English Task Group 4 Class D

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Activity 1

By :
Putri Audia Syam [J1A121177]
Rinda Andari [J1A121184]
Rizqha Yulysa Nasir [J1A121187]
Saniyah Dwiyanti Amin [J1A121189]
Sindy Syahrani Sonimin [J1A121197]
Siti Azzahra [J1A121199]
Wade Fariana [J1A121225]

Class D

Public Health Majors

Department Of Public Health

Haluoleo University


Air Pollution and Everyone

Air pollution is something we can’t escape cause we breathe it every day. In fact, every
minute of everyday, we breathe six to ten liters of air. If the air around us carries pollutants,
those pollutants enter our bodies and can affect us in many ways. The respiratory system comes
in direct contact with the air we breathe, it is the body system most likely to be affected by air
pollutants. So people who already have asthma, emphysema, or other respiratory conditions,
people with heart or circulatory problems, and cigarette smokers are especially susceptible to the
effects of air pollution.

Air pollution can affect anyone. Even healthy teenagers, young adults, and strong
athletes can suffer negative effects from high pollution levels, especially when exercising

One way to study the relationship between air pollution and health is to compare hospital
records and death records to pollutant levels. Another type of research involves evaluating the
effects of long-term exposure to pollutant levels that are high but not extreme.

Long-term exposure to irritants in the air can cause swelling and constriction of the
airways, increased production of mucous, and paralysis of bacteriadestroying cells. Normally,
the cilia of the epithelial cells that line the airways make sweeping movements to keep the
airways clean. The cilia move mucous, along with germs and dirt caught in the mucous, out of
the respiratory tract. Air pollutants can irritate the cilia, so that their protective action slows
down or even stops. This leaves sensitive tissues unprotected. Then microorganisms and bits of
foreign matter in the air are more likely to remain in the lungs. Here they can cause infections,
lead to the development of lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and increase
the chances of lung cancer.

Our bodies most affected by air pollutants is the respiratory system, the circulatory
system works in close relationship with the respiratory system, so it can be affected too.

The Criteria Pollutants chart summarizes the health effects of the criteria pollutants. Each
of them has different effects. For example, when we inhale particulate matter (PM10), these tiny
bits of foreign matter travel deep into the lungs where they become lodged in the alveoli. These
small, balloon-like sacs are the point in our bodies at which oxygen exchange occurs. This is
where the lung removes carbon dioxide from the blood and replaces it with oxygen from the air.
Very tiny particulates, those less than one micron, can stay trapped here for years. They can
irritate the alveoli, reducing their ability to work properly, and cause long-term chemical and
structural damage to the lungs.
In contrast, carbon monoxide is unusual in that it has n

In contrast, carbon monoxide is unusual in that it has no direct effect on the lungs but is
absorbed by the blood. Carbon monoxide readily combines with hemoglobin in red blood cells,
taking the place of some of the oxygen that should be entering the bloodstream.

Every moment, we are interacting with the air around us. Our bodies are constantly
exchanging molecules with the atmosphere. Just as breath is essential to life, so too is the quality
of the air we breathe essential to good health and the quality of our lives.

Lesson 7 Activity 1 - Symptom Scenarios STUDENT WORKSHEET 1

1. Explain how much air we breathe every minute:

2. What fraction of the American people live where the air is often unhealthy to breathe?

3. Which body system is most likely to be affected by air pollutants?

4. Who is affected by air pollution?

5. Why is it difficult to determine the health effects of different air pollutants?

6. Briefly explain how researchers study the health impacts of air pollution:

7. Which system, besides the respiratory system, can be affected by air pollution?

8. Describe the health effects of particulate matter

9. Describe the health effects of carbon monoxide:


1. Every minute, we breathe six to ten liters of air.

2. The Environmental Protection Agency estimate that four out of ten Americans life where the
air is often unhealthy to breathe.
3. The most affected at body system by air pollutants is respiratory system.
4. Everyone can be affected by air pollutant, even the healty one.
5. Different air pollution is difficult to determine the effect because if researchers want to
know the effects of different pollutants, then they should put human in their labs and take
them to pollutants of high levels, which is unethical to use human as lab-testing devices.
Also,the concentration of each pollutant is changing all the time, so it is difficult to
determine the impact of each pollutant.
6. One way to study the relation between air pollution and health is to compare hospital
records and mortality records for high levels of pollutants, and it involves evaluation of
the effect of high but non-extreme levels of exposure to high level of pollutants.
7. The circulatory system works in close relationship with the respiratory sistem, so it can
be affected by air pollutants too.
8. Very small particulates, can remind trapped in the lungs for years. They can irritate the
alveoli, reduce their ability to work properly, and cause chemical and long-term damage
to the lungs.
9. Carbon monoxside has no direct effect on the lungs but is absorbed by blood. Carbon
monoxside easily joins hemoglobin in red blood cells, taking place in some of the oxygen
that must enter the bloodstream.

Exercise 1 – Let’s bake pizza!

As a group, compare three different pizzas: frozen, take-away or freshly made. If you do not
have a favorite recipe, you can do a search on the internet. Try www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au
Use the criteria shown to record your comparison

Criteria Frozen pizza Fresh pizza Take-away pizza

Cost Cost for frozen pizza Cost for fresh pizza Cost for take away
is cheaper more than is cheaper more than pizza more expensive
fresh pizza. take away pizza. than fresh pizza.

Time taken to Frozen pizza takes Fresh pizza takes Take away pizza
prepare or deliver less time to prepare. time to prepare. takes time to deliver.

Time taken to cook Frozen pizza takes Fresh pizza takes Take away pizza
less time to cook time to cook more takes time to cook
more than fresh than take away pizza. more than frozen
pizza. pizza.
Flavor Taste of frozen pizza Fresh pizza is tastier Take away pizza is
is worse than take more than take away tastier more than
away pizza. pizza. frozen pizza.

Appearance when Appearance of frozen Appearance of fresh Appearance of take

cooked pizza is worse than pizza is better than away pizza is better
fresh pizza. frozen pizza. more than fresh
Problems ensure that the ensure customers make sure the pizza
or difficulties product reaches the don't wait too long is still delicious to
encountered consumer in a frozen after ordering eat when it arrives at
state and is safe for the consumer's house
Nutritional value Contains 10.4 grams contains 10.4 grams contains 10.4 grams
eg. fat content of frozen fat of fat of fat

Main advantage Main advantage of Main advantage of Main advantage of

frozen pizza is time fresh pizza is tastier take away pizza is
to cook less more more than other that it looks better
than other pizza. pizza. than other pizza.
Main disadvantage Main disadvantage Main disadvantage Main disadvantage
of frozen pizza is that of fresh pizza is takes of take away pizza is
it looks worse than time to cook more that it costs more
other pizza. than other pizza. than other pizza.

b.) Draw some conclusions from the table above to determine which pizza offers the
best value and present your test results and recommendations to the rest of the class.

Answer: of the three pizzas have their respective advantages but in our opinion the best pizza
is frozen pizza, because frozen pizza is very practical if we want to travel and can
last for a long time so we can store and heat it anytime when we want

- Tulisalah surat kepada CEO dari rantai makanan cepat saji yang menyarankan apa yang
dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk menyediakan makanan yang lebih sehat. Buat poster
untuk dipajang disekoalh anda, yang mencantumkan pilihan sehat untuk makanan murah,
cepat, dan praktis.
- Tulislah pengajuan ke dewan sekolah anda, usulkan menu yang lebih sehat di kantin
sekolah, sementara tetap menawarkan pilihan yang murah.
- Rencanakan dan presentasikan peragaan untuk teman sekelas, di mana anda menyiapkan
camilan atau makanan sederhana dan bergizi yang nyaman dan murah per sajian.
Kumpulkan semua resep yang disajikan dikelas dan susun menjadi buku resep,
perpustakaan kartu, atau file elektronik.

Iklan menciptakan 'keinginan', bahkan jika Anda tidak benar-benar 'membutuhkan'

produk tersebut.
Konsumen muda memiliki daya beli yang lebih besar daripada generasi sebelumnya dan
lebih berpengaruh terhadap pengeluaran orang tua mereka. Di Australia, 1,9 juta remaja
(kelompok usia 7-14) memiliki pendapatan gabungan sebesar $1,3 miliar per tahun (uang
saku, hadiah ulang tahun, dan sebagainya), menghabiskan sekitar $471 juta per tahun,
dan semakin menjadi target utama pengiklan dan pemasar.

Kami membuat pilihan makanan setiap hari di rumah, supermarket, kantin sekolah,
restoran dan gerai makanan cepat saji, hanya untuk beberapa nama! Ada sekitar 100.000
makanan di rak supermarket, dengan produk baru muncul setiap minggu. Dengan akses
yang lebih besar ke berbagai makanan ini, muncul persaingan dari berbagai pemain
untuk mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen. Ratusan juta dolar dihabiskan setiap tahun di
Australia untuk promosi dan iklan makanan, untuk membuat pelanggan ingin membeli
produk baru, atau memilih merek tertentu daripada merek lain.

Untuk setiap produk mis. minuman ringan diet, ada begitu banyak merek pesaing di luar
sana, sehingga sulit untuk meningkatkan penjualan hanya dari iklan langsung yang
menunjukkan kaleng minuman ringan. Oleh karena itu, iklan modern harus menjual lebih
dari sekadar produk untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Sebuah iklan akan sering memiliki
pesan eksplisit berikut ini
produk hebat, belilah!' dan juga pesan tersirat:'Jika Anda membeli produk ini, Anda akan
menjadi lebih menarik seperti orang orang yang anda lihat diiklan ini, dan anda akan
lebih dekat dengan gaya hidup yang mereka miliki.

Sebuah produk akan menjadi populer jika ditempatkan dalam konteks gaya hidup yang
menarik, diinginkan atau keren. Jika konsumen melihat iklan yang menggambarkan
You will start to hear people talking about ’sometimes’ food. We used to call it
‘junk’ food and felt really guilty if we ate too much of it. As part of a balanced,
healthy eating plan

it is now OK to enjoy some of this food ‘sometimes’, for instance, as a

celebration or a monthly get-together with your friends.

Exercise 1 - Why we love our fries

a) Are 'fast food' and 'sometimes' food the same? How would you define
Answer : Fast food is food that is served and made with a fast process.
It is considered as low quality food and then packaged into a package so
that it can be carried. While the junk food is food that has a ow
nutritional concent,junk food has a high fat concent and is not good for
human health.

b) why are fast food outlets popular?

Answer : not too often. I eat at places such as events,get-togethers with friends
or family and when I’m bored. I eat fast food during the day or night.

c) how often do you eat fast food, where and when?

Answer :practical,fast,cheap,many sizes and delicious.

d) Name five popular fast food items

Answer : burger, French frice,pizza,chicken nugget and hot dog

e) how often do you eat fast food, where and when?

Answer : fast food is one source of saturated fat that can increase bad cholesterol(LDL).
In addition,fast food has a salt content that exceeds your daily consumption limit,so it can
increase blood pressure and the workload of the heart.

f) If you need a quick, cheap and tasty meal, what are your healthy and nutritious
Answer : fried rice, gado-gado, soip, tamarind and capcay.
Name the 5 food groups. List at least 3 foods from each group.

Group: (Grains)

Examples : Bread, tortillas, rice.

Group: (Fruit)
Examples: Apple, bananas, oranges, blueberries, and avocado.

Group: (Protein)

Examples: Meats, chicken, fish, oysters, and egg.

Group: (Dairy/Milk)

Examples: Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, and ice cream.

Group: (Vegetable)

Examples: Spinach, broccoli, peas, carrots, and beets.

Fill in the blanks:

Sausages and doughnuts are two foods that are high in fat. (examples are: potato chips,
mayonnaise, French fries, ice cream)

Sweet rolls and pies are two foods that are high in sugar. (examples are: candy, soda, cookies,

Eat a lot of colorful vegetables, tempeh and tofu. (fruits, vegetables, and grains)

Eat some yogurts, fish, and/or chicken. (dairy, meat, other protein)

Eat very little candy, pizza, and French fries. (oil, fat, and sugar)
Make Your Own Food Pyramid!

Write down everything you ate yesterday. Include meals, snacks, and drinks.

Morning : Porridge






Afternoon : Rice






Evening : Pizza




Put the food you ate yesterday into food pyramid categories!

Fats, Oil, and Sweets (a little)

Pizza and chips.

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group (2-3 servings)

Yogurt and Cheese.

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Egg, and Nuts Group (2-3 servings)

Chicken, Egg, and Fish.

Vegetable Group (3-5 servings)


Fruit Groups (2-4 servings)

Apple, Banana, and Grape.

Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group (6-11 servings)

Porridge and Rice.

Exercise 1 – How am I influenced?

List 5 things that might influence your choice of foods (you can “cheat” and choose from the list
above). In the right hand column provide a brief explanation.
Influence How does this determine what I eat?

eg.Where I live I eat lots of fresh vegetable because I live on a farm and we grow our

I eat McDonald’s because I saw an ad about McDonald’s and it

looks so delicious.

I eat rendang when I celebrated the big day because rendang is one
of the typical foods from Indonesia.

I eat lots of meat when Eid adha because at Eid adha muslims do

I eat ice cream when I’m sad because ice cream is sweet and it
makes me happy.

I eat lots of chicken noodles because it’s one of my friend’s favorite

A. Exercise 1 – Forget the chips!

Answer these questions:

1. What are the most popular foods listed by the children in the survey?
The most popular foods listed by the children in the survey are hot chips (90 per
cent), pizza (87 per cent), fish and chips (81 per cent), chicken nugget (80 per
cent), barbecue chicken(75 per cent), and pies, pasties, hamburgers (74 per cent).

2. What are some of the long-term implication of high consumption of these

There are some of the long-term implication of high consumption of these food
like increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, kidney
disease and liver damage.

3. What foods could have been eaten instead of those listed? Justify your food
There are many healthy foods could have been eaten like fish, berries, soy,
organic yogurt, nuts, grains, beans and lentils.

4. What is the best choice, health-wise and budget-wise, for a snack in between
meals? Use the weighing it up chart as evidence.
In my opinion, the best choice is wheat crackers because in terms of heath, wheat
crackers contains fiber and complex carbohydrates. And in terms of budget, the
price of wheat crackers is cheap.
B. Exercise 2 – The chicken detective!

Write a paragraph reflecting on what you have learnt from being a food

Chicken nugget is a food product consisting of deboned chicken meat that is
breaded, then deep-fried or baked. Chicken nuggets have become a very popular fast
food, as well as widely sold frozen for home use. Chicken nuggets are made with
white chicken meat that comes from the breast or pectoral muscles of the chicken,
and other chicken parts can be mixed in as well. Tendons, bones, nervous and
connective tissues, and fat can all be ground up together before being shaped into
those bite-sized pieces. Study found that chicken nuggets contained more fat than
meat. The raw materials for making nugget are pieces of chicken meat, flour, and
spices. Additional ingredients include starch, breadcrumbs, salt, sugar, pepper, garlic,
and eggs. In the industrial process chicken nugget go through several stages. First,
grind the chicken meat until smooth. Then, the ground chicken is mixed with flour,
spices, and air. Furthermore, processed chicken meat is given a wet coating and dry
coating. Then, processed chicken meat that has been given this layer is fried, until
cooked. Once cooked, the chicken nuggets are frozen at a very low temperature until
frozen. And the final product is then packaged. Packaging of chicken nuggets usually
uses airtight plastic that keeps the chicken nugget safe and durable. Chicken nuggets
contain about 600mg of salt and 20g of fat. But it should be noted that consuming
chicken nuggets in large quantities and frequently, can cause health issues.

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