Unit 4 Problem Set
Unit 4 Problem Set
Unit 4 Problem Set
All textbook problems refer to problems from Introduction to Probability, Second Edition, by Bert-
sekas and Tsitsiklis. All problems will be graded for effort and completeness. Work must be
shown thoroughly for a problem to be considered complete. See Canvas for answers and com-
plete solutions.
1. For each MGF stated below, what named distribution does X follow? State the name and
parameter value(s).
(a) MX (s) = (0.3es + 0.7)10 (c) MX (s) = e4s
( 5s es
e es
4s − 4s 6 0
for s =
(b) MX (s) = s
1 for s = 0 (d) MX (s) = e−0.7 e0.7e
2. (Textbook, pg. 257) Ch. 4, Problem 36 parts (b) and (c) only.
(a) State the joint PDF of X and Y . Be sure to include the support.
(b) What is the probability the washer fails before the dryer?
4. Consider r.v.s X and Y with joint PDF f (x, y ) = 31 (x + y ) for 0 < x < 2 and 0 < y < 1.
(a) Find P(X + Y > 1). (b) Find P( XY < 1). (c) Find P(|X − Y | > 0.6).
5. Consider r.v.s X and Y with joint PDF f (x, y) = cxy for 0 < y < x < 2. Find P(X − Y ≤ 0.5).
Hint: First find the value of c that makes this a valid PDF.
9. Again consider r.v.s X and Y with joint PDF f (x, y ) = 31 (x + y ) for 0 < x < 2 and 0 < y < 1.
(a) Find the marginal PDF of X . Remember to state the support.
(b) Find the conditional distribution of Y given that X = x.
(c) Find E[Y | X = 1].
(d) Calculate the covariance of X and Y .
10. Consider r.v.s X , Y , and Z . Suppose Var (X ) = 4, Var (Y ) = 9, Var (Z ) = 16, Cov (X , Y ) = −1,
ρ(X , Z ) = 0.3, and ρ(Y , 3Z ) = −0.9. Hint: Use the definitions and properties of covariance
and correlation.
(a) Find ρ(X , Y ). (c) Find Cov (X , Z ). (e) Find Cov (X + Y , Y ).
(b) Find ρ(Z , Y ). (d) Find Cov (X + 0.5, 2.5Y ).