Dragon #408 - Baator
Dragon #408 - Baator
Dragon #408 - Baator
By Keith Baker
Illustration by Steve Ellis
Fe b r u a r y 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 0 8
Eye on Eberron
Fe b r u a r y 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 0 8
Eye on Eberron
pacts became the most valuable currency in the Although different covens might share an infernal ✦ The Church of the Silver Flame has discovered
divine prison. Every archfiend has its followers, but patron, this doesn’t imply any sort of communication the spread of infernal pacts and believes that this
none have as many as Asmodeus. or loyalty between them. A bargain with a fiend is a activity must be suppressed. A true witch hunt is
The devastation of the Mourning had repercus- personal path to power, not a religion. Beyond this, about to begin. Do the adventurers help, or do they
sions across the planes. Perhaps the grievous wound the fiends receive their payment (the warlock’s soul) oppose it?
to Eberron was felt across her creations. Whatever regardless of whether the schemes of the coven suc- ✦ A cleric of the Sovereign Host is asked to inves-
the truth, on the Day of Mourning the power sus- ceed or fail. This allows adventurers to face powerful tigate the theft of a number of ancient artifacts
taining Baator faltered, and Asmodeus made his infernal forces without being caught up in massive connected to Aureon, which leads to Sovereign
move. Pit fiends led squads of lesser devils to shatter schemes or drawing the anger of mighty enemies. temple ruins in Sarlona and Xen’drik. Asmodeus
the weakened guardians, while Asmodeus and the When heroes kill an infernal warlock, Asmodeus col- is gathering relics connected to the time before his
mightiest of the fiends pounded at Aureon’s wards. By lects her soul; far from spoiling Asmodeus’s plans, the fall, but why?
the time the fluctuation passed, the guardians were adventurers have added to his wealth.
destroyed and Baator was in the hands of the devils. Baator is a mystery even to the sages of Eberron.
They couldn’t entirely break the wards surround- Until recently it was known only to those angels
ing Baator, and as a result the devils cannot leave en devoted to the Sovereign Host, and the Inspired and
masse. But with the assistance of an archfiend or a the Lords of Dust know little about it. A worshiper of WHAT’S IN A SOUL?
mortal’s summoning ritual, it is possible for a devil to the Sovereign Host who makes a hard Religion check When a sentient mortal dies, its soul travels to
reach Eberron. knows that Baator is some sort of inescapable astral Dolurrh. In Dolurrh, memories fade until the
prison. A hard Arcana check provides simple details soul is but a shadow of its former self. This bleak
BAATOR IN THE about the archdevils, primarily those that fell from
grace and vanished.
reality is the foundation of the Blood of Vol’s
battle against death. Other faiths, however, have
WORLD An infernal pact is the common way that Baator a more positive outlook concerning the fate of
influences Eberron. A fiend provides mystical power the dead. The Sovereign Host asserts that Dol-
Asmodeus is consolidating his strength, and he has to a mortal, who uses it as he or she sees fit. Although urrh is a gateway, not a conclusion. The fading
neither the power nor the desire to challenge the infernal pacts have been around for centuries, they of memory is a reflection of the soul’s transition
Chamber, the Lords of Dust, or any of the other have become vastly more common since the Mourn- to the higher realm where the Sovereigns dwell.
ancient forces afoot in Eberron. Rather than investing ing, and devils can be involved in many ways aside What’s left behind in Dolurrh is merely a cast-off
heavily in one grand scheme that could draw the eye from pacts. Consider the following. husk, like a snake’s abandoned skin. The church
of powerful foes, he is making pacts across the world. of the Silver Flame holds a similar belief, assert-
Here, fear is his ally. In western Breland, he promises ✦ A dragonmarked heir carves out a tiny nation in
one of the wilder regions of Khorvaire, supported ing that cleansing in Dolurrh is required before
witches the power to defend themselves against the a soul can join with the Silver Flame. Asmodeus
monsters of Droaam. In Q’barra, he plays on settlers’ by infernal legions and a diabolic power behind
this makeshift throne. believes that the power of the Flame and the
fears of the Poison Dusk. The Mourning, Khyber, the Sovereigns is a direct reflection of the souls
Ashbound, Darguun, Valenar, the next war . . . there ✦ A businessman has remarkable success and some-
devoted to them. Rather than winning allegiance
are many things to fear in Eberron, and an infernal how knows all his rival’s secrets; this is the work of
through faith, he is stealing souls with his pacts.
pact can give you the power to defend yourself. All it his fiendish advisor.
He believes that he can fuse these souls into a
costs is your soul, and perhaps a favor or two. When ✦ A village once troubled by bandits is now shunned divine power battery—his own personal answer
fear doesn’t work, greed often will. Many in the by these outlaws. Bandits avoid the place because to the Silver Flame.
Aurum are willing to bargain with fiends to gain an a group of devils is protecting the town, but the vil-
edge on a dragonmarked competitor. lagers must sacrifice one of their own to the fiends
every few months as payment for this protection.
Fe b r u a r y 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 0 8
Eye on Eberron
✦ A cult of assassins is using a variation of the Keeper’s ✦ A handful of devils slipped out of Baator during
Fang blades—weapons that capture the souls of their the Mourning. They have allied with a criminal
victims and send them to Baator. Can the adventur- guild in one of the major cities of the Five Nations
ers get to Baator to recover the soul of a victim? and are clashing with Daask and other established
✦ The forces of Daanvi rarely act on Eberron and
have little curiosity about Baator. However, one
angelic sage in Aureon’s Vault wants to know more
and asks a paladin of Aureon to serve as its per-
DEVILS OF SHAVARATH, sonal agent in these investigations.
Although angels and devils are found in many of Rivalries among the Lords of the Nine can play out
the outer planes, the fiends of different planes on Eberron, and if you want Baator to play a more
have little in common. So, the inhabitants of dramatic role, Asmodeus could be working to trig-
Shavarath are spirits of war and have no inter- ger a massive harvesting of souls. The first Mourning
est in the souls of mortals. The devils of Fernia cracked the walls of Baator. A second could shatter
are lords of fire, embodying the destructive them completely.
power of the flame and its seductive lure. And,
as discussed earlier in this article, Asmodeus and About the Author
those who serve him have different goals, which Keith Baker is the creator of the EBERRON ® campaign setting
and designer of the card game Gloom. Contrary to popular
he accomplishes as well as he can from Baator.
belief, his success did not involve an infernal pact of any kind,
Devils from different planes might have the and he does not possess a fearsome hellcow familiar.
same game statistics, but their motivation, loy-
alties, and physical appearance varies by plane Editor
of origin. For example, all legion devils are foot Miranda Horner
soldiers in infernal armies. The legion devils of
Managing Editor
Shavarath have iron horns, wear heavy armor,
Kim Mohan
and constantly chant the war songs of their units.
The legion devils of Fernia have crimson skin Producers
and beards of fire, and they never speak at all; Christopher Perkins, Greg Bilsland, Stan!
they sweep across the plane razing all that they
Art Directors
find. Identifying a devil from Baator is challeng- Kate Irwin, Jon Schindehette
ing, however, since so little is known about the
plane. What a sage typically knows in this case Illustrator
is that the fiend isn’t from Shavarath, Fernia, or Steve Ellis
any other common source of devils. Graphic Production
Angie Lokotz
Fe b r u a r y 2 012 | D R AG O N 4 0 8