Measurement of Knee Joint Range of Motion With A Digital Goniometer: A Reliability Study

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Received: 3 December 2017 Revised: 4 June 2018 Accepted: 11 July 2018

DOI: 10.1002/pri.1765


Measurement of knee joint range of motion with a digital

goniometer: A reliability study
Melanie Svensson1,2 | Veronika Lind1 | Marita Löfgren Harringe1,2

Hela Kroppen Fysioterapi och Friskvård AB,
Stockholm, Sweden Abstract
Department of Molecular Medicine and Objectives: Measurements of joint range of motion (ROM) are part of a physical
Surgery, Sports Trauma Research Center,
therapist's daily work. Activities of daily living and exercises can be complicated to
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Correspondence perform when ROM is limited, and depending on the demands in daily living, the knee
Melanie Svensson, MSc, RPT, Hela Kroppen joint requires different ROM. In sports, a few degrees in ROM may make the
Fysioterapi och Friskvård AB, Kapellgränd 13,
Stockholm, Sweden. difference between getting injured or not. The goals for physical therapists are to help
Email: the patients to regain full ROM, mobility, strength, and function after sustaining an
injury. To measure joints with the manual universal goniometer is considered time‐
consuming and difficult with respect to repeated measurements. Recently, a new
digital instrument for measuring ROM was developed—EasyAngle. A first objective
of the study was to investigate the reliability of EA for measuring knee joint angles,
considering intrarater and interrater reliability. A second objective was to investigate
if there were any differences in the intrarater reliability between a novice and an
experienced assessor.
Method: Passive knee angles were measured in fixed positions for 40 knee joints
(20 subjects). Two registered physical therapists, one novice and one experienced,
conducted the measurements. Both registered physical therapists were blinded to
the measurements throughout the study.
Results: The results showed very good intrarater (intraclass correlation coefficient
[ICC] 0,997–0,998, standard error of mean 1.15–1.48, smallest detectable difference
[SDD] 3.19–4.09, limits of agreement −3.36–3.04, −4.66—4.09) and interrater reliabil-
ity (ICC 0.994, standard error of mean 2.11, SDD 5.85, limits of agreement −4.75–6.95)
for measurements of knee joint ROM. No statistical difference between a novice and
an experienced assessor was detected (p = 0.86).
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed very good ICC values for both
intrarater and interrater reliability measuring knee joint ROM with EasyAngle.
Relatively high SDD values were seen for both assessors and may indicate a problem
monitoring small differences between measurements. Further studies are recom-
mended to increase the generalizability of the results.


evaluation, lower extremity, physical therapists, reproducibility of results

Physiother Res Int. 2019;24:e1765. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 7

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N Recently, a new instrument for measuring joint ROM was devel-

oped—EasyAngle (EA). EA was developed with the purpose to digitize
Measurements of joint range of motion (ROM) are part of a physical angle measurements to optimize the reliability. It may be held by one
therapists' daily work, especially for physical therapists working in pri- hand during measurements, leaving one hand free to stabilize a body
mary health care and orthopaedics. The goals for physical therapists part during measurements, and five measurements may be saved
are to help patients regain full ROM, mobility, strength, and function on the display. The hypothesis is that measurements with the new
after sustaining an injury. ROM is measured to discover limitations in developed digital goniometer will be reliable, easy, and fast to use.
joint movement and to evaluate the patient's progress in an interven- A first objective of the study was to investigate the reliability of
tion or rehabilitation program (Akizuki, Yamaguchi, Morita, & Ohashi, EA for measuring knee joint angles, considering intrarater and
2016; Gogia, Braatz, Rose, & Norton, 1987). Thus, it is of great impor- interrater reliability. A second objective was to investigate if there
tance that measurements are precise with respect to reliability and were any differences in the intrarater reliability between a novice
validity in order to make the physical therapists' work as precise as and an experienced assessor.
possible (Akizuki et al., 2016).
A common treated and measured joint is the knee joint (Akizuki
et al., 2016; Gogia et al., 1987). Shelbourne, Freeman, and Gray
(2012) studied individuals who had undergone anterior cruciate liga-
ment reconstruction and found that a loss of knee extension with 3 2.1 | Study design
to 5° compared with the opposite knee adversely affected the subjec-
tive and objective results after surgery. A limited ROM was also asso- A methodological study, designed according to Guidelines for

ciated with lower quadriceps muscle strength and more often reporting Reliability and Agreement Studies (Kottner et al., 2011),

associated with radiographic osteoarthritis (Lohmander, Östenberg, investigating the intrarater and interrater reliability of a digital goniom-

Englund, & Roos, 2004). Depending on the demands of daily living, eter was conducted. The study was designed in accordance with the

the knee joint requires different ROM (Moritz, 2007). In sports, a ethical guidelines from the Helsinki declaration of ethical principles

few degrees in ROM may make the difference between getting injured (World Medical Association. WMA Declaration of Helsinki ‐ Ethical

or not. Bradley and Portas (2007) studied football players and con- Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, 1964)

cluded that players with smaller ROM in the hip and knee before the and approved by the local ethical board in Stockholm (Dnr2017‐

season suffered more muscle ruptures of the hamstring muscle during 1981/31). Written and oral information was provided to the subjects,

season, compared with players with good mobility in the hip and knee. and the subjects were informed that they, at any time, could leave the

Over the years, the most common tool for measuring ROM has study without explaining the reason. Written consent was retrieved

been the universal goniometer (UG; full‐circle manual goniometer; from all subjects before participating in the study.

Gajdosik & Bohannon, 1987; Russell, Jull, & Wootton, 2003). The
advantage with the UG is its low cost, but both hands are needed to 2.2 | Subjects
perform the measurements, which makes it difficult to stabilize other
body segments (Gajdosik & Bohannon, 1987). Numerous studies have Twenty healthy, male (7) and female (13) subjects, between the ages
found the UG to have generally good intrarater and interrater reliability, of 21 and 66, were included in the study. The subjects were recruited
and most of those studies have found the intrarater reliability to be bet- with a convenience sampling strategy and consisted of colleagues,
ter than the interrater reliability (Boone et al., 1978; Brosseau et al., friends, and gym visitors. Demographic data were collected before
2001; Jakobsen, Christensen, Christensen, Olsen, & Bandholm, 2010; measurements (m[SD] = age 39 [15.6], height 172.2 [8.2] cm, mean
Peters et al., 2011; Piriyaprasarth & Morris, 2007; Rothstein, Miller, & weight 70.2 [11.4] kg, and physical activity 6 [3.2] hr per week), and
Roettger, 1983; Watkins, Riddle, & Lamb, 1991). The majority of the questions regarding previous and current knee injuries were
studies have also shown better reliability for knee flexion than knee answered. Knee joint instability, ligament injuries, meniscal tear inju-
extension (Brosseau et al., 1997; Brosseau et al., 2001; Rothstein ries, patellar tendinosis, osteoarthritis, and undefined pain were
et al., 1983; Watkins et al., 1991). Even if the UG shows good intrarater reported by nine of the included subjects. Both the right and left knee
and interrater reliability, it has a measurement error of 5° for measure- were measured at one occasion, resulting in a total of 80 measure-
ments of the lower extremity (Boone et al., 1978). Alternative types of ments for each assessor.
goniometers with various technologies fluid‐based (Rheault, Miller,
Nothnagel, Straessle, & Urban, 1988), parallelogram (Brosseau et al., 2.3 | Assessors
1997; Brosseau et al., 2001), applications for the smartphone (Gogia
et al., 1987; Milani et al., 2014; Ockendon & Gilbert, 2012), digital pho- Two registered physical therapists (RPT), RPT1 and RPT2, with
tography (Naylor et al., 2011; Verhaegen, Ganseman, Arnout, different experience of measuring joint angles conducted the mea-
Vandenneucker, & Bellemans, 2010), digital inclinometer (Cleffken, surements. RPT1 was considered the novice RPT and had worked as
van Breukelen, Brink, van Mameren, & Damink, 2007), Orthoranger a physical therapist for less than a year with no experience of measur-
(Clapper & Wolf, 1988), and internet‐based goniometers (Russell ing with EA, and RPT2, the experienced RPT, had worked as a physical
et al., 2003) have been evaluated for measurements of the knee joint, therapist for 8 years and had experience of measuring with EA from a
and each of the different goniometers has its own benefits. previous study and from clinical work. Before conducting the

measurements, RPT1, the novice assessor, were familiarized with registered them in a protocol. Although the test leader registered
EA and practiced measuring ROM on three different subjects for RPT1's measurements, RPT2 measured the same right and left knee
half a day. angle and then gave the digital goniometer to the test leader. This
was repeated twice for each subject. The subjects were lying supine
on a bench with the arms along the body, wearing underwear or shorts
2.4 | EA (Figure 1). Time consumption for each subject was estimated to
15 min. Small knee extension angles were avoided due to the blinding
EA is a handheld digital goniometer with a display attached in the mid-
of the measurements. The display reports saved angles but not direc-
dle of a hard plastic ruler and provided with a position sensor, always
tions once saved. That is, whether it is a knee hyperextension or flex-
aware of its position in space. An algorithm minimizing disturbing
ion. When uncovering the display, the test leader would therefore not
angular components like rotation is incorporated in the digital device.
be able to understand whether there was an extension defect or a
This algorithm also makes the goniometer less affected by body shape
hyperextension that was measured. During real‐time measurements,
of the patient and how the physical therapist handles EA. To measure
before saving the data, an arrow is seen on the display indicating a
knee joint ROM, EA is lined up with the lateral side of femur, between
hyperextension. Angles ranging from 14 to 131° were used.
trochanter major and the middle of the lateral joint space of the knee,
and thereafter between the middle of the lateral joint space of the
knee and the lateral malleoli (Rheault et al., 1988). The goniometer
then compares the first position with the second position, and the
2.6 | Statistical analysis
angular difference between the two positions represents the knee
Thirty‐five measurements are required to get a reliability coefficient of
joint ROM. The measurement values are given in degrees with an
0.80 with a significant level of 5% (Eliasziw, Young, Woodbury, &
interval of one degree. The display saves the last five measurements.
Fryday‐Field, 1994). Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 3.1 was
Two EAs were used in the present study. At the start of the study they
calculated for intrarater and interrater reliability. The ICC values were
were calibrated by measuring a 90° angle.
interpreted according to the classification of Altman (1991),
ICC < 0.20 = poor, 0.21–0.40 = fair, 0.41–0.60 = moderate, 0.61–
2.5 | Procedure 0.80 = good, and 0.81–1.0 = very good. A 95% confidence interval
was calculated for the true difference to check if there were any sys-
The first 10 subjects were measured firstly by RPT1 followed by RPT2, tematic differences between the measurements (Bruton, Conway, &
and thereafter, the remaining 10 subjects were measured firstly by Holgate, 2000). Smallest detectable difference (SDD) and the standard
RPT2 followed by RPT1. The right knee joint was always measured error of mean (SEM) were calculated for intrarater and interrater reli-
first by the two assessors. The test leader randomly placed the knees ability. There are no existing cut‐off points for SDD and SEM, but
of the subjects in different angles and marked the reference points on the closer to zero, the better the value. To test the presence of any
the subjects with removable crosses. RPT1 measured the right and left systematic and significant difference between the two assessors, an
knee angle once and then left the room to give the digital goniometer independent t test was conducted. The significant level was set at
with the saved measurements blinded to the test leader who p < 0.05. Moreover, the correlation for interrater reliability was

FIGURE 1 EasyAngle pointing towards the

reference points lateral joint space and
trochanter major

presented in a scatter‐plot. SPSS version 24 and Excel 2017 version

15.30 were used.


According to the classification of Altman (1991), the results showed

very good intrarater (ICC 0.997–0.998) and interrater reliability (ICC
0.994) regarding measurements of knee joint ROM (Table 1). No dif-
ferences between a novice and an experienced assessor were
detected (p = 0.86).
Hereunder Bland Altman plots are presented to give an alterna-
tive and supporting way of evaluating the reliability (Figures 2–4).
Figure 5 illustrates the correlation between the measurements from
RPT1 and RPT2. FIGURE 2 Bland–Altman plot for intra‐rater reliability, RPT1:
The two goniometers that were used during the procedure The outer lines represent 95% limits of agreement. The middle line
showed consistency at the start of the study. However, when all sub- represents the mean of the differences between measurement one
jects were measured, a difference of two degrees was noticed and measurement two

between the goniometers.


The results of the present study showed very good ICC values for
both intrarater and interrater reliability measuring knee joint ROM,
according to the classification of Altman (1991). The limits of agree-
ment in the Bland Altman plots indicate a small spread of the values
for intrarater reliability as well as for interrater reliability. No statistical
significance was found between the novice and the experienced
assessor. Although the ICC values were very good, the SDD values
were relatively high and may indicate a problem monitoring small
The methods and statistical analyses vary a lot between studies.
The results of the present study demonstrate similar results as a study
by Rothstein et al. (1983), Watkins et al. (1991), Peters et al. (2011), FIGURE 3 Bland–Altman plot for intrarater reliability, RPT2:
and Jakobsen et al. (2010) where high intrarater and interrater reliabil- The outer lines represent 95% limits of agreement. The middle line
represents the mean of the differences between measurement one
ity were found for measurements of passive knee flexion with the UG.
and measurement two
EA shows a higher ICC value for interrater reliability compared with
visual estimation (0.83), evaluated by Watkins et al. (1991). EA should
therefore be preferred prior to visual estimation when measuring pas- the reliability of an inclinometer, EA seems to be a more reliable mea-
sive knee flexion. Jakobsen et al. (2010) found that the tester experi- surement tool with lower SDD and SEM values. This is also evident
ence does not appear to influence the degree of reliability when comparing the SEM values from the present study to Boone et al.
measuring with the UG, which, according to the present study, seems (1978), who evaluated the reliability of the UG, suggesting that EA is
to be the fact for EA as well. Comparing the results from the present preferable for measurements of the knee joint ROM.
study to Verhaegen et al. (2010), who evaluated the intrarater reliabil- The subjects were measured in fixed positions, and therefore, the
ity of digital photography, and Cleffken et al. (2007), who evaluated variations within the individuals could be excluded in the present

TABLE 1 The results of intrarater reliability and interrater reliability

Mean value first Mean value second

measurement (°) (SD) measurement (°) (SD) ICC3.1 (95% CI) SEM SDD LoA

Intrarater reliability RPT1 61.0 (27.2) 61.2 (27.3) 0.998 (0.997–0.999) 1.15 3.19 −3.36–3.04
Intrarater reliability RPT2 59.9 (27.5) 60.5 (27.4) 0.997 (0.995–0.998) 1.48 4.09 −4.66–4.09
Interrater reliability 0.994 (0.989–0.997) 2.11 5.85 −4.75–6.95

Note. The ICC value is based on the first measurement from the two assessors.
SD, standard deviation; ICC, intraclass correlation; CI, confidential interval; SEM, standard error of mean; SDD, smallest detectable difference; LoA, limits of

FIGURE 4 Bland–Altman plot for interrater

reliability: The outer lines represent 95% limits
of agreement. The middle line represents the
mean of the difference between RPT1 and

the study group agreed upon not fixating the subjects with belts or
likewise. Common reference points that have been used in previous
studies are trochanter major, the lateral epicondyle of femur and caput
fibula, and the lateral malleoli (Clarkson Hazel, 2000). In the present
study, the middle of the lateral joint space was used to facilitate the
measurements and to avoid the rotation of the lower leg that occurs
during knee extension. A third part marked out the reference points
on the subjects to make the method as standardized and replicable
as possible. This may have influenced the results of the reliability.
The two goniometers that were used for conducting the measure-
ments showed consistency at the start of the study. However, when
all subjects were measured, a difference of 2° was noticed between
the goniometers. It is unclear if the two goniometers showed different
number of degrees during the study or not, but when looking at the
results, no systematic differences could be seen between the two
FIGURE 5 Scatter plot: Correlation between the first measurements
from RPT1 and RPT2 assessors. However, a relatively high SDD was found, which may be
caused by the difference of 2°between the two goniometers or indi-
cate a problem monitoring small differences between measurements.
study. If, instead, maximal flexion would have been measured, there This has to be further investigated. To increase the reliability, it is
might have been problems because of the stretch effect, which can often recommended to use the mean of two or more rater rating
occur when measuring maximal flexion several times. A reasonably (Perkins, Wyatt, & Bartko, 2000). The ICC values in the present study
even distribution between men and women and a wide range in age were calculated from single measurements, and therefore, the results
for the included subjects in the present study makes the results gener- are not likely overestimated. The digital goniometer seems to be effec-
alizable for a larger population. Both assessors were blinded for their tive and may simplify the physical therapists' work. EA is used by only
own and each other's measurements, which limited the possibility one hand, which, according to the two assessors, is beneficial com-
for the assessors to affect the results. To minimize the risk of system- pared with the UG where both hands are needed to conduct measure-
atic errors, the two assessors took turns to start measuring. The study ments. That makes the procedure using EA less time‐consuming and
was designed according to Guidelines for reporting Reliability and easier to handle compared with UG.
Agreement Studies with the aim of creating a study with a low risk To strengthen the reliability of EA, more studies must be con-
of bias (Kottner et al., 2011). The results of the present study were ducted. It is important to evaluate the validity of EA, preferably com-
evaluated in multiple ways, which strengthens the results of the study. pared with X‐ray. EA is promoted to be useful for all joints of the
There could have been some benefits with fixating the subjects during body, and therefore, more reliability and validity studies for several
the measurements to exclude the risk of motions between the mea- joints need to be performed. It is also important to evaluate the reli-
surements, but when measuring joint ROM in clinic, there is no or little ability of EA on different populations, for example, children, subjects
time to fixate the patient before collecting measurements. Therefore, with injuries like anterior cruciate ligament injury and osteoarthritis

or patients that have undergone, total knee or hip arthroplasty. Only a Cleffken, B., van Breukelen, G., Brink, P., van Mameren, H., & Damink, S. O.
few knee extension angles were measured in the present study. In (2007). Digital goniometric measurement of knee joint motion. Evalua-
tion of usefulness for research settings and clinical practice. The Knee,
previous studies measurements of knee extension have shown lower 14(5), 385–389.
reliability compared with measurements of knee flexion with different
Eliasziw, M., Young, S. L., Woodbury, M. G., & Fryday‐Field, K. (1994). Statis-
measurement instruments (Brosseau et al., 1997; Clapper & Wolf, tical methodology for the concurrent assessment of interrater and
1988; Piriyaprasarth & Morris, 2007; Watkins et al., 1991). It would intrarater reliability: Using goniometric measurements as an example.
therefore be of value to investigate the reliability of EA during mea- Physical Therapy, 74(8), 777–788.

surements of knee extension angles. Gajdosik, R. L., & Bohannon, R. W. (1987). Clinical measurement of range
of motion. Physical Therapy, 67(12), 1867–1872.
In the present study EA showed very good intrarater and
interrater reliability. The digital goniometer seems to be effective
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The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article: Svensson M, Lind V, Löfgren
J. (2010). Are clinical photographs appropriate to determine the maxi-
mal range of motion of the knee? Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 76(6), Harringe M. Measurement of knee joint range of motion with
794–798. a digital goniometer: A reliability study. Physiother Res Int.

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