Name: Schedule: Course, Year, & Section: Faculty:: Week 3
Name: Schedule: Course, Year, & Section: Faculty:: Week 3
Name: Schedule: Course, Year, & Section: Faculty:: Week 3
Name: Schedule:
Course, Year, & Section: Faculty:
1. 1. What are the main goals of this project, Smarter Philippines of Department of Science and
- The main of goals of this project it helps the world from worst and living condition to smart
solution progress the smarter Philippines it aims to the stablished and sustain established
society using science, technology innovation and solidarity so that every Filipino hardship its
addressed resolve the smarter society. According to SEC. MARIO G MONIEJO the vision is to
create a vibrant domestic knowledge economy in which Filipino technology companies and
Filipino techno-preneurs deliver indigenous technologies to solve the problems that beset
ordinary people.
2. 2. What are the 6 components of this project and how will it help in promoting science and
technology and in the nation building agenda of the government?
-First, Smart People for me can helps people produce more technology research to promoting
science and Smart People contribute supplement new technology can helps in the nation
building agenda of the government
-Second, Smart Economy can helps people to improving the promoting science in invention.
Smart Economy this is a chance to maintain the population of people in the society and increase
the cross income in economy.
-Smart Environment can helps in science promoting to develops improve environment using
science technology and Smart Environment to reduce or avoid of the spread environment
-Smart Living in science promoting using technology can helps in work fast and everyday life.
Smart Living can helps in the government resolve the innovation, scarcity, low cost of bill and
-Smart Mobility to promoting science can helps using in the way technology in every day life and
Smart Mobility can helps in Agenda of government for an example the skyway in metro manila
to resolve of the problem traffic issue.
- Smart i-cov
1. Identify several issues in the Philippines. What science- and technology-related policies
could be developed and implemented to solve these issues?
- Example of several issues in the Philippines is environmental issues in the Philippines like
landslides, floods and water shortages because of the climate change. Now using the technology
to address environmental issues to help supplement needs and more developed the issues then
this is very important of course.
2. What can you say about the implementation of some science and technology policies
and projects in the country?
- For me very infective when using science and technology to heal the issues in the
society and because Nowadays the population of people increasing and very important
of more discovery projects to contribute people needs and society
Picture if available
- Yes, for me because the indigenous people are one of the first discover when science
materials such as Heat, Herbal Medicines. Metal and gold etc.
2. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology in
the Philippines and in the world?
- The role of indigenous people is important nowadays because if it did not discovery of
science days of indigenous people now no have revolution about technology to
supplement more foods or contribute in society needs.
- Indigenous people focusing before to more on looking foods and science helps in every
day life like stone, metal to defense himself or hunting animals and woods to create