Peterson Et Al, 2004

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Research Note

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2004, 18(2), 377–382

! 2004 National Strength & Conditioning Association


Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University, Mesa, Arizona 85212.

ABSTRACT. Peterson, M.D., M.R. Rhea, and B.A. Alvar. Maxi- science, stems from the specific needs of competitive ath-
mizing strength development in athletes: A meta-analysis to de- letes as well as the different training capacities of ath-
termine the dose-response relationship. J. Strength Cond. Res. letes and nonathletes. The physical demands of sport are
18(2):377–382. 2004.—The efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of generally greater, the training status of the participants
strength training programs are paramount for sport condition-
ing. Therefore, identifying optimal doses of the training vari-
is usually much higher, and the possibility of injury is
ables allows for maximal gains in muscular strength to be elic- more prevalent. Consequently, the need exists for effec-
ited per unit of time and also for the reduction in risk of over- tive sport conditioning protocols specific to the nature of
training and/or overuse injuries. A quantified dose-response re- sport and sport participants.
lationship for the continuum of training intensities, frequencies, In contrast to the former unilateral preoccupation
and volumes has been identified for recreationally trained pop- with the aerobic energy system that has historically driv-
ulations but has yet to be identified for competitive athletes. The en exercise science and sport conditioning, a multidimen-
purpose of this analysis was to identify this relationship in col- sional approach designed to increase multiple compo-
legiate, professional, and elite athletes. A meta-analysis of 37 nents of fitness is employed in today’s strength and con-
studies with a total of 370 effect sizes was performed to identify
ditioning programs. Of the various conditioning aspects,
the dose-response relationship among competitive athletes. Cri-
teria for study inclusion were (a) participants must have been strength training has become one of the most recognized,
competitive athletes at the collegiate or professional level, (b) accepted, and readily implemented conditioning modali-
the study must have employed a strength training intervention, ties for athletic populations. Furthermore, the study of
and (c) the study must have included necessary data to calculate strength development determinants has subsequently
effect sizes. Effect size data demonstrate that maximal strength been recognized and embraced as a valid area of inves-
gains are elicited among athletes who train at a mean training tigation in the scientific world at large (22). This concur-
intensity of 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM), 2 days per rent acknowledgment has led to the widespread research
week, and with a mean training volume of 8 sets per muscle and use of different strength training programs for ath-
group. The current data exhibit different dose-response trends letic preparation at the recreational, college, and elite lev-
than previous meta-analytical investigations with trained and
untrained nonathletes. These results demonstrate explicit dose-
els of sport.
response trends for maximal strength gains in athletes and may The 2002 American College of Sports Medicine
be directly used in strength and conditioning venues to optimize (ACSM) Position Stand, ‘‘Progression Models in Resis-
training efficiency and effectiveness. tance Training for Healthy Adults’’ (21) is significant be-
cause it examines, affirms, and reinforces the research
KEY WORDS. weight training, resistance exercise, sports condi- that has established various principles that facilitate con-
tioning tinued and optimal strength development. Specifically,
the position stand emphasizes the necessity of imple-
menting ‘‘progressive programs’’ for healthy individuals

seeking to experience muscular conditioning beyond that
he demands of competition have increased of general muscular health and fitness. The distinguish-
steadily throughout time as sports scientists, ing prerequisite of a standard progressive training pro-
coaches, and athletes continue to systematical- gram is chronic alteration of certain training variables,
ly identify and specify auxiliary elements nec- including resistance, number of sets and repetitions, ex-
essary to succeed in sport as well as surpass predecessors. ercise selection and order, and rest period length (21).
As these performance demands have increased, so too Additionally, the statement establishes a requisite in-
have the ‘‘stakes’’ associated with success. Winning has crease in resistance training intensity and volume to ac-
become more recognized, admired, illustrious, and lucra- company increased training time and experience.
tive than ever before in history. As a result, sports con- Despite the widespread consensus of the administra-
ditioning and training has developed into a vital compo- tion of progressive training programs for athletic com-
nent and determinant of success for today’s competitive munities, disparities still exist regarding the most appro-
athlete. priate ‘‘dose’’ of training to elicit maximal gains in mus-
During the past half century, innovative exercise dis- cular strength (i.e., ‘‘optimal response’’). Most notably, the
ciplinarians and professionals have methodically devel- dose quantifications of intensity, frequency, and volume
oped the basic principles of, and instituted new principles have emerged as being among the foremost disputed
for, the practice and implementation of sports condition- training variables. This explicit dose-response relation-
ing. This growing emergence of the science of sports con- ship, however currently intangible, would be an invalu-
ditioning, as an exclusive discipline in the field of exercise able asset to all strength and conditioning professionals


as well as sport science researchers. Seasonal time con- training variables. If the principle of progression holds
straints for sport significantly influence the capacity to true, the dose-response trends for athletes will differ from
optimally develop trainable characteristics of an athlete those exhibited for lesser-trained populations. The pur-
or group of athletes. A consequential, critical need exists pose of this investigation was to identify a specific dose-
to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of sport con- response relationship for intensity, frequency, and vol-
ditioning programs. ume of training and the resultant strength increases by
Establishing and substantiating sport conditioning calculating the magnitude of gains elicited by various pro-
modalities by way of meta-analytical procedure is at pres- tocols in an athletic population.
ent novel but effectual for optimizing training effect. The
need for appropriately designed, specific strength train- METHODS
ing ‘‘prescriptions’’ in the athletic community is escalating Experimental Approach to the Problem
as the competition between today’s sport participants
steadily increases in quantity and quality. Research has Literature searches were performed for published studies
shown that there exists a continuum of trainable adap- that included strength measurements before and after
tations that appropriately correspond to a certain popu- strength training intervention programs among competi-
lation, based on the training experience and/or training tive athletes. Computer searches of Science Citation In-
status of that population (21). According to this continu- dex, National Library of Medicine, Sport Discus, ERIC,
um, the rate of improvement in muscle strength on ini- and Medline were performed. Hand searches of relevant
tiation of a given training prescription decreases with in- journals and reference lists obtained from articles were
creased training experience and current level of muscle conducted. Criteria for study inclusion were that partici-
conditioning. Faster rates of muscular strength improve- pants must be competitive athletes at the collegiate or
ment at smaller doses of resistance training are typical professional level, the study must employ a strength
during earlier periods of training or for previously un- training intervention, and the study must include neces-
trained individuals and are likely attributed to neural ad- sary data to calculate effect sizes.
aptations resulting in enhanced motor unit activation Coding of Studies
(11). Furthermore, innovative investigations have begun
to discover that there also exists a continuum of the dose- A total of 37 studies (1, 3–6, 9, 13–20, 23–35, 37, 38, 40–
response relationship of certain training variables and as- 48) were read and coded for the following variables: de-
sociated trainable adaptations for different populations. scriptive information (gender and age), frequency of
The most convincing of these investigations came from training, mean training intensity, number of sets per-
a meta-analysis of strength training research (39). In the formed, use of creatine, training to failure (use or not of
analysis, 140 research studies, with 1,433 effect sizes, RM training), and periodization of the training program.
were examined and carried out to ascertain the dose-re- Frequency was determined by the number of days per
sponse relationship for trained and untrained individu- week that participants trained a particular muscle group.
als. Effect sizes were calculated and reported for intensity Intensity was coded as the average percent of 1RM used
of training (defined as percentage of 1 repetition maxi- throughout the training program. Volume was recorded
mum [1RM]), frequency of training (defined as days per as the number of sets performed (per muscle group) dur-
week for a given muscle group), and volume of training ing each workout.
(defined as the number of sets performed per muscle Coder drift was assessed (36) by randomly selecting
group). Effect sizes were used to present different dose- 10 studies for recoding by a separate investigator. Per
responses per training status of the participants. It was case agreement was determined by dividing the variables
found that untrained individuals demonstrate maximal coded the same by the total number of variables. A mean
strength gains when training at 60% of 1RM, 3 days per agreement of 0.90 was designated as an appropriate level
week, with 4 sets per muscle group. For trained individ- of reliability in the coding procedures.
uals, results showed that maximal strength gains occur
Statistical Analyses
when training at 80% of 1RM, 2 days per week, with 4
sets per muscle group. This extensive meta-analysis is Pre/post effect sizes, representing a standardized mean
significant to the body of literature because it identifies difference, were calculated with the following formula:
differences in the optimal doses of training to elicit max- [(posttest mean ! pretest mean)/pretest SD] (7). Descrip-
imal responses in strength between untrained and tive statistics were calculated, and 1-way analysis of var-
trained individuals, it strongly supports the recent pro- iance was used to examine differences in effect sizes by
gression model outlined by the American College of variable and training protocol with level of significance
Sports Medicine (21), and it offers objective data that may set at p ! .05. Trend plots were developed, based on de-
be directly used for exercise prescription in untrained and scriptive data, representing a dose-response curve for fre-
trained populations. This type of study is critical, as it quency, intensity, and volume.
essentially eliminates the ambiguity that surrounds the
fundamental training prescription variables for specific RESULTS
populations, thus maximizing the potential trainable ad- Mean effect sizes data are presented in Tables 1–3. These
aptations. data demonstrate that maximal strength gains are elic-
The recent meta-analysis by Rhea et al. (39) suggests ited among athletes who train at a mean training inten-
that the dose-response differs based on training status of sity of 85% of 1RM, 2 days per week, and a mean training
the participants. In their research, it was demonstrated volume of 8 sets per muscle group. Trend plots identified
that the effort-to-benefit ratio is different for untrained that the magnitude of strength gains decreased with
and trained individuals, such that maximal increases in training above 8 sets. Because of the lack of sufficient
strength are attained through different quantities of the effect sizes for a mean training intensity above 85% of

Table 1. Mean effect sizes for frequency of training.*

Days/week Mean "SD n
2 0.70 0.76 158
3 0.69 1.13 173
* Days/week # number of training sessions per muscle group
per week; n # number of effect sizes.

Table 2. Mean effect sizes for volume of training.*

Sets Mean "SD n
1 0.32 0.38 6
3 0.36 0.42 54
4 0.90 1.32 119
5 0.64 0.73 37 FIGURE 2. Dose-response for frequency.
6 0.68 0.74 26
8 1.22 0.56 6
12 0.69 0.80 46
14 1.06 1.41 8
16 0.41 0.36 22
* Sets # sets per muscle group per workout session; n # num-
ber of effects sizes.

Table 3. Mean effect sizes for intensity of training.*

% 1RM Mean "SD n
50 0.24 0.19 34
60 0.24 0.25 20
65 0.10 0.08 12
70 0.07 0.06 16
75 0.73 0.87 27
80 0.57 0.69 94
85 1.12 1.35 96 FIGURE 3. Dose-response for volume.

* RM # repetition maximum; n # number of effect sizes.

and training programs to failure. In addition, effect sizes
were similar (p % 0.05) for both men and women. Coder
drift was calculated to be 0.94; thus, the coding process
was found to be reliable.
The results of the present study confirm the existence of
a distinct dose-response relationship for strength devel-
opment in competitive athletes and, accordingly, support
the principle of progression for exercise prescription.
More specifically, the data offer a quantified description
of the magnitude of strength increases elicited per vari-
ous levels of training intensity, frequency, and volume
FIGURE 1. Dose-response for intensity. and demonstrate a differential dose-response relationship
from the previous meta-analytical investigation, which
considered primarily nonathletes (39). The deliberate sig-
1RM, it is unclear if higher intensities would result in nificance of this type of investigation becomes apparent
greater strength improvements. Dose-response curves when contrasted with individual strength training inter-
(Figures 1–3) identified that training at lower volumes vention studies that examine only 1 or 2 training pro-
(1–3 sets) and intensities (50–70% 1RM) elicited minimal grams. Though critical to the body of knowledge, these
strength improvements among athletes. Effect sizes for studies do little to reveal relationships between a gamut
training frequency showed no additional benefit to train- of doses and the associated strength development. The
ing 3 days per week over 2 days. current meta-analytical procedure provides a continuum
Participants using creatine, periodized training pro- of quantified strength increases elicited by a continuum
grams, and training protocols that involved training to of training intensities, frequencies, and volumes.
failure elicited greater magnitudes of strength gains (p $ The results of this investigation demonstrate that
0.05). However, these variables did not significantly alter competitive athletes experience maximal gains in
the overall dose-response trends exhibited in the data. strength when training at a mean intensity of 85% of
Subsequent analysis would be necessary to determine po- 1RM (Figure 1). These results are in line with previous
tential dose-response differences between varying crea- recommendations that have discussed optimal training
tine supplementation procedures, periodization models, loads to elicit muscle strength in athletic populations (32).

As can be seen by the dose-response curve, minimal ing recommendation of 1 set per muscle group and 8–10
strength increases will be elicited by a mean training in- exercises per workout. The 2002 ACSM position stand
tensity of 50–70% of 1RM. Further examination of this (21) revised this recommendation to accommodate those
curve reveals that when approaching a mean intensity of individuals interested in attaining muscular conditioning
85% of 1RM, the trend of strength development increases beyond that of general muscular health and fitness. The
with increased intensity. However, because of a lack of subsequent purpose of ACSM’s follow-up was ‘‘to extend
Effect sizes for mean intensities above 85% of 1RM, the the initial guidelines established by the ACSM for begin-
magnitude of strength gains above 85% 1RM was uniden- ning resistance training programs and provide guidelines
tified. for progression models that can be applied to novice, in-
The optimal dose of training intensity for competitive termediate, and advanced training’’ (21 p. 365).
athletes differs from that found for trained and untrained Clearly, the progression models now advocate in-
nonathletes by Rhea et al. (39). In their study, maximal creased dosages of training to accompany increased train-
gains in strength development were found to be elicited ing experience and/or initial level of muscular fitness.
by a mean intensity of 80 and 60% of 1RM for trained Low-volume training programs may be sufficient to elicit
and untrained individuals, respectively. This disparity in strength development in untrained individuals but will
optimal training dosage per population is likely a result eventually lead to diminished returns as these individu-
of gradual neural adaptations to lower training intensi- als adapt and become more experienced (21). It is a sub-
ties that accompany prolonged training experience. sequent necessity to establish the optimal doses of resis-
Therefore, a progression to higher intensities is required tance training to facilitate maximal strength development
to experience maximal strength gains (Figure 1). for given populations of more training experience. Cur-
Effect sizes for training frequency (2 and 3 days per rent data are consistent with the progression model in
week) were similar with no additional benefit to training that higher volumes of training are necessary for athlete
3 days per week (Figure 2). An important issue when con- populations than is even needed for trained nonathletes.
sidering these data is that frequency of training refers to For athletes, effect size data demonstrate a relatively
the number of times per week a given muscle group was small mean effect size for 1-set-per-muscle-group training
trained. Many of the training programs included in this interventions (mean effect size # 0.32), a moderate effect
meta-analytical investigation incorporated split-strength size for 5-sets-per-muscle-group interventions (mean ef-
training programs in which different muscle groups were
fect size # 0.64), and a high effect size for 8-sets-per-mus-
trained on different days of the week. Therefore, these
cle-group training interventions (mean effect size # 1.22).
data demonstrate that each individual muscle groups
Consequently, these data demonstrate that the 8-set
should be isolated only 2 times per week, but strength
training interventions elicit strength increases of nearly
training may occur up to 6 times per week if the various
1 standard deviation above that of 1-set interventions in
muscle groups are separated accordingly.
This analysis demonstrates that maximal strength regard to magnitude of effect (Figure 3).
gains are elicited among competitive athletes who train A note of clarification is warranted when discussing
at a mean 8-set per muscle group training program (Fig- the dose-response relationship for training intensity and
ure 1). These data unequivocally demonstrate the added volume. This elucidation is crucial, as ambiguity and di-
strength benefits that accompany higher training vol- vergence exists within the strength and conditioning com-
umes than is proposed by and used in low-volume train- munity regarding ‘‘intensity’’ and ‘‘volume’’ designation.
ing philosophies. Moreover, the data support a quantifi- In each of the studies analyzed, training intensity was
able needs difference in training volume between com- coded as the average percent of 1RM used throughout the
petitive athletes and nonathletes, such that athletes re- training program and training volume as the number of
quire a higher volume of training to elicit maximal sets performed per muscle group. This operational defi-
strength development. In the previous meta-analysis (39), nition for training intensity generates an objective, quan-
it was determined that a mean volume of 4 sets per mus- tifiable unit that is contrary to the more subjective mea-
cle group is optimal for maximizing strength gains in a sure of training fatigue, often exploited in ‘‘H.I.T.’’ pro-
nonathlete population (both trained and untrained indi- grams. Additionally, rather than designating volume as
viduals). Conversely, for an athletic population, the cur- the total number of sets per specific exercise, total num-
rent investigation would suggest a training volume that ber of sets per muscle group is a more appropriate mea-
doubles this recommendation for maximal gains. This surement of the absolute stress applied to a given muscle
obligatory increase in the training volume for competitive group. It should be noted that in accordance with this
athletes supports the need for progressive training dos- classification, many purported 1-set training programs/
ages among individuals with more training experience philosophies may, in effect, be multiple-set training prac-
and/or higher initial levels muscular fitness. As athletes tices.
adapt to lower-volume training, there is a need for grad- As previously mentioned, progressive training pro-
ual increases in volume to elicit continued overload of the grams are marked by variation of resistance training de-
neuromuscular system (10) as well as augmented stimu- terminants (21). Many of the studies analyzed in the pres-
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presented an initial benchmark for the strength training tion of the authors that strength and conditioning profes-
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