Medicard Philippines, Inc.: Clr-Fo-037 Rev.00 22 Feb 2018
Medicard Philippines, Inc.: Clr-Fo-037 Rev.00 22 Feb 2018
Medicard Philippines, Inc.: Clr-Fo-037 Rev.00 22 Feb 2018
Chief Complaint:
Ongoing cough for more than 6 months, tight throat, throat and ear pain (left)
Other Diagnosis Contributory to Chief Complaint: Prescribed Test/s for Other Diagnosis:
Other Diagnosis Non-Contributory to Chief Complaint: Prescribed Test/s for Other Diagnosis:
CONSENT:The patient or his/her authorized representative hereby consents (if patient cannot sign) to the processing and disclosure of the patient’s information by MediCard, its representatives, and its accredited healthcare providers which is
necessary for the assessment of the patient’s coverage and the fulfillment of its obligations as health care provider, including treatment of illnesses. Consent is also given to share utilization data (for corporate health program) with the Principal
Member’s Company for the proper administration of its health benefits program and medical results (for company endorsed patient) with the patients endorsing company.
Withholding or withdrawal of such Consent shall relieve us from our obligation to deliver the appropriate services to the patient.
The undersigned declares that he has full authority to sign and further acknowledges that the patient is afforded with certain rights and protection in accordance with Republic Act 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and that he
may visit or email for more information.