Election Review - CXXXX
Election Review - CXXXX
Election Review - CXXXX
I’m constantly reminded to “pick your battles” because there always seems to be so much on the
Tikkun Olam [“repair the world”] agenda; nevertheless, I have fought vicious attacks on Mastriano
(particularly among those claiming commonality of purpose) often reflecting forces unrelated to
his having voted for Act 77, and that is why it’s been so easy to refute them (here & on PoliticsPA).
Applying this concept to imminent deadlines [debt-ceiling and continuing funding-resolution]
while the end-of-year Congressional recess approaches, Bannon properly nixes procrastination.
I’ve felt, however, that the Reconciliation bill has been the MAJOR Marxist proposal that must
be defeated [noting that it would inter alia nationalize all electoral rules], mooting state-level
reform efforts that have dominated reviews of 2020 AND that wouldn’t pass muster with the DoJ
were this “Squad”-Dream to be enacted. Due to this link of this bill to the electoral integrity theme
of these memos, political machinations occurring in the Dem-controlled House were explored.
While everyone else was celebrating Virginia, I’d predicted the quiet moderates’ rebellion due to
realistic re-election worriment (contrasting with the Squad’s safe-seats), demanding a CBO score
of the EVIL pending bill. After arm-twisting, these holdouts (in exchange for getting progressives
on-board to support the infrastructure bill) vowed to vote for the social spending package "in its
current form other than technical changes, as expeditiously as we receive fiscal information from
the CBO -- but in no event later than the week of November 15." Thus, the House advanced the
“$1.75” trillion “Build Back Better” Act (by passing a “rule” establishing a pre-Thanksgiving vote.
Although the above threat is ominous, one can envision “moderates” recoiling when “suddenly”
told (for example) that monies to be collected over a decade will have been exhausted within a
half-decade; staunch opponents Manchin/Sinema provide them “cover,” despite considerable
internal/external pressures. Conor Lamb acknowledged a middle-class tax-hike would be needed
to fund Dems’ “adventurous” programs; takeaways segue from Infrastructure to Reconciliation.
What was passed will advance leftist priorities; the CBO found that it would add $256 billion to
the deficit, and the Penn-Wharton Budget Model said the bill would add no “significant” level of
economic growth. Thankfully, it doesn’t touch overtly Marxist initiatives AND has reversibility.
Nancy enjoyed GOP assistance (with GOPe “Brother Brian” Fitzpatrick whipping RINOs). Although
it includes $ for the Gateway NY <-> NJ AMTRAK project, public-private collaboration is minimal:
• Defines “gender identity” as a protected class;
• Doles out “digital equity” grants partly based on racial or ethnic minority status;
• Creates a state-mandated carbon reduction program;
• Contains funding for “zero-emission vehicles”;
• Addresses “over-the-road bus tolling equity” {I noted a potential mileage-tax within it.};
• Contains the word “equity” 64 times; and
• Provides ~$2.5 billion to help the U.S. government expand border processing stations
used by migrants from poor Central American nations and from everywhere in the world.