d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game

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d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game

Spycraft Boot Camp I

Boot Camp Recruits: Ken Colman, Bruce Graw, Jason Olsan, Steve Peterson,
Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are ™ and © 2002 Charles Rice, Aaron Rosenberg, Jon Szeto,
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Brian Underhill, Sam Witt
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by AEG.
Reproduction without AEG's written permission is expressly forbidden,
Art Director: jim pinto
except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is Graphic Designer: Patrick Kapera
clearly stated. Vitality points, wounds, Defense, and other rules from the Star
Wars™ roleplaying game and other items not covered by the Open Gaming
Cover Artist: Veronica V. Jones
License used with permission from Wizards of the Coast. Star Wars is a trade- Line Developer: Patrick Kapera
mark of Lucasfilm, Ltd. The mention of or reference to any company or prod- Production Manager: Mary Valles
uct in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as
settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment
purposes only.
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses
The Open Game Content and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark
This release of the Spycraft™ Boot Camp I document is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game
or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product
License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark Logo
Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the
Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or
releases of this work will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document.
its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the
AEG’s intention is to open up as much of the Boot Camp I document as possible to be used as Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,
Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the Spycraft modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content.
intellectual property. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this work are encour- (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
aged to contact JZinser@alderac.com if they have any questions or concerns about reproducing
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
material from the Boot Camp I document in other OGL works. AEG would appreciate anyone using
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
OGC material from Spycraft in other OGL works to kindly reference Spycraft as the source of that
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms
material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and in accor-
may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
dance with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth below.
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product this License.
Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of
Spycraft logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Spycraft product and product
the terms of this License.
line names including but not limited to The Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Spycraft Lite, Control
Screen, Modern Arms Guide, Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Season Book #1: Gentlemen’s Agreement and subsequent Season Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
books, and all Spycraft logos; any elements of the Spycraft or Shadowforce Archer settings, exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
including but not limited to capitalized names, department names, section names, threat names,
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as
characters, gadgets (including but not limited to the usual refinements and other gadgets), his-
Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation
toric events, and organizations; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, docu-
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
ments within the game world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all art-
work, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, Agency 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
or department logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You
d20 System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and
Product Identity is not open Game Content. the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content
you Distribute.
DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, no portions
of the Boot Camp I document are designated as Open Game Content. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indi-
cation as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement
USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac
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Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, and threat and
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NPC statistics (henceforth “goodies”) contained in this work to the canon of Open Game Content
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for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers.
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Some of the portions of this booklet which are delineated OGC originate from the System not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and
portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the to that Product Identity.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Spycraft Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group.”
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which por-
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a tions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and dis-
used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be tribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Game Content You Distribute.
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content
All contents of this work, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by Alderac using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game
Arneson. Star Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such
Ltd.; Authors Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright
content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and
2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and
Shadowforce Archer Worldbook Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group; Authors
means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under
Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means
product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts;
creatures, characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes
and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and

Table Of Contents
The Spycraft Boot Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Want In On The Action? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
The Agency provides standard packages to help agents dive
Standard-Issue Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
into missions quickly. These packages offer a significant discount
Weapons and Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
to the starting agent, but their contents are fixed and non-trans-
Angelique Nicolette (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ferable. Each bundle costs 25 of the agent’s budget points.
The Children of Set (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Church of the Apocalypse (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Air Assault Bundle
Dallas Redux (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 by Steve Peterson
Hifazaat (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fanny pack and parachute pack (to carry and store bundle)
The Man in the Iron Lung (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1 set fatigues
Shale (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
The Sodality (Threat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Climbing kit
Night vision goggles
Headset radio, encrypted
Suction shoes
THE SPYCRAFT Thermite lockpick
10 glowsticks
BOOT CAMP 2 packs of chewing gum

Arboreal Bundle
The Spycraft RPG is a great labor of love by a great many
people. Periodically, the Design Team trolls for fresh blood to by Aaron Rosenberg
supplement its ranks, inspired creators with a mind for innovative Backpack (to carry and store bundle)
mechanics and the will to succeed in the gaming industry. Waterproof poncho
We subject these hapless fools to a laborious torture sessi— er, Camouflage net
training ground we call the Spycraft Boot Camp. Climbing spikes
As part of this program, participants are asked to generate Climbing hammer
rules and rules-oriented material — sometimes on the fly, and Rope
often with little warning and few directions outside "do it like we Stool, folding
do it already" (we figure that if it’s commonplace for the pros who Night vision goggles
already have schedules, it should apply to new recruits as well). Leatherman
Many of the results are well worth a read, and might work well in Trail mix
home games, so we asked the participants if we could post them Thermos
here, for your use as unofficial Spycraft material. Bolt-action rifle, .22 LR
Special Note: This material has never been edited — it is raw Rifle silencer
text intended to offer a glimpse behind the scenes, and for GCs Soft point bullets, 20 shots
and players who want to adapt it to their games. It is unofficial Headset radio
and may contain rules and grammar errors.
Special Note: None of this material is permitted in the Living Athlete Bundle
Spycraft campaign. by Ken Colman
Large suitcase and large "hockey bag"
(to carry and store bundle)
Want In On The Action? 2 sets trendy clothes
Our first Boot Camp was a wild success, generating many Designer sunglasses
stellar writers you can find on our credit pages in current Cell phone
releases. Would you like to join their ranks? Do you think you have Text messenger
what it takes to work on the most challenging d20 product on the First aid kit
market? If so, contact Patrick Kapera at pkapera@alderac.com Standard issue shoes (housed in athletic shoes)
for details about joining the next Spycraft Boot Camp. Liquid skin patch
Portable MP3 player
$5,000 cash
Several pieces of expensive and garish jewelry ("bling bling")
Sports equipment appropriate for their sport
Various promotional items
5 Black permanent markers

Athletic Bundle Cat Burglar Bundle
by Jon Szeto by Bruce Graw
Large sports bag (to carry and store bundle) Shoulder bag (to carry and store bundle)
Average clothes (exercise clothes or athletic uniform) Nightsuit
Baseball bat Utility belt
Disguise kit Headset radio
Knockout gas (disguised as can of aerosol spray) Parachute
Poisoned contact deodorant stick (operates as a poisoned lip- Climbing kit
stick gadget — see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 137) Suction grips
Weakening contact toxin (disguised as foot powder) Lockpick kit
A dozen baseballs, golf balls, hockey pucks, or other appropri- Flashlight (pen light)
ate hard ball Night vision goggles
Scented aerosol deodorant Glass cutter
Lots of extra-long shoelaces Climbing harness
Towel Soft-soled boots
Snoop spray
Automotive Enhancement
by Aaron Rosenberg Counter-Surveillance
Duffle bag (to carry and store bundle) Bundle by Aaron Rosenberg
Leather racing gloves Aluminum briefcase (to carry and store bundle)
Spike dropper Bug detector, handheld
Police scanner White noise generator, handheld
Adhesive window tinting 6 infrared baffles
"Op art" license plate Electromagnetic pulse generator
Mechanics kit Current detector
UV headlights, pair 4 motion detectors
UV goggles Microcassette recorder
with 20 minutes of meaningless chatter pre-recorded
Auto Theft Bundle "Out of Order" door sign
by Jason Olsan Wind-up "bomb" plastic toy
Black duffle bag (to carry and store bundle)
2 extra license plates and supporting documents Data Crasher Bundle
(intervention favor check, DC 5) by Sam Witt
Electronics kit Oversized Handbag or Messenger Bag
Mechanics kit (to carry and store bundle)
Lockpick gun Trendy Clothing
Police scanner Cell Phone
Business card with a car fence’s number Small ball peen hammer
(black market favor check, DC 14) 3 oz. tube of ethyl cyanoacrylate (Krazy Glue)
Crowbar Cigarette Lighter, Windproof
Electronics lockpick Laptop (+1 power rating)
Gloves with virus software, infinite loop
Handful of favorite CDs Demolitions Kit
Mechanics Kit
Bush Fighter Bundle Degausser, Handheld
by Charles Rice Cigarette, Welder
Lightweight pack (to carry and store bundle) Leatherman
Headset radio, encrypted Desert Operations Bundle
Shotgun, 12 gauge pump action by Brian Underhill
with 50 shots Military duffle (to carry and store bundle)
Flashlight 1 set of desert fatigues or native desert clothing
MRE (3 days) Sunglasses or tinted goggles
4 Glowsticks Scarf or protective dust mask
Mosquito net .38 Special service revolver
Insect repellent with 50 rounds birdshot ammunition
with 50 rounds standard ammunition
GPS receiver
Snakebite Kit
Survival kit
Survival knife
7 days survival rations
Portable evaporation still

Digging/entrenching tool Monkeywrench Bundle
2 extra canteens (one liter each, filled with water) by Jon Szeto
Simplified phrase book Metal toolbox (to carry and store bundle)
(Arabic, Farsi, or other regional language or dialect) Poor clothing (grease-spotted mechanic’s coveralls)
Tube of SPF-30 sunscreen and lip balm Black Bar
Small bottle of 20 salt and electrolyte replacement tablets Digging/entrenching tool
Electronics kit
Field Spotter Bundle Incendiary grenade
by Jon Szeto Leatherman
Large rucksack (to carry and store bundle) Lockpicking kit
Fatigues (camouflage) Mechanics kit
Binoculars Pack of bubblegum
GPS receiver Ziploc™ bag full of sand
Leatherman WD-40 industrial solvent
MREs (3 days) Bottle of maple syrup
Satellite communications terminal
Survival kit Musical Performer Bundle
Field mirror by Ken Colman
Footlong spool of communications wire, 500 ft. Large suitcase and clothes carrier
or large suitcase and instrument case
Hi-Roller Bundle (to carry and store bundle)
by Steve Peterson 2 sets of trendy clothes
Clothes carrier and fat wallet (to carry and store bundle) Average clothes
1 set designer clothes Cell phone
Cell phone Headset radio
1 night’s stay in a 5 star hotel room Microphone (hollow item)
1 gourmet meal at a restaurant External bug detector (housed in a guitar pick or drumstick)
Cold eye drops Disguised miniature camera
$6,000 in casino chips (hidden in microphone or guitar tuner)
2 martinis (shaken) with one roll of commercial grade film
Speed grooming kit
Long Range Recon Bundle $5,000 in cash and traveller’s cheques (in up to 2 currencies)
by Charles Rice 20 CDs of their music
Web-Vest and Pack (to carry and store bundle) 5 Black permanent markers
Fatigues Vial of illegal drugs
Headset Radio, Encrypted
GPS Receiver Overnight Mountain Biking
Climbing Kit Bundle by Bruce Graw
Survival Kit Backpack (to carry and store some items, the remainder going
Night vision goggles on the bike)
Smoke Grenade Cycling clothes (Gore-tex suit)
Survival Knife Cycling gloves
MRE (1 day) Rain gear (jacket, pants, shoe slipcovers)
Chewing gum Sunglasses
2 Candy bars Cell phone
GPS receiver
Mariachi Bundle First aid kit
by Jason Olsan Survival kit
Guitar case (to carry and store bundle) Pannier bags (to carry survival gear)
with submachinegun option Bicycle headlamp
1 set of trendy clothes (gig outfit) Digital camera
Cell phone Energy bars, 1 package
Extra guitar strings (may operate as garrote when necessary) PDA
$1,000 in local currency Cycling helmet
Incriminating pictures of local law enforcer Tire patch kit
(assistance favor check, DC 15) Swiss army knife
Acoustic guitar Water bottle and bottle cage

Paramedic Kidnap and Professional Gamer Bundle
Interrogation Bundle by Ken Colman
by Sam Witt Large suitcase and foam lined shipping cases or large suitcase
Paramedic's duffle (to carry and store bundle) and laptop case (if laptop option is chosen)
Paramedic uniform (to carry and store bundle)
Latex gloves 3 sets average clothes
Surgical mask Desktop computer (power rating +2)
Safety goggles or laptop computer (power rating +2)
Valved CPR mask with expanded hard drive
Kit, First Aid with high speed modem
Headset radio with entertainment suite
1 dose contact poison with DSL connection
1 dose lethal poison I with network hub
1 dose knock out drug with black box or refrigerated case (desktop only)
1 dose sodium pentothal PDA
Police scanner Digital camera
Handcuffs (3 pair) Computer kit
Video camera, standard Equipment manual
with 2 professional grade video cassettes Various game CD-ROMs
Flashlight Various gaming t-shirts
Various highly caffinated soft drinks or energy drinks
Police Bundle
by Bruce Graw Public Utilities Infiltration
Duffel bag (to carry and store bundle) Bundle by Sam Witt
Police uniform Construction satchel (to carry and store bundle)
Utility belt Workman’s coveralls
.38 Special service revolver Standard, liner
Box of 50 standard bullets Hard hat
Tactical holster Powder-free latex gloves
Cell phone Assorted maps of public spaces
Pepper spray (standard sprayer) (malls, subway tunnels, maintenance passages, etc.)
Evidence kit Can of black spray paint
Handcuffs Kit, Mechanics
Sunglasses Kit, Lockpicking
Baton Flashlight
Portable ram Glass cutter
Bugs (any 4)
Professional Athlete Headset radio
Bundle by Jason Olsan Micro-tape recorder
Duffle bag (to carry and store bundle) Entrenching tool
2 sets of trendy clothes (sports uniform and travel suit) Disposable camera
Cell phone
Stimulant shot Relic Hunter Bundle
First aid kit by Brian Underhill
Baseball bat (or equivalent sports equipment) Extra-large backpack (to carry and store bundle)
$5,000 in local currency Permission to enter a foreign country for archaeological
Sports manual research (as government intervention favor check, DC 10). Note
Mirrored sunglasses that this will only get the character into the county; getting out
Cover identity (power rating +1 — semi-professional sports with a relic is not included!
club identification) 1 set of fatigues or similar rugged outdoor wear
Team game schedule Climbing kit
Metal detector
Magnetic compass
2 sticks of dynamite
Digging / entrenching tool
3 days survival rations
Small shoulder satchel
6 glowsticks
Extra 100' of climbing rope
Chemical analysis kit (to determine mineral content)

Rescue, Recovery, and Thespian Bundle
Extraction Bundle by Ken Colman
by Brian Underhill Large suitcase and clothes carrier (to carry and store bundle)
Load-bearing tactical vest and military butt pack Trendy clothes
(to carry and store bundle) Designer clothes
1 set of camouflage fatigues Designer sunglasses
9×19mm service pistol Speed grooming kit
with 50 rounds standard or JPH ammo Disguise kit
Insertion or extraction via helicopter Cell phone
(transportation favor check, DC 15) Body wire transmitter
Survival knife 3 doses of knockout drug (disguised as prescription drugs)
First aid kit $7,500 in cash and traveller’s cheques (in up to 2 currencies)
5 days survival rations 50 8×10 black and white headshot photos
Flashlight 5 Black or gold permanent markers
Magnetic compass Undercover Student Bundle
6 glowsticks by Jason Olsan
Weatherproof map of target region Backpack (to carry and store bundle)
Cell phone
Retribution Bundle Cover identity (power rating +1 — student identification)
by Jason Olsan Laptop (+1 power rating)
Attaché case (to carry and store bundle) Micro-personal recorder
1 set of trendy clothes (sleek black business suit) Radio burst, digital stereo audio bug
Sig Sauer P-220 .45 ACP Data line burst data tap
with 100 bullets Audio surveillance receiver
Tagged bullets – drop all police/FBI investigations Pens
(intervention favor check, DC 20) Trapper keeper with paper
Mirrored sunglasses Online email account
Irrefutable proof of someone that ruined your life (destination of data tapping information)

Sewer Rat Bundle Wingwalking Bundle

by Steve Peterson by Aaron Rosenberg
Waterproof duffle bag — dispose after use Backpack (to carry and store bundle)
(to carry and store bundle) Lightweight jumpsuit
1 set average work clothes White silk aviator’s scarf
1 pair rubber boots Suction shoes
1 NBC suit 2 magnetic clamps, handheld
X-ray lenses Mini-parachute
Cell phone Inertial compass
Flashlight with 2 sets of spare batteries Rope
2 thermite lockpicks Chapstick
Geiger counter Facial moisturizing cream
Jar of Vapo-rub (dab under nose)
Maps of sewer system Gadgets
Sledgehammer By Jason Olsan, Aaron Rosenberg, and Sam Witt

Sniper Bundle Degausser, Handheld: This battery-operated device emits a

by Charles Rice gaus flux field that erases magnetic media. As a full action, an
Rifle sling and fanny pack (to carry and store bundle) agent can use the degausser to completely erase all data stored on
Ghillie Suit a standard video cassette, audio tape, floppy disk, or similar mag-
5.56×45mm Sniper Rifle netic media by touching the degausser to the media. This device
with 20 bullets full-metal jacket generates significant heat and is equipped with a thermal fuse
with flash suppressor that shuts the device down for one minute after every use to
MRE (2 days) avoid damage from overheating. The battery allows 10 uses before
Flashlight (penlight) it must be recharged for 4 hours.
2 Glowsticks If the agent is interrupted while using the degausser, the data
Satellite Map (1 BP) on the magnetic media is considered corrupted, but is not erased.
Magnetic Compass It can be recovered with a successful Computers skill check against
Small metal probe (for detecting/disarming booby traps) the DCs shown on the table below:
Telescoping metal probe (to check for mines)
Media Type DC Time Required
Floppy Disk 15 1 day
Audio 20 3 days
Video 25 1 week

Standard-Issue Gear
Guitar Case, Standard: The guitar case may contain many than bare flesh. When making a Balance check because of diffi-
options. You may take the standard guitar case option on its own, cult terrain or high-speed descents while using a personal vehicle
or take the standard option and then take more options from such as a bicycle, the character receives a +1 bonus.
those listed for attaché cases within the Spycraft Espionage Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 0 lb.
Handbook at the additional costs listed (e.g. taking a standard gui- Actual Cost: $10
tar case equipped with a booby-trap costs a total of 2 gadget Cycling Helmet: A much lighter version of the motorcycle
points). You may have a maximum of three options (including the helmet, this affords no defense bonus protection against bullets or
standard option) in any single guitar case. When more than one other high-velocity weapons, but functions adequately against
option offers the same benefit (such as increased hardness), only any other attack form. Cycling helmets are legally required in
the highest benefit is applied. some areas. DB +1 except as noted above, DR —, MDB —, ACP –1,
The guitar case has a hardness of 5 and 50 wound points. It Speed Same.
can be used as a shield, adding +1 to the user’s Defense. Search Budget Point Cost: 4 Weight: 1/2 lb.
checks to find anything inside the case add +5 to their DC, and the Actual Cost: $50
DC of any Open Lock check to open the guitar case is 20. Electromagnetic pulse generator: This small box, the size of
This gadget (or another standard attaché case gadget) must be a personal CD player, generates a brief (one second) electromag-
requisitioned as a housing first before you can add any of the netic pulse in a 20 foot-square area. The pulse disrupts any elec-
options listed in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook. tronics within that radius, unless they have specific shielding.
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each Weight: 5 lb. Budget Point Cost: 8 Weight: 1 lb.
Spot DC: 30 Actual Cost: $400
Infrared Baffles: These thin quilted pads have a metallic Energy Bars: This package contains six energy bars, which
sheen and adhesive backing to one side. When stuck to a window, should be consumed at a rate of approximately one for every two
these baffles block infrared beams, preventing laser-guided listen- hours of constant exercise, like long-distance running or bicycling.
ing devices. If this is done, the character receives a +2 bonus on any
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 6 Weight: 1/2 lb. each endurance-related skill or ability check during that period. This
Spot DC: 30 benefit stacks with the Endurance feat.
Budget Point Cost: 1 per 6 Weight: 1/2 lb.
Standard-Issue Gear Actual Cost: $50
By Bruce Graw, Jason Olsan, Aaron Rosenberg, and Brian Goggles: These strap-on lenses help protect the wearer's eyes
Underhill from dust, sand, and other particulates, and are especially useful
in desert or arctic environments. They are usually tinted, but do
Adhesive Window Tinting: These adhesive-backed sheets of not provide protection against flash-bangs or other blinding
acetate adhere to vehicle windows, giving them a tinted effect attacks.
(–15 on Spot and Search checks for anyone looking inside). Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb.
Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 0 lb. Actual Cost: $100
Actual Cost: $150 Lightweight jumpsuit: This jumpsuit is made of thin but insu-
Bicycle Headlamp: This special flashlight clamps onto the lated material and is loose enough to fit over normal clothing.
handlebars of any bicycle. The internal battery is recharged auto- A single zipper runs down the front, and snaps to the collar.
matically as the front wheel rotates, so as long as the headlamp is Adjustable straps at the wrist, ankles, waist, and neck provide a
used with the bike, it will never run out of power. Attaching or snug fit, and keep the jumpsuit from bunching or flapping.
removing the light takes one round; hooking up the lightweight The jumpsuit comes with a pair of thin, insulated gloves and a pair
generator takes 5 minutes. of tinted goggles.
Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb. Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 1 lb.
Actual Cost: $50 Actual Cost: $50
Bug detector, handheld: This cell phone-sized device regis- Magnetic clamps, handheld: These clamps are the size of a
ters the presence of any electronic bugs in a 20 foot-radius area. small free weight, circular and flat, and have a grip on the back.
Note that some high-end bugs might escape detection. When switched on, they become powerful electromagnets, capa-
Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1 lb. ble of holding two hundred pounds each.
Actual Cost: $150 Budget Point Cost: 10 Weight: 2 lb.
Climbing spikes: These spikes affix to the sole of a boot or Actual Cost: $125
shoe by means of the adhesive on the back and the adjustable Mini-parachute: This parachute packs down into a small
straps for toes and ankles. Use of these spikes adds +4 to Climb satchel, roughly the size of a lunchbox, but opens into a standard-
checks on wood or soft rock. size parachute.
Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb. Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 10 lb.
Actual Cost: $25 Actual Cost: $200
Current Detector: This small handheld device, the size of a Motion detectors: These small boxes can be placed on a flat
cell phone, detects active electrical current within a five foot- surface, or affixed to a wall or ceiling by means of their adhesive
radius. backs. Once switched on, these devices either sound an alarm,
Budget Point Cost: 4 Weight: 1 lb. flash a warning, or both when they detect movement within five
Actual Cost: $100 feet of their sensors. Motion detectors are packaged as a set of
Cycling Gloves: This pair of specially padded gloves allows the four.
wearer to travel for long periods of time without undue stress on Budget Point Cost: 4 each Weight: 1/4 lb. each
sensitive nerves in his palms. In addition, the hands are kept warm, Actual Cost: $200
and the treated surfaces maintain their grip on handlebars better

Standard-Issue Gear
Nightsuit: Similar in purpose to the ghillie suit, this solid receive a +1 gear bonus to Move Silently checks when walking
black, skintight outfit makes the wearer extremely difficult to see (there would be no bonus if climbing, hanging from the ceiling,
in dark conditions. If the character does not move and remains in and so forth).
shadow, opponents have a –4 penalty to Spot and Surveillance Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 2 lb.
checks. However, in well-lit conditions, the nightsuit stands out, Actual Cost: $150
giving others a +2 bonus to these same checks. Since the outfit is Stool, folding: This stool folds for easy storage and trans-
so form-fitting, very little of the body’s curves or bulges are portation. When opened, its adjustable legs can be shifted to fit
concealed from any viewer; agents increase their Charisma bonus easily over branches or small rocks, making the stool ideal for use
by 50% when using the Bluff skill to seduce someone while on mountains or in trees. The seat is made of camouflage webbing.
wearing one of these outfits. However, any Charisma penalties are Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb.
doubled! Actual Cost: $30
Budget Point Cost: 5 Weight: 2 lb. Suction Grips: These very large suction cups strap to a
Actual Cost: $250 climber’s forearms and knees, allowing them to climb up glass sur-
"Op art" license plate: This license plate has a special coat- faces (like skyscraper windows) silently and without a rope.
ing to produce an iridescent sheen. The numbers and letters on the Climbing speed is the same as with rock climbing, but the charac-
plate are deliberately blurred, making it almost impossible (-20 to ter suffers no penalties to Move Silently checks while doing so.
Spot checks) to read clearly. However, these items will not permit climbing over any surface
Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1/2 lb. that is not perfectly smooth and flat, such as glass or metal.
Actual Cost: $200 Excessive dirt or grime can force penalties to Climb checks at the
Pannier Bags: This set of two bags can be fitted to any bicy- GC’s option, but rain is not a hindrance.
cle or motorcycle, allowing the agent to carry up to 30 lbs. on the Budget Point Cost: 3 Weight: 4 lb.
vehicle without counting against his own carrying capacity. Actual Cost: $200
If used on a bicycle, each 10 lbs. in the panniers results in a –1 Tire Patch Kit: This boxed set allows the character to repair
penalty to Driver skill checks. Panniers fit on opposite sides of the flat tires on bicycles. The kit includes patches, rubber cement,
vehicle and must be balanced in weight distribution, or penalties tire levers, and compressed air pumps capable of inflating a com-
accrue for every 5 lbs. instead of every 10 lbs. Removing or attach- pletely empty inner tube in seconds. Making repairs requires
ing a single pannier takes one round. 15 minutes and a successful Hobby (bicycling), Mechanics,
Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 1 lb. or Sport (bicycle racing) check at DC 12. If the check fails by 5 or
Actual Cost: $50 more, the patch appears to hold, but fails within an hour. A patch
Portable Evaporation Still: This device consists of two yards kit can repair up to 8 flats.
of plastic sheeting and a plastic collection container. The user digs Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/2 lb.
a hole, places the collection container inside, and covers the area Actual Cost: $10
with the sheeting. Moisture condenses on the underside of the Utility Belt: This web belt includes numerous hooks for small
sheeting and collects in the container. Provides one liter of water items that the wearer needs to have close at hand, such as a cell
per day in most deserts; twice that in an non-arid region. phone, flashlight, pepper spray dispensers, handcuffs, and the like.
Seawater stills are available as one-piece self-contained units. These items can be carried without special pockets or a backpack
Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 3 lb. and may be retrieved or replaced as a full action (or a half action
Actual Cost: $50 if the character has the Quick Draw feat). Items larger than Fine
Portable Ram: A heavily weighted device that fits to the size are, however, visible to anyone who can see the character.
user’s body with a special stock, the portable ram is used to smash Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1 lb.
through locked or barricaded doors in a minimum of time. Police Actual Cost: $100
often use such devices to surprise unsuspecting felons in run- UV headlights: These headlights have three settings: off,
down tenements. When employing a ram to burst open a door normal, and UV (in place of high-beam). The UV beams are
(but not a wall or other solidly constructed barrier), the character invisible to normal sight but, when combined with UV goggles,
treats his base Strength as doubled for this purpose only. All allow the driver to drive as if using normal high-beams. The head-
Strength points added by this feature are a circumstance bonus. lights are packaged in pairs.
The ram is too bulky and unwieldy to be used as a weapon. Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1/4 lb.
Budget Point Cost: 2 Weight: 10 lb. Actual Cost: $150
Actual Cost: $250 White noise generator, handheld: This remote-control-sized
Snakebite Kit: A snakebite kit gives a bonus to First Aid device creates a low-level white noise within a twenty foot-radius.
checks against bites or stings from venomous creatures (e.g. All listening and recording equipment trained upon or used with-
snakes, scorpions, spiders, bees, poisonous fish). The kit is most in that area are at –20 on their Listen checks . 6. 1 lb. $150.
effective when used immediately after the bite (+2 to First Aid if Budget Point Cost: 6 Weight: 1 lb.
used within 2 minutes). If 2-10 minutes elapse, the bonus drops to Actual Cost: $150
+1; beyond ten minutes, the kit has no game effect. For a typical
poisonous bite, use the Contact Poison stats found in the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, page 238.
Budget Point Cost: 1 Weight: 1/4 lb.
Actual Cost: $12
Soft-Soled Boots: Designed for use with a nightsuit, these
solid black, dull leather boots have thick, padded soles specially
treated to spread the wearer’s weight as broadly as possible.
As long as the character moves at half normal speed or less, they

Weapons and Ammunition
Weapons and Ammunition Serial 3:
By Brian Underhill Angelique Nicolette
The bar has been raised in this serial by +1. Award an extra 5%
Birdshot: Birdshot ammunition resembles "buckshot" com- XP for completing this serial.
monly used in shotguns (see Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page As chairwoman of the board of directors of Vertiogne SA, a
116), but on a much smaller scale. It consists of extremely small European multinational conglomerate with interests in many
projectiles loaded into pistol rounds (easily recognizable due to fields. As such, she’s a prominent figure, not only in Europe’s busi-
their crimped ends) and is generally used against birds, snakes, ness circles, but also political circles as well. Her father was one of
rats, and other pests. Because it scatters when it is fired, birdshot the undersecretaries for the French government who helped draft
ammunition gives a +2 bonus to hit any target, but damage is the original charter for the European Common Market. Angelique
reduced by -2 for each range increment (including the first). shared her father’s dream in seeing a united Europe leading the
Unlike shotgun ammo, birdshot can only be used against a single civilized world.
target. Angelique ascended to the ranks of Vertiogne’s executive elite
Budget Point Cost: 1per 50 shots in 1992, the same time that the Treaty of Maastricht transformed
Actual Cost: $15 per 50 shots the EEC into the more centralized EU. She hoped that the trans-
Effect: +2 to hit, –2 to damage (plus an additional –2 damage formation would boost Europe to the next level, but Nicolette
per additional range increment the shot travels). soon became quickly frustrated at the obstruction of many
Eurosceptic opponents, who used the EU’s cumbersome bureau-
cracy to slow progress. It was time, Angelique decided, for more
forceful action. Armed with a vast network of political contacts
ANGELIQUE through her father’s connections, as well as Vertiogne’s multina-
tional resources, Nicolette began sketching out a plan.
NICOLETTE Nicolette’s carefully-laid plans were almost derailed when the
attacks on the World Trade Towers struck on September 11, 2001.
By Jon Szeto But she subsequently observed how the attacks seemed to trigger
a wave of patriotism and unity amongst Americans in the after-
Starting Threat Code: Yellow math of the attack. Angelique concluded then that what Europe
This short season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team needed was its own 9/11 to come together, the fire of adversity to
of 4th level agents. forge the blade of a united Europe.
Nicolette’s plan takes a two-pronged approach at accomplish-
The goal of a united Europe has been the dream of many ing this goal. First, she needed to recruit some terrorist and insur-
European idealists ever since the founding of the European gent groups, preferably from the throngs of refugees and immi-
Common Market in 1958, and many thought that the creation of grants coming into Europe from North Africa, the Middle East, and
the European Union in 1992 would bring that dream into a reali- the Balkans. To that end, she recruited Jacob Mustassen, a Turkish-
ty. However, the dream seemed to have stalled, as the Union, American ex-commando, to recruit and organize resistance cells,
encumbered by the weight of its own bureaucracy, was frequent- to be dispersed amongst Europe’s immigrant populace.
ly undercut by the individual agendas of its member states. Interspersed amongst the throngs of Europe, these cells will con-
However, one woman, Angelique Nicolette, seeks to change all duct sporadic attacks to shake public confidence and increase fear
that, in the hopes of transforming the EU from a collection of of terrorism.
petty squabbling states into a legitimate world superpower. And The second prong of Nicolette’s attack is directed against the
she’s found inspiration from an unlikely source in an unlikely man- heart of resistance: the Eurosceptic politicians who opposed a
ner: the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Believing that the stronger union. However, given their high-profile nature, direct
people of Europe would come together in the same way as the violence was out of the question; instead, Nicolette has opted for
people of the United States rallied in the aftermath of that character assassination: smear campaigns that undermine public
tragedy, Angelique has begun engineering her own campaign of support for the Eurosceptics and diminish their influence in poli-
terror, that she plans to use to rally the people of Europe around tics. To that end, she’s called upon Steffen Kanndar, the head of
her banner and forge a true European Union, an authentic super- EuMeKo, a European multimedia giant that Vertiogne owns.
power rivaling the might of America, Russia, and others. Meanwhile, Nicolette has been massing her own private army,
the Janissaries, on a remote Mediterranean island. When the time
MP Cost: 275 is right, Nicolette will order Mustassen’s terror cells unleash a
Wealth: 5 (Above Average) massive wave of terror attacks, to time with one of the regular
Technology: 9 (9 GP per serial) conferences of the European heads of state; one of the targets of
Loyalty: 3 (+3 to loyalty checks) this attack will be the conference, with the express aim of taking
Influence: 5 (favor check notice 1-5, 5 influence effects per out as many leaders at once. In the midst of the chaos, Nicolette’s
serial) Janissaries will intervene to defeat the terrorists and restore order.
Scope: 5 (international threat) Hailed as a public heroine, Nicolette will use the tragedy as the
Agenda: Control opportunity to restructure the European Union according to her
own vision.
Although she’s well into her mid-forties, Angelique can still
turn heads with her looks. Her attire somehow manages to strike
an impossible balance between the conservative restraint of busi-
ness sense, and the wild elegance of tres chic fashion.

Angelique Nicolette
Angelique Nicolette, 5th level faceman/3rd level pointman EuMeKo also serves another purpose for Nicolette: propagan-
(mastermind – 40 MP): CR 8; SZ M; v/wp 48/10; Init +6 (+5 class, da indoctrination. Mass media is more than just the news; it’s also
+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Beretta Model about entertainment. If Angelique wants to build a stronger
21 Bobcat Pocket Pistol +6 (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-4, threat 20, union, she will have to build a base of popular support. EuMeKo
range 10 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adapt- accomplishes this not only through its entertainment programs,
able, assistance (1/2 time), backup 1/session, cold read 1, lead which are definitely cast in a pro-Union bias, but also through
1/session, linguist (English, French, German, Russian), quick subliminal messages inserted in its programs and advertising.
change 2/session, versatility (Appraise, Computers, Concentration,
Listen, Perform, Read Lips, Spot); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +9; Str Steffen Kanndar, 5th level snoop/1st level faceman
10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +8, (henchman – 23 MP): CR 6; SZ M; v/wp 37/12; Init +5 (+4 class,
Bluff +11, Bureaucracy +9, Computers +4, Cultures +11, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Beretta Model
Diplomacy +11, Forgery +10, Gather Information +11, Innuendo 80 Cheetah Backup Pistol +3 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 20, range
+11, Knowledge (European Politics) +10, Profession (Business) +9, 15 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ astute, back
Sense Motive +9, Spot +9; Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, door, flawless search, intuition 1/session, jury rig +3, linguist
Medium), Charmer, Political Favors, Undermine, Weapon Group (English, German, French); SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 10, Dex
Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Designer 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff +5, Bureaucracy
Clothing, PDA, 71 BPs. Gadgets and Vehicles: Micro-grenade +7, Computers +9, Craft (Recording) +9, Craft (Video) +10,
Earrings, Poison Lipstick. Cryptography +9, Cultures +8, Diplomacy +7, Forgery +7, Gather
Threat Resources/Action Sites: Satellite Network (headquar- Information +7, Innuendo +6, Listen +8, Profession (Journalism)
ters – Vertiogne field testing facility, on an unnamed island in the +8, Search +7, Spot +8, Surveillance +8; Feats: Alertness, Armor
Mediterranean – hierarchy 5, secrecy 5, personnel 2, security 3). Proficiency (Light, Medium), Master Fence, Sidestep, Weapon
Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Trendy
Janissaries: The Janissaries are the crème de la crème of the Clothing, Laptop +3, Image Processing Software, A/V Suite, 13 BPs.
recruits that pass through Jacob Mustassen’s training camps and Gadgets and Vehicles: Explosive Pen, Eyeglasses with Iris, LCD, and
are selected for advanced training. They are seconded to Nicolette Hypnosis lenses.
to act as her Praetorian guard, and she often uses them to take Threat Resources/Action Sites: Propaganda (headquarters –
care of any opposition to her unity agenda. They often have access EuMeKo media center and corporate headquarters, Frankfurt,
to Vertiogne’s advanced gadgets and vehicles. Germany – hierarchy 4, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 2).

Janissaries, 5th level minions (squads of 4 – 28 MP): CR 4; The Newsmakers: Whenever Steffen needs to "rewrite" the
SZ M; v/wp 31/12; Init +6 (+4 class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 14 (+2 news to suit his needs, he calls upon a groups of covert operatives
class, +2 Dex); Atk: Bayonet +5/+7 (dmg 1d6, error 1, threat 20), whom he calls his "Newsmakers." Whether it’s planting false evi-
Beretta 93 +7 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft.); Face dence, tampering with existing evidence, or making an inoppor-
1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, tune witness "disappear," the Newsmakers are the ones that
Will +1; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Climb Steffen counts on to make sure the story runs as scripted.
+7, Demolitions +9, Driver +7, Intimidate +8/+8, Spot +6, Swim Newsmakers, 4th level minions (squads of 4 – 22 MP): CR
+7; Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon 3; SZ M; v/wp 16/10; Init +3 (+3 class, +0 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 12
Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: 8 BPs. (+2 class, +0 Dex); Atk: 9x19 mm Service Pistol +4 (dmg 1d10,
Gadgets and Vehicles: None. error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA
None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 10, Con
Serial 2: Steffen Kanndar 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Craft (Photography) +5, Craft
Steffen Kanndar is the head of the European Media (Recording) +5, Craft (Video) +7, Driver +4, Intimidate +7/+9,
Communications Group, or EuMeKo for short. Under Kanndar’s Profession (Journalism) +7, Spot +5; Feats: Armor Proficiency
leadership, EuMeKo has been gaining notice for making signifi- (Light, Medium), Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun).
cant gains in Europe’s media industry, at a time when Europe’s Gear: Artisan Kit, Radio Headset, Knockout Drug (2 uses), 5 BPs.
other media companies have been struggling. Leading the way has Gadgets and Vehicles: None.
been EuMeKo’s news division, which seems to have an uncanny
knack of getting the early scoop on breaking events before the Serial 1: Jacob Mustassen
rest of Europe does. Jacob Mustassen is a second-generation Turkish-American,
Part of the reason behind EuMeKo’s success is that Steffen born in the United States to Turkish Cypriot immigrants.
sometimes scripts the news to EuMeKo’s advantage. As any broad- Mustassen joined the US Army and served as a military intelli-
caster knows, bad news is good business, so it’s in Steffen’s best gence officer. He was later assigned as a foreign area officer to the
interest to portray Europe in a bad light. If there isn’t a public US Embassy in Turkey during the mid-90s; there his Turkish her-
scandal, Steffen creates one. If there’s one already going on, itage proved to be a real plus, as he was able to win the trust of
Steffen’s spin doctors make it even worse. locals and thus gain a better picture of Turkey’s intelligence situ-
Since Vertiogne SA owns EuMeKo (through several layers of ation. It was during his tour in Europe that Mustassen first met
holding companies, to throw off the paper trail), Angelique Angelique Nicolette at a European air show, where Vertiogne was
Nicolette is more than aware of Kanndar’s ability to make things showing off its new Spectre fighter prototype.
up as they go along. In fact, she brought Steffen on board at Last year, Major Mustassen became embroiled in a sexual
EuMeKo for just that reason. Nicolette directed Kanndar to use his harassment scandal involving a female junior officer. Although he
creative fabrication talents to smear and discredit politicians who was eventually cleared of charges, the scandal cost Mustassen his
would be opposed to a stronger union. Furthermore, it diverts security clearance and caused him to be passed over for promo-
public attention away from Vertiogne, until Nicolette is ready for tion. Both events effectively ended his military career, forcing
her moment of glory. (At which time all eyes will be on her, of Mustassen to resign his commission in disgrace.

Children of Set
Now unemployed, Mustassen looked up Vertiogne again in Possibilities:
search of a new job. With his intelligence credentials and Turkish
1. The Algerians are, in fact, one of Mustassen’s cells, acting as
heritage, Nicolette quickly realized that Mustassen would be the
part of the opening wave of Nicolette’s terror campaign. They
perfect fit for her unification plan. Now Mustassen runs a network
were actually en route to Nice, where they would hijack an
of terror cells for Nicolette. Although Mustassen occasionally
incoming tanker carrying a full load of liquefied natural gas.
recruits several native Europeans into his terror cells, most of his
Once they had control of the tanker, they would steer it
recruits come from the immigrant workers and refugees coming
directly onto Nice’s crowded beach resorts and blow it up.
from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and the
Although the Agency had captured many of the cell members,
several members got away, including the cell leader. Also,
Whenever Mustassen’s cells locates potential new recruits, he
Mustassen had a backup plan in place, as a contingency for
arranges to have them sent to a terrorist training camp that he
possible setbacks like this.
maintains in Tunisia, nestled in the highlands west of Tunis. In
addition to the rigorous combat regimen Mustassen puts them 2. The beach resort the Algerians’ plan to attack is hosting a con-
through, these recruits also receive training on advanced technol- ference for the French Front National party, a right-wing
ogy supplied indirectly from Vertiogne, including a few high-tech political party known for its anti-immigrant and Eurosceptic
gadgets. Once they’ve completed their training, the newly-chris- stance. Since FN is one of the major opponents to a stronger
tened terrorists return to their homes in Europe, awaiting orders European Union, the terror attack actually kills two birds with
to unleash a campaign of terror. one stone for Nicolette: create mass terror and also eliminate
one of the more vocal opponents to a strong union.
Jacob Mustassen, 5th level soldier (henchman – 34 MP):
3. The Algerians were, in fact, al-Qaeda operatives, as the Agency
CR 5; SZ M; v/wp 48/15; Init +7 (+4 class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def
first suspected. They had learned of Mustassen’s plot and
15 (+2 class, +3 Dex); Atk: Glock 17 Service Pistol (dmg 1d10, error
ambushed one of the cells involved in the attack. However,
1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), M16A2 Assault Rifle +8 (dmg 2d8+1,
shortly after they had taken over the cell’s equipment, they in
error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 100 ft.), Martial Arts +7 (dmg 1d6,
turn were raided by the Agency. So now the Agency has to
subdual, error 1, threat 20), Survival Knife + 7/+8 (dmg 1d6, error
stop two groups from hijacking the tanker: Mustassen’s back-
1, threat 20, range 5 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
up cell, and al-Qaeda, who now knows of the plan and wants
SQ accurate, damage reduction 1, armor use 1; SV Fort +6, Ref +6,
to use the hijacking to attack a US warship group passing in
Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills: Climb
the vicinity.
+4, Demolitions +4, Driver +7, Intimidate +10/+8, Profession
(Military) +5, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +4; Feats: Armor
Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Expertise, Hard Core, Martial
Arts, Rapid Shot, Speed Trigger, Weapon Group Proficiency
(Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Desert Camouflage
Fatigues, 1 BPs. Gadgets and Vehicles: GPS watch.
Threat Resources/Action Sites: None (headquarters – terror-
ist training camp, Tunisia – secrecy 5, personnel 2, security 1). By Ken Colman

Terrorists, 3rd level minions (squads of 4 – 15 MP): CR 2; Starting Threat Code: Yellow (with a possible shift to Red if
SZ M; v/wp 16/12; Init +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+1 the situation warrants the increase)
class, +1 Dex); Atk: Knife +4/+4 (dmg 1d4+1, error 1, threat 20, This short-season (3 serial) threat is appropriate for a team
range 5 ft.), .40 S&W Service Pistol (dmg 1d12, error 1, threat 20, of 4th level agents.
range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 9, Over the years, Egypt shifted from a polytheistic society to a
Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +4, Intimidate +6/+5, Driver +6, Spot monotheistic society, whether their belief be in Judaism, Islam or
+4; Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Weapon Group Christianity. There have been people, however, who still believe in
Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: 13 BPs. Gadgets and the Egyptian pantheon. The Children of Set quietly formed short-
Vehicles: None. ly after the Roman incursions into Egypt, and has seen several
iterations over the centuries. The latest incarnation, with access to
Plot Hook #1 current weapons and technology, could conceivably become a
Recently the Agency conducted a sting against a possible al- serious concern. In their eyes, the "corruption brought by the
Qaeda cell in Marseilles and captured a number of Algerian immi- Western world" must be cleansed by whatever means possible. This
grants. During the raid, the Agency also captured a number of version of the Children was formed only four years ago, but their
sophisticated tactical weapons, as well as electronic and chemical actions have started to grow more frequent and progressively
components that R&D could only surmise as the parts for an more violent. The Children of Set tends to pick those who are dis-
advanced technological gadget. Additional information also enfranchised with the current state of affairs of Egypt, as well as
reveals that the detainees trained at a terrorist camp in Tunisia, the descendants of former iterations of the Children (because of
which is not a known locus for al-Qaeda activity. Unsure whether their tacit indoctrination from their parents). Normally, a group as
this is a new group or whether this is a separate cell with a sepa- small as this would not draw much attention, but recent events
rate agenda, the Agency assigns a team to investigate. have warranted at least some small investigation to determine
their true threat.

Children of Set
MP Cost: 275 Elite Guard, 5th level Mercenaries (minions, squads of 4 –
Wealth: 3 (63 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman, 48 MP): CR 4, SZ M; v/wp 37/13; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 class), Spd
27 BP for each minion) 30 ft; Def 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class), Atk: Sword +6 (1d8, error 1, threat
Technology: 2 (2 GP per serial) 18-20), H&K USP .45ACP +7 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-
Loyalty: 8 (+ 8 to loyalty checks) 20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight —
Influence: 1 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV
Scope: 3 (national threat) Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha
Agenda: Control 11; Skills: Demolitions +3, Diplomacy +3, Driver +5, Intimidate
+4/+3, Listen +3, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Survival +4. Feats:
Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Damage
Serial 3: Reduction –1/-, Heavily Armed (+10 BP for weapons), Point Blank
Dr. Jaffar el Habir Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical).
Jaffar el Habir spent his whole life hating his homeland, due Gear: Weapons, 40 shots .45ACP military ball ammo, tactical radio.
to his father’s influence in a former iteration of the Children of Vehicles and gadgets: Luxury sedan (car, luxury – SZ L, Occ 1/ 4,
Set. When he was eight years old, his father was arrested for ter- Hnd +1, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 110, Hrd 7; qualities
rorist acts against the state and was taken to an Egyptian prison, and mods: HOT, bulletproof glass)
where he died several years later. An intelligent child, he studied
at some of the best medical schools in England and specialized in
genetics, easily praised as one of the world’s best in the field. Serial 2:
Working at a British university, he performed illegal experiments Hamid Muhammad Farooq
and instead of being placed in jail he was deported back to Egypt Hamid Muhammad Farooq was one of the former lieutenants
and his medical license stripped from him. He always remembered of the Children of Set when Jaffar el Habir’s father Ammad el
his father’s teachings, and decided to follow in his father’s foot- Habir was arrested. He took Jaffar under his wing and helped him
steps and truly bring the glory of Set to the corrupted world. He get his education. He sees himself as a guardian to Jaffar, and
decided that he could use his knowledge of genetics to possibly helped guide Jaffar in the path that Ammad would have had he
fulfill a prophecy about the snake-god being resurrected and rule still been alive. He acts as an advisor to Jaffar, as well as train
over Egypt. Contacting some of the former members of the members in combat and guerrilla tactics due to his mercenary
Children of Set when his father led the group, he reformed the work during several of the region’s conflicts. He feels like a surro-
Children of Set under his "guidance", using the followers to obtain gate father to Jaffar, and will do anything possible to protect
items he needs for his experiments and lead Egypt to a new age, Jaffar, even laying down his own life
under his rule and that of Set. He knows that he will not last long
if confronted with violence, so he lets his Elite Guard protect him Hamid Muhammad Farooq, 6th level Soldier (henchman —
so that he can create a diversion to slip away. 33 MP): CR 6, SZ M; v/wp 51/13; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class), Spd
30 ft; Def 14 (+2 Dex, +3 class), Atk: Survival Knife +8 (1d6, error
Dr. Jaffar el Habir , 7th level Scientist (mastermind — 35 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), Kalashnikov AK-47 +9 (3d6, error 1,
MP): CR 7, SZ M; v/wp 35/11; Init +3 (+0 Dex, +3 Class); Spd 30 threat 19-20, range 150 ft., qualities and mods: DP, RG — 30
ft.; Def 16 (+0 Dex, +6 class); Atk: H&K USP .45 ACP +3 (1d12, shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort
recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: +5, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 12;
DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 Skills: Balance +6, Climb +6, Demolitions +8, Driver +7, Intimidate
square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 12, Dex +7/+6, Jump +6, Spot +7, Survival +5, Use Rope +6. Feats: accu-
10, Con 11, Int 19, Wis13, Cha 13; Skills: Computers +14, rate, Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Armor Use,
Concentration +10 (threat 18-20), Cryptography +15, Cultures +7, Combat Instincts, Damage Reduction –1/-, Lightning Reflexes,
Diplomacy +9, Driver +5, Electronics +14, First Aid +11, Knowledge Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (AK-47), Weapon
(Genetics) +28 (threat 18-20), Mechanics +13, Profession (physi- Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical), Weapon
cian) +11, Search +13, Sense Motive +10, Spot +11. Feats: Armor Specialization (AK-47). Gear: Weapons, 60 shots 7.62x39mm mili-
Group Proficiency (Light), Advanced Skill Mastery (Scholarly feat tary ball ammo, headset radio, Demolitions kit, Survival kit, flash-
from Learned), Brilliant, Charmer, Improvise (+4), Learned, PhD light. Vehicles and gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3,
(Knowledge: Genetics) Political Favors, Professor, Weapon Group Hnd +3, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities
Proficiency (Melee, Handgun). Gear: Weapon, 40 extra shots and mods: ORD, Increased Handling (figured into stats already),
.45ACP military ball ammo, Agent Bundle A (see the Spycraft Solid tires)
Espionage Handbook, page 106), Desktop computer (+3 Power), Threat resources: Fanatics
Electronics kit, Computer Kit. Vehicles and Gadgets: Standard belt Headquarters: Warriors of Set training camp (hierarchy 2,
(grappling hook), 2 exploding pens, iris lenses, quick mine. secrecy 2, personnel 3, security 2)
Threat resources: Fanatics, Martyrs
Headquarters: Ruined Temple of Set/secret genetics lab (hier- Warriors of Set: These fighters have been culled from various
archy 3, secrecy 2, personnel 2, security 2) mercenary groups as well as competent members of the Children
of Set, all of them trained by Hamid to benefit the Children’s mis-
Elite Guard: These are Jaffar’s personal bodyguards, protect- sion.
ing him from harm, and are loyal to the Children’s cause. They
were handpicked by Hamid Farooq (see Serial Two, next column)
to perform in this capacity. They will protect Jaffar to the bitter
end if they need to, even against insurmountable odds.

Church of the Apocalypse
Warriors of Set, 4th level Mercenaries (minions, squads of ball ammo, tactical radio, flashlight, binoculars, 1 BP. Vehicles and
4— 40 MP): CR 3, SZ M; v/wp 26/11; Init +2 (+0 Dex, +2 class), gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3, Hnd +3, Spd 550 ft.,
Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+0 Dex, +2 class), Atk: Survival knife +5 (1d6, MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities and mods: ORD,
error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.), H&K USP .45ACP +4 (1d12, recoil Increased Handling (figured into stats already), Solid tires)
23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: DP, TD,
Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; Plot Hook #1
SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 11, Con A series of robberies of high end medical and research equip-
11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +2, Diplomacy +2, ment from several hospitals and universities in Egypt have taken
Driver +2, Intimidate +3/+2, Listen +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +2, place within the last month, and the agents have been sent to
Survival +2. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, investigate the thefts and try to determine their significance.
Heavy), Damage Reduction –1/-, Heavily Armed (+10 BP for
weapons), Point Blank Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Possible events stemming from
Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapons, 40 extra shots .45ACP the thefts:
military ball ammo, tactical radio, binoculars, flashlight. Vehicles
1. Dr. el Habir has been stepping up thefts because of a break-
and gadgets: Jeep (jeep, military — SZ L, Occ 1 / 3, Hnd +3, Spd
through in increasing the potency of the venom of several
550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 10, WP 90, Hrd 7; qualities and mods:
types of poisonous snakes to use themas assassination tools,
ORD, Increased Handling (figured into stats already), Solid tires)
and plans to test out his new pets during a major peace sum-
Serial 1: Adir Salim mit that will be taking place within the week. Salim, being
worked to death, has started to skim money and hold back
Adir is a small time fence who believes in the cause of the
equipment to try and "get what is due to him". One of his
Children, but believes in money almost as strongly. He is the per-
bodyguards, Jamal Raashid, has informed Hamid Farooq about
son that is assigned to acquire any equipment that might be need-
this action, and Farooq has decided to punish Salim for his
ed for Jaffar’s experiments, or funding the Children’s activities.
indiscretions. The agents may find Salim just as one of these
Hamid tends to assign some of the younger trainees to Adir to
altered creatures comes perilously close to him, prompting
help with his missions and provide bodyguard service to him in
them to actually save Salim’s life Salim figures that he was
potential preparation to become an Elite Guard. He runs a small
hung out to dry and might spill his guts to the agents if either
gambling den, which helps feed his passion for gambling.
some sort of protection or money is offered his way.
Adir Salim, 5th level Fixer (henchman—15 MP): CR 5, SZ M; 2. Similar to possibility #1, but the test will take place during
v/wp 26/11; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 class), Spd 30 ft; Def 16 (+2 Dex, one of the Children’s "services", and Salim’s sister has been
+4 class), Atk: Switchblade +3 (1d4, error 1-3, threat 18-20), H&K "chosen" (in other words, kidnapped by Farooq’s men) to be
USP .45ACP +4 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., the test subject. Salim will do everything possible to save his
qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face sister, including severing all ties with the Children, because he
1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, feels that they are "hurting his business".
Will +2; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills:
3. Jamal Raashid is actually one of the Agency’s moles, and is the
Appraise +11, Balance +8, Climb +4, Driver +6, Escape Artist +6,
one that contacted the agency about the thefts. He was over-
Forgery +8, Gather Information +7, Innuendo +7, Move Silently
heard reporting in to the agency by Farooq, and informed el
+8, Open Locks +6, Search +5, Spot +5, Tumble +6. Feats: Armor
Habir about this, and el Habir decides to make Jamal the test
Group Proficiency (Light), Card Shark, dextrous, Evasion, Master
subject. When the agents find Jamal, he will be dead, but evi-
Fence, Sneak Attack (+2d6), Uncanny Dodge (+2 to Def), Weapon
dence points them to Salim.
Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Weapons,
40 extra shots .45 ACP military ball ammo, tactical radio,
Lockpicking kit, trendy clothes, binoculars, flashlight, sunglasses
(mirrored). Vehicles and gadgets:
Threat resources: None
Headquarters: The Sleeping Serpent gambling den (hierarchy
1, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 1)
By Brian Underhill
Warriors of Set in training: These men have been assigned
to Salim to act as bodyguards, drivers, and assistants during Starting Threat Code: Red.
Salim’s crimes. These men see this as a huge opportunity to prove This short-season (2-serial) threat is appropriate for a team
themselves, but Salim’s vices does not sit well with them, seeing of 4th level agents.
this as a major flaw that could hurt the Children.
The American desert southwest is home to many deadly
Warriors of Set in training, 3rd level Mercenaries (minions, threats, both natural and man-made. But a new power has arisen
squads of 4—32 MP): CR 2, SZ M; v/wp 26/11; Init +1 (+0 Dex, there; one that seeks not only to change the face of society, but
+1 class), Spd 30 ft; Def 12 (+0 Dex, +2 class), Atk: H&K USP to destroy it.
.45ACP +3 (1d12, recoil 23, error 1, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., Three and a half years ago, Reverend Matthias Law, a former
qualities and mods: DP, TD, Standard laser sight — 10 shots); Face fire-and-brimstone televangelist, established his controversial
1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None, SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Church of the Apocalypse in the very heart of what he calls "mod-
Will +1; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9; Skills: ern Gomorrah" – Las Vegas, Nevada. The Church of the Apocalypse
Demolitions +2, Diplomacy +2, Driver +2, Intimidate +2/+1, Listen teaches strict adherence to select portions of the bible, but disre-
+1, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1, Survival +1. Feats: Armor Group gards others as apocryphal, metaphorical, or simply irrelevant.
Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Heavily Armed (+10 BP for Reverend Law demands absolute loyalty from his followers, doling
weapons), Point Blank Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, out promises of eternal life with one hand while threatening eter-
Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapon, 40 shots .45ACP military nal damnation with the other.

Church of the Apocalypse
Despite Law’s hotly debated interpretations of scripture, the timer has been built into the warhead that will cause it to deto-
Church has developed a reputation for doing good. An outreach nate it ten minutes after Law activates the device (Law wants time
program has reformed scores of young criminals; his revivals draw to devote his last few minutes on earth to prayer and meditation).
crowds of believing showgirls, gamblers, bikers, business owners, Defusing the bomb requires a contest of skills as per Spycraft
paid killers, and politicians; a recently established mission feeds Espionage Handbook, page 49; the detonator is homemade and
and shelters hundreds of homeless transients and a second such was built by an acolyte with a demolitions skill of +5; it includes
mission is being built. The Church of the Apocalypse has grown both electronic and computer components. If the bomb goes off,
from an obscure Las Vegas curiosity to a powerful political and the firestorm will engulf a hundred square miles; within three
societal organization, and it seems to be changing the face of Las hours, the fallout will kill anything without shelter for 50 miles in
Vegas for the better. every direction.
But under this benevolent – if controversial – facade lurks a GCs may wish to have a bible handy during this serial and to
deadly menace. What the public does not know is that Reverend use it during the agents’ interactions with Reverend Law. He
Matthias Law is not just a fanatical conservative. He is a delusion- quotes many scriptures from memory and reads others from the
al madman looking to bring his own version of Armageddon to Sin worn, but ever-present bible he himself always carries.
Law’s outreach and mission programs have allowed him to Reverend Matthias Law, 7th-level faceman (mastermind —
recruit and indoctrinate a small force of fiercely loyal, highly mil- 35 MP): CR 7. SZ M; v/wp: 43/11; Init +6 (class); Spd 30 ft.; Def
itant acolytes. With their help, Law recently located a nuclear mis- 14 (+4 class); Atk: cane gun +5 (dmg 1d6, error 1, threat 20 if
sile silo that contained an old W56 Minuteman ICBM scheduled to swung); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA none; SQ adaptable,
be dismantled. Using his influence, charisma, and not a few bribes, backup 1/session, cold read 1/session, fake it 1/session, linguist +3,
Law induced a silo employee to release the security codes for the quick change 3/session; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 10,
site. At Law’s bidding, a local bike gang – loyal to his cause – Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +9, Cultures +5,
descended on the site and stole the aging, but dangerously effec- Diplomacy +11, Disguise +4, Forgery +3, Gather Information +8,
tive, 1.2-megaton warhead. Innuendo +6, Intimidate +1/+4, Knowledge (Judeo-Christian
Law has spent three and a half years in Las Vegas, but he Theology) +10, Languages +3, Perform +13, Profession (Evangelist)
believes the time for repentance is over. He will soon detonate the +11, Search +3, Sense Motive +12, Spot +3. Feats: Charmer,
nuke from deep within his church, bringing a holy rain of nuclear Persuasive, Advanced Skill Mastery (Persuasive). Gear: Standard
fire to the city and ushering in the end of the world… clothing (liner, disguised as religious garb), cell phone, worn
leather bible, 50 rounds of .40 caliber military ball ammunition, 30
MP Cost: 185 BPs; Gadgets and Vehicles: cane gun (operates like an umbrella
Wealth: Poor (15 MP) gun — dmg 1d12, error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft., spot DC 25 — 3
Technology: 2 (2 GP per serial) (8 MP) shots).
Loyalty: 5 (+5 to all loyalty checks) (20 MP) Threat Resources: None.
Influence: Unknown Headquarters: The Church of the Apocalypse, Las Vegas,
Scope: Unknown Nevada, USA — hierarchy unknown, secrecy 0, personnel 4, secu-
Agenda: Unknown rity 2.

The Arm of the Lord: The Reverend’s outreach programs and

Serial 2: homeless shelters have netted him many devoted followers. He has
Reverend Matthias Law selected some of the most skilled, fanatical militants from among
Matthias Law is a tall, vital man who looks younger than his them, calling them the Arm of the Lord. These men act as Law’s
62 years. He is an intense, charismatic leader, with a piercing stare bodyguards, security teams, and enforcers; most have military
that is difficult to avoid. He is relentless in his proselytizing, and training, gang experience, or a prison record. They are a surly,
will continue to try to convert the agents even as he orders his ruthless lot, but fanatically loyal to Reverend Law and to the Lord.
men to kill them. He is not much of a physical threat; he suffered Law keeps at least four of them with the nuke at all times, calling
from polio as a child, leaving him with a limp even today. He walks these specially chosen guards "Keepers of the Holy Flame."
with an ornate cane topped by a silver crucifix; the cane conceals
a 3-shot .40 caliber pistol. The Arm of the Lord, 5th-level militant zealots (minions,
Raised a Southern Baptist, Law bounced from one fundamen- squads of 4 — 42 MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 35/16; Init +7 (+3 Dex,
talist religion to another, eventually culling together his own ver- +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: H&K MP5A5SD
sion of Judeo-Christian theology – one that suited him. Today he submachine gun with integral flash suppressor and silencer +5
preaches a combination of strict conservatism (prohibiting forni- (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft. — 30 shots); Face 1
cation, drunkenness, gambling) but embraces scriptures highlight- square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +7, Ref +6,
ing God’s lack of patience with sinners, His promises of vengeance, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10; Skills:
and the coming end of the world. Law believes he is "God’s Balance +4, Climb +5, Demolitions +2, Driver +7, First Aid +3,
authority that bears the sword." He promises everlasting life to Intimidate +8/+5, Jump +4, Knowledge (Judeo-Christian
those that listen to him and eternal destruction for those that do Theology) +3, Knowledge (Street, Military, or Prison) +3, Move
not. And he truly believes he has been chosen by God to hand out Silently +4, Spot +5, Survival +1, Tumble +7, Use Rope +6. Feats:
both rewards. Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium), Punching Basics,
Law is ready to give his life for his beliefs. He has created a Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear: Weapon,
special holy sanctuary for the nuke – a room he calls the Sanctum extra magazine of 30 rounds JHP ammunition, extra magazine of
– in a secure basement of his church. It is constantly guarded by 30 rounds military ball ammunition, 6 BPs. Vehicles and Gadgets:
four of his elite acolytes but Law plans on detonating the device none.
himself. The Sanctum is a small, but elaborate room, replete with
ceremonial basins of holy water, candles, and an ornate altar. A

Church of the Apocalypse
The gang frequents the Church during revivals, "raising a
Serial 1: Deacon Crowe ruckus for the Lord," as Deacon calls it. Most of the men are loyal
Deacon Crowe is the self-appointed leader of a group of bik- to Deacon, but their loyalty to the Reverend and his radical reli-
ers that have been terrorizing the desert southwest for several gious tenets is questionable. Most of the men know nothing about
months. Crowe was once an anarchist and rebel, and lived to the Reverend’s plan; they assume the theft of the nuke was for the
wreak havoc whenever and wherever he pleased. He has since gang’s financial gain only.
taken up the mantle of faith and become a loyal supporter of the
Church of the Apocalypse, calling his bike gang the Riders of the The Riders of the Apocalypse, 3rd-level bikers (minions,
Apocalypse – a name that suits him but irks Reverend Law. squads of 3 — 28 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 19/14; Init +5 (+3 class,
Deacon is a wild, undisciplined man. Born in Colorado, he +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .357 magnum
moved to Nevada at age 15 and became involved in petty crimes. service revolver +3 (dmg 2d4+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20
After four years in prison for armed robbery, Crowe returned to ft. — 5 shots) and any one of: baseball bat (dmg 1d10, error 1,
the streets and has slowly accrued a band of former prison friends threat 20), broken bottle (dmg 1d4, error 1-3, threat 20), chain
and other loyal comrades-in-arms. When Deacon "found religion" (dmg 2d4, error 1-3, threat 20), knife (dmg 1d4, error 1, threat 20,
two years ago, he insisted his fellow bikers join in his crusade. range 5 ft.), lead pipe (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 10
Although Deacon himself is now a faithful follower of Reverend ft.) or machete (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1 Square;
Law’s Church, most of the gang pays only lip service to the tenets Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1;
of the faith. Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9; Skills: Balance +3,
When Law located the soon-to-be-decommissioned nuke, he Demolitions +2, Driver +7, Fist Aid +1, Intimidate +4/+1,
enlisted Deacon’s help in procuring it. Deacon and his men did so, Mechanics +3, Spot +3, Survival +3, Tumble +3. Feats: Armor
though at no small cost to the Reverend. Deacon Crowe is the only Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Ride Shotgun, Weapon
one that knows of the Reverend’s plans to annihilate Las Vegas, Group Proficiency (Handgun, Melee, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:
and while he agrees with the plan in theory, he does not intend on Weapons, leather jacket, 50 rounds .357 magnum military ball
giving up his life in the process. ammunition, 4 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Battered, but serviceable
Reverend Law, however, has something else in mind. He views hog (chopper – SZ L, Hnd +6, Spd 400 ft., MPH 40/80, Def 15, WP
the Deacon and the Riders with disdain. He considers them a use- 50, Hrd 2).
ful tool in his grand scheme, but their undisciplined ways and bla-
tant disregard for morality leaves him with little choice. He plans Foil (Serial 1):
on inviting them to Las Vegas for a "farewell party" – replete with Stephanie Cross
cheap booze and cheap women – and then detonating the nuke Catholic-born Estefania Esmerelda Concepción de la Cruz –
before they leave. who works under the much simpler name, Stephanie Cross –
dropped out of high school at 16 and has found herself in one bad
Deacon Crowe, 5th-level wheelman (henchman — 10 MP): situation after another (research will reveal she has a criminal
CR 5. SZ M; v/wp: 53/16; Init +7 (+3 class, +4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def record, mostly for petty crimes). She’s recently fallen in with
17 (+3 class, +4 Dex); Atk: Remington 870 12-gauge pump shot- Deacon Crowe, but disdains the dirty, nomadic lifestyle of the
gun +5 (dmg 4d4, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 25 ft. — 8 shots), Riders of the Apocalypse. This fiery 24-year-old Latina is looking
Glock 26 backup pistol +5 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 20, range 10 to make a name for herself as Vegas showgirl, but all she has man-
ft. — 8 shots), machete (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1 aged thus far is two-bit, low-end clubs and part-time cocktail
square; Reach 1 square; SA +1 with attacks made within 1 range waitressing.
increment; SQ custom ride, daredevil, familiarity +1 (with custom She is currently holding down two jobs. One is a day job as a
Harley), kick start, lucky; SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 14, Dex cocktail waitress at the Stratosphere Casino (with its revolving
18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12; Skills: Balance +5, Demolitions 1,149 foot tower). She works nights as a dancer at a seedy 24-
+4, Driver +12, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +10/+9, Jump +2, hour club, the Rendezvous Room on the northern edge of town.
Knowledge (General Theology) +1, Mechanics +6, Open Lock +7, Deacon and his gang frequent the Rendezvous Room, but are
Spot +5, Surveillance +3, Survival +4, Swim +3. Feats: Drive By, rarely seen at the Stratosphere. She recently overheard the Riders
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ride Shotgun. Gear: Weapons, discussing the heist of the nuke, but dismissed it as a lot of hot air
leather jacket, 50 rounds 9x19mm military ball ammunition, 20 and testosterone-induced blather. Once she learns of their success,
rounds 12-gauge shot shell ammunition, 7 BPs. Gadgets and her actions will depend largely on the results of her loyalty check.
Vehicles: Customized Harley-Davidson (chopper – SZ L, Hnd +6, If she becomes loyal to the agents, she will lead them to the
Spd 400 ft., MPH 40/80, Def 15, WP 50, Hrd 2, qualities and mods: Riders’ hideout in Garnet; if she remains loyal to Deacon, she will
concealed machine gun (dmg 3d8, accuracy -4, error 1-3, threat quit her job and join the Riders for good. On a neutral loyalty
19-20, range 120 ft. — shots 125). check, she will attempt to pack up and head to Mexico.
Threat Resources: None. Stephanie is hot-tempered and opinionated, but compassion-
Headquarters: Ghost-town biker camp at Garnet, Nevada, ate and kindhearted to those in need. She is brazen and flirtatious
USA — hierarchy unknown, secrecy 0, personnel 3, security 0. – traits that do not sit well with Deacon Crowe. She remains
unbothered by his jealousy (she is, in fact, tiring of it) and refuses
The Riders of the Apocalypse: The Riders are a rough-and- to be cowed by him or his men.
tumble bike gang, suspicious of outsiders (they begin encounters She does, however, enjoy the protection they offer and is hop-
with an Unfriendly disposition). They are currently encamped in ing they may someday "convince" a casino owner to give her a
the crumbling ruins of Garnet, Nevada, an old ghost town that shot at Vegas showgirl stardom.
flourished from about 1880 to 1940. The "town" itself has only
four buildings left intact, but the entire region is littered with
crumbling ruins. The hills behind the ruins are honeycombed with
abandoned mine tunnels that make excellent places for cat-and-
mouse games pitting agents against gun-toting bikers.

Dallas Redux
Stephanie Cross, 4th-level fixer (henchman — 7 MP): agents are ordered to investigate the mysterious payoff, and
Loyalty 3. CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 21/11; Init +4 (+2 class, +2 Dex); Spd arrive in Las Vegas not long before the silo is attacked. At the
30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Sig-Sauer P232 .380 backup GC’s discretion, this may mean they’ve investigated the silo
pistol +3 (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20, range 10 ft. — 8 shots); only hours before the Riders initiate their attack, virtually
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA sneak attack +1d6; SQ dexter- stealing the warhead out from under the agents’ noses!
ous, evasion (no damage with successful Ref save), procure,
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to Def); SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3;
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +3,
Balance +4, Bluff +10, Climb +1, Driver +4, Escape Artist +3,
Forgery +3, Gather Information +7, Hide +4, Innuendo +3, Jump
By Bruce Graw
+1, Knowledge (Catholic Theology) +3, Languages +2, Listen +4,
Move Silently +5, Open Lock +3, Perform +9, Search +4, Sense
Starting Threat Code: Yellow.
Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +3, Spot +7, Tumble +7. Feats:
This short (2-serial) threat is appropriate for a team of 4th-
Acrobatic, Charmer. Gear: Weapon, lockpicking kit, 28 BPs.
level agents.
Gadgets and Vehicles: None.
Threat Resources: None.
Not all masterminds have foolproof plans to conquer the
Headquarters: None.
world or destroy entire nations. Some are motivated by little more
Plot Hook #1 than greed, and their desire for money drives them to attempt
bold plans with little chance of success. The Agency generally
The adventure begins with the theft of a nuclear warhead
ignores these when they can, allowing these would-be tyrants to
from an aging missile silo. The agents will have a little less than
burn themselves out when they step too close to the fire. Every
seven days to track down the missing nuke and neutralize it,
now and then, one lights a flame too big to control, endangering
bringing Reverend Matthias Law’s horrific scheme safely to an
far more than just himself and his own interests. This threat rep-
end. The Riders will initially bring the warhead to Garnet, but will
resents one such case.
transport the nuke to Law’s Church headquarters very shortly
thereafter, where Law performs a cleansing ceremony and declares
MP Cost: 275
the weapon "holy."
Wealth: 7 (62 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman
The agents may be assigned to investigate the theft through
and foil, 27 BP for each minion, 17 BP for each specialist; minions
various means. Each of the following options leads the agents to
gain 1 piece of personal ordinance or 1 heavy, ground, or water
one of the three primary NPCs of the adventure. The GC may mix
vehicle up to 10 GP, or personal vehicles up to 4 GP)
and match the options to suit his needs:
Technology: 5 (5 GP per serial)
Possibilities: Loyalty: 4 (+4 to loyalty checks)
Influence: 1 (favor check notice = 1, 1 influence effect per
1. While finishing up another mission in Las Vegas, or perhaps serial)
simply on vacation there, one or more of the agents meets Scope: 5 (international threat)*
Stephanie Cross (either in her daytime cocktail waitress role, Agenda: Greed
or as a stripper in the seedy Rendezvous Room). During a lull * All serials involving Sheffield Petroleum yield +5% XP (in
in the action, a breaking news story announces an attack on a addition to all other XP bonuses).
military base in the deserts of Nevada. News footage makes it
obvious the "military base" is a missile silo, but the newscast-
ers make no mention of the theft of the warhead. When Serial 2:
Stephanie hears the news, she stops in her tracks and the color Dallas Sheffield
drains from her face. "Madre de Dios," she whispers, "no pens- The wealthy oil mogul Edwin Sheffield earned his fortune dur-
aba que el lo hiciera" – Mother of God, I didn’t think he could ing the gas "shortages" in the 1970s, using the time-honored
do it. She immediately walks away, a look of panic on her face. mantra of capitalists everywhere—take advantage of supply and
Whether the agents pursue her or not, their Agency pagers go demand. His oil company, Sheffield Petroleum Associates (SPA),
off soon thereafter, summoning them to a briefing where they was a small but growing exporter of gasoline and other petrole-
learn the awful truth about the incident. um products that switched to domestic sales when the mythical
shortage hit. With cars lined up for miles at every gas station,
2. If the agents are elsewhere when the theft occurs, they may
Sheffield jumped on the opportunity of a lifetime, and after the
be sent to Nevada to infiltrate the bike gang for clues to the
oil drought passed, he was able to retire in comfort, willing his
theft (travel time may down the number of days they actual-
entire fortune to his son, Dallas.
ly have to find the nuke, at the GC’s discretion). Surveillance
Young Dallas took over the reins of the company when it
cameras at the missile silo captured a blurry picture of one of
became fashionable to be an oilman again—that is to say, in the
the thieves wearing a ragged denim vest with the Four
1980s, when the "Dallas" television show ruled the evening rat-
Horsemen of the Apocalypse emblazoned on the back. The
ings. Dallas Sheffield began to pattern himself after J.R. Ewing,
agents are sent to infiltrate the group – by stealth or by guile
wearing cowboy hats and specially tailored suits while learning to
– and determine the whereabouts of the weapon.
speak just like the soap opera character. All similarities to the fic-
3. An insider at the missile silo has disappeared. Investigations tional businessman aside, Dallas was a poor investor and managed
reveal a payment of $250,000 to a private offshore account to fritter away much of his family’s fortune. Desperate to keep his
the missing soldier opened only 30 days ago. The payment has struggling business afloat, he turned to shady deals, storing earn-
trickled through a labyrinth of fronts and false corporations, ings in offshore accounts and swallowing up smaller, more suc-
but the Agency has managed to track the paper trail back to cessful companies through aggressive corporate raiding tactics.
Reverend Matthias Law of the Church of the Apocalypse. The When a potentially profitable "partner" refused to cave in, he

Dallas Redux
turned to more forceful methods, and when those failed, he Dallas Sheffield, 8th-level fixer (mastermind — 40 MP): CR
arranged for "accidents" on company grounds. Those CEOs who 8. SZ M; v/wp: 52/14; Init +6 (+3 Dex, +3 class); Spd 40 ft.; Def 19
refused to deal with him found themselves wishing they had— (+3 Dex, +6 class); Atk: .40 S&W backup pistol +9 (dmg 1d12, error
assuming they survived. 1, threat 20, range 15 ft. — 8 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1
Success in these low-level endeavors has bolstered Dallas’ square; SA None; SQ dexterous, procure, evasion (no damage with
confidence to lofty heights. He has since come to believe he can- successful Ref save), sneak attack +3d6, uncanny dodge (does not
not fail. With the same sort of twisted, opportunistic genius that lose Dex bonus if caught flat-footed, enemies must be 12th level
led his father to claim his own fortune in the seventies, Dallas now to flank), fast movement +10; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +0; Str 13,
intends to outshine his sire by expanding his aggressive policy of Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 7, Cha 15; Skills: Appraise +10, Balance
buyouts and mergers. Through the same network of shell corpora- +12, Bluff +10, Climb +9, Driver +11, Escape Artist +11, Forgery
tions and laundered assets that have served so well in the past, he +8, Hobby (stock trading) +3, Innuendo +6, Knowledge (industry)
has started to slowly buy up stock in the world’s major petroleum +10, Profession (oil baron) +8, Search +10, Spot +6, Tumble +11.
companies. Though he has no hope of actually purchasing con- Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light), Lane Dancer, Mobility,
trolling interest on his own without being noticed, he has what he Sidestep, Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun,
believes is a foolproof plan to crash the oil market, lower prices to Rifle). Gear: Weapon, white cowboy hat and "J.R. Ewing" suit, cell
affordable levels, and emerge as the world’s sole controller of the phone, PDA, five-star hotel room. Vehicles and Gadgets: heavy
gasoline industry. briefcase (equivalent to Agency briefcase), company car (sports
To carry out this plan, Dallas has used his family’s phenome- car — SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP
nal wealth to purchase a little-known chemical research corpora- 70, Hrd 3, qualities and mods: none).
tion, Aztec Industries. Aztec is known best for the development of Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich (HQ), Armory (docks).
certain fuel additives found in premium gasoline pumps across Headquarters: Oil company offices just inside the Houston
North America, but the company’s researchers are also hard at city limits – hierarchy 2, personnel 3, security 3, secrecy 1.
work on several alternative automobile power sources including Other Action Site: Oil tanker w/helipad at city docks – hier-
fuel cells and flywheel technology. Since the purchase of this archy 2, personnel 2, security 0, secrecy 3).
company, Dallas has replaced certain key members of Aztec
Industries with his own unique henchmen, who have overseen the Dallas’ Cowboys: Dallas owns several ranches and spends a
"development" of a major breakthrough in fuel cell technology. great deal of his free time riding horses and otherwise playing at
Fuel cells, for the uninitiated, employ ordinary hydrogen—the being a "cowpoke." His minions are ranch hands, rodeo riders, and
most plentiful element in the Universe—to produce power, with other cowboy types who have impressed him with their abilities
water the sole byproduct. The major problem has always been the and loyalty.
explosive nature of hydrogen, which will always be associated in
the minds of the people with the fiery crash of the Hindenburg Cowboy Guards, 4th level soldiers (minions, squads of 7-8
zeppelin in 1937. Building hydrogen fuel pumps across the United — 32 MP): CR 3. SZ M; v/wp: 22/14; Init +7 (+4 Dex, +3 class);
States would also involve a tremendous investment in infrastruc- Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+4 Dex, +2 class); Atk: knife +6 (dmg 1d4+2,
ture. Dallas’ "breakthrough," such as it is, promises to do things error 1, threat 20), .44 Magnum hunting revolver with 18 bullets
differently. Instead of using hydrogen for fuel, ordinary water +8 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1, threat 19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square;
would be separated into its component molecules on the fly. The Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ accurate, DR 1, +1 defense in armor,
resulting hydrogen would be burned immediately for fuel, -1 armor check penalty; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will -1; Str 14, Dex
expelling the oxygen harmlessly into the air, with almost no pol- 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 6; Skills: Balance +9, Driver +5,
lution. Intimidate +4, Sport (rodeo) +8, Tumble +8, Use Rope +11. Feats:
Dallas imagines that the announcement of his new procedure Acrobatic, Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Moving
will shake the oil companies to their core. By promising an imme- Target (+2 dodge bonus when fighting defensively), Weapon
diate end to the need for gasoline-powered vehicles, he expects Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:
the stock values of the larger companies, such as Texaco and Weapons, coil of rope, cowboy hat, spurs. Vehicles and Gadgets:
Exxon, to drop precipitously as investors hastily trade their shares Muscle cars (SZ L, Occ 1/8, Hnd -1, Spd 650 ft., MPH 65/130, Def
for those of Aztec Industries. He then expects to not only make a 8, WP 110, Hrd 7, qualities and mods: none).
killing dumping Aztec stock, but also buying up enough available
"Big Oil" shares (through his other interests) to own a majority. Serial 1: Bubba and
Before anyone realizes what’s going on, he will end up quietly in Billy Bob Carlton
control of the world’s oil companies. The Carlton Brothers are the sons of Edwin Sheffield’s business
Although anyone with a passing knowledge of the stock mar- partner Jeb Carlton, who now lives on his own private Caribbean
ket will see that Dallas’ plan is destined to fail—and will land him island. Bubba and Billy Bob are independently wealthy, but each
in prison for a variety of trading violations—his ego is too swollen dreams of being CEO of his own huge oil company. Since they lack
to recognize his own faults. His plot will work on at least one level, the business sense necessary to achieve this goal on their own,
though—the stock market will indeed be affected. Shares will not they have signed up with Dallas Sheffield, who has promised to
only fall in the oil industry, but across the board, crashing on give them the reins of whichever corporation they choose once his
potentially a worldwide level. Dallas Sheffield’s foolish plan could plot has succeeded.
be disastrous for the economy of not only the United States, but Neither brother has the intelligence or experience necessary
the entire globe. to spot the flaws in Sheffield’s plan. What they do have is a pow-
Dallas is a thin, wiry man who pads out his ever-present white erful physique and the willingness to do anything to achieve their
"J.R." suit to make himself look more physically impressive. He can ends. Both have been involved in numerous petty schemes and
be surprisingly agile in combat and is an excellent shot. He is, crimes over the years, each time using their father’s lingering
however, prone to panicking, and if severely challenged will make influence to escape justice. They have no qualms against commit-
a run for it in his high-powered sports car, using his minions to ting murder or any other offense if it gets them what they want.
cover his escape. In general, the brothers cooperate towards mutual goals, but
when both are after the same thing, they are fiercely competitive.

Dallas Redux
Both the Carlton brothers are huge football fans, but each has Weapon, football helmet and pads (not normally worn), jersey.
their own favorites. Billy Bob, for example, prefers the Texas Vehicles and Gadgets: Bikes (motorcycles — SZ M, Occ 1/1, Hnd +8,
Longhorns, while Bubba roots for the Oklahoma Sooners. This Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1, qualities and
leads to the inevitable betting and taunting each year prior to the mods: none).
annual meeting of those two teams during the Texas State Fair.
The loser of their bet generally has to do something embarrassing, Billy Bob Carlton, 5th-level wheelman (henchman — 24
so each does everything in their power to influence the result of MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 38/13; Init +7 (+4 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30
the game. Both have been known to bribe officials, pay off play- ft.; Def 17 (+4 Dex, +3 class); Atk: .45 ACP submachinegun +9
ers, an even threaten coaches with violence. Over the years, they (dmg 1d10+2, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 50 ft. — 30 shots);
have also made a good number of friends among their favorite Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ custom ride (5 GP),
football teams, many of whom were hired on as minions after daredevil, lucky, kick start (1/session), familiarity +1; SV Fort +2,
"graduation." Ref +8, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14;
Bubba is the pointman of the pair, while Billy Bob is the Skills (40): Balance +10, Boating +10, Driver +14, Escape Artist
wheelman. When they go on a mission for Dallas Sheffield, Billy +10, Intimidate +10, Jump +6, Open Lock +8, Pilot +10, Sport
Bob drives his limousine and lets Bubba handle the dirty work (football) +8. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium),
(such as planting explosives). At other times, they work on sepa- Defensive Driving, Lane Dancer, Offensive Driving, Speed Demon,
rate floors in the Ft. Worth office of Sheffield Petroleum, although Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:
they rarely do any actual labor. Most of the time they watch old Weapon, Texas Longhorns jersey, library of football game video-
football games or cook up schemes to help their favorite team win tapes, driving gloves (constantly worn), cell phone. Vehicles and
the next contest. If challenged together, they can be a difficult Gadgets: personal vehicle (luxury car with immense longhorn
combination to beat, but if separated from each other, they can hood ornament — SZ L, Occ 1/8, Hnd -2, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110,
be dealt with more easily. Def 7, WP 110, Hrd 7, qualities and mods: none).
Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich.
Bubba Carlton, 5th-level pointman (henchman — 24 MP): Headquarters: Ft. Worth offices of Sheffield Industries, a
CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 38/15; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def small office building on the outskirts of town (4rd floor) – hierar-
13 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: .357 Magnum service revolver +4 (dmg chy 2, personnel 1, security 3, secrecy 0.
2d4+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20 ft. — 6 shots); Face 1
square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ generous, versatility (7 skills: Football Guards: Like his brother, Billy Bob employs several
Balance, Demolitions, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, burly ex-football players as personal guards, although these are
Mechanics, Search), assistance (1/2 time), lead (2/session), tactics always former Texas Longhorns. The two groups of guards fre-
(1/session); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int quently insult and deride each other, and they often settle bets
10, Wis 11, Cha 14; Skills: Balance +3, Bluff +8, Demolitions +7, with football games up on the roof. When Billy Bob travels, they
Diplomacy +8, Driver +6, Forgery +4, Gather Information +3, accompany him in his beige-colored, customized Rolls Royce.
Handle Animal +5, Mechanics +2, Search +2, Sense Motive +4,
Sport (football) +9. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Texas Football Guards, 2nd level soldiers (minions, squads
Medium), Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun, Rifle). of 5-6 — 24 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 11/14; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3
Gear: Weapon, Oklahoma Sooners jersey, game ball from last year’s class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .44 Magnum
OU-Texas game, cell phone, motorcycle helmet. Vehicles and hunting revolver with 12 bullets +4 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1, threat
Gadgets: personal vehicle (motorcycle — SZ M, Occ 1/1, Hnd +8, 19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ
Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1, qualities and accurate, DR 1; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will -1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14,
mods: none). Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +5, Driver +5, Intimidate +4,
Threat Resources: Filthy Stinking Rich. Jump +4, Sport (football) +7, Tumble +5. Feats: Armor Proficiency
Headquarters: Ft. Worth offices of Sheffield Industries, a (Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee,
small office building on the outskirts of town (3rd floor) – hierar- Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear: Weapon, football helmet and pads
chy 2, personnel 1, security 3, secrecy 0. (not normally worn), jersey. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.

Football Guards: Bubba employs several burly ex-Oklahoma Plot Hook #1

Sooners football players as personal guards. These do not wear A large oil refinery in central Texas explodes in a catastrophic
pads or helmets most of the time, but keep a set handy for pick- conflagration that wrecks half the small town and sends up a
up games played on the roof after hours. If they are given time to black cloud that can be seen for miles. The CEO of the small petro-
prepare for combat, they will definitely put on their helmets for leum company operating the refinery (Amalgamated Oil & Gas)
extra protection in a fight. When Bubba goes off on his own, they was visiting the facility on an inspection tour. The Agency suspects
accompany him in their own motorcycles. terrorism is at work and fears additional attacks elsewhere in the
country. Even if terrorists are not the cause, the explosion was
Oklahoma Football Guards, 2nd level soldiers (minions, almost certainly a deliberate act of sabotage by person or persons
squads of 5-6 — 24 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 11/14; Init +5 (+2 unknown.
Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .44
Magnum hunting revolver with 12 bullets +4 (dmg 2d6+2, error 1, Possible Results of the
threat 19–20, range 25 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA Investigation:
None; SQ accurate, DR 1; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will -1; Str 16, Dex
1. The limousine that brought the CEO of Amalgamated Oil &
14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10; Skills (15): Balance +4, Driver +4,
Gas, one Dylan Edgars, to the site turns up missing. The driver’s
Intimidate +5, Jump +6, Sport (football) +7, Tumble +4. Feats:
body is found in the wreckage of the refinery, but there is no
Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Weapon Group
sign of Dylan. The agents eventually trace the vehicle back to
Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:

the company’s headquarters in Ft. Worth, where Dylan is dis- 2. Aztec makes its announcement, but stocks only barely fluctu-
covered hiding in his office. Once the agents assure him they ate. Sheffield’s agents in his dummy corporations make their
mean him no harm, he reveals that representatives of move to purchase Big Oil shares, but can’t afford the transac-
Sheffield Petroleum offered to buy out his company, but he tions. In frustration, Dallas Sheffield sends his minions to plant
refused. A quick check of public records reveals several other bombs in refineries across Texas and Oklahoma, and then
"accidents" have happened to small oil companies before their threatens to blow up the facilities if Big Oil doesn’t pony up
purchase by Sheffield. The investigation now turns to their stocks. The agents must confront him in his Houston
Sheffield Petroleum’s office in Ft. Worth, where the Carltons headquarters (which could lead to the escape and chase as
await. defined in option #1 above).
2. A search of the burned-out refinery shows recognizable bomb
3. Aztec’s announcement causes the stock market to plummet.
fragments. After tests are run on the casing, it is learned that
The government steps in and freezes stock prices, putting an
the bomb was installed within a new coolant unit delivered
end to trading until things cool down. From some of the
the previous day. Following this trail, the agents learn that the
moves made by Sheffield’s dummy corporations, something
company that built the refrigeration system, North Texas
was definitely going on, but there is no evidence directly
Cooling, is a front for one of Sheffield’s money-laundering
pointing his way. The agents are sent in to check Sheffield’s
operations, and that Sheffield recently attempted a hostile
computers, but when the team is discovered, Dallas panics and
takeover of Amalgamated Oil & Gas. Phone records show sev-
flees, leading to the inevitable chase scene.
eral calls were made between Sheffield’s Ft. Worth office and
the coolant company just before the bomb was delivered.
Putting two and two together, the agents proceed to the com-
pany’s nearby office to confront the Carltons. HIFAZAAT
3. Dallas Sheffield knows that through a security leak, elements
of a radical survivalist group gained information about his
plot. To eliminate them, he plants evidence indicating they
By Sam Witt
were responsible for the destruction of the refinery.
Immediately after the bombing, evidence surfaces pointing a
Starting Threat Code: Yellow
finger directly at Free Energy for All Mankind (FEAM), a fringe
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team
group located in the wilderness northeast of Amarillo. A visit
of 4th-level agents.
to their web site shows this group is made up of believers in
the conspiracy theory that alternative fuel sources do exist,
In the early 1300s, Moslem invaders pushed the native Hindus
but the government covers them up because the politicians
out of the region we now know as Afghanistan and into the steep
are in the pocket of Big Oil. The police and FBI naturally want
mountainous region that would become the Hindu Kush. While
to storm the site, but the group denies responsibility and bar-
most of these displaced Hindus were slaughtered in the following
ricades themselves inside their concrete bunker. During the
centuries, a handful escaped to found a Vedic monastery in the
standoff, the agents can examine the evidence (a torn and
mountainous region near the Khyber Pass. For generations, they
charred fatigue jacket with FEAM’s custom-made patch
studied the ancient sciences of their ancestors in the hopes of dis-
design) and discover it has been forged. If the agents
covering some tool or weapon they could to use to reclaim their
approach FEAM amiably, telling them they are aware of the
homeland and fight back against those who would oppress them.
frame-up, FEAM points them in the direction of Sheffield
When the United States deployed massive firepower to oust
Industries, leading to the confrontation with the Carlton
the Taliban and their terrorist allies from Afghanistan, they
unknowingly inflicted massive casualties on the residents of this
ancient Vedic monastery, as well. A thermobaric weapon inciner-
Plot Hook #2 ated nearly all of the monks, along with their research and the few
Vedic artifacts they had reclaimed from sacred sites in the region.
Aztec Industries sets up a press conference, scheduled for the
A handful of monks previously dispatched to seek out additional
next morning, that has insiders buzzing. Control has learned that
holy sites and relics returned in time to see the last of their
the company intends to announce the development of an alter-
brethren die, but were unable to lend aid. With their monastery
native fuel source that has national, if not global, ramifications.
reduced to smoldering ashes, most of these survivors submitted to
Stock market investors are worried, threatening the country with
the inevitable and allowed themselves to freeze in the high moun-
economic instability. Further investigation shows that Aztec is
tain passes.
owned by the Sheffield Industries, the same company that
Ravana, however, was not one to lie down and die. He made
destroyed the Amalgamated Oil & Gas refinery. An agent team is
his way down into Afghanistan and lent the United States soldiers
sent in to uncover the connection.
he found there his expertise and knowledge of the mountains –
Possible Outcomes: with his aid, they were able to quickly locate and rout a number
of Taliban hold-outs and target some of their better-hidden hide-
1. The agents visit the Aztec Industries building and break in, outs with flaming death. In exchange, Ravana received a sizeable
where they discover the "alternative fuel source" is not real. reward, funneled into a Bangalore bank by the CIA. Ravana felt
When they attempt to confront Dallas Sheffield, he panics and good about his work because he was paying back the Moslems for
runs, driving his prized sports car through Houston at high their destruction of the Hindus in Afghanistan so long ago and
speeds, aiming for the docks. One of his oil tankers has a heli- taking money from the Americans at the same time. But as the
pad, and if he can reach the ‘copter, he can escape. The chase bombing continued and his wealth grew, Ravana found his hatred
terminates with a high-speed race onto the supertanker itself! swelling, as well.

The teachings of his masters, the peaceful search for weapons then crow about the action to every news outlet willing to listen.
that would allow them to negotiate for their homeland from a This divide between Reepa and Gena is encouraged by Ravana,
position of strength, were transformed in Ravana’s mind into a who hopes that the competition between the women will keep
message of hate. He would use his wealth to seek out Vedic scien- them both sharp and eager to please him.
tific texts, but also to strike fear into the hearts of Moslems and During this season, Ravana is content to perform his research
Americans throughout the world. behind the scenes while dispatching Gena and her soldiers on var-
He fled Afghanistan and made his way to India, where he set ious terrorist missions. If he becomes aware of agents poking
up a base of operations in technologically advanced Bangalore. around at the edges of his organization, he will change his
His ill-gotten gains enabled Ravana to quickly establish himself approach dramatically and will do his utmost to either turn the
amongst the local underworld and recruit a handful of thugs to agents (if any happen to be Hindus), kill them, or capture, torture
his cause. While hiring mercenaries, he came into contact with and humiliate them (if any happen to be Moslems or Americans).
Gena Petrinko, a Russian expatriate with a taste for violence and When confronted with Moslem or American agents, Ravana loses
little use for morals of any kind. Ravana hired her to lead his min- his composure and becomes a ravening, almost bestial personali-
ions and to train troops as they were recruited. ty, constantly screaming and shouting about the predations upon
It was not long before Ravana’s search for additional knowl- his people. To others, Ravana remains calm and collected, though
edge and antiquities brought him to the attention of the Indian those who betray him discover the true horror of his fury and their
authorities. An agent of the Karnataka Public Service Commission remains are often displayed to others to reinforce loyalty.
contacted Ravana to see if she could extort a bribe from him to Ravana is no fool. If he feels threatened or is concerned that
secure the building contracts he needed, but instead found herself he is on the verge of being uncovered, he will abandon both Gena
fascinated by the former monk. Within hours of their meeting the and Reepa and leave his minions behind to deter pursuit. Knowing
two became lovers, and Reepa Puryat left the Commission to work that his minions are utterly loyal to him, Ravana is utterly uncon-
for Ravana. And so was Hifazaat born – dedicated to reclaiming cerned about leaving these men and women to certain death if it
ancient technologies and striking fear into the hearts of the ene- will protect him and allow him to continue his work from anoth-
mies of Hindus everywhere. er location.
Special Note: Vedic science is a McGuffin for this threat – it is
meant to represent a nebulous threat of massive destruction if it Ravana Misharpa 8th-level faceman – 40MP): CR 8. SZ M;
is ever fully understood. If Ravana finds the ancient scripts he is v/wp 44/10; Init +7 (+1 Dex, +6 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +16 (+1
searching for then, and only then, will Vedic science enter the pic- Dex, +5 class); Atk: Sword Cane +6 (dmg 1d6+1, error 1-2, threat
ture as a cosmic doomsday device the agents will be forced to 19-20), .45 ACP Service Pistol (dmg 1d10+2, error 1, threat 19-20,
stop. Range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA - ; SQ adaptable,
linguist +4, cold read, quick change (3/session), Backup (2/session),
MP Cost: 275 Fake It (1/session); SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 12, Con
Wealth: 4 (64 BP for mastermind, 44 BP for each henchman 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18; Skills: Bluff +19, Craft +9, Cultures +14,
and foil, 29 BP for each minion, 19 BP for each specialist; minions Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +15, Intimidate +11,
gain 1 ground or water vehicle up to 5 GP, or personal vehicles up Knowledge (Hindu History) +15, Languages +18, Profession
to 2 GP) (Researcher) +14, Sense Motive +14. Feats: Armor Group
Technology: 4 Proficiency (Light, Medium) Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled,
Influence: 0 Melee, Handgun, Rifle), Traceless, Persuasive, Scholarly, Zen Focus.
Scope: 3 (regional threat) Gear: Weapons, 40 extra shots Jacketed Hollow Point .45 ACP
Agenda: Revenge ammunition, Micro-Tape Recorder, Silencer, Professional Camera,
Professional Film (5 rolls), Laptop, Sodium Pentothal (2 doses).
Serial 3: Ravana Misharpa Threat Resources/Action Sites: Worse Than Death – Minions
Ravana was once a monk studying Vedic sciences in the may take 20 to resist interrogation (headquarters – Office Suite,
mountains of Afghanistan and has retained much of his calm Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 3, Secrecy 3, Personnel 3, Security 5)
composure and quiet self-assurance. But he has also developed a
burning hatred for Americans and Moslems that is leading to hor- The Qaatil: These fanatically loyal thugs are totally devoted
rific acts within India and Afghanistan. Though no one would sus- to Ravana and are willing to lay down their lives for him without
pect it from his appearance, Ravana has led numerous terrorist a second thought. The core of the group consists of other monks
actions against his enemies in the region, all the while searching who survived the attack in Afghanistan – their numbers are now
for ancient artifacts that will help him wreak even greater havoc. supplemented by many angry and disaffected Hindu youths who
Ravana is patient, but he needs a constant sense of action to rallied to Ravana’s militant rhetoric and powerful personality.
maintain his composure. This leads him to organize small-scale Though they are not terribly effective soldiers, their fanatical loy-
terrorist attacks during any month in which he has no luck in alty and willingness to martyr themselves make the Qaatil (mur-
locating new resources for his research. His scholarship was entire- derers) a force to be reckoned with.
ly the result of his time with the monks, but his military and espi- Most Qaatil lack any real personality – they are ready to talk
onage training are a direct result of frequent sessions with Gena about Ravana to anyone they trust, but they have little use for
and Reepa. small talk and are rarely seen outside the headquarters. Most
Unlike many terrorists, Ravana has no interest in proclaiming agents will only encounter them while fighting, which leaves lit-
his power or goading his targets by claiming credit for the deaths. tle room for small talk.
He believes the fact that only Moslems and Americans inside India
or Afghanistan are being targeted speaks loudly enough and is
content to remain in the background until he has put together
weapons powerful enough to destroy his enemies. While Reepa
encourages his quiet approach to terrorism, Gena is quite adamant
that the best way to be heard is to kill as many people as possible,

The Qaatil, 6th-level bodyguards (minions, squads of 3 — Gena is slowly working her way into the trust of other terror-
44 MP). CR 6. SZ M; v/wp: 27/16; Init +8 (+3 Dex, +5 class); Spd ist groups, hoping to be ready to offer them the advanced services
30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: .Axe+9 (dmg 1d8+3, error 1- of Hifazaat once Reepa is out of the way.
3, threat 19-20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA: - ; SQ None;
SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Gena Terinko 6th-level soldier – 35 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp
Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +6, Driver +9, Intimidate +9, Spot +7, 51/14; Init +9 (+3 Dex, +6 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +9 (+3 Dex, +1
Survival +7, Tumble +9; Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee); class, +2 armor, +1 Armor Use); Atk: 10 gauge shotgun +11 (dmg
Gear: Weapon, flash bang grenade, tactical radio, 6 BP. Vehicles 5d4+2, error 1-2, threat 19-20, Range 25 ft), punch dagger +10
and Gadgets: Mahindra Scorpio (Mid-Size - SZ L, Occ 1/4, Hnd -0, (dmg 1d3+1, error 1-2, threat 19-20); Face 1 square; Reach 1
Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110, Def 9, WP 90, Hrd 5) square; SA - ; SQ accurate, Damage Reduction 1/-, Weapon
Specialization (shotgun); SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 14, Dex
Serial 2: Gena Terinko 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12; Skills: Balance +8, Climb +5,
Gena was born shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union and Driver +8, First Aid +8, Intimidate +7, Jump +5, Spot +9, Survival
has been an ardent student of the rampant, corrupt capitalism +7, Swim +3, Tumble +9. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency (All)
that has plagued Russia ever since. Raised by a father who served Weapon Group Proficiency (All), Combat Instincts, Mobility, Quick
in the Spetsnaz and an American mother who ran a successful Reload, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Speed Trigger. Gear: Weapons, 32
prostitution and drug-trafficking ring, Gena learned early on to extra shots shotgun flechette ammunition, military helmet, van,
use all of her abilities and natural gifts to get what she wanted. Threat Resources/Action Sites: Fanatics – Minions suffer
While her mother encouraged her to engage in the softer side of one-half normal negative morale effects – Converted Warehouse,
larceny, Gena eventually chose to travel the route taken by her Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 2, Secrecy 2, Personnel 1, Security 4)
father and spent her late teens undergoing extensive military
training. A natural, Gena quickly became renowned as a success- The Sapahi: These soldiers have an Urdu name, but they come
ful and vicious fighter, as well as a tactical thinker and capable from around the world and are of many different ethnicities. Most
leader. of the Sapahi are loyal to Gena and view her as the real brains
Gena was no fool – she knew well that even the once-vaunt- behind the operation. If given a choice, they would certainly go
ed Spetsnaz units of the Russian Federation were riddled with cor- against Ravana if Gena gave the order. Gena knows this and does
ruption. With her training complete, she brokered an expansive her best to insulate Ravana from these men and women.
network of deals with other soldiers in her group, convincing them Unlike the Qaatil, the Sapahi travel often, either with Gena or
to join her in a mercenary unit. Unfortunately, Gena’s first real job on missions under their own recognizance. They keep a low pro-
for her group was in Afghanistan as a hunter-killer team in search file when traveling and prefer to leave their gear behind and pick
of Al-Qaeda operatives. Though successful in the opening days of up new kits in the field. Their missions tend to be straightforward
the conflict, Gena’s unit suffered unexpected casualties when a and do not often involve direct violence, which is what allows
flurry of American ordnance fell short of the target and shredded them to operate so lightly.
half her men. The exception to this rule are the assassinations that Gena is
Disgruntled, Gena and the rest of her men eventually made so fond of. These missions do not always have Ravana’s sanction
their way back to the American lines where they expressed their and are one of the sources of disagreement between Gena and
displeasure in no uncertain terms. Ravana happened to be visiting Reepa. Gena therefore talks little about these missions and tends
at the time and made note of the strong, violent woman standing to plan and execute them very rapidly. On these missions, the
up to the Americans. He contacted her a few months later and Sapahi are outfitted as shown below and will shoot first and ask
made her an offer she found very attractive. questions later.
Gena sees Ravana as a kindred spirit –someone who was
screwed over by forces more powerful than himself. She shares his The Sapahi, 4th-level mercenaries (minions, squads of 4 —
hatred of America and its armed forces, though she cares very lit- 34 MP). CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 18/14; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd
tle one way or the other about Moslems. Working for Ravana gives 30 ft.; Def 12 (+2 class); Atk: .45 ACP Submachine Gun +7 (dmg
her a chance to train and field her own troops for a significant pay 1d8, error 1-2, threat 19-20, range 20 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1
boost, however, so she is willing to overlook the goal of the square; SA: - ; SQ None; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 14, Dex
assignments she completes. 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Demolitions +5, Driver
Unlike the minions of Hifazaat, Gena has no illusions about +7, Intimidate +7, Profession (Mercenary) +5, Spot +5, Survival
Ravana’s infallibility or his agendas. She does believe that the +5, Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle); Gear: Weapon, tacti-
publicity is good for Hifazaat, but for purely selfish reasons. Gena cal radio, 4 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: Subaru Forester (SUV - SZ L,
would like to see Hifazaat become a terrorist-for-hire, offering its Occ 1/5, Hnd -4, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 5, WP 140, Hrd 7)
services to any ideological or political agenda that can afford
them. To this end, she encourages Ravana to take credit for the Serial 1: Reepa Puryat
actions of Gena’s soldiers, but he is so far very reluctant to take This young Indian woman carved a niche for herself in the
such actions. local Bangalore government long before she ever met Ravana.
The source of this reluctance is Reepa (see the next column), With a taste for blackmail and a ruthless desire to succeed at any
who opposes Gena at virtually every turn. Gena would willingly do cost, Reepa was a bureaucratic terror who used every tool at her
away with the little Fixer, but has so far been afraid to move disposal. She slept with council members, and then used it against
against Reepa for fear of alienating Ravana. Should Reepa find them; she hired private investigators to uncover dirt on her allies
herself under attack, however, Gena is likely to come up with some and used that to keep them in line. Within a few short years she
plausible stalling tactic to avoid committing her own resources in had risen to a coveted Inspector position, which allowed her to
the protection of her rival. With Reepa out of the way, Gena increase her graft and blackmail operations very rapidly.
believes she will be able to increase the wealth and status of In Bangalore, nothing is done without a permit, and Reepa
Hifazaat drastically, in a very short period of time. held the power over many types of permit, from construction to
medical practice. She used it to her advantage and amassed a con-
siderable fortune in a very short period of time.

When Ravana relocated his operations from Afghanistan to Threat Resources/Action Sites: Martyrs – Minions are
India, he needed to make some alterations to the office building immune to all negative morale effects – Private Internet Service
he purchased in Bangalore, for which he needed a permit. This Provider Office, Bangalore, India (Hierarchy 2, Secrecy 2, Personnel
resulted in a meeting between Ravana and Reepa, which ended 1, Security 2)
favorably for both sides and sent Reepa down a path she would
never have predicted. His charisma and zeal were very attractive, Talash: Also known as the Seekers, this group of minions is
and Reepa found herself falling for him. Over the course of the viewed with much disdain by the rest of the organization. Reepa
next few weeks, Ravana recruited her to his cause and Reepa left uses them to scavenge useful materials and as throw-away thugs,
the government to pursue extra-legal work for Ravana. but even she has little respect for their feeble abilities. Still, their
She now spends most of her time gathering information ability to die for the cause makes them useful in many ways, so
about local construction and using her infiltration skills to gain the Seekers have become the disposable heroes of Hifazaat.
access to restricted information about power grids, military oper-
ations, and anything else Ravana might find useful. Because The Talash, 3rd-level martyrs-in-waiting (minions, squads
Ravana prefers to attack the infrastructure of a region, rather of 5 — 13 MP). CR 3. SZ M; v/wp: 7/8; Init +3 (+3 class); Spd 30
than its population, Reepa has become adept at recovering struc- ft.; Def 11 (+1 class); Atk: Club +2 (dmg 1d6-1, error 1, threat 20);
tural plans, electrical network diagrams, and telephone company Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA: - ; SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref
schematics, which are turned over to Gena for demolition. +2, Will +2; Str 8, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills:
Reepa’s own minions are relatively unskilled teams who pro- Demolitions +6, Driver +6, Electronics +4, First Aid +6, Intimidate
vide cover for her in the event of a botched infiltration and who +5, Knowledge (Bangalore Streets) +4, Profession (Beggar) +6,
are often charged with simple salvage operations. Hifazaat is not Spot +7, Survival +7, Gear: Weapon, 29 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets:
wealthy and the needs of the organization must be met, so Beat up Royal Enfield Bullet 350 (motorcycle - SZ M, Occ 1, Hnd
Reepa’s people often resort to thuggery and theft to keep things +8, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1)
running. While Reepa would like some more skilled workers, she
takes the cast-offs from Gena’s organization because it is simply Plot Hook #1
easier and cheaper than recruiting and training her own. Reepa Rolling blackouts are having dire effects on the east coast of
does steep her minions in her own Ravana worship, making them the United States and most of the Middle East. In each case, the
perfectly willing to die for the cause if she gives the order. blackouts are traced back to critical lines that have been cut and
For Reepa, the gravest injustice of her position is the presence back-up resources that have been incapacitated. While the inci-
of Gena Petrinko. The Russian is a glory hound with delusions of dents are non-violent, the number of deaths and the effect on
becoming a one-stop-shop for terrorists, or so Reepa believes. industry are both drawing attention from the intelligence agen-
Reepa fears that Gena will pervert Ravana’s mission, turning a cies in the affected countries. So far no one has claimed credit for
noble cause into a deadly inferno of destruction and depravity. the attacks, while Moslems blame the west and American blames
Reepa spends as much of her time as possible battling Gena’s plans any number of Middle Eastern terror groups for the disruptions.
and offering plans of her own. So far, Ravana is content to listen Tempers are flaring and intelligence sources want the culprits
to Reepa, who advocates disruption of infrastructures with direct- found before the situation bursts into an armed confrontation.
ed attacks rather than the wholesale slaughters proposed by the
soldiers. She is happy, as well, that Ravana is not out bringing Possible Truths
down the wrath of the United States on Hifazaat by claiming Behind the Blackouts:
credit for what they are doing. To her, it is more important that
1. Information Reepa gave to a terrorist cell was not used by the
revenge be taken than it is for her to get credit for exacting that
cell – it was posted to various internet sites and is now in the
hands of dozens of terrorists who lack technical sophistication
Reepa is also willing to work with other organizations and has,
but are more than willing to cut a power line or two to facil-
in fact, sent many terrorist cells around the world information she
itate other terrorist activities.
originally gathered for Ravana. In this way, she teaches even ama-
teurs the best way to strike at power grids, telecommunication 2. A criminal syndicate approached Reepa some time ago, posing
facilities, and other infrastructures vital to the western way of life. as a terrorist outfit with designs on staging ‘awareness raising
events’ throughout America. Reepa gave them the informa-
Reepa Puryat 6th-level fixer – 35 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp tion they needed to disrupt electrical and communication ser-
27/10; Init +5 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Spd; 30 ft.; Def +18 (+5 Dex, +3 vices, which they now use to cover up a spate of sophisticat-
class); Atk: kama +7 (dmg 1d8+1, error 1, threat 20), throwing ed burglaries and industrial espionage actions.
knife +7 (dmg 1d4+1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 20 ft.), crossbow
3. Gena has accelerated Ravana’s plans. She has taken her agents
+7 (dmg 1d8, error 1-2, threat 20, range 80 ft); Face 1 square;
off the reservation and is now hitting as many of the targets
Reach 1 square; SA Sneak Attack +2d6 ; SQ dextrous, Procure,
identified by Reepa as she can, as fast as she can. Though still
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Master Thief; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2;
loyal to Ravana, Gena wants to force him to adopt her plan of
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14; Skills: Appraise +12,
mercenary terrorism by upping the stakes for his operation.
Bluff +11, Bureaucracy +6, Climb +3, Demolitions +5, Driver +4,
She also plans to begin crediting the attacks to other terrorist
Electronics +7, Escape Artist +7, Forgery +12, Hide +5, Innuendo
cells to put the pressure of investigation on them – once they
+7, Knowledge (Indian Government) +10, Listen +5, Move Silently
realize they are under such intense scrutiny they may be will-
+5, Open Lock +7, Profession (Bureaucrat) +7, Search +7, Sleight
ing to entertain her offer of agents and expertise to help them
of Hand +7, Spot +9, Tumble +6. Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light),
carry out their plans at a distance.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle),
Nimble Fingers, Weapon Finesse (kama), Jump Up; Gear: Weapons,
Lockpick Kit, Electronics Kit, Audio Bugs x3, Night Vision Goggles,
Knockout Drug

Man in The Iron Lung
4. Ravana has discovered a number of Vedic texts scattered rifle w/ telescopic sight (35), 10 extra shots of 7.62x54mm military
around the world and is using the blackouts to cover Gena’s ball ammunition, pocket pistol (6), 12 extra shots of .22 LR ammu-
operations. Gena has been dispatched to retrieve the texts and nition, trendy clothes (5), cell phone, disguise kit (4), laptop com-
kill anyone who had contact with them to prevent the spread puter (7), 2 doses of sodium pentothal (6). Vehicles and Gadgets (7
of the sacred science. The blackouts will soon expand in scope, GP): 9 doses Otherman drops (3), voice modulator larynx implant
taking in much of Europe and Asia as each text Gena finds (4).
also offers clues to where others might be found. Threat Resources/Action Sites: Manipulators (headquarters,
14 MP — Agency safe house, La Paz, Bolivia — hierarchy 1, secre-
cy 1, personnel 1, security 2).
THE MAN IN THE Silver Way Insurgents: The Silver Way is an insurgency move-
IRON LUNG ment that, once possessed of principles and ideals, has become
nothing more than a gang of hoodlums making money off drug
trafficking and extortion. They’d like to reduce the Agency’s pres-
By Steve Peterson
sure on them so they’ve hooked up with Amanda.
Starting Threat Code: Yellow (upgrades to Red after subver-
Silver Way Insurgents, 2nd-level (minions, squads of 5 —
sion of Bolivian HQ is discovered)
19 MP): CR 1. SZ M; v/wp 2d6 (9)/12; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class);
This short season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team
Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 Dex, +1 class); Atk: .7.62x39mm assault rifle
of 4th level agents.
+3 (dmg 2d8, error 1, threat 20, range 90 ft., 30 shots), smoke
grenade +3 (error 1-4, range 10 ft., 1 shot); Face 1 square; Reach
Arthur Vance made a fortune dealing in high technology; he
1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 11,
tripled that fortune by dealing in high technology with terrorists
Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Climb +6, Driver +6,
and governments hostile to the United States. The Agency shut
Spot +5, Survival +5. Feats (1): Point Blank Shot. Gear (33 BP):
him down after following a lead regarding missile guidance sys-
7.62x39mm assault rifle (25), 40 shots 7.62x39mm armor piercing
tems. The Agency did this by turning some of Arthur’s own missile
(6*), 40 shots 7.62x39mm tracer (4*), smoke grenade (6), entrench-
technology against him. The Agency thought he died in the explo-
ing tool (1), magnetic compass (1). Vehicles and Gadgets: 1
sion but Arthur survived, barely. Arthur is now confined to an iron
Humvee per squad (8 GP, SZ L, Hnd -5, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100.
lung and wants, more than anything, revenge against the organi-
Def 4, WP 170, Hrd 10).
zation that put him in it.
* this ammunition is supplied by Free Throw’s armory.
MP Cost: 275 Serial 2: Mitar "Free
Wealth: 7 (minions gain 1 piece of personal ordinance or 1 Throw" Damjanovic
heavy, ground, or water vehicle up to 10 GP, or personal vehicles
Mitar Damjanovic hails from Serbia and got to the United
up to 4 GP)
States with his basketball skills. At 7 feet tall and with a wicked
Technology: 5 (5 GP per serial)
elbow he could dominate the center of the key. He played for
Loyalty: 2 (+2 to loyalty checks)
keeps and it was throwing an elbow into an opponent’s neck—
Influence: 2 (favor check notice = 1–2, 2 influence effects per
crushing the windpipe—that got him banned from professional
sports. Since leaving the league he has used his connections and
Scope: 3 (national threat)
personal wealth to build a network of smugglers and arms dealers.
Agenda: Revenge
In the past he has occasionally beat people to death with a spe-
Serial 3: Amanda Norton cial, extra-heavy basketball. He now operates primarily in and
around Serbia. He bases his headquarters, however, in nearby
Amanda is a former cosmetics model who aged too much to
Montenegro since Kotor has port access.
sustain her career. In an attempt to retain her marketability she
submitted herself to an experimental form of plastic surgery, a
Mitar "Free Throw" Damjanovic, 6th-level soldier (hench-
skin relaxing process meant to remove wrinkles. The wrinkles went
man — 12 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp 62/16; Init +8 (+3 Dex, +5
away but so did all the expression in her face. While this destroyed
class); Spd 40 ft.; Def 17 (+3 Dex, +2 class, +2 armor, DR 2); Atk:
her career in modeling it made her face plastic enough for easy
unarmed +8 (1d6+4, threat 20), heavy basketball +9 (1d4+2, error
reshaping—an asset in operations that require a disguise.
1, threat 20, range 15 ft.), .45 ACP target pistol +10 (1d10+2,error
1, threat 19-20, range 30 ft., 10 shots), fragmentation grenade +9
Amanda Norton, 5th-level faceman (henchman — 10 MP):
(2d10, error 1-4, range 10 ft.); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA
CR 5. SZ M; v/wp 36/12; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def
None; SQ accurate, damage reduction 1/-, armor use +1; SV Fort
15 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: .22 LR pocket pistol +5 (1d6+1,error 1-
+8, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12;
4, threat 20, range 10 ft., 6 shots), 7.62x54mm sniper rifle +5
Skills: Balance +12, Demolitions +4, Driver +6, Jump +11,
(5d4,error 1, threat 18-20, range 175 ft., 5 shots); Face 1 square;
Intimidate +8, Sport (Basketball) +12, Spot +4, Survival +4. Feats:
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adaptable, linguist +3, Cold read
Armor Group Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Increased Speed,
1/session, Quick change 2/session, Backup 1/session; SV Fort +4,
Kicking Basics, Martial Arts, Run, Sidestep, Weapon Group
Ref +3, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17;
Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical, Exotic—heavy
Skills: Bluff +11, Cultures +10, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +11,
basketball), Weapon Specialization (unarmed). Gear (62 BP): heavy
Forgery +5, Gather Information +11, Innuendo +10, Languages
basketball (10), .45 ACP pistol (25), 20 extra shots of .45 ACP
(Croatian, English, French, Japanese, Serbian, Spanish) +4, Perform
Teflon tipped ammunition (2), 1 fragmentation grenade (15), 2
(modeling) +4, Search +4, Sense Motive +10. Feats: Armor Group
sets of trendy clothes (5), cell phone. Vehicles and Gadgets (8 GP):
Proficiency (Light, Medium), Handler, Undermine, Weapon Group
Standard clothing liner (1 GP), Luxury car (7 GP, SZ L, Hnd +0, Spd
Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle). Gear (63 BP): Sniper
550 ft., MPH 55/110. Def 7, WP 110, Hrd 12, qualities and mods:
extra armor, improved handling, revolving license plate).

Man in The Iron Lung
Threat Resources/Action Sites: Armory (headquarters, 16 MP armor, heads up display, 3 hidden compartments, improved han-
— Damjanovic Shipping warehouse, Kotor, Montenegro — hierar- dling, voice activated command system).
chy 2, secrecy 2, personnel 2, security 1). Threat Resources/Action Sites: Filthy Stinking Rich (head-
quarters, 27 MP — Private hospital, Rocky Mountains, Idaho —
The Heavy Basketball: Treat this as an exotic, hurled weapon hierarchy 3, secrecy 3, personnel 3, security 3).
of Medium-size. 10 BP, damage 1d4, error 1-3, threat 20, range 15 Fighting Notes for the Iron Lung: Vance enjoys good mobil-
ft., weight 5 lbs., actual cost $500. ity in his Iron Lung, but not as convenient as walking. When in
The heavy basketball has a hardened covering and weights personal combat use the normal rules for moving but shift to the
placed inside it so as to cause more damage when bounced off an chase rules if the agents get on a motorcycle. The Iron Lung can-
opponent’s face. It’s not a terribly efficient weapon but, if the user not travel up stairs or slopes greater than 45 degrees. Vance lacks
is proficient with it, then he can rebound the ball off an opponent. the use of his arms so he cannot fight normally in melee, and has
To do this the opponent must be within the first range increment no reach. However, he can ram someone using the Lung (and acti-
(15 ft.) and the use must score 5 higher than the target’s Defense vate the electrified frame); treat this as a Bull Rush as described in
score on the attack check. If all this works, the ball bounces back the PHB.
into the user’s hands. The mobility granted by the iron lung lets Vance use his nor-
mal Defense in combat and make Reflex saves as usual. Since only
The Bench: Mitar keeps a few squads of basketball hoods his head and part of his chest are exposed Vance receives three-
around to use for things besides pick-up games. When he asks for quarters cover from the lung; this grants a +7 cover Defense
the ball they pass it to him. bonus and +3 cover Reflex bonus.
If tipped over, Vance becomes almost completely helpless. His
The Bench, 4th-level (minions, squads of 4 — 28 MP): CR effective Dexterity bonus drops to -5, he cannot move, and the
3. SZ M; v/wp 4d6 (18)/13; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Spd 30 ft.; machinegun only works against targets in the air above him. To do
Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 class); Atk: 9x19mm service pistol +6 (dmg this one must "Grab your opponent" (using the Grapple rules)
1d10, error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft., 10 shots), 9x19mm SMG +6 against the Lung, survive the electrified frame, then make a
(1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft., 30 shots); Face 1 square; Strength Check (DC 15) in place of a "Hold your opponent" check;
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; if the final Strength check succeeds the lung is tipped over.
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +5,
Driver +9, Intimidate +5, Jump +8, Sport (Basketball) +9. Feats (2): Nursing Staff: Arthur Vance needs a round the clock nursing
Lay Down Fire, Point Blank Shot. Gear (35 BP): 9x19mm service staff. Being a man of taste and many enemies he makes sure that
pistol (13), 9x19mm SMG (18), 50 shots 9x19mm military ball (1), the nurses not only know how to defend themselves (and him) but
50 shots 9x19mm jacketed hollow point (1), 100 shots 9x19mm are also pleasant to look at.
Teflon tipped (10*), cell phone. Vehicles and Gadgets: 1 Sports Car
per minion (4 GP, SZ L, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160. Def 14, Nursing Staff, 5th-level (minions, squads of 6 — 36 MP):
WP 70, Hrd 3). CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 5d6+5 (22)/13; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30
* this ammunition is supplied by Free Throw’s armory. ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: unarmed +6 (1d6+1, threat 20),
9x19mm SMG +8 (dmg 1d10, error 1, threat 19-20, range 50 ft.,
Serial 1: Arthur Vance 30 shots), dart gun +8 (1d4+drug, error 1-2, range 15 ft., 1 shot);
Arthur lives in an iron lung. He controls it via a voice activat- Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref
ed computer. A bank of LCD monitors hangs over his head; +6, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13; Skills:
through them he can watch the news, video-conference with his Balance +7, Driver +7, First Aid +8, Spot +4, Swim +5. Feats: The
minions, and see what’s happening around him. He can also use a Look (not for the nurses, for Vance), Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot.
mouth-operated joystick and monitor slaved to the gun camera to Gear (37 BP): 9x19mm SMG (18), 50 extra shots of 9x19mm mili-
aim the weapon built into a turret on top of the iron lung. tary ball ammunition (1), dart gun (7), 1 dose nerve drug (5), 1
dose knockout drug (3), 1 dose paralytic poison (3), cell phone.
Arthur Vance, 8th-level Fixer (mastermind — 40 MP): CR Vehicles and Gadgets: 1 Ambulance per squad (10 GP, SZ L, Hnd -
8. SZ M; v/wp 31/8; Init +2 (-1 Dex, +3 class); Spd 0 ft.; Def 15 (- 1, Spd 550 ft., MPH 55/110. Def 6, WP 120, Hrd 11, qualities and
1 Dex, +6 class); Atk: 7.62x51mm GPMG +1/+3 with tracer (4d6, mods: extra armor, hidden compartment (person), improved han-
error 1–2, threat 20, range 110 ft., 125 shots); Face 2 squares; dling, nitrous oxide system, reinforced tires).
Reach 0 squares; SA None; SQ dextrous, procure, Evasion, Sneak
attack +3d6, Uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked), Skill mastery (on Plot Hook #1
asterisked skills); SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 6, Dex 8, Con 8, The agents are sent to Bolivia to deal with a purported threat
Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16; Skills: Appraise +15*, Bluff +14*, to assassinate the current president. The plan involves members of
Demolitions +15*, Driver +10*, Electronics +15*, Forgery +15*, a local insurgent group, the Silver Way, and—whether successful
Knowledge (munitions) +15*, Knowledge (political science) +15, or stopped by the agents—they discover that the Agency itself is
Languages +15, Listen +15, Search +15, Spot +15. Feats: Armor implicated in the assassination! This sparks a controversy back in
Group Proficiency (Light), Political Favors, Signature Gadget (Iron the States and Congressional Hearings start immediately.
Lung), Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Amanda Norton has taken the place of Station Chief, Gloria
Tactical). Gear (80 BP): 140 shots 7.62x51mm tracer ammunition Alvarez, and organized the assassination using Agency resources.
(14), laptop computer with 3 upgrades (19), encrypted headset After the assassination she disappears. Simultaneously with the
radio (5), GPS receiver (5), floodlight (2), thermal imager (built into assassination, Free Throw kidnaps the chair of the Senate
monitor camera, 15), parabolic microphone (5), standard video Intelligence Committee’s daughter, Alicia Bradon. The Senate
camera with super-telephoto lens (15). Vehicles and Gadgets Intelligence Committee calls for an investigation into Agency
(13+3 GP): panic button near chin (1), Iron lung (treat as vehicle practices and gets detailed files from the Agency. Senator Tom
— 15 GP, SZ L, Hnd +0 (net +16, +14 when using V.A.C.S.), Spd 30 Bradon turns these files over to Free Throw who uses them to
ft., MPH 10/20. Def 8, WP 40, Hrd 10, qualities and mods: autopi- organize a strike and raid against the Agency headquarters in
lot, roof-mounted concealed machinegun, electrified frame, extra

Belgrade, Serbia. Free Throw plans to assault the Belgrade HQ, understand what the real researchers are talking about. But his
steal all the computer files there, and release them in the open— true gift is disinformation. Hector can make people hear what
thereby compromising all Agency operations in Eastern Europe. they want to hear, and understand just as much as he wants them
to comprehend. It’s this talent that has been pivotal to Shale’s
Possibilities: success, and to their master plan.
Hector has three goals, all of which he plans to achieve
1. Amanda Norton returns to the States and takes the place of
through Shale. The first is to make a lot of money, enough that he
Senator Bradon’s daughter. She does this to gain more access
can live the rest of his life in complete comfort. The second goal
to him and make others less suspicious. Senator Bradon acts
is to throw the world into disarray, just to show how much influ-
suspiciously; he’s under stress and shows it but it’s not obvi-
ence he has. And the third goal is to prove wrong everyone who
ous why. The Agency wants him, and the others, watched since
ever said he wouldn’t amount to much, especially his hard-work-
they have access to such vital information.
ing, honest, law-abiding parents.
2. Senator Bradon reports the kidnapping to the Agency. He fig- Tall, thin, and prematurely balding, Hector looks the part of a
ures that the agents are his daughter’s best chance and is serious researcher. He speaks softly, so that those around him have
unwilling to risk the security of the nation. The agents need to to strain to catch his words, and hides his mesmerizing eyes
rescue his daughter before the deadline before the informa- behind a pair of wire-rim spectacles. He does not like violence, and
tion turnover arrives. will avoid becoming involved in any physical conflict. But Hector
has no problem giving orders for violence, and will happily stand
3. Amanda Norton actually is Alicia Bradon. She staged her own
back and let his bodyguards fight for him. He works at the com-
kidnapping because she hates the Agency too, perhaps due to
pany’s research lab in the warehouse section of Baltimore, and has
leftist politics or what the Agency has done to her family.
a small house on the other side of the city.

SHALE Hector Selpont 5th-level spin-doctor/1st -level scientist

(mastermind—30 MP): CR 6. SZ M; v/wp 43/10; Init +1 (+1 Dex);
Spd 30 ft.; Def 11 (+1 Dex); Atk: pistol +2 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20,
by Aaron Rosenberg
threat 19-20, range 25 ft., seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1
square; SA none; SQ fake it 1/session; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6;
The modern world runs on its communications and its trans-
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +10,
portation. And for the latter, oil and gas are the most precious
Computers +4, Cultures +3, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Driver +3,
commodities. So when someone claims that they have found a
Forgery +5, Gather Information +7, Hide +3, Intimidate +4,
new source of oil, the entire world sits up and takes notice. And
Languages +6, Move Silently +5, Profession (Scientist) +4, Search
when someone claims they have found a new way to produce oil,
+2, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +4. Feats: Charmer,
a way that does not require drilling and refining—well, that’s the
Persuasive. Gear: Pistol, two clips of standard ammunition, lab
sort of information that can change the world.
coat. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2,
Shale, Inc. is a new company no one has ever heard of before.
Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3), laser pen
But everyone’s talking about them now. That’s because Reggie
(dmg 1d6+1, threat 20, range 5 ft., twenty seconds of power, one
Nylan, the head of Shale, has made a shocking announcement.
hour to recharge).
According to Reggie, his company has found a way to convert
Headquarters: Shale research lab in Baltimore, MD, United
shale into oil. The thin, brittle rock is known to have a high petro-
States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 2, personnel 1, security 4.
leum content, but no one has ever found a way to distill it from
the rock without spending more money than the results were
Bodyguards: As a child Hector was often the target of bullies.
worth. Now Reggie says his company can do the job for mere pen-
When he hatched his plans for Shale, Inc., he took advantage of
nies. Which would make the world’s shale a near-endless supply of
the money from his backers and hired a group of bodyguards. Now
ready oil. Everyone wants a piece of the action. But is Shale, Inc.
the bullies work for him. These men are all large, powerfully built,
really all it claims to be? The Agency has to find out, before the
ugly, and not very bright. They are exactly the type of men who
world’s oil situation changes forever—and not necessarily for the
pushed Hector around as a boy, and he takes great delight in
ordering them about. Despite this, the bodyguards are loyal.
Hector is a bit childish but pays them well, and they don’t have to
MP Cost: 275 (95 base + 90 each for serials two and three)
do much more than keep an eye on the grounds and intimidate
Wealth: 2 (52 BP for mastermind, 42 BP for each henchman
any visitors. These men all have unsavory pasts, and many of them
and foil, 27 BP for each minion)—30 MP
have criminal records—this is the only job they could get, and they
Technology: 0
are determined not to lose it.
Loyalty: 1 (+1 to loyalty checks) — 4 MP
Influence: 0
Bodyguards, 3rd-level thugs (minions, squad of 4—48 MP):
Scope: 5 (international threat)
CR 3. SZ M; v/wp 3d8+6 (22)/17; Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30
Agenda: Monetary Gain/Economic Control
ft.; Def 13 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Atk: club +6 (1d8+3); Colt M1911A1
Serial 3: Hector Selpont service pistol +4 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft.,
seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
Reggie may be the president of Shale, but he’s just a front
SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 11,
man. The real power behind the company and its scheme is Hector
Cha 6; Skills: Bluff +3, Driver +3, Gather Information
Selpont, whose official title is VP and Head of R&D. Hector came
+1,Intimidate +8, Listen +3, Profession (Bodyguard) +4, Search +4,
up with the idea behind Shale, Inc., and bullied Reggie into par-
Sense Motive +1, Spot +4, Surveillance +2. Feats: Point Blank
ticipating. He gathered others he knew to form the rest of the
Shot, Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun, Melee). Gear: Pistol,
company’s ranks, and has been orchestrating everything from the
two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio, extensible metal
safety of his "research lab." The fact is, Hector isn’t much of a sci-
club. Vehicles and Gadgets: motorcycles (motorcycle – SZ M, Occ
entist. He knows just enough science to fake it, and enough to
1/1, Hnd +8, Spd 500 ft., MPH 50/100, Def 18, WP 35, Hrd 1).

Security Team, 2nd-level soldier/ 1st-level ninja (minions,
Serial 2: Reggie Nylan squad of 3—54 MP): CR 3. SZ M; v/wp 3d8+9 (25)/17; Init +10
Reggie is the president of Shale, Inc., and its only public mem- (+3 Dex, +3 class, +4 feat); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+3 Dex, +3 class);
ber. He makes all press announcements, attends the various oil Atk: stun rod + 5 (1d8+3 plus paralysis); Colt M1911A1 service pis-
symposiums, and speaks with potential investors and clients. This tol +6 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., silenced,
is the life Reggie was born for—he has an easy-going charm that seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA backstab; SQ
puts people at ease, plus a knack for remembering faces and None; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12,
names. He speaks several languages fluently and can get by in half Wis 13, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +3, Diplomacy +2, Driver
a dozen others, and can mingle easily at events ranging from +2, Escape Artist +1, Gather Information +3, Hide +5, Intimidate
black-tie dinners to backyard barbeques. +7, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Profession (Bodyguard) +6, Search
Underneath all that charm, Reggie is extremely insecure. He +6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +4, Surveillance +4. Feats: Armor
knows he is not the brightest man in the world, and is well aware Proficiency (light), Improved Initiative, Weapon Group Proficiency
that Hector is really the brains of the operation. Reggie is also (Handgun, Melee), Damage Reduction. Gear: kevlar vest, pistol
smart enough to know that, if he gets out of line, Hector will kill with silencer, two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio,
him and have him replaced by someone else just as glib. So his stun rod, nightvision goggles, miniature flashlight. Vehicles and
only option is to cooperate fully, and hope it’s all over quickly. Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800
Reggie is not a bad person, really. He doesn’t have many scru- ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3).
ples when it comes to earning money, but he isn’t interested in
hurting anyone. He sees no reason not to take from the rich, how- Serial 1:
ever, and considers himself a modern-day Robin Hood, fleecing Mendelson Ettinger
the wealthy for his own gain. He runs most of Shale’s day-to-day Mendelson Ettinger is the real head scientist of Shale, Inc.
operations from their small but tastefully decorate offices in Hector is the man behind the scenes, but the whole plan hinges
downtown Baltimore. on Mendelson’s scientific genius. He is a first-rate scientist whose
Tall and slim, with dark hair and blue eyes, Reggie can easily crazy theories and refusal to follow procedure has led to his being
pass for a former athlete or a second-string movie star. He always fired from several prestigious jobs. When Hector offered him the
wears the best clothes, and dresses for the occasion. His most chance to be involved in Shale, Mendelson had nowhere else to
common outfit is a hand-tailored silk suit. go. He has since regretted accepting the offer, but knows he can-
not back out now—Hector has made it very clear that he will
Reggie Nylan 5th-level faceman (henchman—10 MP): CR destroy Mendelson’s career and possibly kill him if he betrays their
5. SZ M; v/wp 41/14; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 11 operation.
(+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: pistol +5 (dmg 1d12, recoil 20, threat 19- Physically, Mendelson does not look like the typical scientist.
20, range 25 ft., seven shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA Average height and slender build, with an unruly mop of thick
none; SQ fake it 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 12, Dex black curls and a permanent five o’clock shadow make him look
14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 17; Skills: Bluff +10, Computers +1, more like a would-be musician. His preference for torn jeans and
Cultures +6, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +1, Driver +3, Forgery +2, faded T-shirts completes the image, though Mendelson does wear
Gather Information +7, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge a grubby lab coat over them while he’s at work (and often after-
(finance) +4, Knowledge (science) +2, Languages +8, Move ward, since he usually forgets to take off the coat when he leaves
Silently +4, Profession (Businessman) +6, Search +2, Sense Motive for home). He works at the company’s research lab in Baltimore
+8, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +6. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, and lives in an apartment near the university, a short drive away.
heavy), Charmer, Fortunate, Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Another way that he does not fit the scientist stereotype is his
Melee, Handgun, Rifle), Adaptable, Linguist, Cold Read once/ses- personality. Mendelson is very passionate about his work, and will
sion, Quick Change once/session, Backup once/session. Gear: argue loudly about his theories and plans. He does not like obey-
Pistol, two clips of standard ammunition, business suit, cell phone, ing orders, and will often debate anything he disagrees with.
PDA. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hector can browbeat him into shutting up and doing as he’s told,
Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3). but no one else in the organization can get Mendelson to listen to
Headquarters: Shale, Inc. offices in Baltimore, MD, United reason, or to lower his voice. At demonstrations, Mendelson often
States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 0, personnel 2, security 4. forgets himself and starts lecturing to those around him as if they
were children, ridiculing them if they don’t understand something
Security Team: Reggie recognizes the value of an efficient, he’s said.
loyal security team. He doesn’t like Hector’s bully boys (in part
because they bully him whenever he goes to the lab), and prefers Mendelson Ettinger 4th-level scientist (henchman—8 MP):
a more intelligent, more discreet employee for his own uses. He CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 34/12; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+2
has assembled his own security team along these lines. Each mem- Dex); Atk: none; Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA none; SQ fake
ber is reasonably intelligent, attractive enough to draw an approv- it 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12,
ing glance but nothing more, and talented at blending into the Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14; Skills: Bluff +2, Computers +4,
crowd. The members of this team are extremely loyal to Reggie— Concentration +4, Cultures +2, Driver +2, Electronics +4, Gather
he treats them well, and they respect his practical nature and his Information +4, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (science) +8,
ability to fit into any social situation. They are always hovering Knowledge (petroleum) +5, Languages +6, Mechanics +1,
somewhere near him, keeping an eye on the situation, and at the Profession (Scientist) +6, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of
first sign of danger several members will move Reggie to safety Hand +2, Spot +4. Feats: Scholarly. Gear: lab coat, pens, clipboard,
while the rest deal with the problem. They prefer to handle poten- geiger counter, stopwatch. Vehicles and Gadgets: sports car (sports
tial problems before they reach that point, however, and excel at car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH 80/160, Def 14, WP
noticing and incapacitating dangerous individuals without anyone 70, Hrd 3).
noticing. Headquarters: Shale research lab in Baltimore, MD, United
States—hierarchy 1, secrecy 2, personnel 1, security 4.

Minders: Hector doesn’t fully trust Mendelson, and Reggie 3. The process works just fine. Mendelson really is a genius, and
has to agree. They both know the scientist is smart, but he’s arro- this technique could revolutionize the oil industry. It will also
gant and can’t keep his mouth shut. So Reggie has assigned some put every existing oil company out of business, and destroy
of his own security forces to keep an eye on their lead researcher, several Middle East countries. Hector is very happy about all
and to keep him out of trouble. These "minders" do their best both of this—he will become rich, his name will go down in history
to stop any threats from reaching Mendelson and to prevent the as one of the great inventors, and he will cause chaos all
scientist from doing anything rash, or anything that could get around the globe.
Shale in trouble.

Minders, 1st-level soldier/1st-level ninja (minions, squad Plot Hook #2

of 2—22 MP): CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 2d8+6 (17)/17; Init +5 (+3 Dex, Reggie contacts the Agency because his company’s new oil
+2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 Dex, +2 class); Atk: stun rod + 5 process has been stolen. He demands that the Agency help him
(1d8+3 plus paralysis); Colt M1911A1 service pistol +6 (dmg 1d12, find out who took it, and that they get it back for him. Without
recoil 20, threat 19-20, range 25 ft., silenced, seven shots); Face 1 it, Shale is ruined.
square; Reach 1 square; SA backstab; SQ None; SV Fort +6, Ref +3,
Will +4; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13; Skills: Bluff Possibilities:
+3, Climb +3, Diplomacy +2, Driver +2, Gather Information +3,
1. The formula really was stolen, either by a rival oil company or
Hide +5, Intimidate +7, Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Profession
by one of the nations who survive on their oil export. Hector
(Bodyguard) +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +4,
is furious, because without that formula he cannot get
Surveillance +4. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Group
investors to give him money. Note that, for this possibility, any
Proficiency (Handgun, Melee). Gear: Kevlar vest, pistol with
of the three options in Plot Hook #1 will work.
silencer, two clips of standard ammunition, tactical radio, stun rod,
nightvision goggles, miniature flashlight. Vehicles and Gadgets: 2. Hector set up the "theft," and had some of his own thugs play
sports car (sports car – SZ L, Occ 1/2, Hnd +5, Spd 800 ft., MPH the part of the robbers. He wants the Agency to harass the oil
80/160, Def 14, WP 70, Hrd 3). companies and oil-producing nations of the world, to get
them upset and off-balance. That way, when he offers to sell
Plot Hook #1 them his process (which will be miraculously retrieved), every-
Reggie calls a press conference and announces that his com- one will be desperate for it and will begin bidding to win it.
pany, Shale, Inc., has found a way to convert useless pieces of
3. The formula was really stolen, but not by any outside agency.
shale into refined petroleum, at very little cost. This creates a stir
Mendelson finally decided that he could not sit still for
in both financial communities and in the oil industry, since such a
Hector’s tricks any longer, and took off with the formula him-
process could make the traditional oil fields obsolete. The Agency
self. Hector has enlisted the Agency to get it back, and hopes
is concerned because the resulting chaos could destablize the
they’ll kill Mendelson before he can reveal the truth.
world order. They dispatch the team to Shale’s headquarters in
Mendelson’s minders have also been tasked to find him, and
Baltimore, to attend the demonstration of this new technology.
kill him if they can.
Hector is running the presentation, but appears to be simply the
head of R&D. He gives no indication of being the true mastermind
behind Shale, and neither do any of his co-workers.

By Jason Olsan
1. The process is a sham. What Shale has actually invented is a
way to inject different chemicals into existing petroleum,
See Mythic Dreams’ Spycraft Family release, Dark Inheritance,
changing its composition just enough that it can no longer be
for a finished version of this threat.
traced to its origin point (each oil field has a slightly different
mix of chemicals, and these are like fingerprints, clearly show-
Starting Threat Code: Red
ing where the oil came from). Reggie’s security forces have
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for a team
stolen oil from several fields around the world, and now
of 4th-level agents.
Hector puts on a show that makes it look as if the process
works. The plan is for Shale to get investors to give them
After the First Crusade, the Knights Templar were a wealthy
money, and then disappear.
and powerful order of monastic knights in Christendom. Their
2. The process does work, but it has a problem—the oil it pro- purpose was the protection of Christian pilgrims on route to
duces is chemically unstable, and actually becomes explosive Jerusalem, initially receiving alms in thanks for their duties. Over
after a few days. Hector knows about this, and plans to use it time, they amassed great power and wealth. In 1307, fearing this
to his advantage. He hopes to get people to invest in Shale, power, the knights were arrested by King Philip of France and their
and then to replace all of the world’s oil with their own unsta- wealth was seized through the only charge that would allow it:
ble version. Then, when oil everywhere explodes, the world will heresy. In 1314, at the order of Pope Clement, the last Grand
grind to a halt, and he will be responsible. It will make him one Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at
of the most powerful men in history, which is all Hector real- the stake.
ly cares about. Retrieving the burned skull of Jacques de Molay, an unknown
mystic woman swathed in black silks returned to the lands near
Jerusalem and resurrected the knight. Dazed and confused by the
ritual, his mind was ripe for tainting by the shrouded mystic. She
told the befuddled warrior of his death and her gift of a new life
to him. With her biased guidance, he grew to believe that money

and power were what destroyed his order and that the only way Jack is still in very fit physical condition from continuing his
to save the world would be to destroy all of those who wield cadences from 700 years past to keep his mind and skills focused.
either. When walking the compound, he typically wears his ancient
With the loss of the Order of Templar, he began a new secret greatsword slung upon his back. His words are very charismatic,
order to work upon these very goals. It was named the Sodality, a although his cold and precise manner seems to offset his stirring
term which is used to describe a charitable fellowship of the speeches. Some quietly wonder if his quiet disposition is a result
church. Quietly, Jacques began recruiting devoted followers in his of his living so long.
travels of the known world. He searched the globe for those who Due to Jack Molloy’s western upbringing and learning of the
would be devoted to his cause. sword by his knightly order, the edgemaster’s requirement of
Now, almost seven centuries later, his goal continues. Through Profession (sensei) has been replaced with Profession (knight).
his continuing resurrection by the ageless mystic, he has recruited Though his techniques are not from the far east, his skills are as
hundreds of devout followers in cells worldwide. As the Knights comparable.
Templar were able to do in their times, the once Grand Master has Staging Notes: Jack has retrieved the access codes to access
amassed a great fortune to help fund his followers and his great the international banking system, which networks hundreds of the
cause. most influential banks in the world. Returning to his temple com-
The Sodality follows the same practices of its predecessor, the pound, he has sent his men to find the best hacker that they can.
Knights Templar. Jack Molloy, the current name of Jacques de Jack’s goal is to build a backdoor that quietly drains the world of
Molay, acts as Grand Master. The unnamed mystic is always seen most of its capital and assets, not realizing it until it is too late.
at his side as his advisor. All members of The Soldality are known
as knights, just as in the Knights Templar. Sodality knights have all Jack Molloy, 5th-level martial artist/3rd-level edgemaster
been taught the true history of the Knights Templar and all know (mastermind — 40 MP): Department: Old Blood. CR 8. SZ M;
of their Grand Master’s true identity. Their loyalty is unquestioned, v/wp 73/18*; Init +7 (+2 Dex, +5 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 18 (+2 Dex,
both to the order and to the betterment of the world. Knights of +6 class); Atk: Jacques do Kalashnikov AK-105 +11 (dmg 3d6+1,
the order spend their public lives attempting to help the world accuracy –, error 1-3, threat 20, range 175 ft., qualities and mods:
through aid organizations. That is, until the Grand Master calls CS, 30 shots), Molay’s Templar Greatsword +12 (dmg 1d12+4 nor-
them into action. Each knight has a tattoo hidden upon the inner mal, error 1-2, threat 20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
wrist depicting the seal of the Knights Templar. Underneath the SQ unyielding, swordplay, parrying basics, ploy (Sidestep); SV Fort
seal are the Latin words Semper Recordor, "always remember." +7, Ref +8, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16*, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha
10; Skills: Balance +9, Concentration +8, Craft (Metalwork) +5,
MP Cost: 275 First Aid +5, Intimidate +11/+11, Jump +4, Knowledge (Occult)
Wealth: 6 (68 BP for mastermind, 48 BP for each henchman +17, Languages +7, Listen +4, Profession (Knight) +13, Sense
and foil, 33 BP for each minion, 23 BP for each specialist; minions Motive +9, Spot +8, Tumble +10. Feats: Acrobatic, Armor Group
gain a piece of personal ordinance, a single heavy, ground, or Proficiency (Light), Greatsword Basics, Greatsword Mastery,
water vehicle up to 10 GP, or individual personal vehicles up to 4 Improved Weapon Focus (greatsword), Martial Arts, Toughness,
GP) Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic —
Technology: 0 (0 GP per serial) Archaic, Exotic — Martial Arts, Handgun, Melee, Rifle), Weapon
Loyalty: 10 (+10 to loyalty checks) Master (greatsword). Gear: Weapon, cover identity (power rating
Influence: 4 (favor check notice = 1-4, 4 influence effects per 3) (Jack Molloy), sunglasses. Vehicles and Gadgets: None, gadgets:
serial) H.U.D. lenses, hardened joints.
Scope: 8 (international threat)* * Jacks vitality points, wound points, and constitution are
Agenda: Revenge modified by his hardened joints gadget.
* All serials involving the Sodality yield +20% XP (in addition Threat Resources/Action Sites: Fanatics, Martyrs – Adam
to all other XP bonuses). Hutton, Knight Sentinels, Centra Bank Security, Worse Than Death
– Adam Hutton, Shelene Radcliff, Knight Sentinels, Centra Bank
Serial 3: Jack Molloy Security, and Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards (headquarters –
When Jacques de Molay was brought back, he was surprised Sodality Temple Compound, Mount Moriah, Israel – hierarchy 5,
to find that he had his youthful appearance once more. At the secrecy 2, personnel 3, security 1).
time he was burned at the stake, he was 70 years old. Now, he
looked no more than 30. That has been the way the Grand Master Knight Sentinels: The Sodality’s Knight Sentinels are the loyal
has looked since. Since his initial resurrection, he has lived 14 lives. warriors whose primary purpose is to defend the compound from
Each time he has been brought back, he has assumed a new name those who would seek to harm the order. Comprised of the most
and identity. This time, his chosen name is Jack Molloy. disciplined warriors to the cause, the Knight Sentinels are simul-
Jack travels the world with his nameless mystic to ensure that taneously a highly envied duty among the order and a much
his machinations are being carried out by the rest of his knights. feared enemy to those who fight them.
He takes a very direct approach to leadership, which keeps his Knight Sentinels wear dark studded vests when on their
knights very loyal and devoted to him. patrols of the compound with a sword sheathed at their side. They
If Jack isn’t traveling, he is at the Sodality temple compound. are sworn to ensure that the secret order of the Sodality must be
The compound itself rests upon Mount Moriah in Israel, which is maintained, so they will attack anyone that they see wandering
the site of the ancient Temple of Solomon – the temple upon too close to the compound. Their solitary lives away from most of
which the Knights Templar name themselves. The compound is civilization, along with the time spent near their leader, has left
very well protected by the most loyal of knights within the them very cold, ruthless, and efficient.
Sodality, the Sentinel Knights. It is from here that Jack plans and
coordinates the Sodality’s great plan.

Knight Sentinels, 5th-level martial arts mooks (minions, 2, threat –, qualities and mods: –); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
squads of 5 — 20 MP): CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 20/11; Init +5 (+2 Dex, SA None; SQ accurate, damage reduction 1/–, armor use +1, flaw-
+3 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class); Atk: IMI Galil SAR less search, intuition 1/session, jury-rig +2; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will
+5 (dmg 4d4, accuracy –, error 1-2, threat 20, range 125 ft., qual- +3; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Balance
ities and mods: Single shot only, 25 shots), Medieval longsword +4 +6, Bureaucracy +2, Computers +10, Demolitions +6, Driver +7,
(dmg 1d8+1, error 1, threat 18-20), fist +4 (dmg 1d6+2, error 1, Electronics +5, First Aid +3, Intimidate +8/+8, Listen +4,
threat 20); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Profession (Security Guard) +8, Search +10, Spot +8, Surveillance
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha +4, Tumble +8, Use Rope +10. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency
5; Skills: Balance +7, Climb +4, First Aid +4, Intimidate +4/+0, (Light, Medium, Heavy), Extra Budget, Improved Initiative, Point
Jump +6, Knowledge (Martial Arts) +4, Tumble +7. Feats: Armor Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Speed Trigger, Weapon Group
Group Proficiency (Light), Martial Arts, Punching Basics, Weapon Proficiency (Hurled, Handgun, Melee, Rifle, Tactical). Gear:
Group Proficiency (Exotic — Martial Arts, Hurled, Melee), Wolf Weapon, laptop (+2 power rating), ELINT bundle. Vehicles and
Pack Basics. Gear: Weapons, knight vest, binoculars, sunglasses. Gadgets: None, gadgets: standard gadget watch with garrote and
Vehicles and Gadgets: None. poison spike.
Threat Resources: None.
Serial 2: Adam Hutton Headquarters: Centra Global Bank at London, England– hier-
Dealing with large corporations and nations, Centra Global archy 1, secrecy 0, personnel 3, security 3.
Bank is one of the world’s top 50 money lenders. Last year, its
president was listed as one of the most globally influential men Undercover Centra Bank Knights: Since his promotion to
and among the top 20 richest people in the world. chief of security, Adam Hutton has been slowly placing loyal
Centra is also the financial house that runs the Temple Fund, Sodality knights among key roles in every facility owned by
a non-profit front organization that helps finance the Sodality. Centra. Through this, Centra has been thoroughly infiltrated by
Seeing the bank as an obvious target for the Sodality, Jack spent the Sodality and has been used to secretly fund the order’s many
considerable time ensuring that Adam Hutton became chief of projects while quietly draining the bank of funds and influence
security at Centra. Adam has grown to become one of the most with bookkeeping and blame shifting.
trusted members of the Centra family and has recommended
many people for employment within Centra and its satellite banks. Undercover Centra Bank Knights, 2th-level
Little do the bulk of employees know, but most of those recom- financiers/2nd-level operatives (minions, squads of 4 — 11
mended hires are Sodality knights within deep cover. They are qui- MP): Department: D-3 Computer Espionage. CR 4. SZ M; v/wp 7/0;
etly infiltrating the financial behemoth in order to control it and Init +3 (+1 Dex, +2 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+1 Dex, +3 class);
dismantle it’s financial agenda. Atk: Sig Sauer P-226 +2 (dmg 1d12, accuracy –, error 1, threat 19-
Adam, having learned a few things from Jack, tends to look at 20, range 25 ft, qualities and mods: DP, RG, TD, 15 shots), Knife +1
the president as his king and the bank as his castle. No one will (dmg 1d4, error 1, threat 20, qualities and mods: –); Face 1 square;
break his defenses within his castle. Many people have attempted Reach 1 square; SA financial expertise; SQ glass jaw; SV Fort +1,
to steal money from Centra over the years that he’s been the chief Ref +5, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14; Skills:
of security, and none have succeeded. Being particularly adept at Appraise +3, Bluff +4, Bureaucracy +6, Climb +1, Computers +4,
computers as well as skilled in modern espionage techniques, the Cultures +2, Demolitions +3, Driver +2, Electronics +3, Forgery +2,
Centra chief of security has thwarted many of these assaults per- Gather Information +3, Hide +2, Knowledge (Finance) +3,
sonally. Knowledge (Law) +2, Move Silently +3, Profession (Accountant)
Staging Notes: Adam has been a loyal employee of Centra for +3, Search +3, Spot +2, Tumble +2. Feats: Armor Group
quite a few years now. However, the time is right. Jack has sent Proficiency (Light), Extra Budget, Filthy Rich, Stealthy, Weapon
word to Adam that it is time to make the current president, Nigel Group Proficiency (Handgun, Medium, Melee, Rifle). Gear:
Moore, disappear. One of the Sodality’s faithful undercover Weapons, laptop (+2 power rating), $3,000 in negotiable bearer
knights is now in position of senior vice president and ready to bonds, 10 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.
take over the company, should the current president disappear. In
order to ensure no one considers it foul play, Adam has begun to Serial 1: Shelene Radcliff
build a digital trail of notes of anguish and thoughts of suicide. Shelene Radcliff is a young socialite that has lived a life of
What Adam doesn’t know is that one of the low level data entry luxury. Never having worked a day in her life, she had no purpose.
engineers is a plant from Room 39 and has started to notice the She found herself growing bored, secretly craving a raison d’etre.
virtual paper trail. She had little to do besides her pet projects of helping aid organi-
zations. That was when she met Jack.
Adam Hutton, 4th-level soldier/2nd-level snoop (hench- Jack taught her about how power corrupts, how money is
man — 12 MP): Department: D-3 Computer Espionage. CR 6. SZ power, and how the world should be cleansed of such evils in
M; v/wp 42/10; Init +12 (+3 Dex, +5 class, +4 improved initiative); order to truly be prosperous. Shelene found her reason. Enthralled
Spd 30 ft.; Def 18 (+3 Dex, +5 class); Atk: H&K MP5A3 +7 (dmg by the enigmatic Jack and his words, she decided that she would
1d10+1, accuracy -1, error 1-2, threat 20, range 30 ft., qualities give anything in order to help with his noble cause. She gave her-
and mods: DP, CS, SS, 15 shots), garotte +5 (dmg special, error 1- self and pledged her substantial wealth to the cause.
The ancient knight accepted the melancholy aristocrat, but
left her holdings so that she may help by influencing her wealthy
and socially powerful friends. And that is what she does. She holds

many galas and banquets a year, mingling with the socially elite None; SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 14, Con
that frequent the parties. As she talks about current fashion and 12, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 12; Skills: Bluff +4, Bureaucracy +3, Climb +1,
popular causes, she subtly implants the order’s purpose within Demolitions +1, Diplomacy +4, Driver +3, Hide +3, Hobby (gar-
them. She has brought in quite a few recruits for the order and, as dening) +1, Innuendo +1, Intimidate +2/+4, Move Silently +4,
the chairperson of the Temple Fund, bankrolls it through unwit- Profession (Aristocrat) +1, Tumble +3. Feats: Armor Group
ting donations. Proficiency (Light), Charmer*, Stealthy, Weapon Group Proficiency
Shelene can be a very enticing and seductive woman when (Handgun, Medium, Melee, Rifle). Gear: Weapon, bodyguard bun-
she wishes to be. She has a soft lilt to her voice that has a ten- dle, 5 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None.
dency to make a man do as she asks. With a toss of her shoulder- * Shelene’s bodyguards have a +1 to all Charisma-based skills
length blond hair, she can cast the classic come hither stare from vs. neutral, friendly, or helpful agents.
her amethyst eyes. However, when she hits one of her tantrums,
she can crush a person’s ego with a couple of slight words… and Plot Hook #1
she loves it. Wealthy industrialists and celebrities have been donating
Staging Notes: Shelene is holding a formal gala at her estate. extraordinary amounts of money totaling in the trillions within
This gala is actually a cover so that knights from many of the cells the last year to the Temple Fund. Finding the focused target of
globally can pick up their groups’ "paychecks". Out of the 60 that these donations peculiar, the Archer Conspiracy dispatches agents
are expected to attend, a quarter of them are cell leaders. A Room to investigate their source:
39 agent has noticed a dramatic quantity of withdrawals from the
Temple Fund’s accounts and has grown suspicious, notifying the Possible Causes
rest of the Conspiracy. for the Donations:
1. Shelene’s events have been particularly successful as of late.
Shelene Radcliff, 3rd-level faceman/2nd-level aristocrat
She’s been convincing wealthy tycoons and movie stars to
(henchman — 10 MP): Department: D-1 The Power Brokerage. CR
donate to her pet project, the Temple Fund. However, the
5. SZ M; v/wp 30/10; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15
amount of attention that the donations have brought to the
(+1 Dex, +4 class); Atk: Glock 22 +4 (dmg 1d8+2, accuracy –, error
Temple Fund from the media has sparked anger from Jack,
1, threat 20, range 25 ft., qualities and mods: AA, CP, TD, 17 shots);
who thinks that the publicity threatens the secrecy of their
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ adaptable, cold read
order and it’s goals.
1/session, quick change 1/session; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7; Str
8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; Skills: Bluff +8, 2. Ambitiously proving his worth, a young undercover knight at
Bureaucracy +4, Cultures +6, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information Centra has been doing some after hours fund transfers from
+7, Hobby (Writing) +4, Innuendo +10, Intimidate +2/+6, accounts which he knows often donate to organizations for
Profession (Aristocrat) +9, Read Lips +4, Search +5, Sense Motive tax purposes. Hiding the transfers among epic transaction
+8, Sleight of Hand +2, Spot +4. Feats: Armor Group Proficiency records, he’s confident that these moguls won’t be able to
(Light, Medium), Charmer*, Filthy Rich, The Look**, Undermine, notice the relatively minor million dollar skims
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Handgun, Melee, Rifle). Gear:
3. In a financial predicament, Jack has amassed embarrassing
Weapon, exclusive party bundle, 5 BP. Vehicles and Gadgets: None,
information about many industrialists. Using intermediaries,
gadgets: Hypnosis lenses, aphrodisiac cigarettes.
he has threatened to reveal these tawdry and potentially dev-
* Shelene has a +1 to all Charisma-based skills vs. neutral,
astating expositions to the world, unless they are willing to
friendly, or helpful agents.
donate to his cause: the Temple Fund.
** Shelene has a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based skills when
dealing with the opposite sex.
Threat Resources: None.
Headquarters: Radcliff Mansion at Los Angeles California,
USA – hierarchy 1, secrecy 0, personnel 1, security 0.

Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards: Shelene doesn’t like being

surrounded by the ugliness of reality. She prefers that everything
that surrounds her is just as friendly as her cloistered lifestyle. As
such, her bodyguards are trained professionals but are also cultur-
ally sophisticated. They always wear current designer suits with
the trendiest sunglasses. Image is as much of a concern as securi-
Shelene’s bodyguards are not a member of the Sodality, how-
ever they are completely loyal their boss. It’s amazing how much
loyalty money can buy.

Shelene Radcliff’s Bodyguards, 2nd-level operatives/1st-

level aristocrats (minions, squads of 3 — 20 MP): Department:
D-1 The Power Brokerage. CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 19/12; Init +3 (+2 Dex,
+1 class); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 class); Atk: ACCU-TEK HC-
380 +3 (dmg 1d8, accuracy –, error 1-2, threat 20, range 20 ft.,
qualities and mods: –, 10 shots); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA


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