Smart Parking System Using Bluetooth Mesh Technology
Smart Parking System Using Bluetooth Mesh Technology
Smart Parking System Using Bluetooth Mesh Technology
Index Terms— Bluetooth mesh, parking availability, RFID, slot-booking, traffic congestion, urban areas
the other slot is occupied). When the car is parked, the RFID slot without pre-booking it and that each car enters the correct
reader reads the tag of the car to ensure that the correct car is slot. It is also used for the payment when the car leaves the
parked in the slot and in case the car is parked in the wrong slot, a slot.
buzzer beeps to alert the driver and the managing personnel. 4) HC-05
Once the car is parked, the timer starts (the timer is set for the HC-05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port
value enters by the user at the time of booking). The user can Protocol) module, designed for transparent wireless serial
remove his car any time before the timer runs out. In case the connection setup. Serial port Bluetooth module is fully
user does not remove his car, and the timer runs out, a qualified Bluetooth V2.0+EDR (Enhanced data Rate) 3 Mbps
notification is sent to his mobile to alert him and he will have to modulation with complete 2.4GHz radio transceiver and
pay a fine for the additional time he uses the slot. When the baseband. The HC-05 can reach a range of up to 9 meters. In
driver finally removes the car, payment is automatically done this project, the Bluetooth module is used for the
through his RFID card. The user then leaves the parking area. communication of availability of slots, duration of booking of
each slot etc.
A buzzer is a mechanical, electromechanical, magnetic,
electromagnetic, electro-acoustic or piezoelectric audio
signaling device. A piezoelectric buzzer can be driven by an
oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal source. A
click, beep or ring can indicate that a button has been pressed.
In our project, a buzzer starts beeping when a car is parked in
a wrong slot to notify the driver and the operator present at the
parking area.
6) LED
A light emitting diode is a semiconductor device that emits
light when an electric current is passed through it. Light is
produced when the particles that carry the current combine
within the semiconductor. LED that emits different colors are
available. In the model, the LEDs are used to show the
FIG. 3 Interconnection of components
availability of slots. In the prototype of the proposed model
red hue shows an occupied or booked slot and green hue
A. Hardware shows a vacant slot.
1) Raspberry PI 3
The Raspberry PI 3 is a series of small single-board B. Software
computers. It does not include peripherals and cases. There are
1) Proteus
several generations of Raspberry pi. A Raspberry Pi 3 model
The proteus design suite is a proprietary software tool suite
B has a 1.2 GHz 64-bit quad core Broadcom BCM2837
which is used primarily for electronic design automation. The
processor and 1GB memory used on the pi 3 onto a slimmer
software is used mainly by electronic design engineers and
and smaller board. It also has on board Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and
technicians to create schematic and electronic prints for
USB boot capabilities. In the project, it is used for the RFID
manufacturing printed circuit boards. The first version of what
reading section programming to check whether the correct car
is now the proteus design suite was called PC-B.
has entered the correct slot or not.
2) Arduino IDE
2) Arduino UNO
Arduino IDE is an official software introduced by,
The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board
that is mainly used for writing, compiling and uploading the
based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and
code in the Arduino device. Almost all Arduino modules are
developed by Arduino. The board is equipped with sets of
compatible with this software that is an open source and is
digital and analog inputs or output pins that may be interfaced
readily available to install and start compiling the code on the
to various expansion boards and other circuits.20 digital input
go. It is easily available for operating system like MAC,
or output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6
Windows, Linux, and runs on the Java platform that comes
can be used as analog inputs), as 16MHz resonator, a USB
with inbuilt functions and commands that play a vital role for
connection, a power jack, an in-circuit system programming
debugging, editing and compiling the code in the environment.
(ICSP) header, and a reset button. Its operating voltage is 5V
A range of Arduino modules available including Arduino
and dc current per I/O Pin is 20 milli ampere. An Arduino
Mega, Arduino Leonardo and many more. Each of them
UNO is used in this for the Bluetooth connection scenario.
contains a microcontroller on the board that is programmed
The connection or path is determined using routing algorithm.
and accepts the information in the form of code. The main
3) RFID-2806
code, also known as a sketch, created on the IDE platform will
A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a ultimately generate a Hex file which is then transferred and
device used to gather information from an RFID tag, which is uploaded in the controller on the board.
used to track individual objects. Radio waves are used to
transfer data from the tag to reader. The RFID reader is
present in the project to ensure that a car does not enter the
D. CASE 4: TIME EXCEEDED 1) In the future for handling a vast amount of data, IoT
can integrated in the current system. Cloud storage
The user entered the time details and booked a slot. The car provides an easy solution to memory constrictions of the
enters the parking area and is parked in the correct slot. The current system
car was not removed in the correct time
2) Google maps can be integrated along with the system.
Observations: This proves useful by helping users to be guided to their
chosen or booked slot via maps. Also, it gives a clearer
1. The app shows the notification “the car is entered” view of the slot being booked through the app and can also
aid in suggesting a slot nearer to the desired destination.
2. LCD displays that the car has entered
3) Ambulances or fire trucks can be provided a slot
automatically in case of emergency. If the provided slot
3. Buzzer is in the off state
was booked beforehand, then an alternative parking slot
is allotted after notifying the user.
4. RFID reader reads the tag which is embedded in the
car and whenever the user moves his car, it takes the payment
when the car leaves the parking area with an additional fine
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