TC55H Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
TC55H Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
TC55H Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
Felicia Jia
Skype: feliciajia19861229
Whats app:+8613811674107
1. Product Introduction
TC55H is an upgrading version of TC55. It can control 4 feeding axis, 1 analog spindle. It is equipped with 16
input port and 8 output port, supporting importing files from USB stick.
2. Technical Specifications
Minimum data unit 0.001 mm
Maximum data size ± 99999.999mm
Maximum Speed: 9000mm/min (pulse is 0.001mm)
Maximum pulse output frequency 150KHz
Axis 1-4 (X,Y, Z,C)
X,Y,Z,C axis can conduct linear interpolation, X,Y can do circular interpolation.
Electric Gear: numerator :1-99999 denominator: 1-99999
USB: Importing program and boot picture
Isolated I/O port
Maximum Program Line: 5000
Maximum Program: 100
RAM: 128M
External Manual Operation: motor clockwise and counter clockwise spinning, start, pause, alert and stop
G code and M code
One panel MPG
3.5 inch color LCD, pixel 320*240
Analog Spindle Output: 1 0-10v analog spindle
Definition of external Switch
1. Main Interface
This is the interface showing after booting without boot picture. It shows the coordinates of each axis, F
speed and rate, S speed and rate, as well as condition of input and output port. P1000 means the program
currently running; 123 means the input method. You can get into the AUTO, JOG, PROG, PAR, USB as well
as password interface from here.
In Auto Interface, Press start to run the last read program, Press Pause to Stop.
2.1 Step
Positive display means consecutive operation. Negative display means operate command by command.
When it is negative display, press Start once, one program line will be executed.
3.4.2 Edit
3. Jog
● Press Shift to change output port, press Enter to change from ON or OFF.
● Press ↑ and ↓ for jogging, define the jog distance in PAR-Ctrl-Jog+Distance; define jog speed in
3.1 Speed
: Negative display means manual high speed, positive display means manual low speed. Press ←
3.2 MPG
Press MPG, then move the wheel up, the axis chosen move positively, move the wheel down, the chosen
axis move negatively. Press X10X100 to change the cardinal number which shown on the top of the screen.
3.3 BPZ
Press this key the chosen axis go back to reference point at highest speed. Define the highest speed in
3.4 All 0
Press this key the chosen axis go back to reference point at highest speed. Define the highest speed in
Parameters-Speed. F is the combination speed of all axis.
3.5 BMZ
Return to machine zero. The chosen axis will move at BMZ High Speed to go back to machine zero, then
touch the switch and move at BMZ Low Speed, finally stop on the switch. In order to use this function, the X
0/Y 0/Z 0/C 0 has to be set as “On” in Parameters-Ctrl; Set BMZ High and BMZ Low in Parameters-Speed;
Set the direction in Parameters-Ctrl-X BMZ Dir
4. PAR
4.1 Ctrl
Setting the electronic gear is to set different data unit for different machines. Different axis of the same
machine can be set based on different unit. For example, axis A can be set as mm, axis B can be set as angle,
and axis C can be set as round.
4.2 Speed
● X/Y/Z/C Highest: The highest speed of x axis motor. When the system is operating, speed will not
● BMZ low: Go back to machine zero first at high speed, through zero switch and move back at low speed.
● BMZ Mode: two modes to go back to machine zero, trough switch or not. Through switch(0): slider will
stop on switch. Not trough switch(1): Slider will stop before the switch.
4.3 Input
This function unable user to set various kind of switch easily. Define the I/O port according following form.
External Big switch is needed to finish external control. External switch is connected in the way of normal
open. Press R to change off into on, and S to choose N.O.(Normal Open). Then choose the IO Port number in
the blank.
Note: For safety consideration, limit and emergency stop input is usually set as N.C.(Normal Close).
Function Explanation
Alert Alert Input
Stop Emergency Stop Input
Run Outside(External) Run Switch Setting
Pause Outside(External) Pause Switch Setting
Speed+ Feed rate increase Switch Setting
Speed- Feed rate decrease Switch Setting
X Lim+ X axis Positive limit setting
X Lim- X axis Negative limit setting
X0 X axis zero switch setting
Man X+ X axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch
Man X- X axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch
X Boot Zero X axis go back to Machine zero after booting external manual switch
Y Lim+ Y axis Positive limit setting
Y Lim- Y axis Negative limit setting
Y0 Y axis zero switch setting
Man Y+ Y axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch
Man Y- Y axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch
Y Boot Zero Y axis go back to Machine zero after booting external manual switch
Z Lim+ Z axis Positive limit setting
4.4 Output
In this interface to define the open and close of 1-8 output port, then you can directly use in programming.
M03-M04 is spindle interlock.
4.5 FTY
4.6 Operation
● After changing the parameters, press ESC, here appears the window ask whether save the parameters or
not, press Enter and save, press ESC or Not to give up saving.
5. Prog
In this interface to edit, read, delete, save and create program files.
6. USB
1. Introduction
1.1 Program Name
The name of a Program in USB or in system has to be P+ number,
Like P1, P123, P1234
1.2 Code Explanation
Same Code might means differently in different place.
Code Number Range Meaning
N 0~9999 Sub program name
N 0~99999 Program Name
G 0~99 G code
X +0.001~ X axis
Y +99999.999 Y axis
Z (mm) Z axis
C C axis
R +0.001~ Radius
K 0.001~99999.999s Delay Time
F 0~99999 Feeding speed
S 0~99999r/min Spindle speed
M 00~99 M code
2.G Code
Non Modal G code:Valid only in this Program line
Modal G code: Valid until another G code of the same Group is used.
G Code Modal Format Function
G00 G00 X_ Y_ Z_ C_ Fast Positioning
G01 G00 X_ Y_ Z_ C_ F_ Linear Interpolation
G02 G02/G03 X_ Y_ R_ F_ Clock wise Interpolation
G03 Counter Clockwise Interpolation
G04 G04 Delay Time: s
G20 G20 Subprogram Call
Numbers after N : subprogram name and
repeat times
G22 G22 Nxxxx Subprogram Start
Numbers after N:subprogram name
2.1G00——Fast Positioning
Formula:G00 X_ Y_ Z_ C_
Note: Set the speed in Parameters-Speed.
Ex.:Tool move from A to B at fast speed.
Absolute Programming:
N001 G90
N002 G00 X138 Y80
N001 G90 G00 X138 Y80
Incremental Programming
N001 G91
N002 G00 X46 Y40
N001 G91 G00 X46 Y40
Absolute Programming:
N001 G90
N002 G00 X126 Y80 A→B
N003 G01 X84 Y120 F500 B→C
N004 G01 X84 Y160 F500 C→D
N005 G01 X126 Y160 F500 D→E
N006 G01 X84 Y200 F500 E→F
Incremental Programming:
N001 G91
N002 G00 X84 Y40 A→B
N003 G01 X-42 Y40 F500 B→C
N004 G01 Y40 F500 C→D
N005 G01 X42 F500 D→E
N006 G01 X-42 Y40 F500 E→F
Formula:G02 X_ Y_ R_ F_
(1)F is the speed
(2)Whole circle can not be finished one time
(3)R is the radius, “+R” used when <180°, “-R”used when >180°
(4)The distance between starting point and end point has to be smaller than 2R, otherwise it will not be
Absolute Programming:
N001 G90
N002 G02 X30 Y20 R15 F800 A→B
N003 G00 X10 Y50 B→C
Incremental Programming:
N001 G91
N002 G02 X20 Y10 R15 F800 A→B
N003 G00 X-20 Y30 B→C
Format:G03 X_ Y_ R_ F_
(1)F is the speed
(2)Whole circle can not be finished one time
(3)R is the radius, “+R” used when <180°, “-R”used when >180°
(4)The distance between starting point and end point has to be smaller than 2R, otherwise it will not be
Absolute Programming:
N001 G90
N002 G03 X30 Y20 R15 F800 A→B
N003 G00 X10 Y50 B→C
Incremental Programming:
N001 G91
N002 G03 X20 Y10 R15 F800 A→B
N003 G00 X-20 Y30 B→C
Ex:G04 K5
(1) xxxx means subprogram name, xxx means repeat times.
(2)Repeat time: 1~999
(3)If repeat time is 0 or not filled, G04 will be repeat once.
N010 G20 N234.10 Call the subprogram named 234, repeat 10 times
N100 G22 N234 Subprogram start, name as 234
N101 G91 Incremental Programming
N102 G01 X10 Y10 F500 Linear Interpolation
N103 G24 Subprogram End
2.7 G25——Skip
Format: G92 X_ Y_ Z_ C_
Note: Set current location as new coordinates
3.M Code
Code Functions
M02 Program End
M03 Spindle clockwise spinning
M04 Spindle counter clockwise spinning
M05 Spindle Stop
M51~M66 Corresponding output port open or close
(1) First find PAR-Output, input Output 1 for M51; then press Enter to turn “Off” to “On”; Press ESC,
Then press Enter to save.
(2) Press PROG, then New, type in a name, then press ENTER, and then you can start to edit;
N001 M03 S200 Spindle spin clockwise at 200r/min
N002 G04 K5 Delay 5s
N003 G01 X100 Y100 F1500 Linear Interpolation
N004 M04 S200 Spindle spin counter clockwise at 200r/min
N005 G04 K5 Delay 5s
N006 G01 X50 F1500 Linear Interpolation
N007 M05 Spindle stop
N008 M51 Output port 1 is connected
N009 M02 Program End
(3) After finishing edition, press Save, then press AUTO and Start to run.
S code is used to control the speed of the spindle, this controller use analog voltage controlling method to
control spindle speed.
Note: S code can not support power off memory.
EX: N001 M03 S1000 Spindle spin clockwise at 1000r/min
Wiring Diagram
2. Wiring Instruction
Xp+ X axis pulse positive output
Xp - X axis pulse negative output
Xd+ X axis direction positive output
Xd- X axis direction negative output
Yp+ Y axis pulse positive output
Yp - Y axis pulse negative output
Yd+ Y axis direction positive output
Yd- Y axis direction negative output
Zp+ Z axis pulse positive output
Zp - Z axis pulse negative output
Zd+ Z axis direction positive output
Zd- Z axis direction negative output
Cp+ C axis pulse positive output
Cp - C axis pulse negative output
Cd+ C axis direction positive output
Cd- C axis direction negative output
01~08 (Output) Output 01-08,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
3. Connection
Four Reference
How to use TC55H correctly?
1. Wiring according to instruction
2. After booting, press and find the button for code and log in.
3. Press PAR, then choose Output; Set M51, Output 1, Press Enter to turn the output port On; Set M52,
Output 1, maintain Off; Set M53, Output 2, Press Enter to turn On; Set M54, Output 2, stay Off; Press
ESC, then Enter to save.
4. Press PROG, then New, type in a name, then press ENTER, and then you can start to edit;
Program Line Explanation
N001 G90 Absolute Programming
N002 G00 X10 Y10 Fast Positioning
N003 G02 X30 Y20 R15 F800 Clockwise Interpolation
N004 M03 S500 Spindle Clockwise Spin
N005 M51 Output
N006 G04 K5 Delay
N007 M52 Output
N008 M04 S800 Spindle Counter Clockwise Spin
N009 M53 Output
N010 G04 K5 Delay
N011 M54 Output
N012 M05 Spindle Stop
N013 M02 End
5.Press Test, if there is no mistake, press Save, Then press Auto, and Start.