Agents of Media Communication: Global Integration

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Globalization and Media


Definition and characteristics
-Means of conveying something, such as a channel of communication (Lule)
-A person’s voice is a medium
-The medium is a message
-Different media simultaneously extend and amputate human senses but also dull users’
communicative capacities
Global Media
-corporations or entities globally engaged in media
Global Integration
-process by which companies combine different acts around the
world for them to use the same method

Agents of Media Communication

1. Print media- books, magazines, newspaper
2. Broadcast media- tv, radio, film
3. Digital media- net, phone, apps, soc med

Evolution of Media and Globalization

To understand further the study of globalization and media, it is
important to appreciate five periods of the evolution of media and

1. Oral Communication- language allowed human to cooperate

- Sharing of info
- Language became the most important tool as human
- Move and settle down
- Led to market, trade, cross-continental trade
2. Script – language was important but imperfect
- Distance became a strain
- Allowed human to communicate over a larger space
- Written and permanent codification of econ, cultural,
3. The printing press – “information revolution”
Elizabeth Einstein (1979) – surveyed the influence
- Changed the nature of knowledge
- Preserved and standardized
- Encouraged the challenge of political and religious authority
- Circulate competing news
4. Electronic Media – new vistas in the economic, political and
Radio- became a global medium, reaching distant regions
TV- most powerful and pervasive mass medium
5. Digital Media- rely on digital code
- Allowed citizens to access info from around the world

Media and Political Globalization

• Though media corporations are themselves powerful political actors,
individuals journalists are subject to intimidations as more actors
contend for power.
• In the age of political globalization: government shape and
manipulate the news. Is this also true for Philippines?
• Media complicate politics…how?

NEWS – mainstream media channel

• Media Killings
• Though media corporations are themselves powerful political actors,
individual journalists are subject to brutal and intense intimidation as
more actors contend for power
• The International federation of Journalists estaimates that on average
close to 100 journalists and media workers are killed in the line of
duty each year,
• The committee to protect journalists ( CPJ ) estimates that fewer than
15 percent of the murders of journalists are solved or prosecuted.

1. It educates people. Through television and radio programs, people
get to learn about health matters, environmental conservation, and
much more.
2. People get the latest news in a very short time. Distance is not a
barrier. People get news daily through the media and this keeps them
updated on the happenings around the world.
3. People get to bring out their hidden talents. Through media
showcase their talents such as comedy, acting and singing.
4. Children’s knowledge increases. Children can learn from quiz
programs, animal programs and so on.
5. Radio is convenient as people do get short news and with a mobile
phone one can access it.
6. Great in promoting mass consumer products. This can in turn
increase sales of the product.
7. Serves as a good source of entertainment. People get entertained
through music and television programs.
8. Television allows electronic duplication of information. This reduces
the production cost making mass education possible.
9. Media leads to diffusion of different cultures. Media showcases
different cultural practices.
10. It helps people around the world to understand each other and
embrace their differences.

• 1. It leads to individualism. People spend too much time on the
internet and watching television. As a result, socialization with
friends, family and neighbors is affected.
• 2. Some media contents are not suitable for children. Limiting
children’s access to such content can be difficult.
• 3. Newspaper is geographically selective.
• 4. Increase in advertisements in television and radio is making
them less attractive.
• 5. Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities of
imposters, fraud and hacking.
• 6. Media can be addictive, e.g. some television programs and
internet. This can lead to decrease in people’s productivity.

• 7. Health problems. Prolonged watching of television can lead

to eyesight problems and radio listening using earphones
exposes one to possible hearing defects.
• 8. It glamorize drugs and alcohol. Some programs make the
use of these things appear cool’.
• 9. It can lead to personal injury. Some people decide to follow
the stunts that are showcased in the media. This can lead to
• 10. It can lead to ruin of reputation. It is possible for one to
create an anonymous account. Such accounts can be used to
for malicious reasons such as spreading rumors. This can lead
to ruin of reputation of an individual or a company.

• Conclusion
• Globalization of the media &communication sector is as a powerful
• In the transformation of social, cultural & political structures. The
United Nations itself has encouraged member countries to invest in
digital technology as a way to achieve its millennium development
goals (MDG).
• Although media has many advantages it also has its limits. It is up to
us, the users, to decide to use it wisely for the best impact.

“Is it possible for globalization to occur without media?”


Globalization- is the spread of products, technology, information,

and jobs across national borders and cultures. In economic terms,
it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe
fostered through free trade.

RELIGION -the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling

power, especially a personal God or gods.
Religions that began in Southwest Asia:
1. Judaism (2000 BCE)
a. Monotheism- there is one god who is all powerful and all
b. This god made a special covenant or agreement with Abraham
“father of the jewish people”
c. God revealed his law to his people thru moses and ten
2. Christianity (26-36 CE)
- Believed that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are holy
- First four books of new testament were written by followers of
a. Monotheism
b. Jesus Christ died for the sins of humankind
c. Salvation comes from faith in God
3. Islam (610 CE)
- Monotheistic religion that developed in Saudi Arabia
- Early 600s
- Directly related to Judaism and Christianity
- Founded by Prophet Muhammed who lived from 570-632 in
Saudi Arabia
- Teachings of Muhammed were collected into a book called
- Muslims worship in mosques

5 pillars of central teachings of Islam:

1. A statement of faith
2. Prayer (5x a day in the direction of Mecca)
3. Charity
4. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime = Haji
5. Fasting (during the month of Ramadan)
1. Concerned with sacred
2. Follows divine commandments
3. Possibility of communication between humans and the
4. Religious people are less concerned with wealth
5. Religious person’s main duty is to live a virtuous, sin-less life
6. They are when he/she dies, he/she
is assured of a place in the other
world (i.e., heaven)
7. Religious aspires to become saint
8. Concerned with spreading holy
ideas globally

1. Value on material wealth
2. Abides by human-made laws
3. How much of human action can lead to the highest material
4. More concerned on wealth
5. They aim to seal trade deals, raise
the profits of private enterprises,
improve government revenues
6. Globalist are less worried about
whether they will end up in heaven
or hell
7. Globalist trains to be a
8. Wishes to spread goods and

Tom Cruise (Scientology)

Philosophical aspects
- certain religious groups create impenetrable sanctuaries

-They can practice their religions without meddling and control of
state authorities.
Why Buddhist monasteries are located away from civilization? so that
the followers can devote themselves to raver and contemplation

• Rizalistas of Mount Banahaw

• These groups believe that living with non- believers will distract
them from their mission or tempt to abandon their faith and
becomes sinners like everyone else
• Why are there religious people who are opposed to government
• During the colonialism in Asia and Africa, Priestesses and monks
led the first revolts against colonialism believing that these
outsiders were out to destroy their people’s gods and way of life.
• i.e., Spanish colonization in the Philippines

Some philosophers/religions- are the foundations of modern republics.

Malaysian Government- religion at the center of the political system
Constitution, “Islam is the religion of the Federation”
- rulers of each state was also the Head of Islam

0• Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini

0 Iranian religious leader
1• led the Iranian revolution that turned the country into a
theocracy ( officials who are regarded as divinely guided)
2• pushed for the superiority of Islamic rule over its secular
counterparts and pointed out that “ there is no fundamental
distinction among constitutional, dictatorial, monocratic,
democratic, and communistic regimes”.
3• all secular ideologies were the same. All Islamic rule was the
superior form of government because it was spiritual.
4• Religious movements are concerned not only in spreading the
word of God but at the same time they teach other children in other
5• Like in Indonesia, Islamic schools teach not only Islam but also
about modern science, the social sciences, modern banking, civic
education, rights of women, and democracy
6• In United States, religion and law were fused together to help
build this “modern secular society”
7• French historian Alexis Tocqueville, “ not only do the Americans
practice their religion out of self-interest but they often place this
world the interest which they have practicing it.
8• In the Philippines, during the Spanish period, there is the union
of the church and government.
9• 3 G’s
10• Church officials can be Governor-General
11• Religion as a weapon to control the people.
12• Natives were against the conversion to christianity which
resulted to religious revolts (i.e. Hermano Pule)
13• Cultural changes due to christianity ( i.e., baptismal, marriage,
dressing, doctrines, burial)
14• Modern Philippines
15• Principle of separation of the church and state
16• No official religion of the state
17• No religious qualifications for public office
18• Religion plays an important role in the government
19• “God”, mentioned in the constitution
20• Preamble, imploring the aid of almighty God
21• Oath taking of President “so help me God”
22• Religious freedom constitution
- Religion may help people to overcome insecurities
- Can help in hard times in life
- May give people trust in life after death
- Can help to promote reasonable values
- People may find meaning in life
- May give people a reason to get up in the morning
- Religion may help to overcome anxiety
- Religion and art are closely connected
- May prevent people from behaving in an animal-like
- Religion as anchor of stability
- Promotion of common social values
- People may help each other
- Opportunity to socialize
- May give people hope

- Can lead to serious discrimination of minorities
- Religious arguments are often flawed
- May be used to keep people under control
- Suppression of freedom
- Religion often claims to know too much
- Other spiritual views are often belittled
- Religious books are often hard to understand
- Can contribute to serious conflicts
- Religion is often misused by fundamentalists
- May contradict with science
- Opponents often claim that religions are man-made
- Religion may take away responsibility from people
- Often prevents people from things they want to do
- Religion may slow down technological progress
- May decrease the overall quality of life of people
- Can lead to bad decisions
Migration- temporary/permanent movement of people from one
place to another
Emigrate – from home country
Immigrate – to another country

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Immigrant and Emigrant

Immigrant and emigrant both refer to a person leaving their own
country for another. ... People are emigrants when they leave
their country of origin. When they arrive at their destination, they
are immigrants.
In other words, immigration is the result of emigration for the
receiving country. For example, people might say they
immigrated to the United States, which is where they now have
permanent residence, but they emigrated from Spain.

Types of Migration
1. Internal migration- - permanent movement within the same
Adheres to the idea of distance decay
The farther away a place is located, the less likely
people will migrate there
Explains why there are more internal migrants than
international migrants
Easier because there is less culture shock
2 types of internal migration
1. Interregional migration- movement from one region of a country
to another
2. Intraregional migration- movement within one region

2. International migration -occurs when people cross state boundaries

and stay in the host state for some minimum length of time. Migration occurs for
many reasons. Many people leave their home countries in order to look for
economic opportunities in another country. Others migrate to be with family
members who have migrated or because of political conditions in their countries.
Education is another reason for international migration, as students pursue their
studies abroad.[
Classification of International Migration
A. Legal Migrants- legally entered the country, have a valid immigrant
visa and proper documentation
B. Illegal Migrants- lacks legal status, infringe a country’s admission

C. Refugees- people who have been forced to migrate

- cannot return for fear of prosecution due to race, religion,
nationality or political opinion
- have no home unless another country agrees to take them
D. Labour Migrants- “person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has
been engaged in remunerated activity in a State of which he/she is not
a national. 1990 UN International Convention of the Protection of the
Rights of all migrant workers and members of their families
-Also known as guest workers or overseas contract workers)
people who migrate for a limited period of time in order to take up
employment and send money home.


Push factors- conditions that can force people to leave their homes
- negative
- Related to the country from which a person migrates
Pull factors- attract people to a certain location
- Positive

- Means of conveying something, such as a channel of communication (Lule)
- A person’s voice is a medium
- The medium is a message
- Different media simultaneously extend and amputate human senses but also
dull users’ communicative capacities
Global media
- Corporation or entities globally engaged in media production and/or
Global Integration
- Process by which a company combines different activities around the world
so that they operate using same methods

Agents of media communication

 Print Media – Books, Magazines, newspapers
 Broadcast Media – Radio, Film, TV
 Digital Media – Internet, Mobile phone applications, Social media sites

Oral Communication
- Language allow human to cooperate
- It allowed sharing information
- Language became the most important tool as human being explored the
world and experience different cultures
- It helped them move and settle down
- It led to markets, trade and cross continental trade

- Language was important but imperfect, distance became a strain for oral
- It allowed human to communicate over a larger space and much longer times
- It allowed for the written and permanent codification of economic, cultural,
religious, and political practice.

The Printing Press

- It started the “information revolution”
- Elizabeth Eisenstein (1979) surveyed the influences of the printing press
- 1. It change the nature of knowledge. It preserved and standardized
- 2. It encourage the challenge of political and religious authority because of
its ability to circulate competing views

Electronic Media
- The vast reach of these media continues to open up new vistas in the
economic, political and cultural processes of globalization.
- Radio – quickly became a global medium, reaching distant regions.
- Television – Considered as the most powerful and pervasive mass medium.
It brought together the visual and aural power of the film with the
accessibility of radio.

Digital Media
- Are often electronic media that rely on digital code
- Phone and TV’s
- Allowed the citizens to access information from around the world
Media Killings
- Though media corporations are themselves powerful political actors,
individual journalists are subject to brutal and intense intimidation as more
actors contend for power
- The International federation of Journalists estimates that on average close to
100 journalists and media workers are killed in the line of duty each year,
- The committee to protect journalists ( CPJ ) estimates that fewer than 15
percent of the murders of journalists are solved or prosecuted.

1. It educates people. Through television and radio programs, people get to learn
about health matters, environmental conservation, and much more.
2. People get the latest news in a very short time. Distance is not a barrier. People
get news daily through the media and this keeps them updated on the happenings
around the world.
3. People get to bring out their hidden talents. Through media showcase their
talents such as comedy, acting and singing.
4. Children’s knowledge increases. Children can learn from quiz programs, animal
programs and so on.
5. Radio is convenient as people do get short news and with a mobile phone one
can access it.
6. Great in promoting mass consumer products. This can in turn increase sales of
the product.
7. Serves as a good source of entertainment. People get entertained through music
and television programs.
8. Television allows electronic duplication of information. This reduces the
production cost making mass education possible.
9. Media leads to diffusion of different cultures. Media showcases different
cultural practices.
10. It helps people around the world to understand each other and embrace their
1. It leads to individualism. People spend too much time on the internet and
watching television. As a result, socialization with friends, family and neighbors is
2. Some media contents are not suitable for children. Limiting children’s access to
such content can be difficult.
3. Newspaper is geographically selective.
4. Increase in advertisements in television and radio is making them less attractive.
5. Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities of imposters, fraud and
6. Media can be addictive, e.g. some television programs and internet. This can
lead to decrease in people’s productivity.
7. Health problems. Prolonged watching of television can lead to eyesight
problems and radio listening using earphones exposes one to possible hearing
8. It glamorize drugs and alcohol. Some programs make the use of these things
appear cool’.
9. It can lead to personal injury. Some people decide to follow the stunts that are
showcased in the media. This can lead to injuries.
10. It can lead to ruin of reputation. It is possible for one to create an anonymous
account. Such accounts can be used to for malicious reasons such as spreading
rumors. This can lead to ruin of reputation of an individual or a company.
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across
national borders and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence
of nations around the globe fostered through free trade.

- the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a
personal God or gods.
Three religions that began in Southwest Asia
A. Judaism (2000 BCE)
- Monotheism – There is one god who is all powerful and all knowing
- This God made a special covenant or agreement with Abraham, who is the
“Father” of Jewish people.
- God Revealed his laws to his people through Moses and the ten

B. Christianity (26-36 CE)

- Monotheism - There is one god who is all powerful and all knowing
- Jesus Christ died for the sins of human kind
- Salvation comes from faith in God
- Believed the old and new testaments of the bible are holy books

C. Islam (610 CE)

- Is a monotheisticreligion that developed in Saudi Arabia in the early 600s.
Islam is directly related to Judaism and Christianity.
- It was founded by the Prophet Muhammed who lived from 57- to 632in
Saudi Arabia.

Five pillars of central teaching of Islam are:

A. Statement of faith
B. Prayer (Five times a day in the direction of Mecca)
C. Charity
D. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime (called the Hajj)
E. Fasting (During the month of Ramadan)
Koran – Book of Islam
Mosques – Worship building of Islam

Philosophical aspects
- certain religious groups create impenetrable sanctuaries
Rizalistas of Mount Banahaw
These groups believe that living with non- believers will distract them from their
mission or tempt to abandon their faith and becomes sinners like everyone else
Why are there religious people who are opposed to government authority?
During the colonialism in Asia and Africa, Priestesses and monks led the first
revolts against colonialism believing that these outsiders were out to destroy their
people’s gods and way of life.
i.e., Spanish colonization in the Philippines

Malaysian Government
- Religion at the center of Political system
- Constitution, “Islam is the religion of federation”
- Rulers of each state was also the head of the religion of Islam

Theocracy - officials who are regarded as divinely guided

In the Philippines, during the Spanish period, there is the union of the church and

- The temporary or permanent movement of people from one place to another

Emigrate – from your home country

Immigrate – to another country
Types of Migration
 Internal migration- - permanent movement within the same country
2 types of internal migration
- Interregional migration- movement from one region of a country to another
- Intraregional migration- movement within one region

 International migration - occurs when people cross state boundaries and stay
in the host state for some minimum length of time.
Classification of International Migration
A. Legal Migrants
- Legally Entered the country
B. Illegal Migrants
- Illegal Entry to a country
C. Refugee
- people who have been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return
for fear of prosecution due to their race, religion, nationality, or political
D. Labour Migrants
- Also known as guest workers or overseas contract workers) people who migrate
for a limited period of time in order to take up employment and send money home.

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