Technology Its Benefits and Negative Effects
Technology Its Benefits and Negative Effects
Technology Its Benefits and Negative Effects
Do you have a television, a radio or a refrigerator? If you do, then you are using
technology. In a way, you are already familiar with technology. But technology is not
just about having and using appliances at home or in the workplace. Do you know that
even small things like the ballpen, paper and eyeglasses are all products of
Technology has changed and influenced our life in many ways. In this module,
you will learn more about technology, its benefits as well as its negative effects.
The module has two lessons:
Lesson 1 – Technology and Its Benefits
Lesson 2 – The Negative Effects of Technology and the Challenges
That It Faces
Let’s See What You Already Know
Let us check how much you already know about this topic. Encircle the letter of
the best answer.
1. ____________________ is about discoveries and inventions, the products
and methods that man uses to control or make use of his environment.
a. Technology
b. Science
c. Discovery
d. Innovation
2. Which of the following statements about discovery and invention is true?
a. Inventions always follow discoveries.
b. Discoveries always follow inventions.
c. Invention is creating things that did not exist before, while discovery is
finding out about things that already exist.
d. Discovery and invention are about improving things that are already in
3. On what technology is the electric lamp an innovation?
a. incandescent bulb
b. oil lamp
c. fluorescent lamp
d. flashlight
4. Which one among the inventions below did not revolutionize the world?
a. computer
b. horse carriage
c. automobile
d. television
5. How did the introduction of the Internet revolutionize the world?
a. It enabled computers to be linked together.
b. It enabled a widespread sharing of information.
c. It enabled people to do many things including shopping using the
d. all of the above
6. Technology enables workers to ____________________.
a. increase their production
b. reduce the amount of labor
c. have more leisure time
d. all of the above
7. In the field of health, technology is able to ____________________.
a. cure all illnesses
b. diagnose all illnesses
c. provide cures for many illnesses
d. prevent all illnesses
8. Technology can change our beliefs and value systems by
a. giving us access to various sources of information
b. giving us the opportunity to be exposed to other people’s culture
c. giving us the chance to hear others’ opinions and beliefs
d. all of the above
9. Most problems that are related to technology are mainly brought about by
a. lack of planning and consideration of the possible negative effects
b. lack of funding to implement the technology
c. lack of knowledge on the technology
d. all of the above
10. Technology causes some people to lose their job because
a. it is able to do the tasks that human workers used to do
b. it is able to do the tasks faster and more efficiently
c. it is able to do the task at less cost
d. all of the above
Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? Compare your answers with those
in the Answer Key on page 38.
If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already know
much about the topics in this module. You may still study the module to review what
you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as well.
If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This means that this module is for you. It
will help you to understand important concepts that you can apply in your daily life. If
you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items in the test
and a lot more! Are you ready?
You may go now to the next page to begin Lesson 1.
I’m sure you have read and heard of the term “technology” quite often. You may
have heard expressions like “high-tech” or “high technology” to refer to computers or
cellular phones or to some new machine. We often associate technology with
machines and inventions. Technology is likewise always connected with science.
But what really is technology? In this lesson, you will learn about technology and
its benefits.
After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
♦ differentiate science from technology and invention from discovery;
♦ define innovation;
♦ explain how some inventions and discoveries revolutionized the world; and
♦ explain the various benefits of technology.
In your opinion, how is technology related to science? Write your answers in the
spaces below.
Let’s Learn
Which of the following items are discoveries, and which are inventions? Write
the items in the appropriate column.
fire medicinal plants telephone
electric fan planet Mars paper
Discoveries Inventions
Finished? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 39.
Did you get all the correct answers? If yes, great! If not, don’t worry; just read on
and you’ll soon find them out.
When we talk of technology, we always hear the terms invention and discovery.
What do you think is the difference between the two?
Discovery means finding out or learning about something. For example,
thousands of years ago, people could only see and observe the stars above them. But
now, through the technology of space travel, the telescope and other space
observation instruments, people have discovered that there are actually billions of
stars and that some of the “stars” we see are actually planets.
Discovery therefore means finding out about something that already exists.
On the other hand, to invent means to create something. For example, the
appliances that you use at home like the television, refrigerator and radio are all
inventions. They did not exist before and were only created by people.
Through the ages, people invented tools, machines, materials and techniques to
make work easier. Technology includes the use of both primitive and modern tools
and methods of work. Primitive technology refers to the old technologies or the
things that were created thousands of years ago. Modern technology refers to the
new technologies. An example of primitive technology is the use of fire. Fire was
discovered thousands of years ago. On the other hand, an example of modern
technology is the computer.
1. Oil lamp
Electric lamp
Primitive Technology Modern Technology
2. Horse-drawn carriage
3. Folding fan
4. Washboard
6. Handsaw
Primitive Technology Modern Technology
7. Wood-burning stove
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 39.
What did you notice? While examples of primitive and modern technologies
perform the same functions, the latter were developed to make work a lot easier. For
example, people used to wash their clothes using the washboard. Clothes were rubbed
against the washboard to get rid of dirt. Today, we have washing machines. You just put
your clothes in, push some buttons and presto! Your clothes are washed. In fact, many
washing machines even have dryers. You need not hang your clothes because you can
get them clean and dry using such machines.
Indeed, technology continues to change the world we live in. This is because
technology evolves. This means that as time passes, developments and improvements
are made on old technologies. From primitive technologies, people create new and
better technologies. This is called innovation. For example, when the first television
was introduced, it did not have any sound. Soon television carried black and white
pictures. Then came colored pictures. Through the years, people innovate or improve
on old technologies to come up with better and more efficient technologies.
Let’s Try This
Think about the technologies that you cannot live without. Write down five of
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
Perhaps you wrote the technologies that are found in your house like the
incandescent bulb, television, radio, electric fan and others.
People have continuously thought of how to make their life easier. In doing so,
they came up with one technology after another. Many of the modern technologies
that we have today would not be here if not for the technologies that people came up
with before. These are the technologies that revolutionized or greatly changed the
Let’s Learn
Change has almost always been the effect of technology. But some discoveries
and inventions have greater and deeper impact than others. These are the inventions
and discoveries that drastically or radically changed people’s lifestyles from the time
that they were introduced until now. These are also the technologies that paved the
way for other inventions and discoveries.
Below are some of these revolutionary technologies. Find out how each
technology made life more convenient and work more efficient.
Wheel (3200–3500 B.C.)
We don’t know whom to thank for the invention of the wheel, but think of what
the world would be like without it. There then would be no bicycles, no roller blades,
no cars, no buses. Before, people walked long distances just to get from one place to
another. But with the introduction of the wheel, people were able to reach far places in
shorter periods of time. It enabled the people back then (and it still does now) to work
in and travel to places far from their homes.
Let’s Try This
Gutenberg’s machine used individual letters, hand-carved out of metal, that could
be removed and repositioned for each page in a book. Then, it would sweep ink over
the letters and “press” them on to the paper. The technology is much like what happens
when you use a stamp pad.
For many centuries, the Catholic Church was producing most of the books that
were available at that time, by hand copying each one. But then things began to change.
Paper was developed and it proved to be a good alternative to the animal skin — or
“vellum” as it was called — that had been available back then. As more and more
people were learning to read, the demand for books increased.
The invention of the printing press was an instant hit and soon many people were
printing, and the prices of books went down. Many people were able to buy them, and
this forever changed the way people learned.
Suppose there was a fire in your area. You have to call the fire department but
there is no telephone line in your area and the fire fighters are miles away. What
would you do?
It’s hard if you do not have an easy means to contact a person who is miles away.
You need a telephone. Let’s find out how this was invented.
Telephone (1876)
Alexander Graham Bell taught people who were deaf, so he was interested in
sound vibrations or how sound bounces and travels. Bell realized that these vibrations
can be turned into variations in electrical current that could be transmitted through
wires from one place to another. From this, he was able to invent the telephone.
His invention not only made it possible for us to chat with friends miles away, but
opened the door for intercoms, walkie-talkies, radio, fax transmission and even the
Internet. It has brought people closer together.
Automobile (1900s)
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot of France is considered to have been the first to build a
true self-propelled vehicle. His vehicle actually moved on its own. In 1769, Cugnot
unveiled his model, a steam-powered vehicle which carried four passengers for 20
minutes at a top speed of 3.6 km/hr.
Steam and electricity were used to power early automobiles until the beginning
of the 1900s. It was at that point that gasoline was tapped as an alternative power
source. The gas-powered vehicles could travel farther and faster than those that used
steam and electricity.
Two of the pioneer manufacturers of these newer and safer gas-powered models
were Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz of Germany.
It was in 1908 that Henry Ford started his assembly-line style of production.
Assembly-line production means mass production by getting workers to specialize
in parts that are put together to produce an automobile. Because of this method, Ford
is credited with completely changing the automobile. Soon, other types of vehicles
were innovated from the design of the old model.
New car
Old automobile
Let’s Think About This
What is your favorite television program? Imagine what it would be like if you
can’t watch your favorite TV program or any show at all.
Worry not because televisions are now common. Let’s find out how this
invention came about.
Television (1927)
Television is the most popular way for people to get their news and entertainment
today. Can you imagine what the world would be like without television?
Unlike most of the world’s major inventions, hardly anyone knows who created
the television. His name was Philo Farnsworth. In 1927, Philo, who was only 20 years
old, sent the first all-electronic image in his own lab in San Francisco, California. The
image was a simple black line that was being rotated to see if the television could
record and reproduce its movement.
The first television didn’t have any sound. Soon, black and white pictures were
introduced, followed by colored pictures. Now, we have television sets complete with
remote control devices—you can change the program even without having to leave
your seat.
What do you think can computers do? Write down your ideas below.
Let’s find out if your ideas are correct.
Computers (1945)
Computers today do a lot of things. In homes, tiny computers embedded in
electric appliances turn the television on and off and switch channels, or control the
temperature of the refrigerator.
Computers in cars and other vehicles regulate the flow of fuel. Computers are
also used in hospital machines such as X-rays.
Do you know that computers were primarily created to be used in complex
mathematical calculations?
Machines used for doing complex mathematical calculations have roots dating
back many thousands of years ago to the Chinese abacus, a set of counting beads in
rows in a frame. In 1945, ENIAC — the Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator — was born. It was the very first computer. However, unlike most
computers today, it took up a very large room and had its own air conditioner. Now,
thanks to new developments such as the computer chip, a computer with the same
capability can fit into the palm of your hand. Today, computers are a must in most
offices. In fact, computers are also used for study and play.
The Internet links computers together throughout the world. Not all computers,
however, are automatically connected to the Internet. You will have to apply for an
Internet connection, just like what you do with a telephone connection.
If you have an Internet connection, you can access documents and information
from the Internet. This collection of information is called the World Wide Web.
Aside from information, you can also get pictures and even sounds and movies. You
can find out about things that are happening in other countries. You can also shop and
communicate with others using the Internet. The Internet is now changing the way
people shop, entertain, get information and learn.
Computers worldwide are connected to a large network called the Internet.
Let’s Review
Write a short paragraph about the importance of inventions like the wheel,
printing press, telephone, television, computers and the Internet. How did they change
the way people live? What are their effects?
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 39.
Technology brings us more than just conveniences. We get a lot of other benefits
from it. Read on to find out more about its benefits.
Let’s Learn
Technology is created to address a certain need. For example, the need to
disseminate (give out) information led to the invention of paper, printing press, and
partly, television and radio.
As the population continues to grow the need to mass-produce products emerged.
Technology has greatly helped in this area.
Look for people who know how to make vinegar, fruit jellies or other food
preserves. Ask them how long it takes them to come up with one finished product.
Chances are it takes them days or weeks, given that food preservation requires
time to make. But do you know that through the use of technology, it is possible to do
the process faster? Not only that—it is also possible to produce hundreds of these
products at a given time.
This will be explained below.
Let’s Learn
The introduction of machines has not only increased production but has also
reduced the amount of work needed to produce goods and services.
In the 1800s, factory workers needed to work 12 to 16 hours a day, six days a
week. Few people were able to take a holiday.
Today, however, new technologies and machines have reduced the amount of work
needed to produce goods. For example, the earliest newspapers required the workers
to have every letter that would be used to be carved in metal—remember Gutenberg’s
printing press?—much like how stamp pads are made. These stamps were used for
every newspaper that was to be printed. Today, however, producing the text will only
require one person to do it on the computer. The computer output is then
“photographed” to produce a negative which is used for mass production. There is no
need for stamps for every newspaper today! Think about how much time and effort are
As a result, most workers today are required to work only eight hours a day, five
days a week.
Let’s Try This
Think of three products of technology that are found in your home. Then, write
down all the benefits that you get from each technology.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
There are a variety of technologies in your home. You and your parents got them
because they have some use for you and your family.
Look at what I have thought of:
Electric iron
♦ keeps clothes well pressed at any time
Electric lights/bulbs
♦ provides lighting especially at night
♦ keeps food fresh
♦ keeps drinks and water cold
♦ gives information
♦ entertains
Microwave oven
♦ cooks/bakes food
♦ cooks variety of dishes
You may have thought of other technologies and other benefits of these
technologies. Just imagine if we had no electric bulbs, refrigerator, TV, radio or flat
iron in the house. How would you keep your foods fresh, spend your free time at
home comfortably, or prepare your clothes?
It would be a lot difficult, right?
One thing is sure: the technologies that you have identified have improved your
standard of living. Don’t you agree?
Let’s Learn
Technology has changed the way people spend their leisure time.
Let’s Think About This
What is your favorite sport?
Whatever your favorite sport is, I’m quite sure technology has something to do
with how it is today. For example, basketball as we know it today, would not have been
as exciting and enjoyable without television to broadcast it, a watch to keep track of
the time, the rubber shoes that players wear, or the coliseum where the game is held.
3. Technology has made leisure and play better and more enjoyable.
Under the influence of modern technology, many forms of play have been
transformed. An example is the team game that is watched by thousands of
spectators and which caters to the large population of big cities. New sports like
cycling, motor racing, parachuting and hang gliding have appeared as a by-product
of the new inventions that made them possible.
Motor racing
Let’s Think About This
Anwer the following questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
1. What is the latest news about technology that you have heard or read about?
Chances are you get the information from television, radio, newspaper
or the Internet.
People can talk to other people in an instant through the telephone or cellular
phone, even if they are far from each other. Even the written form of communication,
which in the early days meant writing a letter, has changed. Now people can write to
each other using the computer (through the Internet), through the fax machine, or
even through the phone (text messaging). The latest form of electronic
communication is the e-mail, which is like sending letters through the computer and
the Internet.
People today are better connected because of the advances in transportation and
communication. People can easily and quickly see each other if they want to because
there are faster means of transportation now—whether by land, air or sea. Technology
has indeed brought people together.
Imagine yourself wearing the same clothes, eating the same food, riding the same
jeepney, watching the same television program, and listening to the same music every
Wouldn’t life be boring? Well, I bet you’ll say “Absolutely!”
6. Technology has provided us options and access to variety.
Technology has provided us with more choices on what food to eat, what clothes
to wear, what programs to watch, etc. The presence of many options then leads to
value and behavioral changes.
For example, before, the only modes of transportation in Metro Manila were the
jeepneys, the buses, the taxi cabs and the train (LRT). Then came the Tamaraw FX
taxis, which are like larger taxi cabs. You pay a lower fare and get the same comfort
when riding the FX.
The choices that are available to you can cause you to change your behaviors and
values. Many people, especially office workers, prefer to ride an FX taxi because it
has fewer passengers (a maximum of ten passengers) compared to a bus. It is also
more convenient (no standing), and the fare is not far from what the air-conditioned
buses charge (a difference of about P5.00 at most).
As a result, the FX taxis grew in number and is now “officially” part of the public
transportation system in Metro Manila.
Let’s Review
Enumerate the benefits of technology that we have discussed so far.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Finished? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 39.
Were you able to identify all the benefits of technology that we have discussed?
If not, review the previous sections before you proceed.
Now you already know what technology is and what benefits you can derive from
it. In the next lesson, we will look at the other side of the coin, that is, the harmful
effects of technology. We will likewise discuss the challenges that technologies face.
Let’s Remember
Before you proceed to Lesson 2, do not forget the important points of this first
♦ Science is the systematic observation of natural events and conditions in
order to discover facts and create things related to them.
♦ Technology is about inventions and discoveries, the products and methods
that man uses for building, manufacturing and producing.
♦ Discovery means finding out or learning about something that already exists.
♦ Invention means creating new things.
♦ Some of the inventions and discoveries that revolutionized the world are the
wheel, printing press, telephone, automobile, television, computers and the
Internet. They are considered to have revolutionized (greatly changed) the
world because they paved the way for other major inventions. They
drastically changed the way people lived during the time that they were
invented or discovered.
♦ Some of the benefits of technology are:
– increased production and reduced labor;
– higher living standards;
– better leisure and play;
– improvement in the life expectancy of people;
– increased and faster exchange of information; and
– more variety and choices in lifestyle.
If you were to invent something, what would it be? Draw your invention in the
space provided below. Write an appropriate label or title below it.
I’m sure you have thought of something really great, something that you think
will make your life easier. Perhaps, you have thought of a flying car, so that you will
be able to travel far and quickly, without getting caught in traffic.
While your ideas and “inventions” may be great, you most likely missed
something. Have you thought of the possible negative effects of your invention? You
may have thought of its benefits, but how about its undesirable effects?
Let’s Learn
Most problems related to technology arose mainly because those who created
the technology did not consider their possible harmful effects. For example, many
people welcomed the invention of the car in the early 1900s. They believed that cars
would be quieter and less smelly than the horses that were commonly used in those
But as more and more cars came into use, the traffic noise proved more annoying
than the clatter of horse hoofs. Car exhaust also proved worse than the smell of horse
manure. The fumes polluted the air with carbon monoxide and other impurities that
threatened human health. Also, cars today cause so much traffic congestion in the city
that it may sometimes be actually faster to travel on horseback.
Most people did not realize the negative effects of technologies because these
effects will only be obvious once they occur on a large scale.
Let’s go back to the flying car example.Yes, the flying car can get you off the
traffic, but not for long. Sooner or later, more and more people will have their own
flying cars. By then, you’ll experience air traffic, and maybe air accidents as well.
Let’s Try This
Activities Possible Negative Effects
Do you now realize that while technology may have advantages, it also has
disadvantages which affect people directly or indirectly?
Let’s Learn
Some of the harmful effects of technology are:
♦ environmental pollution;
♦ depletion of natural resources;
♦ unemployment;
♦ creation of dissatisfying jobs; and
♦ change in people’s behavioral patterns and values.
We shall discuss all these one by one.
Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is one of the most harmful effects of technology. Most
if not all countries now face problems of air, water, soil and noise pollution.
Motor vehicles have grown in number and still continue to increase. They are
likely to worsen the air and noise pollution that they have already created. Aside from
vehicles, factories that manufacture products also pollute the environment mainly due
to the waste that they produce. Open dump sites, logging operations and many other
activities aided by technology destroy the natural environment.
Mechanization, or the use of machines instead of manual labor, has displaced
many workers or removed them from their work. Machines now perform many tasks
that were formerly done by people.
Have you experienced making a phone call in an office where a voice answers
you and then tells you to press certain numbers? The voice may say, “press 1 if you
want to talk to someone or 2 if you want other services.” These telephones are
actually programmed machines that can do the tasks that human telephone operators
used to do.
Press 1 if you
Hello, I would like Hello, I would like
Hold on, sir, I’ll check want a
to inquire about my to inquire about
your account. balance
savings account. my account.
inquiry. Press
Bank teller responds Computers are programmed to
to clients’ inquiries. respond to clients’ inquiries
through recorded messages.
Most of the mass-labor workforce has been or will be badly affected by
technologies. Factory workers who do assembly-line production are now being
replaced by machines that can do the job faster and more efficiently. People are no
longer needed to fold, pack, wrap or do other mechanical things because machines can
do them.
The Creation of Dissatisfying Jobs
Some tasks required by industrial technology fail to give workers a feeling of
accomplishment. Most factory workers now do only certain tasks in creating a
product rather than creating a whole product. For example, when canned goods are
manufactured, factory workers most of the time just oversee the whole process, since
the machines do everything including filling the cans, sealing them, and packaging or
putting the labels on them. This often results to less job satisfaction for the factory
workers. Also, performing the same task again and again can be monotonous and
Change in People’s Behavioral Patterns and Values
In Lesson 1, we discussed that technology provides us with variety and that this
variety leads to value and behavioral changes. While variety may be good, the
resulting behavioral and value change may not always be positive.
With the coming of technology-aided communication, people are able to talk
with less face-to-face interaction. Even the way families interact changes.
For example, if the family has a television set, the time that should be ideally
spent for family conversation and interaction may instead be used to simply watch
television. If the family has several television sets, say one TV for each of the
children, the likelihood that the family will spend more time together decreases even
Television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and film can also transmit values and
norms and influence or shape attitudes. For example, when you see a television
advertisement about a certain product, you may be convinced to buy this product even
if you do not really need it. Or when you see a certain action done on TV by an actor,
you may try to imitate it even though it may not be a very wholesome or postive
action. Your attitude and behavior can therefore be negatively changed or influenced
by technology.
What do you think will the future technologies be? In what way will these
technologies affect us?
The technologies today and the technologies of the future will continue to
benefit or cause harm to you one way or another. That being the case, technology
faces several challenges.
Let’s Learn
Given the extent of technology’s influence in our lives, it faces several
challenges today. One of its biggest challenges is how to fight the bad effects of
existing technologies. Another is how to prevent similar effects in the development of
new technologies. Still another challenge is how to spread technology’s benefits to as
many people as possible.
Fighting the Negative Effects
Technology’s bad effects are hard to remedy mainly because there are different
technologies to deal with. For example, we have problems about the negative effects
of some television programs on children, and the waste created by technologies. This
variety of problems will need a variety of solutions. But people have to realize first
that there is need to take action. Car makers for example can help solve the problem
of air pollution by installing a catalytic converter (a kind of filter) to purify the
emissions from car exhausts. Producers of technology must develop means of
fighting the bad effects of their products.
Let’s Think About This
In your own way, how can you fight the negative effects of technology? Write
your ideas below.
You can do simple things that can help lessen the problems brought about by
technology. For example, if you practice recycling (reusing materials again and again),
you can help solve the garbage problem that is partly caused by products of
Preventing Undesirable Effects
Some experts believe that most harmful effects of technology can be prevented.
Any proposed technology should be tested and studied before it is put into use. Such
evaluation is called technology assessment.
The purpose of an assessment is to discover in advance all the possible good and
bad effects that a new technology may have on society and the environment. An
assessment might show that the benefits of a new technology are greater than any
undesirable effect. Or it may show that the undesirable effects would be so harmful
that they would outweigh any benefits.
Spreading the Benefits of Technology
The benefits of technology are limited largely to the industrial nations like the
United States, Japan and Germany. But even in these countries, the benefits of
technology are not evenly distributed. This means that the benefits may be felt in
some areas or by certain groups of people, but not in other areas or by other groups of
people. Meanwhile, many families in the industrial countries lack even the basic
necessities in life.
In the Philippines, for example, some people use computers while others have
not heard or seen one yet. You can help in this area by teaching what you know about
technologies to others. For example, if you know how to operate a computer, you can
teach others the basic skills in the use of computers. Or, if the roles are reversed and
you are the one who don’t know much about computers, you can take the effort to
learn from someone who is knowledgeable.
Let’s Review
What are the three main challenges facing technology today? Write your answers
in the spaces provided below. Explain each.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
Check your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 40.
To enrich your knowledge on technology, ask your friends and family members
about their views on technology. Ask them if they think technology is:
a. good
b. bad
c. overrated (not as good as people believe it to be)
Just listen to their views even if they are not the same as your own opinions about
technology. This activity will give you ideas on the various views or perspectives in
which you can look at technology. Hopefully, the activity will help you understand
technology better and be able to make better use of it as well.
You may share what you have gathered with your Instructional Manager or
Let’s Sum Up
♦ Technology has harmful effects like:
environmental pollution;
depletion of natural resources;
creation of dissatisfying jobs; and
undesirable changes in people’s behavioral patterns and values.
♦ Given that it has both positive and negative effects, several challenges face
technology. Among these challenges are:
fighting the present negative effects of technology;
preventing the undesirable effects of technology; and
spreading the benefits of technology.
What Have You Learned?
Now that you have finished the module, let us test how much you have learned.
A. Identify what word is being described in the following sentences. Write your
answers in the blank provided before each number.
____________ 1. A part of science that refers to the things that man
uses for building, manufacturing and producing.
____________ 2. It means finding out or learning about something
that already exists.
____________ 3. It refers to the creation of new things.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Which of the following technologies caused radical changes? Encircle
your answers.
printing press needle and thread
flat iron telephone computers
2. How did these technologies cause radical changes? Write your answers
Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on pages 40–41.
If you got:
9 – 10 Very good! You have learned a lot in this module. Now you
understand technology. You may now proceed to the next
7 – 8 Good! Just review the items which you were not able to
answer correctly.
5 – 6 Study again the parts of the module which you did not
0 – 4 You have to study the whole module again.
Answer Key
A. Let’s See What You Already Know (pages 2–3)
1. The correct answer is (a). Technology is the application of science (b),
discovery has to do with finding out about new things (c), and innovation
is about making improvements on previous inventions (d).
2. The correct answer is (c). Invention and discovery do not necessarily
follow each other [(a) and (b)]. Letter (d) refers to innovation.
3. The correct answer is (b). The fluorescent and incandescent bulbs both
use electricity, so they are basically the same as the electric lamp.
4. The correct answer is (b). The invention of the wheel prior to the horse
carriage was the one (not the horse carriage) that revolutionized the
world. With the invention of the wheel, many forms of transportation
became possible, including the automobile (c) which enabled people to
travel long distances. The computer and the television [(a) and (d)]
likewise revolutionized the world upon their introduction because they
made many things possible, especially communicating to many number
of people.
5. The correct answer is (d). All of the items mentioned are now functions
of the Internet which can basically be summarized as interconnecting
people around the world.
6. The correct answer is (d). Technology, especially machines used in
most factories, enables workers to do a lot of things that they would not
be able to do if they used manual labor alone.
7. The correct answer is (c). While advances in technology are able to
cure many illnesses, there still remains a need to discover or invent
cures for other illnesses.
8. The correct answer is (d). Technology interconnects people and
together with this comes the sharing of information and culture.
9. The correct answer is (a). The lack of planning and consideration of the
possible negative effects of technology remains as the primary reason
for our problems related to it. While lack of funding (b) or knowledge
(c) about the technology may also be possible reasons, they are not as
significant as the lack of planning and consideration.
10. The correct answer is (d). Technology, especially machinery, is likely to
replace humans in mass labor jobs for these reasons.
B. Lesson 1
Let’s Try This (page 5)
Discoveries Inventions
2. Car or automobile
3. Electric fan or air conditioner
4. Washing machine
5. Sewing machine
6. Power saw
7. Microwave oven
Let’s Review (page 15)
Some sample answers are:
♦ They changed the way people lived during the time that they were
created or discovered.
♦ They paved the way for new inventions.
Your answers may be slightly different. But if they carry the same thought as
the ones given, you are still correct. You may show them to your
Instructional Manager for additional feedback.
Let’s Review (page 23)
The benefits of technology are:
♦ increased production and reduced labor
♦ higher living standards
♦ better leisure and play
♦ improvement in the life expectancy of people
♦ faster exchange of information
♦ more variety and choices
C. Lesson 2
Let’s Review (pages 34–35)
The main challenges facing technology today are:
♦ Fighting the negative effects of technology. Producers and users of
technology need to find means to fight, if not lessen the negative
effects of technology.
♦ Preventing the undesirable effects of technology. Technology needs to
be assessed to discover in advance its possible harmful effects.
♦ Spreading the benefits of technology. As much as possible, everyone
should be given access to various technologies to ensure that many
people benefit from them.
printing press
2. You may have a different way of stating the following answers, but
if the thought is the same, give yourself 2 points.
♦ They paved the way for new inventions.
♦ They changed the lifestyle or the way people lived during
the time that they were invented or discovered.
3. Choose any two of the following answers and if your explanation is
similar to them or carries the same thought, then give yourself 2
♦ Technology has brought us higher living standards.
As a result of technology, we are now better fed, better clothed and
housed, and we enjoy a healthier, more comfortable life.
♦ Technology has made leisure time better.
New sports, new kinds of music and new forms of entertainment
are now possible because of advances in the materials used.
Modern technology has also brought a great increase in the skill
displayed through the instruments and devices that it provides.
♦ Technology has improved the life expectancy of people.
Through technological advances in the field of health and medicine,
many illnesses can now be cured and prevented.
♦ Technology has sped up the exchange of information.
Through technology, information can be disseminated to
thousands and even millions of people at the same time.
Abacus A square or rectangular frame holding an arrangement of small balls on
metal rods or wires, which is used for counting, adding and subtracting
Disseminate To spread or give out (news, information, ideas, etc.) to a lot of
Drastic Very noticeable, significant, and usually causing worry because of its
amount or degree
Electronic mail or E-mail A system for transmitting messages and data from
one computer to another, using a telephone connection and a modem
Evolve To develop something gradually, often into something more complex or
advanced; to undergo such development
Mechanization To change a process so that it is performed by machinery rather
than with the use of human or animal labor
Monotonous Uninteresting or boring as a result of being repetitive and unvaried
Revolutionize To change; to turn around
Cogin, Philip. Technology and Man. New York: A. Wheaton & Company
Limited, 1980.
Dunn, P.D. Appropriate Technology, Technology with a Human Face. New York:
Macmillan Press, 1978.
Mesthene, Emmanuel. Technological Change: Its Impact on Man and Society.
London: New American Library, 1970.
Toffler, Alvin. Future Shock. New York: Random House Publishing, 1970.