Efficient Relay Station Placement Strategy For Broadband Wireless Networks - 4G

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Efficient Relay Station Placement Strategy for

Broadband Wireless Networks – 4G

Nivedita M, Gunasekaran Raja
Department of Computer Technology
Anna University, MIT Campus
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
nivemurugan@gmail.com, gunamit@rediffmail.com

Abstract— WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave efficient location for the RS is needed to enhance the capacity
Access) is the emerging broadband wireless access technology of the system [12].
that allows interoperability and combines the benefits offered by Both the BS and RS placement in multi-hop relay networks
other wireless networking technologies. This allows WiMAX to has been dealt earlier [2] [17]. In this work, the Mixed-Integer
lead the path towards 4G. To meet the growing demand for
Linear Program (MILP) is formulated by considering the
throughput, and in order to relay traffic for Subscriber Stations
(SS), Relay station (RS) is introduced by WiMAX networks. The characteristics of the system and allocation of network’s
coverage area of a Base Station (BS) can be extended by RSs. It is bandwidth downlink transmission of data. The cooperative
not easy to install many BSs which involve more cost and strategies and capacity theorems for relay networks are dealt
infrastructure this type of architecture is suitable for rural areas. by Kramer et al [10]. Shihong Zou et al. proposed the Relay-
The problem of finding location to place the RS exists in these Aided Media Access (RAMA) protocol to be used in general
broadband WiMAX networks. To solve this problem, an efficient wireless networks [20]. Improved approximation algorithms
RS placement strategy is proposed in this work. The RS have been discussed for relay placement in [7].
placement will increase the throughput of the network. For the
given MS distribution this algorithm will give the efficient results RS were introduced to improve the coverage, throughput,
for the relay location planning. The throughput is to be improved and system capacity [14]. RSs are placed between BS and
further by taking into account the frequency reuse concept and Mobile Station (MS). Two types of RSs are defined for the
the inter-cell interference caused due to it. The simulation result WiMAX multi hop networks, Transparent Relay Stations
depicts the performance of the proposed algorithm. (TRSs) and Non Transparent Relay Stations (NTRS) [13].
Keywords- Relay placement, Throughput, Frequency Reuse, TRSs will simply decode and forward the data packets that
Inter-cell interference they receive to their destinations and they do not have any
control on the channel usage and resource allocation to the
I. INTRODUCTION network. TRSs when connected to an MS will appear
IEEE 802.16 is considered as a “last mile” broadband transparent to that MS. MS regards that it is being connected
wireless access to conventional Digital Subscriber Line and to the BS itself. NTRSs will operate in dedicated frequency
Cable Internet. The spectrum range of the WiMAX networks bands [9]. NTRS and BS will operate in different frequency
is more than 10-20 MHz, and the bandwidth delivered by bands and hence the BS-NTRS and NTRS-MS links have no
these networks is up to 75 Mbps. Though bandwidth contention between them. NTRS can able to control the
efficiency is given by WiMAX, there exists a challenge to channel usage and the resource allocation to the network. For
improve the network throughput. The first challenge is to these reasons, NTRS is more expensive than TRS.
eliminate or reduce coverage holes. The high path-loss and RSs are normally placed at the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) from
effect of shadowing is caused by obstacles like trees, large the BS, so that the throughput gain can be maximized. MSs
buildings, mountains, lakes etc., there would be some spots which is located in the cell edge may receive less signal
with poor network connectivity known as coverage holes. This strength from the nearest BS. Such MSs will get a sufficient
degrades the throughput of the system. Range extension is data rate it needs with the help of relay without experiencing
another challenge in the WiMAX network. The wireless the service outage. If an RS is placed very close to the BS or
connectivity should be given to the Non Line Of Sight near the cell center, then it is not beneficial for MSs which is
(NLOS) areas, which will not receive the signal from the BS present in the cell boundary and it may interfere with the RSs
near to it. Due to rapid growth in the number of cellular within the cell. On the other hand, if the RS is placed in the
subscribers and the scarcity of frequency spectrum, cellular cell edge it will experience interference with the RSs in the
systems are facing problem in providing satisfactory Signal to adjacent cell which will reduce the RSs coverage.
Noise Ratio (SNR) to the cell edge users. To solve the channel
fading and range extension problems, adding more base Unlike BSs, RS only covers a smaller region when it
stations would be an easy solution. However, given the high transmits. So, the frequency band can be reused when RS is
cost of deploying BSs, it would be too expensive. In such used in some parts of the cell. Hence the frequency reuse
cases, RSs are a cost- effective alternative. Moreover, an pattern has to be considered as a major part in planning the RS

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1601-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 282 ICRTIT-2012

location in a network. The frequency reusee will enhance the the benefits that the mobile rellays can provide to the wireless
throughput and it may lead to the co-chaannel interference. network [11]. Bin Lin et al. prroposed RS placement and relay
This paper deals with the location planning of the RS by time allocation in WiMAX networks so that the uneven
considering the frequency reuse and the interr-cell interference. distributed traffic demand of each SS is met in the cell as
The inter-cell interference will occur such thhat the MS in one well as will increase the system
s capacity. Abdulkareem
cell can receive the signal from the RS or BS from the Adinoyi and H.Yanikomeroglu investigated the distributed
neighboring cell [15]. So, the Inter-Cell Intterference is to be decode-and-forward fixed coooperative relays in a two-hop
found out and should be removed in ordeer to increase the wireless network, to remove thhe multiple antennas on wireless
performance of the network. terminals so that the burden cann be minimized [1].
The reminder of the paper is organizedd as follows: the The previous works regardding RS are mostly related to
related work regarding RS placement is revieewed in section II. coverage extension and throuughput enhancement. There are
In section III the RS placement algorithm m is proposed to only few works related to capacity
c maximization. In this
improve the capacity gain and throughput off the network. The paper, we have discussed abbout the RS placement which
numerical results are discussed in sectionn IV followed by maximizes the networks capaacity and will serve all the SS
conclusion and future work in section V. needs with the necessary data rates.
Hsiao-Chen Lu et al. proposed the num mber of TRSs and The base station coverage has been extended by placing
NTRSs required and where to deploy them m. Integer Linear relay node in a WiMAX netw work as shown in Fig. 1. Even
programming model is formulated for RS placement
p problem with multihop relay, each user will achieve one radio resource.
[9]. Gauri Joshi and Abhay Karandikar takee into account the The BS forms two directional beams
b to communicate with the
channel fading and inter-cell interference while
w dealing with two relay. The radio resourcee is shared in this transmission
RS placement problem [8]. The coverage raadius of the cell in using relays. The f1 and f2 aree the paired radio resources used
terms of the probability of correct decodding at a point is in the architecture. RSs andd MSs links share the radio
defined. The optimal RS position achieves maximum
m coverage resources. Each end-user em mploys a single pair of radio
radius, both for single cell and multi-cell scenarios
s is found resources on average.
out. Dejun Yang et al. studied the relay station placement
problem, which discussed about deploying a minimum number
of RSs to satisfy all data rate requests from Subscriber
S stations
via cooperative communications [6].
Zakhia Abichar et al. presented an opptimization model
which finds the number of RSs and locationns of these RSs to
serve a large number of customers. The problem of relay
station placement is formulated into a MILP.. Ahmed E. Kamal
et al. showed how this model can do the RS planning in a
network where the obstacles like mountainns, trees would be
present in real life scenarios [19]. Bin Lin et
e al. describes the
problem of capacity enhancement by optimizzing RS placement
along with bandwidth allocation in wirreless cooperative
networks [5]. R. Balakrishnan et al. proposeed that the mobile
relays have the potential to provide performaance improvements
under high speed user mobility and heavyy load conditions.
Improved handover mechanism for mobile relays r is proposed
[3]. Yang Yu et al. proposed a planning moodel for multi-hop
relay networks [16]. This model determ mines the optimal
locations of BSs and RSs, given a set of caandidate sites, user Figure 1. Extendding BS Coverage
demand and cost information. The fixed infrastructure ussage model is proposed where
Yang Yu et al. proposed a clustering appproach to solve a fixed relay stations are deployeed to extend the coverage of the
network planning problem for WiMAX rellay networks [18]. network and to enhance the throughput.
t A BS is generally
Bin Lin et al. proposed a dual-relay Mobille Multihop Relay located at the center of the ceell and the BS coverage area is
architecture, where the communication is relayed via two represented by α. RSs are usuaally deployed at the boundary of
available RSs cooperatively. The advvantage of this the BS coverage area. The coverage area of the RS is
architecture is its ability to achieve high thhroughput for the represented by β and it extendss the BS coverage area.
systems, better fault tolerance, robustness, and power saving Some MSs may be located out
o of the transmission (α) of the
[4]. Yang Yu et al. proposed two formulattions for planning BS. So, the MSs has to com mmunicate the BS through an
location of both BS and RS. Lei Xiao et al. presents
p a study of intermediate RS. The BS cell is divided (consisting of both α

283 ICRTIT-2012
and β) into a set of small areas as shown in Fig. 2. Let S edge. The inter-cell interference has to be evaluated and
denote the set of all coordinates in the extended BS cell and R rectified in order to increase the network’s performance. In
denote the set of all candidate coordinates for RS placement Fig. 4 the mobile station in one cell is receiving signal from
inthe cell. The optimal location of RS is chosen from any of RSs in both the cells. The inter-cell interference occurs in that
these R coordinate positions. MS.
Let Crelay be the capacity achieved while using RS between Input: Nrs, Nms, Nbs
BS and MS and Cdirect denotes the direct transmission from BS Output : Rsmax
to MS without the intermediate RS. Then the capacity gain is Begin
calculated using the equation (1). Max = Grs[1];
Gain Calculation in RS list,
for k=1 to n do
Capacity gain = ( Crelay - Cdirect ) / Cdirect (1)
Grsi = (Crelay – Cdirect) / Cdirect
Sort Grs;
for i = 0 to n do
Position of BS for j=i+1 to rscount do
α n1=sizeof(rs[i])
Possible positions for k=0 to n1 do
of RS if(rs[0][i]==rs[j][k]) then
remove (rs[j][k])
β end
Figure 2. Coverage of BS and RS remove rs[0];
If (resources > threshold) then
A. Relay Station Placement Algorithm goto end;
else goto loop;
The input to the relay station placement algorithm is the end.
number of BS, RS and MS. Every location in the cell is the
possible candidate locations for the RS deployment. The BS
cell is divided into many annular sectors. The main objective Figure 3. Relay Station Placement Algorithm
is that the RS which is to be deployed must give the
transmission with high capacity gain when compared to the The users especially at the cell edge will suffer low signal
direct transmission from BS to MS. strength and low throughput. If the fractional frequency reuse
concept is used the spectral efficiency for the user at the cell
The initial candidate position for the RS is generated in the
center will be maximized. It also improves the signal strength
BS coverage area. It is recorded in the RS list. Each RS
and throughput of the users located at the cell edge.
maintains its MS list that it is likely to be served by them. The
total gain provided by all the RSs is calculated. Choose the RS
that provide highest gain to the network. Then remove the
MSs served by the chosen RS from other RS’s serving MS
list. This helps to avoid the interference in the MS by many
RSs. The algorithm proceeds until the resources exceed the
certain threshold. - BS

The RS location which provides high capacity gain is - RS

selected using the proposed algorithm shown in Fig. 3. The - MS
Frequency reuse factor is considered as one of the constraint
along with inter-cell interference. If the frequency resource is Figure 4. Representation of Inter-cell Interference
reused then the throughput of the network will increase. The
frequency reuse factor should be considered high in case of IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS
relay assisted cellular transmission. If the frequency reuse The Simulation is done by using Network Simulator-3, a
factor increases, then the cell size automatically increases. The discrete event simulator. Simulation time is discretely moved
frequency reuse in the network may cause the Inter-cell from one event to other event. Simulation programs are C++
Interference in the network. The frequency reuse factor should executables or python scripts. We have implemented using
be kept less at the cell center and higher than that at the cell C++ program.

284 ICRTIT-2012
The time delay between the transmission and reception of in the paper. The capacity gain is calculated both for direct
packets is calculated. The userid is used to identify the source transmission between BS and MS and by using RS between
and the destination nodes and the sequence number is used for them. The capacity gain is high when we use RS in the
the verification of the order of the packets transmitted. Then network as shown in Fig. 5. The throughput of the network is
the delay is calculated by taking the difference between the calculated for different distance between BS and MS with and
transmitting time and the receiving time. without RS. The throughput of the network is increased due to
Two types of trace files are generated namely pcap files and RS as shown in Fig. 6.
xml files.The pcap file generated during the program
execution is given as input to the wireshark to capture the
packets transmitted. It gives the information regarding the 4.5
source, destination, time of transmission and protocol used for 4

transfer. The trace details are generated by the wireshark. The 3.5
simulation parameters are listed in table I. 3
Parameter Value 1
No. of Base Stations 2 0.5
No. of Relay Stations 6 0
No. of Mobile Stations 10 0 200 400 600
No. of interfering cells 2
Cell Radius 1 km Distance between BS and MS[m]
Throughput of the cell without RS
System bandwidth 20 MHz
Center Frequency 5000 MHz Throughput of the cell with RS

While executing the cc files, the xml files are generated.

The xml files are given to NetAnim to visualize the node Figure 6. Comparative analysis of the cell throughput in a WiMAX
positions and the packet transmission. NetAnim is used to network
animate simulations based on wireless-links. We can able to
know the packet statistics, node position with node trajectory, V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
path in which the node moves. Thus the node’s functionality is In this paper, the RS placement strategy in the WiMAX
identified in the WiMAX network. network is studied which improves the network performance.
By adding relays to the WiMAX network, there will be
improvement in the achievable data rate per user. An efficient
28 heuristic algorithm is proposed to determine the locations of
relay station deployment, with a given MS distribution. The
24 relay station greatly extends the coverage area of the network.
Capacity Gain[%]

20 The delay in transmission is calculated. The capacity gain of

the network is calculated and the best RS location is chosen
16 based on that. The throughput of the network is found out for
12 different RS locations in the network. The frequency reuse
factor is considered further and by taking the inter-cell
8 interference ratio into constraint the maximum throughput
4 yielding RS location has to be found out.
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