Training Center Project
Training Center Project
Training Center Project
I. Project Identification;
The key problem to address in this initiative is the need to strengthen the displaced
people cognitive skills that are required to meet the physical, social and economic
demands of absorbing the returning and displaced population in north Syria.
III. Justification:
The local community older have requested participation from us to take part the
task of reintegrating returning refugees and displaced populations through
development program.
IV. Program Specification:
The proposal new project will be based on the concept and implementation
principles of the project the self-employment concept.
This type of training is practical and theoretical skills training with input apart
from practical training, basic subjects (entrepreneurship, soft skills, English and
Turkish languages, English -Arabic Translation Course, project management,
Microsoft Office Programs and many others) will be provided.
The training model is structured in such a way to offer a short- term labor intensive
and demand driven training focused on market needs to enable trainee to enter into
workforce in the informal sector.
The initial stage of the training is a center based for basic skills and
entrepreneurship complemented by attachments in local enterprises.
The attachment, which lasts for six months, is a crucial element in the program. it
is intended to facilitate the critical stage in transition from training to work. This
stage of training will have the following components:
Training in skills formed the main and most important component for the whole
During the actual training which is to conducted in the center, instructors
concentrated on the assisting trainees to acquire the necessary skill to make a
specific talent and other products require a similar skill.
2. Entrepreneurship Training:
Training for self-employment aims at making the trainees able to start their own
small businesses or work in the humanitarian organizations at the end of the
The program has a unique basic course to give the trainee a chance to acquire a
knowledge necessary to upgrade their stance in the Microsoft Office skills.
- Supporting the skill development programs for the unemployed youth who
are recent refugees and displaced to their original places.
2 . Recruiting competent and qualified teachers, Trainers, and Supervisors for the
attainment of desired goals;
4 . Recruiting trainers and assessing their skill needs to be registered for the
1 . 500 youth of both genders will complete their skill training courses;
2 . Training Center will be fully operational by restoring all necessary equipment,
and other materials and staff;
3 . About 70% of total trainees will be engaged either in starting their own small
businesses or get employed.
1 . Minimal training fee by the trainees can cover some operating costs;
3 . Grant aid provide by donors can min the center in shorter terms.
A Progress indicator tools will be used to monitor and evaluate the project on
regular basis.
Donor and partner organizations have the right to monitor and supervise the project
to assess performance and progress.