Activity Sheet: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

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Enrichment Activities Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
My Own Collage
Region III
Directions: Using various materials like pictures in Schools Division Office of Bulacan
magazines, newspapers and brochures. Create a collage that San Miguel National High school
reflects your understanding of anthropology, sociology and
political science. Use oslo paper. Refer to the rubric for scoring.

Understanding Culture, Society

and Politics
The Nature and Goals of Anthropology,
Sociology and Political Science

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics – Grade 11/12

Alternative Delivery Mode (NCR)
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Starting Points for the Understanding of ACTIVITY SHEET
Culture, Society,
and Politics
First Edition, 2020
Alternative Delivery Mode ( Region 2) GRADE AND SECTION:
Quarter 1- Module 1:
The Nature and Goals of Anthropology,Sociology and Political DATE OF SUBMISSION
First Edition, 2020

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A. Content Standards:
3. Theoretical perspective is used to analyze and explain
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and
objects of social study, and facilitate organizing sociological
political identities
B. Performance Standards: 4. Anthropology was derived from two Greek words
The learners anthropos and logos
1. Acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences, 5. Beliefs refer to the state or habit of mind in which
social change, and political identities trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.
C. MELCs: 6. Artifacts helped social scientists to validate, describe,
The learners are expected to: and analyze the kind of culture and society humans made
a. Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, through the course of history
sociology and political sciences. 7. Sociology is the study of human social relationships
D. Specific Objectives: and institutions.
a. Define Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science. 8. Sociological theory attempts to explain how
the social world operates
b. Recognize the common concerns or intersections of
9. Political Science is a discipline in social science
anthropology, sociology and political science with regards to the
concerned primarily in the state, government, and politics.
phenomenon of change
10. Internalize the concept of individual differences and
c. Appreciate the value of Anthropology, Sociology and Political diversity and discover universality among humans are the
Science in our daily lives. goals of anthropology
11. Social Science includes anthropology, sociology and
II. CONTENT political science.
12. Social scientists use empirical research methods to
investigate all sorts of interpersonal and intrapersonal behaviors.
13. Anthropology is branch of science that deals with the
 Lesson 1 – Definition and interrelation of
natural world.
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science
14. One of the goals of sociology is to obtain theories and
 Lesson 2 – Goals and Perspective of Anthropology, principles about society and examine social roles within the
Sociology and Political Science society
15. One of the goal of political science is understand civic
skills and humane ideals for public participation.
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Directions: Write a short generalization of what you have A. Preliminary Activities
learned from the lesson. Complete the sentence 1. Pre-Test
1. I learned that I. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write your
__________________________________________________________ answer in your activity notebook.
__________________________________________________________ 1. It is a branch of discipline that deals with human behavior in its
social and cultural aspects.
A. Politics B. Anthropology
Directions: Write a reflection learned from the discussion. In C. Social Science D. Sociology
2. It is a systematic study of human relationship along with human
writing your reflection, you have to complete the sentence below
on a separate sheet of paper. A. Sociology B. Anthropology C. Political Science D. Culture
3. What are the two Latin words, which Sociology came from?
A. Sciere - Logos B. Socius - Logos
1. I realized that C. Polis - Logos D. Culture - Logos
__________________________________________________________ 4. It deals with all aspects of human being including their biological
__________________________________________________________ evolution.
2. If given a chance A. Politics B. Anthropology
__________________________________________________________ C. Culture D. Sociology
5. It is a branch of Anthropology that focusses on biological and
evolutionary framework of humanity.
IV. ASSESSMENT (Post Test) A. Cultural Anthropology B. Linguistic Anthropology
C. Physical Anthropology D. Psychological Anthropology
Directions: True or False. Analyze each statement. Write T If 6. This term means scientific study of laws and government.
the statement is true and write F if the statement is false. Write A. Anthropology B. Mathematics
your answer in your activity notebook. C. Political Science D. Sociology
7. It focuses widely in political theory and its practices.
________1. Anthropology is a branch of natural science helps us to A. Anthropology B. Politics
understand our holistic identity. C. Political Science D. Sociology
8. It attempts to explain how the social world operates.
_______ 2. The word political came from Greek word “polis” means
A. Political theory C. Anthropological theory
city-state and science comes from Latin word “scire” which B. Sociological theory D. Cultural theory
means to know. 9. It is used to analyze and explain objects of social study, and
(Page 14) facilitate organizing sociological knowledge.
A. Theoretical perspective C. Cultural perspective
B. Conflict perspective D. Functionalist perspective
(Page 3)
10. It sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the RUBRICS
distribution of resources, power, and inequality. CATEGORY 5 points 3 points 2 points 1 points
A. Theoretical perspective C. Cultural
All of the graphics or Most of the graphics Only a few graphics None of the
perspective objects used in the or objects used in or objects reflect graphics or objects
B. Conflict perspective D. Functionalist Creativity
collage reflect a the collage reflect student creativity, reflects student
degree of student student creativity in but the ideas were creativity.
perspective creativity in their their display. typical rather than
11. Understanding, Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) is a display. creative.

multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the Design Graphics are cut to 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not
an appropriate size, lacking in design or lacking in design or an appropriate
contents, methods, and theories of the following EXCEPT: shape and are placement. There placement. Too size shape. Glue
arranged neatly. may be a few much background is marks evident.
Care has been taken smudges or glue showing. There are Most of the
A. Anthropology B. Mathematics to balance the marks. noticeable smudges background is
C. Political Science D. Sociology pictures across the or glue marks. showing. It
area. Items are appears little
12. it is a branch of discipline or branch of science that deals glued neatly and attention was
securely. given to designing
with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. the collage.

A. Education B. Social Science Number of The collage includes The collage The collage The collage
C. Natural Science D. Politics Items 10 or more items, includes 7 different includes 5 different contains fewer
each different. items. items. than 5 different
13. The following are three major theoretical perspectives of items.
sociology except? Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was Class time was not Class time was not
went into the used wisely. always used wisely, used wisely and
planning and design Student could have but student did do the student put in
A. Conflict Perspective B. Functionalist of the collage. put in more time some additional no additional
Perspective and effort at home. work at home. effort.

C. Symbolic Interaction Perspective D. Political Perspective Title and The title is catchy A title is provided Title and No title or
14. It is a branch of science that deals with the natural world: Explanation and creative and that relates to the explanation are explanation!
related to the collage. collage. The incomplete and
its processes, elements, and composition. {ON BACK OF The explanation explanation partially relate to
COLLAGE} provides insight describes the the collage.
A. Historical Theory B. Social Science and meaning. purpose of creating
the collage.
C. Natural Sciences D. Geography
15. It is a discipline in social science concerned primarily in
the state, government, and politics
(Page 13)
A. History B. Social Science
C. Government D. Political Science

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Perspective of
Sociology and
Political Science


Activity 4. Where I can use it

Direction: Give a certain situation happening in your barangay
where you can apply any of the given perspectives. Explain it with
clear descriptions in your notebook.

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2. PICTURE ANALYSIS 1. Complete the Venn diagram below to see the similarities and
Examine the photo below, this photo if the primary differences of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science.
banner of the Department of Tourism. What makes the 2. Write the similarities in the intersecting spaces while provide the
Philippines is more fun? differences of each terms in the outer circles.

Processing questions:
A. Do you think the slogan of the Department of Tourism
shows the uniqueness of Filipinos and our country?

_____________________________________________ Think About This!

_____________________________________________ 1. What are the key concepts and theories in culture, society, and
politics you find very useful in analyzing societal problems?
2. How does studying culture, society and politics affect our daily
B. What are the different activities of your area that is lives?
unique that can explain why “It’s More Fun in the
Philippine”. 3. How can you use your knowledge and understanding in culture,
society, and politics in responding to different social issues?
Directions: Fill out the diagram below with your perspective
about anthropology, sociology and political science. Do the
activity in your notebook.
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Activity 1 and 2 shows how unique and complex our own culture
INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES is, but before we proceed to the deeper discussion of culture we must
ACTIVITY A: discuss the subjects that will helps us analyze the concept of society and
culture and its interrelationships. Today, society was much more
Jumbled Letters complicated and day by day, it keeps on changing and evolving. We,
human beings are keep on adapting in the changes in the society
Directions: There are five words that you can find below; including specifically our own culture.
however, the letters are jumbled. A short description is provided
Natural Science and Social Science
to help you identify the words. Kindly write the correct The study of culture, society, and politics are parts and parcel of a larger
word/phrase on the blanks provided. Write your answer in your body of knowledge with the integration of systematic processes and
notebook. scientific method called, Social Science. Nisbet (1974) stated that “it is a
branch of discipline or branch of science that deals with human behavior
1. GYOLOPORTHAN - deals with all aspects of human beings in its social and cultural aspects” (para.1). It includes anthropology,
including their biological evolution and social and cultural sociology, political science, economics, psychology, and geography as its
branches. It is also the field of human knowledge that deals with all
features. __________________
aspects of the group of life of human beings therefore, it is subject to
2. GYOLOICOS - a systematic study of human relationship change with the changes of the human behavior. Social scientists use
along with human society and interaction. empirical research methods to investigate all sorts of interpersonal and
_______________________ intrapersonal behaviors.
Social Science goes side by side with Natural Science as both branches of
Science. It is a branch of science that deals with the natural world: its
3. CALITILOP ECNEICS - discipline in social science
processes, elements, and composition. However, social science is a branch
concerned primarily in the state, government, and politics. of science primarily focusses in human society and social relationships.
___________________________ ____________________ Consequently, the main difference between natural science and social
science is that natural science studies natural events whereas social
4. NRALTUA ECNEICS - a branch of science that deals with the science studies the human society and behavior.
natural world: its processes, elements, and composition.
__________________ Individual behavior may differ when he will be included into a
group thus, making this event a remarkable beginning of one of the
pioneer disciplines under Social Sciences. Sociology is one of the
5. CIALSO ECNEICS - a branch of discipline or branch of disciplines that tends to answer the social and political issues in the
science that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural Modern Period. Etymologically, Sociology came from the Latin word
aspects. socius – means companion and Greek word logos – means to study. It is
_____________________ a systematic study of human relationship along with human society and
ACTIVITY B. Triple Venn Diagram
Now that you learned essential concepts and theories about culture,
society, and politics, you are ready to organize these learnings into a (Page 7)
Venn Diagram. You may do the following and answer on a separate
Sociology delve into social problems that affect behavior of an individual and a Continuation 2:
group. It addresses solutions to mitigate the phenomenon which cannot be To deeper understand, different perspectives in each subject was
explained by mere physical experiments and investigations. This may be the used. First, Anthropological perspectives are culture, cultural relativism,
starting point of grasping the discipline, sociology is full of complexities that it fieldwork, human diversity, holism, bio-cultural focus. The four
uses different methods and strategies to study a wide range of discipline with main perspectives of Anthropology are the cross-cultural or comparative
its application to the real world. (OpenStax College, 2013, p.10) emphasis, its evolutionary/historical emphasis, its ecological emphasis, and
Another pioneering Social Science discipline, anthropology helps us to its holistic emphasis (Dudgeon). An example for this is the analysis and
understand our holistic identity. It came from a Latin word anthropos – solutions of the different aspects of the society such as the environment issues
means man and Greek word logos – means to study. of pollution, the issues on health and medicine and other issues related to the
Anthropology is a branch of Social Science that deals with all aspects of human activities.
human beings including their biological evolution and social and cultural
features that definitively distinguish humans from other animal species. With Second, Sociological perspective introduces the discipline of
the scope of the discipline, it encompasses a group of more specific and sociology, including something about its history, questions, theory, and
specialized fields. Physical anthropology focuses on the biological and scientific methods, and what distinguishes it from other social science
evolutionary framework of humanity. It focuses on greater information and disciplines. Central features include social interaction and relationships, social
details about human evolution. Other branches that deal with social and contexts, social structure, social change, the significance of diversity and
cultural interactions of human groups are categorically belong to social human variation, and the critical, questioning character of sociology. It also
anthropology, cultural anthropology, psychological anthropology, and explores what sociologists do. 
linguistic anthropology. Archaeology which investigates of prehistoric cultures Sociology includes three major theoretical perspectives:
as its primary focus, has been an essential part of anthropology since it
became a separate and distinct discipline in the end of the 19th century. The
1. the functionalist perspective;
material remains or artifacts helped social scientists to validate, describe, and
2. the conflict perspective; and
analyze the kind of culture and society humans made through the course of
3. the symbolic interaction perspective.
history. (Kuper et al., 2007)
Theoretical perspective is used to analyze and explain objects of
The etymology of Political Science came from two ancient words. The social study, and facilitate organizing sociological knowledge. In
word political came from Greek word “polis” means city-state and science functionalist perspective, societies are thought to function like
comes from Latin word “scire” which means to know. Political Science is a organisms, with various social institutions working together like organs
discipline in social science concerned primarily in the state, government, and to maintain and reproduce societies. The conflict perspective sees
politics. It focuses widely in political theory and its practice and the analysis of social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of
political systems and behavior. (Calilung F., 2014, p.7) resources, power, and inequality.
Comparing to other social sciences, political science has a complex history. Its
earlier form can be traced from the workings of the ancient Greek political Lastly, Political science perspective studies the tendencies and
philosophy of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and later developed into religious- actions of people which cannot be easily quantified or examined. Political
oriented tradition beginning with Augustine and secularized by Machiavelli, science is more focused than most social sciences. It sticks to the political
Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. These modern political philosophers explained arena and to the realm of politics, either dealing with situations with two
the transition of Western societies from savagery toward a democratic competing sides or the lateral decisions that affect the group as a whole. An
commonwealth. Their works paved the way to understand and appreciate example is the study of democracy as a form of government and why is
modern philosophical and democratic theories. democracy considered as the best form of government.

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