Kids Teens Stressmanagementanxietyworksheetpack
Kids Teens Stressmanagementanxietyworksheetpack
Kids Teens Stressmanagementanxietyworksheetpack
Something that may be damaging to how
you see yourself or how others see you
Something you had no way of knowing
would happen
Something you have not experienced
Something you have little or no control
© Created by Carleigh
My Stress Triggers
The things or situations that stress us out are called triggers.
What triggers your stress?
© Created by Carleigh
Circles of Control
© Created by Carleigh
Circles of Control
© Created by Carleigh
Coping with Stress
It can be stressful when things No one likes when stressful
have the potential to damage situations pop up unexpectedly,
the way we see ourselves or but it happens. First, we should
hurt our reputations. If this use calming strategies to help
happens, it is important to use us avoid panicking. Then we
coping skills that boost our should consider the size of the
self-esteem (like positive self- problem. Is it really a big deal?
talk) and help us to manage If it is, we can figure out which
our emotions. It can also be parts of the situation we have
helpful to surround yourself control over and come up with
with people who are kind and a plan to fix it. If it is not a big
supportive. deal, we should simply let it go
and move on.
© Created by Carleigh
My Coping Skills
It is important to think of coping skills that work for you
BEFORE things get tough. What are some positive ways that you
can deal with each type of stress?
© Created by Carleigh
Coping Skills List
This is a list of 50 great ways to cope with stress! Before you use them, think about
what you want to accomplish—do you need to calm down? Distract yourself?
Express your feelings? Take a break? Then, choose the coping skill(s) that will work
best for you.
Take deep breaths Do yoga
Draw, color, or paint Eat a healthy snack
Go for a walk Try meditation
Do a puzzle Count down from 100
Stretch Ask for help
Ask for a hug Squeeze a pillow
Play with a pet Listen to music
Squeeze a stress ball Do Sudoku/brainteasers
Read a book Exercise or play sports
Clean Knead clay/play-dough
Sing the alphabet Bake
Take a break Take a nap
Use positive self-talk Text or call a friend
Write a letter Watch a movie
Drink water Think of your happy place
Journal Blow bubbles
Go outside Write a story
Take a shower/bath Help someone else
Hum your favorite song Look at old photos
Play a board game Go for a run
Dance Progressive relaxation
Hug a stuffed animal Jump rope
Use a grounding exercise Build with blocks or Legos
Make a plan or schedule Talk to an adult
Learn a new skill Use a fidget object
© Created by Carleigh
Grounding Exercise
Grounding exercises help you focus your attention on the present moment.
They are especially useful in times of stress and panic.
© Created by Carleigh
The Ultimate
De-Stress Playlist
What kind of music helps you chill out? What songs would you put on a
playlist to help you reduce your stress level?
© Created by Carleigh
Space to Chill
If you could design the perfect place to chill out and de-stress, what would it
look like? What would you include? Draw it or describe it below!
What makes this space calming? Are there any features of the space you
designed that you could bring to life?
© Created by Carleigh
Calm Down Kit
When you feel stressed, it can be helpful to have a calm down kit, or a box filled with items
that help you cope and feel better. Write or draw things you could put in your calm down kit
that appeal to all 5 senses.
Sight: Sound:
Taste: Smell:
© Created by Carleigh
Asking for Help
Stress can be hard to talk about, but it’s important to let people know when we feel
overwhelmed or need a break. Write down things you could say or do in the
following situations:
© Created by Carleigh
Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements we can use to challenge and overcome the negative
thoughts that increase our stress. Pick an affirmation to focus on this week and practice
saying it several times throughout each day. Or, come up with your own unique affirmation!
Each day is a
fresh start. I have courage
and confidence.
I am always
No matter what
happens, I can
My actions handle it.
bring me closer
to my goals.
I will show up
and do my best.
© Created by Carleigh
Healthy Routines
Developing routines and sticking to them can help you reduce and manage
stress. Write down some healthy habits you want to include in your routine
each morning and evening. Think about scheduling time for self-care,
hygiene, and relaxation.
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© Created by Carleigh
Daily Reflection
Weekly Positive Affirmation:
Monday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
Tuesday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
Wednesday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
© Created by Carleigh
Thursday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
Friday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
Saturday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
Sunday / /
My goal today was:
Biggest challenge(s):
© Created by Carleigh
• Turn on a favorite song. As you listen, pick just one
instrument and focus on it throughout the whole
© Created by Carleigh
Mindfulness Cards
Turn on your
favorite music. Slowly tighten
As you listen, and release
pick just one each of your
instrument and muscles from
focus on it your head
throughout the down to your
whole song. toes.
Reflect on
Look around the week so
the room and far.
see if you can
find an item Think of at
of every least 3 things
color of the (big or small)
rainbow. that are
going well.
© Created by Carleigh
Mindfulness Cards
Breathe in
through your
nose slowly as if Notice three
you’re smelling places where
a big bowl of your body is
mac n’ cheese. making contact
Exhale by with itself or
blowing through the world
your mouth as if around you.
you’re cooling it
Focus on
something you
can see from
Think of or
where you’re
write down at
sitting that is
least five
perfectly still.
things you are Allow your mind
grateful for. to settle and
become as still
as that object.
© Created by Carleigh