Bliography and Resources Catholic Church Teaching: The Second Vatican Council
Bliography and Resources Catholic Church Teaching: The Second Vatican Council
Bliography and Resources Catholic Church Teaching: The Second Vatican Council
1965. Pope Paul VI. Gaudium et spes [Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern
World]. Vatican Website, December 7, 1965. vatican_council/documents/vat-
One of the 16 documents composed at the Second Vatican Council, this pastoral
constitution articulates fundamental Church teachings on the role of the Christian in modern
society. Covering a broad range of political, social, economic, and theological topics, the
Council fathers devote an entire section to marriage and the family.
Papal Teaching
2016. Pope Francis. Amoris laetitia [The Joy of Love]. Vatican Website, April 8, 2016. apost_exhortations/documents/papa-
This apostolic exhortation is the result of Pope Francis’s prayerful reflection on the
discussions and outcomes of two synods of bishops held in Rome October 2014 and
October 2015 on marriage and the family. Paragraphs no. 80-85, treat the Church’s teaching
on “The Transmission of Life and the Rearing of Children.”
2005. Pope Benedict XVI. Deus caritas est [God is Love]. Vatican Website, December 5, 2005.
This papal encyclical reflects upon the theological virtue of love or Christian charity which
is central to the whole of the Christian faith. While broadly teaching about love, the work is
nevertheless applicable to all facets of the Christian life, including that of marriage. This
encyclical provides fundamental principles for understanding the true nature of love that
helps in grasping the anthropology behind the Church’s teachings about conjugal love and
responsible parenthood. Recommended paragraphs are nos. 2, 5, 6, 8 and 11.
1995. St. Pope John Paul II. Evangelium vitae [The Gospel of Life]. Vatican Website, March
25, 1995.
This papal encyclical teaches about the gift and value of human life. Threats to the value of
life are discussed and Christians are urged to create a new Culture of Life, fostering a
deeper appreciation and respect for all men and women. Included in the discussion of
threats to human life is the subject of contraception [see nos. 13, 16, 17, and 91] which is
described as against God’s design for married love. In the text the goodness of the methods
of Fertility Awareness Based Methods of family planning is discussed [see nos. 88, and 97].
1993. St. Pope John Paul II. Veritatis Splendor [The Splendor of Truth]. Encyclical.
This encyclical corrects numerous deviant moral theologies of the modern period. Among the
subjects the Holy Father discusses are: the proper understanding of human freedom,
conscience and its valid formation, the moral law (including the category of “intrinsic evil”),
and the truth expressed in Humanae Vitae. Of particular interest are nos. 55, 56, 63, 64, 67,
68, 75, 76, 79-81.
1988. _____. Mulieris Dignitatem [On the Dignity and Vocation of Women]. Apostolic Letter.
Vatican Website, August 15, 1988.
1981. ______. Familiaris consortio [The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World].
Vatican Website, November 22, 1981.
This Apostolic Exhortation addresses the place of the Christian family both in the Church
and in the modern world. At the service of both life and love, the Christian family must
seek its identity in the Divine Creator, participate in the mission of the Church, and work to
effect change in society. Catholic teachings on marriage, conjugal love and responsible
parenthood and the methods of Natural Family Planning are also discussed (see especially
nos. 11, 28-36.).
See also Pope John Paul II. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body.
Translated by Michael Waldstein. Pauline Books and Media, 2011.
1977. Blessed Pope Paul VI. 25th Allocution to the General Assembly of Pharmacology.
The Holy Father discusses the importance of the knowledge of the “biological laws of human
fertility” which can help married couples healthfully regulate births when using the natural
methods. He urges further scientific research in this area.
1968. ______. Humanae vitae [Of Human Life]. Vatican Website, July 25, 1968.
This papal encyclical teaches about God’s design for married love and the gift of life. The
important modern question about spacing and limiting births in marriage is considered
within the context of God’s design for marriage. Included in the teaching is a discussion of
the immorality of contraception, direct sterilization, and abortion [which are intrinsically
evil] and the morality of Fertility Awareness Based Methods of family planning.
1930. Pius XI. Casti connubii [On Christian Marriage]. Vatican Website, December 31, 1930.
This papal encyclical teaches about the virtue of marital chastity. Included is a reflection on
the threats to marriage. The dignity of marriage and its spiritual benefits are also treated.
2014. Instrumentum Laboris [The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of
Evangelization]. III Extraordinary General Assembly, Synod of Bishops. Vatican Website,
June 26, 2014.
This document provides a reflection on the major challenges facing the family in the early
twenty-first century. The text serves to articulate the agenda of the 2014 Extraordinary
General Assembly of bishops held in Rome.
2008. Dignitas personae [On Certain Bioethical Questions]. Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith. Vatican Website, December 8, 2008.
This document grapples with a number of bioethical questions raised in response to modern
technological advancements in the field of human fertility and infertility. Using the
principles of Catholic moral teaching, the document brings clarity and truth to the debates
surrounding both procreation and genetic manipulation.
1997. Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life.
Pontifical Council for the Family. Vatican Website, February 12, 1997.
This brief document provides guidelines for the administration of the Sacrament of
Reconciliation in difficult moral circumstances (particularly those concerning married life).
Although addressed to confessors within the clergy, the document serves as a standard to
guide all Christians in carrying out the call of Christ to live the virtue of chastity.
1995. The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education within the Family.
The Pontifical Council on the Family. Vatican Website, December 8, 1995.
1988. Submission of the Catholic Church to the XXII Council for the International
Organizations of Medical Sciences Conference on Ethics and Human Values in Family
Planning: An International Dialogue on Rights and Responsibilities of Individuals and
Societies. The Holy See. June 19-24, 1988. Reprinted in The International Review of
Natural Family Planning 12 (Summer 1988): 87-105.
This statement notes that there are no value free methods of family planning. It then lists six
ethical challenges of contraception, drawing on examples. The document also explains that
though the world sees a family planning crisis, the Church sees the real problem as one of
ethics. (Note: The name of the Vatican Dicastery is not provided in this reprint.)
1987. Donum vitae [Instruction on Respect for Human Life]. Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith. Vatican Website, February 22, 1987.
1975. Persona humana [Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics]. Sacred
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Vatican Website, December 29, 1975.
2009. Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology. Pastoral Letter. USCCB Website, November
17, 2009.
This pastoral teaching on marriage and infertility brings Catholic moral principles into the
discussion on modern reproductive technologies. The bishops defend the dignity of
procreation, reserving it to the conjugal union of spouses. The moral and immoral means of
remedying infertility are clearly discussed..
2009. Ethical Directives for Catholic Hospitals. 5th ed. USCCB Website, November, 2009.
This document provides instruction for health care professionals regarding the mission and
scope of their work. Addressing both pastoral and moral issues alike, the bishops provide
guidance on the standards expected of those in Christian health care. The Directives include
instruction on specific moral dilemmas encountered in the health care field including those
that pertain to human fertility and life.
2009. Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. Pastoral Letter. USCCB Website, November
17, 2009.
This pastoral letter provides a summary of Church teaching on marriage as a natural
institution and as a sacrament. It includes a discussion on the ethical transmission of life in
2006. Married Love and the Gift of Life. Pastoral Resource. USCCB Website, November, 2006.
This document summarizes Church teaching on marriage, conjugal love, and responsible
parenthood in an easy to read question and answer format. NB: Audio files in English and
Spanish are at
1993. Human Sexuality from God’s Perspective, Humanae Vitae 25 Years Later. A Statement
by the USCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities. USCCB Website.
This short anniversary statement revisits the teachings of Humanae vitae on its twenty-fifth
anniversary. It emphasizes the reverence due to human life and the responsibility of parents
to defend such an invaluable gift. In protecting the great worth of human sexuality in God’s
plan, the document has a section devoted specifically to Natural Family Planning.
1991. Human Sexuality: A Catholic Perspective for Education and Lifelong Learning. National
Conference of Catholic Bishops/United State Catholic Conference.
Marriage—Natural Reality and Sacrament
Burke, Cormac. Covenanted Happiness: Love and Commitment in Marriage. Princeton: Scepter
Publishers, 1999. First published 1990 by Ignatius Press.
_____. The Theology of Marriage: Personalism, Doctrine and Canon Law. Washington: The
Catholic University of America Press, 2015.
Cahall, Perry J. The Mystery of Marriage: A Theology of the Body and the Sacrament.
Hillenbrand Books, 2016.
de Haro, Ramón García. Marriage and the Family in the Document of the Magisterium: A
Course in the Theology of Marriage. Translated by William E. May. Ignatius Press, 1993.
Elliott, Peter. What God Has Joined: The Sacramentality of Marriage. Wipf and Stock, 2010.
George, Robert P. and Jean Bethke Elshtain, eds. The Meaning of Marriage, Family, State,
Market, & Morals. Spence Publishing Company, 2006.
Joyce, George Hayward. Christian Marriage: An Historical and Doctrinal Study. 2nd ed . Sheed
and Ward, 1948.
Kwasniewski, Peter. “St. Thomas on the Grandeur and Limitations of Marriage.” Nova et Vetera
(English Edition) 10, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 415-436.
Ouellet, Marc Cardinal. Mystery and Sacrament of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the
Family for the New Evangelization. Translated by Michelle K. Borras and Adrian J. Walker.
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015.
Schu, Walter J. The Splendor of Love: John Paul II’s Vision for Marriage and Family. New
Hope Publications, 2003.
Arjonillo, Roland B. Conjugal Love and the Ends of Marriage: A Study of Dietrich von
Hildebrand and Herbert Doms in the Light of the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes.
Lang, 1998.
Boyle, John, ed. Creative Love: The Ethics of Human Reproduction. Christendom Press, 1989.
Fedoryka, Maria. “‘Finis superabundant operis’: Refining an Ancient Cause for Explaining the
Conjugal Act.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, June 7, 2016). doi:
Fehring, Richard J. and Theresa Notare, eds. Human Fertility: Where Faith and Science Meet.
Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference. Marquette University Press, 2008.
______. Integrating Faith and Science through Natural Family Planning. Proceedings of an
interdisciplinary conference. Marquette University Press, 2004.
______. Science, Faith and Human Fertility, The Third Conference on Ethical Fertility Health
Management. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference. Marquette University Press,
Flannery, Kevin. “Philosophical Arguments against and for Humanae Vitae.” Anthropotes 10
(1994): 189-204.
Ford, John C., Germain Grisez, Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May. The Teaching of
Humanae Vitae: A Defense. Ignatius Press, 1988.
Grisez, Germain. Contraception and the Natural Law. Bruce, 1964. NB: This is the author’s
earliest effort to articulate what would later be called the “New Natural Law Theory”
argument against contraception.
Grisez, Germain, Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May. “‘Every Marital Act Ought To
Be Open To New Life’: Toward a Clearer Understanding.” The Thomist 52 (July 1988): 365-
426. NB: A groundbreaking article on contraception as “contra-life.”
Haas, John. “The Inseparability of the Two Meanings of the Marriage Act”. In Reproductive
Technologies, Marriage and the Church, 89-106. Braintree, MA: The Pope John Center,
Latkovic, Mark S. “Is the Teaching of Humanae Vitae Physicalist? A Critique of the View of
Joseph A. Selling.” Linacre Quarterly 62 (November 1995): 39-58.
_____. “God and True Christian Love: The Church on Openness to Life.” Ethics & Medics 32,
no. 7 (August 2007): 3-4.
_____. “Humanae Vitae and the Signs of the Times.” Mosaic (Summer 2008): 2-5. NB: The
entire issue of the Archdiocese of Detroit Sacred Heart Major Seminary’s magazine is
devoted to the 40th anniversary of Humanae vitae.
Smith, Janet. “Children: The Supreme Gift of Marriage.” Chap. 8 in Faith and Challenges to the
Family, edited by Russell Smith, 114-125. Braintree, MA: The Pope John Center, 1994.
______. “Good History, Bad Argument.” First Things, August/September 2005: 47-49.
Discussion essay of Leslie Woodcock Tentler’s Catholics and Contraception: An American
History (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004).
______. Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later. The Catholic University of America Press, 1991.
______. “Natural Law and Sexual Ethics.” In Common Truths: New Perspectives on Natural
Law, edited by Edward B. McLean, 193-218. ISI Books, 2000.
______. “Responsible Parenthood as Conscious Parenthood.” Familia et Vita 14, no. 1 (2009):
144-156. An abridged version of “Conscious Parenthood,” Nova et Vetera 6, no. 4 (2008):
______. “The Contraceptive Choice.” In Colloquy, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7, no.
3 (Autumn 2007): 441-3.
______. “The Error of Proportionalism.” In Ethical Principles in Catholic Health Care, edited
by Edward James Furton, 67-71. National Catholic Bioethics Center, 1999. Reprint of
“Moral Methodologies: Proportionalism,” Ethics and Medics 19, no. 6 (June, 1994): 1-3.
______. “The Importance of the Concept of Munus to the Understanding of Humanae Vitae.” In
Trust the Truth: A Symposium on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae
Vitae. Braintree, MA: The Pope John Center, 1992.
______. “The Krakow Document.” Nova et Vetera 10, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 361-381.
______. “The Moral Vision of the Catechism.” In Evangelizing for the Third Millennium: The
Maynooth Conference on the New Catechism May 1996, edited by Maurice Hogan, SSC and
Thomas J. Norris, 96-114. Dublin: Veritatis Publications, 1997.
______. “The Morality of Condom Use by HIV-Infected Spouses.” The Thomist 70, no. 1
(January 2006): 27-69.
______. “The Munus of Transmitting Human Life: A New Approach to Humanae Vitae.” The
Thomist 54, no. 3 (July 1990): 385-427.
______. “The Sensus Fidelium and Humanae Vitae.” Angelicum 83 (2006): 271-297. Also
accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Call to Holiness Conference sponsored by
Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Nov, 2003, to be published by The Catholic University Press.
______, ed. Why Humanae Vitae was Right: A Reader. Ignatius Press, 1993.
Smith, Russell E., ed. Trust the Truth, A Symposium on the Twentieth Anniversary of the
Encyclical Humanae Vitae. Braintree, MA: The Pope John Center, 1991.
Wojtvla, Karol, et al. “Concerning the Principles of Conjugal Life.” Translated by Therese Corey
and Janet E. Smith. Nova et Vetera 10, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 321-159.
Sexual Ethics
Anderson, Carl and José Granados. Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II’s Theology of the
Body. Doubleday, 2009.
Asci, Donald. The Conjugal Act as a Personal Act. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2002.
Cloutier, David. Love, Reason, and God’s Story: An Introduction to Catholic Sexual Ethics.
Saint Mary’s Press, 2008.
______. Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic Sexual Ethics. Cascade
Books/Wipf & Stock, 2010.
Collins, Raymond F. Sexual Ethics and the New Testament: Behavior and Belief. New York:
Crossroad Pub., 2000.
Finnis, John. “Personal Integrity, Sexual Morality, and Responsible Parenthood.” In Why
Humanae Vitae Was Right: A Reader., edited by Janet Smith, 173-192. 1993.
_____. “The Good of Marriage and the Morality of Sexual Relations: Some Philosophical and
Historical Observations.” American Journal of Jurisprudence 42 (1997): 97-134.
George, Robert P. “What Sex Can Be: Self-Alienation, Illusion, or One-Flesh Union.” In In
Defense of Natural Law, 161-183. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Gondreau, Paul. “The ‘Inseparable Connection’ between Procreation and Unitive Love
(Humanae Vitae, §12) and Thomistic Hylemorphic Anthropology.” Nova et Vetera (English
Edition) 6, no. 4 (2008): 731-764.
Grabowski, John. “Contraception, Sterilization, and Abortion and the Ethical and Religious
Directives.” In Moral Issues in Catholic Health Care, edited by Kevin T. McMahon, 68-92.
Wynnewood, PA: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 2004.
______. “Evangelium Vitae and Humanae Vitae: A Tale of Two Encyclicals.” Homiletic and
Pastoral Review 97, no. 2 (November 1996): 7-15.
______. “Natural Family Planning and Marital Spirituality.” In Integrating Faith and Science
through Natural Family Planning, edited by Richard J. Fehring and Theresa Notare, 29-45.
Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2004.
______. “Rival Personalisms in 20th Century Catholic Sexual Ethics.” Studia Moralia 35 (1997):
______. Sex and Virtue: An Introduction to Catholic Sexual Ethics. The Catholic University of
America Press, 2003.
Grisez, Germain. “Marriage, Sexual Acts, and Family Life.” In The Way of the Lord Jesus, Vol.
2: Living a Christian Life, 553-752 Franciscan Press, 1993.
Guevin, Benedict and Jozef D. Zalot. Catholic Ethics in Today’s World. St. Mary’s Press, 2008.
See Chapter 9, “Sexual Ethics.”
Guevin, Benedict. Christian Anthropology and Sexual Ethics. Lanham, MD: University Press of
America, 2002.
Joyce, Mary Rosera. The Meaning of Contraception. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville: 1975.
Kupczak, Jaroslaw. Gift & Communion: John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Washington, DC:
The Catholic University of America Press, 2014.
Latkovic, Mark, S. “Pope John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the Body’ and the Significance of Sexual
Shame in Light of the Body’s ‘Nuptial’ Meaning: Some Implications for Bioethics and
Sexual Ethics.” Nova et Vetera 2, no. 2 (Fall 2004): 305-336. NB: A shorter version of this
essay appears under the title, “John Paul II on the Phenomenon of Sexual Shame,” The
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (Spring 2003): 45-51.
May, William E. “Sexual Ethics and Human Dignity.” In Persona Verita E Morale, Atti del
Congresso Internazionale di Teolgia Morale, 477-495. Roma, 7-12 Aprile 1986. Citta Nuova
Editrice, 1986.
_____. “The Moral Methodology of Vatican II and the Teaching of Humanae Vitae and Persona
Humana.” Anthropotes 8 (1992): 41-60.
_____. Sex and the Sanctity of Human Life. Christendom Press, 1985.
_____. Sex, Marriage, and Chastity: Reflections of a Catholic Layman, Spouse, and Parent.
Franciscan Herald Press, 1981.
_____. Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family Is Built. 2nd ed. Ignatius Press, 2009. NB:
Essays 2, 3, 4, and 6 are relevant.
_____. Theology of the Body in Context: Genesis and Growth. Pauline Books & Media, 2010.
_____. Ronald Lawler, and Joseph Boyle, Jr. Catholic Sexual Ethics: A Summary, Explanation,
and Defense. 3rd ed. Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2011. NB: One of the best theological
treatments in English. Integrates the Theology of the Body in its defense of Church teaching
on sex and contraception.
Martin, Francis. “Male and Female He Created Them: A Summary of Genesis Chapter One.”
Communio 20 (1993): 240-265.
McCarthy, Donald, et al. Handbook on Critical Sexual Issues. Revised edition. Braintree, MA:
The Pope John Center, 1989.
Melina, Livio. Learning to Love at the School of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Gracewing,
Miguens, Manuel. “Biblical Thoughts on Human Sexuality.” In Human Sexuality in Our Time,
edited by George Kelly. St. Paul Editions, 1979.
Piderit, John J. Sexual Morality: A Natural Law Approach to Intimate Relationships. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2012. NB: A scholarly, but highly accessible treatment. Good
treatment of the topic of pre-marital sex.
Pruss, Alexander. One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics. University of Notre Dame
Press, 2013. NB: A highly philosophical and truly outstanding study.
The National Catholic Bioethics Center. The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. The Spring
2003 issue is devoted to the “Theology of the Body.”
Quay, Paul. The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality. Ignatius Press, 1985.
Riley, Patrick. Civilizing Sex: On Chastity and the Common Good. T & T Clark, 2000.
Rhonheimer, Martin. Ethics of Procreation and the Defense of Human Life: Contraception,
Artificial Fertilization, and Abortion. The Catholic University of America Press, 2010.
St. Thomas Aquinas. “The Reason Why Simple Fornication Is a Sin According to Divine Law,
and That Matrimony Is Natural.” Summa Contra Gentiles 3.122.
Twomey, D. Vincent. Moral Theology after Humanae Vitae: Fundamental Issues in Moral
Theory and Sexual Ethics. Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2010.
_____. Purity: The Mystery of Christian Sexuality. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University,
von Hildebrand, Dietrich, Mary Shivanandan, and [Update by] Mark S. Latkovic. “Sex.” In New
Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-2013: Ethics and Philosophy, Vol. 4, edited by
Robert L. Fastiggi, 1405-1410. Detroit: Gale, 2013.
Watt, Helen, ed.. Fertility & Gender: Issues in Reproductive and Sexual Ethics. London: The
Anscombe Bioethics Center, 2011.
Wojtyla, Karol (St. Pope John Paul II). Love and Responsibility. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981.
Anderson, Carl and Jose Granados. Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II’s Theology of the
Body. New York: Doubleday, 2009.
Bransfield, J. Brian. The Human Person According to John Paul II. Boston: Pauline, 2009.
Cahall, Perry. The Mystery of Marriage: A Theology of the body and the Sacrament. Chicago:
Hillenbrand books, 2016.
Echeverria, Eduardo J. “In the Beginning…”: A Theology of the Body. Wipf and Stock, 2011.
Hogan, Richard. The Theology of the Body in John Paul II: What It Means, Why It Matters.
Ijamsville, MD: The Word Among Us Press, 2007.
May, William E. Theology of the Body: Genesis and Growth. Boston: Pauline, 2010.
Shivanandan, Mary. Crossing the Threshold of Love, A New Vision of Marriage in the Light of
John Paul II’s Anthropology. The Catholic University Press, 1999.
Schu, Walter J. The Splendor of Love: John Paul II’s Vision for Marriage and Family. New
Hope Publications, 2003.
Sri, Edward. Men, Women and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love
and Responsibility. Ann Arbor: Servant, 2007.
Ackerlof, George A. and Janet L. Yellen. “Report: An Analysis of Out-Of-Wedlock Births in the
United States”. Brookings Policy Brief Series #5, (March 2, 2010).
Anscombe, G.E.M., M. Geach, and L. Gormally. Faith in a Hard Ground: Essays on Religion,
Philosophy, and Ethics. Exeter, U.K.: Imprint Academic, 2008.
Chesterton, G. K. Brave New Family: G. K. Chesterton on Men and Women, Children, Sex,
Divorce, Marriage and the Family. Edited by Alvaro de Silva. San Francisco: Ignatius, 1990.
Donati, Pierpaolo and Sullins, Paul. The Conjugal Family: An Irreplaceable Resource for
Society. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015.
Hasson, Mary Rice and Michele M. Hill. “What Catholic Women think about Faith, Conscience,
and Contraception.” In Exploring What Catholic Women Think. The Women, Faith, and
Culture Project, Inc., 2011. 2013/07/
What_ Catholic_Women_Think_Contraception-Aug_2012.pdf.
Eberstadt, Mary. Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution. Ignatius
Press, 2013.
Fehring. Richard J and Yeung, Patrick Jr. Eds. “Special Issue on Natural Family Planning:
Rhythm, NFP, and Human Fertility From Popes Pius XI through Benedict XVI.” The
Linacre Quarterly 79 (2012).
Fukuyama, Francis. The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Human
Nature. Touchstone, 2000.
Lee, Patrick and Robert P. George. Conjugal Union: What Marriage Is and Why It Matters.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Mosher, Steven W. Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits. Piscataway, NJ:
Transaction Publishers, 2008.
Notare, Theresa. “A Revolution in Christian Morals,” Lambeth 1930-Resolution #15, History &
Reception. PhD diss., The Catholic University of America, 2008. Available through
ProQuest, 1-800-521-0600. NB: This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part
treats the first phase of the modern sexual revolution. Notare argues that several critical
messages combined to change the mentality of the average person to gradually accept
contraception in marriage since core concepts of human goods were mixed with falsehoods.
Part two covers the Anglican bishops’ discussion on birth control at Lambeth 1930 and
analyzes public reaction to the decision to accept contraception in marriage.
Wilson, Mercedes Arzû. Love and Family: Raising a Traditional Family in a Secular World. San
Francisco: Ignatius, 1996.
Bachiochi, Erika ed. The Church and Women: A Case for Catholic Teaching. Boston: Pauline
Books and Media, 2010.
Billings, Evelyn and Ann Westmore. The Billings Method, Controlling Fertility without Drugs
or Devices. Life Cycle Books, 1998.
Doyle, Fletcher. Natural Family Planning Blessed Our Marriage: Nineteen True Stories.
Cincinnati: Servant Books, 2006.
Eden, Dawn. The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On.
Catholic Edition. Ave Maria Press, 2015. NB: A popular treatment by a Jewish convert to
Fastiggi, Robert L. What the Church Teaches about Sex: God’s Plan for Human Happiness. Our
Sunday Visitor Press, 2009.
Franks, Angela. Contraception and Catholicism: What the Church Teaches and Why. Boston:
Pauline Books and Media, 2013.
Grigg-Spall, Holly. Sweetening the Pill: Or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control.
UK: John Hunt Publishing, 2013.
Hartman, Cleta, ed. Physicians Healed: Personal, Inspiring and Compelling Stories of Fifteen
Courageous Physicians Who Do Not Prescribe Contraception. One More Soul, 2000.
Hogan, Richard. “A Theology of the Body.” Fidelity 1 (December 1981): 10-15; 24-27. NB: An
outstanding popular treatment.
Hogan, Richard and John M. LeVoir. Covenant of Love: Pope John Paul II on Sexuality,
Marriage, and the Family in the Modern World. Ignatius Press, 1992.
Kaczor, Christopher and Jennifer Kaczor. The Seven Big Myths about Marriage: What Science,
Faith, and Philosophy Teach Us about Love and Happiness. San Francisco: Ignatius Press,
Kippley, John. Sex and the Marriage Covenant. Couple to Couple League, 1992.
_____. “Condoms, Consequences, and the Christian Vision of Moral Conduct.” October 23,
_____. “Germain Grisez’s Contraception and the Natural Law at Fifty.” March 3, 2015.
_____. “Humanae Vitae in Cultural Context after Almost Five Decades.” Five-part series
published between January 8, 2015 and February 16, 2015.
_____. “More Reasons Why the Pill Can’t Be Used Against the Zika Virus.” Crisis Magazine,
March 8, 2016.
Long, John L., ed. Sterilization Reversal: A Generous Act of Love: Twenty Couples Share Their
Stories. One More Soul, 2003.
New, Michael J. “Analyzing the Impact of State Level Contraception Mandates on Public Health
Outcomes.” Ave Maria Law Review (2015): 345-369.
Notare, Theresa. “Human Sexuality, Where Faith & Science Meet.” Respect Life Program.
Washington, DC: Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, 1994.
______. “Sex, What Do Women (and Men) Really Want.” Respect Life Program. Washington,
DC: Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004.
______, ed. An Introduction to Natural Family Planning. United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, 2009.
Morse, Jennifer Roback. Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World. Spence
Publishing Company, 2005.
Percy, Anthony. The Theology of the Body Made Simple. Pauline Books and Media, 2006.
Steinhagen, Janice and Howland, John. Heart Sounds: 12 Catholic Doctors. St. Luke’s Books,
2010. NB: Testimonies of the faith journey of twelve Catholic physicians.
Smith, Janet. “Pope Francis and Contraception: A Reply to Christopher Kaczor.” Our Sunday
Visitor, March 3, 2016.
______. “Contraception, Congo Nuns, Choosing the Lesser Evil, and Conflict of
Commandments.” Catholic World Report, February 20, 2016.
______. “Wages of the Sexual Revolution.” National Catholic Register, October 25, 2014.
______. “Humanae Vitae at 45: An Epic Battle.” The National Catholic Register, July 30, 2013.
______. “What does the Holy Father Say about Condoms in his New Book?” Catholic World
Report, November 20, 2010.
______. “Green Sex vs. Pink Viagra.” National Catholic Register, July 25, 2010.
______. “Divorce and NFP.” The Michigan Catholic Newspaper, June 18, 2010.
______. “The Christian View of Sex: A Time for Apologetics, Not Apologies.” The Family in
America 10, no. 5 (May 1996): 1-7. Reprinted in New Oxford Review, January 1998, 29-37.
______. “The Stale and Stalled Debate on Contraception.” Catholic World Report, November
1993, 54-9.
______. “The Connection between contraception and abortion.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review
93, no. 7 (April 1993): 10-18.
______. “Humanae Vitae: A Hidden Treasure.” The Family (November 1988): 28-30.
______. “Humanae Vitae: A Prophetic Document?” Respect Life, the annual Respect Life
publication for the U.S. Bishops; rpt. In Crisis 6:8 (September 1988) 30-35.
______. “Humanae Vitae: Twenty Years Later.” Crisis Magazine 6, no. 6 (June 1988). 14-21.
Tham, S. Joseph. The Missing Cornerstone: Reasons Why Couples Choose Natural Family
Planning in Their Marriage. Circle Press, 2003.
Verret, Ryan and Mary-Rose. Witness to Love, How to Help the Next Generation Build Marriage
that Survive and Thrive. Saint Benedict Press, 2015.
von Hildebrand, Dietrich. Marriage: the Mystery of Faithful Love. Sophia Institute Press, 1997.
First published 1942 by Longmans, Green.
______. The Encyclical Humanae Vitae: A Sign of Contradiction. Franciscan Herald Press, 1969.
West, Christopher. Good News About Sex and Marriage (Revised Edition): Answers to Your
Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching. Servant, 2004.
_____. The Love that Satisfies: Reflections on Eros and Agape. Ascension Press, 2007. NB: A
popular commentary on Benedict’s Deus caritas est and John Paul II’s theology of love.
_____. Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II’s Sexual
Revolution. Revised Edition. Ascension Press, 2010.
_____. Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing. Image, 2013.
Enchiridion on the Family, A Compendium of Church Teaching on Family and Life Issues from
Vatican II to the Present. 2000.This volume provides a variety of Church documents from
the Magisterium, papal teachings, and instructions from Vatican decasteries.
Lexicon: The Family and Human Procreation. Pontifical Council for the Family, 2006. A
collection of essays that apply equally to social ethics and sexual, marital, and family ethics
(as well as bioethics).
Lexicon: Ambiguous and Debatable Terms Regarding Family Life and Ethical Questions.
Pontifical Council for the Family, 2003.This dictionary, edited by the Pontifical Council for
the Family, collects in 1,000 pages 78 topics/articles written by well-known experts. This
volume is useful for pastoral work.
Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive A Preparatory Catechesis for the World Meeting of
Families. Pontifical Council for the Family and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 2015.
Papal Teachings, Matrimony. Selected and Arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes.
Translated by Michael J. Byrnes. St. Paul Editions, 1963. NB: This volume provides papal
teaching from Benedict XIV (1740-1758) to John XXIII (1958-1963).
Natural Family Planning. NFP Program, Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and
Youth, USCCB. Washington DC, 1995. eight
panel brochure provides basic information on the methods of Natural Family Planning.
Written in a popular conversational style, this brochure is useful for marriage preparation
programs and general parish education. Orders:; tel., 1-866-
582-0943. Ask for publication #9521 (English) and #9525 (Spanish).
NFP Myth and Reality. NFP Program, Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth,
USCCB. Washington DC, 1995.
questions.cfm. This eight panel brochure provides information on the most misunderstood
points concerning the methods of Natural Family Planning and Catholic teachings which
support its use in marriage. Orders:; tel., 1-866-582-0943. Ask
for publication #9522 (English); Item #9523 (Spanish).
Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry. Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Administrative Committee, 2010.
family/natural-family-planning/diocesan-ministry/standards.cfm. This document articulates
the basic standards that comprise quality diocesan Natural Family Planning ministry. The
Standards can be used to either develop or strengthen diocesan NFP ministry. A mentoring
implementation process accompanies the document; see
National NFP Awareness Week. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, NFP Program. issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/natural-family-
planning/awareness-week/index.cfm . This national NFP education campaign provides
various resources for NFP educators who plan activities in their dioceses. Among the central
resources are a poster and homily notes for clergy. The week is celebrated in July from the
Sunday to the Saturday in the month of July that includes the anniversary date of Humanae
vitae (July 25).
Educational Programs
Imago Dei-Imaging God in Our Lives. Imago Dei, Inc. Imago
Dei is a Catholic nonprofit corporation in Washington, DC. It was formed in 2007 to manage
the study group program for A New Language: A Study Guide for the Theology of the Body,
which was started by Women Affirming Life, Inc. Today, this non-profit organization trains
facilitators to lead small study and prayer groups on the Theology of the Body. Contact: 1-
The Theology of the Body Institute. The TOB Institute, which is located
in Pennsylvania, provides education on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. A variety of
programs held on site are offered throughout the year. Of note are the special clergy TOB
retreats where prayer and study are combined. An annual national conference is also offered
at various locations around the country.
Made for Life: A Catechetical and Educational Aid on the Gift of Children and the
Indispensable Place of Fathers and Mothers in Marriage and Society. United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), 2011. The video can be watched for free at; order from the USCCB Store:
Part of the USCCB’s Marriage: Unique for a Reason series, this DVD discusses the
Church’s teaching on marriage, children, and the importance of fathers and mothers in an
accessible, attractive way, through interviews with married couples and parents. A Viewer’s
Guide and Resource Booklet for priests, deacons, catechists and teachers break open the topic
further. A great resource for educational settings in the school or parish; designed for high
school aged and older.
Billings, Evelyn and Westmore, Ann. The Billings Method: Controlling Fertility without Drugs
or Devices. Life Cycle Books, 1998.
Hilgers, Thomas W. The Medical & Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Pope Paul VI
Institute Press, 2004.
Kippley, John and Sheila. The Art of Natural Family Planning. 4th ed. Couple to Couple League,
Shivanandan, Mary. Natural Sex: The New No-Pill, No-Artificial-Barrier Method of Family
Planning That Enhances Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Equality for Both Partners. Rawson,
Wase Publishers, Inc. 1979.
Wilson, Mercedes Arzú. Natural Family Planning, Love & Fertility: How to Postpone or
Achieve Pregnancy Naturally! 5th ed. Mercedes Arzú Wilson, 2012.
FABM Bibliography
FABM Providers
(503) 546-6377
(503) 546-9397 FAX
Note: The PPVI Institute is part of the network of FertilityCareTM education centers. These
centers are accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCareTM Professionals for teacher
education. Two of these centers have met the USCCB’s Standards for Diocesan NFP
Ministry in the area of teacher education. Since the curriculum is standardized, the only
significant difference among the centers lies in the individual members of the faculty per
center. To meet the USCCB NFP standards, NFP teacher training programs must apply for
Approval individually.
also provided in MP4 files on YouTube. These individual chapters can easily be used for
general NFP education. See
Medical Consultant
This six month program consists of two Education Phases (an eight-day course and a seven-
day course) and supervised practicum via long distance supervision. Note: This program is
only for medical doctors, osteopaths, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse
midwives, or pharmacists.
Medical Consultant/Practitioner
This combined program of 13 months consists of two Education Phases (an eight-day course
and another eight-day course) and supervised practicum via long distance supervision. An
On- Site Visit is required. Note: Prerequisite—Bachelor degree or RN degree and
certification as a FertilityCareTM Practitioner with a minimum of one year of teaching the