1. The document is a drug study worksheet for the student Melagrose Nabor covering oxandrolone and raloxifene.
2. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid used to promote weight gain and tissue repair. It can cause virilization in males and inhibition of testicular function. Raloxifene is used for osteoporosis prevention and reduces breast cancer risk. It can cause gastrointestinal upset.
3. The nurse's responsibilities include monitoring for adverse effects, drug interactions, and ensuring patient understanding of the medications.
1. The document is a drug study worksheet for the student Melagrose Nabor covering oxandrolone and raloxifene.
2. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid used to promote weight gain and tissue repair. It can cause virilization in males and inhibition of testicular function. Raloxifene is used for osteoporosis prevention and reduces breast cancer risk. It can cause gastrointestinal upset.
3. The nurse's responsibilities include monitoring for adverse effects, drug interactions, and ensuring patient understanding of the medications.
1. The document is a drug study worksheet for the student Melagrose Nabor covering oxandrolone and raloxifene.
2. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid used to promote weight gain and tissue repair. It can cause virilization in males and inhibition of testicular function. Raloxifene is used for osteoporosis prevention and reduces breast cancer risk. It can cause gastrointestinal upset.
3. The nurse's responsibilities include monitoring for adverse effects, drug interactions, and ensuring patient understanding of the medications.
1. The document is a drug study worksheet for the student Melagrose Nabor covering oxandrolone and raloxifene.
2. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid used to promote weight gain and tissue repair. It can cause virilization in males and inhibition of testicular function. Raloxifene is used for osteoporosis prevention and reduces breast cancer risk. It can cause gastrointestinal upset.
3. The nurse's responsibilities include monitoring for adverse effects, drug interactions, and ensuring patient understanding of the medications.
Student’s Name: Nabor, Melagrose Year Level & Section 2-A Date: 10-15-2021
Pharmacological Nursing Study (Drug Study) Worksheet
Generic/Bran Dose Strength &
d Name & Formulation Adverse/Side Effects & Drug Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Client Teaching Evaluation Indication/ Mechanism of Drug Action Interaction Drug Classification Male Indication Adverse Effects: Anemias, certain cancers, and In prepubertal Assess for the mentioned Administer with food Allergy to androgens Monitor patient oxandrolone/Oxa T1/2: 9 h angioedema males: virilization (e.g. phallic cautions and if GI effects are or other ingredients response to therapy (e.g. ndrin/Anabolic Metabolism: liver Promote weight gain and tissue repair enlargement, hirsutism, contraindications (e.g. severe to relieve GI in the drug. Prevent increase in haematocrit, Steroids Excretion: kidney in debilitated patients and protein increased skin pigmentation). drug allergy, CV diseases, distress. hypersensitivity protein anabolism, etc.). (urine) anabolism in patients who are receiving In postpubertal etc.) to prevent any Monitor endocrine reactions. Monitor for adverse long-term corticosteroid therapy. males: inhibition of testicular untoward complications. and hepatic Liver effects (e.g. androgenic Also known to be used illegally for the function, gynecomastia, Perform a thorough functions, serum dysfunction. Drug is effects, serum enhancement of athletic performance testicular atrophy, priapism physical assessment (e.g. electrolytes before metabolized in the electrolyte disturbances, by promoting increased muscle mass, (painful and continual skin assessment, mental and periodically liver and are known epiphyseal closure, hematocrit, strength, and endurance. erection of the penis), status, abdominal during therapy so to cause hepatic hepatic dysfunction, baldness, and change in examination, etc.) to that dose can be toxicity. etc). libido. establish baseline data adjusted Coronary Evaluate patient Interacton: before drug therapy appropriately and disease. Potentional understanding on drug Potential interaction with begins, to determine severe adverse effects increase in cholesterol therapy by asking oral anticoagulants effectiveness of therapy, can be avoided level through the patient to name the Potentially decreased need and to evaluate for effect of the drug on drug, its indication, and for antidiabetic agents occurrence of any adverse the liver. adverse effects to watch effects associated with for. Altered lipid metabolism and drug therapy. Prostate/breast cancer lack of effectiveness for lipid- in males. Exacerbated Monitor patient lowering agents by the effects of these compliance to drug drugs. therapy. female raloxifene/ Evista/ T1/2: Not known Indication Adverse Effects: Estrogen Metabolism: liver Women receiving any of these drugs Assess for the mentioned Administer drug with Allergy to estrogen Monitor patient should receive an annual medical cautions and food to prevent GI Receptor Excretion: urine Raloxifene has been contraindications (e.g. upset. receptor response to therapy Modulators examination, including breast associated with GI upset, modulators. Prevent (palliation of signs and examination and Pap smear, to nausea, and vomiting. drug allergies, Provide analgesic for hypersensitivity symptoms of monitor for adverse effects and cardiovascular diseases, relief of headache as reactions. menopause, prevention underlying medical conditions. Changes in fluid balance to prevent any untoward appropriate. may cause headache, complications. Pregnancy, of pregnancy, decreased Not indicated during pregnancy or dizziness, visual changes, Provide small, lactation. Potential risk factors for coronary lactation because of potential for Perform a thorough frequent meals to effects on the fetus or artery disease, and and mental changes. physical assessment (e.g. adverse effects on the fetus or neonate. assist with nausea and neonate. palliation of certain Specific estrogen receptor bowel sounds, skin vomiting. cancers). stimulation may cause hot assessment, vital signs, to History of flashes, skin rash, edema, Monitor for swelling venous thrombosis or Monitor for adverse establish baseline data and changes in vision effects (e.g. GI upset, and vaginal bleeding. before drug therapy smoking. Increased Interation or fit of contact lenses risk of blood clot edema, changes in begins, to determine to monitor for fluid secondary sex formation if smoking Cholestyramine: effectiveness of therapy, retention and fluid and estrogen are characteristics, reduced raloxifene and to evaluate for changes. combined. headaches, absorption occurrence of any adverse Provide comfort thromboembolic Highly protein-bound effects associated with measures to help episodes, and drugs (e.g. drug therapy. patient tolerate drug breakthrough bleeding). diazepam, ibuprofen, Assist with pelvic and effects. Evaluate patient indomethacin, breast examinations. Provide safety understanding on drug naproxen): interference Arrange for ophthalmic measures (e.g. therapy by asking on binding sites examination especially for adequate lighting, patient to name the Warfarin: decreased patients who are wearing raised side rails, etc.) drug, its indication, and prothrombin time if contact lenses because to prevent injuries. adverse effects to watch taken with raloxifene hormonal changes can Educate client on for. alter the fluid in drug therapy to Monitor patient the eye and curvature of promote compliance to drug the cornea, which can understanding and therapy. change the fit of contact compliance. lenses and alter visual acuity. Monitor laboratory test results (e.g. urinalysis, renal and hepatic function tests, etc.) to determine possible need for a reduction in dose and evaluate for toxicity.
Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods of Nurse-Family Contact Resources Required Human Resources