Gec08-Science, Technology & Society
Gec08-Science, Technology & Society
Gec08-Science, Technology & Society
What is STS, and why should people want to study and learn it?
Why should students, teachers, researchers and other
professionals have interest in the subject? Primarily, we need some
background and understanding of the significance of science and
technology in the living past and their importance in the modern
Goals of STS
Challenges &
Opportunities of
STS Education
Meaning of
Technology and
Objectives Purposes of
Science and
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to Technology
Lecture Notes
STS deals with the interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political,
and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. It concerns the study of
contemporary controversies, historical transformations, policy dilemmas, and broad
philosophical questions. And the key goals of STS are the following;
• engaging students in examining a variety of real world issues and grounding scientific
knowledge in such realities.
This means to say that the adoption of the As a citizen, you will have the enormous
STS concept in an educational reform responsibility of making decisions that will
enables the development of resources for impact yourself as well as society. Many of
critical thinking towards a complex and these decisions will require an
fast-changing societies which are deeply understanding of the interaction of
influenced by science and technology. STS science and technology and its interface
examines the ways in which science and with society.
technology issues are emerging and
affecting societies.
• developing the students’ capacities and confidence to make informed decisions and to
take responsible action to address issues arising from the impact of science in their daily
The STS education can develop your positive benefits and power of science and
ability to formulate sound ethical and technology must also be aware of the
moral decisions about issues arising from moral and ethical dimensions of science
the impact of science in your daily lives. and technology. And as a response to the
complex social and moral issues in our
According to Lewis & Gagel, STS
society in an intellectual and informed
education integrates sciences and value
manner, you are required to be educated
education. Meaning, an informed and
scientifically and morally.
responsible citizenry that understands the
Focus Question: What have science and technology done for you
lately? Answer this question in 5 sentences only. Send your answer
thru text/private messaging or via e-mail.
Values and Beliefs: The goals of STS may challenge the value and beliefs of students and
teachers-as well as conventional, culturally entrenched views on scientific and
technological development. However, the students can gain opportunities to engage with,
and deeply examine the impact of scientific development on their lives from a critical and
informed perspective. Moreover, this will help the students to develop their analytical and
problem solving capacities, as well as their ability to make informed choices in their
everyday lives.
In teaching and learning STS, our moral insemination. At this instance, a debate
and religious beliefs can be challenged; may occur among us and each of us will
hence, arguments about STS issues may defend our stand about the existence of
arise during the discussion. For example, human beings; hence, your critical
some of us believed that only God can thinking can be developed or improved.
create humans while others might say that Also, you can make a choice if which is to
science and technology can develop fetus believe and learn to respect the beliefs of
through medical procedures such as In- others.
Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and artificial
Knowledge and Understanding: The interdisciplinary nature of STS requires teachers and
students to research and gather information from a variety of sources. At the same time,
teachers need to develop a sound understanding of issues in various disciplines-
philosophy, history, geography, social studies, politics, economics, environment and
science. This is so that students’ knowledge base can be appropriately scaffolded to
enable them to effectively engage in discussions, debates, and decision-making processes.
We, STS teachers, are often faced with the some clear pointers in (1) identifying your
challenge of transforming classroom views and ideas, (2) exploring your ideas
practices from task-oriented approaches and robustness in explaining phenomena,
to those which focus on developing accounting of events and making
students' understanding and transferring predictions, (3) providing stimuli that will
agency for learning to students. develop, modify or change your ideas and
views, and (4) supporting your attempts to
And to stimulate your ability in conceptual
re-think and reconstruct your ideas and
reconstruction, we will try to provide you
Meaning of Science
1. Science is a process. 2. Science is a product.
(a) Concerned with discovering (a) Systematized, organized body of
relationships between observable knowledge based on facts or
phenomena in terms of theories. truths.
(f) It is the study of the beginning and (f) It is the variety of knowledge,
the end of everything that exist. people, skills, organizations,
facilities, techniques, physical
(g) Conceptualization of new ideas,
resources, methods and
from the abstract to the particular.
technologies that taken together
(h) Kind of human cultural activity. and in relation with one another.
Science as a process refers to the practices motion during the process, but he built a
employed in science to uncover new idea with a more accurate description
knowledge and interpret the meaning of of nature and motion, leaving the Laws of
those discoveries. It is a process of Motion as a product.
investigation into the natural world and the
Another example
knowledge generated through that
can be illustrated
process. Also, it is a process by which we
in making a lye (a
increase and refine understanding of
ourselves and of the universe through
needed in soap-
continuous observation, experimentation,
making), where
application and verification.
sodium hydroxide
In addition, science is a process because is slowly poured into distilled water and
the scientific method makes any carefully stirred until fully dissolved. The
hypothesis (or theory) open to be proven lye solution is left to cool, eventually, it is
against. During the process, the accurate ready to mixed with oils. In the process of
ideas stay (as theories) while the false dissolving the sodium hydroxide, the
ideas disappear from mainstream science product is lye.
as historic steps towards the truth.
In photosynthesis-a process by which
On the other plants use solar energy to produce sugar,
hand, science is light energy is
a product converted to
because without chemical energy,
those historic which is stored in
steps, a yet sugars. The
more complex ideas couldn't have appear. process involves
For example, Sir Isaac Newton cannot three basic
formulate the laws of motion without the reactants (water,
ideas of Aristotle and Galileo Galilie. In carbon dioxide and light energy) and
other words Newton didn't come up with produces three key products (glucose,
the equation out of nowhere, neither he oxygen and water).
destroyed false ideas of Aristotle about
(f) A way of using findings of science (b) It is like a language, rituals, values,
to produce new things for a commerce and arts, it is an intrinsic
better way of living. part of cultural system and it both
shapes and reflects the system
(g) Search for concrete solutions that values.
work and give wanted results.
(c) It is the product of the scientific
(h) It is characteristically calculative concept.
and imitative, tends to be
dangerously manipulative. (d) The complex combination
of knowledge, materials
(i) Form of human cultural activity. and methods.
2. Technology is a product. (e) Material products of human
(a) A system of know-how, skills, making or fabrication.
techniques and processes. (f) Total societal enterprise.
2. Scientists and philosophers from For Q.1 & 2: The Law of Universal Gravitation was
formulated by Sir Isaac Newton
ancient times have made observations
about gravity on Earth. In 628, Indian
astronomer Brahmagupta recognized
gravity as a force of attraction. In the
1600s, Galileo Galilei, Robert Hooke
and Johannes Kepler formulated laws
of gravity near the Earth.
5. A metric ruler or meter stick can be For Q.3, 4, & 5: Measurement is fundamental to the
sciences; to engineering, construction, and other
used in measuring lengths with high technical fields; and to almost all everyday
precision. activities.
Meaning of Society
1. Came from the Latin word “socius” that 3. Made up of community of people.
means friendship, companionship or a) Scientists
b) Technologists
c) Recipients (Users)
2. It is a dynamic system
of collective, cohabitation of
4. It provides us with a system and a
groups of individuals with mutual
platform to work together for the
understanding, benefits and common
betterment of the world. With the
collective efforts of the society, we are
able to improve our living and social
Technology has advanced into many areas anymore because cellphones, particularly
of our lives, making information more smartphones, can save hundreds of phone
accessible, improving communication, numbers that are all a click away. Buying
changing transportation, and more. Today and selling of goods, nowadays, were also
we can text or message our family improved because of technology; instead
members and friends online to of going to shopping malls, supermarkets
communicate rather than just going and or grocery stores, which is not as safe as
knocking on their door. In addition, we when there was no Covid-19 yet, we can
don’t need to memorize phone numbers avail all the basic needs with less hassles
For SLSU use only Page 11 of 22
Focus Question: (1) In your current situation, how did science and
technology improved the quality of your life condition? (2) How did
science and technology able to provide explanation to your queries
about the natural world? Choose only 1 of these questions and send
your answers thru text/private messaging or via e-mail. Limit your
answer to 5 sentences only.
Epistemological concerns. It cannot help us with questions about the God, the ultimate
Good, and Truth. It cannot deny nor confirm the existence of God, soul, heaven and other
We believe that everything in the universe to draw conclusion scientifically, we run the
was created grave risk of depriving ourselves of what
by God and we might have come to truly learn.
He also made
life into Nowadays, we can track the whereabouts
existence. of our friends and family members using
And the the modern technology of smartphones,
existence of we can even travel from one place to
life and other another with ease in a short span of time.
things could But these technology cannot be used to
be a proof travel in heaven, hell or purgatory for us to
that God be able to prove or deny that there is such
exists because of His creations. But the place in the afterlife. We can’t even send a
questions is, if there was no life in a planet, text or private message to our deceased
will this mean that God does not exist in loved ones to find out if how they are
that place? Some of you might say yes doing. Actually, none of our modern
while others might say no; your answer technology can confirm whether the soul of
depends on how strong or weak your a deceased person goes to heaven or hell
religious belief and we’ll respect your or it’s just wandering around us. It’s our
opinion. Well, Science can explain how faith that, maybe, matters if what to believe
plants make their own food, how animals or not to believe.
depend on plants to sustain life, how our
human body system function when we’re
alive; however these are not enough
evidences to conclude that science can
prove or disprove the existence of God. But
of course if we use our beliefs as an excuse
Immaterial and transcendental describe We, as Christians, also believed that on the
anything that has to do with the spiritual or Judgement Day souls will be re-embodied
non-physical world, which is beyond the and will live eternally in the heavenly
realm of rationality and the material world kingdom. No one knows when it will
or ordinary and everyday experience; it is happen, however, let us do the right things
mystical or supernatural. An example of this here on earth so that our soul will be
is the ability to rewarded in the future. Whether this is true
communicate or not, again, our religious belief, which
with the dead, should be respected by everyone, matters.
which could be And just like the previous example, the
initiated through existence of soul is beyond the grasp of
spiritual scientific inquiry and there is no scientific
channeling or studies, yet, that can prove the reality of this
mediumship. instance.
claimed that
they can listen to
and relay
messages from
spirits or they can allow spirit to control
their body and speak through it directly or
by using automatic drawing or writing. The
validity of this practice can be studied but
no scientific explanation can justify that a
medium can communicate with the dead,
In this modern days, machines can be Many years ago, the occurrence of natural
operated and made functional by artificial disaster such as earthquake, typhoon,
agents like robots, which perform task in
behalf of humans without immediate and
direct human control. However, there are
still other machines (technologies) that
become functional only if a person utilized
them. Like for example, in doing our
Lastly, science can not solve all of our in many aspects. Knowing that cigarettes
problems; however, our scientific contains highly addictive chemical known
understanding can help us fight diseases, as nicotine, but it can do nothing to your
hunger and poverty when applied properly personal health unless you stop from
and when the concerned individual act on smoking or you did not start smoking at all.
that understanding, accordingly. For Reading an article about the health risk of
instance, science has found that smoking smoking is easy but the hard part is to stop
has many from smoking. In this sense, science really
bad effects cannot solve the problem, only us can solve
related to the problem when we take the knowledge
health, social provided by science and use it
and appropriately. In fact, many of our
psychological problems are caused by lack of action and
level, which, eventually, can harm a person not lack of knowledge.
New technologies are improving the quality of life. These are seen in:
Medical research has high value to society vaccine will bring new hope to the Covid19
because it can provide important patients (more importantly) and to their
information about disease trends and risk family as well.
factors, outcomes of treatment or public
health interventions, functional abilities, In the health
patterns of care, and health care costs and management
use. Eventually, medical research have led of Covid19
to significant discoveries, the development patients with
of new therapies, and a remarkable severe or
improvement in health care and public critical
health. Like for instance, the discovery of respiratory
“Sputnik V” infection, ventilators are indispensable.
from Russia is These machines are used to pump oxygen
the awaited into the lungs of patients to maintain blood
vaccine that oxygen saturation; these are used for
might cure severe and critically ill patients
Covid19, experiencing breathing difficulties;
though there however, not all severe patients need
are some ventilator. In other words, not every severe
controversies on this, we are very hopeful patient can experience breathing difficulty
for the success of curing Covid19 using that can only be solved by ventilator. Some
“Sputnik V”. The development of this patients just need to inhale oxygen, and an
oxygen system can simply do the job. important to understand that ventilators do
These technology [ventilator] allowed time not cure COVID-19, but they help support
for the patient to recover in hopes that lung function while a patient’s body is
breathing becomes normal again. It’s fighting the infection.
2. Sophisticated traffic management systems for land, sea, and air transportation enable
the smooth and timely movement of more people and goods.
Transport is a key sector in the Philippine and adapt vehicular traffic speed;
economy, linking population and economic eventually, there was a reduction of
centers across the islands. The transport polluting elements in the streets, improved
system in most of the cities in the road safety and a decrease in the holdup
Philippines is predominantly land-based. time.
Relative to this, the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority (MMDA) tried to In recent
improve traffic flow and reduce travel years, there
times, making the best not only for the has been
movement of vehicles but also that of notable
persons, goods and services. Since Metro development
Manila is the country’s main business, retail of roll-on roll-
and industry hub, it is important that MMDA off (ro-ro) ferry
has a long term solution in managing the services,
transit of the people in the metro. And a which are The roll-on-roll-off (ro-ro) ferry
complete, centralized urban traffic aimed at services in the Philippines
management, which includes centralized providing an
stoplight system and CCTV system, was alternative to traditional long-distance
implemented as the mobility solution for inter-island shipping services. The ro-ro
Metro Manila. The above-mentioned system allows vehicles to drive onto and off
technology improved the urban traffic ro-ro ferries without loading or unloading
control and management, improved of cargo. This transport system can reduce
stoplight status data available in real time, the sea transport costs because this
improved data on traffic-related incidents, eliminates cargo-handling labor and
equipment, and reduces the amount of
time cargo is required to be in port.
preparation in the home. Food science and also often improves the quality of life for
technology contributed greatly to the individuals with specific health conditions,
success of modern food system in offering modified foods to meet their
resolving nutritional deficiencies and needs; for example, sugar-free foods
enhancing food safety. sweetened with an alternative sweetener
for people with diabetes.
The modern food manufacturing enable to
maintain and improve the food quality and
enhance the food safety. Also, the sensitive
nutrients can be preserved, important
vitamins and minerals can be added while
toxins and ani-nutrients can be removed,
and foods can be designed to optimize
health and reduce the risk of disease.
Moreover, the waste and product loss can
be reduced, and distribution around the
world can be facilitated to allow seasonal
Artificial sweetener is a good alternative in place of
availability of plenty of foods. It should also
sugar to limit sugar intake
be noted that modern food manufacturing
4. Automobile research is providing safer, cleaner, energy efficient, and more intelligent
Human mobility was revolutionized by the looking forward for additional advances in
the arrival of automobiles. Because of transportation, not only because we want to
increase in the number of automobiles, the go in places that we dreamt of, but also to
roads and streets were expanded so that reduce greenhouse gases, improve air
intercity travel can be accommodated. The quality, and support economic
advancement in technology tremendously development.
improved the power, performance and
travel range of vehicles to the level that
they reshaped the city sprawl and the way
people live today.
Before the emergence of the Internet and TWITTER, and LINKEDIN which allows us to
other data networks, the telephone (and communicate and stay connected with
earlier the telegraph) was an application of family and friends across the globe
technology that allowed people to regularly. All these sites have helped to
communicate at a distance by voice (and narrow the physical distances between us.
earlier by encoded electronic signals), and Social Networking provides facilities such
telephone service was provided by the as faster communication speed, effective
public switched telephone network. But sharing of information, paperless
today, there are other communication tools environment, etc.
that can be used to communicate with
other people; these tools include email, We can communicate each other without
cellphones, smartphones, computers, video boundaries. It becomes quicker because
and web conferencing tools, social we can send an instant message in a
networking, as well as online collaboration fraction of time with the low cost which
and productivity platforms. saves costs and man power for delivery.
And by the use of video conferencing
In today's interrelated world, information technique, we can get feel to
and communication technology (ICT) is communicate with someone face to face
extensively used by our country and it which is benefit for meeting or
affects our lives everyday. Recently, many communicate together.
ICT gadgets are used in our life and
facilitate with mobility, thus, used anywhere
and anytime. These gadgets operate for
information, speed, and communication
and reduce the physical and mental human
work load. By that principles, modern day
gadgets truly helped mankind in daily life.
ICT has contributed a lot to change our
everyday life such as letter to e-mail, market
shopping to on-line shopping, classroom
learning to e-learning, etc. We can carry out
net banking, read newspapers online,
watch TV programs, and connects Information and communication technology is an
ourselves to our family, friends, or relatives ‘umbrella’ term that includes any communication
while we are at long distance by using the device such as television, digital media, smart phones,
iPads, smart board, etc. ICT also includes the
e-mail, messenger, call-conference, or
hardware & software used to operate the technology.
SELF ASSESSMENT TEST: The result of this test will reveal how
much you understand the lesson and will be recorded as part of
your seat work. For each question there are four possible answers
A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and send your
answers text/private messaging or via e-mail. Say aloud your
promise of honesty (below) before taking the quiz.
In taking this quiz, I (your name) understand that I may not work
with anyone else, including conferring with others (student, or
anyone else); exchanging information, answer or ideas; or in
aiding or being aided by others in the completion of this test. I
understand that failure to follow this rules is considered cheating,
and may subject me to a significant reduction in my grade at the
discretion of the professor. I certify that I have personally prepared
the answers to this test in accordance with the above stated rules.
1. Technology must______ the needs of people, society, and the environment. (A) fit (B)
define (C) influence (D) be effective to
3. Which one of the following is most likely a desire and not a need for the home?
(A) refrigerator (B) automatic dish washer C) telephone (D) washing machine
4. Which of the following is a way that science has benefited society? (A) More fuel-efficient
vehicles (B) Traveling farther and more easily (C) Healthier, longer lives (D) All of these
5. Which one of the following is an example of science and not technology? (A) invention of
the light bulb. (B) making toothpaste that cleans teeth better. (C) measuring daily
temperature variations. (D) making cars more fuel efficient
7. Which of the following statements about technology is incorrect? (A) Technology has
influenced world history. (B) Technology has a major impact in the society. (C) The design
and construction of modern structures has evolved from prior technologies and
techniques. (D) People who live in different parts of the world have the same
technological choices.
8. Does science lead to technology, or technology lead to science? (A) Science leads to
technology, because technology is the application of science. (B)Technology leads to
science, because it allows us to learn more about the world. (C) Science leads to
technology, and technology leads to science. The two are interconnected. (D) Science
neither leads to technology, nor does technology lead to science.
9. Which of the following best describes the interaction of science and society? (A) Science
and society do not interact. (B) Society can drive scientific research by providing support
and funding opportunities for projects that are considered important by decision makers.
Science can affect society by providing new technologies and advancements to meet the
needs of society. (C) Science impacts society by providing solutions to society’s needs, but
society has no impact on science. (D) Society impacts science by providing support and
funding for important projects, but science does not impact society.
10. Which of the following statements about the impact of science and technology to society
is INCORRECT (A) Machines have led to employment. (B) Science has brought about
ground breaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases. (C) science has put in our hands
such fiendish weapons as the nuclear bomb, the guided missile and means of chemical
and biological warfare. (D) In transportation, railway, modern ocean liner, jet plane, and
motor vehicle have made our lives more comfortable and provided great possibilities for
modern commercial development and industrialization.
Just a reminder; self-education is must if you want to excel in life. Any new assignment
requires new skills due to continuous advancements happening around us. You can’t
always have a teacher to spoon feed; therefore, you need to understand the importance of