Obesity Treatment Recommendations in The Philippines:Perspective On Their Utility and Implementation in Clinical Practice
Obesity Treatment Recommendations in The Philippines:Perspective On Their Utility and Implementation in Clinical Practice
Obesity Treatment Recommendations in The Philippines:Perspective On Their Utility and Implementation in Clinical Practice
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Feature Article
This article briefly reviews the obesity practice recommendations of the Philippine Association for the Study of
Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) and the obesity guidelines of the Family Medicine Research Group (FMRG) of the
UP-Philippine General Hospital. The two treatment recommendations showed their focus on the primary care setting
and several limitations in the development process. The implementation strategies centered on their dissemination
among health care professionals although the PASOO included food and activity pyramid guides useful both as patient
educational material and as a treatment tool. In spite of their limitations, both sets of recommendations are valuable
resources because they effectively promote obesity awareness in the Philippine setting. However, the current sets of
obesity recommendations need to be modified and updated to fulfill important requirements for high-quality
recommendations backed by a strong Philippine evidence base. Collaboration among important stakeholders in the
prevention and control of obesity and other noncommunicable diseases (NCD) is essential to arrive at an integrated
approach to obesity.
Introduction the most recent and fifth survey in 2008. Among Filipino
adults, the prevalence of overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9,
Obesity prevalence is increasing worldwide despite WHO Classification) has jumped from 11.8% in 1987 to
current efforts to curb this modern-day epidemic. The 21.4% in 2008 while the prevalence of obesity (BMI>30)
World Health Organization (WHO) noted that as of 2008, tripled from 1.7% in 1987 to 5.2% in 2008 (Table 1)4.
35% of adults aged 20 years and older were overweight
(BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) (34% of men and 35% of women). A Table 1. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among
near-doubling of the worldwide prevalence of obesity was Filipino adults 20 years and older
YEAR OF STUDY BMI 25-29.9 BMI =>30
noted between 1980 and 2008, with 10% of men and 14% 1987 11.8 % 1.7 %
of women being obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) in 2008, compared 1993 14.0 % 2.6 %
1998 16.9 % 3.2 %
with 5% of men and 8% of women in 1980. It was thus 2003 19.7 % 4.3 %
estimated that 205 million men and 297 million women 2008 21.4 % 5.2 %
From the Food and Nutrition Research Institute and the National
over the age of 20 were obese, totalling to more than half a Nutrition and Health Survey data.
billion obese adults worldwide. Moreover, the WHO
projected that by 2015, the worldwide prevalence will be This alarming development happened only within the last
2.3 billion overweight adults and 700 million obese adults1. two to three decades despite a better understanding of the
problem and better tools to manage affected individuals.
Epidemiologic data compiled by the International Obesity In fact, several guidelines have been made available since
Task Force (IOTF) showed this same pattern of high and the 1990s specifically formulated for the management of
rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity and its overweight and obesity in different populations. Among
comorbidities in many countries in the Western these are the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Hemisphere, with reported combined overweight and guidelines (US NIH, 1998)5, the UK National Institute for
obesity prevalence rates reaching 30 to 50% of the Health and Clinical Excellence (UK NICE guidelines)6, the
population in different countries2. A shift towards Canadian clinical practice guidelines7, and the the
noncommunicable diseases (NCD) has been observed in American College of Physicians guidelines8, to name a
developing countries largely due to the more than three- few.
fold increase in obesity rates since 1980 in the Middle East,
the Pacific Islands, Australasia, India and China 3. In the Philippines, the clinical practice recommendations
on weight management are represented by a limited
In the Philippines, the National Nutrition and Health number of publications. The two readily accessible sets of
Survey (NNHeS) data illustrates the upward trend in recommendations are the focus of discussion in this article
overweight and obesity from the first survey in 1987 to and these are the Philippine Association for the Study of
ISSN 0857-1074 Corresponding author: Gabriel V. Jasul, Jr.
President, Philippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Copyright © 2011 by the JAFES
Rm. 914 CHBC North Tower
Received October 14, 2011. Accepted October 18, 2011. St. Luke’s Medical Center, E. Rodriguez, Sr. Ave., QC
Tel. No.: +63 2 723-0301 loc. 5914
122 www.asean-endocrinejournal.org
www.asean-endocrinejournal.org Vol. 26 No. 2 November 2011
Obesity Treatment Recommendations in the Philippines Gabriel V. Jasul, Jr., et al 123
Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) recommendations on Important features of the PASOO recommendations
the healthy and safe weight management program9 and include the use of the Asia-Pacific cut-offs in classifying
the Family Medicine Research Group (FMRG) guidelines the degree of overweight and obesity, both for the body
for diagnosing and treating obesity in family practice as mass index (BMI) and waist circumference values (Table
part of the Guidelines Series of the FMRG the Department 2). Risk stratification was applied not only in determining
of Family and Community Medicine at the University of the risk of comorbidities but also in determining the
the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH)10. treatment strategy (Table 3). The stepwise approach to a
healthy and safe weight management program was
The objectives of this article are: To briefly review these incorporated in six (6) algorithms, as follows: classifying
two sets of recommendations highlighting their distinctive patients, work-up for causes of obesity, evaluation of
features, to discuss important implications of their comorbidities and risk factors, preparation of starting the
usefulness and their implementation in clinical practice weight management program, treatment according to risk
vis-a-vis the current challenges in the management of and follow-up (Figures 1 to 6). The algorithms are
obesity and other lifestyle diseases, and, finally, to present simplified representations making them a practical guide
future action plan addressing the issues and limitations in the usual clinic setting. These algorithms emphasize
seen in these two recommendations. basic history taking, clinical examination and minimal
essential laboratory work-up. There is an important
The PASOO Algorithm/Recommendations for the recommendation for considering referral for specialized
Healthy and Safe Weight Management Program evaluation and care when usual care is not successful at
several points in the multi-step process. Putting value on
Established in March 1994 and fully incorporated as a non- monitoring outcomes and preventing weight regain is also
stock, non-profit organization in September 1994, the apparent in these algorithms. The accompanying two-
PASOO formulated its mission of being the pioneer in the page discussion summarizes the salient points on dietary
prevention and control of obesity and its complications therapy, physical activity, behavior modification, and
through education, research and advocacy and its vision drug therapy. In the latest version of the PASOO
of an obesity-risk free Philippines. It gained international recommendations, the Filipino pyramid food and activity
recognition when it became a full member of the guides (Figures 7 and 8) are included as illustrative
International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) educational material for health professionals, for patients
on June 21, 1995. Through continuing medical education and for the general public.
activities and public awareness campaigns, the PASOO
spearheads many initiatives in educating health Table 2. Classification of risk of co-morbidities based on
professionals and lay persons on the nature of obesity, its BMI and waist circumference, adopted and
complications and more important, its prevention and recommended by the PASOO
treatment in the country. During its 2nd Annual Waist Circumference
Convention in 1996, the PASOO put forward its <90 cm (men) >90 cm (men)
<80 cm (women) >80 cm (women)
recommendations for a healthy and safe weight Underweight <18.5 Low, but increased Average
management program. Since this initial presentation, this risk of other clinical
set of recommendations has been highlighted in several Normal weight 18.6 – 22.9 Average Increased
scientific fora and has been published several times as part Overweight >=23
At risk 23 – 24.9 Increased Moderate
of the Compendium of Philippine Medicine (CPM), an Obese I 25 – 29.9 Moderate Severe
annual publication, now on its 13th edition, containing the Obese II >=30 Severe Very Severe
latest treatment guidelines, consensus statements and
management algorithms from multi-sectoral task force
groups, medical societies and training institutions in the Apparent limitations of the PASOO recommendations
Philippines. include the limited information regarding its
development process, the identification and representation
Improvement of the initial PASOO recommendations was of stakeholders and intended users, the evidence base
actively pursued by the PASOO leadership and in 2002, and grading of these recommendations.
Sy et al11 formulated the algorithms on the approach to the
Table 3. Classification of treatment of obesity based on
screening, diagnosis, management, follow-up and risk, adopted and recommended by the PASOO.
prevention of obesity and presented this set of algorithms RISK Calorie intake Exercise Drugs Surgery
during the Philippine College of Physicians Annual < 800* > 800
Convention that year. These algorithms were adapted by LOW 3 2 1 NA NA
The UP-PGH Family Medicine Research Group (FMRG) The Utility and Implementation of Obesity
Guidelines for Diagnosing and Treating Obesity in Recommendations: Implications in Clinical Practice in
Family Practice the Philippines
Published as part of the Guidelines Series of the FMRG of The continued rise in the prevalence of overweight and
the Department of Family and Community Medicine and obesity and the failure of current efforts to control and
Philippine General Hospital in The Filipino Family reduce obesity prevalence rates raise several issues, not
Physician, the quarterly journal of the Philippine Academy only in the Philippines but also globally. First, the
of Family Physicians, the FMRG obesity guidelines were usefulness of clinical guidelines needs evaluation as to
presented as a summary of recommendations in three (3) their relevance to realities in clinical practice and their
specific areas: definition of obesity in family practice, effective implementation in different settings. Second, the
diagnostic evaluation of patients with obesity, and ultimate knowledge translation gap appears to contribute
therapeutic measures for patients with obesity (Table 4). to the failure of programs for chronic lifestyle diseases
This five-page article is an attempt at condensing the (hypertension, diabetes, obesity). Third, the duplication of
information gathered from the process that looked at over programs and disunity of health organization and
60 publications. The grading of the ten (10) agencies in addressing the problem of lifestyle diseases
recommendations was indicated together with a brief lead to a waste of resources. Fourth, the current treatment
summary of the evidence for each of the tools have several limitations and lifestyle modification
recommendations. The significant features of the FMRG remains the most important pillar in weight management.
guidelines include the concise reporting of the
recommendations, with noted grading of the evidence, Table 4. Summary of Recommendations from the UP-
PGH Family Medicine Research Group Guidelines for
making them easily perused by intended users in family
Diagnosing and Treating Obesity in Family Practice
practice. The WHO cut-offs for both BMI and waist Definition of Obesity in Family Practice
circumference were used in defining obesity. Recommendation 1. In family practice, obesity is defined as body mass
index (BMI) of 30 kg/m and above. Classification of overweight and
obesity is also based on this index. (Grade C)
Recommendation 2. Waist circumference could also be used as an
adjunctive measure to define obesity. A waist circumference of >102 cm
for males and > 88 cm for females would also warrant a diagnosis of
obesity. (Grade C)
Figure 7. The Filipino Pyramid Food Guide, developed by S. S. Orbeta, and the Food, Nutrition and Research Institute
(FNRI) in 1997 and endorsed by the PASOO.
Figure 8. The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide, conceptualized in 2000 and recommended by the PASOO.
Development of practice guidelines requires a well- utilize the guidelines, or “mixed pull-push,” drawing
planned process that involve careful examination of from both ends and multiple channels12 .
relevant evidence base and formulation of
recommendations addressing important disease-related In evaluating these important requirements in the
management issues. Several published guidelines reported Philippine guidelines, it was apparent that clear statement
the tedious stages of the development process before of goals and target end users and the other requirements
valuable recommendations were finalized and circulated were not met satisfactorily. The implementation strategy
to end-users and stakeholders5-8. Gandjour, et al12 reported relied mainly on the push method, concentrating on
the development process of evidence-based guidelines for physicians mainly through conventional channels of
the treatment of obesity in Germany and pointed out the dissemination. The use of illustrative pyramid guides both
fundamental questions that should be addressed in the as educational material and as a treatment tool by the
process. Similarly, Mercer13 critically appraised the PASOO can be seen as representing a mixed pull-push
usefulness of guidelines in the management of obesity by strategy, increasing awareness of obesity and its
illustrating how UK NICE guideline 43, one of the most management through diet and physical activity among
comprehensive guidelines ever published on obesity, fit health professionals, patients as well as the general
in the clinical practice setting. Many of the concepts and public. Indeed, it can be noted that while there were
challenges in obesity guideline development and identified insufficiencies in the Philippine guidelines,
implementation discussed in these excellent reviews their contribution in strengthening obesity awareness
apply to the current examination of the two sets of can be considered an accomplishment of these
Philippine obesity practice recommendations. guidelines. Moreover, those areas of inadequacy are
indeed areas for improvement towards the ultimate goal
Basic questions are related to the goals of the guidelines, of formulating of high-quality obesity guidelines. The
the intended target audience (end-users), the choice available Philippine guidelines are not ideal and far from
between adapting foreign guidelines and formulating perfect but they represent significant steps in that
entirely new set of guidelines with new content and direction.
features suited to the local setting and the type of
implementation strategy. While, these basic questions Issues and Challenges in Obesity Management in the
Philippine Setting
were not clearly addressed in the published versions of the
two Philippine recommendations, the inherent nature of
Obesity is a complex disorder with multiple interacting
these guidelines points to a primary care focus adapting
contributory factors that include genetic, biologic,
published foreign data and modifying them to suit the
behavioural, environmental, as well as socioeconomic
Philippine situation. Clearly, the strategies employed in
elements. Primary preventive care may be the best setting
implementing these guidelines centered on their
for its management and hence, should be the focus of
dissemination to health care providers in the primary care
obesity treatment guidelines. Aggressive lifestyle
setting, through scientific fora and publications, i.e,
modification through healthy eating and physical activity
Compendium of Philippine Medicine and the Filipino
has been proven to be an effective and safe intervention
Family Physician journal. Such strategies might have
both for the prevention and treatment of obesity and its
limited extent of information transfer among intended
attendant comorbidities. Many of the noncommunicable
diseases (NCD), such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension
and cardiovascular disease, can be treated or prevented by
The usefulness of practice recommendations will be
lifestyle modification. However, there is an apparent
enhanced by fulfilling the requirements for a good
knowledge translation gap as lifestyle modification
guideline including validity, reproducibility, reliability,
measures are not maximised at different levels of patient
clinical applicability, clinical flexibility, clarity, meticulous
documentation, completeness and acceptance by end
users. A clear statement of the main purpose/s and the
Severe limitations characterize the current treatment
primary target audience sets the direction of the
options for obesity. Lifestyle modification is associated
guidelines, encouraging wider use and acceptance.
with noncompliance, recidivism and behavior-related
Adaptation to the local conditions, with due consideration
problems. Behavioral modification is difficult with few
to socioeconomic determinants of health care, can likewise
trained professionals in this area. Drug therapy is now
increase acceptance and thus the effectiveness of the
limited to virtually one drug, orlistat. Phentermine can still
guidelines in the clinical practice setting. The choice of
be given but only for a very limited period of time (3-6
implementation strategy influences the successful
months). Bariatric surgery for extreme obesity is being
dissemination and utilization of guidelines. The
performed in several centers in the country and while it
implementation strategy can be categorized as “pull,”
has significant weight loss and metabolic benefits, it has
concentrating on communication to patients, encouraging
limited indications, can be costly and may have associated
them to consult physicians, “push,” focusing on academic
complications. In this context, lifestyle modification
and opinion leaders convincing health professionals to
remains the mainstay of obesity management.
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4. Food and Nutrition Research institute (FNRI) and National Nutrition
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identification, assessment and management of overweight and
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PASOO. The DOH Manual of Operations for NCD
Prevention and Control contains specific information on 8. Snow, V, Barry, P, Fitterman, N, Qaseem, A and Weiss, K.
healthy lifestyle programs and strategies for their Pharmacologic and surgical management of obesity in primary care:
implementation16. Unfortunately, there appears to be no A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians.
Ann Intern Med. 2005; 142: 525-531.
effective integration of programs and services up to this
9. Sy, RAG for the PASOO. Guidelines for a healthy and safe weight
point. Duplication of programs results in the waste of the management program: PASOO recommendations. Compendium of
already limited resources and ineffective implementation Philippine Medicine. 10th ed. 2008, pp 249-256.
10. Beltran, ICC. Guidelines for diagnosing and treating obesity in family
of programs and guidelines issued separately by
practice. The Filipino Family Physician. 2002; 40(3): 100-104.
government and non-governmental agencies. The 11. Sy, RAG. Algorithms on the approach to the screening, diagnosis,
evidence base for Philippine research on obesity and other management, follow-up and prevention of obesity. Presented at the
NCDs is likewise limited and should be encouraged to Philippine College of Physicians Annual Convention. 2002.
Unpublished report.
provide a strong foundation of a truly Philippine-adapted
12. Gandjour, A, Westenhofer, J, Wirth, A, Fuchs, C and Lauterbach,
set of treatment guidelines. KW. Development process of an evidence-based guideline for the
treatment of obesity. International J for Quality in Health Care. 2001;
Future Directions and Conclusions 13(4): 325-332.
13. Mercer, S. How useful are clinical guidelines for the management of
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Obesity practice recommendations should be valid, 14. Dean, E, Lomi, C, Bruno, S, Awad, H, and O’Donoghue, G.
reproducible, reliable, clear, complete, clinically applicable Addressing the common pathway underlying hypertension and
and flexible, and accepted by end users. The availability of diabetes in people who are obese by maximizing health: The ultimate
knowledge translation gap. International J Hypertension. 2011.
such high-quality recommendations in the Philippines is 15. Department of Health, Republic of the Philippines. Twenty years of
premised on the cooperation of stakeholders in non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention and control in the
formulating an integrated approach to the problem Philippines (1986-2006). 2009
16. Department of Health, Republic of the Philippines. Prevention and
through strengthening efforts in educating the health care
control of chronic lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases in the
professionals and the public, in pursuing relevant obesity Philippines: Manual of Operations. 200
research and in advocating for public policy changes.
Multidisciplinary and multi-level collaboration between
government and non-goverrmental organizations is
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