En Us FileShareMigrationWorkshop
En Us FileShareMigrationWorkshop
En Us FileShareMigrationWorkshop
Tooling overview
Exchange on -
FastTrack Accountabilities
*Sample* file share self-service migration timeline
• Finalize number of users to be
migrated in one event
• Finalize scheduling plan
• Assess post-migration support
Lessons learned
FastTrack migration Migration prerequisites Source environment preparation
workshop • Set up and configure • Identify early adopters and pilot users
• Tooling overview OneDrive for Business and • Plan migration with guidance from FastTrack
• Best practice resource SharePoint Online • Plan OneDrive sync client deployment
sharing • Ensure required user • SharePoint Migration Tool tool setup and
subscription licenses are configuration Validation and
available • Run SharePoint Migration Tool assessment remediation Velocity
• Ensure destination • Prepare test file shares Test migration Pilot migration
(based on test migration
environment (for example • Plan velocity migration schedule
Office 365 Groups or
Microsoft Teams) are
created and configured
Agenda for FastTrack-led migration approach
File Classification
Infrastructure (FCI)
Lessons learned
Migration prerequisites Source environment preparation Validation and
• Sign FastTrack Agreement with terms and • Identify early adopters and pilot users (based on test
conditions (if needed) • Plan migration with guidance from the migrations)
• Set up collaboration site in your SharePoint FastTrack Center
Online tenant • Plan OneDrive sync client deployment
• Complete migration questionnaire • Run the Inventory Manager Velocity
• Set up and configure OneDrive for Business and • Prepare test file shares Test migration Pilot migration
SharePoint Online • Prepare migration schedule
• Ensure required user subscription licenses are • Provision migration servers
available • Plan velocity migration schedule
• Migration tool setup and configuration
• Upload test & pilot scheduling files
OneDrive for Business Up to five (5) users and 40 GB 10 - 35 users and 50 - 100 GB 35 shares and 100 GB
SharePoint Online team sites Up to five (5) file shares and 40 GB 50 - 100 GB 100 GB
Activities in scope • Source content assessment and remediation guidance
• Content migration
• Provides details about items which require remediation for
successful migration (for example: path exceeding the max length)
• Highlights items which can’t be migrated
• Files are in comma separated value (CSV) format
• Drive Inventory – Includes high-level details like file and folder
count, total drive size, and count of remediation items
• Folder Inventory – Includes folder-level details like name, last
modified date, last accessed date, and remediation notes
• File Inventory – Includes file-level details like size, last modified
date, last accessed date, and remediation notes
• User Level Inventory – ZIP file containing data from the previous
three files separated per user (notifying user is optional)
Prepare your Run the Inventory Manager and go through the reports
for files and folders that need remediation
file share • Decide how to address files and folders exceeding the
SharePoint Online restrictions and limitations, including:
• Invalid file types and extensions
• Invalid file and folder names
• File and folder paths which exceed 400 characters in
the target
• Duplicate files in source and destination (if OneDrive
for Business or SharePoint Online is already in use)
SharePoint Online and
Share permission level NTFS basic permission level* OneDrive for Business
permission level
Full control
* After migration, all advanced NTFS permissions are removed. For explicit
deny permissions, this means the content is subject to parallel permissions or
permission on the folder and parent level and may become accessible.
High-level •
Migration questionnaire must be completed.
Inventory Manager must be run.
process • All identities must be existing in the tenant and have a SharePoint
Online or OneDrive for Business license assigned
• VPN and Remote Access accounts are used by FastTrack to establish a VPN
connection and use your Remote Desktop or Remote Access solution to
establish access to your migration virtual machines. Your VPN solution should
support split tunneling.
• Migration admin accounts should have local administrator permission on all
migration virtual machines and read permission on the source files shares. They
are used by FastTrack in the migration tool
Once the inventory is generated, the MVM may request additional migration virtual
machines needed to complete the project based on the given timelines.
• OneDrive for Business license – FastTrack’s SharePoint Online admin accounts need
to have OneDrive for Business licenses assigned as we use these accounts to
provision OneDrive for Business for end users before any migrations begin.
• Password complexity – Make sure that all passwords meet the FastTrack Center
complexity requirements. Refer to your migration questionnaire for the latest
password policy.
Technical 1. The migration tool leverages the migration
admin account provided by the customer to
migration flow connect to the file share and encrypt files in a
migration API package.
Additionally, a Premier
Field Engineer (PFE)
Office 365 Network
Assessment can be
considered (Microsoft
Premier Support
Migration scheduling guidelines
Timeline Task Description
Any time prior to 14 Prepare migration The customer prepares the list of file shares to be migrated in a given week
days before migration schedule 14 days in advance. Every migration event should have at least 35 shares
scheduled in that respective event.
T-14 days Upload migration At T-14 days, the migration team should receive the migration schedule file
schedule with the confirmed migration date, window, and group. This gives adequate
time for Microsoft to schedule resources to be in place to either validate
migrations or migrate users.
T-7 days Pre-flight report On T-7, customer receives preflight error report so that they can fix the issues
and ensure that maximum get migrated on the migration date.
T-1 day Drop The customer can drop file shares up to 24 hours before the migration.
T-0 Migrate file shares The migration team starts the migration of file shares.
Whenever a new migration schedule is uploaded, or change is made in originally submitted schedule on the designated
location, communicate it to your assigned MVM, Migration Engineer Lead (MEL), FM, FE, Scheduling Team distribution list
(DL) (O365SCHK@Microsoft.com), and MEL Factory DL (O365MELFactory@microsoft.com).
Migration scheduling
( UTC-4 / UTC-5 ) ( UTC-5 / UTC-6 ) ( UTC-7 / UTC-8 ) ( UTC+1 / UTC+2 )
Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End
. 20:00 03:00 16:00 / 15:00 15:00 / 14:00 13:00 / 12:00 21:00 / 22:00 04:00 / 05:00
(the next 23:00 / 22:00 22:00 / 21:00 20:00 / 19:00 (the next
. 23:00 morning) 19:00 / 18:00 18:00 / 17:00 16:00 / 15:00 00:00 / 01:00 morning)
Migration scheduling time zone translation
( UTC-4 / UTC-5 ) ( UTC-5 / UTC-6 ) ( UTC-7 / UTC-8 ) ( UTC+1 / UTC+2 )
Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End
. 05:00 12:00 01:00 / 00:00 08:00 / 07:00 00:00 / 23:00 07:00 / 06:00 22:00 / 21:00 05:00 / 04:00 06:00 / 07:00 13:00 / 14:00
(the night before (the night before
. 15:00 22:00 11:00 / 10:00 18:00 / 17:00 10:00 / 09:00 17:00 / 16:00 08:00 / 07:00 15:00 / 14:00 16:00 / 17:00 23:00 / 00:00
. 20:00 03:00 16:00 / 15:00 15:00 / 14:00 13:00 / 12:00 21:00 / 22:00 04:00 / 05:00
(the next 23:00 / 22:00 22:00 / 21:00 20:00 / 19:00 (the next
. 23:00 morning) 19:00 / 18:00 18:00 / 17:00 16:00 / 15:00 00:00 / 01:00 morning)
*NOTE: This group is not available on Fridays or the day before a blackout date.
Migration event cancellation due to a global security incident
▪ Should any global security incidents occur, like network outages or cyber attacks (for example, WannaCrypt), any
migration type which requires use of VPN connectivity to your network is suspended by FastTrack (including
associated migration activities) as a precautionary measure.
▪ VPN connectivity will remain suspended until necessary mitigations and verifications are completed.
▪ This may impact all future migration events which may then need to be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date.
▪ Migration events are resumed once the security team completes the validations and confirms required mitigations
are in place to safely continue with migrations.
▪ During this time, periodic communications are sent about the situation with expected times for resuming
connectivity or migrations.
Paused migration process for customers
▪ As part of periodic maintenance, we keep the migration infrastructure “paused” if no migration event occurred over the
previous 30 days.
▪ Source, cloud, and migration schedule admin credentials are deleted from the Azure Key Vault.
▪ The process is aimed at shutting down unused infrastructure and doesn’t mean that we’re disengaging with the customer.
▪ Once you plan to resume migrations, the migration team (including the MVM and MEL) needs an additional one (1) week of
notification apart from regular T-14 days (Exchange, Gmail, Google Drive, File Share, Box, GroupWise, and IMAP) and T-21
days (Lotus Notes). During that week you need to share all new credentials and account details with the team in order to
rerun the test migrations.
Monthly system maintenance
▪ Monthly system maintenance is performed on the third weekend of every month between the hours of 05:00 UTC on
Saturday and 24:00 UTC on Sunday. You have the option of scheduling events outside of this maintenance window or
allowing the jobs to be paused and resumed as needed during the maintenance.
▪ During this time machines may need to be rebooted which may restart any in-progress migrations. We monitor all jobs to
ensure they are restarted successfully after maintenance is completed. If you have migrations scheduled during this time,
you can leave them running but should expect some delays in processing. As an alternative, you can remove users from a
batch that’s expected to run into the maintenance window and reschedule them at a later date or reschedule the entire batch.
Your MVM can help plan for maintenance windows in your schedule.
Calendar year (CY) 2018 global blackout dates − Non-ITAR migration team
Date Holiday Last migration window First following migration window
Monday, 1-January-18 New Year’s Day December 29th, 20:00 UTC January 2nd, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 26-January-18 Republic Day January 25th, 20:00 UTC January 29th, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 2-March-18 Holi March 1st, 20:00 UTC March 5th, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 30-March-18 Good Friday March 29th, 20:00 UTC April 2nd, 02:00 UTC
Tuesday, 1-May-18 May Day / Labor Day April 30th, 20:00 UTC May 2nd, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 15-August-18 Independence Day August 14th, 20:00 UTC August 16th, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 13-September-
Ganesh / Vinayak Chaturthi September 12th, 20:00 UTC September 14th, 02:00 UTC
Tuesday, 2-October-18 Gandhi Jayanthi October 1st, 20:00 UTC October 3rd, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 18-October-18 Dussehra / Vijayadasami October 17th, 20:00 UTC October 22nd, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 19-October-18 Dussehra / Vijayadasami (Blr) October 17th, 20:00 UTC October 22nd, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 1-November-
Kannada Rajyotsava October 31st, 20:00 UTC November 2nd, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 7-November-18 Diwali November 6th, 20:00 UTC November 11th, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 8-November-18 Diwali (Blr) November 6th, 20:00 UTC November 11th, 02:00 UTC
Tuesday, 25-December-18 Christmas December 24th, 20:00 UTC December 26th, 02:00 UTC
In the event a migration is required to start on a blackout date above, the MVM can submit an exception request.
Migration scheduling tips Americas
Most of our customers in the Americas use either Window 1, Group 1 (W1G1) which starts at 10PM
EDT/9PM EST or Window 3 Group 2 (W3G2)* which starts at 7PM EDT/6PM EST as these cover the
maximum off-business hours.
To keep the scheduling and post-migration task simple and give the maximum
possible time available for migrations performed in either a single batch or day, we recommend
scheduling users in the same Window/Group combination throughout the velocity.
If you have users located in other continents (regions) with varied time zones, you can select other
Window/Group combinations to accommodate their off-business hours.
We recommend a single Window/Group combination per region.
Sync Client (if not yet deployed).
• A preflight check is a check to verify that file share migration is ready (or not).
• The following list includes some of the checks we perform to mark a user as Preflight Passed or Failed.
• The service account (the account used to log on to migration server) has read access on the file
• The user account (the target address provided in the schedule file) has an object created in Office
• The target address provided has a OneDrive for Business license assigned.
• The team site provided in the schedule file is valid in SharePoint Online (for file share to team site
Post- Migration issue types
Determine if there is any missing content in SharePoint
migration: Online team sites or OneDrive for Business after migration.
FastTrack Process
Create migration issues tracker in the portal (Microsoft).
Remediation steps
Assist in troubleshooting reported issues (Microsoft).
Correct issue or rerun migration, depending on the issue
reported and recommendation given (customer).
Plan ahead
Inventory Manager should be run for all
Migration dates, Windows, and Groups are
users in the org at least one (1) week
posted in UTC
before the pilot starts
Migration servers to be built as per Don’t modify the headers of the scheduling
recommended configuration and settings file
FastTrack Center Velocity Team works 24 Schedule the file shares based on numbers
hours a day, five days a week (24x5) of files and size of the file share
Passwords are reset every 70 days Plan for and ensure users are licensed
Next steps
Customer activity FastTrack Center contact for assistance
If you want these files migrated, a SharePoint Online admin can change
this default setting prior to migration.
For more information, see Turn scripting capabilities on or off.
Long URL path
Files and folders with a long path (for example, deeply nested folders and
long names) fail to migrate.
The entire combined path of folder name and filename in the target can
have up to 400 characters.
For more information, see Restrictions and limitations when you sync
SharePoint libraries to your computer through OneDrive for Business.
Folders and files like these are identified by our Inventory Manager,
assuming 50 characters for the tenant name by default.
Customers can refer to the assessment report and reorganize folders and
If not remediated, these failures are captured during migration and are
reported in the migration report.
Files larger than
15 GB SharePoint Online supports files up to 15 GB in size. Depending on the
file system of your source, larger files may exist and won’t migrate.
Monday, 1-January-18 New Year's Day December 29th, 20:00 UTC January 2nd, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 15-January-18 Martin Luther King Day January 12th , 20:00 UTC January 16th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 19-February-18 President’s Day February 16th, 20:00 UTC February 20th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 28-May-18 Memorial Day May 25th, 20:00 UTC May 29th, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 4-July-18 Independence Day July 3rd, 20:00 UTC July 5th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 3-September-18 Labor Day August 31st, 20:00 UTC September 4th, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 22-November-
Thanksgiving Day November 21st, 20:00 UTC November 26th, 02:00 UTC
Friday, 23-November-18 Day after Thanksgiving November 21st, 20:00 UTC November 26th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 24-December-18 Christmas Eve December 21st, 20:00 UTC December 26th, 02:00 UTC
Tuesday, 25-December-18 Christmas Day December 21st, 20:00 UTC December 26th, 02:00 UTC
CY 2018 regional blackout dates − Poland migration team
Date Holiday Last migration window First following migration window
Tuesday, 2-January- December 29th, 20:00
As the Three Kings holiday falls on Saturday January 3rd, 02:00 UTC
18 UTC
Monday, 2-April-18 Easter Monday March 30th, 20:00 UTC April 3rd, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 3-May-18 Constitution Day May 2nd, 20:00 UTC May 4th, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 31-May-18 Corpus Christi May 30th, 20:00 UTC June 1st, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 1-
All Saints October 31st, 20:00 UTC November 2nd, 02:00 UTC
The Poland migration team observes holidays on January 1st, May 1st, and December 25th which overlap with the global
blackout dates.
During the regional holidays listed here, the India migration team may cover migrations for commercial customers if
CY 2018 regional blackout dates – China migration team
Date Holiday Last migration window First following migration window
Thursday, 15-February-18 -
Spring Festival February 14th, 20:00 UTC February 22nd, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 21-February-18
Thursday, 5-April-18 Tomb Sweeping Festival April 4th, 20:00 UTC April 6th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 18-June-18 Dragon Boat Day June 15th, 20:00 UTC June 19th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 24-September-18 Mid-Autumn Day 21st, 20:00 UTC September 25th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 1-October-18 -
National Day September 30th, 20:00 UTC October 8th, 02:00 UTC
Sunday, 7-October-18
The China migration team observes holidays on January 1st and May 1st which overlap with the global blackout dates.
During the regional holidays listed here, the India migration team may cover migrations for commercial customers if
CY 2018 regional blackout dates – UK migration team
Date Holiday Last migration window First following migration window
Monday, 2-April-18 Easter Monday March 30th, 20:00 UTC April 3rd, 08:00 UTC
Monday, 7-May-18 May Day May 4th, 20:00 UTC May 8th, 08:00 UTC
Monday, 28-May-18 Last May Bank Holiday May 25th, 20:00 UTC May 29th, 08:00 UTC
Monday, 27-August-18 Summer Bank Holiday August 24th, 20:00 UTC August 28th, 08:00 UTC
Wednesday, 26-December-
Boxing Day December 24th, 20:00 UTC December 27th, 08:00 UTC
The UK migration team observes holidays on January 1st , March 30th, and December 25th which overlap with the global
blackout dates.
During the regional holidays listed here, the India migration team may cover migrations for commercial customers if
CY 2018 regional blackout dates – German migration team
Date Holiday Last Migration Window First Following Migration Window
Saturday, 6-January-18 Epiphany January 5th, 20:00 UTC January 8th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 2-April-18 Easter Monday March 29th, 20:00 UTC April 3rd, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 10-May-18 Ascension Day May 9th, 20:00 UTC May 11th, 02:00 UTC
Monday, 21-May-18 Whit Monday May 18th, 20:00 UTC May 22nd, 02:00 UTC
Thursday, 31-May-18 Corpus Christi May 30th, 20:00 UTC June 1st, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 3-October-18 Day of German Unity October 2nd, 20:00 UTC October 4th, 02:00 UTC
Wednesday, 26-December-
Christmas Day December 24th, 20:00 UTC December 27th, 02:00 UTC
The German migration team observes holidays on January 1st , March 30th, May 1st, November 1st, and December 25th which
overlap with the global blackout dates. During the regional holidays listed here, the India migration team may cover
migrations for commercial customers if required.
Migration scheduling tips Asia Pacific Japan (APJ)
Most of our customers in APJ use either Window 2, Group 1 (W2G1) or Window 2, Group 2 (W2G2)
as these cover the maximum off-business hours.*
To keep the scheduling and post-migration task simple and give the maximum
possible time available for migrations performed in either a single batch or day, we recommend
scheduling users in the same Window/Group combination throughout the velocity.
If you have users located in other continents (regions) with varied time zones, you can select other
Window/Group combinations to accommodate their off-business hours.
We recommend a single Window/Group combination per region.
We recommend to schedule accounts more than 25 GB in size to start on Fridays during W3G2.
Migration scheduling tips Europe Middle East Africa (EMEA)
Most of our customers in EMEA use either Window 2, Group 3 (W2G3)* which starts at 6 PM UTC or
Window 3, Group1 (W3G1) which starts at 8 PM UTC as these cover maximum off-business hours.
To keep the scheduling and post-migration task simple and give the maximum
possible time available for migrations performed in either a single batch or day, we recommend
scheduling users in the same Window/Group combination throughout the velocity.
If you have users located in other continents (regions) with varied time zones, you can select other
Window/Group combinations to accommodate their off-business hours.
We recommend a single Window/Group combination per region.
• We recommend to schedule accounts more than 25 GB in size to start on Fridays during W3G2.
Confirm OneDrive for Business storage starts at 1 TB
and the maximum storage depends on the plan purchased.
For more information, see:
storage • OneDrive for Business service description
Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. Get more details.
*Internet Explorer 8 and 9 stopped working with SharePoint Online and OneDrive for
Business in mid-2016.
Mobile devices
Windows: Office mobile applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote) require
Windows 10.
iOS: Office for iPad® and iPhone® requires iOS 8.0 or higher.
Android: Android KitKat 4.4 or later version and have an ARM-based or Intel x86
Mobile browsers: Any mobile browser supported by Microsoft may be used, including
the Intune-managed browser.
team sites
Cloud, on-premises, Cloud, on-premises,
Deployment options
hybrid hybrid
Platform accessibility ⚫ ⚫
Active Directory integration ⚫ ⚫
Data loss prevention Office 2016 Office 2016
OneDrive for
and support Encryption (at rest and in transit) ⚫ ⚫
Rights management ⚫ ⚫
Auditing and reporting Office 2016 Office 2016
Enterprise Publishing Team collaboration Project collaboration Communities
E3: eDiscovery center P2: Corp function 2 PC1.2: Org unit B C2: Community 2
TC2: Org unit 2 teams
Pre-migration Extraction
Migration mapping and
Content remediation Loc Infrastructure
note: Updated set up Content export from source
migration scheduling
Post-migration* Ingestion
Validate Correct data connections Deploy SharePoint Content import into target
Configure sites
migration results and embedded links Add-ins