Tobytown Maryland Historic
Tobytown Maryland Historic
Tobytown Maryland Historic
Description: Located in front yard of suburban home. Stones all laid flat. All have footstones
with initials. One footstone imbedded in tree trunk. Historic iron hoop & picket fence. 1 tree
inside fence; 2 outside
Comments: Plaque says: "Montgomery County MD Historic Resource 23/24 Magruder Family
Cemetery 1771-1874. Restoration funded by John C. Walker Co. 1991" Transciptions in file
Additional Sources:
Description: Old wrought iron fence - rusted, partially collapsed. Stones tilted, 2 overturned.
Stone for Col. Dorsey propped against tree. 6 trees inside fence. Across street from Owen house
(3901) but now owned by 3800 Gregg Road.
Comments: Owner said Col. Dorsey fought with Jeb Stuart and moved him off the battlefield
when he was wounded. Dorsey married Elizabeth Owen, whose family owned this large farm.
Additional Sources: Information & transcriptions in Mont. County Story, Feb.1972, vol. XIV,
no. 2
Negative Impacts: Somewhat overgrown - tall grass & weeds. In danger of disappearing because
of small size of stones.
Comments: One stone has crude, illegible text. Does not appear to be an active cemetery. Likely
many more burials than there are stones for. Tobytown founded in 1875 by freed slaves.
Description: Single grave for Carl Freeman, owner of Sundown Farms. Flat black granite stone
is located about 100 feet SW of farm road.
Historic Status:
Additional Sources:
Description: Located behind house on rise. Formerly associated Etchison House on Route 108,
before property was subdivided. Owner's son said there were about 12 carved stones, others are
fieldstone markers. Supposedly there are Civil War burials here.
Comments: 1 carved stone, 2 bases, & 10 fieldstones located, but very overgrown, so there are
more. Burdette, Etchison, & Perry families are buried here.
Additional Sources:
Description: All markers removed. New landscaping put in when land was developed in 2003 as
Denit Estates. Exact location of cemetery is unknown, but descendents Ann Gartrell Stabler and
brother Archie Gartrell remember cemetery on property of Mrs. Denit.
Comments: Mrs. Denit may have used cemetery fence as a pool fence. Denit house has been
demolished. See file for names of interees.
Historic Status:
Additional Sources: Former owner: Ann Gartrell Stabler 21201 New Hampshire Ave. 301-774-
Description: Graves surrounded by 30 x 35' stone wall with formal gate. Wall partially
collapsed at SW corner. Stones are mostly upright. A few trees, cleared of brush, but not
currently mowed
Description: According to owner, cows had knocked down the fence around cemetery, so the
stones were laid flat and buried about 25 years ago. Cemetery was located at north end of old
bank barn in vicinity of newer sheds. See map in file.
Additional Sources:
Comments: Photo exists showing fence around grave and tree, now gone. Papers filed Apr. 21,
1826 by heirs of Nathan Musgrove.
Historic Status:
Additional Sources:
Description: Church demolished in 1977. Burials moved to Maryland National Cemetery Park in
Laurel, MD. See church history in file.
Historic Status:
Additional Sources: Pilgrim Baptist Church, 8901 Pennsylvania Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Info provided by Rev. Chester L. Burke.
Comments: This property used to belong to the County and was used first as the Poor Farm and
then as part of the detention cemnter grounds, now located on the west side of I-270.
Description: 150 x 200' corner lot. Only two stones found at base of tree in debris pile. Other
stone has been pulled out of ground. Completely overgrown.
Historic Status: