An Organization Study Report of BERGER PAINTS INDIA LTD
An Organization Study Report of BERGER PAINTS INDIA LTD
An Organization Study Report of BERGER PAINTS INDIA LTD
Rishra, Hoogly, WB
Submitted to
Date- 27.10.2021
Jais, Amethi
The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of employee satisfaction with special
reference to Indian Paints sector. Totally 30 questionnaire were distributed to the employees
in an equal proportionate basis both executives and non- executives of the company. 25
questions were developed on 5 factors: (a) Working Conditions; (b) Career Development; (c)
Management attitude; (d) Interpersonal relationship and Compensation. 1-5 scale was used to
measure the level of employee satisfaction where 1 stands for strongly agree and 5 for
strongly disagree. The findings and inferences for each of the items have been presented in
the forms of tables. Majority of the respondents agreed that they are satisfied in their jobs and
performance. It was conclude the organization has developed a strong value system which
was incorporated across all the organization values.
Employee satisfaction is extreme importance for employees to remain happy and also bring
their level best. Satisfied employees are the ones who are particularly loyal towards their
organization and switch to it even in the worst situation. Employee satisfaction leads to a
positive feel at the workplace. It aids the company in getting better services and products
from its employee, plays very important role in productivity of employee and organizations
can achieve the expected goals. Most organizations strive for employee satisfaction, but not
all attain this goal. That is why it is important for human resources professionals to know
more about the factors that can increase employee satisfaction and performance, and how it
turns into a company’s overall success.
Significance of the study: The study is of immense significance to the employees and the
organization as it gives an insight to the individual to ascertain the extent of Organizational
Effectiveness and the role and contribution of employee satisfaction to it. It also explains the
inter relations among the major motivational factors. It will help the organization to learn the
nature of these relationships and improve its effectiveness by improving some of the
variables. It will also help the employer to frame policies towards improving the employee
satisfaction and positive attitude. 1. Organizational theorists and researchers (Cummings,
1980) have used employee satisfaction, as an effort, or commitment as the key to enhancing
organizational effectiveness. 2. Studies tend to focus on factors, such as salary &
compensation and effect of residual experience out of public sector work culture, and their
interaction, to investigate influence employee satisfaction towards organizational
Goal of Organization- Every company has its own goal and objectives. They are giving a
direction to the company and its people to work in the same direction so they achieve that
goal and objectives but sometimes the aims and objectives of the organization are likely to
affect employee satisfaction.
Salary - Salary and wage is one of the most important factors behind employee satisfaction.
The salary must be in accordance to the position, experience and ability of the employee in
the company.
Rewards and Recognition- Employee should be always rewards and awarded by
company for his/her efforts and penalties are other important things that affect level of
satisfaction of an employee in his job.
Behavior of Superior- Way of approach is very important. The kind of treatment given by
the supervisor to the employee largely determines his satisfaction level. It is always desired to
treat employees in a good manner.
Opportunities- There should be any partiality with in team because every employee is as
much important as other are. Company should always treat everyone on same level and it has
to provide equal opportunities to everyone for growing in his career.
Right person for Right job- It is essential to check that the personality of the employee
matches the type of job being allotted to him.
It was found that the 75 percent of the employees are satisfied regarding their jobs
and 77.3 percent are felt that their jobs are related to their education qualification.
It was found that 71.6 percent of the employees are felt convenient with the
present duty timings.
Majority of 70.8 percent of the respondents are felt that their jobs are in
challenging way.
60 percent of the employees are felt that then- work schedule is satisfied and
60.8 percent of the employees are get recognition from the management
through their working process.
Majority of 74.1 percent the employees are felt satisfied about their
relationships with the colleagues.
It was found that the 65.8 percent of the employees are satisfied with the
criteria of promotion in the organization.
75 percent of the employees are satisfied with the working conditions of
the organization.
Above 50 percent of the employees are satisfied with their carrier plan
and growth opportunities in the organization.
68 percent of employees are satisfied with the leave system of the organization.
Regarding the welfare facilities majority of the employees are satisfied with
the safety conditions, water conditions and medical, transport,
drinking water and canteen facilities. But 73.33 percent of the employees are
satisfied with the sanitary conditions.
It was found that 58.3 percent of the employees are satisfied with their
proportionate feedback of the superiors and subordinates.
53.3 percent of the employees are satisfied with the performance appraisal
system in the organization.
It was found that 66.7 percent of the employees are satisfied regarding their
60 percent of the employees are agreed that the management safeguard them
in the risky situations.
73.3 percent of the employees are satisfied regarding their dress code in the
It is recommended that the management has to take necessary steps to
conducting the appraisal to the employees and then encourage them by providing
rewards to their performances in the organization. It helps to get effective work by
the employees.
As on findings there is discrimination among employees. So, it suggests to
overcoming it by arranging formal gathering.
Job satisfaction survey should be conducted periodically to increase the level
of job satisfaction of employees.
Management has to revise the salary packages of the employees.
This research is done on Berger Paints India Limited, Rishra Plant which has
enabled me in identifying the employee satisfaction and performance among
employees. Employees responded the questionnaire and it was found the analysis
that the employee satisfaction and Performance among them is satisfactory. The
employees are not happy about job security, salary/wage system. The management
should take steps to look after these requirements of the employees. This study has
enabled me to understand the functioning of Paint Industry and also have shown me
to interpret my research practically.
6. journal/102496