Applying Nature - S Solutions

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Building Technology Educator's Society

Volume 2019 Article 24


Applying Nature’s Solutions to Architectural

Jay Yowell
Oklahoma State University,

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Yowell, Jay (2019) "Applying Nature’s Solutions to Architectural Problems," Building Technology Educator's Society: Vol. 2019 , Article
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Applying Nature’s Solutions to Architectural Problems

Jay Yowell, AIA
Oklahoma State University

Abstract create effective solutions to environmental issues; for

example carbon dioxide emissions. Which will require
Nature has inspired architecture for millennia and recent
the construction industry to look beyond itself and look
discoveries allow designers to understand the wealth of
to nature with its array of plentiful, creative appropriate
biological information further. The architectural
designs. Since buildings account for thirty-nine percent
profession is at a critical point in history with regards to
of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, these
reducing its impact on the environment. To truly
designs provide crucial for architects to learn from.
minimize a building’s impact it needs to interact more
holistically with its surroundings. The lessons learned
Keywords: Biomimicry, Biomimetic, Design, Carbon
from natural systems can be applied to architecture to
Dioxide, Building Envelope
lessen its environmental impact, and this is a critical
point to ask: Will architects utilize construction
Why Biomimicry and Architecture
technology as well as advanced scientific knowledge to
create an architecture that behaves like nature? Imagine
Looking beyond architectural design to nature is not a
a building that can convert carbon dioxide to oxygen
new idea. Architect Petra Gruber states, “Researchers
and during the process efficiently converting sunlight
and scholars, who have used biological role models for
into energy.
their work, can be found very early in history.”1 DaVinci,
Gaudi and Fuller showed how nature inspired their work.
The Architecture + Biomimicry course was set up so
If these innovative historical designers looked to nature
students could specifically address this question and
for inspiration shouldn’t today’s architects do the same?
explore these possibilities. Research of literature and
Especially with our knowledge of architecture’s impact on
experts helped the students seek an answer to ‘What
the environment and advanced knowledge of how nature
would nature do?’ This knowledge was then applied to
an architectural solution that addressed the original
challenge they selected. Work culminated in an exhibit
There are many terms to describe this process:
and was attended by numerous faculty and students
biomimicry, biomimetic, bioinspired, bionik, and
from cross-disciplinary fields (including engineering,
biogenesis. For simplicity, this course and paper used
interior design and sustainability). Discussions with
the term Biomimicry, the title of the book by Janine
these professors planted the seed for this course to
Benyus in 1997. In this, she says that “Biomimicry is a
expand and coordinate with their courses. This will lead
new science that studies nature’s models and then
to a new interdisciplinary approach to seeing and
imitates or takes inspiration from these designs and
solving challenges in a new light.
processes to solve human problems…” 2
Students will learn to look beyond the forms in nature
Today we know more than past generations about
and understand the principles behind them in order to
nature’s principles and also have better understanding of

our impact on the environment. Therefore, it is important pin ups and critiques, this option is fine-tuned for the final
to teach architecture students to utilize this knowledge project.
and learn how nature solves similar problems we are This pattern is repeated project after project and
attempting to solve. Gruber agrees, “The study of the semester after semester. The building type will change
overlapping fields of biology and architecture shows as will the approach of how to conceptualize and develop
innovative potential for architectural solutions. the design. But the framework and mindset remains the
Approaches that have been taken to transfer nature’s same. Taking a biomimetic approach interrupts this
principles to architecture have provided successful process. A detailed description is given later in this paper,
developments.” 3 Furthermore, innovative architect Frei but the main interruption is how a student comes to their
Otto declared, “Not only has biology become final project. Instead of coming up with a concept quickly,
indispensable for building but building for biology.” 4 the biomimicry approach causes the students to spend a
long time defining the problem before coming up with a
This interest in the connection between building and concept. Consulting with scientists is another interruption
biology was evident in being invited to present at the that students have to adjust to doing.
American Institute of Architects (AIA) National
Convention in 2007. The theme that year was “Growing Biomimetic Building Skins Masters Research
Beyond Green”. This led to more presentations on
biomimicry to AIA chapters in Nashville and Denver. Being able to teach this process is a result of not only
teaching it in a previous class, but also from lessons
Architects working on small scale projects up to urban learned by completing my master’s in architecture
scale design projects were seeing the viability of applying degree. The thesis was to look at how building skins
biomimetic principles in their projects. In Denver, the could function similar to tree bark. It was a result of trying
architects that taught at the University of Colorado to solve two major problems in architecture: energy
Denver, also saw the importance of teaching students inefficiency and loss of place. Trees are literally rooted in
these principles and had them attend this presentation. place and their bark is a reflection of this place while also
The feedback from these students influenced the shift to providing protection, thermoregulation and conduits for
focus on biomimicry and architecture research in the food and water. Buildings perform these functions, but we
academic setting. would do well to perform similar to these natural systems.

Trained as an architect, this biomimicry process of design

Academic Setting
proved a difficult hurdle. To help, the first year was spent
consulting with just scientists. Diagramming was a
In 2009, I introduced this biomimicry approach to common communication method to help explain
students in an Urban Design studio. We applied nature’s architectural skins (Figure 1) and for scientists to explain
solutions to urban issues. One of the main lessons photosynthesis for example.
learned was how differently this type of thinking was from
the standard design approaches taken in studios.
Typically, the student comes up with a concept for the
problem defined in the project description. They often
create multiple options and then, with the help of the
studio professor, select the best option to develop. After

University (OSU) in the spring of 2018. The focus of the

course was to move beyond just form and copying how
nature looks. A quote by architect Michael Pawlyn
summarized the approach to the class, ‘The intention is
therefore to transcend the mimicking of natural forms and
attempt to understand the principles that lie behind those
forms and systems.’ 5
Biomimicry Design Spiral

With this mindset, the overall methodology framework

was based upon the Biomimicry Design Spiral (Figure 3).
The Biomimicry Institute says that it ‘provides a succinct
description of the essential elements of a design process
that uses nature as a guide for creating solutions.’ 6

It breaks down the process in clear steps and format was

Fig. 1. Diagrams of existing building skin strategies. used to layout the project assignments and steps to
solving the design problems.
The back and forth communication format proved
helpful. Diagrammatic explanations eventually led to
being able to understand tree bark and its direct
comparison to building skins (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Diagram of structure of building and tree skin.

Learning from their focused scientific approach and how Fig. 3. Biomimicry Institute’s Design Spiral

they analyzed the organisms they studied proved to be a

First Steps
valuable methodology still applied to teaching today.
Looking outside of the construction industry also led to
Showing the students what has been and is currently
being one of seven fellows at the Nature, Art & Habitat
being done laid the foundation for them to build upon.
Residency (NAHR) program in Taleggio Valley, Italy
Specifically, investigating what other universities have a
during the summer of 2016.
biology and architecture program. These schools
included Georgia Tech, Arizona State, Minneapolis
Biomimicry and Architecture at Oklahoma State College of Art and Design, and the Architectural
Association School of Architecture in London.
Expanding upon this experience, a new course was
created in the Architecture School at Oklahoma State

Additionally, the following literature was recommended to their ideas to a more thorough functional level and not be
introduce biomimicry and architecture: ‘Biomimicry’ by satisfied with simply mimicking shapes.
Janine M. Benyus, ‘Emergent Technologies and Design’
by Hensel, Menges & Weinstock, ‘On Growth and Form’ Project 2 – Distill

by D’Arcy Thompson and ‘The Gecko’s Foot’ by Peter

With this foundation, the students spent a week and
identified current problems with the built environment.

Project 1 – Group Presentations Categories created were: building interiors (i.e. indoor air
quality), building systems (i.e. wind power), construction,
For the first week-long project, the twenty-three students urban design and materials. Each student then selected
gave group presentations on an innovative architect or a single problem to develop based on their specific
engineer working with biomimicry (listed below). interest. Problems they researched ranged from lighting,
efficiency, and insulation to material improvements
Buckminster Fuller Haresh Lalvani Achim Menges (preventing wood rot, self-healing and non-toxic) to
Frei Otto Neri Oxman Michael Pawlyn adaptable parking, road construction and safer road
Jenny Sabin Doris Kim Sung Julian Vincent intersections for bicyclists.
Michael Weinstock Jeanette Yen
The standard architectural studio approach would be to
Studying what these innovators have built, researched jump in to creating concepts on how to solve this problem.
and written about their processes proved invaluable. It However, working with the biomimicry design spiral, the
allowed them to see how to go deeper than just form students spent two weeks defining the problem by
when relating design to nature and also pushed them to investigating why it was a problem, what essential issues
go further with their ideas while seeing the historical were, and what attempts had been made to solve it.
context in what they are proposing for this class. For
example, both Fuller and Otto were concerned with Project 3 – Translate
lightweight structures and minimal surface areas. Also,
the students learned how each approached these With the problem clearly defined, the next step was to

concerns with different methods. Fuller explored the translate it to biology. To seek out how nature solves the

strength in geometric patterns of microscopic organisms problem, an important question to ask is, “What would

while Otto studied soap bubbles as a form finding nature do here?” Simply using the original design to

exercise. In these, the students saw that there are answer that question, it would be difficult to research. For

multiple ways to approach the same problem. example by asking. “How does nature make cycling at
night safer?” It is better to biologize it and ask “How does
In addition to looking at historical precedents, students nature enhance visibility in low light?” Seeking answers
researched current academic work. Achim Menges’s will lead one to identify the functions of the problem,
investigation of shell structures at the University of reframe the questions and translate design parameters.
Stuttgart and USC’s Doris Kim Sung taking inspiration Class presentations were also given to give insight into
from human skin pores revealed the variety of similar this process.
biomimetic research. Pioneers in their respective fields,
architect Michael Pawlyn and engineering professor For two weeks, the class studied how nature uses

Julian Vincent, showed the students they needed to take feedback loops, how it operates with its diversity and
design, symbiosis and nature’s patterns. Nature repeats

certain forms that conserve resources using the least Scientists, however, use the term ‘speciation’ to describe
amount of energy. Understanding how nature utilizes the development of species in a region.
these patterns is invaluable for architects designing
energy and resource efficient buildings. Project 5 – Emulate

One example presented was the 120 degree pattern. With the knowledge of these natural strategies, the

Seen in the honeycomb cells of bees, this pattern lets the students could finally begin to seek design solutions to

bees minimize the amount of wax they use, while the problems they had clearly defined. For four weeks,

providing a strong structure to store honey. they created multiple concepts based on work in projects

Approximately thirty percent less material is used with three and four in addition to the literature, professionals

this pattern when compared to using a 90 degree grid. presented on, and the work in other universities.

Scaling, fractals, symmetry, and spirals were other

Final Project - Communicate
patterns discussed. Effective transportation flows were
seen in the pattern of branching. Rivers transport water
The semester culminated in an exhibition of the students’
efficiently, lighting dissipates electricity efficiently, and
work. Standard final presentations just show the finished
plants and blood vessels move water and nutrients
design and presentation boards. For this exhibit,
efficiently all with the pattern of branching. Discovering
however, in addition to their final design, process work
these repeated patterns in nature’s design helped the
and research was also included.
students make a connection to the next phase.

Specific Student Examples

Project 4 – Discover

Two student projects below show this process in detail.

After weeks of investigating, asking questions, reading
Victoria R. – Macro Stomata
and presenting, the students were ready to design. But it
still wasn’t time yet; students spent two more weeks
The problem Victoria was proposing to solve dealt with
discovering natural models. There was some frustration
light in buildings. The question she asked was “How can
at this point in the semester since it was different than
we control the quality and quantity of light inside buildings
their standard process in a studio. Discovering natural
through sustainable materials and structure?” She saw
models was the last step before they could begin what
that many glazing and façade designs function like units
they consider ‘designing’.
of separate systems. Which leads to a disconnect of
controlling the light on the interior leading to glare, heat
To help and find the strongest examples, it was good to
gain on one end and no connection to the outdoors on
consider the so called champions in nature that
the other end. Both extremes create an uncomfortable
specifically solve their problem. These champions are
interior for users. Environments that have the proper
typically found in extreme environments. For example,
amount and quality of daylight increase occupant
the desert or the arctic. It was also a beneficial exercise
productivity and comfort. Controlled, it also helps with the
to utilize proper terms for natural systems and use
heating and cooling loads on the building.
terminology used by researchers being studied. For
example, when looking for how design relates to its local
Victoria began to biologize the issue and explored how it
environment, architects often use the term ‘regionalism’.
was possible to create a symbiotic relationship between
the building’s structure and skin. She sought to discover

natural models where material functions as the structure In answering these questions, she focused on cactus for
and the system. the inspiration organism. She researched numerous
cactus pecies and analyzed which best addressed her
For the Discovery phase, she focused on two organisms: defined problems. Through further research into literature
cactus and the glass sponge (Figure 4). The cacti, and scientific work, she concluded that the Saguro
because it is designed to survive in the most extreme hot Cactus encompassed the two fundamental goals of her
conditions. She found that they embody self-shading and project: light control and material as structure.
self-harvesting properties that could translate to a
building’s façade. Chemical and structural compositions First, the plant is adaptable and uniform. It is able to
were explored in the glass sponge. survive in this harsh environment up to two hundred
years. Second, the Saguro cactus is the largest cactus in
Victoria formulated questions to further her knowledge of the United States, growing up to thirty to forty feet tall. 7
these two natural systems. How does the structure of
cacti allow them to develop variable heights? How do
glass sponges filter light so deep below sea level? How
does materiality in glass sponges have an effect on how
light is processed?

Fig. 5. Macro Stomata Final Board

Creating a building skin based on the fiber and skeleton

structure of the Saguaro Cactus was completed for the
Emulate phase (Figure 5). She designed a modular living
wall composing of structural fibers woven in a structural
skin creating a stomatic surface allowing contraction and
expansion. Similar to the natural system, this skin can
filter carbon dioxide and oxygen through this movement.

In addition to the skin filtering, it was designed to have

self-shading properties. In extreme heat, contraction of
the surface can restrict sun exposure and in cold
temperatures, its expansion allows sun exposure.

Holly S. – Algal Energy

Fig. 4. Victoria’s Discovery of Cactus and Glass Sponge Reducing the urban heat island effect was the problem
Holly proposed to solve with her design solution. The

materials, dark surfaces and lack of vegetation in urban water and carbon dioxide waste from the building can be
spaces absorb heat and raise the temperature in these converted into usable nutrients for the algae.
areas. These structures and surfaces also radiate heat
when the sun goes down. Energy efficiency is greatly
reduced in structures as a result. In her research, she
found that some attempts have been made to combat the
urban heat island effect by adding vegetation and light
colored roofs.

She sought to discover how plants help combat the urban

heat island effect. 8 They lower air temperature through
evapotranspiration, which is the process where they
evaporate water through their leaves. In the Discover
Phase, she focused on algae and how it covers a body of
water and lowers the water’s temperature. As it spreads
out on the surface, it speeds up the efficiency of
photosynthesis, rapidly spreading out more and making
shade for the environment below. Additionally, she found
that this algae converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into
an oil it uses for energy. Other systems Holly explored
were how whales regulate their temperature and into
electric eels that are able to produce a sizable amount of

She focused on algae mainly because of its temperature

reducing qualities, but also because of its ability to Fig. 6. Algal Energy Final Board
produce large amounts of energy. Plus, it has been used
in a similar manner in buildings. In an article about Arup’s The panel is comprised of a layer of glass, a framework
Bio Intelligent Quotient building in Hamburg, Mark Hay with algae covered in a water-permeable membrane and
states, “Producing about five times as much biomass per has a sieve at the base that lets oil through but not the
square foot as soil grown plants, and thriving on carbon algae. This excess oil can be used for fuel. These panels
dioxide, algae have the potential to grow almost can be used in new buildings or retrofitted to older
limitlessly and produce oily lipids and gases that can be buildings. Holly also proposed to use different colored
transformed into relatively clean energy.” 9 algae and in this framework, thus causing the glass
skyscraper appear to be clad in contemporary stained
To emulate this, she proposed to create a skin with algae
glass (Figure 6).
that shades the building while the film still allows for
evapotranspiration, cooling the air around it. The panels
Pedagogical Innovation
tilt away from the building, following the movement of the
sun to maximize photosynthesis and shading. The waste These two examples represent similar work done by all
twenty-three students in the Biomimicry and Architecture

class. The process was not only distinct from other studio When students went to Discover their natural models, the
classes, but also from typical biomimicry class currently students researched the literature. To explore further,
being taught. It is becoming common for architecture they had to list a variety of organisms and in addition to
students to look at natural organisms to apply to their the literature, study research by scientists and look for
design. This course looked deeper into the problem patterns these natural systems had that addressed their
being defined and then explored principles of natural problem. The class also had to write why they chose
systems that applied to these detailed, defined problems. these particular organisms.
Each of the twenty-three architecture students spent
most of the semester reworking how they approach the Students then rewrote the strategies previously defined

design training they had received thus far in their using architectural terms but staying true to the science.

academic training. As described, the Biomimicry Spiral Their assignment for this stated that the design strategy

provided the overall framework to design a solution to the should clearly address the function they want to meet

problem each student defined. To help with this within the context it will be used. It was not to be a

innovative process required a series of detailed statement about the design or solution; it was a launching

assignments to push the students to think differently. pad for brainstorming possible solutions. Repeating this
step proved necessary since designers almost
It is typical to have a problem to solve in design studio. immediately begin making design statements.
Here, however, the students had to ask: Why this was a
problem? What were the elements of the problem? How
are others trying to solve this problem?

Translating the problem was the most irregular, and

therefore difficult, step for the students. One assignment
had them breakdown the functions and context of the
design question they posed. Not looking for answers yet,
just posing questions. Following this, assignments had
them think critically about the functions at the heart of the
outcome their design question is trying to solve. Also, to
consider including relevant opposites or tangential
functions that may be worth exploring.

After this step, each were assigned to define relevant

contextual factors and use biologically-relevant terms to
describe the context in which their design must function.
What terms do scientist use to describe the functions Fig. 7. Various in depth assignments

studied? Using these terms helped them look at the

problem in a new language and see the biological After much writing, the students created multiple
strategies nature used to solve a problem. Taking this diagrams based on these strategies while they began the
approach was another area that made this class unique Emulate Phase of the project. These drawings were to
from standard architecture and biomimicry courses. depict the design strategy based on their thorough
research not simply a copy of the biological strategy. It

was meant to focus on the functional elements in the Our understanding of this natural world and the problems
natural system. A step to help with this was to have them like increased carbon dioxide levels is higher than it has
imagine the strategy like a mechanical system or process ever been. How the architecture community, starting at
diagram in order to draw it without depicting biological the academic level, utilizes this knowledge is at a critical
parts. Next, students reviewed and refined these point. Looking at the problem they are trying to solve and
diagrams to see if they gained any new insights or using the current scientific knowledge available will cause
confirmed existing design approaches (Figure 7). the student to build on the shoulders of giants; DaVinci,
Gaudi, Fuller and Otto for example, who took their
Conclusions inspiration from the natural world.

While this process proved beneficial, reflections on the References:

class reveal steps to improve. Mainly to bring in scientists
early in the process as collaborators. Architects already 1. Petra Gruber, Biomimetics in Architecture (Reading, U.K.:

use the expertise of consultants in specific areas like The University of Reading Institute for Building Construction
and Technology 2008), 22.
structural and mechanical systems. Consulting with
experts in scientific fields can benefit designers in the 2. Janine Benyus, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature
same manner. Their knowledge of the natural world and (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1997),
the applicable technology will continue to advance how Introduction.

architecture can create more energy efficient buildings.

3. Gruber, Biomimetics in Architecture, 5.
Doing so will require us to change our thinking and to not
4. Frei Otto, IL3 Biology and Building (Stuggart: University of
keep repeating the same approaches. Improving how our
Stuggart 1971), 12.
buildings work with nature will require a deeper
understanding of how nature works. 5. Michael Pawlyn, Biomimicry in Architecture (London: RIBA
The methodology for this class gave students a unique Publishing 2012), 2.

approach to create innovative design solutions. Applying 6. “Resource: Visual Tools”, last modified March 5, 2018,
nature’s principles, clearly defining the problem at
multiple levels, and exploring appropriate scientific spiral/#.XGX14_ZFxPY
research all made for an original course. Dealing with
7. Jeri Zemon, “The Desert Cactus”, accessed February 4, 2018,
carbon dioxide, water, transportation, energy and
structure can all be improved by emulating nature’s time-
tested strategies. It can lead to more environmentally 8. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, “Using Trees and
Vegetation to Reduce Heat Islands”, last modified August 12,
efficient buildings but this process also provides an
innovative design process since the students make a
thorough investigation into the problem. Unexpected
solutions were created by taking this innovative design 9. Mark Hay, “Hamburg Now Has an Algae-Powered Building”,
September 23, 2014,
approach which benefits the students in future design
courses. It will help them to look beyond the construction
industry, but more importantly to explore the essence of
the problems they want to solve. Which will also create a
heightened awareness of the world around them,
architecturally and naturally.

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