900 240 240 222 174 139 accessories are manufactured using three different types of mild
SW5/SL/1050/SS 1050 174 174 174 173 139
steel, each of which is matched for performance and strength
SW6/SL/150/SS 150 291 228 184 151 125
SW6/SL/300/SS 300 290 228 183 150 125 to the product and the intended application. These mild steel
Speedway SW6

SW6/SL/450/SS 450 289 227 182 149 124 materials are hot-rolled steel, cold-rolled steel and structural
SW6/SL/600/SS 600 289 226 182 148 123
steel grade. Mild steel products require subsequent finishing
SW6/SL/750/SS 750 288 226 181 148 123
SW6/SL/900/SS 900 237 225 180 147 122 on completion of manufacture to provide a means of corrosion
SW6/SL/1050/SS 1050 171 171 171 146 121 protection.

Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel

Loading Data - Silicon-rich Steel Deep Galvanized Finish
Width Span & Safe Working Load kg/m Property
Ladder Type
W mm 2m 2.5m 3m 3.5m 4m 4.5m 5m 5.5m 6m Material Grade
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongated
SW4/SL/150/XG 150 681 435 301 106 81
ReH N/mm2 Rm N/mm2 A%
SW4/SL/300/XG 300 681 434 300 106 80
Speedway SW4

SW4/SL/450/XG 450 680 433 299 105 79

DD11 170 to 360 440 23
SW4/SL/600/XG 600 456 433 299 105 79 DC01 280 Max 270 to 410 28
SW4/SL/750/XG 750 288 288 288 103 77 S275 275 Min 430 to 580 14
SW4/SL/900/XG 900 197 197 197 103 77
SW4/SL/1050/XG 1050 142 142 142 102 76
SW5/SL/150/XG 150 619 453 346 272 219
Hot-rolled Mild Steel Grade DD11 to BS EN 10111:1998
SW5/SL/300/XG 300 618 452 345 271 219
Speedway SW5

SW5/SL/450/XG 450 617 452 344 271 218 (formerly HR4 to BS 1449 Part 1)
SW5/SL/600/XG 600 454 451 344 270 217 DD11 hot-rolled mild steel is a cold forming material used for
SW5/SL/750/XG 750 287 287 287 269 216
bending and drawing applications. This material is suitable for
SW5/SL/900/XG 900 196 196 196 196 196
SW5/SL/1050/XG 1050 141 141 141 141 141 welding and hot dip galvanizing.
SW6/SL/150/XG 150 442 348 280 230 192
SW6/SL/300/XG 300 441 347 280 230 192 Cold-rolled Mild Steel Grade DC01 to BS EN 10130:1999
Speedway SW6

SW6/SL/450/XG 450 441 346 279 229 191 (formerly CR4 to BS 1449 Part 1)
SW6/SL/600/XG 600 440 346 278 228 190
DC01 cold-rolled steel grade is a cold-forming material for
SW6/SL/750/XG 750 366 345 277 227 189
forming and deep drawing applications. This material is suitable
SW6/SL/900/XG 900 250 250 250 227 189
SW6/SL/1050/XG 1050 180 180 180 180 180 for welding and hot dip galvanizing.
Technical Data

Structural Steel Grade S275 to BS EN 10025-2:2004 Stainless Steel Grade 1.4404 to BS EN 10088-2: 1995
(formerly 43A to BS 1449 Part 1) (formerly marine grade 316S31 to BS 1449 Part 2)
S275 steel is a weldable, high-strength structural steel with good Marine grade 1.4404 stainless steel is a corrosion resistant
galvanizing properties. steel ideally suited for aggressive environments where severe
conditions are prevalent, i.e. coastal and offshore applications.
4.1.2 Stainless Steel 1.4404 is a molybdenum-bearing austenitic stainless steel with
high corrosion resistant properties, particularly to pitting and
The Speedway cable ladder system, components, and
crevice corrosion. 1.4404 has excellent forming and welding
accessories are manufactured using two different types of
characteristics. Post-weld annealing is not required when
stainless steel, each of which is matched for performance and
welding gauges used for the manufacture of the Speedway
strength to the product and the intended application. These
cable ladder system.
materials are 1.4404 marine grade stainless steel (316S31) and
1.4301 non-marine grade stainless steel (304). Unless a post- Stainless Steel Grade 1.4301 to BS EN 10088-2: 1995
manufacturing finishing process is requested, stainless steel (formerly grade 304 to BS 1449 Part 2).
products do not require subsequent finishing on completion of The non-marine grade 1.4301 stainless steel is not normally used
manufacture to provide a means of corrosion protection. unless required for a specific order. When used, the non-marine
grade stainless steel is bonded and controlled throughout
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel arises from a passive,
the manufacturing processes to eliminate errors in supplying
chromium-rich, oxide film that forms naturally on the surface of
non-marine grade stainless steel to applications requiring the
the steel. Although extremely thin at 1.5 nanometres (i.e. 1.5 x
superior marine grade stainless steel. Non-marine grade 1.4301
10-9 metres) thick, this protective film is strongly adherent, and
is a general purpose stainless steel which is used extensively
chemically stable (i.e. passive) under conditions which provide
in the food and processing industries. 1.4301 has excellent
sufficient oxygen to the surface. The key to the durability of
forming and welding characteristics. Post-weld annealing is not
the corrosion resistance of stainless steels is that if the film is
required when welding gauges used for the manufacture of the
damaged it will normally self repair in the presence of oxygen.
Speedway cable ladder system.
In contrast to mild steel type materials which suffer from general
corrosion where large areas of the surface are affected, stainless
Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel
steels which have a passive oxide film are normally resistant to
general corrosion. Stainless steels should not be considered Material Grade
Proof Strength Tensile Strength Elongation
to be indestructible, the oxide film can be broken down under
0.2% Rp0.2 N/mm2 Rm N/mm2 A80 %
certain conditions and corrosion can result, this typically taking 1.4404 240 Min 530 to 680 40
the form of pitting or crevice corrosion. 1.4301 240 Min 530 to 680 40
technical data

The stainless steel used in the manufacture of Speedway cable

ladder, components and accessories has excellent corrosion
and oxidation resistance due to the high chromium content. 4.1.3 Silicon-rich Steels
Grades 1.4301 and 1.4404 are austenitic stainless steels which
The Speedway cable ladder system, components and
incorporate nickel to strengthen the oxide film and improve
accessories can be manufactured using proprietary grades
performance in more aggressive environments. The addition of
of silicon-rich material, Cor-ten ‘A’ and HiTrac 1000, each of
molybdenum to the 1.4404 marine grade improves resistance to
which is matched for performance and strength to the product
pitting corrosion. The austenitic stainless steels have excellent
and the intended application. Cable management products
resistance to attack by acids, alkalis and other chemicals.
produced using silicon-rich steels require subsequent finishing
Stainless steels offer excellent performance at both high and low on completion of manufacture to provide a means of corrosion
temperatures and, unlike some mild steels, are not susceptible protection. Silicon-rich steels have high yield strengths, making
to brittle fracture arising from impact at low temperature. these materials ideal for heavy duty applications. A particular
Independent tests have shown that stainless steel cable ladders property of these materials is the high silicon content which
can withstand a temperature of 1000°C for a period of 5 minutes gives an affinity to attract thicker coatings of zinc when
without collapse (contact our Design Team for further details). galvanized (see Finishes – Deep Galvanizing). HiTrac 1000, which
generally conforms to grade S355J2 to BS EN 10025-2:2004, is a
As the corrosion resistance of stainless steel is derived from the
proprietary material which has been specifically developed by
self-repairing oxide film it is important that the surface of the
Corus (formerly British Steel) and Vantrunk for the manufacture
stainless steel remains uncontaminated, allowing the inherent
of cable management products. HiTrac 1000 has a silicon
corrosion resistance of the stainless steel to be maintained.
content which is carefully controlled to give a zinc coating
Possible sources of contamination includes mild steel from
weight of 1000 g/m2 (140µm) for 2mm gauge material, well in
cutting and drilling operations on site, and impingement of
excess of the coating thicknesses specified by BS EN 1461 (see
small particles created by welding and grinding of mild steel
Finishes – Deep Galvanizing).
in close proximity to the stainless steel product. Care must
be taken both during and after installation to avoid such
69 contamination.
Technical Data

Mechanical Properties of Silicon-rich Steels Zinc Coatings Compared in Terms of Coating Thickness
Coating Thickness µm
Material Grade 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation
Rp N/mm2 Rm N/mm2 A%
Hot dip galvanised to BS
Cor-ten ‘A’ 355 Min 480 Min 19 EN ISO 1461 (6mm steel)
HiTrac 1000 355 Min 510 to 680 19 Deep galvanised coating
(6mm steel)
Centrifuge galvanizing to
4.1.4 Hot Dip Galvanized Mild Steel BS 7371 Part 6
Zinc spraying to BS EN
Hot dip galvanized mild steels which are zinc coated at the 22063: Zn4

time of manufacture are referred to as pre-galvanized steels. Continuously galvanised

sheet to BS EN 10326: Z275
Grade S250 to BS EN ISO 10147 is a structural grade steel with Zinc plating to Fe/Zn5 of
Pure zinc
guaranteed minimum tensile properties and is used in the BS EN 12329

manufacture of channel profiles (strut type) to BS 6946. Sherardizing to grade 1

of BS 4921
Zinc-iron alloy

Paints and coatings

incorporating zinc dust
Dispersed zinc pigment
Mechanical Properties of Pre-galvanised Steel
Material Grade
Pre-galvanized Finishes to BS EN ISO 10326:2004
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation
Rp N/mm2 Rm N/mm2 A% Pre-galvanized steel is also referred to as continuous hot dip
S250 250 330 19 zinc coated steel. Pre-galvanized steel comprises of sheet metal
which has been hot dip galvanized in continuous production
4.2 Finishes lines where the processes are linked together. The base material
is flat rolled sheet in coil form which is suitably treated and
The following are available for Speedway cable ladder system, annealed before being passed through a bath of molten zinc.
components, and accessories: The galvanizing process is carefully controlled to give a uniform
Galvanizing coating thickness on the steel. Hot dip galvanized steel of
Hot dip galvanized to BS EN ISO 10147 (pre-galvanized) PG grade S250+Z275 to BS EN 10326:2004 has an average triple
Hot dip galvanized to BS EN ISO 1461 (post-galvanized) G spot zinc coating mass of 275g/m2 which is measured relative
Deep Galvanized to BS EN ISO 1461 (post-galvanized) XG to both surfaces of the steel. Based on a conversion of 7.14g/
Coatings m2 equating to 1µm, 275g/m2 gives a zinc coating thickness
Epoxy coated over mild steel EP of 19.25µm per surface. The zinc coating on pre-galvanized

technical data
Epoxy coated over hot dip galvanizing GEP steels remains firmly attached, even under the most severe
Passivated forming operations and continues to give general and sacrificial
Stainless steel – pickled & passivated after manufacture P protection after forming and fabrication. Pre-galvanized steels
are supplied in a spangle finish which has been treated to
prevent the short term formation of zinc corrosion products.
4.2.1 Galvanizing
Hot Dip Galvanized Finishes to BS EN ISO 1461
The coating of steel using zinc, either before manufacture
(pre-galvanized) or after manufacture (post-galvanized) is a The hot dip galvanizing process provides a continuous layer
cost effective and practical means of protecting the steel from of zinc-iron alloys and zinc on the surface of the products
corrosion. The zinc coating protects the steel in three ways. manufactured in steel. The hot dip zinc coating provides a
Firstly, the zinc coating weathers at a very slow rate giving a continuous barrier to moisture and other contaminants, thereby
long and predictable life. Secondly, the zinc coating corrodes protecting the steel substrate.
preferentially to provide sacrificial protection of any small areas During the galvanizing process, a layer of zinc-iron alloy
of steel exposed through cutting, drilling, or accidental damage; develops on the surface of the steel product. When the steel
scratches and small areas of damage are sealed by weathering product is withdrawn from the zinc bath, a layer of pure zinc is
products from the zinc. Thirdly, if the damaged area is larger, the left on the zinc-iron alloy. The layer of pure zinc gives a newly
sacrificial protection provided by the surrounding zinc prevents galvanized item a bright finish. This bright finish will gradually
‘creepage’ typically associated with other protective finishes fade as the surface layer of the zinc oxidises, leaving a uniform
such as paint coatings. dull grey appearance.
The thickness of the zinc coating is dependant on the method of The average amount of zinc which can be deposited on a
application. The following table shows the typical zinc coating product is expressed in terms of thickness and is measured in
thicknesses for a number of galvanizing and related processes, µm. The actual zinc coating thicknesses will vary depending
and includes zinc-based paints for comparison purposes. on the thickness of the steel, the chemical composition of the
steel, and the period of immersion within the zinc bath. BS EN
ISO 1461 specifies a number of thickness ranges for products to
be galvanized, each of which has a specified minimum average 70
Technical Data

local reading and minimum mean average reading. Details are Zinc Coating Thickness vs Silicon Content for
given in the table below. Deep Galvanised, Silicon-Rich Steels

Zinc Coating Details to BS EN ISO 1461

Coating Weight & Thickness – Dipped Articles
Local Coating Mean Coating
Article & Thickness (minimum) (minimum) 300
g/m2 µm g/m2 µm
Steel t ≥ 6mm 505 70 610 85

Zinc Coating µm
Steel 3mm ≥ t < 6mm 395 55 505 70
Steel 1.5mm ≥ t < 3mm 325 45 395 55
Steel t < 1,5mm 250 35 325 45
Castings t ≥ 6mm 505 70 575 80
Castings t < 6mm 430 60 505 70
Coating Weight & Thickness – Centrifuged Articles
Local Coating Mean Coating
Article & Thickness (minimum) (minimum)
g/m2 µm g/m2 µm 100
Articles with threads
Based on a bath temperature of 460oC
Dia ≥ 20mm 325 45 395 55 and an immersion time of 9 min.
6mm ≥ Dia < 20mm 250 35 325 45
< 6mm 145 20 180 25
Other articles (including castings)
t ≥ 3mm 325 45 395 55 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
t < 3mm 250 35 325 45 Silicon content of steel %
Wet storage stain

Deep Galvanizing to BS EN ISO 146 Galvanized steel is protected from corrosion by a layer of
zinc-iron alloys and a layer of pure zinc. After galvanizing, a
The use of silicon-rich steels such as Cor-ten ‘A’ and Hi-Trac protective zinc carbonate film forms over the surface of the
1000 allows much heavier galvanized coatings to be obtained. zinc. The formation of this protective layer is only possible when
Average coating thicknesses of two to three times that for mild the galvanized surface is exposed to free flowing air. Stacking
steel can be achieved. It is for this reason that silicon-rich steels freshly galvanized articles in contact with one another prevents
are termed ‘reactive’ steels and the galvanizing process ‘deep the free circulation of air, and in wet or humid conditions, may
technical data

result in the development of wet storage stain. Wet storage

The influence of the silicon does not increase consistently but stain, often referred to as white rust, appears as a white, powdery
rather follows a curve as shown in the following diagram. This covering. The white rust, comprising of zinc oxide and zinc
curve gives average values and variations can be expected hydroxide corrosion products, is voluminous and can appear to
between different silicon-rich steels with the same silicon be more detrimental to the galvanized coating that it actually is.
content but from different steel casts. These variations are Wet storage stain can be prevented by correct transport and
attributed to the fact that whilst the total silicon contents can storage provisions. For transportation over long distances,
be equal, the amount of silicon that is bound to oxygen within galvanized items should be protected by waterproof cover to
the steel can vary. More or less silicon is then dissolved in the prevent moisture ingress. For storage, galvanized items should
steel, and it is only this amount that influences the reaction. The be kept off the ground in a dry environment. If stacked in a
silicon can be unevenly distributed on the surface of the steel potentially wet environment, the galvanized items should be
and this will lead to uneven variations in the coating thickness separated from one another to provide free circulation of air. If
after galvanizing. possible, the stacking should be at an angle to facilitate drainage
Another property of the galvanized coatings on silicon-rich of water.
steels is the colour. During the galvanizing process, a zinc layer In normal use, light wet storage stain is not serious and does
builds up on the zinc-iron alloy layers which are adhering to the not reduce the life expectancy of the galvanized coating. The
surface of the steel. The reaction rate can be such that this pure affected area should be dried and exposed to the atmosphere
zinc layer is transformed completely to zinc-iron alloy before the to allow the zinc to form a protective carbonate layer. The
article has had time to cool. This results in a coating which can appearance of the wet storage stain will gradually fade to that
be much darker in appearance, varying in colour and thickness of a normally weathered galvanized steel. Where more stubborn
across the surface of the galvanized item. This appearance does wet storage stain deposits are evident, these should be removed
not alter the corrosion resistance of the zinc coating. using a stiff bristle (non wire) brush and, if necessary, a cleaning
Due to the variations in coating thickness associated with solution should be used. Typical solutions would be ammonia
deep galvanizing of silicon-rich materials it is normal to specify (5%) or acidified sodium dichromate (5% sodium dichromate
the finish as ‘deep galvanized to twice the coating thickness with 0.1% sulphuric acid). In both instances, the cleaning
71 specified by BS EN ISO 1461’. solutions should be thoroughly rinsed off after treatment and
the article allowed to dry.
Technical Data

Life expectancy of zinc coatings dependent on the protective zinc carbonate film which forms
on the surface of the zinc. The sulphur dioxide reacts with
The life expectancy of a zinc coating is largely determined by its
moisture to destroy the protective film and this leads to the
thickness. Thicker coatings give longer life (the period to first
corrosion of the zinc coating.
maintenance). When exposed to atmosphere the zinc coating
will weather and corrode, leading to a gradual diminution in Research undertaken by the Galvanizers Association has
the coating thickness. Under conditions of normal atmospheric resulted in the publishing of a series of charts depicting the
exposure the level of corrosion is low and is typically at a rate average atmospheric corrosion rate for zinc for the United
which is between 1/10th and 1/40th of that of the steel base. Kingdom and Ireland. These charts indicate that the average
local atmospheric corrosion rates for zinc have decreased,
When subject to conditions of high humidity or condensation,
reflecting the general decrease in the levels of sulphur dioxide
the rate of corrosion of the zinc coating can be increased
in the atmosphere.
Current atmospheric corrosion rates for zinc within the United
The level of contamination in the atmosphere can also adversely
Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland are given in the Zinc
affect the corrosion rate of the zinc coating. The most significant
Millennium Map and are in the range of 0.5µm to 2.5µm per year
contaminant accelerating the corrosion rate of zinc is sulphur
(corrosivity categories C2 – C3 to ISO 14713).
dioxide (SO2). The resistance of zinc to atmospheric corrosion is

technical data

Zinc Millennium Map.

Cartographic reproduction by Lovell Johns Limited. Copyright: Galvanizers Association 2001.
Based on Ordnance Survey 1:1,500,000 map with the permission of the controller of the Stationery Office.
Technical Data

The corrosion rate for zinc is generally linear for a given local 4.2.2 Coatings
environment. This allows predictions of the life expectancy of
A number of coatings have been used for the coating of cable
a galvanized product, to first maintenance, based on the zinc
management products. By far the most cost effective, versitile,
coating thickness and the zinc corrosion rates given in the Zinc
and advantageous is epoxy. Epoxy coatings are based on
Millennium Map. For example, a hot dip galvanized product
thermosetting epoxy resins which are applied electrostatically
with a coating thickness of 55µm will last approximately 110
as a powder spray which is cured and hardened in an oven. The
years in a location where the atmospheric corrosion rate of
powder spray application ensures complete and even coverage
zinc is 0.5µm per year, and approximately 22 years in a location
of the surface. Epoxy coatings give a thin, hard and durable
where the atmospheric corrosion rate is 2.5µm per year.
finish which provides good chemical resistance, excellent
Further information regarding hot dip galvanizing and the adhesion, and coating flexibility. Epoxy coatings are available
Zinc Millennium Map can be obtained from the Galvanizers in a variety of colours. Black is supplied as standard unless
Association. otherwise requested.
The Zinc Millennium Map provides specific information for the Epoxy over Mild Steel
United Kingdom and Ireland. For other locations, reference
Epoxy coatings can be applied directly to mild steel to give a
can be made to BS EN ISO 14713 (Protection against corrosion
corrosion resistant finish. The steel products are subject to a
of iron and steel in structures – Zinc and aluminium coatings
degreasing treatment to remove all surface contaminants and
– Guidelines).
then epoxy powder coated to a dry film thickness of 75 microns.
BS EN ISO 14713 provides general guidelines on corrosion rates
Epoxy over Hot Dip Galvanized Mild Steel
for zinc in differing environmental conditions, details of which
are given in the table below. Whilst hot dip galvanizing provides a long lasting and cost
effective means of protecting steel from corrosion, the
Environmental Categories & Corrosion Rates for Zinc Galvanizing
performance of the zinc coating can be enhanced by the
Corrosion Rate addition of an epoxy coating. This type of finish is referred to
Category Environment
as a duplex coating. The duplex coating can be used to add
C1 Interior Dry <0.1 colour for aesthetic or safety purposes and provide additional
Interior Occasional condensation
C2 0.1 to 0.7 protection for the steel in aggressive environments. The epoxy
Exterior Rural
provides resistance to chemical degradation, and the underlying
High humidity, some air
Interior layer of zinc prevents creepage under the epoxy coating. The
C3 pollution 0.7 to 2
Exterior Urban inland or mild coastal hot dip galvanized steel products are treated by an acid etch, a
technical data

Swimming pools, chemical chromate pre-treatment and then epoxy powder coated to a dry
C4 2 to 4 film thickness of 75 microns.
Industrial inland or urban
coastal 4.2.3 Passivated
Industrial with high humidity or
C5 Exterior 4 to 8 Stainless steel is corrosion resistant because of the presence
salinity coastal
of a thin, dense, self-healing passive chromium-rich layer on
The corrosion rates should be considered as an indication only the surface of the metal. This protective layer acts as a barrier
and provide a broad means of estimating the life expectancy of between the metal and the environment and reduces the rate of
a zinc coating. This information should be treated as a general dissolution of the metal. If this chromium oxide film is damaged
guide and further information should be sought relating to the the steel will, in most circumstances, oxidise and reform the
specific zinc corrosion rates at the installation site. protective layer (self-healing). When the surface of stainless
steel is subject to mechanical treatments such as grinding or
Using these broad corrosivity rates, the following table shows machining stresses, an increased roughness will occur in the
the life expectancy of galvanized cable management products outer surface layers damaging the oxide film, occasionally
for corrosion categories C2 to C5. leaving impurities on the surface and preventing the passive
Life Expectancy for Zinc Coated Products Based on film from reforming. This can also happen in general handling.
Classification to BS EN ISO 14713 In addition, many grades of stainless steel are adversely affected
Life Expectancy - Years by processes such as welding or heat treatment which can result
0 20 40 60 80 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 +500 in the formation of surface oxide films which can prevent the
C2 Interior - occasional
condensation natural passive chromium oxide layer from forming. The heat
Exterior - rural
0.1µm to 0.7µm per year discolouration marks found around the welds of stainless steel
C3 Interior - high humidity,
some air pollution products is a form of oxide which does not necessarily adversely
Exterior - urban inland or
mild coastal
0.7µm to 2µm per year
influence corrosion resistance unless the material is exposed to
C4 Interior - swimming
Mild steel to BS EN ISO 1461
the most extremely aggressive environments e.g. when used
pools, chemical plants
Exterior - industrial inland
or urban coastal
55µm coating thickness
for acid containment, etc. It should not be necessary to remove
2µm to 4µm per year Silicon-rich steel to BS EN ISO 1461
C5 Exterior - industrial with
140µm coating thickness this discolouration in situations where the stainless steel offers
high humidity
satisfactory corrosion resistance for a particular installation.
73 or high salinity coastal Pre-galvanised steel to BS EN ISO 10326
4µm to 8µm per year 19.25µm coating thickness
Technical Data

If the passive oxide layer is damaged and the self-healing ISO 9223 Corrosion of metals & alloys – Corrosivity
process does not occur the stainless steel will corrode, this will of atmospheres.
take the form of pitting, intercrystalline corrosion, or stress
BS EN 10025:1993 Replaced by BS EN 10025-2:2004.
corrosion cracking. The rate of corrosion is accelerated in the
presence of chloride compounds. Consequently, it is important BS EN 10025-2:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels.
to specify the correct grade of stainless steel, to use the correct Technical delivery conditions for non-
welding techniques, and to avoid contamination with carbon alloy structural steels (formerly BS EN ISO
steel during manufacturing processes. The use of 1.4404 marine 10025:1993).
grade stainless steel (316 S31 grade) avoids the potential
BS EN 10088-2:1995 Stainless steels. Technical delivery
problems associated with the welding of stainless steels. As
conditions for sheet/plate and strip for
manufactured, the stainless steel Speedway cable ladder
general purposes (formerly BS 1449
system will show heat discolouration marks at areas of welding.
Part 2).
Salt spray testing to ASTM B117 for a period of 3000 hours
indicates that there is no reduction in the corrosion resistance BS EN 10111:1998 Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel
of these discoloured weld areas. These tests indicate that the sheet & strip for cold forming. Technical
discolouration is of aesthetic significance only and for all normal delivery conditions.
installations this has become the accepted standard of finish. BS EN 10130:1999 Cold rolled low carbon flat products for
For special prestigious projects where the required standard cold forming. Technical delivery
of finish precludes the presence of discolouration, the stainless conditions.
steel can be treated by means of pickling and passivating. The BS EN 10147:2000 Replaced by BS EN 10136:2004.
pickling process removes the surface of the stainless steel by
etching in a heated nitric/hydrofluoric acid solution. Pickling BS EN 10326:2004 Continuously hot-dip coated strip and
will remove surface debris, leaving the stainless steel clean and sheet of structural steels. Technical
allowing the passive chromium oxide film to form; the surface delivery conditions.
of the stainless steel can then be described as being in the BS EN ISO 14713:1999 Protection against corrosion of iron and
passive condition. A further treatment is then applied in which a steel in structures – Zinc and aluminium
solution of nitric acid is used to thicken the existing passive layer coatings – Guidelines.
of chromium oxide whilst reducing the time taken to form the
film. The entire process leaves the stainless steel with a uniform BS EN 50085-1:1999 Cable trunking and cable ducting
dull grey colour. systems for electrical installations.
General requirements (formerly BS 4678

technical data
5 Classification to BS EN ISO 61537 Part 1).
For details of the classification of the Speedway cable ladder BS EN 61537:2002 Cable tray systems & cable ladder.
system, components and accessories to BS EN ISO 61537:2002 systems for cable management.
(Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems for cable
management) please refer to our Design Team. IEC 61537:2001 Cable tray systems & cable ladder
systems for cable management.
For details relating to the CE-marking of the Speedway cable
ladder system, components and accessories, and to the details NEMA VE 1-1998 Metal Cable Tray Systems (also CSA
relating to the Technical File, please refer to our Design Team. International C22.2 No 126.1-98).
NEMA VE 2-2000 Cable Tray Installation Guidelines.
6 Reference Standards
The following is a list of the standards relating to the cable
management products covered by this catalogue:
BS 729 Replaced by BS EN ISO 1461.
BS 1449 Part 1 Replaced by BS EN 10111, 10130 &
BS 1449 Part 2 Replaced by BS EN ISO 10088-2.
BS EN ISO 1461:1999 Hot dip galvanized coatings on
fabricated iron and steel articles.
Specifications and test methods
(formerly BS 729).
BS 2989 Replaced by BS EN 10147.
BS 6946:1988 Specification for metal channel cable
support systems for electrical 74
Conversion Factors for Units

FPS to SI units SI to FPS units

1 ft/s2 = 0.30480 m/s2 1 m/s2 = 3.2808 ft/s2
Angular Velocity
1 rev/min = 0.10472 rad/s 1 rad/s = 9.5493 rev/min
1 in2 = 6.4516 cm2 1 cm2 = 0.15500 in2
conversion factors for units

1 ft2 = 0.092903 m2 1 m2 = 10.764 ft2

1 yd2 = 0.83613 m2 1 m2 = 1.1960 yd2
1 acre = 0.40469 ha 1 ha = 2.4711 acre
1 lb/ft3 = 16.018 kg/m3 1 kg/m3 = 0.062428 lb/ft3
1 ft pdl = 0.042140 J 1J = 23.730 ft pdl
1 ft lbf = 1.35582 J 1J = 0.73756 ft pdf
1 kWh = 3.6000 MJ 1 MJ = 0.27778 kWh
1 therm = 0.1051 GJ 1 GJ = 9.4781 therm
1pdl = 0.13826 N 1N = 7.2330 pdl
1 lbf = 4.4482 N 1N = 0.22481 lbf
1 in = 2.54 cm 1 cm = 0.39370 in
1ft = 0.30480 m 1m = 3.2808 ft
1yd = 0.91440 m 1m = 1.0936 yd
1 mi = 1.6093 km 1 km = 0.62137 mi
1 oz = 28.350 g 1g = 0.035274 oz
1 lb = 0.45359 kg 1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1 cwt = 50.802 kg 1 kg = 0.019684 cwt
1 ton = 1.0161 tonne 1 tonne = 0.98421 ton
Moment of Force
1lbf ft = 1.3558 Nm 1 Nm = 0.73756 lbf ft
Plane angle
1o = 0.01745 rad 1 rad = 57.296 o
1 ft lbf/s = 1.3558 W 1W = 0.73756 ft lbf/s
1 hp = 0.74570 kW 1 kW = 1.3410 hp
Pressures and Stress
1 in Hg = 33.864 mbar 1 mbar = 0.02953 in Hg
1 lbf/in2 = 6.8948 kPa 1 kPa = 0.14504 lbf/in2
1 tonf/in2 = 15.444 N/mm2 1 N/mm2 = 0.064749 tonf/in2
1 lb/in2 (psi) = 0.00689 N/mm2 1 N/mm2 = 145.03774 lb/in2 (psi)
Specific Heat Capacity
1 Btu/ (lboF) = 4.1868 kJ/(kgo C) 1 kJ/(kgo C) = 0.23885 Btu/ (lboF)
1 ft/s = 0.30480 m/s 1 m/s = 3.2808 ft/s
1 mi/h = 1.6093 km/h 1 km/h = 0.62137 mi/h
1in3 = 16.387 cm3 1 cm3 = 0.061024 in3
1 ft3 = 0.028317 m3 1 m3 = 35.315 ft3
1 yd3 = 0.76456 m3 1 m3 = 1.3080 yd3
1 pt = 0.56826 litre 1 litre = 1.7598 pt
1 gal = 4.5461 litre 1 litre = 0.21997 gal

Vantrunk Limited Goddard Road Astmoor
Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1QF England

Telephone National: 01928 564211

International: +44 1928 564211
Facsimile National: 01928 580157
International: +44 1928 580157

E m a i l : s a l e s @ v a n t r u n k . c o. u k
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