Employees Is A Key Player in The Training and

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Employees is a key player in the training and

development of human resources and capital of an

organization, and a source of key knowledge and support for

the development of every employees (Amato, 2020). Faced

with current challenges, it is necessary to redefine the

concept of work flexibility to job performance. Sustainable

workplace is a more suitable method.

The goals of the sustainable work flexibility are long-term

goals and results, with a focus on employees and caring for

the environment, employee participation and development,

external alliances, flexibility, compliance with the labor

regulations and cooperation between employees. Fairness

and equality, all of which will not affect profitability.

Work flexibility provide employees with a balance

between professional life and personal life, thereby

increasing job satisfaction as well as the height and overall

improvement of the entire organization. Work flexibility is very

important. As digital technology advances and technology

improves, employees can continue to work wherever they

want, as long as they have an Internet

Work flexibility lead to an increase in job

performance. This is the main question of our research. In

attempting to answer to this question, the empirical analysis

will be structured on three levels. The researcher would like to

see the work flexibility and impact on the job performance in

public sector in Marawi City. Theoretically, work flexibility and

job performance is expected within the scope of this

research, it is significant to society's development.

This research focus on its endeavors to concrete the

assumption that there is a correlation between factors

influencing work flexibility and job performance among

public sector iprofitabilit


Theoretical Background helps researchers to

generalize the various aspects of an observed phenomenon

from simply describing it and also identifies their limits (Amato,

2008). By validating and challenging theoretical assumptions,

it facilitates the understanding of concepts and variables as

per the given definitions and builds new knowledge.





In this study, it aims to give better understanding and

realizations of the theoretical support of the present study.

The researchers discuss different theories related to the study

which is work flexibility and impact on the job performance

in public sector in Marawi City.

Work adjustment theory states that work flexibility

leads to higher employee involvement and an increased

level of job performance. Waldman and Spangler (2020)

proved that the relationship between work flexibility and job

performance cannot be separated. Work adjustment theory

states that work flexibility has an impact to job performance

when the factors that significantly influence job perfomance

exists including individual characteristics (experience and

ability), outcomes (feedback and job security), and work

environment. (https://doi.org/10.336229290/su1214765511)
INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS is an essential criterion

that cannot be overestimated, representing a combination

of psychological, physiological, and environmental

circumstances that determine an employee’s work flexibility,

emotional stability, and conscientiousness . Regarding the

employee role at work, experiences and their ability can be

defined as emotional orientations on the part of employees

toward the work job performance they perform greatly

influencing employee motivation, which influences

productivity and, therefore, organization performance as a

whole (Hoeh, 2018). Many studies have highlighted the fact

that individual characteristics influences job performance.

Experience placements might even give you the opportunity

to take on some really interesting and challenging




Several intrinsic factors contribute to work flexibility

increased job performance, resulting in employees feeling

appreciated and consequently pursuing the organization’s

objectives, leading to an increase in job involvement, a

decrease in absenteeism, and a boost in self-confidence

leading to fewer fluctuations regarding the job (Chron

Contributor, 2020). Additionally, factors such as self-

determination, job tability, authority, responsibility and

autonomy at work, workplace comfort, advancement

prospects, benefits packages, management and employees,

early distribution of tasks, a feeling of recognition, and an

attractive salary are also important in increasing employee

performance. (https://hbr.org/amp/2020/01/the-little-things-


The work flexibility of the nature have a

considerable impact on job performance level, with their

possible OUTCOMES having a significant impact on overall

employee satisfaction. Other studies have analyzed job

performance, the result of which indicates that low-

performing employees leave their jobs for various reasons

and that includes the feedback and job security towards in

it (Waldman and Spangler, 2020).


Experience will help you to decide if the role or

industry is somewhere you see yourself in the future. By

shadowing and observing colleagues – and asking them

questions about what they do - you'll have the opportunity to

find out first-hand if the job is for you (Editorial Team, 2020).

Waldman and Spangler (2020) giving feedback is an

opportunity to get things out in the open so that issues can

be resolved and they can find ways to work together better.

Moreover, regular feedback can prevent conflict from

happening in the first place. Small issues can be resolved

before they have a chance to escalate into something

bigger. Furthermore, job security is an assurance that an

employee can keep their job in the foreseeable future with

minimal influences from outside factors.


Job security and feedback is important in work

flexibility and more rare than ever before. In a global

economy that boasts countless cheap labour alternatives,

people feel like their jobs might be tenuous (Roy, 2021). They

worry that they could be replaced by cheaper labour from

abroad, a new hire fresh out of university or even a digitized

computer program. It is up to you to assuage these

worries.Feedback that is constructive is vital to employees'

ongoing development. Feedback clarifies expectations,

helps people learn from their mistakes and builds confidence.

Constructive feedback is one of the best things managers

can provide to their employees. (https://blog.smarp.com)

Work adjustment theory also includes Flexible WORK

ENVIRONMENTS accommodate employees by stripping

away rigid rules and replacing them with general guidelines.

There's a sense of freedom and autonomy inherent to work

flexibility, alongside the structure and support of a traditional

workplace into job performance (Waldman and Spangler,

2020). A positive working environment has several noticeable

factors. To better understand this atmosphere, it's important

to know its common attributes so you can look for them with

your current or future employer.

Job performance can influence depends on work

environments revealing that temporary and local work

flexibility requires employees’ control over their professional

life, improving the link between paid work and private life,

and leading to an increase in the overall level of job

satisfaction. Flexible work leads to greater job performance

and low level of burnout and stress, with benefits to employee

health and well-being correlating with a good work–family

relationship and high job satisfaction. The results of these

studies are of particular importance, since the relationship

between work flexibility and job satisfaction is the subject

matter of our research (Hoeh, 2018).


The main factors that influence job performance

and flexibility in different work environments were

investigated by Că¸suneanu et al. (2018) revealing that a

flexible schedule is essential in improving work motivation,

with employees of small companies assigning a higher level

of importance to remote work or teleworking. In addition to

greater worker autonomy, flexible work environments rely on

digital infrastructure, which keeps employees more

connected to their work and their peers.


According to Stefan, Popa & Albo, (2020), A positive

work environment relatively to workers as a place of work

which meets their different expectations to feel happy and

satisfied for coming to their work every day and to not think
of quitting their jobs. A Positive work environment influence

and affect employees feeling, thoughts and actions and that

is the source of its importance. It involves many aspects

related directly to employees, the 4 aspects which will be

clarified in this essay are almost the most important to the

majority of employees, which are having good

communication with management or co-workers, good

individual growth plan, work-life balance, and appreciation.


Work environment can greatly influence how you feel

about your job. Because of this, it's important to find an

employer that fosters a positive atmosphere and encourages

you consistently. When you have a positive work environment,

it can improve your happiness, increase your productivity

and motivate those around you. In this article, we discuss

what a positive working environment is, why it's important

and the various characteristics that comprise a positive

working environment (Waldman and Spangler, 2020).

Positive working environments provide several benefits for

both employees and employers. (https://www.forbes.com)

This is because this type of environment can lead to

employee success and happiness both personally and

professionally. Having a positive working environment is a

great way to increase your work output (Stefan, Popa & Albo,

2020). When you're happier, you may be more productive

and more equipped to complete your tasks efficiently. This

can also help you become a better employee, which leads

to raises and promotions. (https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu)

Because your mood and attitude affect your team

members, a positive working environment can be a good

influence on those around you. When you view your work in

a positive way, it can influence how others in the workplace

see their responsibilities too.When you're motivated to

succeed in your position, you're more apt to find

opportunities to advance in your career. When your

employer provides positive reinforcement, it can make you

feel like a valuable contribution to the company, and it may

motivate you to continue or improve upon this behavio

(Hoeh, 2018). When you're motivated on an individual level,

you're more likely to support and encourage others in your

company. This can also lead to improved professional

relationships with your colleagues. The greater the bond is

between coworkers, the better chance a company has of

achieving its short- and long-term goals. This is because

teamwork is often the foundation of company success.


Working environments often include clear

communication between various members of an

organization. This includes communication between

employees and upper management, and between

coworkers themselves. When you have the opportunity to ask

questions and receive feedback, it can help you feel valued

in the workplace (Hoeh, 2018). It also allows you to grow by

getting open, constructive feedback. encompasses a level

of respect, empathy and overall understanding between

colleagues. These sentiments can also foster collaboration

and help you feel heard and valued at your workplace. For

example, when a coworker thanks you for assisting them on

a project, it lets you know that you're appreciated and that

someone genuinely cares about your contribution to the

company. (https://www.indeed.com)

Today, flexibility in the workplace is an increasing need

in both private and public sector in order to recruit the best

staff and to increase productivity among employees. Work

flexibility is important as it is a positive quality that is highly

valued by both jobseekers and employers (Chron Contributor,

2020). Based on previous theoretical considerations, the

conceptual framework have been created in order to

stipulate how the new forms of work flexibility lead to an

increase in job performance. (https://scholarworks.waldenu.)

Work flexibility to Job performance is influenced by

individual characteristics (experience and ability), outcomes

(feedback and job security), and work environment. The

general individual determinants for job performance are

declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skills,

and motivation In accordance to our objectives, it is worth to

mention the findings of Waldman and Spangler (2020) who

developed an integrated model of between work flexibility

and job performance, influenced by individual

characteristics (experience, ability), outcomes (feedback,

job security), but also by work environment.

This study will determine the work flexibility and impact

on the job performance in public sector in Marawi City. The

independent Variable, intervening variable, and dependent

variable method will be use in this study. The independent

variable in this study is work flexibility while the intervening

variable are individual characteristics (experience and

ability), outcomes (feedback and job security), and work

environment Lastly, dependent variable is job performance

in public sector in Marawi City.

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of IV/DV METHOD.



Intervening Variable


The aim of the researchers in conducting this study is to

identify the work flexibility and impact on the job

performance in public sector in Marawi City and also this

includes factors influencing work flexibility and job

performance. To make this possible, the researchers will

conduct a study to assess the relevance of the job

performance of employees in public sector in Marawi City

acquired to their respective positions, and How the factors
influence the work flexibility and job performance. These

study aims to answer the •following questions:

1. What are the Demographic Profile of the respondents
in terms of:

• Age
• Sex

• Total relevant years work experience

• Position

2. How does work flexibility affect job performance

among public sector in Marawi City?

3. How do the following factors influence the work flexibility

and job performance of the respondents in terms of:

• Individual Characteristics

• Outcomes

• Work Environment

4. Does a relationship exists between factors influencing

work flexibility and job performance among public sector in

Marawi City?

Hypothesis is a specific, clear, and testable

proposition or predictive statement about the possible

outcome of a scientific research study based on a particular

property of a population, such as presumed differences

between groups on a particular variable or relationships

between variables (Doyle, 2021).


Based on previous theoretical background, the

following hypothesis have been created in order to stipulate

how the new forms of workspace flexibility lead to an

increase in job performance. The researchers suit to test the

Ho: There is no significant relationship between

factors influencing work flexibility and job performance

among public sector in Marawi City.


The study will benefit various groups and individuals

because they will be able to learn about work flexibility and

impact on the job performance in public sector in Marawi

City. Specifically, this will be benefits to the following:

• Practitioner. The study will help the industry practitioner

to improve, develop and maintain the performance of

the public sector or its employees.

• Employees. This serve as an awareness to the employees

how work flexibility has an impact to job performance

probably they can gain knowledge about how to

increase job performance.

• Public Sector. This will improve the overall efficiency and

effectiveness of work flexibility to job performance

improve accountability and transparency of the public


• Government. They can provides its employees with a

first-class benefits package employees and develop a

strong training culture, you must understand the benefits

of training.

• Students. This research study will help students to prepare

themselves in the workplace after they graduated and

find job opportunities and deeper knowledge.

• Future Researchers. This research will benefit the

researchers for them to has

have references as related studied to their future studies.


This study will be limited to the work flexibility and

impact on the job performance in public sector in Marawi

City. The questionnaire is limited only to the public sector in

Marawi City. This questionnaire will determine factors

influencing work flexibility and job performance among

public sector in Marawi City. The study primarily involved the

150 employees in public sector that are now building their

career. However, other researchers can use other parameter

to test the consistency of the result. The scope of the study is

to know the work flexibility to job performance as well as its

factors particularly individual characteristics (experience

and ability), outcomes (feedback and job security), and

work environment.


The researchers prepared the following terms and

define operationally amd technically that contributed a

better understanding of some important terms that

frequently occur in this study. This are the following terms used

by the researchers:

• Work Flexibility - is a strategy of responding to changing

circumstances and expectations. Employees who

approach their job with a flexible mindset are typically

more highly valued by employers. Similarly, employers

who cultivate a flexible work environment are attractive

to employees.

• Job performance - is defined as the total expected

value to the organization of the discrete behavioral

episodes that an individual carries out over a specified

time period. It also relates to how individuals perform in

their job duties. In addition to training and natural ability

• Employees - is an individual who was hired by an

employer to do a specific job. The employee is hired by

the employer after an application and interview process

results in his or her selection as an employee.

• Public Sector - It is a portion of the economy composed

of all levels of government and government-controlled

enterprises. It does not include private companies,

voluntary organizations, and households. It includes

government ownership or control rather than mere

function and thereby includes, for example, the exercise

of public authority or the implementation of public


• Individual characteristics - It can be defined as

emotional orientations on the part of employees toward

the work job performance they perform greatly

influencing employee motivation, which influences

productivity and, therefore, organization performance

as a whole

• Outcomes - having a significant impact on overall

employee satisfaction. Other studies have analyzed job

performance, the result of which indicates that low-

performing employees leave their jobs for various

reasons and that includes the feedback and job security.

• Work environment- It can greatly influence how you feel

about your job. Because of this, it's important to find an

employer that fosters a positive atmosphere and

encourages you consistently. When you have a positive

work environment, it can improve your happiness,

increase your productivity and motivate those around


• Factors - This correlates with work flexibility as well as job

performance that is important in more rare than ever

before. In a global economy that boasts countless

cheap labour alternatives, people feel like their jobs

might be tenuous


According to LAMB (2013), literature review aims to

place current research within the literature to provide

context to specific readers. Literature review is an important

element for research in almost all disciplines. It is important to

review the literature, as it cannot be mastered and

developed, as well as the main critiques made in the work of

the topic in the absence of the literature.

Related Literature

According to Mullen (2018) ithe main findings of the

recent Gartner poll revealed that one of future work trends

post pandemic refers to the of work flexibility of likely will

decide to work renu»tely at least part of tin-w after COVID•

19 with only of them before the pandemic; flexible working

will a rww normal after virus. Employees in Germany have a

well-established short-term work schedule an unlikely to be

afK•cted by the crisis. Within countries. impacts are uneven

and exacerbate existing inequalities.

Workers in alternative employment arrangements and

xcupations. characterized by a small part of the tasks

performed from home, have reduced hours. job losses, and

declining earnings (Amato, 2017).Working from home can be

useful for p«vle working in IT or other industries, but there are

employees for whom working from home is not possible, even

in a crisis. The health crisis has affected training efforts;

therefore, retraining has become a challenge. All these

consequences could have been minimized if they had been

planned well in advance or if employees had been familiar

with such strategies.

Work flexibility (also called workplace flexibility) is when

the employer gives some or full freedom to its employees to

choose the time (when), location (where), and manner (how)

in which they work to help align organisation goals with the

individual goals(Marcheno, 2018). Work flexibility involves

employers to have more concern for their employees and

realize that they have a hectic life beyond work as well. It

involves providing them with options and alternatives to help

them meet the demands of both professional and personal

lives. This not only boosts employee satisfaction but also

results in them becoming more productive and hard-working.


Flexibility and freedom are important both for

increasing employee satisfaction and reducing employee

turnover. In today’s world, high calibre clients look for a job

offers which are not only favourable in terms of the pay but

also in terms of advanced benefits, technical support, and

the flexibility to help them achieve peak performance. Stats

show that 78% of the employees feel their productivity

increase when work arrangements are flexible (Hans, 2010).

And 77% consider flexible work arrangements a major

consideration while applying for and evaluating job

opportunities. Flexible workplace is good for both the

employer and the employee. It not only helps increase

productivity in the organisation but also increases the

satisfaction of the employees which in-turn results in many

other advantages.

Workplace flexibility emphasizes the willingness and

ability to adapt to change, particularly regarding how and

when work gets done. In a flexible workplace, the needs of

both employee and employer are met. Workplace flexibility

is often used as a tool for retaining and engaging employees.

It can also help an organization reach its goals thanks to

improved productivity (Donilpo, 2016). Workplace flexibility is

a strategy of responding to changing circumstances and

expectations. Employees who approach their job with a

flexible mindset are typically more highly valued by

employers. Similarly, employers who cultivate a flexible work

environment are attractive to employees.

Job performance relates to how individuals perform

in their job duties. In addition to training and natural ability

(like dexterity or an inherent skill with numbers), job

performance is impacted by workplace environment factors

including physically demanding tasks, employee morale,

stress levels, and working extended hours (Booth, 2015). Poor

conditions and high stress can lead to compromsing health

habits like smoking and/or poor diet, which then have

increasing detrimental effects on job performance. On the

other end of the spectrum, well designed work environments,

low stress, and a supportive employer can greatly increase

job performance. Job performance is an important part of

workplace productivity and safety.

Job performance reflects many important aspects

that depend on company growth, expansion, and

production. A workforce consisting of healthy employees in

good working conditions fosters steady production, minimizes

risks of accidents/injuries, and curtails health care premiums

(Wash, 2018). However, common debilitating health diseases

can place a financial and productive strain on business. For

instance, obesity is a prevalent health concern leading to

increased risks for falls, developing heart conditions,

degenerative musculoskeletal disorders, and even hearing

loss. An employee's job performance can be partially

predicted by testing such as fitness to work and personality

tests. However, actual job performance is impacted by many

factors and the result of such impact may not be readily

apparent until after it begins to affect performance.

Personality has become a focal point in

organizational research, leadership development and

derailment, and particularly employee selection. This

optimism is largely the result of the development of a unified

model of personality called the Big Five, or Five Factor Model

of Personality (Hans, 2015) The Big Five model is an empirical

and comprehensive model of personality, and the purpose

of this article is to define the five factors, explore how they

relate to performance in various types of jobs, and identify

how performance “stacks up” to other individual differences

in predicting job performance.

Strenitz (2018) offer a new perspective Of the

achievement Ofemployee satisfaction and loyalty as part Of

sustainable human resource management, revealing that

higher financial rewards lead to the greatest satisfaction.

while the and length Of ernployment strongly impact

employee loyalty. The results present a particular interest for

our research, satisfaction is seen as a key challenge for

sustainable human resource management.

Although there is an extensive b«xly of literature

written of job satisfaction, Gazioglu and Tatbel (2009) provide

an interesting analysis of the determinants of job satisfaction

in Britain ccmsidering the following four different measures of

job satisfaction: satisfaction with their influence over the

satisfaction the interesting results obtained, and taking into

account aim Of our research. they found that long working

hours reduce satisfaction, while those employees who had

job training were more satisfied than those who had no

training opportunities. results are even more relevant from the

perspective of working time and functiKmal flexibility and led

us to research how these characteristics Romanian

employee satisfaction.

Flexibility is an important characteristic tthat

primarily reflects the needs of employees. Field and its imply

a broader approach to labor regulations, as compliance

with institutional requirements not lead. Since organizational

environments have more complex and dynamic, companies

increasingly use practices that enhance their flexibility. such

as contingent work, part-time or temporary work, and flexible

contract work (Kemyih, 2008)

From the perspective of employees' initiativß

regarding the work they performed or the way they are

employed. Reilley (2004) proposed five types oi work

flexibility—functional, numerical. temporal, kval, and

financial. An alternative classification of work flexibility

arrangements have been proposed by the International

Classification for Standards, according to which there are

two types of work.

Among the individual characteristics pointed out

by Stankeviciute and Savaneviciene two core characteristics

are Of particular interest for our research—employee

development and a mix of flexible working time. and new

types of workspaces to increase job satisfaction leading to

sustainable HRM- Casuneanu identified the following four

forms of work flexibility.

Working time flexibility, contractual flexmity.

functional flexibility (vocational training), and waB• flexibility

1431. In light of sustainability, functional flexibility achieved

through employee development is even more important

from the perspective of acquiring of skills and develeving

capacities that employees will need in the future. Thus, the

development of employees needs to take into account the

investment in future skills. and the employees' need to be

regarded as two facets: the main asset as well as an agent

Of change.

Hirsig al. (2009) argue that, "more and more

important to in continuous training and for the workforce

rather than in infrastructure and Job performance is a central

element within industrial and organizational psychology,

reflecting scalable actions, behaviors, and outcomes that

employees engage with, or contribute to,within

organizations, and being defined by how employee

behaviors contribute to organizational goals. Job

performance is influenced by individual characteristics

(experience and ability), outcomes (e.g., feedback and job

security), work environment.

Bal and DeLane (2020) proved that the relationship

between work flexibility and job performance was mediated

by employee commitment, it was also demonstrated that

time flexibility significantly impacted labor productivity.

Significant results proving that work flexibility leads to

performance has been provided. Lepak et al. (2017) proven

that investments in human capital also increase labor

productivity, as well as employee stability in the labor market,

employability, and adaptability to new global

laborconditions, including job performance.

Flexible work practices are designed to meet the

needs of employers, thus improving the work–life balance of

employees in a manner consistent with the needs of the

company and conducing to job satisfaction and job

performance. For both companies and the labor market in

general, work flexibility is seen as the key to success,

influencing working conditions, productivity, profitability, and

overall performance. Economists argue that work flexibility

has relevant effects on workers’ well-being and job


Carvalho and Cabral-Cardoso revealed that

numerical and functional flexibility can be achieved

simultaneously and interdependently by implementing a

unique HRM system based on workforce commitment.

Businesses with flexible operations often have several forms of

flexible working models that reflect an innovation in human

resource management. Analyzing the influence of

sustainableon workplace performance, Manzoor et al.

demonstrated that HRM practices, such as employee

selection, participation, and empowerment significantly and

positively influenced employee work performance on work

In summary, the core idea of all empirical studies

regarding work flexibility characteristics of Romanian

employees refers to teamwork and usage of information

technology as primordial elements of flexibility, while the most

important forms of flexibility in the opinion of Romanian

employees are team autonomy and working time flexibility

(Amato, 2016).Therefore, the importance of work flexibility is

once again highlighted, and the motivation of our research

could also be explained from this perspective. Although

there are several other studies examining the relationship

between work flexibility and job satisfaction, and studies

examining the relationship between work flexibility and job


Related Studies
According to Waldman and Spangler (2020) study

entitled Factors affecting work flexibility and its effect on job

performance of employees. It is proved that the relationship

between work flexibility and job performance cannot be

separated. Work adjustment theory states that work flexibility

has an impact to job performance when the factors that

significantly influence job perfomance exists including

individual characteristics (experience and ability), outcomes

(feedback and job security), and work environment.


The positive relationship between work flexibility and

job performance has been provided by the studies of

Christen et al. (2000) and Katzell et al. (2010). Pavalache-Ilie

[80] studied the relationship between “good soldier

syndrome” and job satisfaction by researching two

independent studies (public and private) conducted in

Romania. The results indicated that job satisfaction is

associated with performance behaviors (e.g., organizational

citizenship, self-efficacy, hospitality, and seniority within the

organization), with the involvement in public organizations

being more intense than in private ones.

In the context of today’s economy, when

professionals can choose from a wide range of offers

available on the labor market, employers must reinvent

themselves and begin to offer potential employee’s

alternative benefits other than simply financial ones. Most of

the time, the flexibility of the organization can determine, not

only the employee’s longevity but, more importantly, their

motivation to work hard and to be productive. Employer

flexibility benefits not only the employees but also the

organization that offers itk. Rigidity removes talent, and in a

free, growing market, potential employees



Methodology helps others know why you want to do your

research in a particular way. It helps others know that you

know what you are doing. It gives confidence to funding

agencies that you are not going to waste their money. If your

methodology is new, innovative or just plain different then

you have to write more of a justification so that others will

understand what you are trying to do and why it is important

to do it this new way.

This chapter describes the methodology that guided the

study. Specifically, the chapter gives information about

research design, determination of sample size, the subjects,

research instrument, validation of instrument, data gathering

procedure, data processing procedure, and statistical



This study will utilize a Quantitative Descriptive

Correlational method. Accordingly, Descriptive correlational

composed of survey research and ex-post-facto research

that provide quantitative analysis of the cause and effect

that start with the data calculated in order to evaluate the

statistical result Faceye (2010). A quantitative wil be

conducted in order to meet the dissertation's objectives.

Quantitative descriptive correlational method outcome

research is mostly conducted in the social sciences, with the

quantitative data from the research study collected using

the statistical methods described above. Researchers and

statisticians use mathematical frameworks and theories

related to the quantity under consideration in this research

method. Quantitative research templates are objective,

detailed, and, in many cases, investigational. This research

method yields logical, statistical, and unbiased results. Data

was collected in a structured manner and on larger samples

that represented the entire population. Specifically,

determined the work flexibility and impact on the job

performance in public sector in Marawi City.


This study wil be conducted in Public sector at Marawi

City..It is located in the Marawi City. Marawi, City is officially

the Islamic City of Marawi, is a 4th class component city and

capital of the province of Lanao del Sur, Philippines.

According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 201,785

people. The people of Marawi are called the Maranaos and

speak the Maranao language. The name was changed from

Dansalan to Marawi on 1956. The renaming of the city as

“Islamic City of Marawi” was proposed by Parliamentary Bill

No. 261 in the defunct Batasang Pambansa, the former

parliament of the Philippines during the Marcos regime,

reportedly to attract funds from the Middle East.


Subjects in research be defined as a group of

individual, items or objects from which samples are taken

from measurement (Kombo, 2005). This definition related

directly to the purpose of the study. This study will focus to

the work flexibility and impact on the job performance in

public sector in Marawi City.

In this study, the respondents of the study are the

randomly selected. The respondents of the study are 150

randomly selected employees in public sector in Marawi City.

They will randomly choose to avoid bias in the study, from

simple random sampling. They are all the subjects included

in this study.

In this study, the respondents are chosen base on their

knowledge of the information required by the researcher. The

respondents of the study defined as a group of individual,

items or objects from which samples are taken from

measurement (Kombo, 2005). This definition related directly

to the purpose of the study. Therefore, a sample larger than

the target sample was selected to replace those graduates

who could not be found and/or contacted due to phone

number changes or refusal to participate in the study. When

the error occurred, the following contact list was ready. In

addition, study participants can rest assured that the

information collected will not be passed on to the authorities

at any time. All information is for research purposes only.


In order to obtain the necessary information, the

researchers developed a structured survey-questionnaire

through google form based on the employability of

graduates. Google Forms is an application that is easy to use,

quick to fill out and easy for respondents to answer

(Edelmayer, 2020). The questionnaire consists of three main

parts. To determine the validity of the questionnaire content,

the researchers consulted university experts when

developing tools, including research office, professor and

industry expert. Their suggestions have been recorded and

will be included in the final form. The questionnaire was also

pre-tested, which included a population sample or

graduates of another program of the university that was not

the actual research respondent, and then the reliability of the

results was tested, and the researchers performed descriptive

statistics on the data.

The first draft of the questionnaire will be submitted to

the researchers' adviser for corrections and suggestions.

Several changes will be made. Some items that are not

relevant to the proposed study will be disregarded. The

revised form will be validated by some experts in research to

clearly validated the questionnaires made by the

researchers. The recommendations and suggestions of some

experts will.be follow by the researchers to make the research

more helpful and significant to society.


In this study, after the researchers conducted the

survey and collect the gather data then will proceed to

another step. The data will be gathered will properly

arranged and organized for easier tabulation of the datas.

The researchers will tabulate the weighted mean base on the

response of the respondents. The researchersl made few

steps in order to conduct this study.

• Suitable questions modified from related research was

used in creating the survey questionnaire.

• Upon the approval of the questionnaire, a permission

drafted to the respondents where the study will be

conducted. The researchers give the letters to the

respomdents asking permission for them to be the

respondents of the study.

• Then, upon the approval, the survey conducted by

giving questionnaire to the respondents to gather

information that is needed.

• After the data gathered, the researcher proceed to the

interpretation of the data.

• Lastly, developed conclusions, implications, and



The researcher will use Pearson’s correlation

coefficient to determine the work flexibility and impact on

the job performance in public sector in Marawi City. Pearson

correlational coefficient is the best statistic method that

measures the statistical relationship and association between

two continuous variables that depends on the gather data.

Weighted mean on the other hand will also be use.

• Pearson r correlation

Pearson's correlation is utilized when you have

two quantitative variables and you wish to see if there is

a linear relationship between those variables. Your

research hypothesis would represent that by stating

that one score affects the other in a certain way. The

correlation is affected by the size and sign of the r

(Juby, 2018).
• Weighted mean

The weighted mean involves multiplying each

data point in a set by a value which is determined by

some characteristic of whatever contributed to the

data point. Presented with the set of effect sizes, the

researcher could weight each one by the sample size

for that study (Juby, 2018).

Likert Scale will be use to minimize the interviewer

effect. That is, a participant's response is likely to be

influenced by the behavior the researcher shows how

the question is presented. This are the following steps to

consider in this study.

1. Data management
The researchers familiarize with appropriate

systematically logging in and screening data that will be


2. Understanding variable types

The researchers determine the different data types

demand discrete treatment, so it has important to be

able to distinguish variables by both cause and effect

and their measurement scales.

3. Run descriptive statistics

These are used to summarize the basic features of a

data set through measure.

4. Appropriate inferential statistics

Thus, researchers can directly assess their ability to

draw conclusions that exceed the data. For example,

when representing a sample population. If there is a

difference between two or more groups; if there are

changes over time; Or if there is a relationship between

2 or more variables.

5. Selecting the right statistical test

This relies on knowing the nature of your variables;

their scale of measurement; their distribution shape; and

the types of question you want to ask.

6. Look for statistical significance

This is generally captured through a ‘p-value’, which

assesses the probability that your findings are more than

coincidence. The lower the p-value, the more confident

researchers can be that findings are genuine.

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