Checklist & Algoritma ACLS
Checklist & Algoritma ACLS
Checklist & Algoritma ACLS
CPR Quality
Start CPR
• Give oxygen • Push hard (at least 2 inches
• Attach monitor/defibrillator [5 cm]) and fast (100-120/min)
and allow complete chest recoil.
• Minimize interruptions in
Yes No • Avoid excessive ventilation.
Rhythm • Change compressor every
shockable? 2 minutes, or sooner if fatigued.
• If no advanced airway, 30:2
2 9 compression-ventilation ratio.
VF/pVT Asystole/PEA • Quantitative waveform
– If Petco2 is low or decreasing,
reassess CPR quality.
3 Shock Epinephrine Shock Energy for Defibrillation
• Biphasic: Manufacturer
4 10 recommendation (eg, initial
dose of 120-200 J); if unknown,
CPR 2 min CPR 2 min use maximum available.
• IV/IO access Second and subsequent doses
• IV/IO access
• Epinephrine every 3-5 min should be equivalent, and higher
• Consider advanced airway, doses may be considered.
capnography • Monophasic: 360 J
Reversible Causes
No Rhythm Yes
• Hypovolemia
shockable? • Hypoxia
• Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
12 • Hypo-/hyperkalemia
• Hypothermia
• If no signs of return of Go to 5 or 7 • Tension pneumothorax
spontaneous circulation • Tamponade, cardiac
(ROSC), go to 10 or 11 • Toxins
• If ROSC, go to • Thrombosis, pulmonary
• Thrombosis, coronary
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
• Consider appropriateness
of continued resuscitation
© 2020 American Heart Association
Adult Cardiac Arrest Learning Station Checklist (Asystole/PEA)
CPR Quality
Start CPR
• Give oxygen • Push hard (at least 2 inches
• Attach monitor/defibrillator [5 cm]) and fast (100-120/min)
and allow complete chest recoil.
• Minimize interruptions in
Yes No • Avoid excessive ventilation.
Rhythm • Change compressor every
shockable? 2 minutes, or sooner if fatigued.
• If no advanced airway, 30:2
2 9 compression-ventilation ratio.
VF/pVT Asystole/PEA • Quantitative waveform
– If Petco2 is low or decreasing,
reassess CPR quality.
3 Shock Epinephrine Shock Energy for Defibrillation
• Biphasic: Manufacturer
4 10 recommendation (eg, initial
dose of 120-200 J); if unknown,
CPR 2 min CPR 2 min use maximum available.
• IV/IO access Second and subsequent doses
• IV/IO access
• Epinephrine every 3-5 min should be equivalent, and higher
• Consider advanced airway, doses may be considered.
capnography • Monophasic: 360 J
Reversible Causes
No Rhythm Yes
• Hypovolemia
shockable? • Hypoxia
• Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
12 • Hypo-/hyperkalemia
• Hypothermia
• If no signs of return of Go to 5 or 7 • Tension pneumothorax
spontaneous circulation • Tamponade, cardiac
(ROSC), go to 10 or 11 • Toxins
• If ROSC, go to • Thrombosis, pulmonary
• Thrombosis, coronary
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
• Consider appropriateness
of continued resuscitation
© 2020 American Heart Association
Adult Bradycardia Learning Station Checklist
Assess appropriateness for clinical condition.
Heart rate typically <50/min if bradyarrhythmia.
Identify and treat underlying cause
• Maintain patent airway; assist breathing as necessary
• Oxygen (if hypoxemic)
• Cardiac monitor to identify rhythm; monitor blood pressure and oximetry
• IV access
• 12-Lead ECG if available; don’t delay therapy
• Consider possible hypoxic and toxicologic causes
3 Persistent
bradyarrhythmia causing:
4 No • Hypotension?
Monitor and observe • Acutely altered mental status?
• Signs of shock? Doses/Details
• Ischemic chest discomfort? Atropine IV dose:
• Acute heart failure? First dose: 1 mg bolus.
Repeat every 3-5 minutes.
Yes Maximum: 3 mg.
Dopamine IV infusion:
Usual infusion rate is
5-20 mcg/kg per minute.
If atropine ineffective: Titrate to patient response;
• Transcutaneous pacing taper slowly.
and/or Epinephrine IV infusion:
• Dopamine infusion
2-10 mcg per minute infusion.
or Titrate to patient response.
• Epinephrine infusion
• Myocardial ischemia/
• Drugs/toxicologic (eg,
6 calcium-channel blockers,
Consider: beta blockers, digoxin)
• Hypoxia
• Expert consultation
• Electrolyte abnormality
• Transvenous pacing (eg, hyperkalemia)
© 2020 American Heart Association
Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse Learning Station Checklist
Assess appropriateness for clinical condition. Doses/Details
Heart rate typically ≥150/min if tachyarrhythmia. Synchronized cardioversion:
Refer to your specific device’s recommended energy level to
maximize first shock success.
Adenosine IV dose:
First dose: 6 mg rapid IV push; follow with NS flush.
2 Second dose: 12 mg if required.
Identify and treat underlying cause
Antiarrhythmic Infusions for Stable Wide-QRS Tachycardia
• Maintain patent airway; assist breathing as necessary
Procainamide IV dose:
• Oxygen (if hypoxemic)
• Cardiac monitor to identify rhythm; monitor blood 20-50 mg/min until arrhythmia suppressed, hypotension ensues,
pressure and oximetry QRS duration increases >50%, or maximum dose 17 mg/kg given.
• IV access Maintenance infusion: 1-4 mg/min. Avoid if prolonged QT or CHF.
• 12-lead ECG, if available Amiodarone IV dose:
First dose: 150 mg over 10 minutes. Repeat as needed if VT recurs.
Follow by maintenance infusion of 1 mg/min for first 6 hours.
Sotalol IV dose:
100 mg (1.5 mg/kg) over 5 minutes. Avoid if prolonged QT.
3 Persistent 4
tachyarrhythmia causing:
Synchronized cardioversion
• Hypotension? Yes
• Acutely altered mental status? • Consider sedation 5
• Signs of shock? • If regular narrow complex, If refractory, consider
• Ischemic chest discomfort? consider adenosine
• Underlying cause
• Acute heart failure?
• Need to increase
energy level for next
No cardioversion
7 • Addition of anti-
6 Yes Consider arrhythmic drug
Wide QRS?
• Adenosine only if • Expert consultation
≥0.12 second
regular and monomorphic
• Antiarrhythmic infusion
No • Expert consultation
• Vagal maneuvers (if regular)
• Adenosine (if regular)
• β-Blocker or calcium channel blocker
• Consider expert consultation
© 2020 American Heart Association
Adult Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Learning Station Checklist
ROSC obtained Initial Stabilization Phase
Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
Tension pneumothorax
Tamponade, cardiac
Thrombosis, pulmonary
Thrombosis, coronary
© 2020 American Heart Association
Adult Cardiac Arrest Learning Station Checklist (VF/pVT/Asystole/PEA)
CPR Quality
Start CPR
• Give oxygen • Push hard (at least 2 inches
• Attach monitor/defibrillator [5 cm]) and fast (100-120/min)
and allow complete chest recoil.
• Minimize interruptions in
Yes No • Avoid excessive ventilation.
Rhythm • Change compressor every
shockable? 2 minutes, or sooner if fatigued.
• If no advanced airway, 30:2
2 9 compression-ventilation ratio.
VF/pVT Asystole/PEA • Quantitative waveform
– If Petco2 is low or decreasing,
reassess CPR quality.
3 Shock Epinephrine Shock Energy for Defibrillation
• Biphasic: Manufacturer
4 10 recommendation (eg, initial
dose of 120-200 J); if unknown,
CPR 2 min CPR 2 min use maximum available.
• IV/IO access Second and subsequent doses
• IV/IO access
• Epinephrine every 3-5 min should be equivalent, and higher
• Consider advanced airway, doses may be considered.
capnography • Monophasic: 360 J
Reversible Causes
No Rhythm Yes
• Hypovolemia
shockable? • Hypoxia
• Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
12 • Hypo-/hyperkalemia
• Hypothermia
• If no signs of return of Go to 5 or 7 • Tension pneumothorax
spontaneous circulation • Tamponade, cardiac
(ROSC), go to 10 or 11 • Toxins
• If ROSC, go to • Thrombosis, pulmonary
• Thrombosis, coronary
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
• Consider appropriateness
of continued resuscitation
© 2020 American Heart Association
Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy In-Hospital ACLS Learning Station Checklist
A Anestheticcomplications
B Bleeding
C Cardiovascular
D Drugs
E Embolic
F Fever
G Generalnonobstetriccauses
of cardiac arrest (H’s and T’s)
H Hypertension
Adult Ventricular Assist Device Learning Station Checklist
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes unstable tachycardia
Recognizes symptoms due to respiratory arrest (choking)
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of asystole (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 49/52/57/60/62
Tachycardia → VF → PEA → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes unstable tachycardia
Performs immediate synchronized cardioversion
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of PEA (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 50
Bradycardia → Pulseless VT → Asystole → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes symptomatic bradycardia
Administers correct dose of atropine
Prepares for second-line treatment
Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes pVT
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of asystole (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 51/54
Bradycardia → Pulseless VT → PEA → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes symptomatic bradycardia
Administers correct dose of atropine
Prepares for second-line treatment
Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes pVT
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of PEA (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 53
Tachycardia → VF → Asystole → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes unstable tachycardia
Recognizes symptoms due to tachycardia
Performs immediate synchronized cardioversion
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of asystole (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 55/58
Tachycardia → Pulseless VT → PEA → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes unstable tachycardia
Recognizes symptoms due to tachycardia
Performs immediate synchronized cardioversion
Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes pulseless VT
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of PEA (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 56/59
Bradycardia → VF → Asystole → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes symptomatic bradycardia
Administers correct dose of atropine
Prepares for second-line treatment
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of asystole (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association
Megacode Practice Learning Station Checklist: Case 61
Tachycardia → VF → PEA → PCAC
Student Name __________________________________________ Date of Test ___________________
Critical Performance Steps if done
Team Leader
Assigns team member roles
Ensures high- Compression rate Compression Chest compression Chest recoil Ventilation
quality CPR at 100-120/min depth of ≥2 inches fraction >80% (optional) (optional)
all times ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ensures that team members communicate well
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
Places monitor leads in proper position
Recognizes unstable tachycardia
Recognizes symptoms due to gunshot wound
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Clears before analyze and shock
Immediately resumes CPR after shocks
Appropriate airway management
Appropriate cycles of drug–rhythm check/shock–CPR
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of PEA (H’s and T’s)
Administers appropriate drug(s) and doses
Immediately resumes CPR after rhythm and pulse checks
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Test Results Circle PASS or NR to indicate pass or needs remediation: PASS NR
Instructor Initials _________ Instructor Number ___________________________ Date ____________________
Learning Station Competency
☐ Bradycardia ☐ Tachycardia ☐ Cardiac Arrest/Post–Cardiac Arrest Care ☐ Megacode Practice
© 2020 American Heart Association