UE 461 Intro. To GIS - 12
UE 461 Intro. To GIS - 12
UE 461 Intro. To GIS - 12
Printed Notes
• Demonstration
• Exercise and practical application Project
beamer is used for theoretical and practical
lab secession and theoretical course.
Letter grade Description Range of grade Grade point
A Excellent >=90 4
A- Very good >=85 3.67
B+ Good >=80 3.33
B Good >=75 3
B- Good >=70 2.67
C+ Satisfactory >=65 2.33
C Satisfactory >=50 2
C- Unsatisfactory <45 and >=49 1.67
D Unsatisfactory <40 and >44 1
F Fail <40 0
What is GIS?
B.GIS Software Modules: the software of GIS may be split into five functional units:
Data Input and Verification: - Data input covers all aspects of capturing spatial
data from existing maps, field observations, sensors (aerial photography, satellites
and recording instruments) and converting them to a standard digital form.
Data storage and Database Management: concerns the way in which how to
manage data about the location, linkages (topology) and attributes of
geographical elements (points, lines, polygons and more complex entities
representing the objects on the earth’s surface).
Data Transformation:-Transformations can operate on the spatial, non-
spatial and topological aspects of the data, either separately or in
combination. Transformation needed to:-
1.remove errors from the data,
2.bring up-to-date data, and
3.Match them other data sets
Data Analysis:
Data Output and Presentation: Data output and presentation concerns
the way in which the data are displayed, and how the results of analyses
are reported for the users. Data may be presented as maps, tables and
figures (graphs and charts).
C. Data: Analysis of spatial data can be defined as computing new information that
provides new insight from the existing/ stored data
D. Proper Organizational Context and Skilled People:-These components of the
GIS used to balance the system in order to function satisfactorily. GIS designers
have realized that the requirements of users to retrieve and transform data are
properly organized.
People Software
Traditional GIS
town and country planning
monitoring of population migration
disperse of resources/services
• clinics, schools, etc
land form visualisation
visibility analysis
Purpose of GIS
complexity of management
due to the need to combine and process many
sets of data, in addition to judge as many as
possible, situation that might happen.
intense competition
the need to use technology in making decisions
and strategy in the world of intense competition.
Limitations of GIS
GIS data Models
We use GIS to analyze and to understand more about processes and
phenomena in the real world.
What is a Map?
A map is the reduced representation of all or part
of the surface of earth on a sheet of paper.
convey meaning and purpose for creation of the map
Any unit that includes all of the organisms (ie: the "community") in a
given area interacting with the physical environment so that a flow
of energy leads to clearly defined trophic structure, biotic diversity,
and material cycles (i.e.: exchange of materials between living and
nonliving parts)
railroads, buildings,
dams , and reservoirs,
C. Politically-defined areas
A. Politically-designated areas
Politically defined areas such as political divisions (countries)
and administrative divisions (states, provinces, counties,
municipalities, etc.) are examples –
their borders are set by humans and may not appear on the land
itself. Usually there is no line drawn on the ground to show the
border between two states, though sometimes there is a wall or a
fence, or even a minefield. Borders are often only drawn on maps.
B. Cartographical features
In general the poorer the quality of data, the poorer the decision. Bad
decision can have severe consequences, as ambulance can be sent to
wrong location.
These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and are often
used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or
governmental purposes.
land survey methods produce high quality data, but take a lot of time.
however, the system had been made available for civilian uses as well.
For producing location data of comparable quality.
Global Positioning System (GPS), Operated by the
United States military but open to civilian uses, GPS
provides users with accurate information about their
location and velocity anywhere in the world
GPS satellite in
Aerial Photography (photogrammetry)
cities and
villages, rivers and water bodies,
contours or elevation, etc—
are available for a large portion of the earth and these maps are
major sources of the GIS data base.
Statistical data
site selection,
direct mail, and
trade area analyses, and
by social scientists who seek to understand the
behavior of social system.
Data input Techniques
Geo-referenced data
Air photo
Satellite image
Tables of attribute
for a city with 100000 parcels, it would cost on the order of 1.50$
per parcel or 150000$ to digitize the city manually.
Use digitizing tablet & mouse with a cursor to trace points, lines and
polygons needed for particular data set.
GPS satellite in
F/ Remote sensing
Collecting data about the surface of the earth usually
using aircraft or space sensor
Attributes in a
Database ID Name Population
i.e., matrix of
D Yellow 5435
Main menu
Standard View Type
Tree Display
Create maps
Arc Toolbox
Map Projections