Career Guidance Module Grade 12 - Quarter 3

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Q3-Module 4: Myself in Another Person’s Shoes

As the old-aged saying
connotes, the role as a teacher is
to open doors of possibilities for
the learners under their care. But
they cannot trudge the path the
students want them to take. They
cannot decide on your behalf.

This module will help you realize

that your dreams in the future
could be achieved a step closer
with the help of people who are in
the profession or business that they envision to be in the future.

I. Objectives
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. analyze the information gathered from people that will help affirm their
decision in choosing the career or curriculum exit;
2. evaluate the role of selected people with the chosen career or curriculum
exit in terms of their beliefs, attitude and skills; and
3. make a career road map as an expression of commitment to one’s chosen
career or curriculum exit.

II. Motivation
Brisk Walk Down Memory Lane

Module 4 Page 1
The poem below will help you revisit your decisions. Read the poem and
reflect by answering the follow-up questions.

Chasing Dreams
You’ve come this far,
Where else would you
want to go?
You’ve reached this far,
What else would you want to do?
Chase your dreams.
Follow your heart.
Keep moving forward.
Always pray hard.
Life offers a lot of choices
But do not make a choice
in haste. Nothing is
served in silver platter
Take your time, pray for it.

You’ve come this far,

But there’s more in
store. You’ve reached
this far,
Move on…conquer… soar high.

– Jimmie
Questions for Reflection
1. What is the message of the poem?
2. Which line or lines in the poem do you like best? Why?
3. What does the poem want you to do with every milestone you achieve?

III. Info-Bits

It has been said that first-hand information can be a very rich source of
information for learners. These are the information (the beliefs, attitude and
skills) and success stories that we get from people who inspire us and make
us feel more enthusiastic about pursuing our goals. This is also called
Observational Learning.

Observational Learning happens when one learns by observing another

person perform a specific task. Observational Learning or the Social
Learning theory focuses on the social context of learning and proposes that
we can learn from another by observation, imitation or by modeling. Albert
Bandura (1977) endeavoured to understand the cognitive processes

Module 4 Page 2
associated with people’s interaction with one another. Social Learning
theorists say that learning can take place simply by observing other actions
and the subsequent outcomes of those actions.

Informational observation also strengthens the

claim of the creative job hunting principle
(Woodcock, 2014) where it says that the best
way to choose a career is to talk to people doing
the job and to try it out via work shadowing and
experience. There is a lot of truth in the
statement that you don’t really know what it’s like until you have been doing
it for a while: at least shadowing gives you a good idea of what’s involved.

Choosing the right course is a big decision and it is important to get it right,
as it can impact future success. Career awareness and self-awareness go
hand-in-hand. This is the other idea behind why learners need to have
enough information profile about the career they want to undertake through
the informational observation. In so doing, the learners could be taken away
from the idea that luck, unpredictable social factor, chance, beliefs and
environmental factors play a major role in one’s success in life as suggested
by the Happenstance Theory (Krumboltz, 2008).
As Stephen Covey says from his famous book The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind.” We encourage our learners to
visualize what they wanted to become and they are already on their first step of
achieving their goals.

Relative to this, you are encouraged to craft your own career road map by taking
into consideration the information you gathered during your observation and the
learning you acquired through the different activities. Bear in mind that the
content and direction of your career road map plays a more important thing and
the visual effect comes only secondary.

IV. Application
Crafting a Career Road Map
According to an article by Cao (2013) a career road map outlines
specific steps to undertake for moving from one step to another in ways
that will facilitate growth and career advancement. This could be an
illustration or diagram that could easily be understood by the individual
who crafted it.

Career road maps are flexible enough and could be revisited and
revised over time or as the circumstance warrants in order for the learner
to keep track of his progress or to address issues that hinder the
achievement of the desired goal.

Below is a sample template of a career road map. You may also

choose to present the road map creatively. An example below is suggested.
However, you can still choose another way of presenting it.

Module 4 Page 3
Module 4 Page 4
VI. Reflection
Reflection Trail
Recall the trail (activities) that you have been through in this module. Reflect by
accomplishing the following activity. Write a 2–3 sentence reflection about your
significant learnings in the following activities


Up for the

Road Map

Fitting in Another Person’s Shoes
1. What helped you decide about the visions you made for yourself 10 years
from now?
2. How do you intend to surpass the different obstacles that you foresee?

1. I want to be ______________________ who is _______________.

(career choice) (goal)

2. What are the challenges that you foresee in achieving your career

Module 4 Page 5
Module 5:Future Combo, Activate!

“It takes two to tango!”

This cliché emphasizes the need for people to work zealously in tandem with
others to make their endeavors succeed. The same holds true for the career
development of learners. While they consider the personal, academic, and familial
factors in their career development, they must likewise connect their life aspirations to
the pressing demands and trends in the local and global scenario. The word combo,
an abbreviated form of the word combination, signifies the convergence of personal
career choices to the actual needs in the labor market and industries.

To help learners clearly determine the direction of their career choices, mission
statements become essential as the baseline of their career plans and actions. This
module intends to facilitate the learners’ ability to make such convergence possible.

Module 5 Page 6
I. Objectives
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. formulate mission statements in relation to life and career decisions aligned to
the curriculum exits;
2. link life and career decisions to the current demands and trends in the regional
and global level; and
3. appreciate how life and career decisions may contribute to national
II. Motivation
The Five-Minute Mission
1. Have you experienced doing a mission to help others? Have you ever supported
an organization’s mission for charitable purposes? Can you relate the
2. How did this charitable work affect you?
3. Will you be willing to volunteer for missions that will help others? Why?
III. Main Activity
Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check
This section of the module will guide you in formulating a personal mission
statement in relation to their life and career decisions.

Write your Personal Mission Statement using this guide. You can write it in Filipino or

Sample Worksheet for Personal Mission Statement

What is the most important thing or event in your

life right now that you treasure?

What do you want to accomplish 3–5 years from


What do you consider an enjoyable thing to do?

What do you wish to become?

What can you do best?

What do you love to do?

What kind of reputation do you want to have?

How can you help in nation-building?

Finalize your personal mission statement:

Personal Mission Statement:

Module 5 Page 7
I am a committed student who aspires to graduate from SHS to be able to proceed to
(college, work, enterprising, TESDA). I will strive to achieve this for my family by
maximizing my strengths in (state your passion and strengths). I am a responsible,
industrious and competent worker. I could be of contribution to nationbuilding by
excelling in my chosen career and by serving my fellow Filipinos in the best way I can.

Now, it’s your turn:

Ang Misyon Ko! Reality Check!


IV. Lecturette
“Where do I go from here?” To help you answer this, the personal mission
statement becomes very essential.

According to author Stephen R. Covey, a personal mission statement

enables a person to connect with (his) own unique purpose and the profound
satisfaction that comes from fulfilling it

This statement provides an individual with a clear direction as to where he

wants to go and what he wants to achieve. As learners are about to embark on
their career in any of the four curriculum exits, such statement will allow them to
focus on the path they will follow with conviction in the face of any challenging

For a personal mission statement to become fulfilling, it has to make a

difference in other people’s lives or organization. This means that a person will
seek his purpose and what he can contribute best not only for himself but also for
his family, friends, prospective employer, the community, and the world in
general. (
To enable learners to craft a personal mission statement, the following contents
should be reflected:
1. Your values and personal beliefs,
2. goals,
3. things that make you happy,
4. your dreams and vision about your future,
5. what you are good at,

Module 5 Page 8
6. what you are passionate about, and
7. how you want others to perceive you.


Although a personal mission statement serves the purpose of directing you

to life and career decisions, the process of career development entails another
step. That involves the gathering of information for you to make the wisest

The Department of Labor and Employment assures that there are plenty of
local jobs in the country. It has logged an estimated 200,000 vacancies by
employers in the enhanced Phil-Jobnet, the government’s online job search

The Department’s labor market study, Project JobsFit: DOLE 2022, reflects
the regional industries, key employment generators, and current occupational and
courses trends and demands in the local and global scenario.

You must also realize and sincerely understand that your mission
statements do not end in your personal development and interest. Rather, it is
intricately linked to what you aspire your country to be. Dr. Jose P. Rizal rested
his hopes that the youth will be instrumental in nation building when he remarked
that they are the hope of the motherland. This implies that when they plan for their
career choice, they should also consider factors like the country’s economy and
hence, synchronize their career choices to benefit the country as well.

Now that you are about to exit from Senior High School, you should be more
conscientious that you are critical in contributing to making the Philippines
progressive. As such, you are highly enjoined to commit yourselves to live up to
your personal mission statement in making a difference to other people’s lives
and give a contribution to the community at large. When you collectively align
your personal missions to this end, the vision of nation-building through you
becomes attainable.

V. Application
The Road Trip
On a sheet of paper, write your answer on the following:
1. My career choice, and write your 3-4 career choices – to be posted in the Yellow Road
Trip Sign. Rank these career choices
2. My Goal Motivators, and write what motivates you to achieve your rank 1 career choice
3. Career hindrance and write their career hindrances – what limitations, challenges that
you encounter to achieve your career choice
Processing Questions:
1. Based on the activity, do you think you made the right career decisions? How

Module 5 Page 9
2. What did you realize from this activity? What are the hindrances that you
identified? Can you overcome these through your goal motivators? In what
3. Based on the discussion on the current trends and demands, is your career
choice aligned to what is needed in your region? What do you think is the effect
of aligning your career to the local and global needs to nation building?

VI. Evaluation
Review the Current Demands and Trends/Emerging Jobs and make a reflection of
your realization of your career choice based on your analysis/review of the current
demands and trends.

Current Demands and Trends

(Jobs and Emerging Industries)

Module 5 Page 10
Module 5 Page 11
Source: DOLE

Module 5 Page 12
Module 6: Keep Me Balanced!

Values are a fundamental building block of your mission in life (Clarke, 2012).
Brown (1995) in her Values-Based Holistic Approach to Career Development third
tenet states that values play an important role in the career decision-making process
of individuals more than functioning as this presents the direction to a desired end
state and has a central role in setting goals or expected outcomes. Values also serve
as the basis for evaluating one’s own actions and the action of others, particularly in
terms of how the individual and others must function (Villar, 2009).

Values are acquired as a result of value-laden information from the

environment interacting with the inherited characteristics of the individual. Since
cultural background, gender and socio-economic level influence social interactions
and opportunities, priorities placed on values by people from various multicultural
grouping vary and influence the choice of careers and other life roles. Values that
are influenced by other people’s value systems may not truly represent the
individual’s true values.

This module will let our learners identify the values they possess to keep them
balanced with those values shared by their significant others—school, family, and
community. They may be able to know their selves better as they continue navigating
vast opportunities in their lifelong journey.

I. Objectives

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:

1. identify their values that leads to the attainment of their career goals;
2. evaluate their values that influenced their career and life decisions; and
3. plan ways on how to resolve conflict in their values to successfully achieve
their career and life goals.
II. Motivation
Fix Me (Alternative activity for those schools with no electricity and/or
computer facilities)
rearrange the jumbled letters and come up with the correct words/phrases. The
jumbled words are values that are related or influence career and life decisions.

Jumbled Letters Answer

cepae of nidm Peace of mind
nfinacila tabsiliyt Financial stability
ahelht Health

Module 6 Page 13
Didenpenenec Independence
amfily aphpiessn Family happiness
nhyeost Honesty
cersvie to toersh Service to others
erconitingo Recognition
ncdigeeli Diligence
papearacen Appearance
olyatyl Loyalty
nokwledeg Knowledge
niterigty Integrity

1. What values did you list from the jumbled words?

2. How important are these values to a person’s life?
3. How do one’s values affect his/her choice of a profession?

III. Main Activity

Activity 2: Side A, Side B

Completer the matrix on Sise A, Side B

Module 6 Page 14
Process Questions:

1. How did you find the activity?

2. What are the values you possess that you listed?
3. How do you feel about those values?
4. How can your values contribute/determine the attainment of your
career goals?

IV. Lecturette
We make choices and decisions based on our values. A value is a
principle or belief that we
1. prize and publicly affirm with conviction;
2. choose from among alternatives; and
3. act on consistently.

There are different kinds of values. These are:

• personal values such as self-respect, self-fulfillment, health, privacy,
peace of mind, financial stability, independence
• family values such as love, close family ties, family happiness
• spiritual values such as establishing a close personal relationship
with God, seeking His will in one’s life, following His commandments,
working for the good and well-being of the less fortunate
• work values such as precision work, power, exercising competence,
public contact, fast pace, change and variety
• career values such as personal growth, advancement, prestige and
status, recognition
• social and humanitarian values such as service to others, helping
people in need, love of country, moral fulfilment
• cultural values such as debt of gratitude or utang na loob, getting
along with others or pakikisama, authority

Conflicts in values may be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or

organizational. An intrapersonal conflict is a situation where one experiences
conflict of values and needs within oneself. (Example: Achievement conflicts
with health; independence conflicts with security.)
People with divergent values but who must live or work together
experience interpersonal conflicts. (Example: Your teacher values
authoritarianism but you value independence.)
Organizational conflict is experienced by a person whose personal
value system clashes with corporate values. (Example: Your class values
teamwork but you value independence, time freedom, or working alone.)
Value conflicts create tension and anxiety which can lead to stress.
They can make people indecisive, a situation that can confuse the ones they
live or work with. If these behaviors become inconsistent, this can result in
interpersonal problems. So, how do people resolve conflicts in values?

Module 6 Page 15
To resolve an intrapersonal conflict, one has to be clear about his or
her priorities. Priorities depend on one’s roles, goals, and personal mission.
Interpersonal conflicts can be resolved through communication in which both
parties try to see and understand the situation of the other. If organizational
values conflict with one’s personal values, there is a choice of either setting
aside the latter or embracing the values of the organization, or leaving the
organization and working for one whose values are compatible with his or
hers. (Santamaria 2009)

Duane Brown’s Values-based Holistic Approach to Career Development

Values have cognitive, affective and behavioral components that

facilitate prioritization of values for decision-making. Each person develops a
relatively small number of values that are prioritized in a value system. Values
are prioritized when a person can rank the order of importance assumed by
his or her values in guiding his or her behavior and when he or she can act
according to that priority.
Authentic values are brought out through an insightful dialogue
involving self-reflection. True values, when fully expressed, are capable of
leading a person toward focus, purpose, satisfaction and happiness.
Furthermore, a value is crystallized once it has a label that is meaningful to
the individual. Once values are crystallized and prioritized, the individual can
go on directly to career choice making (Villar, 2009).

V. Application
Activity 3: Rerouting Values
1. Go over the values listed in “Side A, Side B.”
2. Identify the values listed in Side A that are not listed in Side B and write
those values under the column entitled “Values least valued”.
3. Make a plan on how you will resolve the conflict in values that may lead to
the attainment of your career goals.
Sample Template

Values least Resolution

valued (Plan on how to resolve conflict in values)
From now on, I will avoid being too dependent
Work Alone on others and shall do individual tasks on my

Module 6 Page 16
I will correct my idea of leadership as being
someone who has the position to decide
always for the group to someone who uses the
position in a way that changes the opinions of

VI. Reflection
Directions: In your journal notebook or on a piece of paper, write your
insights and realizations on the Side A, Side B activity using the following
I learned that ………….
I realized that ………….
In order to achieve my career goal, I will.........

VII. Evaluation
Title: Look Ahead!
1. Present the given scenario to the students.
After 10 years, suppose you were invited to be the Commencement
Exercises Speaker for the Senior High School Graduation of your school
with the theme “Values brought us to Success,” what are you going to tell
them, banking on your own experience and realizations from the activities
you just had? Write your speech.

Module 6 Page 17

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