QMS Audit Process
QMS Audit Process
QMS Audit Process
1.1 This document describes the process used for conducting QMS Audits to ensure that
Baltimore County Public Schools’ (BCPS) quality management system:
• conforms to the requirements of the ISO 9001 International Standard and the
requirements established by BCPS;
• is effectively implemented, followed, and maintained; and
• is corrected when any detected variance from required methodologies is
1.2 This process supports BCPS Blueprint for Progress Performance Goal(s): 7, 8
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This process begins with the establishment of an annual master audit schedule and
includes the:
• planning, staffing, executing, and reporting of all audits and audit results;
• follow-up review of all detected nonconformities to ensure effective resolution; and
• reporting of audit results and actions taken to the Management Review Team.
3.1 Process Responsibility: The QMS Coordinator serves as the process owner who has
final authority on all process activities and requirements.
3.2 Document Approval Authority: The Superintendent has final authority to approve the
issue and/or changes to this document.
4.5 QMS Auditors - Individuals who have completed auditor training provided by an
external supplier/vendor and/or BCPS. The QMS Coordinator maintains a list of
trained auditors.
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Quality Management System
4.6 Lead Auditor – The auditor identified as the primary contact person with the QMS
Coordinator and/or process owner if more than one auditor has been assigned to
perform a specific audit. This individual will be selected by the QMS Coordinator
and/or the audit team members.
5.1 QMS Audits are conducted according to a master audit schedule developed annually
by the QMS Coordinator. The master schedule identifies a series of planned audits
that will ensure that all processes and ISO clauses are audited at least once a year.
This master schedule is developed in consultation with responsible department heads
of the areas to be audited, and taking into consideration the status and importance of
the processes within the scope of certification, as well as previous audits. The
schedule may be modified as needed due to unforeseen circumstances.
5.2 The QMS Coordinator and/or Lead Auditor assigns qualified and competent QMS
Auditors to each scheduled audit, ensuring that the selected auditors will be objective
and impartial. Auditors never audit their own work. Selected QMS Auditors plan the
audit by discussing scope, preparing/reviewing appropriate audit checklists and/or
questions, reviewing previous audits, and developing tentative auditor time schedules
including prospective participants and activities.
5.3 A QMS Audit Notification Form with a tentative auditor time schedule is sent to the
department(s) selected to be audited.
5.4 The audit is conducted. A QMS Audit Feedback Form is given to a sampling of the
personnel interviewed by the auditors. The feedback is used to continually improve the
QMS Audit Process.
5.5 QMS Auditors, at the conclusion of the audit, record audit findings by preparing a QMS
Audit Summary Report.
5.5.3 The QMS Coordinator will forward copies of the QMS audit summary report and
any related corrective or preventive action request forms to the appropriate
process owner and/or manager.
5.5.4 Corrective and/or Preventive Action Processes are initiated by the QMS
Coordinator, if needed, and are handled in accordance with requirements of
corrective and preventive action process procedures.
5.6 The QMS Coordinator and/or Lead Auditor verify any actions taken and communicate
the results of QMS audit summary reports at a scheduled Management Review Team