Turaka 2021 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1136 012033

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Computational fluid dynamics and thermal analysis of a lithium-ion

battery with different cooling system for electric vehicles
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IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

Computational fluid dynamics and thermal analysis of a

lithium-ion battery with different cooling system for electric

Seshaiah Turaka1, P.Obulu2 and K.Vijaya Kumar Reddy3

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, QIS College of
Engineering & Technology Ongole, India
2M, Tech Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, QISCE&T, India.
3Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad,

E-mail: seshaiah1538@gmail.com, obulkumar21@gmail.com,


Abstract. Lithium-ion batteries are the main bases available for electric vehicles and hybrid
electric vehicles, because of clean energy transportation as compared to other power sources
developed by traditional I.C Engines. In order to get high discharging Lithium-ion batteries
battery condition, there is a significant temperature difference should be maintained in
between battery temperature and appropriate local temperature. In this paper presents the
model designed with different type of heat pipe shapes modeling in CREO parametric
software and analyzes the heat pipe with different mass flow inlets (30& 50L/min) thermal
thermal analysis done in ANSYS to determine the temperature distribution and heat flux for
two types of phase change materials (RT50 & Li Fe PO4). Also, Computational Fluid
Dynamics analysis (CFD) is to calculate pressure (pa), velocity (m/s), heat transfer
coefficient (w/m2 k), mass flow rate (kg/sec) and heat transfer rate (w) for the different
designs of heat pipe and different mass flow inlets. It has been observed that in thermal
analysis the heat flux value is more for lithium ion phosphate phase change material (Li Fe
PO4) than RT50 phase change material at U-bend heat pipes. Similarly in CFD analysis
observed that mass flow rate (kg/sec), heat transfer rate (w), heat transfer coefficient
(w/m2 k) values are increases by increasing the mass flow inlets and heat transfer rate more
at straight type heat pipes as compared to bend type.
Keywords: Lithium-Ion Battery, Cooling System, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermal

1. Introduction
Lithium-particle battery (LIB) has gotten significant considerations for footing utilizes because of the
higher vitality thickness, efficient power capacities, decreases the voltage and minimizes the nuclear
mass contrasted with advanced battery innovations [1]. Basically, Lithium-particle battery (LIB)
incorporates various parts i.e electrolyte, separator, anode and cathode are taken into work, as indicated
by useful inclusion removal process. The Lithium-particle battery cells are designed in different shapes
of structures [2]. Yutaohuo et.al [3] has directed a test in design and advancement of electrical vehicle
to outline an execution of electric vehicle innovation taking things down a notch. Here we saw how to

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IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

plan an electric vehicle with less cost and have learned about different parts that is required to structure
an electric vehicle. It shows that electrical battery worked vehicle is more appropriate than other
vehicle on the grounds that the expense of the power is low and furthermore upkeep cost is less.
Liwufan et.al [4] have studied the manufacture of fitted a dynamo in the bike which is in contact with
the back wheel, its results shows that creates the free energy bicycle and a less expensive. Fanhe.X.Li
et.al [5] has studied on the subject of renewable energy sources is useful for continuous electric
vehicles (EVs) battery charging is limit within portable. This paper introduces and considers on
sustainable power source use, by incorporating sun oriented and wind vitality for constant electric
vehicle battery charging limit in portability. Here, the force for electric vehicle is created from sun
based cells and wind turbine and it is sustained to the battery for charging the inverter. Hong.G.S et.al
[6] led an examination on Electric vehicle which depends on the idea of charging the batteries of an
electric vehicle when it is moving. When all is said in done the vitality stockpiling limit of the battery
utilized in electric vehicle is low contrast with the customary energizes utilized in present day cars.
Consequently they have discovered a technique to revive the battery utilizing inexhaustible asset.
Anthony.J et.al [7] studied the warm exhibition of modified electric vehicle battery packs and modules,
Also observed along these lines, to get the gauge of the warm presentation, the warmth move standards
and limited component investigation programming have been utilized.
Based on the exhaustive literature no author has been to study the comparative of thermal and CFD
analysis is performed on the different models of a Lithium-Ion battery (straight type and bend type),
various cooling systems for electric vehicles using a different phase-change materials (RT50 & Li Fe
PO4), and its heat pipes carrying different mass flow rates at 30 and 50 lit/min. As a result of, heat
transfer rate (w), mass flow rate(kg/sec), heat transfer coefficient values(w/m2k) and heat flux (w/m2)
value is more for lithium ion phosphate phase change material (Li Fe PO4) than the RT50 phase
change material at U-bend heat pipes.

2. Modeling of different cold plate of heat pipes

The various types of heat pipes are required for thermal and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
analysis of a lithium-ion battery (LIB) cooling system for electric vehicles (EVs) and its containing
different material of heat pipes are modeled (Straight heat pipes & Bend type heat Pipes) in CATIA
V5 as shown in Fig.1

Figure 1. Various cold plate designs (a) Straight Type (b) Bend Type
They are light in weight, have phenomenal erosion obstruction and the capacity to withstand
outrageous temperatures [8]. The itemized mechanical properties of chosen materials are in Table 1
Table 1.Material properties of the heat pipes
Type of the part Density Specific heat Thermal
(kg/m3) (j/kg-1oC) conductivity
(w/m-1 oC-1)

Copper 8910 380 390

Graphite 1340 1427 1342
Electrolyte 1370 1370 0.52

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

LiCoO2 711 711 3.5

Aluminium 897 897 230
Separator 1532 1532 0.31
Cooling fans 2719 871 202.4
Heat pipes 2920 126.8 11940
Battery outer case 2688 905 1
Phase change materials
753 2000 0.2
(PCM) RT50
Phase change materials
853 2800 0.35
(PCM ) Li Fe PO4

3. Computational Tools
3.1Thermal analysis of cooling plate’s designs
The vital role of the conceptual advancement of thermal management is designed based on a cooling
response of a lithium ion battery and its solicitations. A liquid cooling system is one of the maximum
appropriate methods for significant lithium battery package stimulating and discharged at
sophisticated heat transfer coefficient rate and in maximum temperature atmosphere conditions [9].
So, its advancement of thermal management system is essential for maintaining and controlling the
electric car battery pack temperature. Also, in addition with both LIB and LPB have the more internal
resistance energy transportation their performance and its life of the battery in electric car can be
affected by the operating temperature [10]
3.2 Different cold plate designs
The various cold plate modeling’s are represented in Fig. 2(a), (b) (c) and (d) have the dimensions of
150 mm ×26 mm ×230 mm. From Figure 2(a) considered by five traditional cooling straits is equally
distributed lengthwise breadth of cold design flat-plates. The input connection straits are located at
central in order to get extra flow rates at central of the cold- plate design. The output connection strait
is placed at interior of the bottom to improve the hot liquid system. From Figure 2(b) contains first
make cold strait having an input and output ends on the left and right hand sides of the design cold
plate respectively. From Figure 2(c) considered by four-straight cooling straits, where the overall flow
rate is divided homogenously into the different lines. From Figure 2(d) containing same specific
characteristics more than Fig.2 (b), conversely in-between helping with flowing design is prescribed

Figure 2.Dissimilar designs of cold plates for thermal analysis

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

3.3 Mesh Generation and CFD Methodology

In this model, the physical geometry, mesh and boundary conditions of the problem are well-defined.
This defined problem described in terms of the fluid behaviour, material behaviour at the boundaries
of the defined meshed problem as shown in Fig.3(a) and Fig.3(b) and Fig.4(a) and Fig.4(b). For
thermal and CFD analysis, i.e. initial conditions are defined and their simulations results compare
with the analytical equations are solved iteratively as a thermal and CFD analytical equations.

Figure 3 (a) Modelled and (b) Mesh generation of straight cooling channels

Figure 4 (a) Modeled and (b) Mesh generation of Phase Change Material (PCM) Type

3.4 Mathematical modeling and Analytical equations

3.4.1 Problem Definition. The battery stacks utilized for electric vehicles incorporate numerous battery
units associated in arrangement and its every battery unit is shaped by various cells the frequently
connected in arrangement; and each unit cell carry various deposits (layers) comprising two slight
deposits of graphite attached on a copper foil, 2-layers of LiCoO2 attached on an aluminum oil, an
electrolyte deposit among the cathodes, and a partition among the adjoining cells. Thickness, design
and warm are the actual properties of layers are appeared as shown in Table1.The electrochemical
responses are
Anode: LiC6 C6+ Li+ +e- -------- (1)
Anode: CoO2 + Li +e-
LiCoO2 -------- (2)
Overall: CoO2 + LiC6 + LiCoO2 +C6 -------- (3)

From the above equations (1) to (3), the electrochemical reactions will be during a discharging
The effectiveness of battery stacks of thermal management is determined by the following equation
α = Vol.of cooling conduit/vol. of battery system -------- (4)
α = density of battery unit

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

Cooling efficiency defined as the heat removal rate to the cooling power depletion/consumption
β = heat removal rate /cooling power consumption -------- (5)
Where β represents the higher energy efficiency
The two important factors are taken for design of lithium batteries stacks i.e. flat plate and bend type.
From Fig.5 (a).the flat-design the battery unit contains a no.of battery a stack, the cooling is circulated
among the battery stacks. From Fig 5(b) observed that boundaries should be considered on both sides
of a stack in x-direction. From Fig.5(c) observed that the corresponding computational domains of the
grid and engages for the design of flat plate stack batteries.

Figure 5(a). Lithium-ion battery stack of flat plate Figure 5(b).CFD region for lithium- ion battery

Figure 5(c). Meshing with grid size of a lithium-ion battery

3.4.2 Conservative calculation.

The mass conservative calculation of the air in conserving system =  . a v  = 0 ----- (6)
Where ρa = density of air (kg/m3), v = velocity vector air
The characterization calculation momentum of system of air =

 a v  + . a v&v&  p ---- (7)
Where pa = pressure of a fluid
The energy conservation calculation for air =

 a c paTa   . a c pa v&Ta  .k aTa  ---- (8)
Where Ta is the temperature of air in oC, Ka is the heat conduct of air in w/m-1 oc-1 and Cpa is the
isochoric specific heat transfer of substance i.e. air in jkg-1 oC-1

The energy conservation calculation for battery =
b c pbTb  .kbTb   ST ---- (9)
Where ST = heat generation rate/volume (wm-3), ρb = average battery density (kg/m3), Cpb = specific
heat of battery (jkg-1 oC-1), Tb = temperature of battery (oC), Kb = heat transfer conductivity of lithium-
ion battery (w/m-1 oC-1) [jingzhi et.al]

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 CFD analysis of different cold plate designs
The mean Pressure is 8.41e+07Pa relying upon the form map, and the base pressure is 2.56e+06Pa.
The general speed of the impeller inside the limit, as per the form map, and the base speed extent
outside the limit. The middle speed is 1.61 e+03m/s as indicated by the form plot above and the base
speed is 1.61e+02m/s. As found in Table 2, the pressure, velocity and heat transfer coefficient form
plot for 30lit/min and 50lit/min is found in Fig 6, to Fig.7. The weight and speed for edge points is
high at 50lit/min from these weight and speed forms for different edge points [11].

Figure 6 (a) Pressure (b) velocity and (c) Heat Transfer coefficient of Material- RT50 (Phase Change
Material) at mass flow rate at 30 lit/min

Figure 7 (a) Pressure (b) velocity and (c) Heat Transfer coefficient of Material- Li Fe Po 4 (Phase
Change Material) at mass flow rate at 30 lit/min
Table2 CFD analysis results of different cold plate designs
Flow Heat transfer
Pressure Velocity Mass flow rate Heat transfer
Models rate coefficient
(Pa) (m/s) (kg/s) rate(W)
(lit/min) (w/m2-k)
Design1 30 2.47e+02 5.77e-01 3.23e+03 8.1002e-05 18.507813
heat pipes) 50 5.92e+02 9.57e-01 4.92e+03 0.0002552 58.59375
Design2 30 2.06e+05 8.58e+00 3.70e+04 0.0069425 1592.7266
(Bend type
heat pipes) 50 3.98e+05 1.44e+01 5.95e+04 0.008344 1913.5
4.2 Thermal Analysis of different cold plate designs
In these examination the fit model is imported and afterward we apply limit conditions like
weight and speed is applied on inlet for 30lit/min and 50lit/min and apply the materials RT50 (Phase
Change Material) and Li Fe Po4 (Phase Change Material) subsequently we compute temperature and
Heat flux as shown in Fig 8,to Fig.11 and their values as shown in Table 3.From these figures the
minimum and maximum values of temperature and heat flux, values occurs at 30lit/min and 50lit/min
as [12] shown in Fig 8 to Fig.11.

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

Figure.8 (a) Temperature and (b) Heat flux of Material- RT50 (Phase Change Material) at mass flow rate at 30 lit/min

Figure 9 (a) Temperature and (b) Heat flux of Material- Li Fe Po4 (Phase Change Material) at mass flow rate at 30 lit/min

Figure 10 (a) Temperature and (b) Heat flux of Material- RT50 (Phase Change Material) at mass flow rate at 50 lit/min

Figure 11 (a) Temperature and (b) Heat flux of Material- RT50 (Phase Change Material) at mass flow rate at 50 lit/min

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

Table 3. Thermal analysis results of cold plate designs

Flow Temperature(0C)
Models rate Material Heat flux (w/mm2)
(lit/min) Min Max

PCM RT50 19.213 80 0.020264

Design1 PCM Li Fe PO4 17.838 80 0.031486
(straight heat pipes) PCM RT50 12.928 80 0.022175
PCM Li Fe PO4 12.922 80 0.0315
PCM RT50 12.961 80 0.014355
Design 2 30
PCM Li Fe PO4 12.913 80 0.014391
(bend type heat
PCM RT50 12.007 80 0.014376
pipes) 50
PCM Li Fe PO4 12.91 80 0.014393

4.00E+05 30(lit/min)
3.60E+05 50(lit/min)

(straight heat pipes)(bend type heat pipes)

Figure 12. Pressure Vs different cold plate designs

Figure 13. Mass flow rate Vs different cold plate designs

IC4M 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1136 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1136/1/012033

Figure 14. Heat flux Vs Flow rate for Phase Change Materials (PCMs)
5. Conclusion
In thesis the modeling in CREO parametric software and analysis done in ANSYS. The model
designed with different type of heat pipe shapes and analyses the heat pipe with different mass flow
inlets (30& 50L/min).
A significant improvement obtained from the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) heat transfer
rate(w), mass flow rate (kg/sec) and heat transfer coefficient(w/m2k) values are increases by increasing
the mass flow inlets and heat transfer rate more at design 2 (box type heat pipes).Similarly, in thermal
finite analysis the results of heat-flux values (w/m2) are more significant for lithium ion phosphate
phase change material than RT50 phase change material at design 2 (U-bend heat pipes) So it can be
concluded the design 2 (U-bend type heat pipes) is better model for Lithium-ion power battery cooling


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