(H2) CI2.7 - DNA Molecular Techniques (N) (STDT)
(H2) CI2.7 - DNA Molecular Techniques (N) (STDT)
(H2) CI2.7 - DNA Molecular Techniques (N) (STDT)
Learning Outcomes:
Reece, J. B., et al. (2011). Campbell Biology (9th Ed), Chapter 20: Biotechnology, pp449 – 453
Note: This textbook is available in our library. You may wish to borrow them to supplement your reading when
1) Introduction
3) Gel Electrophoresis
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)
4) Visualisation of DNA
Southern Blotting
Nucleic Acid Hybridisation
Biotechnology has led to recent advancements in genetic engineering, especially in agriculture and
medicine. Molecular techniques involving DNA manipulation are often employed to achieve these
– PCR is an in vitro (outside the cell) method of replicating (amplifying) relatively short DNA
sequences into millions of copies over a short period of time. It is an automated process used when
a target DNA sequence needs to be amplified.
2.1 Reagents
– A PCR reaction requires a pair of primers, Taq polymerase, free deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates
(dNTPs), the target DNA sequence to be amplified and a buffer solution containing Mg2+.
(ii) Primers
– Primers are short DNA sequences (single-stranded oligonucleotides) approximately 20 – 30 bp
in length.
– Primers are synthesised in the laboratory and are designed to be specifically complementary
to DNA sequences flanking / at the ends of the target sequence to be amplified. Thus, the
nucleotide sequence flanking the target DNA sequence must be known for primer design.
– Two different primers, forward and reverse primers, are required for PCR.
1. mark out the section of DNA to be amplified by attaching to complementary bases on the
3’ ends of the target DNA sequence via formation of hydrogen bonds between
complementary base pairs;
2. provide a free 3’-OH end for DNA polymerase to replicate the target sequence by elongating
the DNA strand in the 5’ to 3’ direction. This allows the replication of the double-stranded
DNA molecule.
Fig. 2.1.1: Use of primer to initiate PCR process
– Primers are present in large excess in reaction mixture to increase likelihood of primers
binding to target DNA (decrease likelihood of template DNA strands reannealing to each other
1. Deduce the sequence of two 10-nucleotide long primers that can be used to amplify the complete
target DNA segment.
Forward primer:
Reverse primer:
2. What is the difference between the primers used in DNA replication in cells and that used in PCR?
With reference to your knowledge of protein structure, what structural features do you expect to find in
Taq polymerase?
2.2 Process
The process involves a 3-stage cycle of denaturation, annealing and elongation which results in an
exponential increase in the number of copies of the target DNA molecule of identical sequences.
PCR reagents are added in a reaction tube and PCR is carried out in a thermal reactor, known as
a thermal cycler, which automates the timing of each step in the amplification cycle.
Stage 2: Annealing
– The mixture is then cooled to ~ 55°C in the
presence of excess primers.
– Due to presence of excess primers, the
probability of primer annealing is higher
than the DNA target sequence renaturing.
Stage 3: Elongation
– The temperature is raised to 72°C.
Use the QR
code to access
the PCR Virtual
Lab Simulation
Each cycle results in the doubling of the target DNA sequences. Thus, number of copies of
dsDNA is 2n where, n is the number of cycles.
With reference to Fig. 2.2.3, why are there longer than normal PCR products (i.e. not the desired PCR
product) present in the first few PCR cycles?
Complete the table to show the number of DNA molecules (double-stranded) and DNA strands (single-
stranded) after each PCR cycle.
2.3 Advantages
– PCR is a robust process which can amplify DNA sequences from badly degraded material or
even DNA embedded in material that is difficult to extract, as long as a few molecules contain
the complete target sequence. DNA fingerprints can thus be prepared from cells in a drop of
blood or from the root and shaft of a single human hair.
– As primers base pair via hydrogen bonds only to complementary sequences that flank the target
DNA sequence, PCR is a specific process which amplifies only target sequence
2.4 Limitations
Primer design
– The specificity of the amplification process is dependent on specificity of the primers. Thus, the
knowledge of the base sequence flanking the target sequence is required in order to
synthesize specific primers.
– Primers that are short are easier to synthesize but tend to bind to multiple sites along the DNA
molecule. Long primers are more specific but their synthesis is more difficult and costly.
Error in replication
– Taq polymerase lacks proofreading activity. This results in an error rate of approximately 1 in
10,000 bases. If the error occurs early in the PCR cycle, the erroneous sequence will be
amplified together with the target sequence, resulting in all daughter molecules resulting from
this early error being exponentially affected.
Biological molecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins exist in solution as electrically-charged
particles at a given pH. DNA, for example, is negatively-charged due to phosphate groups of sugar-
phosphate backbone.
When placed in an electric field, DNA molecules which are negatively-charged will move from
the negative electrode (cathode) and towards the positive electrode (anode).
A meshwork of polymer fibers that makes up agarose gel impedes movement of the DNA fragments,
affecting the longer fragments more than shorter ones. Therefore, shorter DNA fragments will
move towards the positive electrode at a higher rate than longer fragments.
Because all DNA molecules are negatively charged, the rate of DNA migration and separation
through an agarose gel depends on the size (molecular length) of a DNA molecule. Migration
distance is inversely proportional to the molecular size of a DNA fragment.
1. Agarose powder is dissolved in Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer and poured into the gel casting
tray. A comb is inserted to form wells.
2. Agarose is left to cool and harden forming an agarose gel (of 0.8% to 2%).
4. The gel is placed into a gel chamber and submerged in TBE buffer. The buffer maintains
appropriate pH and contains ions that conduct a direct current across the gel.
Fig. 3.2.1: Preparation of gel
5. DNA molecules are mixed with loading dye and tracking dye, and loaded in wells of the
agarose gel near the cathode (negative electrode) using a micropipette.
– The loading dye contains glycerol that helps weigh the DNA fragments into the wells.
– The tracking dye contains a low and a high molecular weight coloured compound,
acting as front and back markers of migration as the migrating DNA fragments are not
visible to the naked eye. The high molecular weight compound migrates behind the largest
DNA fragment while the low molecular weight compound migrates ahead of the smallest
DNA fragment.
Fig. 3.2.2: Gel electrophoresis
6. A DNA ladder is loaded usually in the first well of the gel. The DNA ladder is a mixture of DNA
fragments of known sizes which acts as a standard for comparison with DNA fragment of
unknown sizes (fragment length) in the sample.
Fig. 3.2.4: Use of DNA ladder for estimation of DNA fragment length
7. A voltage (between 90V to 150V) is applied across the gel.
When the current is turned on, the negatively-charged DNA fragments migrate out of the well
into the agarose. DNA is attracted towards the positive electrode (anode) due to negative
charges on its sugar phosphate backbone.
The gel acts as a molecular sieve that separates the DNA fragments by size (molecular weight)
and shape. Shorter DNA fragments are less impeded by the gel and migrate faster than longer
DNA fragments.
Fig. 3.2.5: Agarose gel acts as molecular sieve to separate DNA fragments based on size
8. After gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments of the same sizes are localised in the same region
of the gel forming a discrete band. However, DNA molecules are not visible to the naked eye.
Thus, the gels need to be stained for the DNA bands to be seen.
However, such methylene blue and EtBr stains all DNA present in the gel. If only specific DNA
fragments are needed, Southern blot and nucleic acid hybridisation can be used instead.
Agarose is frequently used in gel electrophoresis as it is easy to use, relatively cheap, and non-toxic.
However, it has relatively low resolving power i.e. DNA fragments of very similar sizes cannot be
separated in an agarose gel.
Polyacrylamide, on the other hand, has higher resolution. It is capable of separating DNA fragments
differing by one base pair. However, polyacrylamide is more difficult to use, relatively more
expensive than agarose and polyacrylamide solution is a neurotoxin. Thus, PAGE is usually used
to separate DNA molecules for purposes such as DNA sequencing which requires resolution up to
1 base pair while agarose gel electrophoresis is used for most other applications.
PAGE is also commonly used for separating proteins of different molecular weight.
Staining the electrophoresed gel with methylene blue or EtBr allows us to visualize all DNA bands
in the gel. However, if we want to locate a particular DNA fragment, Southern blotting and nucleic
acid hybridisation is used.
(i) Southern blotting is a method of transferring denatured DNA from a gel after electrophoresis
to a membrane.
(ii) After immobolizing the DNA onto the membrane, nucleic acid hybridisation is performed to
detect specific sequences, where a labelled DNA probe binds to the target sequence via
hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs.
4.1 Southern Blotting
A replica of the DNA bands obtained using agarose gel electrophoresis is made by transferring (or
blotting) the DNA on the gel onto a membrane made of nitrocellulose or nylon.
– The double-stranded DNA molecules must be denatured before hybridisation with the probe.
This is done either before or during the blotting process by exposing the gel to alkaline
denaturing conditions.
1. A sheet of nitrocellulose or nylon membrane / paper is laid over the electrophoresed gel
containing separated DNA fragments.
3. Paper towels are stacked on top of the nitrocellulose membrane to wick alkaline solution
through the gel and nitrocellulose membrane by capillary action.
4. As the alkaline solution passes through the gel, it denatures the DNA fragments from double-
stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). It also transfers the ssDNA fragments from
the gel to the nitrocellulose membrane. The ssDNA fragments bind to the membrane in the
same exact position as they were in the gel.
5. The membrane is then baked in an oven at 80°C for 2 hours or exposed to UV to fix the DNA
fragments firmly onto nitrocellulose membrane.
Single-stranded DNA fragments that are complementary and thus able to specifically hybridise
to the labelled DNA probe by complementary base-pairing, are located by detecting the bound
probe using autoradiography or by fluorescence means.
The size of the DNA fragment that binds to the labelled probe can be determined by referring to
the DNA molecular weight marker that was electrophoresed together with the DNA sample during
gel electrophoresis.
1. The nitrocellulose membrane is peeled off the gel and placed in a sealed plastic bag of solution
containing radioactive DNA probes. DNA probes are short fragments of deoxyribonucleic acid
with base sequence complementary to the target DNA fragment.
2. The mixture is incubated to allow radioactive probes to hybridise with target DNA sequence via
complementary base pairing by forming hydrogen bonds.
3. The nitrocellulose membrane is removed from the bag. Excess, unbound probes are washed
Fig. 4.2.2: Southern blotting and nucleic acid hybridisation after gel electrophoresis
Example: Sickle-Cell Anaemia
Sickle cell disease is a recessively inherited genetic disorder. Glu is replaced by val at the 6th
position of the -globin chain of the haemoglobin molecule due to a A T substitution.
The DNA triplet code (i.e. on the coding sequence / 5' to 3' DNA strand) GAG, coding for glu, is
changed to GTG, coding for val, resulting in single nucleotide polymorphism.
This results in the loss of a MstII restriction site (CCTNAGG) in the sickle cell allele.
ladder Hb Hb Hb Hb HbSHbS
1.5 kb
1 kb
0.5 kb
Fig. 4.2.3: Banding pattern of individuals with sickle cell and normal allele
The positions of the restriction sites for a restriction enzyme R in the normal and the mutated alleles of
a gene are shown in Fig. 1 below:
(a) Draw the location of the bands in the gel below when the DNA samples of two individuals:
1. a homozygote having 2 copies of the normal allele and
2. a homozygote having 2 copies of the mutant allele of this gene
was digested with restriction enzyme R and separated by gel electrophoresis.
(b) Label the band(s) to which the probe 1 will hybridise to with ‘probe 1’.
(c) Label the band(s) to which the probe 2 will hybridise to with ‘probe 2’.
(d) On Fig. 1, draw the location of a third probe (‘Probe 3’) which would give the same banding
pattern for both normal and mutant samples and hence will not able to differentiate between
both samples.